
* infinity self-accepts his libd-i 1-liner.01:22
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tseliothi, can an admin please reject fglrx-installer-updates from precise-proposed?07:00
dbarthRiddell: hey Jonathan, mardy file https://launchpad.net/bugs/1378660 to clarify the purpose of the signon changes from yesterday07:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 1378660 in signon (Ubuntu) "Notification appears when applications need to be (re-)authorized" [Undecided,In progress]07:47
dbarthor anyone in the release team willing to approve the signon package upload in the unapproved queue07:48
Riddelldbarth: accepted, thanks for the extra info08:03
Riddelldbarth: this is surprising given the qt build-deps :) "Section: gnome"08:03
tseliotRiddell: can you reject fglrx-installer-updates from precise-proposed, please?08:05
* Riddell looks08:06
Riddelltseliot: rejected!08:09
tseliotRiddell: thanks a lot :)08:10
dbarthRiddell: thank you08:19
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cjwatsoninfinity: nice catch on libd-i.  did you send that to Debian too?10:10
cjwatsonsuspect they'd want it10:10
jamespageLaney, could you take a peek at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ceilometer/+bug/137721813:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1377218 in ceilometer (Ubuntu) "[FFe] ceilometer 2014.2.rc1" [High,New]13:20
jamespageand that would be for rc2 now; upstream just popped a new one with some fixes13:20
Riddellany ubuntu-sru people around able to give a second opinion on bug 1378789 ?13:38
ubot2bug 1378789 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu Trusty) "[SRU] Set the default IO scheduler to CFQ in Kubuntu Trusty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137878913:38
Riddellwe want to sru the change in schduler back to linux defaults to keep baloo indexer working13:38
* Riddell eyes up stgraber as a desktop minded sru member ↑13:42
ogra_stgraber, something is wrong with system-image mirroring to the external server ...14:34
ogra_stgraber, i see a krillin 91 image in www/full/ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed/krillin/ ... since quite a while ... but http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed/krillin/ doesnt seem to get it14:35
ogra_stgraber, i even ran sync-mirrors manually on nusakan (assuming thats what s-i does as well) but with no result14:37
infinityrtg: The latest linux-firmware doesn't appear to contain the fix for LP: #137849114:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 1378491 in linux (Ubuntu Utopic) "Utopic netboot initrd missing bnx2x firmware" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137849114:42
infinityrtg: What gives? :)14:43
rtginfinity, it was a kernel fix, which I have not uploaded yet.14:43
rtgbnx2x is boot essential, so it gets packaged with the kernel.14:43
infinityrtg: Oh, err.  Really?  But nic-firmware.udeb comes from linux-firmware.  Is this particular one in kernel-image.udeb?14:44
infinityrtg: Check, okay.14:44
infinityslangasek: ^-- kernel fix, not l-f fix, will get done in the usual d-i respin for the new kernel.14:44
rtginfinity, I'll likely wrap it up and upload later tonight, or tomorrow. I did update the LP bug14:44
infinityrtg: Yeah, I missed that it was assigned to linux, cause someone implied it was l-f, not naming any names. :)14:45
infinityrtg: I guess maybe we need some machinery to check linux-image.deb and kernel-image.udeb for firmware inconsistencies and bail?  If the argument for firmware in linux-image is that it's "boot essential", I can't see how that would be any less valid for the installer package.14:47
rtginfinity, put that on your list of things to talk to me about next week. I have some questions about how we're doing that kind of firmware, but I'm in a class right now and kind of distracted.14:48
infinityrtg: *nod*14:49
infinityrtg: Oh, I guess my consistency check wouldn't help here, as that firmware wasn't in either package. :P14:50
infinityAnd perhaps you're already doing the right thing and installing the same firmware to both packages.14:50
rtginfinity, nope, it was only in linux-firmware14:50
infinityAt least, I hope you are, cause this commit doesn't seem to have anything udeb-specific.14:51
rtginfinity, yup, its in both now, but I'd like to fix that.14:51
infinityrtg: Sorry, I meant "both" as in linux-image and kernel-image, not talking about linux-firmware at all.14:52
infinityrtg: As in, I assume/hope that all firmware in linux-image.deb is also in the kernel-image.udeb14:52
rtgyes (IIRC). I'll check for sure later, but I think our packaging is consistent14:53
infinityrtg: Oh, hrm.  No, looking at the packaging, this probably should be in nic-modules.udeb, which is defined at tree/debian.master/d-i/firmware/nic-modules14:53
infinityrtg: So that goes back to the consistency check arguments, I guess.  We should ensure that the intersection of kernel-image, nic-modules, and scsi-modules contains the same firmware as linux-image+linux-image-extra.14:54
infinityrtg: Anyhow, this bug (which was agaisnt d-i) won't be fixed by your commit, as I read this.  I think.14:55
rtginfinity, my patch is consistent with previous bnx2x firmware packaging. I'm pretty sure it'll fix the netboot issue.14:55
infinityrtg: Previous bnx firmware is listed in the file I pointed out.14:56
slangasekinfinity: ah oops yes, I knew that and misspoke15:01
infinitycjwatson: Haven't committed that to Debian yet, as I wanted to actually do an end-to-end test and see what else is broken. :P15:05
infinitycjwatson: Which is somewhat hampered by the utopic kernel bumping off my test machine fairly reliably.15:06
sil2100slangasek: hey, do you know why the release of indicator-network for utopic that we just triggered through the train got put into the unapproved queue?15:11
sil2100slangasek: common sense told me indicator-network is not touch-specific, but I see it in my FFe I filled in15:11
sil2100slangasek: which means it has to be touch-specific15:11
slangaseksil2100: everything goes in the unapproved queue, some things are just supposed to be let back out again semi-automatically15:12
slangaseksil2100: indicator-network is only in ubuntu-desktop-next and ubuntu-touch, so it's ok to unblock; but if things are getting stuck in the unapproved queue when they shouldn't, I think that's a question for #ubuntu-release15:13
slangasekoh, we're on that channel15:13
slangasekI think it's a question for infinity or stgraber ;)15:13
sil2100Yeah ;)15:13
sil2100infinity: ^ can you help here?15:13
slangaseksil2100: ^^ accepted in the meantime15:14
slangasekbut the underlying "why'd it stick" should be looked at15:14
infinityThe python script that does auto-accepts is a bit dumb, IIRC, and only looks at the moral equivalent of "seeded-in-ubuntu" without actually checking which seeds/packagesets something is in.15:15
infinityWe should probably make it smarter, but also entirely reasonable to just give us a poke with "hey, this is only in touch, can you let it through?"15:15
infinitysil2100: ^15:16
LaneyIt has a whitelist15:16
infinityOh, so it does.15:16
infinityClearly, that's not working right. :P15:16
infinityslangasek: Did you just accept everything in that state? :/15:17
* infinity was hoping for something in the queue he could manually run against.15:18
LaneyIt'll be because it's in the ubuntu-desktop packageset15:18
sil2100infinity: ok, thanks :)15:18
infinityLaney: Ahh, that would perhaps do it.15:18
sil2100infinity: not sure who approved those, but those were anyway safe to land as they only had touch-specific things in them15:18
infinitysil2100: Some of those were auto-accepts (ie: working as designed) :)15:19
sil2100Yay, well - I already knew that the auto-accept worked as I saw unity8 smoothly migrating just a moment ago, but yeah ;)15:19
slangasekLaney: then it sounds like keying on packageset for the queue autoaccept is the wrong thing to do?15:23
LaneyI asked about that a few days ago15:23
infinityslangasek: We've generally considered it the right thing to do because "in a packageset" maps nicely to "might want extra eyes on it".  Images aren't the only thing that matter.15:24
infinityslangasek: But this specific case is a bit more special.  If only a couple of indicators are in this boat, we can just whitelist the packages for now.15:25
LaneyNot sure why indicator-network is in ubuntu-desktop, mind you15:25
LaneyLemme re-run the script and see if it changes15:25
slangasekinfinity: "might want extra eyes on it" is not the same thing as "should be frozen".  Isn't everything in main in one packageset or another?15:26
infinityslangasek: I'm not disagreeing, just stating that stgraber's original design was meant to be more conservative than permissive, I believe.15:28
infinityBetter to review a few extra packages than to have people break things that we really don't want broken.15:29
infinityBut I'm sure this could use some fine-tuning.15:29
LaneyThere's an ancient (2010-07-08) exception putting indicator-network in ubuntu-desktop15:44
* Laney zzzap15:44
jibelthere is no desktop image since yesterday. CD build fails with cp: cannot stat `boot1/isolinux/lang': No such file or directory15:47
jibelmake: *** [/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu/utopic/daily-live/tmp/utopic-i386/bootable-stamp] Error 115:47
jibelcould anyone look at it?15:47
elfyjibel: I'm assuming that all the other images would have the same error15:49
infinitysyslinux broken?  What a shock.15:49
infinity... except it hasn't been uploaded since June.15:50
infinityjibel: Will look into it in a bit.15:50
jibelinfinity, it could be the fix for bug 1334189 ?15:59
ubot2bug 1334189 in Ubuntu CD Images "pre-boot menu offers no OEM mode on Utopic live images" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133418915:59
infinityjibel: Could well be.  Haven't had a chance to look yet.  Usual morning headless chickening routine.16:01
jibelinfinity, or more likely r189916:01
cjwatsoninfinity,jibel: yeah, my code, I'll fix16:09
cjwatsonbah etc.16:09
cjwatsonah inverted logic16:10
infinitycjwatson: Ta.16:10
jibelcjwatson, thanks16:10
cjwatsonfixed || → &&, sorry about that16:11
stgraberogra_: sorry, I'm on vacation until Friday. system-image doesn't use sync-mirrors but every run of import-images calls the ssh sync, so try running bin/import-images manually (as cdimage) and if that doesn't print an error message then it's something wrong on IS' end16:28
ogra_stgraber, yeah, all solved ... nusakans / was full16:28
stgraberogra_: oh, right, that doesn't help and I suspect system-image was making it worse by trying to create a bunch of stuff in /tmp16:29
ogra_heh, yeah, seemingly16:29
stgraberI should make that configurable so we can use /srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/tmp or something like that instead of /16:29
ogra_but now all is fine16:29
ogra_i guess that can wait til after your vac. ;)16:29
ogra_the last two images expose the same issue but nusakan does have plenty of diskspace16:49
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