
bfilleranyone around who could create some silos for me?01:42
josephtbfiller: you need to ping trainguards for silos01:43
bfillertrainguards ping01:43
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 273 building (started: 20141008 02:10) ===02:09
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 89 building (started: 20141008 03:10) ===03:09
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 273 DONE (finished: 20141008 03:55) ===03:54
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/273.changes ===03:55
Mirvbfiller: pong04:10
* Mirv assigns some bfiller silos04:10
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 89 DONE (finished: 20141008 04:15) ===04:14
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/89.changes ===04:14
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|afk
cyphermoxMirv: morning05:03
cyphermoxMirv: thanks for publishing the silos ;)05:04
cyphermoxawe: ^05:04
cyphermoxMirv: and goodnight ;)05:04
=== tvoss|afk is now known as tvoss
Mirvcyphermox: goodnight :)05:06
anpokoh I dont get hilighted on notice messages06:30
anpokwhat does that mean: telepathy-ofono (0.2+14.10.20141007-0ubuntu1) is in no known spacetime.?06:31
Mirvanpok: usually it just means you need to wait06:43
Mirvalso in this case06:44
brendandrsalveti, we're currently a bit backed up with silos, those two are 6th and 7th in our queue, so i'm estimating sometime tomorrow (maybe early tomorrow) before they're signed off. you can watch our trello board to see what's going on: https://trello.com/b/AE3swczu07:19
brendandrsalveti, and if any of them are urgent to sign off let me know07:19
rsalvetibrendand: not urgent, so it should be fine07:20
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|test
=== tvoss|test is now known as tvoss
Saviqcihelp, hey, can anyone please look at the job config here http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-utopic/1513/console08:11
Saviqit fails due to a missing hook that was added yesterday evening08:11
davmor2Morning all08:13
davmor2Yay photos show up correctly in the scope this morning the magic fairies were out last night obviously :D08:23
brendandMirv, i'm just in the middle of signing off silo 7 now08:24
Mirvbrendand: \o/08:24
brendandwho moved the indicators around?08:25
ogra_ted did08:25
ogra_oh, snap :)08:25
ogra_hmm, we have a slight problem today ...08:25
sil2100davmor2: you mean, on the image we promoted?08:25
sil2100ogra_: ?08:26
brendandoh, because that's what was wrong with the whole thing... got it08:26
davmor2sil2100: no on this mornings image08:26
sil2100davmor2: meh :<08:26
Mirvthere was an interesting case where network landed (and was signed off) separately and already included the move commit, but I then removed the network fro the bigger moving around landing and released the rest to match08:26
ogra_sil2100, sorry, not awake yet ... urfkill landed and we need a device tarball ... (but my brain just told me "custom" ... ) all good08:26
ogra_('m literally only awake 10min)08:27
Mirvsil2100: btw, the qtmir landed only after the promoted image, I belive it would be very nice if we could promote again this week :) I mean, that landing finally fixes scopes scrolling performance to be good enough.08:27
davmor2ogra_: but it's like 10:30 there ;)08:27
brendandMirv, and ogras oom_score fix too08:27
ogra_davmor2, it is ... i got to bed at 3am08:27
brendandMirv, i think we should try and promote again before we get bitten08:27
MirvI'm slightly irritated that this cafe doesn't have power outlet, but I guess I'll manage through the call before relocating08:27
Mirvbrendand: exactly08:28
ogra_brendand, we'll bite back !!08:28
davmor2ogra_: dirty stop up ;)08:28
sil2100Mirv: I think we might ask poor davmor2 for some promotion dogfooding again today, as it seems another small issue got fixed as well08:28
sil2100ogra_: ;)08:28
brendandogra_, you germans like to play dirty is it?08:28
sil2100Too bad our AP situation didn't get much better...08:28
Mirvif we would have a big "revert everything!" button that would be really quick and would make it easy to revert whole images, people would _feel_ our bite!08:28
davmor2sil2100: no not today tomorrow we need the device tarball to land for urfkill today that will need testing and then there is silo 19 too that we want to get landed tomorrow will be better for promotion as I can hit the morning image and run with it :)08:29
sil2100So the device tarball won't be ready today?08:30
sil2100Wait, silo 19?08:30
sil2100Damn, that's a risky silo man08:30
sil2100A good one, but very high risk08:31
ogra_sil2100, the device tarball is ready to go08:31
brendandogra_, the -r remote password option was added to phablet-config writable-image only, not the top level command, so e.g. phablet-config autopilot can't accept that argument08:36
ogra_brendand, it should just ignore it ... (since it doesnt seed it)08:37
brendandsil2100, i tested silo 19 personally08:37
brendandogra_, it seems to hang though08:37
brendandogra_, maybe that's not because of the password08:37
ogra_brendand, it re-profiles ...08:37
ogra_brendand, it takes as long as a boot without precompiled profiles08:37
ogra_5-6min or so08:37
brendandogra_, ok. it's been a while since i ran it08:38
Laneywill CI train add an LP bug closure to d/changelog if the MP edits it?08:38
ogra_file a bug to remind me to add a message08:38
ogra_(the wiki tells you it can take long btw)08:38
john-mcaleelyogra_, so will you ping me when the rootfs image is ready?09:04
john-mcaleelyogra_, or should I poll s-i.u.c ?09:04
ogra_john-mcaleely, just watch imgbot09:05
ogra_imgbot, stunt09:05
* imgbot rolls on its back and purrs09:05
john-mcaleelyogra_, aha. of course :-)09:05
ogra_john-mcaleely, it will tell you09:05
ogra_image triggered ... (bot should announce within the next 10min)09:06
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 90 building (started: 20141008 09:15) ===09:14
asachmm. the music-hub looping all the imte; is that fixed in latest image?09:16
* asac reboots to try09:16
oSoMoNtrainguards: silo 14 has landed and is being cleaned as I type, when it’s done can I get a silo for line 87 please?09:17
MirvoSoMoN: sure09:18
sil2100Damn, Mirv is FAST09:20
WellarkMirv: hey, what's the status of urfkill+i-network landing?09:28
Wellarklanding sheet row 609:29
brendandsil2100, have a look: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/LandingProcess#preview09:30
Wellarksil2100: --^09:31
sil2100brendand: looks promising so far!09:31
MirvWellark: done, but needs some tarball updates09:31
popeysil2100: leo reported bug 137863909:31
ubot5bug 1378639 in Ubuntu Clock App "Failed to launch clock app" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137863909:31
popeybut this looks like an ubuntu-app-launch issue, not clock?09:31
MirvWellark: I mean, done for rtm, in queue for utopic09:31
MirvI just archived all the "Landed" ones so the rtm disappeared. you can see https://lists.canonical.com/archives/rtm-14.09-changes/2014-October/thread.html for what has landed09:32
WellarkMirv: ok, so row 56 after a rebuild?09:32
MirvWellark: we would need to merge & clean the utopic landing..09:32
MirvWellark: we could do that even prematurely if we're in a hurry09:33
Mirvsince that landing will stay in utopic queue probably for a whie09:33
MirvWellark: ie. the trunk is not yet up-to-date09:33
WellarkMirv: well, we are in a bit of a hurry, but how much time would it take to just "wait" for things to resolve?09:33
pstolowskiMirv, hey, any reason why line #28 is still around, while respective rtm package already landed (#1705 in Archived)09:34
MirvWellark: depends on our archive admins. you know, utopic is going to be released soon ;)09:36
MirvWellark: we'd just need to mentally note there's a landing to utopic that is still ongoing09:36
MirvWellark: I'll m&c now09:36
Mirvsil2100: ^ note utopic 011 being m&c:d while it's still in queue09:37
MirvWellark: trunk is updated now, you can rebuild.09:38
WellarkMirv: Thanks!09:39
sil2100Mirv: ACK!09:45
sil2100popey: hmm, we didn't land a new u-a-l to ubuntu-rtm09:47
brendandpstolowski, silo 23 is 7th in our queue. eta sometime tomorrow09:47
sil2100popey: I wonder what's that about09:47
brendandpstolowski, you can have a look at the trello board to see how it's going: https://trello.com/b/AE3swczu09:47
pstolowskibrendand, my question was about line #28 in the sheet, which landed already in rtm and  utopic, but it has been sitting in the 'cleaning silo' state for a few days alredy09:52
ogra_the rootfs for rtm is done, starting an utopic build now10:01
sil2100pstolowski: oh, which silo is that?10:05
sil2100pstolowski: there is a stupid race in LP that causes that to hang in some cases10:05
pstolowskisil2100, i think it *was* silo 24; it's empty now10:07
sil2100pstolowski: yeah, so it seems the spreadsheet just didn't register that10:07
sil2100Let me fix it10:07
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 274 building (started: 20141008 10:10) ===10:09
pstolowskisil2100, thanks10:10
Mirvsil2100: do we have a plan on what to do when utopic goes to final freeze and v is not open?10:16
popeyMirv: when you have a moment, please upload to the store http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/filemanager-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.filemanager_0.3.297_armhf.click10:18
Mirvpopey: ehum. some new problem encountered. Authorization Required.10:21
seb128it looks like updating click from settings->update stopped working10:22
Mirvlp:click-toolbelt hasn't been updated10:22
popeyseb128: i have one sat at 0% here...10:22
seb128popey, yeah10:22
seb128I wonder if that's a server issue10:22
seb128or a service one10:23
seb128or a setting one10:23
MirvI wonder if both of these problems could be related to the same server issue?10:23
Mirvseb128: note that I've uploads broken at the moment10:23
seb128Mirv, what uploads?10:23
Mirvseb128: uploads to the store.10:23
seb128oh ok10:23
seb128so yeah, maybe server side10:24
seb128did anyone try to ping somebody from #is or online-services?10:24
Mirvwho's the contact?10:24
popeynot yet, only just discovered it.10:24
popeywell, i have another device which just updated an app fine10:25
seb128not sure, maybe mandel can help there?10:25
Mirvseb128: now done on #is10:25
Mirvmandel not online10:25
seb128Mirv, thanks10:25
popeyi cant update on my trusty channel devices, but can on my rtm device10:28
popeyso not sure it is backend10:28
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 90 DONE (finished: 20141008 10:30) ===10:29
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/90.changes ===10:29
ogra_john-mcaleely, go for it :)10:32
Mirvpopey: so, I assume sergiusens knows something I don't about how to get a new token for this particular use case, but until then I can't do uploads10:33
popeyok, thanks Mirv10:33
thostr_Mirv: can we get a silo for line 52?10:44
Mirvthostr_: done, integration only still I believe? (conflicts with unity8 in 016)10:45
Mirvoh, sorry, that's integration silo too.10:45
Mirvso no conflicts10:45
thostr_Mirv: yes, we should be good10:46
sil2100davmor2, brendand, john-mcaleely: the device tarball has been signed off by QA already? :)10:46
john-mcaleelysil2100, er, no10:46
davmor2sil2100: no10:46
Mirvpsivaa: if you can dig up upstart.mediascanner-2.0.log.txt from somewhere to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mediascanner2/+bug/1376219 , it might help satoris to debug the bug10:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1376219 in mediascanner2 (Ubuntu) "qmlscene crashed with SIGABRT in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler() in music_app" [Medium,New]10:47
john-mcaleelyI'm doing my testing now10:47
davmor2sil2100: we needed the other image to land first10:47
brendandsil2100, if it only contains that one change then essentially it has. if not then no10:47
sil2100Yeah, as I though, I just saw ogra_ saying 'go for it' and thought I missed something10:48
john-mcaleelybrendand, sil2100 it has lots of changes10:48
john-mcaleelyI think ogra_ meant start my testing :-)10:48
ogra_sil2100, i meant his testing :)10:48
psivaaMirv: let me look10:48
brendandogra_, can i hire you for that mind reader job?10:48
cwaynedavmor2: sil2100: btw there's going to be another custom tar needing testing too, since a new apparmor was pushed we needed to update our precompiled cache10:48
sil2100Ah ;)10:49
cwaynethe only difference is that + a fb scope fix10:49
ogra_brendand, lol10:49
ogra_brendand, i thought popey qualified himself yesterday already10:49
sil2100cwayne: oh, hm, today seems a bit packed with different landings - can we tackle that later or tomorrow?10:49
ogra_popey, for the open "mind reader" position in QA10:50
cwayneif you're okay with 5 minute boot times in the meantime...10:50
popeyjust updated to #90 and my krillin is sat on the splash screen10:50
popeyshows as "offline" in adb10:50
cwaynecause the pre-shipped cache was invalidated by a new apparmor10:50
ogra_whats five minutes in the light of eternity10:50
popeyi can't get in, if it was apparmor i can usually adb in and run top10:51
ogra_popey, not since like 20 images anymore10:51
popeyoh okay10:51
* popey waits10:51
ogra_popey, adbd needs to start after lightdm10:51
popeycoffee time10:51
ogra_since it will soon query the lock state of the screen for letting you in10:51
davmor2popey: I'm in took about 6 minutes10:51
popeyit's alive!10:55
brendanddavmor2, we still didn't fix the one word response bug?10:55
john-mcaleelydavmor2, brendand location seems to be busted. is that a known issue in #90 ?11:05
ogra_there is no change that should be able to cause this11:07
ogra_(well, there is indicator-location, but that only chnages the panel order)11:08
davmor2john-mcaleely: looking now11:08
ogra_check syslog for apparmor denialy11:08
ogra_looking at http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/90.changes ...11:09
davmor2phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ grep DEN /var/log/syslog | grep here11:10
davmor2Oct  8 06:50:40 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [35946.625197] (0)[8321:QThread]type=1400 audit(1412751040.670:146): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="com.nokia.heremaps_here_1.0.1" name="/dev/tty" pid=8321 comm="QThread" requested_mask="wr" denied_mask="wr" fsuid=32011 ouid=011:10
oSoMoNtrainguards: can utopic silo 10 be published, please?11:10
davmor2ogra_: I'm assuming this is why we need the custom tarball again11:11
ogra_davmor2, might be11:11
sil2100ogra_: looking!11:11
sil2100I mean11:11
sil2100oSoMoN: looking!11:11
sil2100ogra_: nvm my ping ;p11:11
davmor2ogra_: the denial log is huge11:11
sil2100(stupid tab)11:12
ogra_davmor2, well, you could try if adding the custom tarball helps indeed11:12
ogra_but apparmor should have re-built the rules anyway11:12
davmor2ogra_: you don't add it, it is a separate branch11:12
john-mcaleelydavmor2, weird, I don't see those denials11:16
ogra_john-mcaleely, before or after applying the tarball ?11:17
john-mcaleelydavmor2, however, I see the same 'no location' behaviour on vanilla #90 and + device tarball #9011:17
john-mcaleelyogra_, both11:17
john-mcaleelydavmor2, also, the timestamps on your logs. really 06:50 for a device flashed in the last 30 mins?11:18
davmor2john-mcaleely: yeah I'm going to do a fresh flash11:19
john-mcaleelydavmor2, I see all the scope denials11:19
john-mcaleely(on my devices)11:19
cwaynethe /run/user/32011/leaf-net ones?11:19
sil2100davmor2, brendand: how many people from QA do we have available today for QA sign-off and landing team stuff? Is that only you two or is there someone else as well?11:21
john-mcaleelydavmor2, ogra_ I'm flashing a fresh 89 to see how that looked11:22
sil2100Since I remember we had Victor as well?11:22
davmor2sil2100: there are others that are called in too.  Everyone is on alert11:22
Mirvcjwatson: just in case you're not busy at some point, I've been wondering for a long while while sometimes the package setting up phase on builders takes ages, and sometimes not. sometimes amd64, sometimes i386, sometimes both are fast.11:24
Mirvcjwatson: for example this amd64 build https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/qt5-daily/+build/6444039 took 9 minutes until it started the actual build, until then installing and setting up packages11:25
Mirvat the same time https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/qt5-daily/+build/6444041 was building in around 1 minute11:25
brendandsil2100, no there is nobody else today11:25
brendandsil2100, until the evening11:25
sil2100hm, this might be troublesome then, since we have a lot of silos requring QA sign-off + all these tarballs etc. to test11:26
sil2100Is there no possibility of bringing someone in?11:26
cjwatsonMirv: lamiak's one of the machines that's due to get a RAID controller to improve its I/O performance: https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=7278511:40
cjwatsonthat's probably it11:40
Mirvcjwatson: oh, great then. maybe that'll be fixed for good with that.11:43
cjwatsonshould be I think, yeah11:43
cjwatsonthough the wheels of hardware acquisition grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small11:44
* sil2100 lunch11:53
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 274 DONE (finished: 20141008 12:00) ===11:59
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/274.changes ===11:59
john-mcaleelysil2100, ogra_ davmor2 brendand ^ the device tarball we discussed this morning, now ready for QA signoff12:05
john-mcaleelytest results in all the usual places12:05
john-mcaleelyit seems that #90 has an issue with location, fixed by a future custom tarball update. the device tarball seems not to impact that...12:06
john-mcaleelytest results ^12:07
brendandsil2100, we really don't have anyone else12:10
brendandsil2100, and i'm actually tied to silo 1912:10
brendandsil2100, so you need to decide what you want davmor2 to do12:11
ogra_yes, please stay with silo 19 :)12:11
* nik90 is excited about silo 19 :D12:13
ogra_makes everything so much better12:14
nik90yup, finally everybody who said app launch is slow can shut up :)12:14
davmor2brendand: I'm testing device and custom together cause I'm awesome and a little weird but they both need to land to fix everything that broke :(12:29
sergiusensMirv: I hope you got your email12:30
brendandnik90, tbh it's not *that* amazing12:30
brendandbut it does help quite a bit in some cases12:30
* ogra_ finds it *that* amazing :P12:31
nik90brendand: I saw ToyKeeper's results..in many cases, the startup time is reduced by half..that's awesome tbh..12:31
nik90the rest is up to app devs to reduce it further12:31
ogra_there are some webapps where i even think they would be better off without a splash ... since they start so fast12:31
Mirvsergiusens: thanks, gotten, seems to work.12:33
Mirvpopey: filemanger uploaded12:33
Mirvsergiusens: ^ the "seems to work" part12:33
Mirvwith a bit of sedding to get to the normal click-toolbelt.cfg format12:34
davmor2nik90: app launch is slow :P12:34
ogra_davmor2, only the first time12:35
ogra_(with silo 19)12:35
davmor2ogra_: the silo hasn't landed yet so it is slow :)12:35
ogra_heh, yeah12:35
davmor2ogra_: is there a way to land both custom and device tarballs?12:43
davmor2ogra_: or is it a case of landing one then the other in quick succession12:44
WellarkMirv: please land 2113:00
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: Ursinha | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is on vacation
MirvWellark: 21?13:01
Mirvutopic 21 is something for testing only, rtm 21 is empty13:01
WellarkMirv: line 51 in the sread sheet13:02
WellarkMirv: gah13:02
MirvWellark: " this is just an integration silo and not blocking anything!"13:02
Wellarkmzanetti, thostr_: could you guys update the image numbers to line 51 of the landing sheet13:02
MirvWellark: it's also not marked as tested13:02
Wellarkas you tested the feature13:02
Mirvand update the comments too..13:02
mzanettiWellark: no, I didn't test the silo yet... always self compiled so far...13:04
mzanettiI can test it though and then add my name there. gimme 20 mins13:04
WellarkSatoris also tested on mako13:06
asacsil2100: was the thumbnailer backout after r88?13:06
brendandasac, yes thumbnailer is 'fixed' now13:08
tedbrendand, Can we bump up the priority of QA review on rtm/9 ? It fixes the shell, which is confusing some of the other QA reviews.13:08
brendandted, ok it's next13:09
tedbrendand, Thanks!13:09
fgintherSaviq, hey, the ':native' dependency issue should now be solved for unity8 builds. I'm working on enabling it for all projects13:09
sil2100asac: yes13:14
sil2100davmor2: how's the device tarball?13:14
pstolowskibrendand, ping13:15
asacsil2100: so it was in 88?13:15
asaci saw weird media-hub behavioru on 8813:15
asacthats why i wonder if that was thumnailer bugginess still13:15
sil2100asac: yeah, those should be fixed but davmor2 reported that there were still some leftover small issues with the scope previews13:15
brendandpstolowski, yep13:15
sil2100asac: those seem to be gone now with todays image though13:16
psivaaMirv: i missed a window to copy the upstart.mediascanner-2.0.log log for the qmlscene crash bug. sorry, the devices are now flashed with 274, i'll copy them once this set completes13:16
asacsil2100: yes, i see that the media-hub spinning on CPU 197%13:16
asacis gone today13:16
asacwonder if this is something i need to worry bout13:17
asachence was hoping for an explain13:17
asacso you say scope previews were constantly hitting media-hub?13:17
asacthat would make me happy enough as an explain :)13:17
pstolowskibrendand, hey, re your testing of ubuntu-rtm/landing-023 (unity-scopes-api), we're currently preparing a set of MPs that re critical to land asap, because they're important for some other project; would it make sense land them in utopic, then resync 023 so that you can test all that in one go?13:17
brendandpstolowski, if that's what you want to do it's fine by me13:19
davmor2asac, sil2100: that is gone on latest I think let me take some photos in a second and double check,  custom tarball may of broke photo's scope other than that both look good13:19
fgintherSaviq, but I see it's still broken, will work on fixing that13:19
pstolowskibrendand, yeah, i'd like to avoid these new set of fixes to be blocked waiting on 02313:19
pstolowskibrendand, i'm not sure if there's any other option?13:20
brendandpstolowski, you only need those to land in utopic?13:20
brendandpstolowski, i mean, urgently that is13:20
pstolowskibrendand, no; rtm13:20
brendandpstolowski, the MPs that are critical to land asap, where is it critical for them to land?13:21
brendandpstolowski, in rtm or utopic?13:21
pstolowskibrendand, in rtm13:21
brendandpstolowski, well whatever you need us to do just let me know13:28
pstolowskibrendand, ok, thanks, i'll let you know.13:29
davmor2john-mcaleely, sil2100 : right so there was a small breakage in the FB scope that kinda screwed up the photo scope so they are backing that out, however I see no issues with the device tarball if you want to land that now13:38
barrydbarth: please ack conflicts: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/2621/console13:40
john-mcaleelydavmor2, \o/13:40
john-mcaleelysil2100, ogra_ is now a good time to push the device tarball then?13:41
sil2100Yes, a +1 for me then13:42
john-mcaleelysil2100, ogra_ pushing13:42
sil2100After that's done, we can stop landings for a while, build a new image, publish silo 19 (if it passes QA) and build a new image again13:42
davmor2sil2100: we'll stil need to land the updated custom tarball so that location is fixed but that is special for after.  I'm moving over to silo019 for a bit till it is ready for testing again13:43
john-mcaleelysil2100, ogra_ published13:44
john-mcaleelypushed, even13:44
ogra_cool !13:44
sil2100Yeah, +1 on that - I would prefer we contentrate on our earlier plan, i.e. silo 19 and then the custom tarball13:44
ogra_sil2100, well, we should land the custom one today too if davmor2 wants to have the promotion image ready today13:45
sil2100Sure, but one thing after another13:46
sil2100We only have 2 QA people right now so we need to manage the limited resources ;)13:46
ogra_still ?13:47
ogra_shouldnt the US slowly get up ?13:47
brendandogra_, elopio is in CR and ToyKeeper is in Colorado and works odd hours anyway13:48
brendandogra_, so it will be after the landing meeting before we really have more resources13:48
brendandogra_, by which time i'll be done...13:48
ogra_we really need to talk to your boss about some cloning13:48
brendandogra_, on the brightside, we can get started with landing silo 19 now!13:49
bfillersil2100: I need a silo for line 67 please13:50
ogra_brendand, yay13:50
sil2100bfiller: aye!13:50
ogra_brendand, we should perhapy wait til the device tarball image is done13:50
* ogra_ hasnt checked where system-image stands with that13:51
sil2100bfiller: btw. why does this have a camera-app test plan attached? ;)13:51
bfillersil2100: copy/paste error :) will fix13:51
sil2100Thanks, assigning anyway ;)13:51
=== karni is now known as karni-snack
ogra_john-mcaleely, did you push yet ?14:02
ogra_(i dont see anything happening on the server)14:02
brendandogra_, do you think rtm silo 009 is low risk?14:02
brendandogra_, 'Export XDG vars to adb shell'14:03
brendandogra_, from tedg14:03
Wellarkmzanetti: are you close on adding the Yes (#number krillin mzanetti) on line 50 on the landing sheet?14:03
ogra_brendand, well, its ugly and a totally broken implementation ... but not high risk14:03
mzanettiWellark: yep14:04
ogra_brendand, i wouldnt have approved it14:04
ogra_brendand, but it wont do harm to land it14:04
john-mcaleelyogra_, hm, I think I did14:04
brendandogra_, i just love it when people use the words 'totally broken' to describe something that works but not in the way they want :)14:04
ogra_brendand, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/ubuntu-touch-session/xdg-to-profiles/+merge/237476 see my comment there14:04
brendandogra_, so it's not high risk and won't do any harm, but is also totally broken :)14:05
ogra_it wont break anything though ... and is functionally safe14:05
john-mcaleelyogra_, the two files I change look correctly changed14:05
sil2100bfiller: love that term as well, Robert is a big fan of using that14:05
sil2100I mean, brendand14:05
sil2100What's wrong with irssi's tab completion todayC!14:05
brendandsil2100, i know a lot of people who throw that around14:05
sil2100bfiller: nvm14:05
ogra_john-mcaleely, now it starts importing14:05
john-mcaleelyogra_, yay. just slow then14:06
sil2100brendand: for me 'totally broken' means that nothing works and that it's a disaster, that a change that got introduced just breaks the whole thing and it's unusable14:06
brendandogra_, i think the hyperbole free term you're looking for is 'sub-optimal' :)14:06
dbarthtrainguards: ack about the conflict between silos with ussoa (rtm 07 & 17)14:06
tedogra_, I agree, but I didn't want to build that for this patch. I think that change should be a different MR.14:06
brendandbut i suppose it just doesn't have the same impact14:06
ogra_sil2100, the implementation above *is* a disaster specifically since i discussed exactly that with ted before14:07
ogra_ted, right, we can change it later ...14:07
brendandogra_, totally broken should mean it doesn't do what it's meant to do or breaks other things14:07
tedogra_, I think it should all move to profile.d scripts that are then called by the session script.14:07
brendandanyway... semantics14:07
ogra_ted, the point is that only HW related bits go into profile today since we cant change that later ... HW wont change, but the values for your vars might14:07
brendandi'll just check it does what it says and sign it off14:08
tedogra_, Don't export the variables, but run the same logic in both cases.14:08
ogra_thats fine too14:08
ogra_brendand, no reason to block on my ranting :)14:08
brendandogra_, you may be surprised to hear i wasn't planning on it!14:09
ogra_brendand, so why do you say you want to hire a mind reader then ? seems to work already with a little training ;)14:09
brendandogra_, i'm a sub-optimal mind-reader14:10
tedsil2100, Can I get a silo for line 59 please?14:10
ted(rtm silo)14:10
ogra_its all a matter of practice14:10
brendandted, ok - signed off. much to my surprise it was not, in fact, totally broken :)14:11
tedbrendand, Thanks!14:13
ogra_brendand, well, lets talk again once we get some additional custom path being added to one of the vars14:13
mzanettiWellark: added myself to the spreadsheet14:13
Wellarkmzanetti: thanks14:14
mzanettiWellark: found this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/137884814:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378848 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Lockscrene error text doesn't fit with some translations" [Undecided,New]14:14
mzanettibut it's UI, I'll fix14:14
ogra_brendand, with that change they are hardcoded forever :)14:14
brendandogra_, ah so 'totally broken' means 'at some point in the future this will be totally broken if x happens'. gotcha14:14
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ogra_it helpps for the momment14:15
ogra_but i'll jump on it to have it fixed properly before release ... else we'll run into bad trouble later14:15
ogra_sigh ...14:15
ogra_so i see image 91 on the server when being logged in14:16
ogra_but i dont see it via http14:16
* ogra_ wonders whats going on 14:17
ogra_hmm, in fact it sits there since over 30min14:17
ogra_cjwatson, do you know if there are any issues with sync-mirrors on nusakan ?14:17
WellarkMirv: could you now land line 50, please? ;)14:19
WellarkMirv: thanks!14:19
ogra_sil2100, so to make sure we get that dedicated image i would say we should block all publishing *now*14:20
ogra_sil2100, and publish silo 19 asap14:20
ogra_it will take 1h or so to get out of proposed14:20
thostr_can we get a silo for line 7414:22
Wellarkogra_: what dedicated image?14:22
ogra_Wellark, for silo 19 ...14:22
tedIt'd be nice to get 9 in so that the clock tests all pass before 19.14:23
ogra_ted, five people only worked towards getting 19 ready and have a dedicated image the whole day ... cant that wait for 3 more hours ?14:24
Wellarkogra_: but landings continue after 19 is out?14:24
ogra_Wellark, once we have an image built, yes14:24
tedogra_, Sure, but there'll be clock failures on the results.14:24
Wellarkogra_: and that would take how much time?14:24
ogra_Wellark, it is just that the landing team decided we want to have a dedicated image for that high impact change14:24
sil2100Mirv, barry: hey guys, let's block landings for now14:25
ogra_ted, there were no clock failures in rtm in weeks14:25
sil2100ogra_: did anything land between us doing the device tarball and now?14:25
barrysil2100: okay.  does that mean something specific, or just not hitting publish?14:25
ogra_sil2100, you tell me :P14:25
ogra_i dont publish silos :)14:25
sil2100ogra_: I didn't publish anything, but maybe Mirv did, hmm14:26
sil2100ogra_: anyway, if anything landed then we'll have to build another image before publishing 1914:26
ogra_barry, just the lattter14:26
sil2100This way it will be completely isolated14:26
sil2100barry: just no publish button pressing ;)14:26
ogra_sil2100, but lose another 2h14:26
sil2100barry: btw. did you push any publish buttons already?14:26
barrysil2100, ogra_ i will cage that monkey buttonpusher14:26
ogra_ted, just to clearify we never had clock issues in rtm ... that was only in utopic anyway14:27
sil2100ogra_: yeah, but if something else that is not ignorable landed, I gues we would have to wait those ~2h - I mean, 19 can be tested in the meantime and even published after the rootfs gets built14:28
sil2100But anyway, let me check if there's a need for that14:28
ogra_sil2100, 19 is teasted and ready since 30min14:28
sil2100Oh, didn't see any message about that14:29
ogra_sil2100, bah, but there was a ton of indicators14:29
Wellarksil2100, ogra_, Mirv: just saying that line 50 (utopic, 51 rtm) fixes 8 criticals tagged for rtm1414:29
Wellarkbut that can probably wait for couple of hours14:30
ogra_Wellark, thats great for line 50/51 :)14:30
Wellarkthostr_: ^14:30
sil2100Wellark: \o/ excellent - we just want to get 19 isolated first before that14:30
* sil2100 checks what landed14:30
ogra_sil2100, ok, i see the indicators landed in 9014:30
* ogra_ compares rtm-changes with the changelogs14:30
* sil2100 greps his logs14:30
ogra_sil2100, seems https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/rtm-14.09-changes/2014-October/000626.html didnt land14:31
ogra_so that one would sneak in14:31
sil2100Yeah, I was worried about that one, but hm, it feels safeish enough14:31
ogra_i dont think it is worth to have an extra image just to keep it out14:32
ogra_sil2100, so lets get 019 in then14:32
* sil2100 readies his finger14:32
ogra_i'll watch rmadison and trigger a build ...14:32
ogra_and will notify once we can land again14:33
ogra_ricmm, ^^^14:33
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: Ursinha | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is on vacation. Landings temporarily stopped - trying to land a silo in an isolated image, landings resume immediately afterwards
sil2100But nice, this image will have only Qt5 changes, heh14:34
sil2100Mirv, barry: please note the topic - once we unblock landings I will change the topic as well ^14:34
ricmmogra_: thanks14:35
cwayneogra_: any idea why system-image isn't picking up my latest custom for 14.09-proposed-customized?14:38
ogra_cwayne, sommething is wrong ... i pinged stgraber already in #ubuntu-release14:38
Wellarksil2100, Mirv: block only affects RTM?14:39
bzoltanbrendand: I am confident that the UITK from silo25 is safe to enter the QA queue. Would you please take that on your list?14:39
ogra_cwayne, i see newer images on the server directly ... but thy dont seem to get mirrored to the http space14:39
cwaynedavmor2: ^14:39
Wellarknot utopic?14:39
ogra_Wellark, yes14:39
sil2100Wellark: essentially yes14:39
brendandbzoltan, yep - but there is a big queue14:39
davmor2son of a....14:40
WellarkMirv, sil2100: so line 50 can be landed for utopic?14:40
bzoltanbrendand: I have seen ... what is your estimation?14:40
ogra_Wellark, anything can land in utopic :)14:40
Wellarkogra_: please land then :)14:40
sil2100Wellark: sure thing, one moment! :)14:40
brendandbzoltan, tomorrow perhaps14:41
bzoltanbrendand: all right14:41
Wellarksil2100: thanks!14:41
bzoltanbrendand: is there anything I could help you?14:41
tedsil2100, Can I get an rtm silo for line 59 please?14:42
=== ogra_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: Ursinha | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is on vacation. RTM Landings temporarily stopped - trying to land a silo in an isolated image, landings resume immediately afterwards
ogra_(added an "RTM")14:42
brendandbzoltan, no just be sure your silo has all the info to start testing14:43
sil2100Wellark: damn... hmmm, so it seems that there has been a release of indicator-network in-between14:43
sil2100Wellark: you will have to rebuild your package ;/14:43
Wellarksil2100: what!?14:43
Wellarkwhich landing?14:43
sil2100Wellark: since indicator-network 0.5.1+14.10.20141007.2-0ubuntu1 is in the -proposed pocket from what I see14:43
sil2100Wellark: it's https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-network/0.5.1+14.10.20141007.2-0ubuntu114:43
sil2100(so it's yours as well)14:43
Wellarksil2100: I triggered a rebuild after that14:44
WellarkMirv said that the urfkill i-network was merged and cleaned manually14:44
bzoltanbrendand:  of course. Please not that I will do push the -gles package tomorrow. That has no effect on your tests as it is an x86 package made from the armhf package. So do not freak out of you see reconfiguration or build process in that silo.14:44
sil2100hm, it seems it didn't get picked up, but let me check - maybe the rebuild was too fast and it still wasn't visible to the archive14:44
jgdxcan one change the order of which debs are built on ci runs?14:44
Wellarkand I triggered the rebuild after that14:44
WellarkI need a break.14:45
sil2100I'll check what's up14:45
sil2100Wellark: maybe it's just some glitch somewhere14:45
sil2100Wellark: ok, no worries! I see it's just CI Train that seems to be missing the info because it was done too fast14:46
sil2100Wellark: so I can publish it as it is without consequences14:46
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sil2100ted: let me just finish this and I'll get back to you :)14:46
tedsil2100, Cool, np14:46
tedsil2100, Not like it can publish anyway :-)14:46
brendandbzoltan, make sure to note that somewhere in case it's not me who looks at it14:47
sil2100ted: assigned and syncing14:48
tedsil2100, Great, thanks!14:50
tedsil2100, Can you publish ubuntu/17 as well please?14:50
sil2100ogra_, slangasek: damn, I just learned that I need to drive my girlfriend to the doctor next town for an appointement at 18:00, so I'll miss the meeting most probably ;/14:51
sil2100ted: on my radar ;)14:51
ogra_sil2100, well, i think we know what to do for today ... (waiting for silo 19 and building images, then unleash the dogs)14:51
ogra_i just hope the system-image server will function agaiin by then :(14:52
sil2100Yeah, anyway slangasek will probably be on the meeting and he'll maybe try discussing the move to LP bugs a little bit14:52
* ted searches YouTube for "who let the dogs out"14:52
ogra_i even pinged in the #is channel14:52
sil2100Woof wooof14:52
ogra_but there seems to be nobody around14:52
ogra_and stgraber doesnt seem to be in #ubuntu-release either14:53
sil2100davmor2: btw.! On the  trello board you're still dogfooding the krillin #88 image!14:53
sil2100davmor2: please update it properly!14:53
sil2100ogra_: I think Stephane is on holidays this week14:53
ogra_sil2100, aha, got answer14:53
ogra_seems there is a diskspace issue on the build server (nusakan)14:53
sil2100ogra_: did you confirm the same with rmadison ^ ?14:53
sil2100(since CI Train uses LP API, so it can be off by some minutes)14:54
ogra_sil2100, not yet14:54
ogra_i'll watch it,, no worries14:54
ogra_there is #9114:55
sil2100hm, I'm actually thinking not to modify CI Train to use madison instead14:55
sil2100ogra_: the one with the device tarball?14:55
ogra_thats all the urfkill stuff14:55
ogra_awe_, ^^ finally all landed14:56
awe_ogra_, are we going to kick off a new image build?14:58
Mirvyeah I thought the indicator-network went correctly, too14:58
awe_if, so I believe #90 would have all the bit, including the dev tarball changes14:59
Mirvsil2100: that was the note about m&c earlier today14:59
barrysil2100: ack14:59
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: plars | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is on vacation. RTM Landings temporarily stopped - trying to land a silo in an isolated image, landings resume immediately afterwards
sil2100Mirv: right, but I didn't expect CI Train to not notice it - but it seems CI Train fetches the info to the backend config from LP15:00
Mirvsil2100: right15:00
sil2100Mirv: so it seemed to get confused, which I think is not a big deal as it's a rather rare case ;)15:01
Mirvsil2100: the need for early m&c may become a hot topic during the final freeze..15:01
ogra_awe_, nope, 9115:02
Mirvor alternatively all should be rtm-first15:02
Saviqrobru, hey, could the silo dashboard linkify #123456 in descriptions?15:02
* sil2100 feels worried about that already15:02
sil2100Saviq: as mentioned, robru is on holidays this week - best poking him after he's back :)15:03
Saviqsil2100, ah, didn't see it mentioned, he should turn his IRC off ;P15:03
sil2100hah ;)15:03
sil2100It was in my landing e-mail from Monday!15:03
* sil2100 looks at Saviq with an evil eye15:03
Mirvsil2100: isn't utopic landings alright still? it's all about rtm & qtdeclarative?15:04
Saviqsil2100, need I remind you I got > 5k unread emails throughout my folders on Monday ;P15:04
sil2100Mirv: yeah, didn't mention it because I didn't want anyone of us pressing an ubuntu-rtm silo publish by mistake15:04
sil2100Saviq: ah, right ;)15:05
Saviqsil2100, if something is in the UNAPPROVED queue, should we worry?15:05
* ogra_ twiddles tumbs watching qtdeclarative-opensource-src sit in -proposed15:05
sil2100Saviq: usually it means it is not handled by an FFe - what got into UNAPPROVED?15:07
sil2100In utopic I imagine?15:07
Saviqsil2100, indicator-network15:07
Saviqfrom silo 2115:07
sil2100Yeah, not a problem - we just need to poke some archive admin to +1 it from the queue since it's a bugfix only release15:07
sil2100Although, hmmm15:08
ogra_sil2100, image triggered15:09
sil2100ogra_: yaaay \o/15:09
ogra_rootfs build will take about 45min i think15:09
sil2100Mirv, barry: let's still wait for the rootfs to fetch all the packages15:09
ogra_so we should be able to open the gates even faster again15:09
sil2100Saviq: strange thing, since actually I see indicator-network in the standing FFe!15:09
Mirvsure, better to be safe15:10
Mirvzbenjamin: bzoltan: not approved, can't publish https://code.launchpad.net/~zeller-benjamin/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/devicespage2/+merge/23756815:11
sil2100Mirv: also, regarding silo 17 - one of the reasons why I didn't publish that one yet is that this seems like an user interface change15:12
sil2100Mirv: we need to check if it's only touch specific, or if it needs an UIFE15:12
zbenjaminMirv: ok , this is a new MP from today , so its probably not tested completely15:12
Mirvsil2100: ahum..15:13
Mirvzbenjamin: so why is the landing marked as tested? :)15:13
zbenjaminMirv: that can only bzoltan answer15:13
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 92 building (started: 20141008 15:15) ===15:14
Mirvsil2100: looking throught the diff:s, luckily it's touch only15:14
sil2100Mirv: oh, you published :) Well, nothing bad happened as basically those indicator- packages that are shared will be anyway landing in UNAPPROVED anyway15:15
sil2100Mirv: ok, good :)15:15
sil2100Mirv: then we'll poke the release team about those once they migrate to unapproved15:15
Mirvsil2100: yes.15:16
Mirvis there some sort of indicator all-nighter-all-week? huge amount of indicator landings all the time :)15:16
sil2100hah ;)15:18
tedsil2100, Mirv, the changes are only visible on phone15:19
tedThe title strings aren't used in Unity7's design.15:20
Mirvted: yep, that's good15:20
davmor2brendand, sil2100, cwayne: confirming no breakage in silo 019 every default app opened and ran as expected and also custom tarball is better now release the hounds when you are ready15:21
sil2100davmor2: good news!15:21
sil2100davmor2: the new image with silo 19 in it is now building, so we'll be able to experience it first hand soon15:22
cwaynedavmor2: cool, so sil2100 i can press the magic button?15:22
tedMirv, No, it seems my schedule is now: work 2 weeks, land 1 week. Trying the list off approved MRs down: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-menu-bar/+activereviews15:22
sil2100cwayne: not yet!15:22
tedHopefully by EOW that'll be back down to reasonable.15:22
davmor2cwayne: no you need to wait till 92 is built15:22
sil2100cwayne: let's wait for the current image to finish building first15:23
pstolowskiMirv, i've fixed the wrong MP in  #7715:23
davmor2sil2100: with all that done tomorrow we should in theory have a working image that can be promoted again. Now I'm gonna jump on silo testing and help out brendand for the rest of today15:24
Mirvpstolowski: thanks15:25
cwaynedavmor2: thanks for testing today man, I know it wasn't ideal :)15:25
davmor2cwayne: less ideal when you broke it :P15:25
ogra_cwayne, it was a little more work *today* which means it will be perfect *tomorrow* :)15:25
davmor2cwayne: no worries though dude needed it :)15:26
ogra_but yeah, davmor2 deserves a medal15:26
sil2100davmor2: thanks!15:27
davmor2ogra_: no medal needs to go to brendand image testing is relatively harmless in comparison to silo testing, I'm effectively saying yes congratulations the hard testing you did works :)15:27
sil2100Yeah, I'll just jump out for some minutes to that doctor and be back soon to finish up that landing document for brendand15:28
ogra_then a medal for brendand too indeed :)15:28
brendandmedals all round!15:28
davmor2brendand: woohoo15:28
charlescamako, any chance we could throw https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/unity-system-compositor/lp-1365557-decrement-display-on-requests-correctly into silo 8?15:36
* camako looks15:36
camakocharles, this is supposed to be a sync silo.. I don't think it's a good idea.15:38
camakocharles, besides rtm silo 20 landing hasn't happened yet..15:39
charlescamako, ack15:39
charlesmakes sense, I didn't realize it was a sync for rtm 2015:40
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ogra_ted, bah, who decided to have the message indicator at the most unreachable place on my display !15:51
Wellarkogra_: design.15:51
ogra_do they all have extremely long thumbs ?15:51
tedogra_, You know what they say about designers… long thumbs ;-)15:52
tedogra_, I think it is to raise its perceived importance.15:52
tedogra_, It's now "first"15:53
ogra_ted, yeah, and "least reachable" too15:53
tedogra_, Do you typically use your phone holding it in your right hand?15:54
ogra_ted, yes15:54
Wellarkted: I do as well15:54
ogra_i tried left when the back butzton moved15:54
ogra_but i cant get along with it15:54
tedInteresting, not the case for me. Wonder with "average" is there.15:55
seb128kenvandine, is there any reason to not include the wizard update in that landing?15:56
WellarkI only switch the phone to my left hand when I actually have to type something with OSK15:56
kenvandineseb128, i wanted to keep the landings a little smaller, easier for qa verification15:56
kenvandineseb128, i'll do the wizard one next15:56
seb128ted, it's first and it's also "easier to get to" (if you have long enough fingers"15:57
seb128ted, in the sense that can you pull down anywhere in the empty space on its left15:57
seb128kenvandine, k15:57
slangasekogra_: so if sil2100 isn't around, I'd rather postpone our discussion until tomorrow - I think he should be there for it15:57
ogra_slangasek, "our discussion" ?15:57
slangasekogra_: the "using bugs" discussion sil2100 alluded to15:57
tedseb128, Yeah, it is for me too. But apparently not everyone.15:57
* ogra_ wonders what he forgot15:57
slangasekogra_: i.e., I'm not actually coming to the landing team meeting15:57
ogra_slangasek, ah15:58
ogra_yeah, its his baby15:58
Wellarksil2100: did you figure out the problem with line 50?16:00
Wellarkstill says "package not available at the destination)16:01
balloonsfginther, just to confirm, everything should be running with autopilot timeout set to long yes?16:05
balloonsfginther, I'm wondering in response to: It seems like it's timing out after 10 seconds16:06
fgintherballoons, yes, using "--timeout-profile=long"16:06
balloonsdavmor2, I found something cool on r91. Apps that fail to launch still stay in the carousel view16:08
cjwatsonogra_: sync-mirrors> if there were a problem with cdimage's sync-mirrors it'd show up in the image build log; also system-image.u.c has its own mirror syncing thing which isn't something I know about16:08
balloonsdavmor2, is this a known thing?16:08
ogra_cjwatson, all solved already, nusakan was out of disk16:09
cjwatsonah, enospc, I see16:09
sil2100Wellark: no worries about that one, I poked the archive admins about that 30 minutes ago16:11
sil2100So it should be good now16:11
sil2100ogra_: did the rootfs finish building?16:11
* sil2100 is back16:11
ogra_sil2100, rootfs is ... but system-image isnt yet16:11
sil2100But you think it should be fine to publish packages normally, right?16:12
thostr_fixed MPs in line 74, could we get a silo?16:12
sil2100thostr_: o/16:12
ogra_sil2100, got anything to bring up in the meeting ?16:12
ogra_(else we'll close)16:12
sil2100ogra_: I don't think so, nothing that can't wait for tomorrow :)16:12
sil2100Just a big 'kudos' for everyone for the swift publishing, testing and planning action16:13
cjwatsonogra_: do you know who cleaned up what?16:13
ogra_cjwatson, i pinged in #is on the other server16:13
ogra_(got the backlo on another machine, gimme 5min)16:13
sil2100With such coordination we can really conquer the world! (tm)16:13
cwaynesil2100: so im waiting til the rootfs is on s-i before pushing custom, yes?16:14
cjwatsonogra_: no need, that's enough, thanks16:14
ogra_sil2100, you mean after we cleared the few days of backlog that generated ?16:14
tvossMirv, silo 1 tested again16:14
cjwatsonah, / not /srv16:14
ogra_"conquering postponed"16:14
ogra_cjwatson, yeah16:14
fgintherballoons, the console log shows the parameter being passed and autopilot shows that it's the most recent utopic version:
fgintherballoons, Is it possible the argument itself is wrong? it didn't generate an error that I can see16:15
sil2100cwayne: yes, let's best wait for the current one to completely finish building16:15
sil2100davmor2: you tested the custom tarball, right ^ ?16:16
sil2100thostr_: gallery-app is already allocated in silo 16 - can you contact bfiller about that?16:16
thostr_sil2100: as I wrote in comment, this is for testing for now, so we are fine16:17
davmor2sil2100: yeap16:17
thostr_sil2100: and actually it's exactly to help bill testing16:17
ogra_cwayne, yes, silos can land again, but s-i stuff still has to wait16:17
balloonsfginther, ahh right, the log, I didn't look. Umm, yes it is confusing as to what is happening here16:18
sil2100thostr_: good, assigning!16:18
sil2100ogra_: ok, so I guess it's safe to bring down the lock on landings16:18
ogra_sil2100, yeah, as long as cwayne still holds his feet still :)16:19
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: plars | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is on vacation
seb128why do you guys lock landings?16:22
ogra_seb128, for some dedicated image builds with only a specific change set inside16:22
ogra_seb128, embargo is lifted now though16:23
seb128the qml compilation thing?16:23
sil2100seb128: we had an important landing happening today and we wanted to have it isolated in an image16:23
seb128is that in 91?16:23
ogra_seb128, first the urfkill fix (which needed multiple bits in device and rootfs tarballs) and now the QML precompilation16:23
ogra_seb128, 9216:23
ogra_shoulld be done in 20-30mmin latest16:23
seb128there is no http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/91.changes16:23
seb128ogra_, stop lagging behind!16:23
thostr_sil2100: have you assigned?16:24
ogra_well, the image isnt done yet :)16:24
thostr_sil2100: ah, now it appeared16:24
seb128ogra_, 91? sure is, I've it installed on my device16:24
ogra_seb128, 91 only has the urfkill fixes16:24
ogra_92 has the QMl bits16:24
seb128but you are still lagging behind16:24
sil2100thostr_: yeah, best to use the CI Train Dashboard - that one tends to be faster16:24
seb128I had to ask here because the .changes was not there :p16:25
Wellarksil2100: thanks!16:25
ogra_seb128, oh, device tarballs dont create rootfs changes ... so the changelog is identical to 9016:25
sil2100seb128: we resumed landings since the rootfs for the important image finished building so we can push new packages to the archive ;)16:25
ogra_seb128, same goes for custom tarballs16:25
sil2100Wellark: yw!16:25
seb128ogra_, right, but still those .changes seem to come with a delay, not the first time I've to wait to see what is in the update I just installed16:26
ogra_seb128, the changes are generated the moment the bot announces here that the image is done16:27
ogra_i.e. as soon as it shows up on system-image.u.c16:27
ogra_cwayne, go wild (i see 92 on the server)16:40
cwayneogra_: thanks! done16:41
barrysil2100: i'm afk for a bit for acupuncture16:43
sil2100barry: no worries, I'll still be around for a while as always :)16:44
sil2100EOD is sooo last year16:44
barry:)  thanks16:44
=== nik90|AFK is now known as nik90
ogra_sil2100, hmm, seems that the system-image server still has issues :/16:49
ogra_i see 92 and 93 on the server filesystem ... but they dont get synced16:50
ogra_(to the public http space)16:50
ogra_thats what i get if i run the system-image import command manually16:55
ogra_cjwatson, any idea ? that looks like the python setup on nusakan changed16:56
ogra_(the former two images worked just fine)16:57
cjwatsona changed python setup seems highly unlikely and is far beyond what would be required to exhibit that symptom ...16:58
cjwatsonbut I don't have time to investigate this right now, as it's almost dinnertime16:58
ogra_yeah, i'm lost though16:58
cjwatsonperhaps it requires a UTF-8 locale16:59
cjwatsonthough I would only expect that to be an issue here if there are some file names containing non-ASCII characters16:59
cjwatsonwhich is an optimistic thing to do16:59
cjwatsonI would suggest scanning the images for such things17:00
cjwatsonthe import might work with LANG=C.UTF-8 but I'm hesitant to suggest actually doing that without understanding it better17:00
ogra_image 92 definitely doesnt have any changes that have added such things17:00
ogra_i could imagine image 93 to have file names in spanish or some such17:01
ogra_but even then ... these file names have been there before17:01
ogra_and it all worked before the out of disk issue ...17:01
ogra_i suspect there is rather something with the nusakan installation after the out of disk thing17:02
cjwatsonI think you should investigate directly (e.g. pdb) rather than making wild guesses about system configuration17:02
cjwatsonit will be a more useful line of enquiry anyway17:03
ogra_well, it worked with this mornings image ... and for the two images we had after the diskspace issue17:03
cjwatsoneven if there is some system-level problem you would want to track it down via pdb17:03
cjwatsonbecause saying "there is some problem with the system" does not actually help17:03
cjwatsonI cannot help further for some hours now though17:04
ogra_well, there is some problem we didnt have before the system hadd a problem ... but yeah17:04
pstolowskitrainguards, https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-014-1-build/73/consoleFull seems to be stuck; can you check/interrupt and rebuild unity-scopes-shell?17:04
cjwatsonogra_: and as I say that does not actually help.  we can't go to IS and say "something seems to be wrong", we need concrete analysis17:05
cjwatsonI can investigate with pdb in maybe four or five hours, but I would suggest you want somebody to do it before that :)17:06
ogra_well, i have an appointment in ~1h but i'll see if i can find anything17:06
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
sil2100pstolowski: looking17:10
sil2100pstolowski: hm, doesn't look stuck to me17:11
sil2100pstolowski: it seems the armhf build just now started17:11
ogra_cjwatson, for later: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8522014/ ... run under pdb ... doesnt reveal much more either17:13
pstolowskisil2100, hmm, you may be right...17:13
seb128ogra_, can you try to print removed_files?17:15
ogra_just "print removed_files" at the pdb prompt ?17:15
ogra_bah, crap17:16
pstolowskisil2100, thanks17:16
ogra_that exceeds my terminal scrollback17:16
seb128check if something in there has encoding weirdness17:16
ogra_man ... my browser has a hard time pushing that to the pastebin17:23
ogra_there we go17:23
ogra_only 40000 lines :P17:23
seb128ogra_, print type(removed_files)17:28
ogra_cjwatson, FYI ... import-images causes nusakan to run out of space in /tmp (same issue as before)17:28
ogra_seb128, i just got info in #is17:28
Ursinhaogra_: you can use pastebinit :)17:28
seb128ogra_, what info?17:28
ogra_seb128, that /tmp runs out of space while the system-image importer script gets processed17:28
seb128that might create issues17:29
ogra_which likely causes corrupt content of the var or so17:29
ogra_so the error is just fallout17:29
sil2100barry: btw.!17:33
sil2100barry: so, maybe you could help us out once you're back with a strange issue we're seeing during smoketesting17:33
sil2100barry: you might know your way around these bits17:33
sil2100barry: the issue is that sometimes during AP smoketesting autopilot is unable to find all tests to run and fails in the following way:17:34
sil2100barry: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8519568/17:34
sil2100barry: as you can see the last error seems to be something encoding related - we were thinking if maybe something low level in python maybe got changed and caused this issue?17:35
asacsil2100: app startup landed and has image?17:48
ogra_Ursinha, so at the sprint, over a beer ... you will teach me how to redirect to pastebinit from within pdb17:48
asacogra_: can you confirm?17:49
ogra_asac, no, nusakan is broken (or system-image is )17:49
ogra_asac, see #is channel17:49
ogra_yeah :(17:52
sil2100asac: but it's built, just not available in public...17:52
ogra_and it looks like it is seriously broken17:52
sil2100ogra_: does anyone know what's up?17:55
ogra_sil2100, not really ... we are all pretty clueless ... as it seems to be broken in the s-i code ...17:55
ogra_the breakage causes /tmp to never being cleaned up17:56
ogra_which at some point kills the image build server17:56
ogra_sil2100, what i have is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8522014/ ...17:56
ogra_and the content of that variable (careful thats megabytes big) http://paste.ubuntu.com/8522041/17:57
seb128ogra_, did you try to print type(removed_files)?17:57
ogra_seb128, yes, the second paste17:57
seb128ogra_, type()17:58
seb128ogra_, the second paste was the long list no?17:58
seb128what's the type() of the variable?17:58
ogra_40000 lines of filenames17:58
seb128give me the type :p17:58
ogra_i would need to re-run it again i guess17:58
seb128so I can give you another command to try17:58
asacwhat is the current image number?18:04
asacon krillin rtm?18:04
seb12891 published18:04
seb12892&93 are built but failing copy to the server due to the issues described ^18:05
ogra_asac, 92 has all urfkill fixes, 93 has the QML precompilation18:05
ogra_both are stuck on nusakan18:05
asacogra_: any reason why i wouldnt see an update in system settings?18:05
asace.g. is the server down completely?18:05
ogra_asac, because the images cant be published18:05
asaci am on 8918:06
asacno update avail18:06
ogra_the public facing server is up and i got my update to 9118:06
ogra_including the notification18:06
seb128I've 91 as well18:07
sil2100I get 91 notification as well, upgrading in progress18:17
davmor2I blame ogra_ completely for this mess bound to be his fault ;)18:20
davmor2didn't want you feeling left out of being blamed now that Saviq is back :)18:21
AlbertAtrainguards: can I get a silo for line 84?18:37
barrysil2100: hi i'm back now18:41
tedbarry, welcome back :-)18:44
tedbarry, Can I get a silo for line 88 please?18:44
tedbarry, And we can kill silo rtm/11 that'll never land.18:44
barryted: k18:46
barryted: for line 88, can you please ack the dupes: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/2639/console18:48
=== karni is now known as karni-afk
sil2100barry: o/18:49
tedbarry, ack18:51
barryted: let me see if i can figure out how to kill rtm/1118:55
tedbarry, Shotgun, you don't want zombie silos18:56
tedI've got two unapproved packages. Are those release team pings?19:03
barryted: rtm/11 ^^19:04
tedbarry, Cool, thanks! Should have an i-sound coming through that can land.19:04
barryted: cool, just ping me19:05
dbarthbarry: hey, i sent a ack for the silo conflict earlier; can i get a silo for line 76 please?19:05
barrydbarth: yeppers19:05
AlbertAbarry: can I get a silo for line 84?19:06
barryAlbertA: sure thing19:07
barryAlbertA: please review and ack the dupes: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/2642/console19:07
=== karni-afk is now known as karni
robrubarry: you should have checked ONLY_FREE_SILO on the merge clean job. Lucky there were no merges or they would have been merged.19:12
barryrobru: lovely19:14
robrubarry: it should be in the newbie guide, freeing silos is a common task ;-)19:15
AlbertAbarry: yes please ignore rtm/landing-001 I'm coordinating with tvoss19:16
barryAlbertA: ok19:16
barryrobru: ack19:17
barryAlbertA: ack19:17
kenvandineseb128, any idea why uss is FTBFS in silo 24?  says unmet build dep gdb:any19:22
kenvandinebut gdb did get installed19:23
kenvandinegdb:any should match...19:23
kgunndavmor2: you still at that mir release in rtm silo2019:25
kgunnis there anything wrong ?19:25
davmor2kgunn: I am now I got it installed without the mesa bits :(19:26
kgunnoh man...what happened ?19:26
cjwatsonkenvandine: because gdb in utopic-proposed (not utopic) has dropped the Multi-Arch: allowed field, and :any is disallowed in that case19:26
kgunndavmor2: anything we need to look at on our end ?19:26
cjwatsonkenvandine: it's not clear whether that was deliberate, as it doesn't appear to be mentioned in the changelog19:27
cjwatsonkenvandine: I'd suggest asking doko, as it might have been a merge accident19:27
davmor2kgunn: not unless you want to fix citrain tool so it doesn't install the mesa bits and force me to reflash my phone ;) not yet so far so good should be too long19:27
cjwatsonkenvandine: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiarchCross#Build_Dependencies is my reference for :any being disallowed without Multi-Arch: allowed, BTW19:28
kenvandinecjwatson, ah... i thought :any would still work19:29
kenvandinecjwatson, thanks, i'll check with doko19:29
cjwatsonthe qualifiers are generally special snowflakes in various ways :)19:30
tedbarry, Can I get a silo for line 89 please?19:31
tedbarry, And you can publish 8819:31
tedbarry, Or ubuntu/119:31
barryted: you got it19:32
tedbarry, Awesome19:33
tedbarry, Oh, and looking at the dashboard, can you publish rtm/28 as well please?19:33
barryted: sure thing19:33
barryted: hmm. https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-028-2-publish/1/console19:34
tedbarry, Do you know what it's tracking there? It's a sync, so was the version it's expecting to be the pervious the one when it was created?19:35
tedI'm not certain what a "rebuild" would do.19:36
barryted: i don't :(  maybe sil2100 or robru ?19:36
barryted: is this comment relevant: Mirv/20141002: can't land before rtm-005 lands,19:37
tedbarry, Yeah, that would have been when it was created, but it was built in utopic that already had the code in rtm/5 landed. So the package itself is correct.19:39
tedbarry, I think the silo is confused, but I'm not sure how to fix it.19:39
barryted: neither do i unfortunately.  let me see if there's something in the faq or newbie guide19:40
barryted: take a look at the bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/FAQ - could this be what's going on?19:42
robrubarry: ted: error seems pretty clear to me. Make sure the latest version in rtm matches the latest version in d/changelog in trunk. Possibly there was a manual distro upload or the last release didn't merge & clean properly19:42
tvosstrainguards, can I get a silo assigned for line 90?19:43
barrytvoss: please set the target distribution column and re-ping19:44
tvossbarry, cancel my ping actually :)19:45
barrytvoss: okie dokie :)19:45
tedrobru, barry, okay, this is confusing.19:50
tedSeems the utopic silo built UAL, but generated the diff from the version that was marked for June 1st.19:50
tedThere's been 6 releases since then.19:50
tedMost recent on 9/2519:50
barryted: weird19:51
tedThe diff there is huge19:51
robruted: not sure. Was the silo prepared before those 6 releases? Anyway, just make sure trunk matches distro, then reprepare, then rebuild and it should be fine19:52
tedYeah, so I guess rebuild that, then we can build the sync.19:52
tedNo, new silo.19:52
robruted: did you maybe do 6 releases to utopic and this is the first time in a while you're doing an rtm sync?19:53
tedrobru, No, the six jump is on utopic too.19:54
tedLet's see what the rebuild does.19:55
robruted: oh that one version number from the publish log indicated there was a revert (version was like foo.is.bar). So maybe whoever did that revert reverted 6 versions?19:56
tedrobru, Well, that's also odd, the revert was 2 revisions back. It's odd the rtm silo is at a different point.19:57
robruted: maybe qa NACKed your most recent landing. Dunno.19:58
* ted is going to have to increase his qa bribes20:00
cjwatsonsix jump> oh you don't mean https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/six do you20:01
cjwatsonworried for a moment20:01
barrycjwatson: nope :)20:04
cjwatsonLaunchpad's diff selection for packages can sometimes be a bit odd, but it's only informational, it wouldn't have affected landing in any way ...20:06
cjwatsonted: the version it diffed against was the previous version in that PPA, which Launchpad prioritises20:09
cjwatsonit's clearer if you look at https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-018/+packages?field.name_filter=ubuntu-app-launch&field.status_filter=&field.series_filter=20:09
cjwatsonit just so happened that that previous version got the same silo20:09
cjwatsonbut as I say, purely informational20:10
tedAh, I see now.20:11
cjwatsonconsequence of model abuse by silos :)20:11
tedbarry, I resync'd and such. For some reason it got an error again, but the PPA looks good. Perhaps republish?20:26
tedbarry, rtm/2820:26
barryted: i saw that.  i can certainly try that20:27
barryted: hmm. https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-028-2-publish/2/console20:28
tedbarry, I think you need IGNORE_STEP20:28
barryted: so maybe ignore-step?  the error makes me a bit oncomfortable20:28
barryted: success this time20:29
barrylet's see what actually happens ;)20:29
tedbarry, Makes sense to me here, so I think that's all that matters: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/+source/ubuntu-app-launch20:32
barryted: ^^ :)20:38
barryted: ubuntu/18 says i can publish it.  just wanted to verify that one's good to go (because it is UAL)20:39
tedbarry, I think it's in unapproved still. But I'm happy merging and cleaning…20:39
tedbarry, I think otherwise things'll get more confused.20:40
barryted: so just abandon that one?20:40
tedbarry, It needs to merge/clean, but I think we can abandon the publish.20:55
tedbarry, Can I just do that?20:55
barryted: go for it20:56
bfillerbarry: are you the silo allocation man :)? if so, need one for line 82 on the sheet21:04
barrybfiller: i am the monkey pushing buttons21:05
bfillerbarry: lucky you!21:05
=== boiko_ is now known as boiko
davmor2camako, barry: silo rtm 020 is good for some reason the google doc is taking for ever to update21:22
davmor2and there it goes in fact21:22
camakodavmor2, awesome.. thank you.21:23
camakobarry, can we publish rtm silo 20 please? I think kgunn is blocked on that.21:26
tvosshmmm, the publisher seems to need some love: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-009/+packages21:30
camakotvoss, hmm indeed21:32
barrycamako: sure thing21:35
barrycamako: ^^21:36
camakobarry, hmm how do I do that?21:37
barrycamako: you need to go to the ppa and view the diff for each of the packages, confirming (here) that the changes to packaging (i.e. debian/) are valid.  i'm looking at them too, but you have more direct knowledge of the changes21:37
camakobarry ack21:38
barrycamako: looks okay to me, but please verify21:40
camakobarry, lemme skim through them..21:40
camakobarry, the mir diff file only shows diff between the latest and prev build21:42
camakoI'm looking at this : https://launchpadlibrarian.net/186558264/mir_0.8.0%2B14.10.20141002.2-0ubuntu1_0.8.0%2B14.10.20141005-0ubuntu1.diff.gz21:42
camakobarry, but you can see the actual changes here : https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/development-branch/+merge/23642421:46
camakobarry, so I hereby acknowledge that the debian changes are valid :-)21:46
camakobarry, ... and the qtmir-gles diff is not correct, either21:51
barrycamako: sorry, i was on the phone.  i can ack the pack and publish21:52
camakobarry, thanks.. I have to leave. If there is any problems, can you please work with kgunn?21:52
camakokgunn ^^ (may wanna read the last several lines) ^^21:53
barrycamako, kgunn sure thing, but ^^ looks like all is good21:57
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is on vacation

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