
tsdgeosSaviq: our ci stuff is again borked?08:08
tsdgeoshttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-utopic/1518/console ?08:08
Saviqtsdgeos, lookin'08:09
Saviqugh, someone added a bad hook ERROR:pbuilderjenkins:H10strip_native_depends not found in hooks08:09
Saviqat least for that job08:10
tsdgeosit's similar to the other errors i've seen08:11
mzanettikgunn: hmmm. I'm sure I saw an option to enable that in the system settings at some point08:23
Saviqtsdgeos, dude, ETOOMANYPHONES :P09:06
tsdgeossorry ^_^09:06
mzanettiSaviq: do we have more details on this one now? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/137809209:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378092 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Dialer-app is getting sigstopped on greeter mode." [Critical,Triaged]09:15
mzanettishould it just be closed?09:15
Saviqlet me try and repro09:17
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, fixed09:20
mzanettiSaviq: I really wonder why though :D09:20
mzanettiSaviq: when reproducing with an older image it seems to totally mess up the window stack09:20
mzanettii.e. parts of the right edge animation have wrong z09:21
Wellarkmzanetti: you didn't top approve the unity8 branch of dual sim unlocking..09:27
Wellarkis there still something to do with it?09:28
mzanettiWellark: I think I did09:31
mzanettiWellark: now I top-approved too. forgot that before09:32
Wellarkmzanetti: thanks!09:34
dandraderCimi, how do I get to the welcome wizard?10:45
Cimidandrader, rm /home/phablet/.config/ubuntu-system-settings/wizard-has-run10:45
Cimidandrader, or somethings similar...10:45
greybacktsdgeos: with a little finger mashing, I managed to get this: http://imgur.com/rW6F5oo10:47
greybackthe entire lvwph is frozen now, but I can bring up the scopes view with a bottom edge swipe still10:48
tsdgeosgreyback: what branch is that? regular master?10:55
greybacktsdgeos: yeah. I just imaged my device with today's devel-proposed and played10:57
tsdgeosgreyback: ouch10:57
tsdgeosgreyback: so the list is totally dead?10:57
greybacktsdgeos: I was being a jerk though :) But the finger mashing test is good sometimes10:58
greybacktsdgeos: yeah10:58
greybackI just now tried to open the video scope via the scopes view thingy, and now the whole UI is frozen10:58
greybackam working on a backtrace10:58
tsdgeosgreyback: looks as if the fix dandrader did for touch vs mouse clicks didn't really fix everything maybe?11:03
tsdgeosgreyback: since the bottom edge is touch and the rest is mouse11:03
greybacktsdgeos: that's a possibility11:03
tsdgeosdandrader: seen the comment i made on touchOwnership?11:03
mzanettiWellark: hmm... I think I found an issue11:04
dandradertsdgeos, will get to it in a bit11:06
greybackdandrader: tsdgeos: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/137876011:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378760 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[dash] managed to get listview stuck with pull to refresh exposed" [Undecided,New]11:07
dandraderdidn't know we had this "pull to refresh" feature...11:10
dandradergreyback, what's a "stable device"?11:10
greybackdandrader: anything I can do while I have the process running in this state?11:12
dandrader greyback does the bottom edge swipe to show dash overview still work?11:14
greybackdandrader: no11:14
tsdgeospull to refresh does really nohing since it just piggy backs on the list dragging11:15
dandraderhmm, then it doesn't seem to be an issue of missing touch events11:15
tsdgeosgreyback: where are you now at a scope?11:15
greybacktsdgeos: stuck in scope view now11:16
dandradergreyback, is unity8-dash running in the first place?11:16
dandrader(who knows, might be suspended)11:17
greybackdandrader: yes it was running11:17
tsdgeosgreyback: and left and right edges work, no?11:17
greybackdarn I managed to kill it11:17
greybacktsdgeos: yes unity8 itself was fine11:17
Wellarkmzanetti: ?11:18
* Wellark goes lalala11:18
mzanettiWellark: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-api-team/indicator-network/dual_sim_pin_unlock/+merge/237386/comments/58252711:18
Wellarkmzanetti: don't call it11:18
Wellarkmzanetti: the "unlockallmodems" bug was withdrawn from this MP11:18
mzanettiWellark: is there a replacement?11:19
greybackdandrader: tsdgeos: managed to reproduce it again11:19
mzanettiWellark: the dialer app uses it afaik11:19
Cimiif we do opacity: !hidden instead opacity: hidden ? 0.0 : 1.0 ??11:19
greybackit takes a minute or two of 3 finger messing11:20
tsdgeosgreyback: :/ i tried and could get it to fail11:20
Cimican we do those js tricks or is ugly?11:20
greybackCimi: ugly, it easier to understand what you're doing with the  ? 1 : 0 there11:21
mzanettiCimi: I personally don't like such things11:21
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greybackhmm, unity8-dash is continually creating & destroying a thread11:23
Wellarkmzanetti: nope, the dialer app does not use it11:24
mzanettimanaged to reproduce the stuck dash too11:24
Wellarkmzanetti: as it's not working11:24
mzanettiWellark: so what's the plan with that?11:24
Wellarkmzanetti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-network/+bug/137408211:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1374082 in indicator-network (Ubuntu) "no API to unlock a specific sim" [High,Triaged]11:24
mzanettiWellark: right... in unity we'd still need to unlock all though11:25
Wellarkmzanetti: I'm aware of that11:25
Wellarkmzanetti: there's only one me, so I can't fix everything at the same time ;)11:26
Wellarkmzanetti: it will be there11:26
mzanettigreyback: tsdgeos: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1378760/comments/411:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378760 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[dash] managed to get listview stuck with pull to refresh exposed" [Undecided,New]11:28
mzanettiWellark: ack11:28
greybackmzanetti: nice11:29
tsdgeosmzanetti: that has nothing to do with greyback's bug though11:30
tsdgeosmzanetti: since it recovers nicely (or at least does for me)11:30
tsdgeosmzanetti: does it recover for you?11:31
mzanettiyes... it recovers with more interaction..11:31
* mzanetti tries harder11:31
tsdgeosi mean sure it's a bug that probably needs fixing11:31
tsdgeosbut not as bad as what greyback said11:31
greybackyep, I managed to make it recover too11:32
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mzanettigreyback: I guess you can tell us if its the same or if yours is different :)11:33
greybackmzanetti: mine is different, as I cannot make it recover11:33
mzanettiheh, works horizontally too11:35
mzanettioh... now I have it stuck too11:36
dandradertsdgeos, pushed your forceNonInteractive thing11:54
dandradertsdgeos, also used status instead of currentStatus. the latter was created just to help fill up previousStatus.11:56
tsdgeosdandrader: can you merge to listOnBottomSwipe_touchOwnership and then request a build at https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-ui-team/+recipe/unity8-overviewlist ?11:57
tsdgeoshave to run for food now11:57
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Wellarkmzanetti: you forgot to restore the top approved:12:41
Wellarkmzanetti: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-api-team/indicator-network/dual_sim_pin_unlock/+merge/23738612:41
mzanettiWellark: I'm quite sure there wasn't one before12:42
mzanettiat least I didn't remove it12:42
Wellarkmzanetti: oh, then charles forgot to add it12:42
charlesWellark, mzanetti, I left it out on purpose -- I didn't know if antti had more work/testing in the queue12:43
charles+1 on top approval though :)12:43
dandradertsdgeos, done (PPA just started building though)12:47
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Wellarkcharles: you could have just asked me, you know! :P12:47
Wellarkcharles: just top approve it12:47
Wellarkcharles: ok, seems jussi already did12:48
tsdgeosdandrader|afk: tx12:52
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=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
tsdgeosSaviq: any chance we get the CI build fixed?13:22
kgunnMacSlow: noticing the vol notification come up in the welcome wiz showing mute, but i don't think it's correct...did you notice as well ?13:28
MacSlowkgunn, which image?13:29
kgunndandrader: tsdgeos \o/ right edge so much better13:29
kgunnMacSlow: i'm on utopic devel-proposed13:29
MacSlowkgunn, not seen yet... being deep down with the swipe-to-act button atm13:29
kgunnMacSlow: no prob13:29
tsdgeosyeah on the volume notification i'd expect a bar13:29
tsdgeosnot the speaker logo13:30
tsdgeoskgunn: there's a new build coming in a few mins that should fix a few small annoyances with the bottom edge13:30
tsdgeoskgunn: i will give it a final test and probably approve, would be cool if you could also test it13:30
kgunnMacSlow: actually, i don't wanna make you switch if you're in the middle...but i think some quality time with the max vol notfication would be in order13:30
MacSlowkgunn, tsdgeos: welll that's because two of the three related branches still in the review-pipe13:31
kgunnMacSlow: reason being, the max vol thing is legal requirement, whereas swipe to answer is user improvement....we can live with click-to-answer, but not w/o max vol notif13:31
MacSlowkgunn, tsdgeos: one (unity-notifications) is arleady top-approved... the other (unity8) needs another review (approval)13:31
kgunnand i fear it'll take time to sort out exactly what we're gonna do in a short amount of time13:32
kgunncause i think it's gonna require alsa driver or audio DAC driver involvement13:32
tsdgeosvesar: did you have time to show the new bottom list to JMulholland and the guys? any feedback?13:33
tsdgeoskgunn: did you see my plethora of answers on the volume thing?13:33
MacSlowkgunn, regarding the max-volume issue, I think UI/UX is "tiny" compared to the needed foundational underpinnings making it possible13:34
kgunntsdgeos: not yet, was bug scrubbing & updating this morning13:34
Saviqtsdgeos, nobody replied then, will pester13:34
Saviqtsdgeos, actually fginther is looking into that now13:34
tsdgeoskgunn: ok, basically there's 2 kinds, the ones that ask "you sure you want more" at 70/80% of volume, and the ones that do nothing13:34
tsdgeosSaviq: cool13:34
mterrydednick, looking at your review comments for the greeter-profiles branch.  I thought semicolons were passé?13:42
mterryWe need some team style guidance on that, because we are half-and-half now13:43
tsdgeosdandrader: found two qmluitest failures in https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/touchOwnership/+merge/23615213:43
dednickmterry: hm. i've always been told to do them.13:43
dednickSaviq: ^ ?13:43
dandradertsdgeos, commented. are you sure you used the latest version of touchOwnership?13:43
dandradertsdgeos, I'm not getting this failure13:43
Saviqmterry, in JS we want ;13:43
mterrySaviq, !  OK, my bad13:43
mterrySaviq, except for one-liners I assume?13:44
tsdgeosdandrader: yeah, just pulled and make again13:44
tsdgeosnothing came out of it13:44
mterrySaviq, do we have a style page for the wiki yet?  That would be great13:44
Saviqmterry, yeah, if there's no code block/scope (a binding), that's not really JS13:44
tsdgeosdandrader: i can try make clean and start again13:44
Saviqmterry, this is the closest we got to defining it https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1gd87Wo_CSB0DpFWLpTKIIXQfdmFncrq0PHSr9H2PTnk/edit13:44
mterrySaviq, it is JS though technically right?  Like you can do all the JS stuff just in one line13:45
Saviqmterry, technically yes13:45
tsdgeosdandrader: r1338, no?13:45
dandradertsdgeos, yes13:45
dandradertsdgeos, the tst_Shell failure happens also in trunk13:46
tsdgeosdandrader: does it?13:47
dandradertsdgeos, try it13:47
mterrySaviq, OK linked that document from the Checklist wiki13:49
tsdgeosdandrader: ok, there's a path problem13:51
mterrydednick, another thing -- you rightly show concern about the async line -- if you've got your test device still, try manually adding that line back in -- the delay is quite profound and I think too noticable for this to land with async enabled13:51
tsdgeosdandrader: i have unity8 installed from the ppa and was "old", now that i dist-upgraded, the test passes13:51
mterrydednick, considering that once we have different greeter profiles, a common pattern is for a user to log in just to interact with the full indicator13:51
dednickmterry: ok. i'll give it a try13:51
tsdgeosdandrader: should prepend the local paths somewhere13:51
dandradertsdgeos, you were running qmltest on the device?13:51
tsdgeosdandrader: no, on the pc13:51
dednickmterry: perhaps we need to think about loading multiple profiles :/13:52
dandradertsdgeos, so you install the PPA on your PC?13:52
tsdgeosdandrader: i have it yes13:52
dandradernever thought someone would do this :)13:52
dandradertsdgeos, "should prepend the local paths somewhere" <- didn't get it.13:53
tsdgeosdandrader: in the tests, you should make sure the local library is used and not the system one13:53
tsdgeosdandrader: i'm guessing it's the new lib you introduced13:54
tsdgeosdandrader: xvfbtestShell succeeds here in master13:55
Saviqtsdgeos, if we still get black photos in carousel (I'm checking if we do), that'd be unexpected after your sourceSize thingamajig (lol that's in my spell checking dictionary), right?13:56
tsdgeosSaviq: there was a thread about someone putting wrong exif info somewhere and thus resulting in black images13:57
tsdgeosnot sure if it may be related13:57
Saviqtsdgeos, right, from the camera app?13:57
tsdgeosthink so13:57
dandradertsdgeos, you sure you have the latest lp:unity8 built and all?13:57
tsdgeosdandrader: pretty much13:57
dandraderSaviq, does "make xvfbtestShell" pass for you with lp:unity8?13:58
Saviqdandrader, checking13:58
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tsdgeosdandrader: are you sure you have the latest lp:unity8 and all?13:59
dednickmeh. batter dead :(13:59
kgunncharles: aiui, the checkable-bindings branch is needed, but doesn't completely solve the bug14:00
kgunnper  your comment there14:00
dandradertsdgeos, yes. but I don't have unity8 installed in my system, unlike you14:01
charleskgunn, I figured as much, so I left it as a comment instead of needs-fixing14:01
Saviqkgunn, is there a reason why you committed the last release to rtm-14.09 like this https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/rtm-14.09 ?14:01
Saviqkgunn, can I overwrite with current trunk?14:01
dandradertsdgeos,  if that makes any difference...14:01
kgunncharles: rock on14:01
charleskgunn, just as long as the problem doesn't get dropped when checkable-bindings lands14:01
charleskgunn, :-)14:01
kgunncharles: nope, dednick already on it14:01
kgunn(i think :)14:01
charlesdednick, rock on14:02
kgunnSaviq: did i do something wrong ?14:02
Saviqkgunn, I usually just push trunk to rtm-14.09 after stuff landed in trunk14:02
kgunnSaviq: while you were out, seb was climbing up my back side asking me to merge trunk to it14:02
kgunnSaviq: yeah, i only did it once...14:03
tsdgeosdandrader: it shouldn't but it may as we've already seen14:03
Saviqkgunn, basically `bzr push -d lp:unity8 -r 8.00+14.10.20141006-0ubuntu1 lp:unity8/rtm-14.09`14:03
kgunnSaviq: got it....not merge...you push14:03
* kgunn notes for future14:03
kgunnmzanetti: ^14:04
Saviqkgunn, which would take tag 8.00... from lp:unity8 and put it there14:04
Saviqand it won't even need overwrite, as it has the same history (in general, now it will because of your merge)14:04
kgunnsorry :-/14:05
kgunnSaviq: can you revert ?14:05
Saviqkgunn, just an --overwrite away14:05
Saviqkgunn, already done14:05
mzanettihmm... I thought that would happen automatically when releasing to rtm using the train14:05
Saviqkgunn, no need to be sorry14:05
kgunnSaviq: ah so one time penalty of time14:05
Saviqmzanetti, nope, train has no knowledge of the rtm branch14:05
Saviqmzanetti, it will soon, when the two diverge and we'll start cherry-picking from trunk to rtm14:06
Saviqmzanetti, but then there will be no syncing in rtm silos, but MPs as usual14:06
mzanettiSaviq: right... I guess we should start doing that now...14:06
Saviqmzanetti, let's see when the floodgates are closed, that's when we'll start14:06
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kgunnSaviq: can i ask for some priority love on this one? figure you'll wanna review before top approving14:23
kgunnsmall at least14:23
Saviqkgunn, kk14:25
dandraderSaviq, so, did the test pass?14:28
Saviqdandrader, ugh, distracted, sorry, built now, running it14:29
* Saviq had some /boot trouble14:30
dednickmterry: what kind of delay are we talking about here? 1-2 seconds to populate if you open IMMEDIATELY after you switch from greeter?14:36
mterrydednick, yeah about14:36
mterrydednick, but I figure that that's going to be common14:36
mterrydednick, like if you can't see your events or whatever14:36
mterrydednick, you log in with the intention of immediately going to the menu14:36
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* mterry starts reviewing all the branches so only mine are left for others to review14:58
dednickmterry: :/ https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/85539674/greeter-indicators.png15:00
mterrydednick, is that without the silo?15:00
Saviqdandrader, yeah, xvfbtestShell passed:15:00
dednickmterry: that is with the silo15:01
SaviqTotals: 21 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped15:01
mterrydednick, indicator-transfer in utopic has a bug where it shows the datetime UI in greeter mode15:01
mterrydednick, but you don't have a transfer icon in that screenshot either...15:01
mterrydednick, I'm suspicious15:01
MacSlowmterry, which branches do you want to be looked at?15:01
mterryMacSlow, mine in https://code.launchpad.net/unity8/+activereviews15:01
dednickmterry: and there are 2 datetimes15:01
mterryMacSlow, well any of them.  But *I* want mine looked at  :)15:02
MacSlowmterry, I know that feeling :)15:02
mterrydednick, yes because transfer shows datetime UI in greeter mode (as a bug -- if you look at it's indicator keyfile, it has a typo and shows the wrong object path)15:02
mterrydednick, that's fixed in the silo15:02
mterrydednick, which is why I'm suspicious you are running the silo15:02
dednickhm. should be using silo15:03
dednickmterry: i think the ppa has older version than is available.15:05
mterrydednick, then you can edit /usr/share/unity/indicators/com.canonical.indicator.transfer manually and fix the typo15:06
dandradertsdgeos, ahhhh, finally found the cause of the mistery. my local lp:unity8 branch has a pending merge.  and bzr pull still works fine even it you have a merge pending!15:06
dednickmterry: yup. did already15:07
tsdgeoslol this is bad15:08
tsdgeosopen the clock app15:08
tsdgeosclock app takes 70%15:08
tsdgeosbut not only that15:08
mterryted, I thought the transfer indicator was fixed in your greeter profile silo?15:08
tsdgeosuntiy8 takes 30% cpy15:08
tedmterry, Should be…15:09
mterryted, I think maybe the silo just needs a rebuild then to get back above utopic15:09
tedmterry, Yeah, working on that. merge conflicts.15:10
tsdgeosah because unity8 is the display server15:11
tsdgeosso that 30% is actually mir?15:11
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dednickmterry: hm. ok, there doesnt really seem to be that much lag to me, but the lag introducedin sync mode is pretty bad i think.15:19
dednickI think the lag with async will be reduced when my new indicator branch lands. The menu is actually at 0 height when you drag it, so i think the items are being loaded "only as visible". The new panel page is always the same height so the items will be loaded immediately.15:19
tsdgeosdandrader: so it fails/works for you now?15:22
dandradertsdgeos, yeah, now it passes in lp:unity8. working on a fix for it in touchOwnership15:24
tsdgeosdandrader: \o/15:24
dednickmterry: just commented on your branch15:27
kgunnmterry having an internet day15:36
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mterrydednick, I assume you didn't get my reply an hour ago -- I had awful internet17:40
mterrydednick, back in a cafe17:41
racarrDoes anyone understand what is up with the qtmir-gles stuff and the "twin packages"17:51
racarrI wonder if its related to the struggle I am having with building qtmir-desktop on armhf in CI17:51
racarr...with cmake17:51
racarrthats a lot of qualifiers lol17:52
kgunnracarr: i think bregma knows17:53
greyback_racarr: Qt has a compile time choice to use DesktopGL or GLES. The results are ABI incompatible. So we've 2 version of Qt in the repos17:53
greyback_as result, we need separate version of qtmir to compile against the Qt with GL, and the Qt with GLES17:54
racarrgreyback_: I guess I thought thats what qtmir-android v. qtmir-desktop?17:57
bregmais there a binary package called qtmir-gles?  Not that I can see in the Ubuntu archives.17:58
greyback_there isn't17:59
racarrok so the binary package is qtmir-android17:59
* greyback_ got confused, has to look it up again17:59
racarrmy main problem is I don't understand how qtmir-desktop is building on armhf18:00
racarras it stands.18:00
racarre.g. ifyou try and build qtmir-desktop and qtmir-android fromt hesame18:00
racarrbuild dependencies18:00
racarrwont qtmir-desktop be linked against18:00
greyback_qtmir-desktop is built for all arches out of lp:qtmir - it's only qtmir-android that is split over qtmir & qtmir-gles18:01
greyback_qtmir-gles builds qtmir-android for i386 and x64, as those are the situations in the emulator, where Qt has GLES but runs on a non-android system18:02
greyback_yes qtmir-desktop will link against the qt-gles on armhf18:03
greyback_which does sound wrong18:03
racarrthen what is it?18:03
greyback_I suspect nothing has ever used qtmir-desktop on armhf18:04
racarryeah haha...I think its probably linked against18:04
racarrthe qtmir qmake files18:04
racarrdont explicitly use GL or GLES afaict18:04
racarrso its just coming from the18:04
racarrQt configuration18:05
greyback_makes sense yeah18:05
racarrso the problem is I dont think its possible to build18:05
racarrqtmir-desktop and qtmir-android from the same source package on armhf?18:05
racarrUnless Qt/GL and Qt/GLES are parallel installable18:06
greyback_qtmir-desktop will compile against Qt/GLES, as that's the one on armhf usually18:07
racarrgreyback_: I thought qtmir-desktop was supposed to be qtmir linked against Qt/GL though18:07
racarrwhat is the qtmir-desktop/android distinction?18:08
greyback_racarr: I think it is supposed to be too, but in actuality I suspect it doesn't - but it's not used so no-one ever noticed18:08
greyback_the main distinction is a call to eglBindAPI(DesktopGL) somewhere18:08
racarrhmm ok18:09
racarrgreyback_: Do you think I should just try and replicate this in qtmir/cmake or18:09
racarrwe should get rid of qtmir-desktop on armhf18:10
greyback_racarr: bregma might object to the latter notion. I would rather not having hacks in our cmake, just to copy qmake weirdness though18:10
greyback_it's debian that was including that extra runtime dependence on mesa-gl1, can we force it just build-time only?18:12
racarrgreyback_: I realized though, even then the resultingpackage18:12
racarrwould be linked against GL, but Qt/GLES18:12
racarrso to really fix it you would need to make the Qts parallel installable and selectable18:13
bregmaI thought Qt was going to switch to doing runtime detection?18:13
greyback_rsalveti will probably say that's not gonna happen any time soon :)18:13
greyback_bregma: that was on Windows18:13
rsalvetimaybe qt 5.5?18:14
greyback_mainly as some customer paid them to do it I suspect18:14
rsalvetilet me find the qt bug18:14
bregmawe do runtime detection in libSDL2, so we know it's possible18:14
rsalvetiyeah, not much progress18:14
rsalvetibregma: it's possible, but still require some work on qt18:14
* greyback_ late for the pub18:15
racarrBye! thanks18:15
racarrwas having lots of trouble wrapping head around it myself18:15
racarrI think we should just delete the qtmir-desktop armhf package...I kind of doubt its ever worked. Does anyone even have an mesa-opengl (not gles) armhf device18:17
racarrto test if it works?18:17
racarrDoes such a thing even exist?18:17
racarrBut if its impossible to18:17
racarrdelete packages18:17
racarrI can work around it now I guess...18:17
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mterryI don't suppose anyone has extra review cycles floating around?19:34
=== boiko_ is now known as boiko
=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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