
=== Guest69465 is now known as mfisch
=== mfisch is now known as Guest67039
photon2038Hello All.   I have a few applications that I wrote and think might benefit other people.  I already managed to package and upload them to launchpad.  What is the recommended path to get them to universe?14:16
rbasakphoton2038: thanks for your interest! Are you aware of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages? Essentially, the Debian path is preferred. When a new package enters Debian, it'll get auto-synced to Ubuntu (subject to the release schedule).14:21
photon2038Thanks, I'll read it14:21
rbasakWe're too late for Utopic now really. But if you get your software into Debian, it should be in time for the release after Utopic.14:22
rbasak(though Debian will enter freeze soon, too)14:22
photon2038Yeah, there's no hurry.  Just feel like a waste to have invested time in useful software without ability to share.14:23
rbasakA PPA is an excellent start.14:31
rbasakTo get software into the archive though, we have to follow the release process.14:31
rbasakThat's a quality standard that users except from software in the official archive.14:31
=== Guest67039 is now known as mfisch
=== mfisch is now known as Guest72593
=== Guest72593 is now known as mfisch
=== mfisch is now known as Guest6813
=== Guest6813 is now known as mfisch
filipsohajekCan i get sponsorship for package here?20:05
shadeslayerUh .. :p20:26
tewardunless i'm blind, i'm unable to find what DEB_TARGET_ARCH does in Debian package building and such - anyone got any idea?  Checked manpages, checked a google and can't see it  (related: http://askubuntu.com/questions/533789/repackaging-deb-with-an-alternate-target)20:31
geserI guess DEB_TARGET_ARCH is specific to binutils only20:36
tewardgeser: which is what i found, after the person edited their question being specific enough :)20:39

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