
=== Anoia is now known as MissDee
io2sorry to disturb, but after changing my email (and confirming it), I can no longer log into launchpad / ubuntu one. Anybody around to help?11:54
io2weird, old email address works11:57
io2oh, how stupid of me, forgot totally about the ubuntu one separate id confirmation :)11:59
=== karni is now known as karni-snack
=== karni-snack is now known as karni
__marcohello, I added a new email to my launchpad account but every time I send an email from that address I get an error: the command is not signed with an openpgp key14:31
__marcobefore I did not need to sign the message14:31
__marcowhy I get that error?14:32
geserare you trying to manipulate bugs through the email interface or only add comments?14:32
__marcoI am trying to manipulate bugs14:33
geserthen you need to sign the message and AFAIK it was always so14:38
__marcogeser: Launchpad verifies incoming email by looking for a GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) signature by the sender, or a DKIM signature by a trusted sender domain, such as GMail14:47
__marcogeser: this is what exactly happened14:47
__marcoI switched from a gmail account14:48
=== stokachu is now known as stokachu__
=== stokachu__ is now known as stokachu
=== karni is now known as karni-afk
=== karni-afk is now known as karni
tewardare PPAs i386/amd64 only, or has that changed?19:48
cjwatsonteward: by default; other architectures can be supported via emulation to some extent, but only on request20:02
cjwatson(since lots of stuff fails that way and it's not worth the resources or confusion when it isn't actually needed)20:02
tewardcjwatson: typically it's just i386/amd64 though?20:02
cjwatsonmost PPAs just have the default setup, yes20:02
tewardcjwatson: and I assume the other architectures being requested are looked at on a case by case basis?20:03
teward(i.e. not always approved)20:03
cjwatsonit would depend on things like load yes20:03
cjwatsonour capacity has improved recently20:03
cjwatsonit won't really be ideal until we have native virtualisation for the non-x86 architectures though20:04
tewardcjwatson: i'm maybe blind here, but you or someon on the LP team with regard to PPAs is better qualified to answer - http://askubuntu.com/questions/533789/repackaging-deb-with-an-alternate-target - looks like they want to use a PPA for something, but IDK whether PPA(s) are capable of that20:33
teward(sorry for a 30 minute lagtime between pings)20:33
cjwatsonteward: ok your response is way off base I'm afraid20:35
cjwatsonI'll answer20:35
tewardcjwatson: i deleted it20:35
tewardcjwatson: i misunderstood their question :020:35
tewardcjwatson: hence the ping20:35
tewardcjwatson: to that end, I"m not sure they were precise enough with what they were trying to do, in their initial question.20:37
teward(hence confusion)20:37
dobeydoesn't matter because it's not doable (and really, shouldn't be done)20:38
dobeyyou can upload binary packages to a PPA?20:38
tewardoop i started an argument, i think i'll just go back to beating the nginx packages with a stick :)20:38
cjwatsonPerfectly doable, it's just a cross-compiler20:38
cjwatsonThat's not what's being requested!20:38
dobeyoh, well now it's more clear after the dits20:39
dobeyit just said "additional builds of binutils for other architectures" before20:40
* dobey goes back to bashing his brains against online-accounts code20:41
cjwatsonI posted an answer20:41
tewarddobey: that's what confused me, initially20:43
tewarddobey: it DOES help when people actually say what they mean, rather than be ambiguous :)20:43
dobeyyeah, my first reading made me think he wanted to repack x86-64 builds as ia64 binaries20:44
tewarddobey: that's what i had thought as well20:45

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