
ashley01but no worries, it's not a major problem00:00
_unreal_ugh what is that stupid program called00:00
AR45_Well day 3 of installing Ubuntu on Mac!00:00
ashley01it says above ^ that putty is a windows program00:01
_unreal_asher1, if you have a second computer that has windows on it you can get a free program called putty00:01
ashley01its ashley0100:01
_unreal_auto fill in00:01
ashley01but yeah, i might try it sometime00:01
_unreal_ok your on the linux system right now ya?00:02
_unreal_do you know what your ip address is? LOCAL00:02
ashley01not sure what the xx's are at the moment00:02
ashley01im not very good with networking stuff, sorry00:04
AR45_does ubuntu mount blank cds?00:04
_unreal_ok open up a terminal and type: ip add00:04
_unreal_AR45, not that I know of00:05
daftykinsAR45_: can't mount something with no file system00:05
ashley01what are you getting me to do?00:05
AR45_daftykins: How can I check if the cd is blank then?00:05
_unreal_find out your ip address00:05
_unreal_you can SSH into your self from your computer00:05
Ben64AR45: open up k3b or something similar00:05
AR45_daftykins: I ask because this one didn't mount comspared to the other00:05
_unreal_this will give you practice00:05
daftykinsAR45_: try to write to it00:05
ashley01oh nice00:05
_unreal_and show if your ssh server is up and running00:05
AR45_daftykins: well I don't wanna write to the cd if it's blank! this might be my only one..00:06
_unreal_ashley01,  are you on wifi or network cable?00:06
daftykinsAR45_: look  at the surface then. it's obvious to see the different colour tone to written area00:06
AR45_daftykins: Okay it's blank!00:07
_unreal_ashley01, better be quick cause I need to feed my daughter and read her a book,00:07
AR45_daftykins: now to find a cd version of ubuntu :D00:08
_unreal_cd version?00:08
_unreal_AR45, why do you need a CD vesion00:08
daftykinsAR45_: are you still messing with this mac? using a CD install isn't going to change your success.00:08
AR45_daftykins: yes it will00:08
AR45_daftykins: the problem is the NVIDIA driver cannot run in EFI00:09
_unreal_AR45, how old is the mac? they have had dvd drives for a long old time00:09
AR45_daftykins: so I need to burn ubutu u on this cd and let it do it from bios00:09
daftykinsAR45_: you don't need different media to run in legacy vs EFI00:09
AR45__unreal_: 2010 MBP00:09
_unreal_then go with a dvd image that is designed for intel/mac00:10
daftykins_unreal_: you're coming in late on a sordid tale, so it's not worth explaining from scratch 'cause it's a tale faaaar further along :)00:10
squintyAR45:  fwiw, upon closing the drive door, most current os's will have a pop up asking what you wish to do with a blank disk (as it is recognized as such) or open a default application00:10
_unreal_daftykins, some times multi people saying HAY DUH helps ;)00:10
AR45_daftykins: others have had success http://korrekt.org/page/Note:How_to_install_%28K%29Ubuntu_14.04_on_Macbook_7,100:11
AR45_daftykins: also I had an article from arch linux and nvidia00:11
AR45_daftykins: the reason x dies is because the nvidia driver doesn't support efi00:12
_unreal_AR45, use an image BUILT for mac. YOUR mac. they are out there.00:12
_unreal_with that I need to go feed my child and read her a book before she goes to bed.00:12
AR45__unreal_: o_o really?00:12
_unreal_if ashley01 is looking for me I'll be back later00:12
_unreal_single full time dad00:12
daftykinsAR45_: you were installing from the mac ISOs yes?00:13
daftykins_unreal_: no offence but your life history is off topic ;)00:13
AR45_daftykins: yes the one on the website was a_unreal_ sayin that there is a special iso for my mac in particular00:13
AR45_daftykins: the 7,1 MBP?00:13
_unreal_daftykins, well not realling cause I'm about to APP-itizer update00:14
_unreal_and install00:14
daftykinscan you run that one by me again in English? :)00:14
AR45_Well looks like ubuntu can't fit on a CD.00:14
daftykinsyeah could've told you that00:14
AR45_So I have to get debian I guess00:14
_unreal_AR45, thats what I was trying to say00:15
_unreal_there is no CD version of ubuntu that I know of any more. seek a build for MAC your MAC00:15
daftykinsthere's mini.iso, but i still fail to see why you think you need different media to boot in BIOS (legacy) mode?00:15
AR45__unreal_: I don't think there is one on the wifi00:15
_unreal_AR45, do you NOT have a dvd drive?00:16
AR45_daftykins: well man can you just tell me how to install it in bios mode rather00:16
_unreal_ok feeding time00:16
AR45__unreal_: omg I don't have any dvds atm, just one blansk cd and I NEED this to work!00:16
_unreal_then your sol00:16
_unreal_S.O.L. get some blanks00:17
daftykinsdon't use that language in here, even in acronym form thanks00:17
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daftykinsAR45_: you should be using refind to call booting in BIOS mode apparently00:18
ashley01im back00:23
OverCoderMy Computer is pretty slow all because of a high CPU usage, my CPU is Core2Duo, I'm running Eclipse IDE and chrome and that's all, can those make my PC that sluggish or something is wrong?00:23
OverCoderi don't mean it's unusable but slow00:23
daftykinsOverCoder: RAM? ubuntu version? unity?00:23
OverCoder2GB, 14.04, not unity00:24
pbxOverCoder, what does System Monitory tell you?00:24
OverCoderthere's around 30% static CPU usage00:25
OverCoderon both cores00:25
daftykinscoming from what?00:25
somsipOverCoder: Eclipse/Java is pretty heavy on load00:26
OverCoderdaftykins, in the processes tab, nothing is using the CPU00:26
pbxflash ads in web pages also can add up if you have lots of tabs/windows00:26
OverCoderbut in reality it's is being used00:26
OverCoderpbx, i haven't think of this00:26
pbxOverCoder, you sorting by cpu there?00:26
daftykinsOverCoder: so, the answers to what i asked earlier?00:26
OverCoderpbx, yes00:27
pbxOverCoder, also, the View button in the upper right is set to all processes?00:27
OverCoderoh, no00:27
OverCoderi was looking for something like this00:27
OverCodergnome-monitor seem to use 15% CPU ._.00:27
OverCoderI've closed chromium, the CPU load now 10%, it's OK now00:28
OverCoderbut, i don't have flash player working on chrome00:28
AR45_daftykins: Hm I installed refind.00:28
OverCoderanyway, Thank you everyone for your support, i really appreciate it00:28
daftykinsAR45_: and...?00:29
_unreal_OverCoder, what browser are you using?00:30
daftykins"i've closed chromium"00:30
AR45_daftykins: do I have to configure it to do a bios boot?00:30
daftykinsAR45_: yeah00:30
AR45_daftykins: hm how?00:30
daftykinsAR45_: you've been shown the guide about telling the difference between when ubuntu is booting in EFI mode vs legacy yes?00:31
_unreal_daftykins, that was NOT the answer I was looking for from OverCoder hehe00:31
AR45_daftykins: no :(00:31
daftykins!uefi | AR45_00:32
ubottuAR45_: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:32
daftykinsAR45_: at this point it sounds like you've not researched any of these things, go check it out00:32
daftykins_unreal_: i think it was :P00:32
OverCoder_unreal_, sorry i didn't notice, i use chromium00:33
_unreal_brb checking on the child.00:34
tortibhello why is bash on ubuntu still vulnerable to CVE-2014-6277 ?00:35
ubottuGNU Bash through 4.3 bash43-026 does not properly parse function definitions in the values of environment variables, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (uninitialized memory access, and untrusted-pointer read and write operations) via a crafted environment, as demonstrated by vectors involving the ForceCommand feature in OpenSSH... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-6277)00:35
tortibI have tried to update bash to the latest package and it says it's the latest but it's still vulnerable.00:35
AR45_daftykins: UEFI has nada to do with me o_o00:35
AR45_daftykins: EFI :D00:36
daftykinsAR45_: you realise they're the same.00:36
AR45_daftykins: Isn't EFI Mac/UEFI PC>00:36
tortibhello why is bash on ubuntu still vulnerable to CVE-2014-6277 ?00:37
ubottuGNU Bash through 4.3 bash43-026 does not properly parse function definitions in the values of environment variables, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (uninitialized memory access, and untrusted-pointer read and write operations) via a crafted environment, as demonstrated by vectors involving the ForceCommand feature in OpenSSH... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-6277)00:37
tortibI have tried to update bash to the latest package and it says it's the latest but it's still vulnerable.00:37
daftykinstortib: please stop repeating yourself00:37
daftykins!patience | tortib00:37
ubottutortib: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:37
daftykinstortib: you can ask if it's actually been fixed with the #bash people and also confirm if it has via the ubuntu security advisory pages first00:38
daftykinsAR45_: no.00:38
tortibdaftykins: there are a lot of people that leave and join the channel how will I get my question answered if the new people don't see it?00:38
tortibdaftykins: oh didn't see what you said.00:39
daftykinstortib: you can repeat but only at sane intervals00:39
tortibdaftykins: I'm using the shell script from shellshocker.net00:39
tortiband it says vulnerable00:39
daftykinswhat version are you running?00:39
daftykinsno, version of ubuntu00:39
tortib14.04 LTS00:40
squintytortib: apt-cache policy bash   to see installed version00:41
daftykinsthat appears to be current00:42
daftykinstortib: please see the notes section here - http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2014/CVE-2014-6277.html00:43
ubottuGNU Bash through 4.3 bash43-026 does not properly parse function definitions in the values of environment variables, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (uninitialized memory access, and untrusted-pointer read and write operations) via a crafted environment, as demonstrated by vectors involving the ForceCommand feature in OpenSSH... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-6277)00:43
reisioprobably more "allows for the potential for"00:44
daftykinscan you make your point in a complete sentence? :)00:44
daftykinsoh substituting the 'which allows remote attackers', ok00:45
cooldman224silly question, but what accounts are the ones listed at the top right when you click the settings button? they aren't users...00:47
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AR45_daftykins: I think this just might work you GENIUS!00:48
daftykinsAR45_: it's not genius, it's reading a couple of things - i don't even own a mac.00:49
AR45_daftykins: you make my nipples hard00:50
daftykinsAR45_: inappropriate.00:50
squintycooldman224:  they are for setting up integration with your online accounts, like facebook or twitter etc.  not sure of all the details pertaining to them as I am not a facebooker or twitter (though I probably am a "twit")   :P00:52
tortibdaftykins: it isn't fixed yet?00:52
rypervenchetortib: Not fixed, but it's been patched to be non-exploitable.00:52
daftykinstortib: i'm not going to research for you :)00:52
squintytortib:  you get a seg fault when running that script?00:52
tortibrypervenche: ah, that works00:52
tortibsquinty: yeah I do00:52
cooldman224squinty: thanks! how do i get rid of them?00:52
tortibso that means I'm not at risk?00:53
tortibbecause I run CGI and apache.. :(00:53
rypervenchetortib: bash <(curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hannob/bashcheck/master/bashcheck)00:53
tortibrypervenche: what?00:54
rypervenchetortib: Run that whole thing from your terminal.00:54
Ben64i'd recommend not running random stuff00:54
rypervencheWell, read the code first then run it.00:54
rypervencheIt's a simple bash script.00:55
tortibrypervenche: ah ty sir (or madam)00:55
RudyValenciaHi, what is the recommended method for mounting SMB (Windows) fileshares on a semi-permanent basis?01:13
NegativeFlareRudyValencia: I've always used Gigolo01:13
reisioRudyValencia: 'mount' with cifs01:14
RudyValenciaCIFS filesystem mounts in fstab?01:14
reisioworks with 'mount' like anything01:15
reisioand optionally fstab, like anything01:15
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smart_developerAre there companies out there that provide *only* cloud storage,01:34
smart_developerand not any other cloud services ?01:34
smart_developerFor example, you would see that Amazon has cloud storage data centers, but also offers a variety of other cloud services as well.01:34
smart_developerBut are there some companies (small,medium, or large), that focus only on offering/providing cloud data storage ?01:35
smart_developer(And if there are, then are those companies mainly offering main persistent storage, or backup+archive storage) ?01:35
pzkpfwwho just rents their data servers out?01:37
smart_developerpzkpfw : Are you saying that nobody does ?01:39
pzkpfwNo, I'm not.01:39
pzkpfwI don't know.01:39
NegativeFlareDropbox offers JUST cloud storage.01:39
pzkpfwas a company?01:39
NegativeFlareThey have business options. And as as far as I know, yes.01:39
pzkpfwI know Rackspace does services, MS, Amazon, Ubuntu01:39
pzkpfwI don't know a lot about cloud services01:40
smart_developerNegativeFlare : Does dropbox actually have their own data centers, though ?01:40
pzkpfwDoes google do cloud services or just Drive?01:40
smart_developerBecause I heard that they may be using Amazon's cloud storage services, to power their own Dropbox service.01:40
NegativeFlaresmart_developer: I'm not really sure, all I know is, all they do is cloud storage.01:40
hmdI don't think there's any01:40
pzkpfwsome of the tor ones, maybe01:40
pzkpfwif there are any left01:40
smart_developerSo, it doesn't make sense from a business perspective for a cloud company to revolve around *just* storing other companies' data ?01:41
smart_developerAnd not much else ?01:42
smart_developerwith it01:42
NegativeFlaresmart_developer: First, I don't think this is on topic to a "help" channel, but honestly like I said before. I'm pretty sure that's all Dropbox does. Is just host people's data.01:43
hdtune2kAre there any graphical C developing software on GNOME?01:44
hdtune2kI need one on my class01:44
NegativeFlarehdtune2k: Such an as IDE? If so, there are tons.01:44
NegativeFlareI have a few favorites: Emacs, and Eclipse01:45
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hdtune2kI have it01:46
hdtune2kHow can I configure the C developing envirmonment01:46
NegativeFlareYou can install the C/C++ environment01:46
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hdtune2kapt-get install gcc g++?01:46
NegativeFlareWell, it uses GCC/G++01:46
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hdtune2kthen I can create a new C form01:47
hdtune2kIt will try that01:47
NegativeFlarehdtune2k: https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/howto/EclipseCpp_HowTo.html01:47
hdtune2kThank @NegativeFlare01:47
NegativeFlareNo problem01:47
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NegativeFlarehdtune2k: if it complains that it can't find GCC/G++01:48
NegativeFlarejust install the build-essential package via apt-get01:48
bynariedoes anyone know if when you compile/build a program in lazarus(free pascal), will that program run on a standard ubuntu, without any special runtimes?01:52
bynarieor does it require some type of pascal runtimes?01:53
hdtune2ksorry i didnt know that01:53
axisyshow to increase the sound on ubuntu? volume is maxed already on the volume icon01:53
NegativeFlareaxisys: pavucontrol01:54
NegativeFlarerun it in the terminal ;)01:54
hdtune2kwhat could it done?01:54
NegativeFlareIts Pulseaudio's sound control program01:55
NegativeFlareIt lets you turn the volume over 100%01:55
hdtune2kCounld it damage the computer?01:55
NegativeFlaremight blow your speakers01:55
NegativeFlarethat's about it01:55
axisyscool.. installed and I see the option now01:55
guest1177aNeed help : I have the bcm4311 (rev 01) wireless card, I followed the intstructions at : http://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/installing-broadcom-wireless-drivers    but not working. The instruction at that link seems to amount to doing sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree     which I did.  When I do sudo rfkill list there is no output (nothing shows up) and when I do sudo ifconfig there is not entry for wlan at all.  This thin02:00
guest1177ag with rfkill and ifconfig is the same as before installing linux-firmware-nonfree    (there has been no change). My laptop is an hp pavillion dv6000 from 200702:00
guest1177aOh, also, I expected to see an entry in the drop down network list that says "enable wireless" but there is no entry at all (not just unchecked, it does not exist).02:01
daftykins!broadcom | guest1177a02:02
ubottuguest1177a: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:02
daftykinsseen that one?02:02
AR45_How do I find a process and kill it VIA terminal?02:03
daftykinsps -ef02:04
daftykinskill #PID_number_goes_here02:04
guest1177adaftykins, Thank you. I had not. Looks like there's something else I can try. But, does that sound normal for rfkill list to not show anything?02:05
daftykinsnot sure, i would check what interfaces exist with "ifconfig -a"02:05
guest1177aI'll try that02:05
daftykinsnetwork-manager definitely needs a restart i would've thought, after you do what you do02:05
guest1177adaftykins, again, there is nothing listed for wlan (wlan0 or whatever) - only for etho and lo02:07
daftykinsis eth0 definitely your wired LAN and not a wifi interface?02:07
guest1177athis seems alarming to me and makes me worry that no amount of wireless driver installation will help02:07
guest1177ahow could I tell? (I do have an nethernet cable pluigged nito that lappy right now)02:08
daftykinsguest1177a: well, it'd have an IP address likely if you're actively using it to be online :)02:08
guest1177adaftykins, yes it's the ethernet. unpluggin the cable and running sudo ifconfig -a and inet addr dissapears. Plug in again and run the command and I'm assigned an ip (it shows up)02:10
guest1177ano, it seems my hardware (wireless card) is not recognized as even existing (exceps with lspci)02:11
deadevilboyhello ppl02:12
guest1177aI thought rfkill list was supposed to recognize the hardware no matter what state it's in02:12
daftykinsguest1177a: have you at any point run "rfkill listall" ?02:12
deadevilboyI have a question... probably it's easy.. but I can't put it working02:12
guest1177aI'll try tha02:13
daftykinssorry i think it's "rfkill list all"02:13
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guest1177adaftykins, seems there is no listall flag02:13
guest1177aI get the help menu02:13
deadevilboyimagine this: my laptop is wired (eth0) to a switch/LAN. And also has a wlan0 connection to another router in a differente subnet. How can I allow one pc from the wired connection to connect to my lan (via my laptop) ?02:14
deadevilboyI mean.. to connect to my wlan02:14
guest1177adaftykins, sudo rfkill list all goes through but no output (same result as using the list flag)02:14
daftykinsdeadevilboy: they need to receive the information that your PC is the default gateway for that subnet - and also you must have IP forwarding enabled02:15
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daftykinsguest1177a: hrmm, sounds like a driver module isn't loaded to me02:15
deadevilboyhmmm... and I have to have both wlan and eth up right?02:15
guest1177adaftykins, well that's where my knowlege hits it's limit  :s02:16
daftykinsdeadevilboy: they should be up and be configured with IPs already02:16
daftykinsguest1177a: looks to me like the package you installed isn't right for your model card02:16
daftykinsguest1177a: just to confirm, lspci definitely shows the broadcom 4311?02:17
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deadevilboydaftykins: so on eth0 my ip is (Example) and wlan0 I must say to pc1 in that I am the gateway.. is that it?02:17
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guest1177adaftykins, so I'm guessing that thing for me to do is systematically install/remove each of the options that apply to my specific card and pray one of them works?02:18
daftykinsdeadevilboy: specifically, that you are the gateway for 192.168.1.x/24 yes02:18
deadevilboydaftykins: and the only thing I have to do in the laptop is sysctls net.ipv4. bla bla bla = 1?02:18
daftykinsguest1177a: yep, i would!02:18
daftykinsdeadevilboy: if it isn't already 1, yes02:18
daftykinsdeadevilboy: by that i mean the output of the variable under /proc02:21
daftykins"cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"02:21
deadevilboydaftykins: u mean sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 ?02:22
daftykinsthe above is to confirm it, not set it02:23
deadevilboyso no need to ipfwd?02:23
chachachaHi guys. Does anybody know if it's safe to downgrade python from 3.4 to 3.3 in Ubuntu 14.04?02:26
chachacha(without using virtualenv)02:26
reisiochachacha: what for02:26
chachachapy3.4 shipped with a broken package, pyvenv02:27
chachacha(mostly due to a missing package, ensurepip)02:27
chachachaI want to use the box for making a Flask app with python 302:28
chachachaBut I wanted to setup virtualenv without sudo02:28
RudyValenciaOK I can't get my xubuntu box to integrate with Active Directory using PBIS Open, any other way I can have AD authentication?02:29
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rypervencheRudyValencia: LDAP02:32
RudyValenciaHow do you use LDAP with Active Directory anyway?02:35
rwwActive Directory provides an LDAP server out of the box...02:35
RudyValenciaI didn't know it was an LDAP service02:36
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RudyValenciais there a direction page or something I can use to research setting it up that way?02:37
CaffeineAddictI have 2 vps running ubuntu.  I have one that is working and the one that I am migrating to.  The first one has 3 upstart scripts that are running node.js server02:37
c_nickGuys, whats the best example of CRM ?02:37
CaffeineAddicton the first server they work fine, on the second server it is complaining about `stop: Unknown instance:`02:38
Capprenticec_nick, Search in sourceforge.com :)02:38
CaffeineAddicton the second server there doesnt seem to be a /var/log file for the given upstart scripts02:38
MoonlightningInstalling Ubuntu server…should I select English for the locale, or C?02:39
MoonlightningI know some of OS X's things behave weirdly outside of the C locale…02:39
MoonlightningLike `tr` complains about invalid byte patterns if you give it arbitrary data. I think it assumes everything is UTF-8. :|02:40
reisioMoonlightning: I'm sure the default is good :p02:40
guest1177aanyone - would removing bcmwl-kernel-source     cause any harm?02:42
guest1177aI need a better understanding of the process for exchanging drivers02:43
guest1177ajoseph mills around? how to ping someone?02:44
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guest1177awhere can I get help. I'm a homeless guy using borrowed internet to try get this thing working (yeah, really)02:50
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lotuspsychje!broadcom | guest1177a02:51
ubottuguest1177a: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:51
guest1177athis thing is outside my ability to really comprehend.02:51
guest1177aI have that link and severall others. Am I the only one who sees how convoluted this issue is with ubuntu?02:52
guest1177awith linux in general I guess02:52
lotuspsychjeguest1177a: lets stay simple, whats your end goal exactly?02:53
daftykinsdon't get broadcom is the answer02:53
guest1177alotuspsychje, to connect my laptop to the internet wirelessly02:53
lotuspsychjeguest1177a: for that you will need a working wifi driver yes02:53
daftykinslotuspsychje: bcm4311, interface isn't showing up for the device, so driver issue02:53
daftykinsi have to sleep, good luck02:54
lotuspsychjeguest1177a: did you check your additional drivers section?02:54
MarkChangUbuntu 14.04 64bit with gcin 2.8.2, but gcin usually crash onec or twice a day. Does anyone has suggestion?02:54
guest1177arfkill list all shows no output, additional drivers shows only video drivers in the list, ifconfig shows no wireless interface at all, lspci -k shows wl driver in use, the dropdown list for networking on the desktop has no entry at all like "enable wireless"02:56
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guest1177aand, what I'm seeing in some web pages reveals more stuff to do than in others (for instance, blacklisting things and removing other drivers before trying a different one)02:57
c_nickCapprentice: lol dont want a software implementation.. just wanna know if u guys came across something really worthy.. need to make a presentation on current crm implementation in the companies and how we can further improve it :)02:57
lotuspsychjeguest1177a: did you install ubuntu with cable + updates during setup?02:57
guest1177alotuspsychje, yes. I ticked the boxes for non-free stuff and for installing updates during the install02:58
lotuspsychjeguest1177a: can you pastebin lshw -C network for me02:59
guest1177abc of the lappy model I have I had to use boot option for no acpi or I would have no input (no keyboard or mouse working) to even do the install. So I used that boot option (and nodmraid) when doing the install02:59
guest1177alotuspsychje, err...  can you remind me the command to send to pastebin from the command line please?03:00
guest1177ais it patebinit | /path/to/whatever03:01
lotuspsychjeguest1177a: you dont hace gui? ubuntu pastebin?03:01
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guest1177alotuspsychje, yes I have gui. lshw -C network    output is strange    (no new command line given - it's as if the output is changing with time)03:03
squintyguest1177a:  fwiw  sudo lshw -C network | pastebinit03:04
guest1177alotuspsychje, output is strange - I have to use interrupt to stop output (ctrl+alt+c) - and it seems only 2 lines are output anyway. One flashes by to fast to see and the other is "PCI (sysfs)"03:08
guest1177amy bad I was impatient - one momemt for the link03:08
guest1177alotuspsychje, sorry man  -->  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8518476/03:10
lotuspsychjeguest1177a: ok driver loaded for your BCM4311 is wl and you dont see the wifi icon?03:11
guest1177alotuspsychje, what wifi icon?03:11
guest1177athe only thing to do with networnking on the desktop toolbar looks like two arrows one pointing up and the other pointing down03:13
lotuspsychje!broadcom | guest1177a check this site wich driver you can install for BCM431103:13
ubottuguest1177a check this site wich driver you can install for BCM4311: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:13
CarlFKapt-get install usbmount .. installed.  plug in usb drive, mount shows /dev/sdg1 on /media/usb0 type ext4 (rw,noexec,nodev,sync,noatime,nodiratime) - how do I change noexec to exec?  (ideally permanently, not just remounting this time)03:14
guest1177athat's what I was going off of when I came here. I notice that it doesn't show anything about the specifics I see in other places and that concerns me (since my expertixe w/ linux is limited)03:15
AR45_Ubuntu on my Mac.03:16
AR45_dokuhebi: reisio Techguy30503:17
reisioAR45_: that's me03:17
guest1177aspecifics as in - some other pages/links show blacklisting things, some show removing the existing driver before trying a different one, one even shows purging linux-kernel-source     but what am I supposed to do, try to synthesise the information from several places on my own, w/ my limited knowledge, and hope I don't break shit?03:17
AR45_reisio: Now.. Time to figure out how to remove all the software on ubuntu!03:18
AR45_reisio: all the bloatware and crap I don't need :D03:18
lotuspsychjebloatware on ubuntu?03:19
AR45_lotuspsychje: yes gnome being the first one lol03:19
somsipAR45_: install from minimal and build it up from there instead of installing unity desktop version. Maybe one for another day now :-)03:20
AR45_somsip: I was afraid that if I did so. It wouldn't be compatible on my MBP03:20
somsipAR45_: I understand. I've seen you working on this for a while. There are (old) guides on pyschocats.net about removing packages from installed systems, so they might help you. Eg search 'pyschocats remove'03:21
reisio!ops finitoo pr0nspam03:22
ubottureisio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:22
reisiono danger there03:22
AR45_somsip: Thanks a lot!03:25
somsipAR45_: ymmv - it depends what you want to achieve, and the guides are a bit old now. They *seem* to have a good reputation though03:26
AR45_somsip: I want a fast/stable setup for web dev. I want to try minimal cd.. would it install the requirements for ubuntu + lxde for me (that's litterally all I need) the rest I'll add03:28
somsipAR45_: Sounds fair to me. I use minimal for webdev with a different WM.03:28
AR45_somsip: which WM?03:29
AR45_somsip: openbox?03:29
somsipAR45_: awesomwm - tiling WM. lots of indenpendent screens with full screen windows instead of lots of windows on one screen. Very keyboard-shortcut orientated. Individual choice and all that.03:30
AR45_somsip: ah many screen huh, would be perfect for my laptop03:31
AR45_somsip: well looks like I have a new project :D03:31
reisioeh, well03:32
reisiothe point is it manages window position for you03:32
reisioso you don't waste time fiddling with a mouse03:32
AR45_reisio: yes I know what it is I used i3.03:32
reisioit has an "awesome" name, though :p03:32
somsipAR45_: worth a look, as are other tiling WMs. I find it easy to have firefox/irssi on a screen, vi on another, mutt on another, etc...03:32
AR45_somsip: yes ofc I completely see why it's fit.03:33
somsipreisio: after 2 years on it, I still reach for the mouse. My fault though, not awesome's03:33
AR45_i3 is better03:33
reisiosome things use a mouse03:33
somsipreisio: me03:33
reisioyou and drawing apps03:34
somsipreisio: sure - there are plenty of examples. I dislike graphics apps almost as much as trying to get a decent freelancer who can do small graphics jobs for me. But OT...03:35
AR45_somsip: nodejs user?03:35
somsipAR45_: fiddled a bit, but no real experience. PHP-based stuff mostly.03:36
AR45_somsip: do you know cpagrip.com03:36
somsipAR45_: just looked at it. Not for me03:37
jj995what is the harm in always using --no-install-recommends with apt-get install?03:37
AR45_somsip: ok03:37
jj995I guess I shouldn't worry too much about pulling in a few extra packages03:39
nahtnamWould you say heat bleed and shell shock are a bug or a virus?03:41
reisioviruses are called viruses because they replicate03:42
rypervenchenahtnam: Bug or exploit.03:42
rypervencheOr vulnerability.03:42
reisioany defect counts as a bug03:42
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AR45_somsip: let's see what this is about03:45
guest1177aok, I managed to get something to work but now I don't know what to do from here -->  http://pastebin.com/LGKb0iUq03:47
sridharanuI need to apply bash fix on Ubuntu 11.04 . How can I update bash to fix shelllock issue03:50
xanguasridharanu: upgrade to a supported ubuntu release03:50
sridharanuI dont have internet connected to that server . Can I download package from somewhere manually ans install on my server ?03:52
reisioyeah, but it's not much fun03:53
sridharanudo you have  any link to download latest bash for 11.04 ?03:55
nahtnamrypervenche: and reisio Thanks. I got into a big argument with my dad (quite frankly he is an asshole), and he keeps on insisting that is a virus. Even when you look up "shellshock virus", the first four link say bug. Anyways, thanks!03:56
somsipnahtnam: the exploit can be used to download virus-like code to a computer, but on it's own it is a bug that can be exploited.03:57
reisionahtnam: well, increasing vocabulary has always been hard for the ignorant masses03:57
nahtnamsomsip: Yep. Thanks :)03:57
somsipnahtnam: move on. One day you'll move out :)03:57
reisio'cloud', 'virus', etc.03:57
nahtnamYeah. On Firday, it will be exactly 2 years.03:57
somsipnahtnam: One day you'll move on then.03:58
reisiothere's not really any comparison, anyways03:58
reisioin Unixland we find exploits ('cause we can, we can view the code) long before they're acted upon, and fix them, and sit back03:58
SvetlanaThought a virus would have the ability to spread and infect previously uninfected systems, which bugs don't.03:58
reisioin non-Unixland, it's mostly just the freaking out part03:58
reisiothere hasn't been a good virus in ages, for any OS03:58
reisiobut that also speaks to the relative irrelevance of whether badware replicates or not03:59
SvetlanaOn a related note, I think some OS has "malicious software removal tool" kind of updates, which check for some known viruses and exploits and remove them. Is this something Ubuntu (or other GNU/Linux, or the kernel itself) has? I haven't seen it.03:59
sridharanuHi , Please help me to get bash package for ubuntu 11.04 to fix shellshock . Thank you.04:00
nahtnamreisio: Are there any viruses for Ubuntu? I hear people saying that there are none04:00
nahtnambut I dont think thats true04:00
SvetlanaThey exist as exploits, they do not need to spread I think. As two Ubuntu users exchanging a file happens less often than an exploit reaching another dozen of loosely updated boxes.04:01
SvetlanaOccasionally they're called 'rootkits'.04:02
SvetlanaWhich is perhaps a Windows world term, I dunno.04:02
reisionahtnam: there are actually viruses, yes, but of the... six (?) or so of them, they tend to be proof-of-concepts for already-at-the-time-out-of-date versions04:02
guest1177aanyone can help w/ a wireless issue?04:02
JaneDoeanyone there?04:03
nahtnamreisio: Awesome, so nothing that really is in use04:03
guest1177a I managed to get something to work but now I don't know what to do from here -->  http://pastebin.com/LGKb0iUq04:03
reisionahtnam: not at present, nope04:03
Svetlanasridharanu: Install latest bash: "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install bash". I'm not 100% sure but that's what I did. (And tell what version you've got after that). Desktop users would be not concerned to my understanding, as the exploit mainly targets webservers to my knowledge.04:03
JaneDoeCan anyone help me :?04:03
reisionahtnam: it's more work to make badware for Unix systems, because more people are more openly working against it04:03
SvetlanaJaneDoe: No. I see no question to help with, how can I help?04:03
SvetlanaJaneDoe: Ask.04:03
nahtnamreisio: Yep!04:04
sridharanuSvetlana : Yes We are using server . But no internet access to our server . So unable to run apt-get . Please help me to get the package to install manually . Thank you.04:05
SvetlanaWhat access to the server have you got?04:05
sridharanui have root access using sudo04:06
Svetlana(How do you install updates on it without the Internet? Updates are important for security.)04:06
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reisioof course, security issues are diminished if you aren't networked04:06
reisioyou can't really protect against physical access anyways :)04:06
pzkpfwupdates can always be installed other ways04:07
pzkpfwthan a direct network connection04:07
pzkpfwbut anyway...04:07
reisioyeah, relaxation time :)04:07
JaneDoeDoes anyone know how to create a bootable osx usb on ubuntu?04:07
* reisio rolls eyes04:07
sridharanucan't we upate bash package manually ?04:07
guest1177aI tried sudo ifconfig wlan0 up     but the output is "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Device or resource busy"04:08
sridharanuby downloading from another server and copying to the affected server for bash upgrade ? Plese help :(04:08
somsipsridharanu: new packages are not built (officially) for unsupported versions. So you either find an unofficial source, or you build it yourself from source.04:08
SvetlanaJaneDoe: Hello.  What's up? :-)04:09
somsipsridharanu: sorry - not clear. You either find somewhere that has built an unofficial package, or you build the package from source code04:09
xanguasridharanu: should you be more concern about using a distro that hasn't been supported for more than a year and posible have more vulnerabilities than bash?04:09
xangua2 years actually04:09
SvetlanaJaneDoe: Oh, that, no I don't know. Unetbooting might be relevant, but I don't know where to get osx from or in what format...04:09
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sridharanuok .. what are the current supported versions of ubuntu ?04:09
somsip!topic | sridharanu04:09
ubottusridharanu: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic04:09
JaneDoeSvetlana: I installed ubuntu on my mac and I fucked up the osx volume :/04:10
JaneDoeand Internet restore isn't working04:10
Svetlanasridharanu: Currently supported: 10.04 LTS (server), 12.04 LTS, and 14.04 LTS04:10
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SvetlanaJaneDoe: :-( Wait. Give others time to see your question. I don't know how they release it. (There is ##mac and #macosx)04:10
sridharanuSvetlana : Thank you. is it easy to upgrade from 11.04 to 12.04 without disturbing exisiting configurations ?04:12
somsip!eolupgrade | sridharanu04:12
ubottusridharanu: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:12
SchrodingersScat!language | JaneDoe04:12
ubottuJaneDoe: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList04:12
sridharanuubottu : thank you . i will check these links and come back for any questions.04:13
ubottusridharanu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:13
sridharanuThanks to all . who answered my questions . I will come back soon :)04:14
guest1177aTurns out there is a "Wireless light" on this computer. According to the manufacturer's manual, Blue means wireless card is turned on Amber means it's turned off  --  mine is flashing blue/amber04:15
OoTLinkdoes an ATA bus error generally mean your hard drive is hosed?04:22
guest1177aIs there a way to remove what was installed with "sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installe"04:24
kastelosudo apt-get remove04:25
guest1177abecause it is an installer I'm not sure if sudo apt-get purge firmware-b43-installer would do04:25
kasteloit's depend what do you want04:26
kastelopurge is identical to remove except that packages are removed and04:27
kastelo           purged (any configuration files are deleted too).04:27
guest1177agoing through hell w/ my broadcom bcm4311 wireless card in the worst dam lappy for linux ever made.04:27
guest1177athought I made progress but not so sure now04:27
NFGBroWhen I run a program from the terminal, is there a way of hiding that process, or at least that terminal? So that it's like I opened it from the menu?04:28
guest1177akastelo, would I only be removing the installer then (and not the driver) or would it remove the driver? How could I be sure?04:28
birdgg_add & at the end?04:29
somsipguest1177a: -s for a dry-run will just tell you what it will do04:29
somsip!behelpful | birdgg_04:30
ubottubirdgg_: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.04:30
celrocNFGBro: There are a few different ways to do it.  One way would be through the program screen (sudo apt-get install screen to get it).  And then put 'screen -d -m' before your command.  So, for firefox, for example, you could do "screen -d -m firefox"04:30
guest1177asomeone, thx04:31
somsipbirdgg_: apoligies - I realised you were replying to NFGBro not guest1177a04:31
NFGBrocelroc: Why is that better than what birdgg says?04:31
kasteloguest1177a, i think apt-get remove  do job for your needs04:31
NFGBroHis way seems to be working fine04:32
somsipNFGBro: if the program has any output that will go to terminal, it will show in the terminal you started it in. This might not be what you want04:33
guest1177athe output from sudo apt-get purge -s firmware-b43-installer     seems pretty ambiguous to me     http://paste.ubuntu.com/8518746/04:33
NFGBrosomsip: I see, thanks.04:33
celrocNFGBro: Ah, it actually depends more on what you need to do.  Mine hides the terminal output (if any) and also will not kill the process if the terminal is accidentally closed04:34
NFGBrocelroc: Thanks, that's great04:34
guest1177aan installer is just an installer right? and it installs something, ie: something else, a second thing - in this case, the driver in question. So if I remove the installer that says nothing of the driver right? or am I not understanding this correctly?04:35
crazyhead42_I can't seem to get my Ubuntu 13.04 server to work, and I'm not sure about it's network status - I've tried to update the system, but keep getting 404 errors. I've changed the location it is trying to get updates from, but I'm getting invalid signitures: "nodata 1" and "nodata 2".04:39
crazyhead42_I tried in #ubuntu-server , however no one else seems to be online.04:39
xanguamaybe you should be using a supported release to start with crazyhead4204:39
RudyValenciaIs it possible to make the borders a little bit easier to resize in Xubuntu?04:39
crazyhead42_I might have a 32 bit computer04:39
=== crazyhead42_ is now known as crazyhead42
crazyhead42Is there a way to check the hardware from within the server?04:42
crazyhead42Oh, I seem to have 64 bit compatibility. Is there an easy way to change versions without running the install again?04:46
ObrienDavefrom 32 to 64 bit?04:47
crazyhead42I'm currently on a 32 bit, but I think this is telling me I can run a 64 bit04:47
ObrienDaveno, you must reinstall04:48
crazyhead42Is there a currently supported 32 bit system then?04:48
MJCD @unopaste _19 _4ls __unik _andyj_ _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _KaszpiR_ _Marty _NiC _ruben _skule _sui _Trullo _unreal_ _|d0m|_ `Cam `Yoda aaa801 aaas aaearon aarontc aatwood aau abc1 aboudreault AceLan achernya Ackis Ad1 Ad1_RnR adan0s adante adeschamps AdmV0rl0n Adran Advocation aeil aem` Aerides aewing ahklerner Ahnberg ahoneybun airtonix AJ_Z0 aja042 akaWolf akiml_ akke akp akshay Akuma akurilin aladilas AlanBell alduin alex_19 alexandros_c alexbligh1 alienspy alilje04:48
MJCD @unopaste _19 _4ls __unik _andyj_ _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _KaszpiR_ _Marty _NiC _ruben _skule _sui _Trullo _unreal_ _|d0m|_ `Cam `Yoda aaa801 aaas aaearon aarontc aatwood aau abc1 aboudreault AceLan achernya Ackis Ad1 Ad1_RnR adan0s adante adeschamps AdmV0rl0n Adran Advocation aeil aem` Aerides aewing ahklerner Ahnberg ahoneybun airtonix AJ_Z0 aja042 akaWolf akiml_ akke akp akshay Akuma akurilin aladilas AlanBell alduin alex_19 alexandros_c alexbligh1 alienspy alilje04:48
MJCD @unopaste _19 _4ls __unik _andyj_ _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _KaszpiR_ _Marty _NiC _ruben _skule _sui _Trullo _unreal_ _|d0m|_ `Cam `Yoda aaa801 aaas aaearon aarontc aatwood aau abc1 aboudreault AceLan achernya Ackis Ad1 Ad1_RnR adan0s adante adeschamps AdmV0rl0n Adran Advocation aeil aem` Aerides aewing ahklerner Ahnberg ahoneybun airtonix AJ_Z0 aja042 akaWolf akiml_ akke akp akshay Akuma akurilin aladilas AlanBell alduin alex_19 alexandros_c alexbligh1 alienspy alilje04:48
ObrienDavecrazyhead42, all current 32 bit 'buntus are supported here04:49
__unikunopaste: Can you please do so something with MJCD?04:49
rwwthey already left...04:51
ObrienDaveunopaste is a bot04:53
pzkpfwis everyone already dead?04:54
__unik.unopaste help04:55
rww__unik: do you have an Ubuntu support question?04:55
__unikObrianDave: what's its feature04:55
rww__unik: none that you can invoke04:55
__unikrww: no, thanks for asking04:55
rww__unik: then leave the channel clear for support, thanks04:55
__unikrww: sorry. thanks for prompt.04:56
ObrienDave__unik, to prevent channel flooders04:56
rww"make life more difficult for", rather04:56
=== RichardStallman is now known as Coimbra
slyrus_so I've got a super jumpy scroll-wheel with my logitech g700 mouse on 14.04. it doesn't happen all the time, but enough to be rather annoying.05:12
ObrienDavedefine jumpy05:13
slyrus_scroll a little and then it keeps scrolling long after it should stop, or starts spontaneously scrolling my window05:14
slyrus_it's not all the time, but particularly after various keyboard events it seems to show up05:14
slyrus_driving me crazy...05:14
ObrienDavetake it apart and clean the scroll wheel mechanism and button05:15
slyrus_oh? hardware error? never occurred to me... I suppose I have a new one here that I could try and see if that fixes the problem.05:15
slyrus_I just assumed it was a software problem.05:15
ObrienDavenot error, just dirty05:15
slyrus_ok, halfway there... the new mouse doesn't exhibit the same behavior. now to fix the old one. thanks ObrienDave!05:18
ObrienDavemost welcome05:19
slyrus_this reinforces my belief that there are some problems for which filing a bug first is not necessarily the right approach :)05:20
ObrienDaveLOL point taken05:20
slyrus_of course, not being a hardware guy, I usually blame the software05:20
ObrienDavemost do05:21
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ObrienDaveGreetings & Welcome05:41
ssshiii vurma05:46
=== Owner is now known as Guest46754
pzkpfwCan ubuntu read exFAT usb storage?06:13
luminous krb5-multidev : Depends: libkrb5-3 (= 1.10+dfsg~beta1-2) but 1.10+dfsg~beta1-2ubuntu0.3 is to be installed06:19
luminous                 Depends: libk5crypto3 (= 1.10+dfsg~beta1-2) but 1.10+dfsg~beta1-2ubuntu0.3 is to be installed06:19
luminous                 Depends: libgssapi-krb5-2 (= 1.10+dfsg~beta1-2) but 1.10+dfsg~beta1-2ubuntu0.3 is to be installed06:19
luminouswhy is this package borked on me?06:19
allenanybody here?06:22
squintypzkpfw: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2238314   maybe try his solution06:24
pzkpfwsquinty thanks06:24
CaffeineAddictin /var/log I have folder named nginx its default permissions are `drwxr-x---  2 www-data adm       4096 Oct  7 15:41 nginx`06:33
CaffeineAddictusing sudo I can not seem to cd into this folder06:33
CaffeineAddictwhat is the correct way of getting to the log files inhere ... im guessing chown 777 is the wrong way to go about it06:34
somsipCaffeineAddict: if you need to descend into it, sudo -i and then you will 'be' root and can navigate to it. Remember to 'exit' or CTRL-d when you are done06:36
CaffeineAddictwell yah, I can sudo su too ... but do I really need to for access to a webserver log file when auth.log has lighter permissions?06:37
CaffeineAddictit seams like there should be a cleaner method of doing this06:38
somsipCaffeineAddict: add yourself to adm group06:38
CaffeineAddictdid that ... didnt seem to have any effect06:39
CaffeineAddictwhich is also odd06:39
somsipCaffeineAddict: need to logout and back in after a group change06:39
somsipCaffeineAddict: groups will tell you what you belong to to check06:39
CaffeineAddictlogging out and back in solved it06:39
CaffeineAddictthank you06:39
=== MasterPiece1 is now known as MasterPiece
sunil_when i try to connect with mysql i got one error in script "Could not connect: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)"  but in phpmyadmin i can conncet06:53
sunil_how to solve06:53
zetheroomy resolv.conf keeps getting a search entry put in after system reboot - but I need to get rid of it - how do I find out where it's coming from?06:54
Jakob_I'm in need of some help with a squid3 server, i keep getting TCP_denied/403 3915 - standard squid3 configfile, can anyone help ? (:06:56
somsipsunil_: can you connect using the same user/pass using 'mysql -u {user} -p' ?06:57
Jakob_I'm in need of some help with a squid3 server, i keep getting TCP_denied/403 3915 - standard squid3 configfile, can anyone help (:07:02
robinjjust joined this channel to make sure i'm not crazy07:02
somsiprobinj: not sure how to answer that one...07:03
sunil_somsip: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user '{root}'@'localhost' (using password: YES) i geiting this error07:03
robinjas long as this channel is alive and well then we ok07:03
somsipsunil_: then you have the wrong user/pass/grants07:03
somsiprobinj: it is alive07:03
somsipsunil_: erm...don't put root in {} and try again...07:04
sunil_somsip: Thanks for your support sir , but I can connect via phpmyadming using same username and password !07:04
robinjcan i give someone the login to my work server07:04
robinji need help troubleshooting07:04
somsipsunil_: and do not call me 'sir'. I wont respond if you do07:04
somsiprobinj: you will be lucky to get unpaid support like that in here. Ask questions, maybe get answers. That's all.07:05
somsipsunil_: do 'mysql -u root -p' and let us know the result07:05
sunil_somsip: Yes It is connected now :)07:05
somsipsunil_: using mysql -u root -p? then you have an error in your code. Paste using paste.ubuntu.com07:06
robinjwell gg07:06
Jakob_robinj: what do you need help with?07:06
deitario1What's the procedure for reporting that my mobo's onboard audio causes certain apps to crackle intermittently unless I use tsched=0? I seem to remember reading that it indicates an ALSA driver bug.07:07
somsip!bugs | deitario1 (probably...)07:07
ubottudeitario1 (probably...): If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.07:07
sunil_somsip:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8519292/07:07
somsiplaravel mysqldump to seed07:07
deitario1Also, finitoo just PM-spammed me with a link and some text that looked like it was offering something for free in Spanish.07:08
somsipsunil_: is not the same as localhost. Maybe root@ does not exist07:08
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deitario1I could be wrong on the language though. I didn't pay it much attention once I confirmed it was linkspam.07:08
=== `Yoda is now known as ItsYoda
sunil_somsip: I have already tried localhost in that script before , as a new comer in Linux I am not able to find out the issue07:09
Jakob_I'm in need of some help with a squid3 server, i keep getting TCP_denied/403 3915 - standard squid3 configfile, can anyone help (:07:11
sunil_somsip: how to setroot@ ?07:13
somsipsunil_: in phpMyAdmin you can look at the Users tab and it should be in there as standard07:13
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somsipsunil_: but I'm really not sure why that isn't working. If you connect with mysql -u -p, and the password is correct in the PHP script, it should work.07:14
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sunil_somsip:  it is exist in php my admin07:15
zetheroomy resolv.conf keeps getting a search entry put in after system reboot - but I need to get rid of it - how do I find out where it's coming from?07:15
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sunil_ok thank you all07:17
Loshkizetheroo: using DHCP? It's probably the dhclient-script. See also /etc/network/if-up.d/000resolvconf07:27
zetherooLoshki: ok will look - yes DHCP07:28
zetherooLoshki: not sure what needs changing here http://paste.ubuntu.com/8519363/07:34
ThomashamkaDoes anyone know if you can "DOCK" Ubuntu Touch RTM? (Full os convergence stuff), if not, will it come =)?07:37
cfhowlett!touch | Thomashamka,07:37
ubottuThomashamka,: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch07:37
ThomashamkaSorry and thanks07:38
Loshkizetheroo: Exactly which search entry is it that keeps showing up?07:39
zetherooit's an in-house one that is no longer being used07:40
AR45_How do I install KDE without all the bloatware?!07:41
cfhowlettAR45_, sudo apt-get install kde07:41
AR45_cfhowlett: plasma 5? :D07:42
cfhowlettAR45_, kde is the desktop environment.  the above command will install ONLY the DE , i.e. no "bloatware"07:42
Loshkizetheroo: have a little hunt thru /etc for the string meteotest.ch e.g. sudo find /etc -type -f | xargs egrep -i meteotest.ch07:43
zetherooLoshki: find: Arguments to -type should contain only one letter07:44
Loshkizetheroo: have a little hunt thru /etc for the string meteotest.ch e.g. sudo find /etc -type f | xargs egrep -i meteotest.ch   <<<--- note change -f to f07:45
AR45_cfhowlett: package can't be located07:46
zetherooLoshki: everything is "Permission denied"07:46
zetherooshould I do it as root?07:46
somsipzetheroo: sudo grep -nir 'meteotest; /etc07:46
somsipzetheroo: sudo grep -nir 'meteotest' /etc07:47
Loshkizetheroo: yes, or do what somsip suggests instead.07:47
cfhowlettAR45_, right.  sudo-apt install kde-plasma-desktop = barebones DE only07:47
PetazzHi! So when developing I need to open a terminal with multiple tabs and I also need to cd in both of them and activate python virtualenv. Is that possible to do with a bash script?07:48
somsip!info screen | Petazz (also see tmux and byobu which are similar but more featured)07:49
ubottuPetazz (also see tmux and byobu which are similar but more featured): screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-9 (trusty), package size 613 kB, installed size 936 kB07:49
zetheroo2 hits:07:49
zetheroo/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/VPN connection 1:2:id=meteotest07:50
zetheroo/etc/fstab:17:# Meteotest Shares07:50
Loshkizetheroo: the 2nd is a comment, so harmless. The first implies it's something to do with Network Manager...07:52
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Petazzsomsip: Screen is nice but I need them to be more easily accessible07:55
PetazzI mean changing the tab with a mouse for example is nice07:56
aaiaaiHow do I remove Wine from my Ubuntu 14.04? I tried to install SketchUp Make 2014 ... couldn't get it to work. Installed Play on linux .... nope nothing happened here . So I wanna remove everything that has to do with Wine  from my installation... how do i do it??08:00
cfhowlettaaiaai, sudo apt-get purge wine*08:00
Jakob_I'm in need of some help with a squid3 server, i keep getting TCP_denied/403 3915 - standard squid3 configfile, can anyone help (: - can't anyone help me :d08:01
cfhowlett!server | Jakob_08:02
ubottuJakob_: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server08:02
popeyaaiaai: as well as removing the WINE application itself, there's probably a hidden directory called .wine in your home directory you may want to clear out.08:02
geirhaPetazz: you'll need a file that sources .bashrc, then the right virtualenv file, then pass that file to bash's --rcfile08:03
hxmi am using gnome and at the top bar, i cant see the menus File Edit View... what did i remove?08:05
zetherooLoshki: I don't have meteotest.ch anywhere in my network manager connections08:05
blewhhi all. i'm using awesomewm and i would like to find out how to manually start the keyboard switcher icon because i accidentally closed it08:09
Loshkizetheroo: well, if it isn't local config, it must be coming from the DHCP server. Can you check the dhcp logs, failing that, run dhclient in verbose mode.08:11
zetheroowhere are the dhcp logs? If it was coming from the DHCP server wouldn't all other Linux systems also be having this issue?08:13
zetheroohow do I run the dhclient in verbose mode?08:13
Svetlanait has a -v switch for that zetheroo, but I'm not sure how to enable verbose logging without that yet08:15
ikoniait also has -d which forces it to run in the foreground08:16
Loshkizetheroo: sorry, I don't run dhcp myself, I assume it logs to /var/log somewhere.08:16
ikoniayou'll see logs in the syslog08:16
ikoniazetheroo: keep in mind running dhclient and networkmanager launching a dhclient session are very different08:16
LoshkiNow *that's* teamwork!08:17
somsipPetazz: so would a tabbed terminal help?08:17
zetherooI just want this to work without me having to remove that entry from resolv.conf every time I boot up my machine08:17
ikoniathats what dnsmasq is for08:18
ikonia(assuming you're letting network manager manage your connections)08:18
geirhaPetazz: create a file named "v1rc" in your homedir that contains: "source ~/.bashrc; source /path/to/venv1/bin/activate" (without the quotes). Then create a "v2rc" for the second virtualenv etc...08:19
geirhaPetazz: then run  gnome-terminal --tab-with-profile=default -e 'bash --rcfile ~/v1rc' --tab-with-profile=default -e 'bash --rcfile ~/v2rc'08:20
zetherooikonia: yes, on this machine it's all just via nm08:20
ikoniazetheroo: so dnsmasq should be managing your dns servers and your resolv.conf should only point at
zetherooikonia: how do I check this?08:21
ikonialook in /etc/resolv.conf, is your dns server
zetheroosearch mt.local08:24
zetheroobut after a reboot is says: search meteotest.ch mt.local08:24
zetherooikonia: ^08:24
Arhur70hi, anyone was able to use ammyy admin on linux like operator?08:25
ikoniazetheroo: so the dhcp server is providing that08:25
kappyhello, every one08:26
cfhowlett!cn  | kappy08:26
ubottukappy: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:26
ikoniazetheroo: you either need to tell dnsmasq to ignore that or tell dhclient to not request dns search providers08:26
zetherooikonia: but then wouldn't all other Linux machines on the network which are using DHCP be effected too?08:26
Loshkizetheroo: go find one and compare it to your own machine.08:27
ikoniazetheroo: depends,08:28
cfhowlettI'm preparing to purchase a replacement for my 2009 dell.  final round: mac air vs. lenovo x1 carbon touch.  QUESTION: can I boot a live session on the mac air?  none of the !mac tutorials indicate this; they just discuss install.08:29
zetherooLoshki: I am starting to wonder if mine is the only Linux machine using DHCP :P08:30
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Loshkizetheroo: :-)08:31
cynicallemonlooks like debian will be not be allowing any systemd substitutes and its causing some bad feelings - https://lkml.org/lkml/2014/10/7/25408:32
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Loshkizetheroo: who controls the DHCP server?08:32
zetherooLoshki: I was gone for 2 weeks ... and changes were made by the other IT guy who generally manages that side of things ... :P08:38
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bewarei have an ubuntu system with some sort of a desktop/GUI but i can't identify which one, as in, its "root meta package"08:52
somsipbeware: maybe dpkg --get-selections | grep '-desktop' ?08:53
bewarei think i found it08:54
cfhowlettsomsip, without the quote marks ...08:54
bewaregir1.2-freedesktop <- this, even08:54
cfhowlettbeware, that's on all buntu's I believe08:55
somsipbeware: hmm. I was hoping for somthing obvious like kde-desktop, but worth a try.08:55
bewareno, none that obvious08:55
bewarethere's gnome-desktop-data but not gnome-desktop08:55
cfhowlettbeware, mine states 'ubuntustudio-desktop'  as one of 14 entries - not exactly obvious08:55
bewarei have none that end at -desktop08:56
bewarei think gir1.2 isn't it08:56
somsipok, so I have none because I have a non-standard desktop, but it seems like a possible. Admitted fail.08:56
bewarebecause attempting to autoremove it, will then install a lot08:56
bewarei need to find the one that will not then install a lot08:57
bewarewhy do they do that anyway08:57
bewarejust let me remove something08:57
bewareand all its dependencies08:57
bewareand *not* install something else08:57
bewarethere's a "desktop-base" but it depends on nothing08:58
somsipbeware: so is it running? What does it look like? Screenshot?08:58
bewarei think something LXDE09:00
KevindfHello i'm setting up SSH server for private key authentication between my Ubuntu server and ubuntu laptop, i generated a public ssh key on both server and laptop and trying to transfer the id_rsa.pub now from my laptop to ubuntu server with the command "scp id_rsa.pub but i get connection timed out09:03
Kevindfeven tho pinging works perfect09:03
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somsipKevindf: you need user@192.168.107, but ssh-copy-id is a better approach09:04
somsipKevindf: http://askubuntu.com/questions/4830/easiest-way-to-copy-ssh-keys-to-another-machine09:04
Kevindfalright thank you, also i think i know what prevents me also09:05
Kevindfi locked my ssh with ip's and didn't add my laptop ip to the sshd_config yet09:05
Kevindfbut i'll take a look at that link also, thank you09:05
jishjishhi all -- just wondering when using cp with FIND and xargs how do you tell it to copy and rename files (when you don't know if a file will have the same filename or not? ) http://tinyurl.com/findcopy09:13
jishjishI tried copying four text files, but only three copied because one had the same name.09:13
somsipjishjish: so you copied /a/file.txt and /b/file.txt but one overwrote the other?09:14
jishjishsomsip: no as I understand it only 3 files out of the four i expected were copied.09:16
somsipjishjish: because two of them came from different source directories but had the same filename, yes?09:17
Guest53399Help please09:18
Guest53399can't create /var/cache/apt-show-versions/files: No such file or directory at /usr/bin/apt-show-versions line 196. E: Problem executing scripts APT::Update::Post-Invoke-Success 'test -x /usr/bin/apt-show-versions || exit 0 ; apt-show-versions -i' E: Sub-process returned an error code09:18
jishjishsomsip: yes, I want to force it to copy the forth file and rename it to file(1).txt or someting. Maybe I need another command?09:18
Guest53399I deleted everything in /var/cache09:18
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somsipjishjish: yes. Instead of using -exec cp, you could need to replace cp with a small script to check for an existing file before copying it, and to rename it if it exists09:19
falcon2390resta anche domani09:20
somsipjishjish: ooo. cp --backup might help http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/16669/copy-files-with-renaming09:20
jishjishsomsip: ok, but wow I thought given linux is primarily driven there would be a switch to do this.09:22
somsipjishjish: laaaggggg09:22
jishjish*primarily terminal driven09:24
somsipjishjish: did you see my last comment? cp --backup might be what you want09:25
jishjishsomsip ok I think that might work thanks.09:27
A1ReconOK guys I uninstalled wine and everything linked to it using sudo apt-get purge wine* ... and then I realised half the stuff from my system is gone ...terminator samba and now after a restart I realise Unity is gone too. How do I get unity back??09:30
A1ReconLast time this happened ..... there was something about compiz config setting manager...09:34
Jordy_Hi everyone - i'm searching for an Ubuntu program for downloading all XSD's (SOAP webservice) from an URL to my local machine. Does anyone know the right program?09:35
rom1504A1Recon: hint: never do sudo apt-get [command] [word containing *]09:36
rom1504to fix your problem, try google09:36
somsiprom1504: we try to be more helpful in here than just suggesting google. If you don't have an answer, better to just keep quiet09:37
A1ReconSomsip I have no access to my apps .... my PC is literally dead right now...09:38
somsipA1Recon: And I've kept quite because I have no idea and am busy on other things to properly research it for you09:39
A1ReconNo hard feelings man.... I'm just saying...09:40
Jeeves_Mosshow do I setup the autodiscover redirect for the exchange auto discover on a apache server?09:40
rom1504somsip: well since he didn't try google first, it seems he doesn't know he can, so that's helpful09:42
rom1504I'm pretty sure if I type "install unity" in google, the first results will answer his question09:42
rom1504maybe apt-cache search unity even09:43
rom1504A1Recon: literrally dead ? you don't even have access to a terminal ?09:44
somsip!google | rom1504 (admittedly it's a guideline, not a rule. EOT for me)09:44
ubotturom1504 (admittedly it's a guideline, not a rule. EOT for me): While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.09:44
rom1504(if so, just reinstall ubuntu, that'll be quicker)09:44
rom1504hmm ok09:45
rom1504so maybe telling him to google some keywords would be enough ?09:46
chzHello, guys, how can I delete the variable configuration for man(PAGER)09:47
somsipchz: export PAGER='' I would think. Put it in .bashrc or .bash_aliases for a permanent change09:48
A1ReconRom154 when this thing happens ...all u get is the desktop and the icons on it .. if you somehow open any nautilus windows u won't have the menubar at the top and no ctrl alt T will not work either09:49
A1ReconInstalled unity ccsm and updated and then restrted lightdm09:50
chzsomsip: I already deleted all the configuration for $PAGER in .bashrc and config.fish(I use fish-shell), but the wrong configuration which I made yesterday still takes affect even I reboot my OS and delete the configuration..09:51
somsipchz: bash has an /etc/bashrc so maybe fish has something similar? If you're not explicitly setting it to null then it must be being set somewhere. You could do a wide grep if you have to...09:52
rolandsharpplease ignore :)09:54
A1ReconHoly hell ....guys remember the purge unity* that I did?? Well it also took down a lot more .... even the purple terminal in ubuntu is gone ... only xterm remains...09:55
Jeeves_Mossalready did.  LOL09:55
chzsomsip: I didn't change /etc/fish/config.fish, only ~/.config/fish/config.fish09:55
A1ReconIs there a way to get everuthing back just the way it was?09:55
penguin1hello everyone!09:57
penguin1need your help09:57
penguin1need to update bash on my ubuntu server 11.1009:57
jishjishpenguin1: shoot09:57
jishjishoh is it the bash bug.09:57
penguin1jishjish: yes09:58
jishjishI've never used ubuntu server but can you use sudo apt-get install Whatever Bash prompt you want09:58
penguin1jishjish: please help me how can I update only bash09:58
JarpseB_penguin1: apt-get update, apt-get upgrade09:58
penguin1hi JarpseB: I just need to update bash only09:58
penguin1but it's already End of life support can't fetch update from ubuntu server anymore09:59
indrabinridwanhow much salary a ubuntu developer?10:00
somsipindrabinridwan: it's volunteers only here, so nothing10:01
jishjishindrabinridwan: I know a web developer getting 65K a year aud and he uses ubuntu everyday, as their whole infrastructure is based on it. Maybe stack overflow careers or seek, depending on your country.10:02
jishjishindrabinridwan: but people on these forums are just here to help others or in my case learn from others and try to help.10:02
somsippenguin1: you will not get an official package as 11.10 is end-of-line. You either find an unofficial package maybe from a PPA or you build from source, or you replace bash with something else. Either way, you have other things to worry about using a version that has not been updated for !2 years10:03
somsipindrabinridwan: this is not the place to have this conversation. Please go to #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss further10:03
bajin-leehello , why my PDF exported by librewriter loss the table in the .odt?10:04
penguin1somsip: kindly give me a link about updating bash of 11.1010:04
somsippenguin1: I don't have one10:04
penguin1somsip:how can you help me?10:04
somsippenguin1: I have given you all I have10:05
penguin1somsip:thanks anyway10:05
somsippenguin1: you need to upgrade to a supported version. That is the best advice10:05
penguin1somsip: it's a production live server cannot do downtime10:06
k1l_penguin1: your 11.10 server already got a lot of other security issues, not only bash.10:06
penguin1somsip however is there any paid professional support that I can purchase in ubuntu?10:06
k1l_penguin1: yes, you can contact canonical for paid support10:07
penguin1k1l: how can I contact them?10:07
indrabinridwanI heard that Stallman hates ubuntu. is that true? I do not understand10:07
Svetlanapenguin1: longer version: you could compile bash or try to download a .deb from the latest repos, but your libs and deps are too old, and getting them all by hand is more problems than updating using a package manager10:07
k1l_penguin1: http://www.ubuntu.com/management10:07
somsip!ot | indrabinridwan (again, this channel is for support questions only)10:07
ubottuindrabinridwan (again, this channel is for support questions only): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:07
Svetlanaindrabinridwan: that is true -- he does not acknowledge of existence of non-free software (and ubuntu includes non-free drivers and stuff by default)10:08
oskiehello, I have both /etc/init/foo.conf and /etc/init.d/foo, which one is used by 'service foo start'?10:08
=== MasterPiece is now known as _Xamin_
exarkunI have an external display attached to my x230.  I have both displays active.  When I suspend and then unsuspend, all of the windows on the internal display have moved to the external display.  How do I keep them where they are through this cycle?10:28
mehdi__hey guys i can login to my email from the web but cant get my thunderbird to work get "invalid username and password"10:28
Ben64mehdi__: ask your email provider for instructions10:28
exarkunAlso when I draw windows from the external display to the internal display, there's a *ton* of resistance at the boundary.  I have to drag about 800 pixels beyond the divide before the window snaps all the way onto the internal display.10:28
exarkunHow do I turn that off?10:29
mehdi__Ben64, FYI i use MDaemon10:29
k1l_mehdi__: well, mdaemon is a windows server thingy. are you sure its working properly? ask the mdaemon windows support10:30
=== MasterPiece1 is now known as MasterPiece
MasterPieceHey! One Spammer is here! Kick Out She : user : cutegirl9910:31
mehdi__k1l_, in webclient in works fine and for couple of hours working fine but now its ruined , this bloody windows10:31
taceamigos. how can i make linux open windows server or domain10:32
MasterPieceunopaste, AYT? kick out cutegirl99, This is Spammer but ( about pornographic )10:32
k1l_MasterPiece: please report spammers to #ubuntu-ops10:33
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gdhgfhjghgPRIVMSG cutegirl99 :help10:38
ikoniagdhgfhjghg: please check your private messages10:40
ikoniasanky97: hello10:40
JenniferB2Hi folks! Is there a program for Ubuntu 14 that lets you pause/freeze a program and continue it using some program menu? I know you can do it from the System monitor but I figured there might be something that makes this avaialabe from the program menu.. ??10:49
KevindfI cannot SSH into my server trough my ubuntu desktop when i enable my ufw firewall, what port should i allowed in order to be able to connect without having to disable my firewall?10:51
jostDoes someone know a log analizer software for webservers (apache specifially) that can handle the 206 Partial Content status code?10:53
Ben64Kevindf: ssh is usually port 2210:53
jostwebalizer and awstats do not support it.10:53
jostIf you know a better channel for this question, please direct me there10:53
Kevindfit is but i did ufw allow from to any port 2210:53
Kevindfthat ip is my servers one10:53
Kevindfshould i do tesame but with the ip from my ubuntu desktop?10:54
Kevindfok, that worked :)10:56
exarkunI have an external display attached to my x230.  I have both displays active.  When I suspend and then unsuspend, all of the windows on the internal display have moved to the external display.  How do I keep them where they are through this cycle?11:05
dotspace Is there any way to permit a non-root user to write files which are inside some chroot-ed environment ?11:07
roothello I have a problem11:10
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Guest53399I have a problem11:12
requiem8_I have xubuntu and I can move my icons to the right corner on my desktop11:12
tacesay it out11:12
Guest53399tace requiem8_11:12
requiem8_I can but its like i have an invisible wall11:13
Guest53399can't create /var/cache/apt-show-versions/files: No such file or directory at /usr/bin/apt-show-versions line 196. E: Problem executing scripts APT::Update::Post-Invoke-Success 'test -x /usr/bin/apt-show-versions || exit 0 ; apt-show-versions -i' E: Sub-process returned an error code11:13
requiem8_I can not put my icons fully on the right11:13
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BluesKajHey folks11:14
requiem8_here is my problem11:15
requiem8_On the left side, I can put completely my icons but not on the right side11:16
thanais upstart able to track services started via init.d-script and restart service when they die?11:18
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requiem8_I have also a question, can I disable the auto arrange on xubuntu ? to move the icons freely11:19
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zetherooanyone else experiencing this? today I startup thunderbird and have these "Enter username and password for .... " popup windows jumping at me ... what's all this about and how do I get rid of this annoying behavior?11:37
Svetlanait will pop that window again if it thinks the password is wrong - cancel it to get it to stop11:37
zetheroo Svetlana: you talking to me?11:38
zetheroowell I can close the windows ... but every time I open Thunderbird they all reopen again11:38
zetherooone window for every google account I have in there11:39
zetherooand it just start today ...11:39
zetherooIf I disable Lighting addon or Provider for Google Calendar addon the problem is gone ...11:40
zetheroobut I need those addons11:40
kevindfI setup public key authentication on my ubuntu server and ubuntu desktop and it works perfect, but now i'm trying to setup public authentication on windows trough putty and generated a key, am i supposed to paste the key into /home/deploy/.ssh/authorized_keys and save it?11:41
kevindfin order to authorize the key on my ubuntu server11:41
jpentlandDoes someone know how to change the permissions of a particular file inside of a .tar.gz archive?11:44
geirhajpentland: extract, chmod, archive11:46
jpentlandgeirha, hmm ok11:46
geirha!pm | huqinlou012311:47
ubottuhuqinlou0123: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.11:47
Al___I need help with the keyring11:48
Al___How do I set it to default a blank password11:49
zermannojoin #cmake11:49
KamuelaCan I install b43 firmware without internet access? Is there a package somewhere that I can copy through a USB?11:49
langitnewbie use xubuntu11:49
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Al___Anybody?  How do I set the login keyring to blank?11:51
KamuelaCan I install b43 firmware without internet access? Is there a package somewhere that I can copy through a USB?11:51
Al___If I had lots of free time now, I would wait.  Sorry...  One last time, how can the login keyring be set to blank11:53
Al___#Kamuela I guess no one is here11:54
Al___Kamuela, I guess no one is here11:54
Al___msg Kamuela I guess no one is here11:55
Svetlanauninstall whatever is responsible for the keyring if you don't need it11:55
Al___Svetlan---Thanks but I think it is the "autologin" that is responsible11:56
Al___Svetlana---and I can't change that due to network issues11:56
Svetlanayou can't just remoe autologin package to get rid of the login keyring?11:58
Wollie88thats not really a solution is it11:58
Wollie88rm ~/.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring11:59
Wollie88seems like a safer approach11:59
Al___Svetlana---The administrator wants the autologin11:59
langitcan i install dropbox in xubuntu guys?11:59
Wollie88sudo apt-get install nautilus-dropbox12:00
Al___Wollie88-----that looks like a good approach12:00
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Al___Wollie88----What negative consequences will rm ~/.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring have?12:00
Wollie88your keyring will be clear12:01
Al___Wollie88----Will that mean anyone that logs in can see passwords?  I get that idea from searching the Internet about blank keyring12:02
Wollie88no, all the stuff in your keyring will be deleted12:02
langitthx wollie88 :) its work12:02
anvoHey all! What is the document root directory for 14.04...?12:03
Al___Wollie88-------This is probably a stupid question-What is "in" the keyring?12:03
Al___Wollie88----I mean, what would be bad about deleting all the stuff in my keyring?12:05
xanguayour keys/passwords  Al___12:05
Al___xangua-----thanks.  btw, how do I make a message just go to a certain person.  I keep forgetting....12:06
Al___Okay, thanks everyone.  I will use the command rm ~/.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring12:08
Al___One last question: How does the default keyring get set in the first place?  I mean some of workstations come up with that message "unlock keyring" and some don't.....12:09
Al___All the workstations are basically the same....12:10
Wollie88Al: i dont know12:10
Al___I have 8 workstations here12:10
Al___This "unlock keyring" seems to be a random thing.12:11
Al___Have a nice day/night/afternoon everyone!12:12
Wollie88m Al___  you to12:12
KamuelaI'll ask again in a bit.12:12
sergey__Does anyone have Lenovo z580?12:14
sergey__How are things with booting time?12:15
sergey__with ubuntu 14.0412:15
xanguayou can download it and try it yourself12:17
monester_laptopHi all, I've found broken logrotate config for zabbix-agent, how I can file a bug?12:17
sergey__I know that lenovo z580 had issues with *buntu 12 (long booting time ~10 min). Did they fix this in 14.04?12:20
Wollie88msg sergey__  what make you say it has boot problems ?12:23
sergey__well... thats what people say12:24
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Wollie88msg sergey__  On the ubuntu forums ?12:24
k1l_sergey__: you can try a 14.04 live system and check it yourself12:24
sergey__but its about 12.0412:24
Wollie88msg sergey__  I did some googeling12:25
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Wollie88should be fixed in 140412:25
sergey__i hope so)12:25
Wollie88good luck !12:26
sveinseWhat options do you have if you want to run a desktop on a virtual/remote desktop, like nx? Unity and gnome shell is relying on 3D accel these days, right?12:26
auscompgeeksveinse: there's always LXDE and XFCE12:26
auscompgeeksveinse: also MATE if you prefer that12:27
sveinseauscompgeek: I know xfce, how is LXDE?12:27
sergey__bin using linux as quest system for years. think its time to throw windows away :)12:27
Wollie88msg sveinse ldxe is a bit les nice than xfce12:28
Wollie88msg sveinse lxde feels old12:28
Wollie88msg sveinse lxde feels and basic12:28
auscompgeekWollie88: please stop arbitrarily prefixing your messages with "msg" :|12:29
sergey__lxde is lighter... but definitely xfce. using it myself12:29
sveinseWhen we talk about remote desktops: are there any good alternatives to nx? nx have moved in a separate direction with their new SW12:29
auscompgeek!freenx | sveinse12:30
ubottusveinse: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX12:30
auscompgeeksome other alternatives are also listed there12:30
auscompgeekof course, you can always use VNC instead12:30
CiSenseHi, I have nvidia driver issues, nvidia recommend version 340.46 for my card but it's not available in the 14.04.1 list of additional drivers, should I use xorg-edgers to update?12:31
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BluesKajCiSense, which nvidia driver has issues?12:34
BluesKajand what are the issues?12:35
sveinseauscompgeek: Thanks. I've been running nx for years, but I am unsure if I need or want to switch to FreeNX.12:35
CiSenseruns out of vertex buffers and crashes the app12:35
CiSenseseems to be a memory leak12:36
sveinseWhen running xfce4 and starting gnome apps, their fonts are large. I should use gnome-tweak-tool to set the font sizes, right?12:39
BluesKajCiSense, I won't attempt an answer since I know nothing about vertex coloring apps12:39
sveinseBecause oddly enough gnome-tweak-tools crash with "ImportError: cannot import Soup"12:39
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CiSenseBluesKaj, ok ... i read that xorgs-edgers should work ok and i can revert with purge if necessary12:46
zetherooso on my Ubuntu machine I have Provider for Google Calendar version 1.0, but on Windows there is only version 0.3212:47
zetherooI cannot find where to download version 1.0 ...12:48
oniboxHi. I just upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 and had the libboost-dbg package installed. On 12.04 i got the libraries with debug symbols in /usr/lib/debug. On 14.04 i only get some files with build-ids under /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/. 12.04: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/amd64/libboost1.46-dbg/filelist 14.04: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/amd64/libboost1.54-dbg/filelist . Can anyone shed some light on this please?12:48
zetherooanyone know where to download it from?12:48
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cfhowlettzetheroo, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/provider-for-google-calendar/12:50
zetheroocfhowlett: yeah - but version 1.0 is not there ... :P Seems like the developer pulled it back about 6 hours after having released it ...12:51
BluesKajCiSense, that's your call, but I'm surprised that the 331 driver isn't working. From most reports it's very stable and works well.12:51
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G___0_How can install KDE distro Rosa on Kubuntu ? I mean install KDM login , Icons Rosa and applications launcher13:00
A1ReconDo you know of any website or video which explains ssh for noobs like? And how to enable it on Ubuntu 14.04?13:00
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OerHeksG___0_, you might want to ask in #kubuntu too13:02
OerHeks!test | hasjdhoasdh123413:03
ubottuhasjdhoasdh1234: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )13:03
AlduinaHelp.... Can't open my web cam. Cheese says "No device found." While UVC Video Viewer says "Unable to open drive"..13:04
OerHeksA1Recon, the ubuntu docu is great https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH13:05
AlduinaYes? Can you help me with this?13:08
Picihasjdhoasdh1234: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?13:08
Gunfus_Hi, on the latest 14.01 update I am getting problems with "EXT4-fs (md0): bad geometr: block count 122096646 exceeds size of device (122096624 blocks)"13:10
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GothPawgot a 12.04 server that hosts multiple domains via apache (domain1.com domain2.ca domain3.com domain4.org domain5.ca domain6.ca) and I am getting an issue with /etc/hostname on the server. I can't figure out how to set this file up when there is multiple domains hosted. Should point out this server also hosts a mysqld server, bind9 server, postfix|dovecot server and a "local network only" media hub for music. All files are worked on locally from another13:23
GothPawmachine. I keep getting an issue saying I need to set a "fully qualified domain/hostname" but I just don't know what to put in there since there is multiple domains and only a single IP address. Please Help13:23
zolihow can i clear dns cache in trusty??13:25
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johnny_gorestarting networking is one way to do i13:26
GothPawzoli: http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/05/how-to-flush-clear-dns-cache-under.html13:27
zolihmm, I did that already, also rebooted, but for some reason I cant access a hostname that is in our network. dns resolving is not good, because i can access it in the browser if I replace hostname with IP address. But if I ping the hostname, than I get an other IP that I should have13:27
johnny_gobad article...nobody should be installing nscd for this purpose13:27
johnny_godid you check /etc/hosts13:28
GothPaw3 methods provided in the article13:28
zoliGothPaw: yes tx, I also tried nscd too. Installed and restart, but no luck13:28
johnny_gowhat is your dns server returning when you nslookup the hostname?13:29
zolijohnny_go: nslookup gives back the correct IP, but ping doesnt13:30
zolihow is that possible?13:30
johnny_goit's funny, i was having this same issue a few days ago. i chalked it up to slow propagation and hard-coded the ip in /etc/hosts for a few days13:31
zoliand the weird is that it just happened approx. 3 days ago, earlier it was working fine13:32
zolithere was no resolving issue13:32
zolijohnny_go: so you also dont have a normal fix for that issue, just cricumventing it with a /etc/hosts file entry?13:33
johnny_goyeah, i took out the entry a day or two later and it worked fine again. my guess was slow propagation13:33
zolihow many days did it take for u?13:34
monesterI have a problem with rotating logs of zabbix-agent, it fails to restart zabbix13:34
johnny_goidk; i wasn't counting since time wasn't a factor for me13:34
johnny_gogetting resolution working asap was13:34
zolijohnny_go: btw, the other weird thing is that 2 of my collegues sitting next me (also using ubuntu trusty) dont have the same issue13:35
zolionly me13:35
monesterhow I can file a bug about this? When I click "report a bug" it redirects me to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs13:35
GothPawwhat the best practice in config for a FQDN when multiple domains point to a single IP?13:36
johnny_gothat is weird. from what i understand, ubuntu supposedly does no dns caching inherently...other services maintain their own caches, like firefox13:36
johnny_goso no idea why your colleagues would be geting different results unless you're all hitting different dns servers13:36
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zolilol, sry it was in my hosts file13:38
Mars__After updating to 14.01, I now get problems about bad geomtry errors on my RAID13:39
zoliit got there accidentally somehow13:39
zoliwith some others13:39
Mars__After updating to 14.04.1, I now get problems about bad geomtry errors on my RAID [Corrected with the right release]13:43
cassio3is it verboten to ask what firewall mavericks uses in here13:43
cfhowlettcassio3, better to ask #osx don't you think?13:44
clumsy_botcassio3, Could simply just be iptables.13:45
klassikerhaving problems with ubuntu 14.4 networking, eth0 is up but not working13:47
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klassikerwhere should i check for errors? how do i start it?13:47
cfhowlett!networking | klassiker13:47
cfhowlett!network | klassiker13:48
ubottuklassiker: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:48
klassikerIt's a wired connection cfhowlett13:49
johnny_goare you on desktop or server?13:52
johnny_gowhat do you mean by not working? are you getting an ip?13:53
clumsy_botklassiker, You can see the adapter with 'ip link'?13:54
klassikeryeah, eth0 is up13:54
trinodehey, in the past few days I've had some updates, and those updates have both broken backlight control (fn + F5/F6) (I can still set it via the terminal) and going into the "Screen Display" control panel entry simply freezes the control panel app13:55
klassikerjohnny_go: its up, but i dont know how to start it or why it didnt started13:55
trinode(without loading the screen display app)13:55
clumsy_botklassiker, systemctl start networking.service?13:55
clumsy_botklassiker, It could be dhcpcd.service if you're just using ethernet.13:55
clumsy_botklassiker, Try either dhcpcd, NetworkManager or Networking13:56
klassikerjob is already running13:56
klassikerdhcpcd is not installed13:56
klassikerNetworking profile is edited and when i start it, it tries to connect but fails after some seconfs13:57
clumsy_botklassiker, Stop and start the service again?13:57
clumsy_botklassiker, Are you allowing DHCP to automatically get the IP address?13:57
klassikerfailed while stopping13:57
clumsy_botTry 'ifconfig' to see if you're getting assigned an IP.13:57
klassikerhow do i check it?13:57
trinoderight so, xbacklight scan set the backlight, so it's something about gnome that's broken13:57
klassikeri dont get an ip13:58
marlinc_Any up-to-date tutorial for installing Ubuntu 14.04 on a late 2010 iMac?13:58
clumsy_botklassiker, Not even a '169.xxx.xxx.xxx'?13:59
klassikerno, there is no ip adress13:59
clumsy_botklassiker, That is weird.14:00
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clumsy_botklassiker, Could it be the firmware for it isn't installed?14:00
clumsy_botklassiker, I find that highly unlikely though, Ubuntu bundles the nonfree stuff.14:01
cfhowlettmarlinc_, use the saucy wiki14:01
klassikerEthernet Controller ist Realtek Semiconductor RTL8111/841114:01
marlinc_Okay, I'll check14:02
clumsy_botklassiker, This might sound weird, but here's a link to the ArchWiki14:02
clumsy_botklassiker, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Networking14:02
clumsy_botklassiker, You might be able to find some useful information there.14:02
klassikerKernel driver in use14:04
clumsy_botklassiker, Try a ping to the default gateway.14:04
klassikerNetwork is unreachable14:05
hejsanWhat is a DOL buffer?14:05
clumsy_botklassiker, It's most probably your machine then, not stating the obvious here, just wanted to get rid of the other variables.14:05
Picihejsan: in what context?14:05
reisiohejsan: what's it to you^14:05
hejsanPici: it is buffering data14:06
Picihejsan: Is this in regards to a specific application?14:06
dom96_I just installed Ubuntu 14.04 on an HP Chromebook 14 and the touch pad does not work. Any ideas what the problem could be? I found http://askubuntu.com/questions/510705/how-can-i-fix-the-touchpad-on-my-chromebook-14-using-ubuntu-14-04 but it seems unresolved.14:07
klassikeri cant figure it out14:07
LnxNoobHi guyz14:07
reisioLnxNoob: howdy14:07
hejsanPici: yes, it is storing data for a limited amount of time14:07
clumsy_botklassiker, Work it out slowly. Read through the ArchWiki page, it contains some useful tidbits.14:07
reisiodom96_: run 'sudo cat /dev/input/mice' in a terminal and move a finger about on the touchpad14:08
clumsy_botklassiker, Possible places to look are the cable itself, the systemd service, wake-on-lan and power-saving mode14:08
Picihejsan: Where are you seeing this "DOL buffer"?14:08
dom96_reisio: that gives me no output.14:08
dom96_reisio: gives output if I move my USB mouse though.14:08
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reisiodom96_: you're probably missing fundamental kernel support, then14:09
reisiodom96_: which your askubuntu link also suggests14:09
Wollie88check this page14:09
dom96_reisio: Does that mean I need to compile my own kernel?14:10
reisiodom96_: probably not, but possibly :p14:10
Wollie88wasnt to hard to find this on google14:10
Wollie88no you dont14:10
reisioalthough, FYI compiling a kernel is not difficult :)14:10
Wollie88just have to load a couple of modules14:10
Wollie88the compilation part isnt hard14:10
reisiono part is hard :)14:10
dom96_Yeah, it's not. Means I will need to worry about updating it though.14:11
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dom96_Wollie88, Thanks, i'll follow that guide.14:11
reisiowell, not 'worry', but recall14:11
reisiounless the update covers it, as they tend to14:11
Wollie88dom96_, good luck14:12
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LnxNoobAny opinion on owncloud around there ?14:12
klassikerclumsy_bot: the cable is working on windows and linux, service is ok14:12
dom96_Wollie88: lol. That doesn't inspire confidence.14:13
clumsy_botklassiker, Okay, but you're not getting an IP?14:13
reisioLnxNoob: has 'cloud' in its name, so it's probably daft14:13
Wollie88dom96_, its gonna work14:13
compdocI tried owncloud over a year ago, and it seemed pretty broken. Might be better by now14:13
Wollie88dom96_, trust me14:13
cfhowlett!info owncloud14:13
ubottuowncloud (source: owncloud): cloud storage for files, music, contacts, calendars and many more. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.0.1+dfsg-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 8072 kB, installed size 28813 kB14:13
dom96_Wollie88, that's better :)14:13
klassikeryes clumsy_bot , RTNETLINK Network is unreachable14:13
Wollie88i tried owncloud too14:14
Wollie88seemed all very unlogical to me14:14
LnxNoobWollie88: Why so ?14:14
dom96_Wollie88, that guide seems to suggest installing an older version of the kernel.14:14
clumsy_botklassiker, Google search turns up plenty of people have these problems.14:14
dom96_Wollie88, Think I can just skip that step?14:15
Wollie88dom96_,  you could try skipping it14:15
clumsy_botklassiker, Got a thread on bbs.archlinux.org that suggests appending something to netctl.profile, but Ubuntu utilizes NetworkManager by default.14:16
NorfolkNClueafternoon all14:16
NorfolkNClueI have a question about PPAs14:16
NorfolkNCluespecifically, if I've added a PPA to a repository, how do I search for the package that I want?14:17
NorfolkNClueapt-cache search isn't doing it for me14:17
eeeeNorfolkNClue: did you update?14:17
NorfolkNCluewell, I couldn't add the ppa via cmd line, so I added it via software centre14:18
NorfolkNCluethen I have since done an update via cmd line yes14:18
dom96_Wollie88, "ERROR: could not insert 'chromeos_laptop': No such device" :\14:18
reisiodunno, installing random binary kernels sounds worse than building your own stuff to me14:18
reisioespecially if it doesn't "just work"14:18
NorfolkNClueso I figured I'd try another way14:19
dom96_yay https://lists.debian.org/debian-kernel/2014/02/msg00311.html14:19
NorfolkNCluefound the ppa in question on launchpad.net14:20
NorfolkNClueand want to d/l the .deb so I can install manually via dpkg14:20
NorfolkNCluebut...where to locate the .deb? I can only see the file info14:20
eeeeNorfolkNClue: you can check if the ppa is added correctly14:21
eeeecat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*14:21
NorfolkNCluethe PPAs seem to be in there14:22
OerHeksNorfolkNClue, check the ppa page, dows it have packages for your ubuntu version?14:23
A1Recon_Anyone know how to install SketchUp Make 2014 on Ubuntu 14.04? A link to website which shows how to do this would be very helpful!! The last time I tried, I almost deleted every package from my PC, so I dont wanna take any chances!14:25
NorfolkNClue@OerHecks - how do I tell14:26
Wollie88dom96_, im afraid you have to install that older kernel14:26
dom96_Wollie88, i'm considering using ChrUbuntu.14:26
OerHeksNorfolkNClue, on the ppa page is a drop-down menu, select your ubuntu and find out14:27
cfhowlettA1Recon_, it's not an ubuntu product.  see their site for support14:27
adeebnqoin linux, what kernel module is responsible for loading the battery information under the folder `/sys/class/power_supply`?14:27
Wollie88dom96_, are there any disadvantages in ChrUbuntu ?14:27
OerHeksA1Recon_, it is a windows program, join #winehq for installation help and application database14:28
dom96_Wollie88: I'm not sure how it works. I can't find a simple iso to download.14:28
eeeeNorfolkNClue: if it's only available for older versions, you might be able to modify the ppa source and download the package, if it runs ok.14:28
dom96_Wollie88: It seems that they have some script which installs it directly onto the chromebook SSD.14:28
dom96_Wollie88: But I don't want that.14:28
Wollie88dom96_, do you have a reddit acount ?14:28
dom96_Wollie88: Yes. Why?14:29
Wollie88dom96_, you could always ask at http://www.reddit.com/r/ChrUbuntu14:29
NorfolkNClueOerHeks: Hm, I might be at a non-standard ppa page. I'm looking at a particualr person's page14:29
NorfolkNClueeeee: I will check that14:29
Wollie88dom96_,  they might be able to help14:29
dom96_Wollie88: I'll try #chrubuntu first.14:29
GothPawwhat the best practice to config for a FQDN when multiple domains point to a single IP?14:33
PiciGothPaw: You may want to try asking in #ubuntu-server as well, since you aren't gettin an answer here.14:34
trinodeSomething seriously broke with my system with some updates14:35
trinodecannot lod any control-center apps14:35
trinodeI'm seeing errors everywhere14:36
trinodeGLib-GObject-WARNING **: specified class size for type 'CcNetworkPanel' is smaller than the parent type's 'CcPanel' class size14:36
trinodethat's when trying to load the network item in control centre14:36
eeeetrinode: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall unity-control-center , maybe14:37
KevindfIn order to let people connect to your server with a domain name, i have to setup BIND?14:38
KevindfOn my Ubuntu server14:38
cfhowlett!server | Kevindf,14:39
ubottuKevindf,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server14:39
eeeetrinode: you can reinstall ubuntu-desktop , if you want14:39
reisiohi awatt14:40
trinodeeeee: apologies, would the command work for gnome too? (is there a gnome-desktop package?)14:40
awatthi reisio14:40
kyugaHi, does anyone know which package (or grub config text) enables all of the Fn keys (I ask because my ubuntu-server->apt-get install ubuntu-desktop does not have working Fn keys, whilst a direct install of ubuntu desktop from the desktop .iso does get them working)14:40
cfhowlettkyuga, I believe that's the firmware package14:40
awatti was upgrading and computer shutdown , now i can not install anything due to depencies14:40
eeeetrinode: yes, the package name is ubuntu-gnome-desktop14:41
kyugacfhowlett: I'll take a look, cheers14:41
cfhowlettkyuga, linux-firmware14:41
awattapt-get -f install fales14:41
trinodeeee thanks, I'll give it a go14:42
trinodeeeee: even14:42
eeeetrinode: ok, no problem14:42
philinuxawatt;~ try sudo dpkg --configure -a14:43
awattphilinux: i did that too14:43
philinuxawatt;~ pastebin back any errors14:43
kyugacfhowlett: I have linux-firmware already installed (no luck), linux-firmware-nonfree worth a shot?14:43
jiffeare there any consequences to installing kernel 3.17 off kernel.ubuntu.com on an 12.04/14.04 machine?14:43
cfhowlettkyuga, do apt-cache show linux-firmware-nonfree                to see if your device is supported14:44
awattphilinux: http://pastebin.com/6407wk3W14:44
Sientehello guys, any ideas why it's always disconnecting me from internet on my ubuntu ( I have installed it on another partition on my HDD ) ?14:44
OerHeksjiffe, yes, if you have issues, you are on your own. 3.17 rc is only for utopic 14.10 http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/14:45
kyugacfhowlett: yikes, a serious list of 'usb:v1B80pE39Bd*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*in*,' entries - nothing I can see/translate14:46
cfhowlettkyuga, yep i saw that.  scary.  the description said mostly support for television14:46
awattphilinux: , reisio >>http://pastebin.com/4gp9Zd1r , http://pastebin.com/6407wk3W14:46
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kyugacfhowlett: yup, I'm just wondering if there is a flag in the grub config I need to add (which is not used with an ubuntu-server install - but is with the desktop install)14:47
philinuxawatt;~ you could try temporarily renaming the offending file /usr/share/unity-greeter/custom_cairo-dock_badge.png14:47
awattphilinux: i know i have multiple sources.list as well but i dont remember what file i edited before14:47
cfhowlettkyuga, sorry but IDK.  I've never configured anything for hardware from grub14:48
philinuxawatt;~ other than that no idea14:48
kyugacfhowlett: np cheers anyhow :)14:48
cfhowlettkyuga, that being said, my multimedia keys do NOT work ...14:48
kyugacfhowlett: uh oh!14:48
cfhowlettkyuga, everything else works, so I'm not complaining14:49
awattphilinux: samething14:49
kyugacfhowlett: I'm not massively bothered myself.. just annoying not knowing the difference between the server install and the desktop install that gets them working14:50
cfhowlettkyuga, ah, I see.  yo14:50
kyugacfhowlett: I needed the server install to get softraid configured14:50
cfhowlettare hooked on knowing as am I!14:50
kyugacfhowlett: aye :)14:50
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Guest68857Hi, I am having trouble logging on14:51
starfish_Guest68857, did you forget your password?14:52
starfish_there is a way to reset it. I'll find a website with instructions14:53
Guest68857I haven't been on forums for 6 months14:53
starfish_http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword this one is good14:53
Guest68857Now have 2 SSO Accounts but neither will log on14:56
SienteHello guys, any ideas why it's always disconnecting me from internet on my ubuntu ( I have installed it on another partition on my HDD ) ?14:56
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iilliinnhello, is anyone using i-tec usb 2.0 to dvi adapter on ubuntu 14.04.1 ?15:10
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pavlos!es | anaMelany15:15
ubottuanaMelany: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:15
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kyugaIs dpkg-reconfigure -a safe to use?15:25
kyugaI'm guessing no, mine fails with an error about initramfs-tools being broken or not installed15:26
kyugaI really should learn not to hose my system mid-week...15:27
facepalmWhat were you trying to do?15:28
kyugafacepalm: Mostly experimenting.. I was wondering if there might be something that needed to be reconfigured after an ubuntu-server -> apt-get install lubuntu-desktop setup to get all my Fn keys working again..15:29
kyuga(They work on a normal desktop install)15:29
AgZEHow can I check the date where I installed Ubuntu?15:30
kyugaThe relevant modules seem to be loaded, but not all of the Fn keys are working (don't know why they do work on the desktop install, but not via server -> install ubuntu-desktop15:30
AgZEor, how can I find out when I installed Ubuntu?15:30
facepalmAnyone else just get PM spammed by queorgullo ?15:32
kyugafacepalm: yup15:32
AgZEi got spammed too15:32
* kyuga continues to treat his linux install like a retarded step child...15:33
OerHeksqueorgullo is a bot, spamms so fast15:34
OerHeks!spam | queorgullo please don't15:34
ubottuqueorgullo please don't: Please don't spam15:34
AgZEA quite menacing bot, with tactical capability.15:34
Picifacepalm: can you msg me what you got from the bot?15:36
somsipAgZE: ls -la / and take the date for /home. It's likely to be right if you've not done anything weird after installing15:36
kevindfIf i upgrade my ubuntu 13.04 server to 14.04 with the command "do-release-upgrade" i will keep all my files and services running?15:36
AgZEPici; he's spamming sexual messages15:36
AgZEabout 'rape girls for free' ...etc15:36
PiciAgZE: Hes banned from the channel now.15:36
AgZEpretty coarse15:36
AgZEPici: thanks15:36
Foxtrot88good moooorning vietnam!15:39
Foxtrot88Anyone who knows how to manipulate pdf files on bash??15:40
kyugaFoxtrot88: pdftk can do things like split/merge/optimize..15:40
kyugaEvening all :)15:41
Foxtrot88thanks kyuga15:41
Foxtrot88but i need to make it just with bash15:41
Foxtrot88its for hw15:41
geirhaFoxtrot88: You can't.15:43
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=== Ubuntu is now known as m30bg
baccenfutteran welcher umgebungsvariable macht der ssh-agent fest, ob er im X laeuft und fancy GTK starten soll oder ohne X laeuft und bitte in der aktuellen shell nach der passphrase fragt?15:46
somsip!de | baccenfutter15:46
ubottubaccenfutter: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!15:46
baccenfutterah my bad... sry for disturbing15:46
Foxtrot88geirha, are you sure?? Im crying right now xD15:47
geirhaFoxtrot88: bash is not a general purpose programming language.15:49
rootptim trying to open a app and it gets me this error: ./inflator: error while loading shared libraries: libX11.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:51
rootptcan someone help me?15:51
Foxtrot88geirha i think i love you15:52
OerHeksrootpt, what app ?15:52
OerHeksrootpt, Reaver Inflator?15:53
rootptOerHeks, yep15:55
OerHeksrootpt, as it is part of backtrack, not supported here15:56
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)15:56
rootptbut its ubuntu15:56
rootptand kali is ubuntu15:56
rootptbuts OK15:56
OerHeksrootpt, No it is not.15:56
fundabiti like ubuntu studio15:57
OerHeksfundabit, we do too :-)15:57
KevindIn order to set more then one public authentication key for ssh, do i just have to add the other public key under the one that's already in the .ssh/authorized_keys file?15:59
Kevindlike just 1 space then the other key?15:59
AR45_someone mention me please, wanna see how irssi notifiies me16:00
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FuchsAR45_: please use test channels for that, thanks.16:01
rypervencheKevind: Just on a new line. No spaces between them needed.16:04
Kevindok, thanks16:04
=== andrejpan1 is now known as andrejpan
S_A_Hi, I am on 12.04 and trying to get kernel sources via "apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)"16:07
S_A_but alsways getting the error16:07
S_A_E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list16:07
S_A_Any suggestions to fic it16:07
NotreDevwhat exactly does apt-get update —fix-missing do? i can’t install uuid-dev because i get a 404… and —fix-missing makes it so that’s no longer a problem. i also read the man pages, but I’m still not clear16:08
geirhaS_A_: Have you edited your /etc/apt/sources.list file? sounds ike you have the "deb" entries, but missing the "deb-src" entries16:08
cfhowlettS_A_, paste the output from         cat /etc/apt/sources.list16:08
Guest76181msg /dash hi?16:09
S_A__sorry had a browser crash16:10
AR45_How do I add applications to my startup?16:11
S_A__this is the /etc/apt/sources.list16:11
varunendraNotreDev, it installs missing dependencies and upgrades packages if necessary.16:11
NotreDevvarunendra: i’m applying it to `update` though, not `upgrade` or `install`. does it really install anything?16:12
johncarperFor a teamspeak server hosted on ubuntu server, to let people login trough a domain name to connect to your server, I guess NO-IP would be a good solution to do something like that?16:12
varunendraNotreDev, I'm not very sure about that, but this is what --fix-missing is for - install what is missing and required.16:13
AR45_What would be the best command to remove GNOME and Unity and all the files that have to do with it?16:13
geirhaS_A__: and:  apt-cache policy "linux-image-$(uname -r)"16:13
cfhowlettAR45_, WHOA there hoss!  what version of ubuntu are you using?16:14
NotreDevvarunendra: i appreciate your insight. if you will, i want just a bit more of an understanding: why would that overcome a 404?16:14
AR45_cfhowlett: 14.0416:14
cfhowlettAR45_, nope.  lubuntu / kubuntu/ xubuntu ??? what16:14
somsipAR45_: didn't we do this earlier?16:14
AR45_somsip: Hey bro!16:14
AR45_somsip: I can't boot the minimal CD on my Mac, no idea why!16:15
geniiAR45_: Depends on what the DE is that you DO want. There are a bunch of factoids here like !purekde !purexfce   and so on for each one16:15
AR45_genii: I already have LXDE running.16:15
AR45_cfhowlett: Ubuntu sir.16:15
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »16:15
S_A__geirha: Do you want outpout of this command ?16:15
somsipAR45_: same still applies. Build up from minimal, or take the pyschocats advice16:15
geniiAR45_: See above.16:15
geirhaS_A__: Yes, it shows where the package is coming from.16:16
AR45_somsip: Not sure how to build up from minimal if I'm unable to boot the .iso16:16
AR45_genii: Gratzi!16:16
somsipAR45_: I mentioned I know nothing about mac, but can't see why it would be any different from any other iso. Maybe re-download it, or check md5 first16:17
r004how can I install Xorg?16:17
S_A__geirha: http://pastebin.com/6NF5yTFE16:17
varunendraNotreDev, I can only say what I *think* or assume. Suppose package 'A' requires version "x" of package 'B', but version "x" is no longer available (404). Then I believe --fix-missing simply upgrades package "A" to a newer version, that depends on the version of 'B' that is available now. I never thought very deeply about it though. So this is just a 'thought' created in last 2 minutes :p16:17
NotreDevhaha awesome16:18
geirhaS_A__: Ok, so it doesn't know where the package came from, that's why it can't find the sources16:18
geirhaS_A__: Probably been replaced by a newer package16:20
AR45_somsip: I did, tried different methods of creating a bootable .iso none worked.16:20
S_A__geirha: how to tell it to download from some location ? I already edited and added deb-src in .etc/apt/sources.list16:20
S_A__but that did not work16:21
somsipAR45_: ok. I'll leave you to the others then as I'm about done here. Good luck16:21
geirhaS_A__: sudo apt-get update    after editing sources.list, but you already had deb-src entries in your earlier paste16:21
varunendraNotreDev, actually I was wondering about it too. A couple of days ago, I *force* installed (with "dpkg -i") a version of HandBrake on 13.10 that was originally meant for 13.04. It installed with unsatisfiable dependency errors. Then I simply ran "apt-get install --fix-missing" and "dpkg -i <handbrake package>" again... worked straight away. I don't think it will 'downgrade' any packages to meet any requirements. So the only other possibili16:22
varunendraty remains an 'upgrade', hence the *thought*.16:22
bswartzdoes anyone here know which kernel version will be in utopic?16:23
somsip!info linux-generic 14.10 | bswartz (but support in #ubuntu+1)16:24
ubottubswartz (but support in #ubuntu+1): '14.10' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed16:24
somsip!info linux-generic utopic | bswartz (but support in #ubuntu+1)16:24
ubottubswartz (but support in #ubuntu+1): linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 1 kB, installed size 28 kB16:24
bswartzsomsip: ty16:25
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hggdhbswartz: it is 3.1616:25
* bswartz was hoping it would be 3.1716:25
bswartzoh well16:25
bynariewhen does new ubuntu come out?16:31
daftykinsbynarie: #ubuntu+1 for that topic thanks16:31
ix_hello, I've bought a usb stick, I've formatted it but when I mount it, it seems to be doing something, no idea what, because the LED is blinking16:32
bynarieix_, more info pleasew16:33
jhutchinsix_: The LED indicates various things depending on the manufacturer.  Sometimes blinking means there are updates that need to be flushed from the buffers to the device, which happens with a smooth unmount.16:33
ix_bynarie, what details?16:34
jhutchinsix_: On a linux system the system is a more reliable source for the state of the drive.16:34
bynarieix_, i was confused as to if you had a problem, or you were just curious?16:34
ix_I'm trying to figure out what is it doing16:35
bynarieoh ok16:35
ix_When I mount another usb stick, it doesn't do that16:35
jhutchinsix_: check "mount" to see if it's mounted, check dmesg for info about it being detected and assigned a device.16:35
jhutchinsix_: They're inconsistent, expecially on Linux.  That's one reason so many of them have their own software on Windows.16:36
ix_jhutchins, it mounts it fine, but it does something at about 2 MB/sec16:36
jhutchinsWhich, once you get several different devices is a real pain to maintain.16:36
bynarieif you have gparted you could visually see if its actually being unmounted or not16:36
jhutchinsbynarie: parted has nothing to do with it being monted or not, it's a partition table editor.16:37
jhutchinsbynarie: The mount command shows whether it's mounted.16:37
ix_how can I find out what my usb stick is doing at 2 MB/sec?16:37
bynariejhutchins, oh. I thought it might of some use16:37
bynariemight be**16:37
jhutchinsix_: Why do you think it's doing something at that speed?16:38
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ix_jhutchins, because gkrellm says so16:38
ix_ok, it has suddenly stopped, no idea why16:39
varunendrabynarie, you are right in that sense though. GParted can show whether a partition is mounted or not, and 'force' unmount it if you tell it to.16:39
bynarieYeah i thought it would show what is and isnt mounted16:40
jhutchinsix_: Possibly reading the filestructure - is there anything on the drive?16:42
jhutchinsix_: I'm not sure I'd trust gkrellm16:42
ix_jhutchins, there's nothing, as I wiped it clean16:42
ix_jhutchins, it was consistent with the blinking LED16:43
jhutchinsIsolol: So is it user writable? Does it unmount smoothly?16:43
ix_jhutchins, it was probably checking it or something, no idea16:43
ix_jhutchins, seems to work fine now16:44
tewardwhen compiling code and then running it i get an error that iofgets.c doesn't exist (No such file or directory).  Is there a way to resolve this?16:52
reisioteward: ask apt-file16:53
tewardreisio: did that, E:NORESULTS16:53
reisioteward: from glibc16:53
tewardreisio: thanks16:54
=== magic_ is now known as magic
tewardreisio: still not working on 14.04.16:58
tewardmaybe its because of the gcc version...16:58
studenthey yo17:05
bynarieI got a question. I know this sounds silly but how do you rename your desktop icons? Right clicking and hitting rename doesnt work. The property in the textbox doesnt even match what the icon label actually is17:05
daftykinsstudent: if you have a question, ask it17:06
studentim new here17:06
studenti dont know what im do'n17:06
daftykinsstudent: this channel is for Ubuntu support questions only, not chat. so please move to #ubuntu-offtopic if you don't have question17:06
ammarohi every one17:06
sergey__got a question. is it safe to update *buntu? say from 12.04 to 14.04?17:08
OerHekssergey__, sure, but we recommend to backup your data anyway17:08
bynarienevermind, i figured it out17:09
geniisergey__: If you are running a stock system without PPA entries it's fine.17:09
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nicklasmoellerWould this be the right place to ask a question about sharing files on a dualboot (ubuntu, windows) ?17:11
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geniinicklasmoeller: As good a place as any. Just state the question in the main channel and see if anyone takes it up.17:12
=== eeeeee is now known as eeee
nicklasmoellerI've made an ext4 partition with shared content. Typical /home and /var/www but might be more in the future. Now I've got a problem - I can't really do much with it on windows. Read, for sure, writing acts weird - and when I try to delete something, I need permissions from "Everyone". Some advice?17:16
helpoowhen i try to connect through vpn i get this this message "Unlock keyring 'Default  An application wants  access to the keyring 'Default' but it is locked" I am using Lubuntu , please help me I have no Idea how to fix that !17:17
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ammaroI am windows users, i read about ubuntu and i liked it, but i faced difficulty to deal with the names of the programs and application somewhere, the Abbreviation, how can i learn those ???? Thanks17:17
reisioammaro: abbreviation, like what?17:18
nicklasmoellerMight be off hand, but I could need some advice on how to do it properly. I've got an idea to symlink to an NTFS partition, and run it all on ubuntu's own, but that would take up a lot of space17:18
reisionicklasmoeller: hrmm?17:19
Abhijithi. anyone can give me sample for creating raid 0 and raid1 using preseed?17:19
Abhijitwhats the syntax for it?17:20
OerHeksammaro, same way you learned windows... use it, use it, use it17:20
nicklasmoellerreisio: I introduced my question a little bit early than my last message. Right now I've got an ext4 partition where I store /home and /var/www - I need full access to this on windows, but it acts weird. I've dualbooted, and I'm just looking for some best practice for sharing some folders between the two (where Windows normally don't support ext4, but ntfs)17:22
sergey__sorry, but im newbie)) what is ppa? is it some kind third-party software?17:22
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:22
reisionicklasmoeller: http://www.ext2fsd.com/17:22
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reisiosergey__: yes17:23
OerHeksLucasTT, network problems?17:23
helpoowhen i try to connect through vpn i get this this message "Unlock keyring 'Default  An application wants  access to the keyring 'Default' but it is locked" I am using Lubuntu , please help me I have no Idea how to fix that !17:24
ammaroOerHeks... I have program named Guayadeque Music Player, I don't know what is the Guayadeque ??  In another case program named Wireshark Network Analyzer... It't different with windows17:24
loki__hello. i have external usb harddrive, i use it for backups. i am interest in how i can switch off power of it, and power on it when i need do backup?17:25
helpooHELP PLEASE17:25
reisioloki__: hdparm/sdparm17:25
jhutchinsloki__: Is it a flash drive or a physical disk?17:25
loki__helpoo, as i remember you need set blank password somewhere.17:26
loki__try to google that error.17:26
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OerHeksammaro, i am not sure what you are asking, Guayadeque Music Player is just a musicplayer17:26
helpoo<loki__> How please any useful link ??17:26
loki__jhutchins, it have hdd notebook inside.17:26
OerHeksammaro, wireshark is the same as windows/mac/linux17:27
bynarienicklasmoeller, free software called ext2fsd could be of use to you17:27
jhutchinshelpoo: It would be more helpful to ask about whatever application you're asking rather than asking about lubuntu.  Lubuntu is just ubuntu with the lxde desktop.17:27
loki__helgikrs3, http://linuxforums.org.uk/index.php?topic=10919.017:27
loki__helpoo, first link in google for you service.17:28
bynarienicklasmoeller, http://www.ext2fsd.com should be what you need17:28
squintyloki__:  look in menu for Disks.   you should be able to mount/unmount from there17:28
helpoo<jhutchins> i get the mesage when i try loging to vpn ! i already searched in google but doesnt help17:29
loki__squinty, i am not about mounting, i am about switching it off.17:29
loki__squinty, like phisical disconnect, but without need to unplug it.17:29
bynarienicklasmoeller, http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2read/ actually would be better for ext417:30
jhutchinsloki__: Some physical disks have the ability to be spun down, although there is still power to the controller.17:30
loki__jhutchins, looks like i can suspend usb port drive, i will try it now.17:31
jhutchinsloki__: The hdparm command may allow you to set the idle time (-I<seconds>, see the manpage for details.  You can also do udisk --detach <dev>17:31
Drp_I have 3 primary partitions (C,D,E) and a free space (50 GB) , my problem is when I try to install ubuntu i cannot select the free space!17:33
loki__jhutchins, udisk --detach? it is like detahing in gui?17:33
Drp_can you help me please?17:33
loki__Drp_, you need create main partitions if you use manual installation.17:34
Drp_I mean i can select it but I can't add a partition using +17:34
jhutchinsloki__: Sorry, udisks --detatch <device>17:34
OerHeksDrp_, make that free space Extended, and you'll be fine17:34
jhutchinsloki__: I don't know what detatching in the GUI does, but try it, see if you can hear it spin down.17:34
ammaro0erHeks ... I'm just having a hard time dealing with the programs and find them, but I'm trying to understand ... Thanks17:35
Drp_OerHeks, how can i do that? The problem that I cannot do any operation with that space, all buttons are disabled when i select it17:36
loki__jhutchins, i found only this https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25725476/screenshot-2014.10.08-21%3A36%3A16.png17:36
squintyammaro:  https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/17:36
OerHeksDrp_, unmout that disk first, as a mounted disk cannot be altered17:37
johncarperHello, i installed noip dns service on my ubuntu service and still have to update the port rule in ufw, Is "Sudo ufw allow 8245" enough to make the dns service work?17:39
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johncarperor does it take more then that to allow the port so noip can sent the dns?17:39
loki__jhutchins, when i tried poweroff drive it starts blinking, but after some time it starts blink again.17:40
loki__jhutchins, but after some time it was mounted again *17:40
iulianhhello everyone :)17:40
nicklasmoellerreisio: I'm actually using this. But it's not working as I would expect. I've given write permissions, but it stores a .tmp file alongside, removes whitespaces and yeah - no go. And when I try to delete or rename something, I need permissions from Everyone...17:40
bynariejohncarper, you dont have to modify any ports just to make dyndns work for noip17:41
bynarienicklasmoeller, did you see my messages to you?17:41
bynarienicklasmoeller, ext2read17:41
belakI have a question for someone at Canonical about the mirror I'm helping run, but there hasn't been a response in #ubuntu-mirrors and there isn't a Vanguard listed... any where else I could ask?17:41
e\(does anybody here know websmart?)17:42
johncarperso basically to test it works i can try ping my dns host?17:42
vbgunzwhat is the Ubuntu center application name for Kubuntu apt-get, is it software-center?17:43
reisioapt-get is apt-get, software-center is software-center17:43
reisiothere are a couple KDE-centric apt frontends17:43
bynariejohncarper, you should be able too. You only need to modify ports if your serving something and go through a router17:44
reisiothink... kpackagekit is one?17:44
reisiojojo_: hi17:44
reisioapt-cache search apt | grep -i front17:44
johncarperi will be hosting a teamspeak server soon but haven't set that up yet17:44
johncarperwith the no ip dns17:44
jojo_reisio: I need help on creating a response file17:44
reisiojojo_: ?17:44
bynariejohncarper, so is your server behind a router?17:44
johncarpernop, using powerlans17:45
nicklasmoellerOh, sorry - I just had an email to point my attention to. Will give your last link a look bynarie! I'm using the first one right now17:45
bynarienicklasmoeller, i just suggested either ext2read or ext2fs17:46
Drp_is it possible to install ubuntu if I have 3 primary partitions ?17:46
OerHeksvbgunz, kubuntu's softwarecenter is muon17:46
jojo_reisio: I  am installing a package called mq, I want to create a response file whenever it ask questions during installation.17:46
nicklasmoellerext2fsd I've already got - I'm installing ext2read now17:46
bynarieoh ok... good17:46
vbgunzOerHeks: yes but it does not have access to some apps that Ubuntu's software center has access too17:46
bynariei dont think the ext2fsd supports ext4, only 2/317:46
vbgunztrying to get the Plex media server17:46
reisiojojo_: like with 'expect'?17:47
OerHeksvbgunz, ubuntu does not provide Plex media server, it is external17:48
bynariejohncarper, basically you need to either A)install the client software for dyndns on the server or B) configure your router to connect to it for host updating... Then you need to setup port forwarding for the servers port you need opened, IF you are behind a firewall or NAT17:48
johncarperalright thanks17:48
bynarieno problem17:48
johncarperi just tested host (dns host name) and it redricted to my real ip17:48
johncarperso that's good :)17:48
bynariegetting that part to work has nothing to do with ports17:49
johncarperi see17:49
TuringiiI had a computer with 4GB of RAM and replaced it with one with 8GB but still used the same old hard disks. For some reason, top/htop show that I only have 4GB of RAM (3.8GB or something) and about the same amount of 'swap'. I have ubuntu for 64bits installed so it shouldn't be an issue with that. uname -a shows "Linux akiraa 3.13.0-36-generic #63-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 3 21:30:07 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"17:50
OerHeksTuringii, does your bios see 8 Gb?17:51
bynariejohncarper, say if you have 4 PCs behind NAT/router. When someone outside of your network tries to connect to your public IP on port X, the router wont know what to do unless you setup a port forward to that specific PC on your network17:51
TuringiiOerHeks: yes17:51
nicklasmoellerSeems like it bynarie. Though ext2read makes you save the folder as a copy before use, and I don't think you can write back again17:51
OerHeksTuringii, what motherboard is it? some are limited to 4 gb17:52
TuringiiOerEks: I had swap configured to use about 2GB of hard disk space. When ubuntu booted for the first time it told me that it couldn't find some partitions and offered to 'autodetect' them17:52
bynarienicklasmoeller, yea you basically have to "download" them17:52
johncarperi'm pretty new to all this stuff, but i'm having alot of fun so far17:52
TuringiiOerHeks: my motherboard has a 16gb limit of ram17:52
bynarienicklasmoeller, http://www.paragon-software.com/home/extfs-windows/17:52
bynariemaybe that would work?17:52
TuringiiOerHeks: I'd hate to have to reinstall ubuntu so it autodetects my new hardware properly and reconstructs the partition table accordingly17:53
TuringiiOerHeks: for some reason, it's grabbing about half the ram for swapspace which it doesn't actually use17:53
OerHeksTuringii, you shouldn't need to reinstall, what does 'free' tell you?17:53
bynarieTuringii, i wouldnt think harddrive partitions have anything to do with ram17:54
loki__Tried zfs on ubuntu, it is some kind next level stuff... Thought about moving to zfs totally. Somebody tried something like this?17:54
loki__Turingii, paste your dmesg.17:55
TuringiiOerHeks: this is the top part of 'top' http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=WUT9xgpg17:55
Quantumpantshi guys, my keyboard keys seem to by slightly out of sink, any advice??17:55
reisioQuantumpants: out of sync?17:56
nicklasmoellerbynarie: looks promising, am installing17:56
Turingiiloki__, bynarie, OerHeks: this is my dmesg http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Px6s0VHn17:56
bynarieawesome.. let me know how it works out17:56
jhutchinsloki__: Thanks for asking about spindown, btw.  It prompted me to set the spindown times on a couple of drives I use that needed it.17:56
Quantumpants<reisio> hi, will]17:56
jhutchinsloki__: I configured them in the hdparm.conf file, which has a man page.17:56
Quantumpants<reisio> well it seems that some of the symbles are in the wrong place17:57
reisiohow so...17:57
Quantumpants<reisio> for example the @ key in where the " key should be17:57
Turingiibynarie: well, it could generate new hard disk UUIDs with a new system, I remember Fedora relying on them (or rather, failing to re-detect when something like boot order changes, since that changes the UUIDs)17:58
loki__jhutchins, lol. np. but i need total poweroff somehow... i think my usb drive failing for some reason, and want prolong his life, looks like better to do phisical plug off17:58
nicklasmoellerwill give it a reboot - seems it not loading right now. be back :)17:58
reisioQuantumpants: okay, so you probably have the wrong keymap set17:59
Quantumpants<reisio> ok, how do i change it?17:59
reisioQuantumpants: what does 'setxkbmap -query' say?18:00
Quantumpants<reisio> hold on....18:00
chaotixhi.  how can i hide a computer on my local network in ubuntu/linux?18:00
jhutchinsloki__: hdparm -Y <device> should put it in the lowest power state.  hdparm -C <device> will tell you what state it's in.  hdparm -S will set the spindown timeout, but it has a special format, read the manpage.18:00
rubiksmomoAny idea why my deja-dup backup app stopped working? It worked fine for a week. Now it's asking for encryption password when it tries to run a backup. It just keeps asking, even if I input the correct one.18:00
jhutchinsloki__: If it's failing, spinning it down will probably not help.18:00
loki__jhutchins, yea, that's what i am talking about.18:01
Quantumpants<reisio> us, gb18:01
reisioQuantumpants: pardon?18:01
Quantumpants<reisio> the layout is us, gb18:02
Quantumpants<reisio> "us, gb"18:02
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johncarperif i installed a package with  "tar xzf teamspeak3-server_linux-amd64-" for example18:02
johncarperwhat would be the best way to remove it again18:02
jhutchinsTuringii: What kernel do you have installed?18:02
loki__Turingii, for some reason it is not get 8gb of ram Memory: 3685680K/3914996K available (7373K kernel code, 1144K rwdata, 3404K rodata, 1336K init, 1440K bss, 229316K reserved)18:03
loki__Turingii, try 64bit livecd18:03
bynariejohncarper, tar doesnt actually "install" anything, it just extracts it... like when you unzip a zip file18:03
johncarperi used xzf on the tar18:04
johncarperthat installs it, doesn't it?18:04
johncarperor just extracts18:04
NegativeFlarethat just extracts it18:04
jhutchinsjohncarper: x=extract z=decompress f=fromfile18:04
johncarperso if i just go to the directory i extracted it18:05
johncarperand remove that directory it should be gone18:05
johncarperif i'm correct18:05
jhutchinsjohncarper: manpages can be very helpful with options.18:05
jhutchinsjohncarper: Correct.18:05
bynariejohncarper, yes18:05
johncarperok, thanks18:05
bynariejust delete them18:05
bynarieTAR is an archiving tool.. Now on the other hand, apt-get install is an installer18:06
rubiksmomoWhat's wrong with my deja-dup backup app? It worked fine for a week. Now it's asking for encryption password when it tries to run a backup. It just keeps asking, even if I input the correct one.18:06
vbgunzOerHeks: that's crummy, Ubuntu pitched it like they had it. Thanks!18:07
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=== Caroga_afk is now known as Caroga
Guest9650Evening All! Does anyone have a few minutes to help me with a missing network indicator in Unity?18:09
nicklasmoellerbynarie: I tried to delete a folder - got BSOD (damn windows!). And then I deleted a file - extFS stopped working, but the file seemed to delete, although the partition unmounted18:09
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nicklasmoellerand now it seems unable to mount18:09
CapprenticeIs there a Firewall GUI which can show or block application level Connections? I want something like Comodo Firewall on Windows! :/18:10
bynarienicklasmoeller, i assume you rebooted and loaded up linux and thats where it wont mount?18:11
Capprenticeumm? :'(18:12
russellbriUbuntu has the 'Uncomplicated Fire Wall' (ufw) installed by default. A GUI for it seems to be at http://gufw.org/18:12
Drp_I have 4 primary partitions and a free space (50GB), i want to install ubuntu in that free space, any suggesions please?18:12
Drp_should i convert 1 primary partition to logical ?18:12
CapprenticeGUFW has no feature to show/block live connections! @ russellbri18:13
Turingiijhutchins: uname -a gives "Linux Akiraa 3.13.0-36-generic #63-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 3 21:30:07 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"18:13
CapprenticeHas no one ever made something, what I seek!18:14
russellbriah fair enough. In that case I don't know, soz :)18:14
nicklasmoellerNo - it's working perfectly in linux (I believe it still do) - After the BSOD I rebooted, and mounted, and tried to delete a single file. It stopped working, and now I'm stuck with a mounted F drive, which I have no access to, or no real view of that the partition is mounted to F (says mounted in extFS, but unable to mount after unmount - and when I close and open extFS it's like it's mounted18:14
Turingii"<loki__> Turingii, try 64bit livecd"  What would I do with the livecd?18:15
russellbriThis looks pretty good, but isn't actively developed any more apparently: http://www.fs-security.com/ @ Capprentice18:16
reisioif you care that much about security, you don't even have a GUI18:17
loki__Turingii, boot without installation, and checkout your memory.18:17
nicklasmoellergoing to try things out.. be back i believe18:17
Turingiiloki__: could I just run the installer just up to the point of partition assignment, write changes to partition table and potentially fstab, then cancel and reboot off the hard disk?18:17
Turingiiloki__: could it accidentally try to allocate swap to temp-fs which resides in ram?18:18
loki__Turingii, i thought your main problem is memory.18:18
loki__Turingii, i do not think so.18:18
russellbriSo doe anyone have any ideas about a missing network indicator in unity? Killing and restarting nm-applet doesn;t seem to help, and i've reinstalled network-manager and network-manager-gnome to no avail. Most frustrating as I am lothed to reinstall just for the network indicator :(18:18
Turingiiloki__: yes, but swap space is supposed to be just 2gb allocated off the hard disk, not 4gb18:18
Turingiiloki__: so swap has nothing to do with it, you think?18:19
loki__Turingii, i had problems whith swap sometimes, all i do just recreate it. there is problem can be. swap goes encrypted as i remember.18:19
Turingiiloki__: also tried this http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=810baxNs (lshw -class memory)18:21
Capprenticerussellbri, I have that,  but its old and even it do not have the application blocking function.18:21
Turingiiloki__: it sees the two sticks of ram just fine18:22
loki__Turingii, then you 100% go to try livecd.18:22
Turingiiloki__: will check back after that18:22
jhutchinsTuringii: Your kernel should be able to see the full RAM.18:23
jhutchinsTuringii: Swap in ram is wrongheaded.18:23
trijntjejhutchins: not if you compress the swap in RAM18:25
reisionot if you have gobs of ram18:25
jhutchinstrijntje: Still very wrong.  The whole point of swap is to extend RAM.18:25
reisioto extend ram because you don't have enough of it...18:25
jhutchinsEither you put swap on a non-RAM device or you disable it.18:26
reisioalthough there is certainly an argument to just disable it and fix swappiness, yarp18:26
jhutchins(Just don't set it up.)18:26
OerHeksso the bios sees 8 gb, but your system shows 3.8, my best guess is that motherboard does not support over 4 gb.18:26
trijntjejhutchins: its not wrong. It allows you to trade cpu cycles for RAM, which is a good trade off on most desktop machines18:26
Turingiimy swap is like a government program, its existance creates a need for it18:26
teddy_does any one knows why after editing a sys file a file.~ appear??18:26
reisioteddy_: it's your editor's backup/swap file18:26
OerHeksTuringii, again, what motherboard is it?18:26
reisioteddy_: check prefs18:26
jhutchinsOerHeks: If the bios sees it, it supports it, something is playing tricks on the system.18:26
jhutchinsTuringii: have you tried memtest?18:27
OerHeksjhutchins, no, i have seen this before.18:27
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jhutchinsOerHeks: The system sees two 4GB DIMMs.18:27
jhutchinsTuringii: does "free" see the 8G?18:27
derjuradding "manual" to /etc/init/nginx.override doesn't seem to work.  what's the best practice to defer a service from starting at boot?18:27
TuringiiOerHeks: asrock 960GC-GS FX18:27
Turingiijhutchins: memtest see the entire memory just fine18:27
TuringiiOerHeks: actually, the motherboard can use ddr2 and ddr3, but only with a cpu can support either, respectively18:28
TuringiiOerHeks: the mobo limit is 4GB DDR2 and 16GB DDR318:28
OerHeksTuringii, both memorybanks are ddr2 ?18:29
sheaphow do I stop apt from bailing out during install when I select the ubuntu-desktop and the xubuntu-desktop? xubuntu has a newer version of a gtk package which isn't in the default trusty repos and apt cries and quits the install because of it :|18:29
jhutchinsTuringii: WHat's the CPU Chipset?18:31
bekkssheap: can you pastebin what apt cries please?18:32
bynarielol @ bekks18:32
sheapbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8522413/18:32
sheapbekks: v 1 is in trusty18:32
sheapbekks: v 1.1 is in xubuntu and trusty-updates, but trusty-updates isn't being used right now18:33
bekkssheap: Can you pastebin the entire output please, not just five lines? :)18:33
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jhutchinsTuringii: I don't suppose it's allocated 4GB to video ram?18:33
sheapbekks: sensitive data :|18:33
TuringiiOerHeks: there are 2 DDR2 banks and 2 DDR3 banks, I am currently using the DDR3 memory (the CPU actually doesn't work with DDR2)18:33
bekkssheap: There is no sensitive data in apt error messages.18:34
jhutchinsTuringii: Might be a good idea to check for a BIOS update.18:34
Turingiijhutchins: hm... it has a discrete GPU so that should not be the case18:34
sheapbekks: that's the error line :)18:34
Turingiijhutchins: bios is up to date and latest version18:34
jhutchinsTuringii: Does it have an embedded one as well?18:34
bekkssheap: There is no sensitive data in the entire apt output.18:34
sheapbekks: that's the error line :)18:34
Turingiijhutchins: yes, there is an onboard gpu, not connected to any monitor though18:34
OerHeksTuringii, so that pastebin is showing ddr2, and you are using ddr3 ....18:34
bekksThats not the full output. Pastebin it please.18:35
Turingiijhutchins: and two screens hanging off the discrete gpu18:35
russellbriOK found a workaround for missing network indicator. System Settings -> Network (a pretty nice UI I didn't know was there!) That'll do untill hopefully a future update will fix it :)18:35
teddy_<reisio> Ahhh probably i was using gedit for a quick change18:35
TuringiiOerHeks: oh, interesting18:35
russellbriHave a good evening all :)18:35
TuringiiOerHeks: there are definitely two sticks of DDR3 in it18:35
OerHeksTuringii, as bank1 does not say ddr2, i wonder if you have put ddr3 there ... lots of mystery18:36
TuringiiOerHeks: you can't put DDR3 sticks in DDR2 slots18:36
derjurhow do i disable nginx autostart in trusty?  (tried echo "manual" >> /etc/init/nginx.override)18:37
jhutchinsTuringii: The MB could be allocating the memory to the onboard gpu even if it's not in use.18:37
cobracommandjust curious, what major feature are you using in 14.04 that you weren't using in 12.04?18:38
squinty russel18:38
reisiocobracommand: contemporaneousness18:39
cobracommandreisio: what?18:40
bynarieYAY: current kernel now is 3.1718:40
gompaon 14.10 libvirt keeps asking for a password when trying to connect to ssh+qemu (and the server receives the wrong password) but iam 100% sure iam using the right password ( i can login with it over virsh) anyone else having this problem ?18:43
OerHeksgompa, join #ubuntu+1 for utopic help untill release18:43
jhutchinsTuringii: You might try different kernels, different live CDs would make that easy.  REsearch your chipset on google.18:43
bynarieTuringii, the new kernel of 3.17 is avail now.. maybe update and try it18:44
gompaoerheks i tought of asking it here too couse the target ( the host running qemu is a 14.04 server)18:46
OerHeksbynarie, really, update?18:46
Gabihow can i run or move a file named -file18:48
Gabiwith - infront18:48
OerHeksGabi use mv "-file" /path/to/destination # i wonder how you get a - in your filename18:50
reisioGabi: mv --18:51
Gabiits saying mv: invalid option -- 's'18:51
reisioyou said it was named '-file', not '-sOMETHING'!18:52
reisioYOU LIED TO ME18:52
Gabihow can be that different18:53
reisioGabi: hrmm?18:54
killjewssieg HEIL18:54
Gabiim trying to rename a file named "-sharp" so i can run it18:55
reisioGabi: as I said, mv -- -sharp foo18:55
OerHeks!ops | killjews18:55
ubottukilljews: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang18:55
Gabiand if i want to run the file directly with -18:57
Gabiits that possible ?18:57
reisioGabi: do what?18:57
Gabirun the -sharp file18:57
Gabi./-sharp doenst work18:57
OerHeksGabi why does that file have such a name18:57
Gabiprotection by author . dunno18:57
Wollie88Gabi, If posible why not rename it18:58
reisioGabi: chmod +x18:58
Wollie88reisio, he wants to move it, why would you want to make it executable19:00
eeeeWollie88: he wants to run it19:00
Wollie88eeee, sorry i misread19:00
Wollie88eeee, sorry thought he wanted to move it19:01
david38400can anyone please tell me how to the get Pounds Sterling Symbol on my keybardo?19:07
billyzed_is it me you're looking for?19:07
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bekksbillyzed_: You arent Lionel Richie ;)19:09
billyzed_on the internet, you can be whoever you dream19:09
david38400Does anyone know how to find the symbol for the Pound Sterling please?19:10
martijn_Hold down the Alt key, on the numerical keypad press 0163, then release the Alt key.19:11
reisiodavid38400: CTRL+SHIFT+u, a3, ENTER19:12
helpmeplease2Hi All, Appreciated that this isn't the correct channel to go to however could someone please point me in the direction of a channel that provides support for mental health, and no I'm not trolling19:15
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:16
david38400reisio, did that any my keyboard doesnt work, had to use an old one with usb instead of wireless. What happened?19:17
david38400Any way I can reset the keyboard please?19:17
david38400reisio: I did ctrl+shift+u, a3, enter and my keyboard doesnt work19:18
david38400How can I reset the keyboard ??? ANY HELP PLEASE19:18
david38400Can anyone help please: My wireless keyboard needs resetting how can I do it19:19
liquidcandyHi, I've been having problems with a broadcom wireless card and have tried everything I know to do to fix the problem. I need someone who is willing to walk my through this until the problem is fixed. Please don't give me links (I've read the main ones and tried their solns already). Is there anyone who will walk through this with me?19:21
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=== Dawn_ is now known as Rarity
geniiliquidcandy: Did you already try the link provided by the bot's !broadcom factoid?19:24
liquidcandygenii: which is that?19:25
genii!broadcom | liquidcandy19:25
ubottuliquidcandy: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:25
hero1Need help19:26
geniihero1: Details might help.19:27
hero1Just accidentally delete my ubuntu and merge the memory  partition given to ubuntu to main memory19:27
hero1Now after restarting my pc grub is coming19:28
hero1Now what should i do19:28
liquidcandythat's one of em, yes. Last night I was innundated with links, I've tried multiple drivers linux-firmware-nonfree, bcmwl-kernel-source, broadcom-sta, b43-fwcutter, and firmware-b43-installer. Only the last of which seems to make any progress but the progress is decieving bc19:29
geniihero1: By "memory partition" do you mean hard drive partition?19:29
bekkshero1: Either restore your backup or reinstall your computer from a cd.19:29
liquidcandywell it's seems to be erattic behavior19:29
liquidcandyI'm sick of it19:29
Bashing-omhero1: "accidentally delete my ubuntu" do you mena that the operating system no longer exists to boot up ?19:29
geniiliquidcandy: Unfortunately most of the Broadcoms are utterly craptastic19:29
hero1Bashing-om : yeah19:30
hero1Genii: yeah hard disk19:31
Bashing-omhero1: OK, so what is your end goal ?19:31
hero1Just wannt my cousin laptop working19:31
liquidcandygenii: Tell me aboiut it. I've owned 2 other laptops in the past that had it, I worked the steps and they worked fine. This pos lappy I have now doesn't even work when I follow the steps. I'm totally out of steam on this19:31
geniihero1: From your description, a re-install seems the best19:32
dine909intel video drivers on 14.04 someone kill me19:32
hero1Ok...let me try this19:32
liquidcandyNot only is my problem the bcm card but I happen to have acquired a Pavillion dv6000 (circa 2007). If there is a worse lappy for linux I don't know of it.19:32
Bashing-omhero1: As the OS has been removed, the final solution is - as advised - (re-)install .. IF there is data to be recovered -> 1st approximation is "testdisk" .19:32
geniiliquidcandy: I think if I were you, I'd find out what kind of slot the adapter is in, and purchase something cheap that works , to swap out for.19:33
hero1Bashing-om : testdisk19:33
hero1I dont wana data recoverd19:34
Bashing-omhero1: Testdisk, to try and recover data.19:34
hero1Just want my sister laptop in working condition19:34
NotreDevhow could i reformat / stylize a bunch of html files … e.g. for i in $(…); do what?; done19:34
eeeehero1: it was your cousin's a min ago :P19:34
Bashing-omhero1: Then, just install ubuntu.19:35
bekksNotreDev: for file in *.html; do ...; done19:35
eeeehero1: when you say accidentally removed, do you mean just the partition table ? you deleted the partition entry?19:35
NotreDevbekks: yeah i got that… but i’m looking for help on the formatting bit of it19:35
NotreDevnot the loop part :)19:35
hero1Eeee:  in my religion we just call brother and sister not cousion19:36
hero1eeee: yes...i deleted it19:36
Bashing-omhero1: is ubuntu to be the -only- operating system on the computer in quesstion ?19:36
eeeeok, you can probably recover the partition using testdisk19:36
eeeehero1: you can boot a liveusb and get the partition entry back, sudo apt-get install testdisk19:37
hero1Linuxmint and win 8 also19:37
Bashing-omhero1: eeee ^^ is the guru of testdisk.19:38
bekksNotreDev: Then you have to explain what "formating" means in that context. What do you want to do actually?19:38
hero1Finally Its working guys .....thx19:38
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NotreDevi think it’s pretty straightforward actually. your response had nothing to do with formatting. you reiterated the bash for loop that i’d stated. i’m looking for input on a formatter for html files. for example, html tidy19:39
Bashing-omhero1: :)19:39
NGC3982Oh hai.19:44
cyberdineOk guys, looking for seriouse answers to a very seriouse life problem.... someties the best solution is to throw the problem in a think tank and see what comes out the other end....19:44
cyberdinelife and death may depend on what answers I get today19:44
Jordan_Ucyberdine: Unless the question is an Ubuntu support question, you should find a more appropriate channel. Possibly #ubuntu-offtopic.19:45
zimbrescyberdine, are you going to the doctor?19:45
Tex_NickI have a bunch of AV files on one of my LAN box's ... I've set up a launcher on another user's LAN box (nautilus sftp://userName@nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn/media/userName/directory) ... this provides a good interface for the client user ... except user would like to use nautilus search sometimes, which seems to crash the sftp connection ... have googled this for a couple weeks with no solution19:46
cyberdineI am a COMPLETE dependant living up in the seria nevada mountains.... I have gran mal siezure disorders many other health related issues and am now having the mat pulled out from onder me.19:46
daftykinsTex_Nick: use a proper file system mount instead19:46
cyberdineI have nobody to go to, no friends, no family... I;'ve been well cut off from the world for several tears now19:46
Jordan_Ucyberdine: That doesn't sound like an Ubuntu support question. While I sympathise, this is the wrong channel for this discussion.19:46
cyberdineI'm on ubuntu?19:47
daftykinsnot good enough.19:47
daftykinstake it elsewhere19:47
cyberdinetheir 1300 people here cmon lol19:47
cyberdine1700 lol19:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:47
cyberdineI'm def new to ubuntu19:47
Jordan_Ucyberdine: All the more reason to keep out offtopic chatter.19:47
cyberdinefirst time using it was yesterday19:47
cyberdineSo, then were should I take it?19:48
Jordan_Ucyberdine: #ubuntu-offtopic is one option.19:48
Tex_Nickdaftykins: thanks for repla, but you please provide a bit more info ... I don't need to be walked thru step by step ... just pointed in a good direction19:48
geniicyberdine: To change channels:  /join #channelname19:48
dine909is there a trick to getting an ivy bridge i3's hd4000 video drivers working correctly? i have really poor performance in opengl19:49
daftykinsTex_Nick: what OSs between these hosts?19:49
dine909on 14.0419:49
daftykinsTex_Nick: they're on a local LAN together, too?19:49
Tex_Nickdaftykins: yeah both on local LAN ... ubuntu 14.0419:49
daftykinsTex_Nick: look into NFS and samba19:50
Tex_Nickdaftykins: samba :((( ... ok sir that might be what I have to do ... hey thanks for reply19:51
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smart_developerWhat does it mean when you get a message saying that "rsyslogd was HUPed" ??19:57
sunkistAfter studying `man hier' on ubuntu, I determined that my custom compiled binaries ought to install there.  But I am writing some interpreted code for deployment on ubuntu that is broken into many files.  Should I copy them all to /usr/local/bin ?  Should I just symlink to the main program and put all the files in /opt?19:58
guntbertsmart_developer: you probably type something like    sudo service rsyslog reload   , which sent a signal  "SIGHUP" (was once HangUp) to let it relaod its settings19:59
Picisunkist: That sounds logical to me, and what I do with my stuff. Then again, I do do much stuff with binaries.19:59
IRBISHi all, help to solve the problem with the Animations Add-It's like you can get it back, OS 14.04.120:00
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sunkistThanks Pici.  I know that some files in /usr/bin are scripts instead of binaries.  Stuff like update-rc.d or start-stop-daemon...20:02
IRBISSo do not who do not know where this package?20:02
sunkistPici: but those scripts are mostly monolithic and don't need a bunch of includes besides a single common system bash include.20:03
smart_developerguntbert : what's the difference between "service rsyslog restart", and "service rsyslog reload" ??20:03
mrflibbl2hi guys, I'd like to swap the operation of "Super+w" and "Super", so that just pressing "Super" brings up the window spread. Any idea how I change the key bindings?20:03
sunkistNone of my stuff is system essential like that so I can't just put my files in the same place.20:04
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Picismart_developer: Typically, reload means to keep the process running but to reprocesses the config files. Restart actually restarts the daemon.  Not all services make a distinction between the two.20:04
guntbertsmart_developer: restart consists of   stop; start    - reload keeps the service running, just lets it reread its config (of course it depends on the service, which signals cause what)20:06
IRBISSo that no one will help solve the problem?20:06
guntbert!patience | IRBIS20:07
ubottuIRBIS: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:07
yanickhi, I am puzzled about Lubuntu; I have downloaded the amd64 ISO, installed it on this 64-bit machine and, yet, "uname -a" says it's x86_64. I have installed VirtualBox, but I cannot create a 64-bit machine. ... is Lubuntu 64-bit or not?20:07
PiciIRBIS: Can you rephrase your question? I'm not sure what you are trying to ask.20:07
zykotick9IRBIS: to be honest, i "personally" have no idea what your issue is...  if english is not your 1st language, perhaps you should try another channel?20:07
charettesWas there any report of high CPU usage on 14.04 in the past few days? I just did my daily update and now I have one of my two core always using 100%...20:07
eeeecharettes: which processes?20:08
mrflibbl2yanick: could it be your chipset doesn't support virtualization properly?20:09
charetteseeee: it doesn't show up using top, it looks like something is happening at the kernel level :/20:09
mrflibbl2I don't know a great deal about VirtualBox, but some virtualisation software (eg, Hyper V) depend on the CPU supporting the virtualisation extensions20:09
mrflibbl2could this be the problem?20:10
yanickmrflibbl2, that's possible. It's some recycled old laptop. But that'd be the first time I get this "issue" with VBox20:10
mrflibbl2oh ok20:10
charetteseeee: is there a way to diagnose kernel level processes?20:11
yanickmrflibbl2, still, why VBox could not create a 64-bit VM under a 64-bit env?20:11
zykotick9yanick: you might want to ask in #vbox20:11
mrflibbl2good question20:11
arrowsatanasWhere can you change the hello tune. Good evening, dear Ubuntu Community20:12
charettesI guess I'll try rebooting with an old kernel and see what happens...20:12
eeeecharettes: no idea20:12
mrflibbl2yanick: https://communities.vmware.com/thread/44032220:13
IRBISSorry for my english I have a problem associated with сopizom, no animations add in ubuntu 14.04, in Google too dull. who have experienced this.20:13
IRBISYes, in another channel I can not there are no people.20:13
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mrflibbl2i know it's vmware, but it's a similar problem20:13
arrowsatanasIn the system configuration I was not able to find.20:14
mrflibbl2yanick: i guess the other thing is it could be a bios settings20:14
yanickmrflibbl2, yeah, I just thought I'd go check right now :)20:14
mrflibbl2I know it was disabled on my new laptop for some reason. I had to enable VT-X specifically20:14
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mrflibbl2maybe due to power useage? i have no idea why, seems a bit silly, as it doesn't normally affect non-VM software as far as I can tell20:15
chasse21611Hello, I am 59 dad and have a 10 year old daughter.  We are looking to install Ubuntu on our computer.  if we need help will someone here be able  here  be able to help us.  We also are going to get a book or two from the library.20:16
arrowsatanasplease can someone explain how I can change the hello tune at startup20:16
eeeearrowsatanas: sudo apt-get install dconf-editor20:16
IRBISКуда делось сгорание окон огнем в убунту 14,0420:17
eeeearrowsatanas: then com > canonical > unity-greeter20:17
IRBISWhere did the fire burn windows in Ubuntu 14.0420:17
zykotick9chasse21611: i don't think anyone here has a working crystalball for seeing the future... but "maybe"...20:18
eeeearrowsatanas: not sure if you can change it from there though, just checked and it says enable sound or not20:18
guntbertchasse21611: you will probably not get someone to accompany the whole process - but if you have specific problems just ask20:18
eeeearrowsatanas: pretty sure you could change the actual file that gets played though20:18
arrowsatanasIt is probably a lock file to the specified directory can not be accessed. Is there any other solution other than apt-get?20:18
IRBISWhere did the fire burn windows in Ubuntu 14.0420:19
eeeearrowsatanas: do you want to turn it off?20:19
eeeeyou can use gsettings20:19
eeeehold on20:19
mrflibbl2arrowsatanas: i think all the sound files are here: /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo20:19
arrowsatanasNo, at the login screen. So after startup20:20
eeeearrowsatanas: gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter play-ready-sound false20:20
eeeethat's for the login sound i think, when lightdm appears20:20
mrflibbl2arrowsatanas: i think that's the "system ready" sound20:21
arrowsatanasNo scheme found20:21
eeeeyup i found the sound as mrflibbl2 suggested20:22
arrowsatanasIn which directory do I have to see20:22
mrflibbl2on mine, system ready is a link to dialog-question20:22
mrflibbl2kind of "bongo drums" sound for me20:23
yanickmrflibbl2, seems like I'm in no luck. The CPU does support VT-x, but Acer was lazy and put a dumb Phoenex BIOS in there, thus no VT options.20:23
eeeeyeah same here20:23
yanickmrflibbl2, thank you though20:23
mrflibbl2:( arse20:23
sefaihi all20:24
IRBISWhere additional animations in compiz?20:24
arrowsatanasPath not on my system, at least not in that order20:24
ubu00hi, how can I decrypt my HOME on my old-HDD, I remember the password but not the passphrase?20:24
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eeeearrowsatanas: are you on ubuntu 14.04?20:25
zykotick9IRBIS: historically, NO idea if it's current, the Burn-effect was included in compiz-plugins-extra20:26
arrowsatanasI have connected different media, even when disconnect is not the terminal path.20:27
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IRBISHow to get it back, if removed20:28
arrowsatanasIs not there like a directory tree in Linux?20:28
zykotick9IRBIS: is compiz-pluginx-extra installed?  if not, install it...20:29
genii!fhs | arrowsatanas Yep.20:29
ubottuarrowsatanas Yep.: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier20:29
arrowsatanasubottu kannst du deutsch?20:30
ubottuarrowsatanas: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:30
Pici!de | arrowsatanas20:30
ubottuarrowsatanas: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!20:30
mrflibbl2arrowsatanas: you mean on the command line?20:31
IRBISвсе установлено , а модуля нет20:31
IRBISeverything installed, and no module20:31
rubiksmomoWhat's wrong with my deja-dup backup app? It worked fine for a week. Now it's asking for encryption password when it tries to run a backup. It just keeps asking, even if I input the correct one.20:31
chasse21611I understand that you can not stand here and tell us things but if we have a question we can try here20:31
Jordan_Uchasse21611: Yes, you can always try here and we'll do the best we can to help :)20:32
chasse21611thank you for the help, bye20:33
Bashing-omchasse21611: IF ubuntu is to be the only operating system on the box, the process is very simple.20:33
Jordan_Uchasse21611: You're welcome.20:34
at_workI'm using virt-manager on 14.04, normally the view snapshots feature is available in the gui.  In my case it is grayed out.  Any suggestions as to the cause?20:34
arrowsatanasno i search the folder20:34
bynarieIs a linux shell script similar in a way to a batch file on windows? Just term commands shoved into a file???20:34
arrowsatanasin german support is no a guy20:34
zykotick9bynarie: yes20:34
bynariethank u20:34
ubu00done: "# ecryptfs-recover-private"20:35
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okayis there any way that one can view the live code the os is running in the background?20:35
IRBISI so understood that the method further animation does not to return?20:36
Jordan_Ubynarie: Yes, though bash has many more programming features than cmd.exe does, and so while a bash script can be as simple as a list of commands it can also be much more complex.20:36
zykotick9ubu00: honestly, encrypted-home is kinda weak IMO...  i'd use FDE via LUKS if encryption is important to you, but YMMV.  best of luck.20:36
ubu00zykotick9, indeed, that was  my old HDD. My new one is fully encrypted with LUKS20:37
TuringiOerHeks, jhutchins, bynarie, loki__: well, after booting into the ubuntu liveCD it saw the 8GB of memory, then rebooting normally saw the installed Ubuntu recognize the memory too. Thanks for the assist, though I have no idea how things got solved :)20:37
loki__Turingi, lol.20:38
caskaidAnyone familiar with openshot on Ubuntu here?20:38
IRBISI probably never will learn the rules is not your English .私はおそらくあなたの英語でないルールを学習しませんでし...20:38
bynarieTuringi, youve been working that issue for a while now!20:38
IRBISНал всем пока )20:38
eeeecaskaid: i've tried it once20:39
loki__IRBIS, поке.20:39
caskaideeee, gotcha.. I'm looking for help resolving a constant segfault issue20:39
caskaideeee, was trying to find someone that had an answer20:40
eeeeoh ok20:40
ubu00zykotick9, btw, is FDE not important to someone? ;)20:40
zykotick9ubu00: it's not important to anyone who doesn't care about securing powered-off machines ;)20:40
ubu00zykotick9, lol20:43
bisu_ !bot | bisu_20:46
ubottubisu_, please see my private message20:46
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Voyage Line 13,21,28 http://pastebin.com/qEnw6NFR    Cant send email by phpmailer via sendmail-bin20:54
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gonyereso, i'm an idiot and when trying to burn an iso to a usb stick (via sudo if=/dev/XXX of=blah) accidentally burnt it to my /home partition... which of the options listed in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery is my best bet for any data recovery?20:56
loki__gonyere, lol.20:57
loki__gonyere, you are trying backup usb, or flash iso to usb?20:58
gonyerei was (attempting) to burn tails to a usb stick an put the wrong drive in... :p20:58
gonyereso now i have tails where my /home partition used to be...20:59
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netlarI have two application in my usr->share->applications folder for Nautilus.  Can I get rid of one.  Here is the properties of both http://imgur.com/Nb39ACV20:59
mrflibbl2I'd like to swap the operation of "Super+w" and "Super", so that just pressing "Super" brings up the window spread. Any idea how I change the key bindings?21:01
OerHeksTuringi, one thing that comes in my mind, after installing the memory, did you just boot, or went into the bios ( this step is needed to programm your bios to accept the new value)21:02
theadminmrflibbl2: You will need to install and use the CompizConfig Settings Manager for that.21:02
loki__gonyere, if = input file/device, of = output file/device21:02
mrflibbl2cool, i've got that far then :)21:02
zykotick9mrflibbl2: 1) i certainly have NO idea how but 2) are you sure this is a good idea?  'cause it would mean super+ANYTHING wouldn't be available...21:02
TuringiOerHeks: no, just reboot into livecd and reboot after that21:02
gonyereyeah, that...21:02
zykotick9theadmin: hey21:02
mrflibbl2zykotick9: it would, cos super on it's own brings up the launcher21:02
OerHeksTuringi, no before that, did you enter the bios?21:03
gonyereonly i put sda5 where it ought to have been sdb5 or something...21:03
Tex_Nickgonyere: Linus Torvalds tells a similar story about the inception of linux ... he accidentally wrote a bunch of ATDT parameters to his MINIX partition instead of to his modem21:03
mrflibbl2and it worked in this way on ubuntu 1221:03
gonyerean formatted my /home - i know exactly what i did wrong, I'm wondering if there's any hope for recovery of any of my files, an if so, what I should try first21:03
TuringiOerHeks: nope21:03
TuringiOerHeks: the bios already sat the 8gb before I noticed ubuntu didn't21:03
OerHeksTuringi, that is the issue i think, you passed the enter-the-bios step.21:04
gonyereTex_Nick lol, its not like its the first time I've lost data messing about in linux, i'm sure it won't be the last... :p21:04
mrflibbl2theadmin: ok, i'm in compizconfig settings manager21:04
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theadminmrflibbl2: (you're on your own there, I haven't used that tool in ages)21:04
mrflibbl2oh :(21:04
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mrflibbl2that's as far as I got. the key bindings section is not what i was expecting21:05
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theadminmrflibbl2: You'll want to fiddle aroudn with the Unity plugins21:05
mrflibbl2unity tweak tool lists the "super+w" command, but you can't change it21:06
mrflibbl2(in the window spread) section21:06
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mrflibbl2unity plugin - that's close21:09
mrflibbl2I can change the show desktop shortcut, which is also something i wanted to change21:10
gonyereinteresting to note ubuntu installation still shows it existing at its correct size of 434 odd mb... i know its at the end of the hd with a 50gb root partition and a 16gb swap... where should i tell gparted rescue to find the partion? is it looking for info in mb? gb? bytes?21:12
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wsr3193server irc.ircstorm.net21:16
Klas5hello guys21:17
Klas5I have a laboratory, and the instructions say to bring a linux/mac which has X11 installed21:18
Klas5would that just be say, xauth? or do I need like xorg and the server.. things? as well21:18
ilhamiX11 is preinstalled on many Linux dists :D right?21:18
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Klas5is there an easy way to check for it? googling just told me how to install it (or well, client and server version)21:19
Gl4di4t0rWhat does "enable roaming mode" in Network Settings mean ???21:19
ilhamiKlas5, if you have GUI then you most likely have X1121:21
Klas5Gl4di4t0r, I think that is usually connected to a sim card (called mobile internet here)21:21
Bashing-omKlas5: Terminal command -> X -version to determine the x-server version ???21:21
jhutchinsKlas5: It's the default GUI for most Linux systems, an add-on extra for Apple.21:21
erikkA while ago I disabled UEFI boot and installed Ubuntu. Now I want to get back to my Windows install to play some Windows only games. How can I restore my Windows installation?21:22
Klas5Gl4di4t0r, so say, you "roam" for network operators on 3g/4g21:22
jhutchinsGl4di4t0r: I think that might be a mode where it connects to new access points as you move from one range to another.  Not the same thing as cellular roaming.21:22
Gl4di4t0rOk thank you :)21:23
ilhamierikk, ask in #windows :D21:23
ilhamior ##windows21:23
Klas5Ok, so I probably have it then..21:24
ilhamiYeah :)21:24
ilhamiyou have Ubuntu installed?21:24
erikkilhami: Maybe in a bit. I thought people here would have more experience with it21:24
erikkilhami: Who, me? Yes21:25
ilhamierikk, do you have Windows cd or on a USB?21:25
jhutchinserikk: I haven't messed with Windows since 2004.21:25
erikkilhami: No21:25
ilhamiI was asking Klas521:25
erikkjhutchins: Anecdotal evidence, not indicative of entire room21:25
ilhamiikonia, show off :D21:25
Klas5ilhami, yes I have ubuntu21:25
ilhamijust kidding dude21:26
jhutchinsKlas5: Then you have X11!21:26
ilhamiKlas5, then you have X1121:26
ilhamierikk, you can't just restore to Windows without a Windows CD or USB.21:26
erikkilhami: Are you speaking exclusively about UEFI boot computers?21:27
grkbloodever since updating to ubuntu 14 whenever my laptop goes into sleep mode my wireless shuts off. how do I make it so it'll stay on?21:27
ilhamiWindows = not free, Linux = free :)21:27
nwilson5_google's dns is down?21:27
ilhamierikk, you have dual boot?21:27
erikkilhami: Because I know for a fact that bios systems can definitely restore21:27
eeeeerikk: if you have a recovery partition you can restore windows21:27
erikkilhami: I don't have dual boot setup. I have them both installed but disabling uefi disabled easy access to windows21:27
erikkilhami: So now I have to fix the issue to regain access21:27
eeeeerikk: ah wait, you disabled UEFI? then just enable it21:27
erikkilhami: Not hard to work with grub on bios, but this new uefi stuff has me confused21:28
ilhamierikk, then enable it.21:28
erikkeeee: That didn't work for me. I get something like (paraphrased) "no bootable devices"21:28
bynarieerikk, can you access ur bios?21:28
bynarieturn legacy boot off21:28
erikkbynarie: Which is the same as turning uefi back on, right?21:29
erikkbynarie: Which gives me the "no bootable devices" issue21:29
ilhamierikk, have you checked Google?21:29
erikkI'll probably end up trying it again just to refresh my memory and then will come back and say that is what happened21:29
erikkilhami: Yes21:29
ilhamiand no results there?21:29
eeeeerikk: maybe you need to fix the mbr?21:29
ilhamieeee, maybe means "I am not sure" :D haha21:30
ilhamilet's be careful hehe21:30
eeeethat's why i said maybe21:30
simonorerikk:have you tried booting a live Linux distro on a pen drive?21:31
erikksimonor: In the past, yes. Not sure what benefit that would give me now21:31
grkbloodhow do i prevent ubuntu from disabling wireless when my laptop goes to sleep?21:31
eeeeerikk: is it win8?21:32
ilhamigrkblood, be patient and someone might answer.21:32
simonorErikk:would tell you if it's the mbr.21:32
erikkeeee: Yes21:32
erikksimonor: Hmm. I guess I could do that21:32
eeeeif you have win8 + uefi, then you have gpt, if you disabled uefi and used legacy then you'd have bios-boot partition ( 1mb in size ) so gpt will work21:32
eeeeare you sure the efi partition is still in tact?21:33
erikkeeee: What do you mean that gpt will work?21:33
eeeeif you run bios + gpt, you need a 1mb bios-boot partition21:33
tdj_When I boot into Lubuntu, the lxpanel fails to show up. How can I reinstall it? I think this happened when I installed LXDE; if I choose the LXDE desktop on login, it works fine.21:33
erikkeeee: Not too knowledgeable on this. How do I check to see if the "efi partition is still in tact"21:33
simonorerikk: Tails 1.1 is efi compliant, not sure but probably Slax 7 as well.21:33
eeeeerikk: boot a liveusb, and check your partition table ( sudo parted -l )21:34
erikkeeee: And then I'll be able to repair stuff from there if the mbr is messed up?21:35
simonoreeee,erikk:GParted live will give you partition details.21:35
ilhamitdj_, so lxde doesn't work properly?21:35
eeeeerikk: if the mbr is messed up, you'll need a command prompt to run bcdboot /fixmbr21:36
eeee( something like that )21:36
eeeeyou could try to boot your recovery partition to get a windows command prompt in the advanced options21:36
tdj_LXDE works fine actually, it's the Lubuntu desktop that doesn't. I also noticed that window decorations are missing (I was able to launch an application to display 0:0 from the ctrl+alt+f1 terminal). I think maybe I'm missing openbox? I just installed it now but will have to restart to see if that works.21:36
eeeeit most likely won't boot though if the partition table has been modified21:36
ilhamitdj_, hmm ok.21:37
eeeeerikk: if you have a windows cd that would be great21:37
erikkeeee: No disk drive or windows cd :P21:37
simonoreeee:you'd be surprised what you can get away with.21:37
ilhamierikk, then you are screwed.21:37
ilhamijust kidding hehe21:37
erikkAlso no usb ports21:38
ilhamierikk, lol21:38
ilhamiold laptop?21:38
ninguis there a package like build-essential that includes autotools, bison/flex, etc.? things needed to generate the buildable stuff for some programs?21:38
erikkilhami: I'm joking21:38
eeeesimonor: you mean extracting the build.wim ?21:38
ilhamimaybe you have a floppy disk drive :D21:38
ninguI know I can install them individually. just wondering if there is something that installs all that as a unit.21:38
simonoreeee:not that!21:38
geniiningu: build-essential exists21:38
ningugenii: build-essential doesn't install the stuff I just mentioned.21:39
NGC3982Hey, are there reliable terminal based Dropbox software out there?21:39
simonorResizing, formatting additional21:39
ilhamiNGC3982, check Google21:39
mrflibbl2hi guys, back again. compiz crashed and I couldnt select any windows :(21:39
NGC3982ilhami: :|21:40
eeeesimonor: not following what you mean, you mean resizing the partitions would boot the recovery again, as it came in oem ?21:40
erikkThanks guys21:40
ilhamierikk, you fixed it?21:40
loki__why creating dvd so long and heavy operation...21:40
ilhamiloki__, ask the ones that invented it.21:40
erikkSo I'll reboot, mess around with bios / uefi by hand for a bit. If that doesn't work, my best bet is to get a live usb and repair the presumably janked mbr?21:40
loki__i use mkisofs for this, and it said that it will go two hours.21:40
mrflibbl2any idea where the compiz settings are, so I can delete them and start again  - now when i log in, compiz crashes and I only get my desktop background and icons, and no launcher :(21:40
loki__ilhami, yeah, i dinner today with him.21:41
erikkI thought the mbr repair didn't work for uefi dual boot (from what I had read earlier online, but it has been a bit since I read it)21:41
ningualternatively, say I want to know all ubuntu packages that depend on 'make'. can I look that up?21:41
tdj__So I logged out and back in, but lxpanel still didn't show up. I ran the lxterminal from the ctrl+alt+f1 terminal (although I had to "export DISPLAY=:0.0" first), and there was no window decoration. i ran "openbox" from that lxterminal window and now there is window decoration.21:41
erikkHere I go21:41
tdj__I was also able to run lxpanel after that, but it isn't themed like Lubuntu usually themes lxpanel -- it's the glossy piano black look that comes with LXDE21:42
simonoreeee:"for example". If it's a broken 'Doze, livelinux will get you to the dat, should be able to save it to a portable drive before reinstalling. Also there will likely be a repair option on the OEM disk.21:42
ninguaha. apt-cache rdepends does it.21:42
ilhamitdj__, reinstall lxde maybe? :)21:43
mrflibbl2 ck21:43
mrflibbl2nice find ningu21:44
tdj__ilhami: Haha, I know :S I'd really rather not reinstall all of Lubuntu from scratch (this all happened as a result of upgrading a really outdated (but working) Lubuntu machine), but is there a way I can solve this with apt?21:44
ilhamitdj__, probably but it may be a long process. :)21:44
gimmicdid an update and now my time is missing from my unity bar21:44
gimmicalso, in time/date settings, the clock tab is all greyed out21:44
* mrflibbl2 sighs21:45
mrflibbl2i've had enough of compiz for one night. time for bed, gnite all!21:45
ilhamitdj__, which version of Lubuntu are you running?21:45
gimmicanyone seen that?21:46
ilhamitdj__, and how did you upgrade?21:47
gimmic(and of course, the clock is missing)21:47
simonorgimmic:have you tired turning it off and on again?21:47
tdj__14.04 -- I upgraded from 12.04 maybe? Using do-release-upgrade21:47
* gimmic slams the reciver several times for emphasis21:47
ilhamitdj__, never do that dude.21:48
ilhamiI heard it's bad to upgrade that way.21:48
ilhamianyway did you try : sudo apt-get install --reinstall lxpanel?21:48
tdj__oh :C21:48
tdj__ilhami: I believe I have, couldn't hurt doing it again21:48
bekksilhami: Why would the supported way of upgrading using do-release-upgrade be a bad idea?21:48
gimmicsimonor: I have, but I will try again. http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/1996-12-29/21:49
ilhamibekks, I just read that somewhere. If I find that link I will post it. :D21:49
bekksilhami: With just a few precautions (remove foreign packages, remove PPA and its packages), those upgrades work pretty fine.21:49
simonorgimmic:if that doesn't help, google :vague memory of cure by commandline21:50
ilhamitdj__, so your lxpanel is totally broken?21:52
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ilhamitdj__, don't sleep dude.21:54
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Guido1hello, i have two issues with xubuntu. http://superuser.com/questions/814975/lenovo-laptop-fn-ctrl-swap and waking up the laptop only workes if i disable usb 3.0. when can i expect a fix?21:54
ilhamiabdullatif, hi21:56
simonorCheerio chaps. Work tomorrow!21:57
ilhamiwhat about finding me a job ? :D21:58
chachinu toolazy to get up and find one yourself?21:58
abdullatifi need help with photo editors21:58
ilhamichachin, hard to find one here when your name is ilhami :D21:58
ilhamiabdullatif, not the right place.21:58
abdullatifOh sorry21:59
ilhamiyou can ask in ##photoshop maybe.21:59
abdullatifThank u, have a nice day21:59
ilhamiyou too bruv21:59
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ilhamiGuest12345 get outta here bazhang_  haha22:00
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AR45okay need some help installing some stuff on my ubuntu minimal desktop22:00
loki__help me please, i use mkisofs for create iso from folder. and i have problem, it is working slow, dunno why. i see that it read only 1mb speed and there no cpu usage.22:00
ilhamiAR45, sure what do you need to install?22:00
loki__what i can try?22:00
ilhamianother software :)22:00
loki__it is very good software as i understand.22:01
AR45ilhami: i need my nvidia drivers and wifi drivers and a desktop environment22:01
ilhamiloki__, search Google. :)22:01
ilhamiAR45, I would suggest you download them first from their respective sites. And then always read the README files.22:02
ilhamiwhich Desktop Environment do you want?22:02
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jjavaholiccan't add Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" to xorg.conf in 14.04 where is the file i'm looking for now?22:14
erikkWell, I'm back. I'm on a live disk of Ubuntu. However, I think I have more serious issues. GParted shows one giant partition with a few really small ones but I thought I had the someting like 400 GB for Windows and 100 for Ubuntu. Does this mean that I probably fucked something up and overwrote Windows?22:15
erikkOr is this just an issue that I haven't fixed yet that is causing it to be mis interpreted22:15
Bashing-omjjavaholic: IF that file exists - /etc/X11/xorg.conf is tha path.22:16
mtnerikk: what format is the big partition?22:17
AR45how to determine the fastest mirror and set it on ubuntu minimal tty?22:17
erikkmtn: ext422:17
mtnerikk: looks like windows is gone then22:18
erikkmtn: Damn22:18
decwrlNeed some help getting an Intel X520 NIC (dual port 10GbE) working on Ubuntu 14.04.  Driver is loaded (lsmod shows the ixgbe driver) and hardware shows up (using lspci to check that).  But, ifconfig doesn't show the interfaces.22:18
erikkI swore on the ubuntu installer I selected a fresh partition that had no Windows on it22:18
mtnerikk: of course you had backup, right?22:18
erikkNo clue how this happened though22:18
erikkmtn: :P22:18
Bashing-omerikk: Maybe :: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/126519222:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 1265192 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "Install/reinstall wipes out all/other partitions" [Critical,Triaged]22:19
erikkI don't know. I'm just confused how it didn't end up the way I thought the ubuntu installer clearly showed. But it is my fault for not having a backup22:20
erikkAny way GParted is not reading it correctly?22:21
erikkThis is a continuation of the "not being able to boot into Windows" saga22:21
sssi have a question for ubuntu22:21
erikkSo maybe there is still hope?22:21
AR4518:17 <AR45> how to determine the fastest mirror and set it on ubuntu minimal tty?22:21
erikkI installed Ubuntu such that it boots only on legacy but Windows was set with UEFI + secure boot22:21
AR45erikk: read the wiki it explains this22:22
Bashing-omerikk: For confirmation I would _. sudo apt-get install gdisk , sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda . sudo parted -l .22:22
Rebecca92hallo , in according as https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Graphical_sudo an user should not use sudo for graphical apps.... if it's true , why gksu and gksudo are not installed by default ?! it's strange!22:23
ilhamiRebecca92, shhh:D22:24
Rebecca92ilhami, ? :)22:24
ilhamihehe I was just kidding. I will brb-22:24
Bashing-omRebecca92: Only so much room an a DVD, and the transforation to depreciate "gksudo" is underway (???) .22:25
erikkAR45: Yeah, I see the wiki and have looked at it before but am still confused22:25
Bashing-omtransformation *22:25
Rebecca92Bashing-om, i haven't "really" understood you22:26
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Bashing-omRebecca92: Gksudo and others are deprecated now and not recommended any more. Pkexec is the new boy but it is not straightforward either.22:27
jeremy31AR45: did my advise help you?22:27
AR45jeremy31: i didn't see a message from you22:27
Rebecca92Bashing-om, pkexec ? lol , i like . but.... anyone cannot update the wiki ? and .. it's installed by default in *buntu ?22:28
PCworkerhello yall, Can anyone suggest a good business accounting program for ubuntu 14.04LTS??22:28
Jordan_UBashing-om: The reason they are no longer installed by default is that there are no GUI apps in the default install with launchers using gksudo/gksu. All default GUI apps that need elevated privileges most of the time now use PolicyKit to ask for specific privileges rather that having to run the whole app as root.22:28
jeremy31AR45: you aren't the one looking for help on a broadcom wifi chip a couple days ago?22:28
Kevindfdoes ubuntu server standard have iptables as firewall?22:29
PCworkerjeremy31: Yep and It's all good now.22:29
loki__PCworker, today trend to move accounting to internet services.22:29
AR45jeremy31: oh yes I got the system going now i want to try minimal cd22:29
loki__there are plenty of them even in our mother russia.22:29
jeremy31AR45: good, just wanted to check since I hadn't seen you since22:30
AR45jeremy31: just wondering how to change my mirror list because it's downloading so slow22:30
Bashing-omRebecca92: Mind you I am still running 'gksudo' and have not explored 'pkexe' to this time. I am aware there are some hoops to jump through on occassion to get 'pkexe' functioning. In the futer we will have to learn 'pkexe' .22:30
mtnKevindf: iptables is in the linux kernel, all distros have it.22:30
KevindfI'm trying to add a rule to iptables with "sudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp –dport 9987 -j ACCEPT" but i get "Bad argument `–dport'" as error message, any ideas how to solve?22:30
PCworkerloki: Yeah, I'm very new to torrent files and am not real sure how to extract and install them yet.22:31
PCworkerloki: but am studying22:31
Bashing-omJordan_U: Thanks for that ! .. Yeah .. had 'policykit' had slipped my mind.22:32
AR45You'd think Ubuntu would determine the fastest mirror near you but it dosen't!22:32
Rebecca92Bashing-om, i use fedora and pkexec is THE  standard... but reading the ubuntu wiki and  helping an user with ubuntu, i was surprised for the absence of gksudo22:32
AR45Does anyone know how to set the mirrors?22:32
jeremy31AR45: is this still relevant http://askubuntu.com/questions/37753/how-can-i-get-apt-to-use-a-mirror-close-to-me-or-choose-a-faster-mirror22:32
Bashing-omRebecca92: Understand that ! .. Many of our WIKIs are behind, We do need to pay greater attention and spend the time to update them.22:33
Rebecca92ook :D22:34
squintyAR45:  Software and Updates >  Download from > Other > Select Best Server22:34
AR45squinty: hehe i dont have any of those gui22:35
Bashing-omRebecca92: "gksudo' is still available, terminal command -> sudo apt-get install gksu <- .22:35
AR45jeremy31: thanks22:35
Rebecca92Bashing-om, available != preinstallated22:36
Kevindfwhy do i get  Bad argument `–-sport' & Bad argument `–-dport' when trying to add -A INPUT -p udp -–dport 9987 -j ACCEPT to my iptables?22:36
Kevindfanyone know?22:36
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Bashing-omRebecca92: Granted .. just saying if the need exist for 'gksudo" to help your user, it is available.22:37
wildwindKevindf: try --dport22:37
ilhamigksudo is the best package :P22:37
ilhamiI like it :D22:37
Rebecca92Bashing-om, thank :D22:37
PCworkerBashing-om: I wanted to thank you for the help you gave me on terminal commands a couple months back. With your help and my willingness to learn, I was able to do the updates that I needed to get my machines working right. Thanks again.22:37
Kevindftried that, then i get "Bad argument `–-dport' Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information."22:37
wildwindKevindf: it's "-dport" in your first message22:38
Kevindfboth -dport and --dport doesn't work22:38
Bashing-omPCworker: :) ... You are quite welcome .. This is 'buntu, we are all in this together.22:38
Kevindfwhen i do -dport it gives -dport bad argument error and when i try --dport it says --dport bad argument :(22:39
PCworkerBashing-om: Yes we are and I know where to go when I can't figure it out. LOL Thanks and see yall again later22:40
gothicspeakerI 'm having a problem in ubuntu and I need to know if I 'm hacked22:41
wildwindKevindf: did you copy that command from a web page?22:41
Kevindffrom http://sathisharthars.wordpress.com/2014/04/01/configuring-voice-over-ip-server-teamspeak3-in-ubuntu-13-10/ in the middle of the page22:42
mtngothicspeaker: you will have to explain your problem before anyone can know if they can help22:42
wildwindKevindf: make sure it's really a dash and not some other Unicode symbol. It looks strange even in your error message.22:43
gothicspeakermtn: Ok, I just started my computer. And when I clicked on the list where you can see all my users, a new one was added it seemed. My username is 'Roel' and normally I see 'guest' under my username. But now it says 'stream' under me and after that 'guest'. What is this?22:43
KevindfDoes "iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 9987 -j ACCEPT" do tesame thing?22:44
ilhamigothicspeaker, LOL22:44
gothicspeakerilhami: What's so funny?22:44
gothicspeakerI tried to look up what it means but I can't find any information on it22:45
ilhamigothicspeaker, what have you done?22:45
gothicspeakerilhami: I have no idea.22:45
ilhamisince you think you are under attack?22:45
wildwindKevindf: same as what?22:46
gothicspeakerilhami: Well, I don't know where this user called 'stream' comes from and I didn't add this user.22:46
mtngothicspeaker: if you didn't add it, someone else at  your computer did22:46
gothicspeakermtn: But I 'm the only one using this computer, so how is that possible?22:47
ilhamigothicspeaker, you have maybe been hacked. who knows? Maybe it was one of your friends?22:47
ilhamior your relative?22:47
KevindfIf there's any difference between "iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 9987 -j ACCEPT" and "iptables -I INPUT 1 -p udp --dport 9987 -j ACCEPT"22:47
mtngothicspeaker: it is one or the other. you decide ;)22:47
gothicspeakerilhami: There are no friends or relatives using this computer22:47
ilhamigothicspeaker, maybe it was you :)22:47
ilhamihave you been drinking lately?22:47
HyTronixDoes anyone have the touchpad on an Acer Aspire E15 working on 14.04?  I found some info indicating that this was supported in upstream kernel 3.17, so I upgraded to 3.17.0 but afterwards, the kernel locks on boot with an error message like "firmware bug IBS APIC setup failed -22" or similar... Ideas?22:47
gothicspeakerBut are there ways in which users can suddenly be added to your users?22:48
ilhamigothicspeaker, just messing with ya. :)22:48
mtngothicspeaker: is that user "stream" or "steam"?22:48
gothicspeakermtn: "stream"22:48
ilhamigothicspeaker, sounds unlikely.22:48
gothicspeakermtn: I 'm almost sure, shall I check it again?22:48
mtngothicspeaker: check again22:49
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wildwindKevindf: yes, difference is in where the new rule go in a chain, to the start or to the end22:49
gothicspeakermtn: Yes, he was called 'stream'22:49
ilhamigothicspeaker, I would say hacked.22:50
mtngothicspeaker: no idea, but to be completely safe, you would reinstall. that is, if you are completely sure you or someone else at your location did not do it.22:50
mtngothicspeaker: my bet is it was done locally and not because of any hack22:51
ilhamigothicspeaker, that has probably nothing to do with Ubuntu but with how you have used it. :D22:51
gothicspeakermtn: Well, I recntly started learning programming languages, but I can't remember messing anything up22:51
gothicspeakerIs there a command line to see which users are active?22:52
wildwindgothicspeaker: Try to log in under that user and see what files he has22:52
gothicspeakerwildwind: How can I know his or her password?22:53
wildwindgothicspeaker: 'who'22:53
gothicspeakerwildwind: Why would 'who' be the password?22:53
wildwindgothicspeaker: is there a password?22:53
gothicspeakerwildwind: I don't know, let me check it now.22:53
wildwind'who' is the command22:53
ilhami<gothicspeaker> Is there a command line to see which users are active?22:53
ilhami<wildwind> 'who' is the command22:54
gothicspeakerwildwind: who gives me :22:54
mtngothicspeaker: you can look at the contents without logging in as the other user22:54
gothicspeakerroel    tty722:54
gothicspeakerroel    pts/122:54
gothicspeakerwhat does that mean?22:54
gothicspeakermtn: How can I look at the content without logging in?22:54
wildwind!pastebin | gothicspeaker22:54
ubottugothicspeaker: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:54
ilhamiso your roel?22:54
mtngothicspeaker: with your file manager. look in /home22:54
ilhamigothicspeaker, is that your user? roel?22:55
gothicspeakerilhami: the account I 'm currently at is indeed roel22:55
k6_hello, when I call "shutdown -h now" , my rc.d services don't get stopped properly, any idea why?22:55
gothicspeakerbut under roel a user called "stream" appeared22:55
gothicspeakerI see one new file I think22:56
gothicspeakerin /home/roel22:56
gothicspeakeris that a normal file?22:56
gothicspeakerwildwind:  how do I use !pastebin?22:56
Tex_Nickgothicspeaker: will cat /etc/passwd provide any useful info ?22:56
ilhamihttp://paste.ubuntu.com go this site and paste it there22:56
ilhamiand then give us the link it provides.22:57
ilhamithe link in the url bar will work22:57
wildwindgothicspeaker: paste lines of text there and just links here22:57
gothicspeakerTex_Nick: This is weird.  The last line says:       /home/stream:/bin/sh,   but when I look in /home, there is no directory called 'stream'22:57
gothicspeakerhow can I copy from the command line?22:58
ilhamimark it and right click - > copy22:58
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gothicspeakerilhami:  If I right click it get's deselected22:58
ilhamiwhich terminal do you use?22:58
ilhamiin mine it works.22:59
ilhamiI use LXTerminal.22:59
mtnilhami: just highlight it and it is already copied22:59
ilhamimtn, oh ok. :)22:59
mtnilhami: sorry, that was meant for gothicspeaker22:59
Tex_Nickgothicspeaker: to copy from command line ... hilight text, then right-click & choose copy22:59
ilhamiTex_Nick, it may differ from terminal22:59
ilhamito terminal*23:00
Tex_Nickilhami: ahh ok sir ... thanks for correction :)23:00
gothicspeakerThat doesn't work, and when I try CTRL + shift + V   it doesn't work23:00
mtngothicspeaker: hightlight the test you want to copy, then paste using the middle mouse button23:00
mtngothicspeaker: test/text23:00
gothicspeakermtn: I use a laptop so the middle mouse isn't really working23:00
mtngothicspeaker: hit both buttons at once, that is the same as middle mouse button23:01
wildwindgothicspeaker: do you have ssh server running?23:01
ilhamimtn knows all the tricks hehe :)23:01
gothicspeakermtn: doesn't work23:01
mtngothicspeaker: sorry23:01
gothicspeakerwildwind: I use PHP so I have a server running indeed, but when I installed it I didn't see this user called 'stream', I have a PHP server for more than 1 year now23:02
ilhamiphp is unsafe if you use it wrong. :)23:02
listvasco rossi23:02
ilhamigothicspeaker, and did you ever update those apache servers? Lol23:02
wildwindgothicspeaker: SSH server, not PHP. Bun PHP could be insecure too23:04
wildwindgothicspeaker: *But*23:04
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Tex_Nick^5 IdleOne23:08
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Joseph_hello are there people online?23:09
ilhamilol why do people not just ask their questions ? :D23:11
ilhamiinstead of asking if there are people here.23:11
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wildwindilhami: maybe Joseph's client doesn't show him that there's 1660 people here...23:15
JCTi'm trying to move a file to a folder, but i can't and it looks like because permission is denied23:15
daftykinsJCT: pastebin what you're running.23:16
JCTtake a scrnshot?\23:16
ilhamiwildwind, could be :)23:16
daftykinsJCT: er no, you're doing it via terminal, yes?23:16
JCTwell, yeah.23:17
daftykinssooo pastebin23:17
JCTi looked up how to install zandronum.23:17
JCTit installed itself to /usr/games23:17
JCTso i have to pastebin it23:17
JCTwhat exactly is the command line?23:17
daftykinsdoes that have something to do with moving a file?23:17
ilhamiJCT, what did you try to move a folder or file?23:18
daftykinsno you use your mouse to select over the text and then copy it into paste.ubuntu.com to share it23:18
ilhamiwhat command did you try?23:18
JCTan Iwad file required to play zandronum on linux23:18
JCTi tried the gui command23:18
JCTnot terminal23:18
JCTso i don't know the terminal command23:19
daftykinsyou just said you were using the terminal23:19
daftykinsok just share what you're doing that's going wrong23:19
JCTi installed zandronum23:19
daftykinsvia whichever means is most appropriate23:19
daftykinsyeah ok, we got that bit :)23:19
JCTi didn't move the files to use zd tho23:19
JCTand i don't know how23:20
ilhamiso you want to move some files?23:20
ilhamiyou tried drag and drop or what? :D23:20
JCTi tried everything with gui ability23:20
ilhamiok try to open the terminal. :)23:20
daftykinsfor what it's worth, it doesn't *NEED* to be in /usr/games23:20
JCTit put itself there23:20
JCTi don't know how to move it out but ill try23:21
daftykinsso are you actually going to tell us anything about this file move?23:21
daftykinsso that, we can help?23:21
JCTall i want to do is put the IWAD files into the same folder as ZD23:21
ilhamiJCT did you open the terminal yet?23:21
JCTi absolutly can not modify the folder whatsoever on gui, and yes i did.23:22
JCTi have inputted no commands23:22
JCTas of yet23:22
ilhamiin the terminal you can use a command called "mv" which means to move  but it needs some arguments. :)23:22
JCTand by arguments you mean a password?23:23
JCTor where i need to move it to?23:23
ilhamiyou need to specify which file you want to move and to which destination23:23
JCThow exactly is the command spread out?23:23
JCTis it sudo?23:23
ilhamiyes you put sudo in front so you don't get that permission error :)23:24
daftykinsJCT: well yeah because you're not root in nautilus, so you have no permissions to put them into that folder.23:24
daftykinsanyway since ilhami found it necessary to tread on my toes, i'll leave it to you two.23:24
JCTi am the only usr23:24
ilhamidaftykins, sorry :)23:24
daftykinsno you're not the only user :)23:24
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JCTi use my pass for a lot of permissions23:25
ilhamisudo mv /pathToFile/fileToMove /pathToNewLocation/23:25
ilhamithis is how you use it. :)23:25
JCTso ok23:25
ilhamiand if you want to move a folder "sudo mv -r /pathToFile/folderToMove /pathToNewLocation/ "23:25
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ilhamiJCT, so how did it go? :)23:28
JCTum so well i tried the directory of wads using sudo mv /home/jct/downloads/wads/doom2.wad /usr/games/zandronum/23:29
JCTmv: cannot stat ‘/home/jct/downloads/wads/doom2.wad’: No such file or directory23:30
JCTdid i do it wrong?23:30
daftykinsit's "Downloads" with a capital23:30
daftykinswhen typing paths, use tab to complete.23:31
JCToh cool23:31
PiciJCT: Also, the zandronum website says to installs WADS into ~/.zandronum/23:31
ilhamiJCT do you know that you can use TAB as auto completer ? :)23:31
ilhamiit's really useful.23:31
JCTum daftykins just told me that23:31
ilhamioh sorry didn't see.23:31
JCThow do i install wads to the folder?23:32
JCTas in install?23:32
daftykinsilhami: you're going to want to get good at reading scrollback in here.23:32
JCTi dunt get it23:32
PiciJCT: I meant install as a synonym for put.23:32
ilhamidaftykins, could have been my connection. It lags sometimes. I am on a VM :)23:32
daftykinsilhami: same here.23:33
JCTi think i got it lemme check23:33
PiciJCT: if ~/.zandronum/ doesn't exist, create it. Then put a copy (or the original) .wad files in there.23:33
JCTyep it's in there :)23:34
JCThow do i run the app?23:34
JCTit says it's an executable/x-executable23:35
daftykinsPici: sounds like JCT could do with a link to the site you were reading from23:35
PiciJCT: Step #2 for Ubuntu on http://zandronum.com/download#instubuntu23:35
JCTok, how do i run it?23:36
JCTi tried a double click, but nope23:36
rathitlikeI use radeon open source. But HDMI overscan needs xrandr to turn it on. Problem is the display gets a weird look missing lines23:36
PiciJCT: It says it should have created a launcher in your Games menu.23:36
PiciHonestly, I haven't touched Unity in forever, so I'm not sure how that all works nowadays.23:37
JCTwhere's the games menu? (sorry for rambling on and on)23:37
PiciJCT: I guess you should probably be able to run it from the dash? /me shrugs23:37
ilhamiNow he will ask.. Where is the dash? :D23:38
JCThow'd you know?23:38
JCTthis is so confusing23:38
ilhamiJCT, are you even using Unity?23:38
JCTof course23:38
JCTwhat is the dash23:38
JCTthere was no instruction booklet lol23:39
ilhamiJCT, use the Windows key if you have such a button and then check there if there is something called games. :D23:39
JCTii'' try another way23:39
ilhamitry to search for your game. :)23:40
ilhamiI haven't played many games on Linux but I have tried a game called AssaultCube and there was a .sh file which I could execute. :)23:40
JCTgah is there a console command for running apps?? might still be permissions problem23:41
JCTam i wasting your time in a good way?23:41
rathitlikeXrandr --output HDMI-0 --set underscan on SEEMS TO SQUASH DISPLAY23:41
daftykins!manual | JCT23:41
ubottuJCT: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:41
JCTcool comand lol23:42
ilhamicheck if your game has a shell script you can execute JCT .23:42
daftykinsJCT: i suggest you learn a lot more about how to use Ubuntu rather than using up the channel volunteers time with simple tasks.23:42
JCTso that answers the question. i'm sorry for wasting your time. thanks tho23:42
ilhamiJCT, I am still willing to help :)23:42
ilhamiif you need it.23:42
ilhamiI learn by it.23:42
IdleOnedaftykins: I suggest you check your attitude and help those you want to help. This channel is for all skill levels, nobody is forcing you to help those with questions you feel are beneath you23:43
daftykinsIdleOne: no attitude, genuine recommendation toward how to get started.23:43
ilhamiaaaw he left. :(23:43
IdleOnedaftykins: telling people they are wasting our time is not how we do things here and you know that.23:44
IdleOneSo, take my advice and relax.23:44
ilhamiIdleOne is the boss here? :D23:44
rathitlikeXrandr --output HDMI-0 --set underscan on SEEMS TO SQUASH DISPLAY23:44
IdleOneilhami: I am a volunteer just like you23:45
ilhamirathitlike, what was your problem again?23:45
ilhamioh hdmi problem.23:45
ilhamiwho owns this channel?23:46
IdleOneThe Ubuntu community23:46
ilhamiWho is the channel owner? That's what I mean. Which nick?23:47
rathitlikeilhami: hooked up thru hdmi. Overscan issue. Using xrandr to disable oversacn works, but display has weird look. Like it's squashed without proper scaling23:47
oeuvreHave no fear, for sir oeuvre is here!23:47
oeuvreI can fix all of your Windows 95 related problems.23:47
aarwinerathitlike: what happens if you add --auto?23:47
IdleOneilhami: the channel is "owned" by the Ubuntu IRC Council23:47
IdleOneaka the IRCC23:47
ilhamiIdleOne, lol ok.23:48
hggdhilhami: the channel "owner" is the Ubuntu community. There is no owner as a person23:48
oeuvreDoes Ubuntu really exist or is it just a state of mind?23:48
aarwineoeuvre: do you really exist?23:48
ilhamioeuvre, Windows 95 hahaha:)23:48
aarwinedo i?23:48
oeuvreThese are questions we need to think about if we want to go where we are going.23:48
rwwwe should probably think about support instead23:49
oeuvreA man with his computer, unsatisfied with his closed source operating system.23:49
hggdhoeuvre: and they are more appropriate in some other channel23:49
oeuvreHe installs Ubuntu.23:49
hggdhoeuvre: so, please stay on topic23:49
gothicspeakeris mtn still here?23:49
gothicspeakeror wildwind?23:49
oeuvreHe is filled with utter disappointment and notes that Unity looks like complete shit and is a Mac OS X ripoff.23:49
oeuvreHe fires up Terminal and types "sudo apt-get install Windows95"23:50
gothicspeakerwildwind: my internet connection was lost the whole time23:50
ilhamigothicspeaker, what?23:50
gothicspeakerwildwind: When I tried to log into my guest account I saw this:23:50
gothicspeakerno session for pid 510923:50
gothicspeakerwhat does that mean?23:50
rathitlikeaarwine: I think it uses 1080 rather than 720 which is worse. But will try23:50
ilhamioeuvre, ???23:51
ilhamitrolling much?23:51
aarwinerathitlike: when you run xrandr by itself it'll show you the current settings23:51
aarwineand all possible23:51
oeuvreilhami: The man is a machine.23:51
oeuvreHe is not a human, nor cyborg. Instead he is one with the machine.23:52
oeuvreAnyways, how do I install Adobe Photoshop in Linux?23:52
Dean1So my router is picking up 4000 + tcp connections that is coming from my Ubuntu box and it brought my internet connection to a crawl.  Any ideas?23:52
oeuvreAbleton Live? No?23:52
oeuvreUnity Pro?23:52
oeuvreWell, this sucks. What's the point of Ubuntu if I can't even run the software I need on it?23:53
aarwineDean1: see for yourself - ss -p23:53
ilhamioeuvre, you can get GIMP :)23:53
oeuvreThough yes, it is decent.23:53
ilhamiIt's a good alternative.23:54
Lioncourtcan anyone help? have diskless clients(booting on eth0) with multiple NIC's. struggling to have clients enaable eth123:54
oeuvreKinda like how Windows 7 is a good alternative to Ubuntu.23:54
wildwindI think oeuvre is a bot and someone should kick him23:54
oeuvrewildwind: The man is a machine. Not a robot.23:54
oeuvreHe is at one with himself and at one with the machine.23:55
ilhamioeuvre, http://stanleytips.com/how-to-install-adobe-photoshop-cs6-in-ubuntu-linux-machine/23:55
ilhamihere you go23:55
oeuvreHe is everything and he is nothing. He has all the tools he needs to do what he wants.23:55
oeuvreTHank you ilhami23:55
LioncourtGot eth2 = wan eth0 = filesystem for cluster eth1=Want This one for workload23:55
LioncourtBut clients won't c it23:55
Lioncourtanyone ever use DRBL ?23:55
Lioncourtthink need somehow to tell clients to kick the PCI NIC eth1 up on a script somehow ....any help ?23:56
aarwineLioncourt: what have you tried?23:56
Lioncourtanyone ? =o~( is doing my head in23:56
oeuvreLioncourt: remove your network card and install a token ring adapter.23:56
oeuvreWhile you're at it, install a 56k PCI modem.23:56
oeuvreAnd don't forget, you turn my floppy disk into a solid state drive.23:57
oeuvreThat's why I transfer so quickly ;)23:57
Lioncourtbest advice ...unbelievable oeuvre =o)23:57
oeuvreHey, I am giving you the best advice right now because I'm the only one giving you advice.23:57
gothicspeakerok I found this23:58
Lioncourtdistrating too!23:58
gothicspeakerI think i 'm hacked23:58
gothicspeakerOct  9 00:37:26 roel-A6VA lightdm: pam_succeed_if(lightdm:auth): requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user "stream"23:58
aarwineLioncourt: your question is non-specific and bad; as a result, the only thing I can suggest is ifconfig eth1 up23:58
wildwindoeuvre: the best a bot can find in it's phrasebook23:58
LioncourtI don't need win7. I have win4workgroups31123:58
oeuvreOh, perfect.23:59
oeuvreWindows for Workgroups 3.11 is the best operating system ever made.23:59
oeuvreAnyone who isn't using it is a complete loony.23:59
oeuvreIt's 2014, after all.23:59
Lioncourt<<<< taking the keyboard from LionCourt.23:59
gothicspeakerilhami: this guy called 'stream' tried to log in but he can't23:59

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