
tzeroOHH bzr is like git and the bzr bd is just some convenience thing so you have to type bzr more?00:00
infinity"so you have to type bzr more"... I like that.00:01
tzero`bzr status` = ... unknown: the missing files -.- hahaha00:01
infinityThat belongs in the docs.00:01
infinitytzero: bzr is a revision control system, yes, and "bzr bd" is essentially just shorthand for "bzr export $location && cd $location && dpkg-buildpackage"00:02
tzerooh man, totally burned. That makes more sense now. Thanks a zillion, I was just cruising through the guide and didn't realize it00:03
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psusican anyone tell me where the ubuntu mesa sources are?  the bzr repo on lp is out of date and the Vcs-Git: header points to the debian repo02:24
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lamontwho do we know who knows gtk, dbus, and network interfaces to some degre?03:38
lamonthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sflphone/+bug/1377963 annoys me03:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1377963 in sflphone (Ubuntu) "sflphone choses the wrong IP for a SIP connection" [Undecided,New]03:38
pittiGood morning04:19
pittiMirv, tvoss: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-001-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_trust-store_1.1.0+14.10.20141007.4-0ubuntu1.diff04:33
pittitvoss: ordinarily *.mo files must *not* go into libraries, as the files would conflict on the next soname bump04:34
tvosspitti, ah, where do I put them?04:34
pittitzero: so this is only they should normally go into some arch: all -common package, or perhaps trusty-store-bin or so04:34
pittitvoss: this only works because we strip translations for main packages and for X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes pacakges04:34
Mirvpitti: shouldn't the same probably be for usr/share/core/trust/mir?04:35
pittiso this landing only works if this is true04:35
Mirvthey are already there in the lib* packages, but sounds wrong04:35
pittiMirv: location-service works fine04:35
tvosspitti, I will move the translations to the -bin package04:35
pittiMirv: correct; any file in a libfooN package must be versioned (in dir or file name)04:36
pittiotherwise different sonames aren't co-installable04:36
tvosspitti, Mirv I can fix that, too04:36
Mirvtvoss: yeah, /usr/share/core/trust/mir/prompt_main.qml can't be there. thanks.04:36
pittiMirv, tvoss: anyway, landing that now would be ok provided that you add a X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes marker to debian/control's Source:04:37
pittias otherwise the translations won't be stripped and go to langpacks, but the package would ship them by itself04:37
tvossokay, preparing breakfast real quick, on it after that04:40
pittitvoss: and please while you are at it, can you add the "use langpack" marker?04:41
tvosspitti, sure04:41
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pittiunless the sources are in main04:41
Mirvpitti: they are in main04:59
pittiMirv: aah, ok (and good!)05:00
pittiMirv: right, that explains why they get stripped05:00
MirvI was surprised too, they sounded like "probably not MIR:d" :)05:00
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tvosspitti, Mirv pushed the marker for location-service05:06
pittitvoss: wb05:07
tvosspitti, Mirv will tackle trust-store after breakfast05:07
pittitvoss: no worries, sorry about the marker05:07
tvosspitti, all good05:07
pittitvoss: you don't need it, the packages are in main (quite surprisingly)05:07
tvosspitti, Mirv the silo needs manual ack'ing, so no one can accidently land as is05:07
pittitvoss: all main packages use langpacks by default05:07
tvosspitti, oh :)05:07
Mirvtvoss: I also marked the silo back to "not tested"05:07
tvossMirv, great, thank you05:07
pittitvoss: I'm not quite sure whether that was actually MIRed, or just wrongly NEWed05:07
tvosspitti, nope, on purpose, both are in main05:08
tvossincluding MIRs05:08
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tvossMirv, pitti https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/trust-store/fix-1354092 has got the changes to .install files08:07
tvossMirv, pitti would appreciate a quick review08:07
Mirvit would help of course if tvoss would stay online :)08:23
pittiheh, he's got a tendency to drop off, yeah ;)08:34
pittilooking (was in a HO)08:34
pittiMirv: the X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes should be dropped again, and I don't quite understand the install.$arch symlinkery, but this LGTM08:35
pitti/summon tvoss08:36
* Mirv HO now08:36
Mirvpitti: so LGTM without changes and Langpack: yes to be removed for next release?08:36
seb128pitti, why does the X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack use needs to be dropped?08:36
pittiseb128: well, not *need*, but it's not necessary08:37
pittiseb128: I falsely assumed that these packages were in universe, like so many others08:37
seb128oh, that's in main08:37
seb128yeah, me too, just looked at it08:37
pittione package to get it right! :-)08:37
Mirv"we've a relatively recent touch package that is in main o_O"08:37
pittiok, I need to run for some errands, back in ~ 45 mins08:38
pittiMirv: if tvoss comes back, would you mind relaying the above to him?08:38
Mirvlet's wait for tvoss to be back, anyhow08:38
seb128technically the update doesn't need to be rejected on that08:38
seb128could be fixed in the next landing08:38
pittiseb128: no, it doesn't08:38
pittiseb128: but it's already not yet proposed, so it might just as well get cleaned up while he's at it08:38
pittitvoss: wb09:02
tvosspitti, hey there09:02
pittitvoss: the X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes should be dropped again, and I don't quite understand the install.$arch symlinkery, but this LGTM09:02
tvosspitti, ack, will remove the marker again09:03
pittitvoss: sorry about the confusion09:03
tvosspitti, no worries, all good09:03
tvosspitti, pushed both location-service and trust-store09:05
tvosspitti, could you approve both MPs once you are happy?09:05
pittitvoss: ack'ed https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/trust-store/fix-1354092/+merge/23529909:07
pittitvoss: what's the other MP?09:11
tvosspitti, https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/location-service/fix-1354092/+merge/23522509:13
pittitvoss: erledigt09:15
tvosspitti, \o/09:15
tvosspitti, Mirv kicked silo rebuild09:16
Mirvtvoss: thanks! and good that you asked for the approvals since that means we'll be able to ack the packaging changes even though it's in main.09:18
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sil2100@pilot in10:07
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Feature Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: sil2100
cjwatsonYokoZar: I see infinity fixed wine1.6 for you; I fixed it a bit harder so that nobody should have to manually bump that version again.10:08
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dokoSweetshark, any update on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libixion/+bug/1349859 ?11:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 1349859 in libixion (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libixion (b-d of liborcus)" [Undecided,Incomplete]11:32
dokoLaney, pitti: you signed paramiko, now in dep-wait11:41
dokojamespage, swift ftbfs11:42
pittidoko: oh argh, sorry about that; so we either need to sync python-alabaster (FFE) or just remove the new paramiko from -proposed (also fine, it's not that important)11:42
pittidoko, Laney ^ and as paramiko is in main, I tend to the latter, given where we are in the release cycle; ok?11:42
dokowell, it's a sphinx theme, I have no problem with that. just write a MIR then11:43
pittican do that too (we'll need it in V anyway)11:43
jamespagedoko, hmm11:45
pittidoko: thanks, will review package and write MIR shortly11:45
jamespagedoko, OK looking - I did not see that locally11:46
sil2100@pilot out11:51
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Feature Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
* sil2100 lunch o/11:51
dokobarry, could you take care of the python-eventlet ftbfs? you seem to be involved upstream already, see https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/13512:13
Sweetsharkdoko: whops, that slipped by under the radar in post-conference-mail-avalanche -- will look into it,12:20
dokoSweetshark, thanks, and please have a look at the two dict-* ftbfs at http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20140914-utopic.html12:22
Sweetsharkdoko: willdo12:23
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dokoapw, could you have a look at the arm64 crash ftbfs http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20140914-utopic.html ?12:32
apwdoko, hmmm that is needs building ... so there is no log12:33
rbasakdoko: while you're looking at ftbfs from the test rebuild, I was planning on tackling some of the server ones this week.12:34
rbasakdoko: is there anything you're working on from that list right now?12:34
dokoapw, ahh, I just gave it back12:34
apwdoko, ack, i'll wait on it exploding again12:34
dokorbasak, no, just pinging people12:34
rbasakI need some help with the libecap one. It's a mismatched symbols file. I have a fix, but how do I verify that it's safe?12:35
rbasakMarking some more symbols optional fixes it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8520625/12:35
rbasakIs it safe just on the basis that the source hasn't changed?12:35
dokoI've never seen issues removing the destructor symbols12:39
dokogreat packaging, two year old source ....12:40
rbasakHow do I know what type of symbols they are?12:40
rbasak(I understand that C++ mangles the names; I don't know how to match them up to their prototypes)12:41
rbasakSo I have no idea what _ZN7libecap7MessageD0Ev might mean for example.12:41
mlankhorstrun it through c++filt12:43
mlankhorst~$ echo _ZN7libecap7MessageD0Ev | c++filt12:43
doko$ c++filt _ZTVNSt3tr121_Sp_counted_base_implIPN7libecap7adapter7ServiceENS_11_Sp_deleterIS3_EELN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EEE12:43
dokovtable for std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base_impl<libecap::adapter::Service*, std::tr1::_Sp_deleter<libecap::adapter::Service>, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>12:43
rbasakI didn't know about that12:43
sergiusenscjwatson: is there any wiki talking about switching your sources list to devel?12:44
cjwatsonsergiusens: no, haven't advertised it much because there are still a few problems I haven't had a chance to fix up12:51
sergiusenscjwatson: right, that was my followup question, advertising :-) thanks12:52
rbasakdoko: sorry, I'm still not comfortable with this. I don't really follow the bigger picture of how to determine that these symbols really aren't needed.12:53
cjwatsonI have regrettably forgotten the details, would have to try it again for a while to remember them ...12:53
rbasakThe package includes all the headers, which makes it awkward.12:53
rbasakdoko: if you're happy with my diff, then I guess I can upload that.12:54
rbasakOr else, I don't really see the point of having the symbols file in the first place if we just change it to accomodate when needed.12:54
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barrydoko: yeah.  unfortunately, i'm not sure what the upstream fix really is.  it's probably not simple.  if i have time13:02
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dokorbasak, agreed for c++ symbols files, but c symbol files should be fine13:20
dokogo ahead with the upload13:20
dokomy libabigail upload is still stuck in NEW13:20
rbasakdoko: OK - you mean an upload to drop this c++ symbols file entirely, or just to mark the disappearing symbols as optional as in my diff?13:22
dokowell, optional shouldn't hurt from my point of view13:23
pittidoko: I reviewed the alabaster source package and filed bug 1378830 FYI13:23
ubottubug 1378830 in alabaster (Ubuntu) "[MIR] alabaster" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137883013:23
dokopitti, looking13:24
dokopitti, promoted13:28
pittidoko: danke13:29
* pitti accepts the gazillion langpacks in unapproved13:30
Laneydoko: not the version I synced13:33
smoserslangasek, i just posted some debug info at bug 1377005.  looks like 'startpar' is at least involved.13:33
ubottubug 1377005 in cloud-init "Breaks machine without IPv4: "Route info failed"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137700513:33
smoserso your comments woudl be appreciated.13:33
smoserhm.. but reading what startpar is, maybe thats not that helpkful. maybe you see other info in that ubg13:34
gesersmoser: hmm, could you check if a "pre-up sleep 5" in your inet6 stance makes a difference (without a ipv4 stance)14:19
geserif it's really a race condition14:20
smosergeser, thats a good suggestion. will try.14:20
smosergeser, does'nt seem to make a difference. still failed. when the ipv4 stanza was below the ipv6, but ipv6 had 'sleep 5'14:30
dokobarry: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/186832595/python-eventlet_0.13.0-1ubuntu2_0.13.0-1ubuntu3.diff.gz15:03
pittismoser: hey, how are you?15:03
pittismoser: what's the recommended way to enable restricted/multiverse with cloud-init? do I need to parse the existing sources.list to make some guesswork what the primary mirror is, or can I use some $mirror variable/macro in "apt_sources:"?15:04
pittismoser: i. e. I need to refer to the default of "apt_mirror" in apt_sources15:04
barrydoko: ah, just skip the tests.  okay cool, i'll apply15:14
barry(or did you already?)15:15
dokobarry, no, just the one patch, fixed the sslwrap15:21
barrydoko: ack. i'll forward that upstream.  thanks15:22
smoserpitti, you shoudl be able to use a boothook to write/edit/re-write /etc/cloud/templates/sources.list.ubuntu.tmpl15:31
smoserand if you l ook at that file, it should be obvious to you.15:32
dokorbasak, can't we just sync blas?15:32
rbasakdoko: the previous revision seemed to have some more major changes to me.15:34
rbasakdoko: we could sync it if the release team is happy with that.15:34
dokook, I'll take it as it is15:34
rbasakOK thanks15:34
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dokoSaviq, Mirv: qtdeclarative-opensource-src, any reason why this is still built using gcc-4.8? what kind of symbol changes were this?15:59
Saviqdoko, IIRC building it with 4.9 resulted in ABI breakage, which is tricky with apps in the store16:01
Saviqbut don't quote me on that...16:02
Saviqtsdgeos, do you remember ↑?16:02
dokoSaviq, how do you want to cope with that in the future?16:02
dokobecause we won't keep 4.8 forever16:02
Saviqdoko, yeah of course, I'm not sure what the plan on that is... the problem is that we try to maintain backwards compatibility, which in this case would mean keeping multiple binaries16:03
Saviqor we'd have to break backwards comp16:04
Saviqbut I'm totally out of the loop on those things, cjwatson can you comment on that ↑?16:04
dokowell, then I don't understand why you didn't start freshly with 4.9. but maybe this is too late now16:05
tsdgeosSaviq: i think you or someone mentioned some c++11 thing16:05
tsdgeoswhich is probably not used in qt16:05
pittismoser: cheers16:05
Saviqdoko, yeah, we were well past that, and of course didn't foresee such an issue16:05
MirvSaviq: doko: we already landed 4.9 qtdeclarative to rtm (just today) and didn't encounter any problems, so I expect any future ubuntu release to drop that 4.8 usage too16:12
cjwatsonSaviq: I don't know about that16:12
SaviqMirv, ok then, I must've remembered wrong16:13
dokoMirv, hmm, but why not to utopic then?16:13
Mirvdoko: it's a new feature that landed16:13
dokoMirv, maybe I misunderstand, but what is the new feature?16:14
Mirvdoko: precompiling qml magic16:14
Mirvfrom ricmm16:14
dokoMirv, but this is not in the Ubutu package, correct?16:14
Mirvdoko: yes16:14
Mirvso certainly ubuntu package could diverge and now build without that feature but also dropping the 4.8 usage16:15
dokoMirv, so no reason not to switch to 4.9 for the utopic release16:15
Mirvdoko: no particular reason, it would just need a round of building and symbol updates16:15
dokoMirv, would you have time for that this week?16:15
Mirvdoko: possibly yes. I'll add a landing line for that so I don't forget. and the diverged packages need to be tracked a bit, plus I've a third packaging branch for 5.3.2 (for v-series)...16:16
dokocool, thanks16:16
dokoMirv, ohh, and please see http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20140914-utopic.html  the qt* ftbfs. can you address this for utopic too, or somebody else?16:18
infinityMirv: Erm, aren't RTM changes meant to be in utopic before (or in parallel to) the RTM landings?16:22
infinityMirv: If qtdeclarative has moved to 4.9 in RTM, I sure hope this is also heading to utopic yesterday. :P16:22
Mirvinfinity: not really, many landings are currently made rtm first. plus this can't land as is to utopic, and the gcc 4.9 switch was made as a sidetrack of the actual landing.16:24
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Mirvat some point I assume landings to rtm will continue while ubuntu sides waits for v-series to open16:24
infinityMirv: Okay, let me rephrase.  It was a matter of policy that things that were meant to happen in both happen in both at the same time, or the distro first.  Why are we breaking that policy?16:25
infinityMirv: RTM-specific hacks are a different story, but this doesn't fall into that.16:25
seb128because utopic is more frozen than rtm16:25
seb128and rtm work can't stop on that16:25
infinityseb128: BS. It could be sitting in the queue.16:25
seb128we need to open v-serie and land there16:25
seb128sit and never been accepted16:26
seb128what's the point?16:26
Mirvinfinity: in general, to get rtm bugs fixed faster it's now often the other way around, landing utopic (queue) secondarily. in this specific case, I wasn't sure if a change like this is wanted to utopic or not, but apparently the answer is yes16:27
infinityseb128: The queue has 5 items, only one of which is older than 7 hours, 3 are an hour old.  So, while I get the point you're trying to make, it's not actually valid.16:27
seb128I was not speaking about delays in the queue review16:27
Mirvand rtm first so that QA can start their work as early as possible16:27
cjwatsonit doesn't strictly have to be actually in utopic; it just has to be queued somehow somewhere in such a way that it will definitely not get lost16:27
seb128but about features that are not ok for utopic16:27
seb128those should go in v16:28
seb128but that's not open for uploads yet16:28
cjwatson(in a way that's a bit better than "honestly yes I promise")16:28
seb128or is it?16:28
cjwatsonseb128: not possible at present16:28
seb128k, but does it make sense to upload features that are not ok for utopic to utopic queue?16:28
cjwatson(also the singular of series is series)16:28
seb128those are just going to be rejected since they shouldn't go in that serie16:28
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, I'm fine with that too, of course, but I'm assuming this "it's only in RTM" thing usually means "only in RTM, and might get lost if people forget to merge back".16:28
infinityseb128: No, if it's obviously not okay for U, it shouldn't be uploaded to U, as Colin says, but a distro branch where it's committed and won't get lost should also definitely happen.16:29
seb128nobody said that didn't happen16:29
seb128and it's different from "need to get in utopic first"16:29
infinityAnyhow, this 4.9 change is a bit of a unique snowflake, as we've been pushing for that to be completed throughout the whole cycle.16:30
infinityIf it can get done, it should get done, so we don't have to deal with the potential pain between U and V being incompatible somehow.16:30
MirvI'll get that in the queue in the morning16:32
infinityMirv: <316:33
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smoserbarry, you just want to fix bug 1295833 for me ?16:35
ubottubug 1295833 in bzr-fastimport (Ubuntu) "Import error in exporter.py - fastimport.helpers" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129583316:35
smoserit looks like someone just has to do it. per the last comment there.16:35
barrysmoser: i'll take a look16:43
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slangaseksmoser: sorry, I can't tell in your logs on bug #1377005 what the differences are between good and bad wrt networking16:54
ubottubug 1377005 in cloud-init "Breaks machine without IPv4: "Route info failed"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137700516:54
slangaseksmoser: and nothing startpar-related jumps out at me16:55
dokoseb128, Laney: please could you have a look at the glibmm2.4 ftbfs, see http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20140914-utopic.html17:04
seb128doko, k17:05
seb128Laney, we should probably update that to 2.42 to match glib, wdyt?17:06
LaneyI guess17:07
dokowho is the proper person to ask for the unity-* ftbfs?17:07
seb128doko, depending of the package17:07
dokosame for ido17:08
seb128the lens/scope probably thostr's team17:08
seb128the webapp one, dbarth17:08
seb128ido, bregma17:08
seb128or ted17:08
dokoseb128, which ones of ido, unity-lens-music, unity-scope-manpages, unity-webapps-qml do you want to look at?17:09
dokobregma, ^^^17:09
seb128Laney, let me ack/do a landing for that one17:10
Laneyk, cool17:10
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LaneyI forgot about it to be honest, but seems that nobody is watching those merge proposals17:10
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smoserslangasek, i cna't tell either.17:11
smoseryou have any thoughts on where to go ? i collected /var/log/upstart/* also, and17:11
smoser http://paste.ubuntu.com/8522008/17:12
smoserie, no hints there either.17:12
seb128Laney, yeah, music lens didn't move for like a year, I guess that's deprecated/not maintained17:12
Laneydesktop eh17:12
seb128it's also that the people who worked on those components left (e.g mhr3)17:13
dokobarry, could you have a look at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/184782940/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-i386.dirspec_13.10-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?17:15
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slangaseksmoser: ok, but you said "startpar is involved", and I wasn't sure what you meant by that... startpar is always running at boot, but I don't see anything going wrong with it17:21
smoserslangasek, right. the one thing that was different in the  logs17:23
smoserwas the location of startpar17:23
smoserwhich i think was actually related to the location of mounted proc17:23
smosernot sure though17:23
slangaseksmoser: so do you have a /var/log/upstart/network-interface-$iface.log?17:26
smosernothign there.17:26
smoserwhich means it didn't have output17:26
smoserso i know its probably red-herring17:26
smoserthese 3 things happen before 'EXT4-fs (vda1): re-mounted. Opts: (null)' in bad case , and after in good case17:27
smoserinit: startpar-bridge (mounted-proc--stopped) state changed from post-stop to waiting^M17:27
smoserinit: Handling stopping event^M17:27
smoserinit: startpar-bridge (mounted-dev--stopped) state changed from stopping to killed^17:27
smoseralthough i'm not certain order between event and message written to /dev/console is guarnateed (ie, if upstarts writing to /dev/console is intermixed with kernels in a determinable order)17:28
slangasekyes, it's not guaranteed, and I don't see anything there that looks suspicious17:29
smoserany wild guesses or thoughts are appreciated.17:32
slangaseksmoser: so in the failure case, what does /run/network/ifstate show after boot, and what's the output of 'sudo initctl list | grep network-interface'?17:42
dokopitti, postgresql-9.4 autopkg test failure, blocks python3.418:17
ScottKmitya57: Why is it too late on sphinx-issuetracker?19:06
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kenvandinedoko, did you mean to drop  Multi-Arch: allowed in gdb?19:30
cjwatson(^- I investigated, it's not mentioned in the changelog and might be a merge accident)19:32
kenvandinedoko, ubuntu-system-settings has a build dep on gdb:any, so we have a FTBFS19:32
YokoZarcjwatson: Thanks for the fix to britney :)19:51
smoser$ cat /run/network/ifstate19:52
slangaseksmoser: and eth0 is your test ipv6-only interface?19:52
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smoserif youre interesetd in re-creating19:53
smoseri just pushed instructions to https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/+junk/lp-137700519:53
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smoserrecreates with just downloading an image, modifying it a bit19:53
smoserand running in kvm (even with user networking)19:53
slangaseknot going to have time to try to reproduce it right now19:54
smoseryeah, well if you ahve time (and i'd much appreciate it, or anyone else),19:54
smoseris honestly how much effort it takes.19:54
=== Guest6813 is now known as mfisch
cjwatsonYokoZar: np20:00
cjwatsonWhich Ubuntu flavours still use consolekit (if any)?20:31
cjwatsonTrying to work out whether the proper fix to bug 1334916 is to actually put effort and thought into it, or drop the patch ... I suspect the latter is the right answer eventually but maybe not yet20:32
ubottubug 1334916 in openssh (Ubuntu) "sshd-ConsoleKit integration patch causes abrupt termination of multichannel sessions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133491620:32
Unit193mate-power-manager and lxsession-logout (Mate Ubuntu, Lubuntu) dep on it.20:34
cjwatsonUnit193: Right, I was trying to work out the extent to which the dependencies were real/interesting - the point of the consolekit patch is so that you can interact with things like policykit over ssh, but if it's just a few things that realistically you would only ever manipulate from a logged-in desktop, then that's less concerning20:43
infinitycjwatson: From the package names, it sure sounds like it's the latter.20:43
smoserslangasek, well, heres some more info. http://paste.ubuntu.com/8523098/ <-- output of 'ifup --verbose' in both cases with attached commentary.20:43
Unit193Alright, pardon me.20:44
cjwatsonUnit193: no, don't apologise, I wasn't very clear and it's useful information ...20:45
cjwatsonI guess maybe I should be trying to figure out whether policykit might ever care20:46
slangaseksmoser: um?  '$ sudo ifup --verbose20:46
slangasekifup: Use --help for help20:46
slangaseksmoser: oh, ifup --verbose --allow-auto, ok20:46
smoserwell. yeah.20:47
smoser 's,ifup --allow auto,ifup --verbose --allow auto,'20:47
smoserwell, there goes my ethtool theory. i 'chmod -x /sbin/ethtool' without it makign a difference.20:49
infinitysmoser: Those logs are identical...20:49
smoserwell, order is important.20:49
infinitysmoser: cut and paste fail, or were they really identical?20:49
smoseroh shoot.20:50
smoserre-attaching corrected20:51
geserand I was wondering why I didn't see any difference between GOOD and BAD20:51
smoserand ihave to go now.20:51
infinitygeser: I thought I was maybe just failing to parse, so fed them both to diff, which lies less often than my eyes.20:51
infinitysmoser: "reload"?  It's a pastebin.20:51
smosersee bug20:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 1377005 in cloud-init "Breaks machine without IPv4: "Route info failed"" [Undecided,New]20:52
smosersorry for confusion20:52
smoseri have to run20:52
cjwatsonpitti: BTW thank you for all your effort making adt-virt-qemu etc. work well.  This is so much less unfun than uploading-and-praying, or hoping that the schroot runner is a good enough approximation.20:53
slangaseksmoser: so the ordering should only matter if something happens during the ipv4 bring-up that undoes the ipv6 bring-up.  But what about the case where there's *only* ipv6?21:51
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
smoserslangasek, i can get that. but i think that something in the ipv4 bringup is just providing time in some way preparing system for ipv6 to come up.  ie, if the 'modprobe net-pf-10' not blocking. anyway, yeah, i can get that though.23:53
smoserbut actually, the "just ipv6" is not going to be differen tthan ipv6 then ipv4 in that its busted. and clearly wasn't ready at ipv6 bringup time.23:54
smoserso, yeah, i dont think ipv4 "un-does" ipv6, i think it provides something (possibly just time) to make system ready for ipv6.23:57

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