
Kilosmorning Squirm  inetpro  nuvolari  bushtech_  and all others05:29
inetproKilos: you are early06:00
inetprogood mornings06:00
* Squirm yawns06:23
Kiloslol what did you do last night?06:25
Private_Usermorning all06:31
Kiloshi Private_User  06:31
SquirmKilos: tried to sleep06:31
Squirmthat failed06:31
Squirmso read06:31
Squirmand then tried to sleep06:32
Squirmthat failed06:32
Squirmso read some more06:32
Private_Userhi Kilos06:32
Private_Userwe had no power here since Sunday evening, power only restored today for about 2 hours now06:32
Squirmis always fun06:32
Kiloswow that sucks06:32
Private_Usermorning inetpro, Squirm06:32
Private_UserI know your feeling Squirm, I sometimes have trouble sleeping as well06:33
Private_Useractually I have trouble often06:33
Private_Usersleeping that is06:33
inetprohi Private_User06:34
inetprobiggest trouble I have with sleeping is waking up in the morning :-)06:35
Squirmwhen I struggle to fall asleep06:36
SquirmI struggle even harder to wake up06:36
Squirmmy alarm went of at 6:30 this morning, got out of bed about 7:20 :P06:36
Kiloshi gremble  06:38
Private_Userhey anybody here good with mobile app development? just want to find out how long it would take to develop just a simple mobile app that links to a website and social sites like facebook?06:40
Private_Userdon't have full details just that the app should enable a person to update their site via the app which will replicated across to their facebook page as well and maybe other social media06:41
SquirmPrivate_User: give me one sec06:44
Squirmjust need to check something06:44
Squirmok, they do06:45
SquirmI've used this service before06:45
Squirmcalled Hootsuite06:45
Squirmhttps://hootsuite.com/ - You create an account, then add all your social media accounts and you can then post to all of them simultaneously06:46
SquirmI just had to check - They do have a mobile app, at least they do on the play store06:46
Private_Userthanks Squirm, I will read up on it now06:47
Squirmhey ThatGraemeGuy 06:49
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:50
Private_Usermorning ThatGraemeGuy06:52
bdukMore almal07:49
Kiloshi bduk  theblazehen  08:03
theblazehenhi Kilos08:03
SDCDevhey Kilos10:14
SDCDevRynomster here :)10:14
Kiloshi SDCDev  10:21
Kiloswhats happening?10:21
SDCDevbusy lol and yourself? :)10:23
SDCDevlooking forward to less busy days :P10:23
Kiloshow are the days gonna get less busy10:32
SDCDevI need to hire plenty developers soon10:33
Kilosif you can find good ones10:33
Kilossorry, restart was needed11:47
bushtech_Kilos:  After new hd was installed ? :)11:52
Kilosnope still aint got it11:52
bushtech_jy moet hulle gas gee11:53
bushtech_specially for charl?11:53
bushtech_was dit charl wat so concerned was?11:54
Kilosthe poor rep is getting no help from senoirs, the say they dont make invoices out for courier fees only11:54
Kilosmaybe i must just order a usb cable  for 13 bucks and then there is a reason for an order11:54
Kilosek vergeet nou wie dit was11:55
bushtech_thats absurd11:55
Kilosfunny hey11:55
bushtech_hmpf, at the end of the day you are still sitting without something for which you've paid11:56
Kilosoh i have the faulty drive hehe11:57
Kiloswould like to keep it for spares, but they need it to get it replaced11:57
ThatGraemeGuyhow is a faulty drive any good as a spare? :-/11:58
ThatGraemeGuya spare weapon maybe11:58
ThatGraemeGuyor a paperweight11:58
Kilosits only a platter that has a bad sector ThatGraemeGuy  11:58
bushtech_came across awebsite one day where a guy took a faulty drive and managed to mark/exclude the faulty bits after which he could use the now smaller drive11:59
Kilosi have 2 other same drives that need motors11:59
ThatGraemeGuyis the service in SA that people seriously just give up and go "meh ok, i'll make do with this faulty thing"11:59
ThatGraemeGuyuh "thad bad"12:00
* ThatGraemeGuy goes to sleep12:00
Kilosoh i can most likely make it work if i use xp to use up the bad areas but i paid for a new good one so ya12:00
bushtech_ther really is very little service industry in SA12:00
KilosThatGraemeGuy  i misunderstand you 12:01
Kilosim not accepting it12:01
Kilosjust they would prefer me to go in and swop for the new one12:01
Kilosso it doesnt mess up their books12:01
Kilosohi superfly  12:52
superflyhi Kilos13:21
ThatGraemeGuyhi fly, how's Adventures with #3 going? :)13:24
Kilosthe female of the species is often far deadlier than the male13:27
superflyThatGraemeGuy: she's the easiest one of the lot, so far.13:28
superflyKilos: *so far*13:28
Kilostara is 29 today13:29
superflyThatGraemeGuy: of course the mrs deals exclusively with princess, so I have to deal with the two house wreckers.13:29
superflyKilos: \o/ happy birthday13:29
Kilosty superfly  13:29
ThatGraemeGuymine is Princess of Chaos a lot of the time :-$13:30
Kilos taral: Aww, thaaaaaaanks Supah-flah.13:31
superflyThatGraemeGuy: be glad you don't have boys... two of them... together...13:37
inetproMaaz: coffee on13:38
* Maaz puts the kettle on13:38
KilosMaaz  coffee please13:38
MaazKilos: Done13:39
inetprobeen a long time since he made coffe, hope it still tastes as good as always13:39
inetproor is he it?13:39
inetproMaaz: who are you?13:40
Maazinetpro: I am your new robot overlord13:40
inetprocool, still the same old...13:41
Kilosya he hasnt been upgraded yet13:42
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos!13:42
Kilosstill gives 2 hits when he gotta give google results13:42
inetproMaaz: baie dankie13:42
MaazPlesier inetpro13:42
KilosMaaz  dankie man13:42
MaazGroot plesier my vriend13:42
bushtech_would hate to see what he becomes when he gets upgraded13:43
Kilosno man the new ones are the same just better13:43
Kilosimproved python bots13:43
bushtech_no more delusions of grandeur?13:44
Kilosoh they can be cheeky at times13:44
Kilosgotta be handled gently13:44
nuvolarioh hai13:45
Kiloshi nuvolari  13:45
nuvolariif there is anyone with some JPA experience, please give me a shout13:45
nuvolariI need to figure out something that google doesn't help me with13:45
nuvolarioh hi oom Kilos 13:45
inetpronuvolari: what is JPA?13:48
inetproJava Persistence API?13:48
nuvolariinetpro: affirmative13:59
Kilosyaya summer temps15:57
Kilosgtoosie gonna melt15:58
Kilosgoosie too15:58
bushtechWatch out for Monday. Forecast to be 36 feeling like 39!16:10
Kilosme loves summer16:45
Kilosi go eat now16:59
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:39

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