
pittiplars: in autopkgtest 3.5.4, the adb setup script now has a --reboot option07:37
pittiplars: I ran the --click com.ubuntu.calculator tests in the emulator, working fine again (I fixed a few other things in the setup script to catch up with current imagse)07:37
pittiplars: note that --reboot doesn't work in the emulator ATM, I filed bug 137867107:38
ubot5bug 1378671 in goget-ubuntu-touch (Ubuntu) "adb reboot hangs forever in the emulator" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137867107:38
pittijibel: libo failure> I bumped the copy timeout, deploying, re-running10:25
jibelpitti, what is the timeout now ?10:26
pittijibel: I bumped it to 5400, like for linux10:26
pittijibel: default is 300 (i. e. 5 mins)10:26
jibelpitti, 90 minutes for a copy is ... a lot :)10:27
pittiheh, yeah; even linux doesn't usually need *that* long10:27
pitti(more like 10, 15 mins)10:27
pittibut sometimes these VMs become really slow if the machines get overloaded10:28
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jibelpitti, yes, it's running on disk and when other tests are running there's IO contention10:29
elfyballoons: still no images since 6th - what's the story there ?11:40
Patrickdkran out of words, for the required 1000's words per image11:46
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balloonsjibel, any knowledge of why new images aren't showing up?14:15
jibelballoons, automated tests didn't run for a while but it should be ok. Although they didn't run since Oct. 6th14:28
jibelballoons, I'll have a look14:28
jibelballoons, actually it's a build issue14:30
balloonsjibel, I'm assuming that yes the images are failing to build14:30
jibelballoons, but https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/utopic/ubuntu said it built14:31
jibelballoons, I'll have a closer look14:31
elfygood afternoon jibel balloons14:32
balloonsit's interesting that server continues to run14:50
balloonsafternoon elfy15:20
elopioping davmor2: can you please check the comments on the trello board, silo 11 on the failed column?15:30
elopioplease let me know if I should leave it as failed, or mark it as passed.15:30
davmor2elopio: I don't see a notification overlaying it, so that might be specific to the silo15:34
elopioyes, that's what the silo adds. What I would like you to comment is if the bugs are bad enough to block the silo until they are fixed.15:35
davmor2elopio: hmm so I can't reproduce either issue on the latest image.  So if it is introducing those issue then no I wouldn't accept it. let's go talk to ted15:41
jibelelfy, balloons expect a fix and new desktop dailies soon.16:11
balloonsawesome jibel thank you16:12
elfyjibel: thanks :)16:16
wxljibel: good job. what happened?16:41
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