
squidwardoops wrong channel00:29
xubuntu48489How long will the uppdates work on a xubuntu normal version ?00:47
knomeregular releases are support for 9 months00:52
xubuntu48489And LTS is 3 years for xubuntu ?01:01
knomethat's right01:03
BuntuTechis gnome here?01:57
BuntuTechknome i meant01:57
holsteinBuntuTech: how can we help you?02:19
e87hdhow do I fix this? http://imgur.com/sUFG5zI02:27
holsteine87hd: i would close that.. open a terminal, and run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and share errors.02:27
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:28
e87hdit just went away02:32
holsteine87hd: it?02:33
holsteinyou mean, you no longer get that error message?02:33
holsteine87hd: you have a lot of ppa's that can cause issues02:33
enrico_hi guys, my interface is all messed up since yesterday, and I have no idea how to solve this. Most of menu bars are unusable and some disappear above the top of the screen, as well as both headers and status bars. 99% can't be moved either, the only thing that allows me to do something are keybord shortcuts. Some functions are disabled, as clicking on firefox options (but using shortcuts that works)04:24
enrico_Moreover, most windows won't fit to full screen04:25
enrico_my desktop files and folders are all disappeared04:30
enrico_Of course I can see them via file manager, but they just don't show on desktop04:31
=== peter is now known as Guest7622
Guest7622anyone get the same problem as me when doing apt-get update when reaches firefox update downliad part freezes?08:00
knosysi would like that ubuntu recognize the volume keys on my keyboard, nomatter where is my focus on my interface10:12
knosysthat would be a nice evolution10:12
knosysi would like that ubuntu recognize the volume keys on my keyboard, nomatter where is my focus on my interface10:12
knosysexcuse me, i was scrolled up and didnt see what was sended10:13
knosysdidnt men to repeat10:13
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=== IdleOne is now known as Guest73180
facepalmDo you have a question?11:52
langitjust say hello to try this OS, im newbie,,, im sorry11:58
langithow to install dropbox an gdrive in xubuntu?11:58
Azelphurlangit: dropbox has Linux support, just download and install as usual, it'll automatically give you the right file (a .deb)11:59
facepalmYou could also apt-get install nautilus-dropbox12:00
langitoke, thx guys...12:00
langitits work,,,,,12:03
langitPlease restart all running instances of Nautilus, or you will experience problems. i.e. nautilus --quit12:03
langitDropbox installation successfully completed! You can start Dropbox from your applications menu.12:03
langitProcessing triggers for libc-bin (2.19-0ubuntu6.3) ...12:03
facepalmDid dropbox open after that?12:05
facepalmIf so click start, then login or create your account.12:06
langitoke, thx.. has done12:07
facepalmAwesome :)12:07
langitmy first xubuntu :)12:08
facepalmYou'll enjoy it.12:10
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=== Guest9486 is now known as RedDeath
nomichaving trouble installing 14.04 on a 16gb machine17:13
nomicmachine running win 7 .. hp workstation 16gb ram -- won't boot the 14.04 install dvd -- or even a 12.04 install usb .. is sitting there with a blank screen -- anyone got any ideas17:15
facepalmDid you check the iso's md5?17:16
facepalmHow did you write the iso?17:16
nomicthe iso has worked on other machines17:18
nomicim thinking of factory resetting the bios17:18
facepalmIs the bios boot order set for cd/usb before hdd?17:19
GridCube!uefi | nomic17:19
ubottunomic: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:19
facepalm^ and that17:19
nomicyeah but this is an old (pre uefi) machine17:19
nomici just want to blow away THE MICROSOFT TAX17:20
* nomic spits17:20
nomicmusta blanked 10 machines of THE MICROSOFT TAX17:20
* nomic spits17:20
knomenomic, stop that.17:21
nomicwrote to dell, it was -- once & they never replied17:21
nomicok knome17:21
GridCubenomic, see if anything of this helps you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions17:22
facepalmIs it a dvd/cd or flash drive? I've occasionally had issues with flash installs where rewriting the iso to said drive has helped.17:23
nomicmebbe try adjusting acpi down the line re: bootoptions17:24
nomicaccesses the install dvd a lot -- then nothing -- flashing cursor - topleft .. will wait a bit longer -- a lot longer17:32
nomicigoing to tri another linux (install)17:36
nomicwhy the hell would a bios reset -- machine that recognises the sata disk -- not boot the install dvd17:43
nomichp workstation17:44
nomicis going through (cycling) the cd rom for a minute or so - then stops, blank screen17:44
facepalmMaybe you should check to make sure your drive is functioning correctly.17:44
nomicshowsz the purple keybaord at first17:44
nomicthe drive ran windows 717:45
nomicbut since the factory reset -- that says it needs repairing -- maybe I should go through its "repair"17:45
facepalmI don't think repairing windows has anything to do with it.17:46
facepalmMaybe try using a flash drive instead.17:46
nomicyeah but the drive isn't ok now -- there may be something wrong17:46
nomicsince the bios reset17:46
nomicim trying that - then I try a usb install again17:47
nomicim calm about this -- dunno why17:49
nomicI see a working PC, a working hard drive17:49
nomici think windows -- said "windows found proble with your computers startup (bios??) option" -- repairing & rebooting17:51
nomicsomething obvious maybe17:51
nomicjust a bit of circling around options & I now have 12.04 @ least installing .. tyvm ... that'll probably install --- I'll go through that (text install) .. then get to 14.04 ... would probably install right away 14.04 but I'll leave it installing 12.04 for now ... tyvm people18:09
xubuntu492is anyone online18:19
=== xubuntu492 is now known as Alftand
elfy140 other people are online - not necessarily about18:19
holsteinAlftand: yes.. just ask if you have a support question, and use the ot chan for chat. cheers18:19
elfyask the question if someone can answer they will :)18:19
Alftandi've just installed a new OS (xubuntu) after my experimenting with kde went terribly wrong18:20
Alftanddo you have any advice for the do's and dont's on a fresh xubuntu install?18:20
holsteinAlftand: what are you used to using? windows?18:21
Alftandi switched from windows a few months ago18:21
Alftandi went windows18:21
holsteinthink about how long you used windows "as-is" and didnt try messing with anything.. and try and have that same level of patience with yourself as you get used to xubuntu/linux18:21
elfyediting system files - back them up first18:22
holsteinwhen experiementing, use a guest account or a live CD.. have good backups, no matter what os you use.. and dont use "sudo" commands lightly18:22
Alftandim on a live usb now18:22
elfywhen I first started - after reinstalling 3 times in one week - I got used to trying things out in a vm first18:23
holsteinAlftand: you cant break that live environment in any permanent way.18:23
facepalmBreaking things can be fun.18:23
facepalmJust be sure to always have a current backup.18:23
holsteinyup.. VM ^ is handy as well. .with virtualbox and other virtualizers you can save "Snapshots" from before you break things18:23
elfymost important thing to remember is that linux is not windows - not a free replacement for windows - it's different18:24
Alftandim very inexperienced with xfce18:24
holsteinbreaking things is a great way to learn.. but, being prepared for that breakage can help you not be frustrated, or blame the OS18:24
elfyand when you ask people support things try and remember that we'll think the windows way is wrong :)18:24
Alftandquick poll18:24
Alftandpanel on top18:24
Alftandor panel on bottom18:24
elfywhatever works for you ;)18:25
holsteinyou can put a panel where you like. use the live CD to experiment18:25
Alftandwhat is your opinions18:25
elfyyou can have it on the side - on the side as a deskbar18:25
holsteinmy opinion is, it should be what works for you, and the individual user18:25
facepalmI use bottom.. With the whisker menu to the right and the time to the left.18:25
HedgeworkAlftand: You'll find that one of the good things about Linux in general is that you have a lot of freedom to change it to fit you better...or break horribly.  Power works both ways.  Most of us learned by breaking things; that's totally okay.  Just learn to keep good backups, and never experiment on a system you desperately need for some work task in three hours.18:25
knomeAlftand, we don't really like polls much on this channel, since everything is so subjective. some people don't even use panels.18:25
Hedgeworkknome: I don't even use Xfce (the desktop environment that comes with xubuntu)18:26
Hedgeworkerr, Alftand ^^^18:26
elfyAlftand: try them all - see what works for you18:26
HedgeworkAlftand: What other people use or like isn't really predictive of what will work for you.  Humans are *incredibly* varied.18:26
Alftandi dont like the deskbar thingy18:26
* Hedgework would put emacs keybindings on the world and call all UI problems "solved"18:26
Alftandi might go for the top18:27
* Hedgework would then be lynched18:27
Alftandjust to hate windows18:27
elfyAlftand: so in summary - backup, try things in a seperate environment if you can (live, vm) - your preferences will not be anyone else's in the end :)18:28
Alftandand 1 more question18:28
elfyjust enjoy playing for a while18:28
Alftandhow can u get the super key to open the menu18:28
Alftandhow u get that key binding18:29
HedgeworkAlftand: Somewhere in settings, there is a thing for keyboard shortcuts...be careful because there are actually two: one for Xfce4 keybindings, and one for launching other applications.18:29
HedgeworkAlftand: Just poke around until you find it. :)18:29
elfykbd - app shortcut - edit the line for xfce4-popup-whiskermenu18:30
Alftanddo you just use xubuntu due to low memory consumption18:31
Alftandor do you just prefer it18:31
elfyprefer it18:31
elfyAlftand: you'd be better chatting in #xubuntu-offtopic :)18:31
elfythis is really just the support channel18:32
HedgeworkAlftand: I use Xubuntu on my work systems because it comes with slightly less pre-installed stuff I don't like than other *buntu variants, but still has the incredible binary package availability of Ubuntu.18:32
Alftandsorry if i was causing any nuisance18:32
HedgeworkAlftand: I'm more of a power user, so *buntu isn't my first choice, but my personal systems are source-based distros (types of Linux where I custom-build every little thing to my spec) and that's not terribly practical when someone says "I found a vulnerability in XYZ" and I don't have time to compile it's 32 dependencies.18:33
Hedgeworkelfy: I really don't get this channel sometimes.  Really tolerant of BS users who demand help with problems they don't explain, demand expressions of expertise from people giving them free help, and otherwise being support leeches...but a perfectly polite newb coming in from the web UI who just wanted general guidance we're harsh with?18:35
knomeHedgework, this is not the channel to discuss that either... if you insist, you can discuss that at #ubuntu-ops18:35
* Hedgework sighs and gets back to work.18:35
knosysHello, isnt there a way in xfce to see in the file system navigator the time when files were modified?18:44
knosysi can see the date, but not the time18:44
Hedgeworkknosys: 'ls -lh' will give it to you on the command line...no idea about the gui thing18:45
knosysi saw i can configure the columns on the windows, but there is no colum named "Time of modification"18:45
knosysi see ok. Thanks18:45
knosysThat should be a suggestion for next versions :D18:45
elfyknosys: open thunar preferences -  display tab - at the bottom - change what date format is18:48
knosyselfy i will look for that, thanks so much18:48
* elfy didn't actually know, just went to look at Thunar prefs - so I learnt something too ;)18:49
knosysawesome, thats what i needed18:50
knosysthanks both!18:50
xubuntu202salve, qualcuno può aiutarmi con l'installazione?19:05
elfy!it | xubuntu20219:06
ubottuxubuntu202: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:06
xubuntu202<ubottu> Thanks19:09
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nomic14.04 won't run on this hp workstation xw6400 with 16gb ram -- 12.04 will .. 14.04 works on an xw6400 with 4gb ram22:50
=== Mauricio is now known as Guest39563
=== Guest73180 is now known as IdleOne
nomici got a hp workstation with 16gb of ram installed and it only recognises 2gb why is this?23:29
nomicxubuntu 14.0423:29
Azelphurnomic: installed 32bit OS?23:30
nomicno 64bit23:30
nomicwill check brb23:30
Azelphurnomic: do uname -a23:30
nomicuname -a doesn't have 64 in it23:33
nomici dunno why I got a 32 bit system -- that'll be the problem right23:33
nomicsee -- the live cd 14.04 it won'#t even boot23:34
nomicLinux x9 3.2.0-58-generic #88-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 3 17:40:43 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux23:34
nomicthats a 32 bit system23:34
nomicyeah -- I mistakenly got the 32 bit iso23:36
nomici just didn't check23:37
nomicso .. I now re-attempt23:37
nomicbut -- why doesn't a 64 bit install boot?23:37
nomicmust try 12.04 64 bit now23:37
nomicwhat I think is that the 14.04 dvd (install) .. can't boot it at all as it is 32 bit?23:38
nomicthat can't be right -- how do you install a 64 bit system23:39
nomicmaybe I try the net install23:39
nomicI noticed weeks back that the 14.04 install isn't a 32 bit / 64 bit separate version anymore23:41
nomicIm hoping to be able to install 12.04 64 bit now, and then upgrade it23:41
nomicmanagd to get a hp workstation with 4 corte processor and 16gb ram 1tb hard drive for the unbelievable price of £18923:42
nomiccould not resist it23:42
nomicxw6400, which I already run23:43
Azelphurnomic: yea, that's 32bit23:43
* nomic nods .. was a mistake23:44
Azelphurand the 64bit should install23:44
nomici keep a 32 bit 12.04 on disk for rescue purposes23:44
nomicjust flashed the usb and ddin't check it23:44
nomichttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flqgdPX0RyQ  The Moderns - The Year of today23:57
nomicthey're a mod tribute band23:58
nomicor copy23:58
Azelphur!offtopic | nomic23:59
ubottunomic: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:59
nomicwrong channel23:59

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