
tedelopio, back, you still here?01:46
nhainesOh ted, I had a question for you.  :)  Is there a reason that power and sound indicators are switched in position on the phone and desktop?01:58
tednhaines, different designers01:58
tednhaines, We just moved all the phone ones01:58
tednhaines, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemComponents#Indicator_Positions01:58
nhainested: I noticed the bug report (although I'm not sure why I was subscribed).  I'm slightly annoyed. :)01:59
nhainesBut only out of a general feeling that it should be uniform because Ubuntu.01:59
nhaines(I'm similarly annoyed by the bootsplash.)01:59
tednhaines, Yes, so they were designed with different theories involved on how they should be ordered.01:59
tednhaines, The phone is now ordered by trying to anticipate how easy they'll open.02:00
tednhaines, The desktop was ordered by likelihood they're present.02:00
tednhaines, (most likely on the right)02:00
nhainesSo two years from now when I switch a tablet to desktop mode they'll all reorder randomly?  :)02:00
tednhaines, Both of these theories may be correct, but he problem is that "right" doesn't have the same value on a small touch screen.02:00
tedI think we'll get them aligned at some point, but people need to "sow their wild oats" a bit.02:01
nhainesThat's fair enough.02:01
elopioted: I replied on the trello card. I reported two more bugs.04:17
Az___Anyone around?05:49
lpotterI am. but probably not much help05:58
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mardympt: hi! When in landscape mode, should the access prompt remain as designed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OnlineAccounts#App_access, or should the buttons be put in a horizontal row?07:17
mptmardy, the toolkit should do that for you … I don’t know whether it does07:19
mptbut yes07:19
mptDialog buttons should be horizontal whenever there’s always room07:19
mardympt: ok, thanks07:28
ThomashamkaDoes anyone know if you can "DOCK" Ubuntu Touch RTM? (Full os convergence stuff), if not, will it come =)?07:39
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jameshdavmor2: are you still able to reproduce the problems you mentioned in https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-scope-mediascanner/+bug/1373067 ?08:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1373067 in Unity Media Scanner Scope "Videos Scope is very flaky" [Critical,Incomplete]08:34
davmor2jamesh: I will have a look for you in a meeting now08:35
jameshokay, thanks.08:35
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy World Octopus Day! :-D08:37
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davmor2jamesh: no it appears to be fixed now \o/10:26
davmor2jamesh: I think it was part of the issue with the thumbnailer and that has been resolved so I think it fixed that too :)10:27
jameshdavmor2: okay, cool.10:27
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seb128alecu, dobey: hey, we have an issue with the sso token invalidated and the phone, the current rtm image fails to start downlading click updates until you remove/add back your u1 account10:35
seb128beuno, ^10:35
seb128that's using rtm 89 on krillin10:36
* beuno assumes fetal position and starts crying10:36
ogra_89 ... old stuff ... :P10:37
seb128ogra_, I doubt r90 fixes it, but who knows ... what component changed? anything in the click download stack?10:38
ogra_seb128, i was just trolling :)10:39
popeywell, I _did_ get the popup on my krillin and didn't have to re-auth10:39
popeyjust pressed a button10:39
ogra_seb128, though http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/90.changeshas the changes ... (i doubt they help with your issue though)10:40
seb128popey, well, you already said that, and I already said that I didn't, so there is a bug somewhere which makes that ui no pop up for some of us10:44
seb128ogra_, yeah, I doubt it as well10:44
popeysure, i was just adding the data here for people who were not in on that conversation elsewhere.10:44
nik90Wellark: ping10:59
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Wellarknik90: ponk11:17
nik90Wellark: hey, I am trying to run my sample ubuntu connectivity app, but it fails on the rtm mako phone. http://paste.ubuntu.com/8520196/11:18
nik90Wellark: image 89, shows that it was added to the phone -> http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/89.changes11:18
nik90Wellark: so I am a bit puzzled as to how I can start using it :D11:19
nik90Wellark: I took the example code straight from developer.ubuntu.com with no changes'11:19
nik90the error I get is file:///opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.nik90.testconnectivity/0.1/main.qml:18 Element is not creatable.11:19
nik90referring to the NetworkingStatus{} element11:19
ogra_nik90, check syslog for apparmor denials11:19
nik90ogra_: you genius11:20
nik90Wellark: yes I got apparmor denials11:20
ogra_might be that apparmor needs adjustments for the new stuff11:20
Wellarknik90: did you add the appropriate click policygroups?11:21
nik90Wellark: was there any policy group I needed to add?11:21
* nik90 checks docs11:21
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Wellarknik90: yes. please read the manual ;)11:21
nik90Wellark: that line "note: Using this component in confined application requires connectivity policy group." must be in big bold letters11:22
Wellarknik90: well, it's emphasized! ;)11:22
Wellarknik90: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Connectivity.NetworkingStatus/11:23
ogra_it doesnt use <blink> though11:23
Wellarkactually the "note:" is boldface11:23
nik90hmm I am still getting the denial errors11:23
nik90I added connectivity to policy group, using ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev3 framework11:24
nik90jdstrand: ping (connectivity API denials) -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8520334/11:28
nik90jdstrand: I ensured I have the connectivity policy group added and using the latest ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev3 framework11:28
nik90Wellark: I am pretty sure something is wrong, since I get the   file:///opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.nik90.testconnectivity/0.1/main.qml:18 Element is not creatable. error even on utopic desktop11:41
nik90Wellark: do you mind running the sample code on developer.ubuntu.com and seeing if you hit the same issue? (if you have time atm)11:41
nerochiaroseb128: did you open a bug for the issue you suggested here ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/gallery-app/+bug/136950611:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1369506 in gallery-app "Header and popup menus don't handle rotation correctly" [High,Fix committed]11:46
gatoxsephiap, hi... do you know where i can look at the u-s-s logs? i was looking at .cache/upstart/application-legacy-ubuntu-system-settings-.log but that doesn't seem to have all11:46
gatoxsephiap, sorry11:46
gatoxseb128,  hi... do you know where i can look at the u-s-s logs? i was looking at .cache/upstart/application-legacy-ubuntu-system-settings-.log but that doesn't seem to have all11:46
Wellarknik90: well, I don't, but I will take a look anyway11:47
Wellarknik90: are you getting any other error?11:47
nerochiarobfiller: can you please help getting this MR forward ? it's been on Approved for a while now: https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/notes-app/inline-desktop-i18n/+merge/23578511:48
nik90Wellark: nope no other error11:49
nik90Wellark: well I get,11:50
nik90(process:7646): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_settings_schema_source_lookup: assertion 'source != NULL' failed11:50
nik90The schema com.canonical.Unity.Thumbnailer is missing11:50
nik90file:///opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.nik90.testconnectivity/0.1/main.qml:18 Element is not creatable.11:50
Wellarknik90: let's continue on app-devel11:51
nik90jdstrand: ignore my ping :) ... I managed to fix the issue.. apparmor is all good.12:13
thostr_seb128: regarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1378678: unfortunately I flashed by device by now so I cannot verify your guess12:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378678 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "app updates apparently don't work when system update is available" [High,New]12:29
thostr_seb128: if you're 100% positive that this is the issue, then let's close the bug again12:29
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gcollurais it ok that Notification Centre (shouldn't it be Center in american english?) is now the first indicator?12:41
gcollura(I freaking love the new update though)12:41
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gatoxseb128, should this branches be approved: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-system-settings/display-errors/+merge/235037 - https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-system-settings/account-detected/+merge/23631313:09
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seb128gatox, need another round of testing, did you check with kenvandine, he was running it yesterday13:19
seb128nerochiaro, no, which one? the album on?13:20
gatoxseb128, yes13:20
seb128gatox, the legacy log should have it all, but for some reason things like console.log() are eaten, but .warning() are displayed13:20
gatoxseb128, i have some console.warn that are not being shown... i'll keep testing13:21
seb128thostr_, well, it's still a bug, users shouldn't have to guess they need to delete and add back their u1 account... beuno said to check with dobey and alecu, but they don't seem around yet13:21
seb128gatox, weird13:21
seb128gatox, maybe the code path is not used as you think?13:21
gatoxseb128, the console.warn i mean is when the download start, and the download is being started13:22
gatoxso, i'll need to figure that out13:22
seb128gatox, kenvandine: ok, just a fyi there seems to be an issue due to the sso token expiration from yesterday, click download stay at 0% (apparently deleting the u1 account and adding it back fixes it, but I didn't try since I want to keep the buggy state for testing)13:23
beunoseb128, thostr_, FWIW, it's easy to test the scenario where the token is invalid, you can invalidate them from login.ubuntu.com13:25
dobeyseb128: eh? on 14.09 or 14.09-proposed?13:25
gatoxseb128, kenvandine as i see it.. the download manager doesn't return a message like: invalid credentials... i think... so, in order to figure that out, network.cpp would need to make a call to validate that the credentials that we are passing to the download manager are valid13:25
beunohandle the error13:26
seb128dobey, rtm image 89 on krillin13:26
beunoas in, if the auth needed error comes back13:26
beunobubble it up to log in again13:26
seb128dobey, so proposed I think13:26
nerochiaroseb128: the menu opening wrong from the album when you are in landscape13:27
seb128dobey, apparently popey got a dialog asking him to log in again, that didn't happen on my device13:27
seb128nerochiaro, ok, I can open one about that13:27
nerochiaroseb128: please do13:27
dobeyseb128: yes, you should get the error page in the dash with the "Go to Accounts" button13:27
seb128dobey, "in the dash", like on the apps view?13:28
seb128dobey, nothing displayed on the dash here13:28
dobeyseb128: it's a preview. when you tap "Install" if it fails due to an auth issue, the "You need to log in to Ubuntu One" page should be displayed13:29
seb128dobey, I'm not using the dash, I'm using settings->updates to update some click which are already installed13:29
seb128but the download never starts13:29
seb128they are blocked on 0%13:29
dobeyseb128: oh; then that's a problem in system-updates then13:30
seb128dobey, k, so something for gatox?13:30
kenvandinegatox, yeah i think you need to handle that case13:30
dobeyseb128: yes13:30
kenvandinelike dobey just said13:30
seb128dobey, I can confirm that the dash does display a "auth err, do you want to see the accounts"13:31
gatoxdobey, are you doing a call to the server to verify if the credentials are valid or do you get that message from the download manager?13:31
seb128popey, ^ maybe you used the dash to update/install a click when you get the dialog telling you to re-auth?13:31
dobeyseb128: right. the flow there is still a little confusing, as the "Go to Accounts" button just opens system-settings, but that should be better by some point tomorrow13:32
popeyseb128: sorry, I don't know wwhat triggered it.13:32
dobeygatox: we just get a 401 when doing the HEAD to get the install token for the package, and show the error in that situation13:32
kenvandinegatox, you can do the same13:37
gatoxkenvandine, i'll work on that as soon as the check-hash branch is ready....  i have the fake server to test it... but for some reason it gets stuck at 100% and i never get the errorFound signal from the download manager..... i'm debugging that13:38
kenvandinegatox, i'm looking at the other 2 branches now13:39
kenvandineagain :)13:39
gatoxkenvandine, thx13:39
kenvandinei think it's good to land now13:39
kenvandinejust testing it13:39
kenvandinegatox, sorry... one more fix needed in display-errors13:54
kenvandinethen i'm confident we can land it ;)13:54
kenvandinegatox, at some point i'd like to make it not check when it comes online if there are known updates, and also have it disable the update/download buttons when it's offline13:56
kenvandinegatox, but i can do that later on, this is already a nice improvement13:57
gatoxkenvandine, done13:57
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alecuseb128: you can revalidate your credentials if you need to, and when you need to reproduce this issue again, you can go to https://login.ubuntu.com/+applications and remove "Ubuntu One @ ubuntu-phablet"14:15
thelionroarswhoops, that was meant for #ubuntuforums, sorry14:15
alecuseb128: we are using that in the test plan of the click scope14:15
seb128alecu, thanks14:16
alecuseb128, gatox: I strongly suggest you guys add such a case to the system updates testplan.14:17
seb128nerochiaro, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gallery-app/+bug/137885814:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378858 in gallery-app (Ubuntu) "Wrong popup orientation in the album view, when rotated " [Undecided,New]14:37
popeysergiusens: you about? Mirv (and I imagine balloons) need to get creds for the click uploads tools. We can't upload anymore probably because U1 creds were invalidated.14:44
sergiusenspopey: I already sent to Mirv14:44
popeyok. thanks.14:44
sergiusenspopey: I think he confirmed on #u-c-eng14:44
sergiusens[09:33:18] <Mirv> popey: filemanger uploaded14:45
popeymissed that, thanks!14:45
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charlesnik90, is this correct? https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+bug/137886214:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378862 in Indicator Date and Time "Remove DefaultVolume from com.canonical.indicator.datetime.AlarmProperties" [Undecided,New]14:48
charlesrsalveti: ^14:48
nik90charles: clock app can't do it just yet...I need to first implement the dbus interface qml api and once that works, then we can remove the DefautlVolume property from i-dt14:49
charlesnik90, is there a ticket to track that work?14:54
charlesnik90, if so I'll link to it from 137886214:54
nik90charles: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/137651314:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1376513 in Ubuntu Clock App "Alarm volume should use the stream-restore dbus api available in pulseaudio" [High,New]14:54
charlesnik90, perfect, ty14:54
dobeymardy: hi. why would "unconfined" be popping up the access request dialog, rather than just returning access to the account, since unconfined is already in the ACL?15:06
nerochiarobfiller: if you want to test the branch for the album text: https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/gallery-app/album-title-text-proportions/+merge/23761415:24
nerochiarobfiller: also i passed to you a branch earlier today for i18n in notes-app, not sure if you have seen it. it's in approved state, needs to be pushed forward from there15:25
bfillernerochiaro: will do on both15:25
MoPacHello -- my phone just died, and so I need a new one quickly. I'm hoping for an Ubuntu-capable phone, so I'm considering a BQ or Meizu. Does anyone know if Ubuntu will run on the *current* hardware of the models it's set to be released for (e.g., MX4)? Can I be confident that the Ubuntu version won't have a key difference (and therefore that I could load it later on a phone I buy today)?15:26
elopioping ted: I've just reflashed, upgraded with your PPA, double checked that citrain reboots after that, and terminal is still not on the freezer group.15:28
elopiois there more information you would find useful from my phone?15:28
tedelopio, Uhm, really…15:31
tedelopio, Just so I don't think I'm crazy, can you verify your /usr/share/upstart/sessions/application-click.conf has a cgroup line in it?15:31
popeyMoPac: can't say. i dont think either meizu or bq have officially announced their ubuntu devices yet15:32
MoPacI saw this re: Meizu ( http://www.gsmarena.com/meizu_mx4_with_ubuntu_touch_makes_an_appearance-news-9866.php ) , but I guess it's unclear whether it would have to be the Pro or not15:33
* ogra_ wonders if the current android versions would even be flashable 15:33
ogra_(versions of the meizu and BQ hardware)15:34
kenvandinegatox_lunch, i'm trying to land the display-errors and account-detected branches, but they have a conflict with trunk15:34
kenvandinegatox_lunch, can you please merge trunk and push?15:34
elopioted: like this?15:34
elopio$ cat  /usr/share/upstart/sessions/application-click.conf | grep cgroup15:34
elopiocgroup freezer15:34
tedelopio, That works, but it's more confusing :-)15:34
tedelopio, I mean, why it's not working is confusing.15:35
tedelopio, This is krillin?15:35
elopioted: krillin. I flash with:15:36
elopio$ ubuntu-device-flash --serial JB012789 --channel ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed --wipe15:36
elopioand install the silo with:15:36
elopio$ citrain device-upgrade 28 123415:36
elopio1234 is the password.15:36
MoPacogra_: You mean there may need to be a hardware or firmware modification to a device to make it an Ubuntu-capable box?15:36
ogra_MoPac, well, first you would need it flashable via fastboot ... then ubuntu might use a completely different partitioning scheme etc etc15:37
ogra_i personally would wait for the actual devices15:37
tedelopio, Let me try again, but I'm perplexed on how that could happen.15:38
ogra_(not that i have no idea if it wuld be possible to run ubuntu on them today or not, but the android version might be slightly different which might cause you issues)15:38
MoPacogra_: thanks. Since I have to buy a phone right away, it's a bit of a pickle. Anyone have thoughts on whether ports for a large number of devices might follow on from the OEM releases?15:39
ogra_i think it will start slow at first15:40
popeyMoPac: that doesn't look like an official announcement to me15:41
popeysecond hand nexus 4 is probably best thing right now.15:41
ogra_i heard even nexus5 works15:42
MoPacpopey: It's not, and the text says specifically that the OEM official version might be the Pro15:42
popeyyeah, its all speculation15:42
popeynothing official at all15:42
popeyso I wouldn't base my phone purchase on that15:42
MoPacBut I didn't know if it might be a good indicator that it would work, since I don't know how much modification has to be done for each device15:42
popeyright now, nexus 4 (image supported by us) or nexus 5 (image supported by community), in the future bq & meizu. that's about it right now.15:43
popeyor, port to some other device yourself.15:43
MoPacUsed Nexus 4 still seems pretty expensive for something without native LTE support...15:43
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gatoxkenvandine, done15:52
kenvandinegatox, thx!15:52
MarzelHello, I've a question: I cannot install any app for some days. And updates aren't be installed. Is this, because the new ubuntu came out in a few weeks? I am on devel-channel...15:58
sergiusensalecu: ^16:02
kenvandineMarzel, might be related to your U1 account setup on the device16:06
MarzelOk, what could happen, that I can't install any app from one day to the other? It was all ok some days before. And suddenly, I can't do anything.... :/16:08
Marzelkenvandine Ok, what could happen, that I can't install any app from one day to the other? It was all ok some days before. And suddenly, I can't do anything.... :/16:16
jgdxkenvandine, my MP does not fix that the ConnectionManager interface goes away. The UI have no idea (in FM) what sim to use for data. Is that what you're seeing?16:16
jgdxkenvandine, that has to be fixed largely outside USS (e.g. NM/gsettings).16:17
kenvandineMarzel, i heard something about the U1 token expiring... not sure the details16:17
kenvandinejgdx, so it works most of the times16:17
kenvandinei must have triggered that 20 times... it only went back to off twice16:17
jgdxkenvandine, so you turned off FM and it was off and never came back online? Did you check the list-modems output?16:18
kenvandinejgdx, it didn't, and i didn't check with list-modems16:18
kenvandinetoggling FM again fixed it16:18
kenvandinewell on and off again16:19
jgdxkenvandine, Tony talked about an issue where traffic just doesnt come back. He's investigating.16:19
jgdxI'll check if that is the issue. If so, there's nothing we can do.16:19
jgdx(in uss)16:19
kenvandinei was just thinking it could be a race condition, if i'm toggling FM to quickly16:19
jgdxhe mentioned something like that.. NM is watching ofono and we're manipulating ofono directly.16:20
Marzelkenvandine ok. So, it should only wait, or can I try anything?16:20
kenvandineMarzel, i think you can remove your U1 account and add it again16:20
kenvandinebut i think it's a bug being worked on...16:21
* kenvandine doesn't really know the story :)16:21
kenvandinei just know someone said remove/adding the account works around it16:21
MarzelOk, I will try it. (Why I didn't try it before? :D ) Yes, I think, too.16:22
kenvandinebut i think if you are trying to install something, it should be prompting you16:22
kenvandineupdates doesn't prompt in this case yet, but i think gatox is fixing that :)16:22
MarzelIt only says "Fehler beim Herunterladen...."16:23
MarzelOther question: Where can I tell errors?16:24
Marzelkenvandine Yes, it works now!16:26
Marzelkenvandine Thank, you!16:27
jgdxkenvandine, you have pins on your sims?16:27
kenvandinejgdx, nope16:29
jgdxkenvandine, right, because I've tested n times using a sim that has a pin. "Always" works. Will test using no pin.16:32
tedelopio, So reflashed, wiped and silo and it works.16:45
tedelopio, When we're talking about "in the terminal" it's the terminal app on the device, right?16:46
tedelopio, Ah, yes, that's it, you're in session two. So from adb or ssh.16:47
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tedelopio, Needs to be the terminal app on the device.16:47
elopioted: oh, so I need to check from the device16:48
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oSoMoNwho would be the right person to look into bug #1378184 ? (considering adding a package to the ubuntu-touch seed)16:52
ubot5bug 1378184 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "RTM r3 why is Nepali Unicode texts not displaying in browser app" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137818416:52
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michelle_can you guide me how to instill thi system on HP with window 8 ?17:15
michelle_Can you?ű17:18
asacbarry: i have r89 installed, but r91 is out, but i dont see any update in system-settings18:06
asacbarry: any idea what i should look for?18:07
asacbarry: i had an internet outage here for couple hours; maybe that makes our update thingy give up?18:07
seb128yeah, the service doesn't handle those cases well18:07
seb128if you check for updates while offline and come back offline it doesn't refresh/check again18:08
asachmm. wonder if there is any info should exttract before going offline/online18:08
seb128reboot the device?18:08
asaci am sure this fixes it most likely18:08
asacbut anything useful to get from this state?18:08
asacseb128: which service is that? download-manager? update-manager?18:09
* asac wants at least to file a bug18:09
seb128system-image I assume18:09
asacmandel: see above; maybe you know something?18:09
asace.g. if i should extract info in this state etc.18:09
seb128you need barry18:11
asacbdmurray: https://bugs.launchpad.net/whoopsie/+bug/137898018:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378980 in Errors "fix CSS so that links stand out in error tracker" [Undecided,New]18:34
asacthanks and sorry for the bad bug report style :)18:35
asacsurely not suyper urgent, but would be helpful18:35
dobeydoes anyone know where the code is that pops up online-accounts-ui to ask to allow/deny access to an account?18:36
dobeymardy: ^^?18:36
barryasac: there are probably some udm logs.  si doesn't actually do any downloading so if there are connectivity problems udm will fail and these failures will propagate up the stack18:43
asacbarry: so what shall i do?18:48
asacbarry: btw, thanks for coming  on :)18:48
barryasac: np!  if possible, i would adb shell in, kill ubuntu-download-manager and system-image-dbus (if they are still running, the latter times out after 10m).  you might also have to kill system-settings.  then retry18:49
asacbarry: this might cure it, but shouldnt we try to get some info first?18:50
asaci am concerned that this will be "unreproducible aftrer"18:50
barryasac: you can pastebin /var/log/system-image/client.log, but i suspect udm, and there's little i can do about that.  i'm not really even sure where the latter logs itself these days :(18:51
asacbarry: cat /tmp/client.log  | pastebinit18:52
asacbarry: who can do something about udm if thats what it takes?18:53
barryasac: yep.  look at the bottom and you'll see timeout errors coming from the downloader.  that's udm not responding to dbus :(18:53
barryasac: that's is a long discussion18:54
barryasac: but yes, we need to Do Something18:54
mardydobey: ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/online-accounts-ui/qml/ProviderRequest.qml, IIRC18:59
mardydobey: ah, wait, depends on what you need; if you want to see the client side, it's in ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/client/OnlineAccountsClient/setup.{h,cpp}19:00
* mardy needs to leave19:00
dobeymardy: when libsignon-glib asks for credentials19:03
mardydobey: your original question seemed different, now I'm a bit confused :-)19:05
mardydobey: do you want to see how to popup the screen which requests the user to authorize an account?19:05
mardydobey: I mean, the top one from here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OnlineAccounts#App_access19:06
dobeymardy: trying to find out why it is popping up for an unconfined request19:06
Stskeepsg w00t19:06
Stskeepser, ignore me19:06
mardyStskeeps: you are logged for eternity19:07
mardydobey: maybe this? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~online-accounts/signon-apparmor-extension/trunk/view/head:/src/access-control-manager.cpp#L7219:08
* mardy now really leaves :-)19:08
* w00t sends the internet police to Stskeeps19:08
dobeyno. that wasn't even installed in the image :-/19:10
jdstrandted: hi! artmello is faced with bug #137882319:15
ubot5bug 1378823 in gallery-app (Ubuntu) "apparmor denial for bind on name="org.freedesktop.Application"" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137882319:15
jdstrandted: and needed some help on the direction to fix it19:15
jdstrandalex-abreu: you may be able to as well since you guys did something for webapps ^19:15
artmellojdstrand, ted: It is not clear to me what gallery-app can do to fix that, we are using the UriHandler from the sdk19:16
jdstrandah, then ted is definitely your guy19:16
alex-abreujdstrand, artmello I did talk to artmello about it19:16
artmellojdstrand: yes, already talked with alex-abreu19:17
* ted clicks19:17
alex-abreuartmello, gallery app is a click right?19:17
artmelloalex-abreu: yep19:17
alex-abreuartmello, jdstrand so yeah ... to me it's more a ubuntu-ui-tk bug ... and not  critical one .. same issue than w/ webapps19:18
alex-abreubut it doesn't affect the functionality19:18
alex-abreusince the dispatcher dispatches directly to the process19:18
jdstrandI thought the functionality was affected19:18
alex-abreujdstrand, it's mostly a side effect (albeit rather bad) of the SDK doing this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/modules/Ubuntu/Components/plugin/ucurihandler.cpp#L8719:18
alex-abreujdstrand, for all apps (confined or not)19:19
alex-abreuand apparmor righfully blocking it19:19
alex-abreujdstrand, no it does not actually19:19
artmellojdstrand: no, I think there is no functional issue19:19
tedYeah, so it seems just line 87 needs to die there.19:19
alex-abreuted, yes19:19
alex-abreuted, yeah as as I pasted above19:20
alex-abreuted, artmello jdstrand I can MR something to sdk19:20
tedalex-abreu, Sorry, typing not reading :-)19:20
alex-abreuI was meaning to do it19:20
alex-abreunp at all :)19:20
alex-abreuted, jdstrand artmello I'll file a bug and MR something to SDK ... and comment on the issues, since we still have the log for webapps too19:21
tedalex-abreu, I'd just retarget the bug artmello has19:21
tedDon't waste bug numbers, we might run out some day :-)19:22
alex-abreuted, mmmh yeah sound ok :)19:22
alex-abreuI hope we reach that day, it'll mean that we are still outthere19:22
artmelloted, alex-abreu: heh19:22
jdstrandalex-abreu: so, your fix will fix webapps too?19:23
alex-abreujdstrand, yes19:23
jdstrandcool. let me reprioritize the bug then19:23
neonthothhello all19:23
alex-abreujdstrand, right, ...19:23
jdstrandalex-abreu: shat source package?19:24
neonthothi am kind of a linux 'power user' but want a tablet 'look and function' to my thinkpad x201t. do you that touch would be a good choice?19:25
neonthothi'm having a hard time finding out specific information i suppose19:25
jdstrandalex-abreu: ok, I just retarted bug 137882319:28
ubot5bug 1378823 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "apparmor denial for bind on name="org.freedesktop.Application"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137882319:28
artmellojdstrand, alex-abreu: thx guys19:29
alex-abreujdstrand, thx19:29
jdstrandalex-abreu: thank you! :)19:29
danielbeck_hello! I would like to swith from channel=devel to channel=rtm19:35
danielbeck_However, when I enter the following: ubuntu-device-flash --channel=ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.0919:35
danielbeck_I get: Expecting the device to expose an adb interface...Cannot determine the device name: exit status 25519:36
sergiusensdanielbeck_: you need to enable developer mode19:36
danielbeck_sergiusens: It works. Thanks!19:37
chriscthe login screen has stopped working on my phone, if I ssh into it which service do I need to restart to get it working again?19:42
asacsergiusens: i have my system in a state where i cannot convince it that there are new updates availabe on system image19:48
asacsergiusens: seems things point towards udm19:48
asacsergiusens: i had a couple hours internet outage, so maybe it gave up etc.19:48
asacsergiusens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8522507/19:48
asacthats the client.log19:48
asacsergiusens: aything we can extract from this system state? or shall i reboot and forget?19:48
asac(chicken said you try to juggle udm while mandel is away)19:49
sergiusensasac: can you get me the u-d-m logs inside ~/.cache/ubuntu-download-manager ?19:51
asacsergiusens: sure let me try :)19:51
asacsergiusens: hmm i have a bunch of .log files in there19:51
asacsergiusens: guess you only want the INFO WARNING etc,?19:51
sergiusensasac: I hope that has the info I need, if not, we can spawn u-d-m and retry the update (without rebooting of course)19:53
asacsergiusens: people.canonical.com:~asac/udmlog.tar.gz19:53
sergiusensasac: did you update payui just now?19:55
sergiusensbarry: does system-image use the download manager to ping for updates too? seems a bit too much for u-d-m19:56
sergiusensor too little; depending on perspective :-)19:57
asacsergiusens: no. i dont update apps individually19:57
asacjust have whatever is in r8919:57
asacsergiusens: i have been going to the system settings update window a few times hoping it would tell me there is a new update19:58
asacso i guess thats why you might see it19:58
asaci see a few apps from store, but none for system image19:58
sergiusensasac: well something is triggering it ... I1001 09:41:31.774821 13253 process.cpp:58] start pkcon-p install-local /home/phablet/.local/share/ubuntu-download-manager/Downloads/com.canonical.payui_0.3.25_armhf.click319:58
asaci am surely not hitting that button there19:59
* asac leaves it alone19:59
sergiusensasac: the date in the logging is a bit weird though19:59
barrysergiusens: si uses udm to download *everything*19:59
asaci still see it being available as update19:59
asaclet me double check19:59
barryand a "ping for update" requires some files be downloaded19:59
asacsergiusens: pay ui is still available for update19:59
sergiusensbarry: oh, that explains it19:59
asacsergiusens: so i think i updated too 89 in the morning19:59
asacthats 09:41 maybe20:00
asacmy theory is still that while my inet was down, udm tried to check for new index, something exploded because of net being off20:00
asacand since then its not looking anymore20:00
asacor system-image or whoever does that part :/20:00
barryasac: udm20:01
asacbarry: but is udm deciding to check for updates on its own>?20:01
asacbarry: are we sure taht however wants to check for updates is still asking udm to do that?20:01
barryasac: no.  si says "please download these N files and tell me when you're done"20:01
asacdo you see that in the logs?20:01
sergiusensbarry: yeah, I see now it's failing to download the blacklist, but from the udm logs it seems it's never "called upon"20:01
asacbarry: so sytem-image asks like once every hour to do that, right?20:01
asacand that "request" is still attempted? just that udm doesnt do its job?20:02
barryasac: si never initiates that check.  that comes from system-settings20:02
asacbarry: system-settings does that even if i dont use it?20:02
asaci get notified if there is a new update available usually20:02
barryso: s-s asks s-i if there are updates.  s-i asks udm to download some files.20:02
barryasac: behind the scenes i believe it does20:02
asacok, can we confirm that s-s still asks s-i and that s-i tries to ask uddm?20:03
asacis that possible?20:03
asacdo we see that in the logs?20:03
barryin the most recent images, i've seen s-i-dbus started after login.  it's dbus activated only so *something* must be making those requests20:03
asachmm. not sure if i get those notifications if i never logged in20:03
barrys-i-dbus will never spontaneous start running20:03
asaccould be i dont20:03
asacsure, but i am logged in now20:03
barryright, there can be other reasons why s-s starts s-i-dbus of course20:04
barryi'm not positive what all those situations are20:04
sergiusensbarry: asac it is clear from the log that s-i is timing out due to the u-d-m never coming back20:04
asacbarry: si-dbus keeps running? or stops after it succeeds or fails?20:04
asacsergiusens: cool. thanks20:04
asacsergiusens: but it succeeds talking to udm at all?20:04
barrysergiusens: right.  in which case si will exit20:05
sergiusensbut there is not log or notice from u-d-m20:05
barryasac: in the good path, s-i exits because the device reboots :)20:05
sergiusensasac: is u-d-m running now?20:05
asaclet me check20:05
sergiusensasac: if it is, it deadlocked20:05
sergiusensas it should timeout with inactivity20:05
asacps -eaf | grep download20:05
asacphablet  19126 19072  0 22:05 pts/52   00:00:00 grep --color=auto download20:05
asacso i think not20:05
barryright if si sees no activity over dbus it exits after 10m by default20:06
sergiusensasac: if you check for updates; do you see it at least start?20:06
asacwill it live long enough?20:06
* asac tries20:06
sergiusensasac: iirc the timeout is 1 minute20:06
barryif you have si 2.5, it will also log and exit now if any exception occurs in a dbus method20:06
asacit started and is downloading :/20:06
asacdidnt do antyhing except unlock screen20:06
chrisccan anyone suggest what service i could restart to get the login screen working on my phone?20:06
asacdamn ... guess the new 92 image being out triggered it20:07
asachow can that be ?20:07
asacthat 91 doesnt work, but 92 does?20:07
asacmabye 91 was already downloaded and installed?20:07
asacerr 93 is now here20:07
barryasac: a change in system-settings perhaps?  i've seen that before20:07
asaci didnt touch the device20:07
sergiusensasac: maybe because it's a new download20:08
asacyeah, so what happeened to the old download?20:08
asacmaybe  it actually was downloaded, but si didnt figure it was there20:08
asacor didnt reboot after putting to recovery and forgot about it?20:08
barryif a download is not applied, si will for safety reasons, clear out the old download cache directory before it starts a new download20:09
sergiusensasac: but the failing group download are generic artifacts (not versioned -> keryring and blacklists)20:09
sergiusensbarry: yeah, we had issues with that one for sure (had to deal with it for u-d-f as well)20:09
barryoh, also it's perfectly possible for blacklists to fail to download.  that is an expected behavior (and properly handled).  we can't know whether there are blacklist keyrings available until we try to download them20:09
barryand we *always* try to download the blacklists for each check-for-update or download20:10
sergiusensbarry: oh, then I misread the log :-)20:10
asacso for me good news is that it auto recovered after a new image became available20:10
sergiusensbarry: this is the only relevant line [systemimage] Oct 08 20:49:51 2014 (16686) check_for_update failed20:10
asacbad news is that i think we dont have a real story yet20:10
sergiusensfollowed by a timout stackstrace20:11
asacor i am stupid and wasted your time in worst case :)20:11
asacbut i see problems in http://paste.ubuntu.com/8522507/ and i surely could ping, so i dont feel that bad20:11
sergiusensasac: it's networking, anything is possible ;-)20:11
asacyeah, we can blame lossy internet connection20:11
asacand tcp couldnt deal with it :P20:11
barrysergiusens, asac look at the traceback right after check_for_update failed.  you see the TimeoutError coming from download.py?  that's si-dbus saying that udm never responded with *any* completion signal20:12
asaci am usually blaming dbus20:12
asacdbus is just not reliable :)20:13
barryasac: there is that ;)20:13
barrywe put a lot of faith in that layer20:13
asacbut then folks put dbus everywhere, i still feel they are crazy :P20:13
asaci would feel better if we used corba :P20:13
asacat least we know what we deal withh there20:13
barryor just rest==http+json20:13
asacand multithreading everywhere :)20:14
asacnice combo20:14
* asac likes it20:14
barryyeah, i can do *that* in a dozen lines of python :)20:14
asacmultithreading and crashing badly in a hard to reproduce manner? :)20:14
asaci can do that too i guess20:15
barryi think that's the definition of multi*20:15
sergiusensbarry: right, (wrt check_for_update), that's why I asked asac if udm deadlocked20:18
asacso what really makes no sense to me is that it recovered20:21
asacwhen new image was there20:21
asacvery strange... i am sure that points to something "half done" that some other part doesnt recover to continue20:21
asacif that fails20:21
ogra_wow, the scope performance got really bad in the latest image20:21
ogra_Saviq, is that known ?20:21
sergiusensasac: I'll try to mock/reproduce your problem and see if I can come up with something with just dbus calls20:22
asacsergiusens: barry: anyway, thanks for help. i will bookmark my paste20:22
asacrebooting into 9320:22
ogra_Sarvatt, if i swipe sideways into music (or back to my apps) the swipe is only processed like 1/2 sec later20:22
asacsergiusens: only if you have an idea i guess20:22
asacsergiusens: its scary as we want to be damn sure we can ship updates20:22
barryasac: cool20:22
asacand users get it in reasonable time20:22
ogra_sorry Sarvatt, that was for Saviq20:22
asacbarry: well, not happy about the outcome really :/20:22
asacbut what can i do20:23
asaci think we have the logs20:23
asacthat might give hints20:23
barryasac: yep20:23
asacbarry: can i file the bug somewhere?20:23
sergiusensasac: file it against u-d-m20:23
barrysergiusens: i concur20:23
asacsergiusens: do we file against package or upstrema project?20:24
barryasac: for udm it looks like there are bugs in both.20:24
sergiusensasac: package these days20:24
barryasac, sergiusens for si, please file against the upstream project.  if you file against the ubuntu package, i'm just going to retarget it anyway ;)20:24
ogra_my device feels worse than maguro :(((20:25
sergiusensbarry ack20:25
sergiusensbarry: it's not easy to ubuntu-bug on rtm anymore anyways ;-)20:25
barrysergiusens: ;)20:25
chriscanswring my one question above - restarting lightdm fixed the login screen problem20:26
barrysergiusens: fwiw, the only bugs i leave on the package are those that are specifically packaging issues, i.e. debian/* stuff20:26
barry(e.g. adding or updated dep-8 tests)20:26
chriscs/answring my one/answering my own/20:26
mhall119has anybody else has problems downloading updates in RTM r4?20:28
nik90mhall119: log out of your u1 account and relogin20:28
chriscnot me, i'm running devel20:29
nik90mhall119: recently everyone had to do that...service side issue I think20:29
mhall119thanks nik90, I thought it might be something like that20:29
asacsergiusens: barry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-download-manager/+bug/137902520:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1379025 in ubuntu-download-manager (Ubuntu) "phone didnt see updates from r89 to r91 until r93 became available" [Undecided,New]20:30
asacsergiusens: assigned it to you as explained in comment feel free to unassign once you have checked your mock idea etc.20:30
sergiusensasac: I was planning to only subscribe, but fair enough :)20:30
barryasac: subscribed20:31
mhall119nik90: works now, thanks agian20:31
nik90mhall119: cool, yw20:32
asacslangasek: barry: sergiusens: beyond this bug, if anyone has ideas what we could do to ensure we have a bullet proof updating story, dont hold ideas back :P20:32
barryasac, slangasek, sergiusens: mpt opened a bug and i believe put it on the agenda for the dc sprint.  yep, i am thinking about it20:34
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