
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella
=== ccarella is now known as ccar_away
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella
=== ccarella is now known as ccar_away
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella
=== ccarella is now known as ccar_away
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella
=== ccarella is now known as ccar_away
g13nI've been thinking of upgrading to Utopic Beta 2, is it possible to do it from Trusty?03:32
g13nSorry I'm asking specifically about http://ubuntugnome.org/utopic-unicorn-beta-2/03:34
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella
=== ccarella is now known as ccar_away
LinDolhi all10:51
LinDolHeavensbus, hi10:51
darkxstNoskcaj, there you go ;) http://ci.debian.net/packages/g/gjs/unstable/amd64/11:12
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella
HeavensbusLinDol: Hi11:42
=== ccarella is now known as ccar_away
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella
=== ccarella is now known as ccar_away
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella
=== ccarella is now known as ccar_away
=== prth is now known as prth|away
=== prth|away is now known as prth
Noskcajdarkxst, yay20:32
NoskcajAnd could you copy some more of the stuff from my PPA?20:32
=== gonyere__ is now known as gonyere
darkxstNoskcaj, did you test the games against gtk 3.12?20:59
NoskcajAll the ones there are for 3.12.20:59
NoskcajI'll add my ppa to my pc and test tonight20:59
darkxstNoskcaj, ok, just quickly run each and make sure there are no horrible theme issues etc21:23
darkxstNoskcaj, can you merge epiphany w/ 3.12 from debian21:27
darkxstNoskcaj, did you drop the autoreconf from file-roller?21:30
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella
darkxstNoskcaj, I would much prefer if the updates for ~trusty packages include re-sync with ubunty and clean of changelogs or better still merge with debian21:53
darkxstfile-roller merge looks good, but its probably best not to drop autoreconf21:55
=== ccarella is now known as ccar_away
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella
=== ccarella is now known as ccar_away
=== swiss is now known as Guest98514

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