[00:00] Here's the .csv file opened [00:00] http://imgur.com/Rv503yL [00:00] Btw, I can't seem to get Skype and Steam to install on Kubuntu....they just...sit there with the package installer :/ [00:05] Anyone? [00:24] valorie: i did it :D, i manage to get kdeconnect working :D [00:24] Can anyone still help me with the KAddress Book? [00:25] what's the problem ibsin? [00:26] My Google contacts won't import to it [00:26] Comes up with a window that says, "Must at least assign one column." [00:29] ok let me try [00:32] ibsin: i can't either. but i don't get any message [00:33] hmm [00:33] Well, I don't have too many. I'll just put them in manually. === juacom99_ is now known as juacom99 [01:32] What me pc need of requirement, to install Kubunto? [01:32] ? [01:33] hey [01:33] yo [01:33] yo [01:33] yyo [01:33] yoy [01:33] yo [01:33] yoy [01:33] Venado you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted === dani is now known as DaniUser [01:39] exo [01:39] i have aprovlem [01:46] do you more to help me [01:58] just a problem [01:58] how to [01:58] deistall a package [01:58] :? [01:58] wich komand [03:54] anyone know how to properlly install synaptic drivers? [04:02] Bomber_: what's a synaptic driver? [04:03] it's a driver used in ubuntu for touchpad stuff [04:03] i belive, I mean that's what I read about my problem with my touchpad [04:04] so you mean you want to install a driver, not a "synaptic driver". [04:06] Bomber_: maybe you mean this package? xserver-xorg-input-synaptics [04:07] already installed [04:07] but the driver is still not loaded [04:07] !drivers [04:07] hmmmm [04:08] we used to have a driver thing [04:08] is there nothing in systemsettings, Bomber_? [04:08] ? [04:08] what am i looking for? [04:09] alt+f2 - when I type in synaptics, it displays: touchpad settings [04:11] doesn't mention drivers though, at least for me [04:15] it says "Synaptics driver is not installed (or is not used)" [04:21] is the driver name psmouse? [04:24] hmmm, perhaps run `kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental` from the cli [04:24] that gets all parts of KDE on the same page [04:25] in essence === michael_ is now known as AR45_ === AR45_ is now known as AR45 === TheFakeazneD525 is now known as PrinceDenza [05:00] valorie: there's some issue with the noincremental option [05:01] sudo apt-get install kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental [05:01] E: Command line option --noincremental is not understood === PrinceDenza is now known as TheFakeazneD525 [05:05] no, don't install it [05:05] just do that command in the konsole [05:06] it isn't a package, it's a service [05:08] VFolderMenu::loadDoc: Parse error in "/home/nlev/.config/menus/applications-merged/xdg-desktop-menu-dummy.menu" , line 1 , col 1 : "unexpected end of file" [05:10] that's just an error [05:10] there will be a few [05:10] question is, did that help with your driver problem? === jayhunold is now known as jhunold [05:18] valorie: nope [05:18] nothing ventured, nothing gained [05:19] ? [05:20] I mean that trying kbuildsycoca4 didn't hurt anything [05:20] sorry it didn't help [05:22] Can I configure yakuake to automatically startup with a number of shells, first tab having 2 panels, one running top, the other dstat, the second tab running a ping, the third tab starting a mysql client, etc.. [05:23] This would be nice since I always have the same setup at startup, but right now I have to do this manually every time I boot up my laptop [05:41] im trying to change the aspect ratio of my kubuntu setup to 1024x768 or something close to it when im running it in vmware player, but it doesnt give me any option; is most of the functions I seek usually done in konsole? [05:42] kinda makes me wish I was raised on linux, then I wouldn't be so noobish [05:45] MinimalLak: kscreen might help [05:45] you probably need to install the vmware tools software too [05:50] I did install the vmware tools, but it says to use it I need the vmxnet3 adapter, and I got no idea how to get it, the vmware support docs don't help me because I can't find it [05:51] ok, I got the kscreen thing running, and at the moment, all I see is a box with 3 icons in it in a white space, with the name virtual1 [05:51] no other option shown for it except the following buttons [05:51] help, defaults, ok, and cancel [05:52] hmmmm [05:52] and I just tried using the help button and trying to find something relating to display options [05:52] nothing [05:53] all I know about vmware tools is it allows me to use a drag n' drop function in file transfer [05:57] somehow its like I always end up getting computer problems/challenges that none else has gotten [05:59] ok, I just ran the vmware-config-tools.pl script, and it says I already have the vmxnet3 module installed [05:59] just dont know how to make my virtual system run on that [06:07] MinimalLak: there is a #vmware [06:07] might be more specific help for you there [06:07] !vmware [06:07] VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware [06:07] ? [06:07] oh [06:07] not much support here, since we don't distribute it [06:14] answer me this: would all this be easier in VirtualBox, because I have that also [06:14] along with the same resolution problem [06:16] huh [06:16] MinimalLak: It might be [06:16] uh, I just resized my vmware player window [06:16] the one running the virtual os [06:16] and it rezised and made my desktop bigger [06:16] I guess I fixed it? [06:17] I don;t know, Possbly? [06:17] its going to be so confusing replicating the fix if I end up having this same problem again [06:17] just to ask, how would I fix this problem in virtualbox [06:17] if I end up switching virtual os systems [06:22] MinimalLak: there is also #vbox [06:22] !vbox [06:22] Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [06:23] not KDE software, or kubuntu software, so your chances of finding specific help here are rather slim [06:26] I will say that I've found virtualbox to be WAY less hassle than VM Ware, and it runs really well on Kubuntu. [06:27] witam [06:28] I do agree, I could see the entire window process when installing kubuntu in virtualbox [06:29] I wanna try it now, but I gotta sleep, my arms are slowing down [06:29] thanks for the help given people [06:29] bye === uczen is now known as Curses === uczen_ is now known as sorcu === uczen__ is now known as czlowiek_sukcesu === sorcu is now known as Sorcu [06:33] join #sukces === uczen is now known as trololo === Curses is now known as Cnotka === uczen_ is now known as Trollo === uczen is now known as CzarniakDebil === CzarniakDebil is now known as Czlaps [06:48] dsadas [06:48] asdas [06:48] dsadas === uczen_ is now known as Jezior [06:49] Czlaps: can we help you? [06:50] hmm i see some students from Poland trying irc :) [06:50] yea :D [06:50] first time i see ubumtu [06:50] i'm quite confused [06:50] Czlaps: you are on Ubuntu or Kubuntu ? [06:51] kubuntu [06:51] Than welcom :) Witaj ! [06:51] u are from? [06:51] Poland ;) === Cnotka is now known as rower5 === Trollo is now known as Zgon === czlowiek_sukcesu is now known as BorsON [06:52] Czlaps: are you using Kubuntu @ school ? === uczen is now known as KEJDI === Czlaps is now known as Best [06:52] Welcome guys [06:53] hiho KEJDI === Jezior is now known as marcel === Best is now known as BestVayneEU === marcel is now known as rowan === rowan is now known as rower4 === Sorcu is now known as Lee_sin === Lee_sin is now known as Lee_Sin === rower4 is now known as krzak === blubberbop is now known as phoenixz === rower5 is now known as Administrator === BorsON is now known as polako === polako is now known as fij === fij is now known as gijuh === Administrator is now known as Guest61724 === gijuh is now known as fondak === fondak is now known as gygyfyuhdd [06:56] wonsz === Guest61724 is now known as Lukasz === Lukasz is now known as Lewandowski === uczen is now known as wonsz [06:56] witam : D [06:56] Please stop changing your nick like there's no tomorrow. === Lewandowski is now known as Wlonczamysprzet6 === Lee_Sin is now known as Sorcu === wonsz is now known as jezontula === jezontula is now known as uczen_ === uczen_ is now known as uczen [06:57] Please speak english as this is international channel :) [06:57] Okay === uczen is now known as nadalWonsz [06:58] join #sukcjes [06:58] use slash before command name === Zgon is now known as Czarna === krzak is now known as czarniak === trololo is now known as biala === czarniak is now known as czarniak_cwel === gygyfyuhdd is now known as excel === excel is now known as excel_ma_liczyc === KEJDI is now known as klawiatura === biala is now known as chlopcy_nie_rozm === Czarna is now known as BiegneGlowami === klawiatura is now known as KEJDI === chlopcy_nie_rozm is now known as chlopcy_ === BiegneGlowami is now known as DoriCiPostawiKol === DoriCiPostawiKol is now known as DoriStawiaKolacj === uczen is now known as holtyn === DoriStawiaKolacj is now known as DoriWaliSledziem === holtyn is now known as icik === chlopcy_ is now known as piesel === BestVayneEU is now known as KarolinaKwiatkow === uczen is now known as klient === KarolinaKwiatkow is now known as adminwraca === icik is now known as icik_pedau === adminwraca is now known as CZARNIAKBANUJ === piesel is now known as pietrel_pierdola === CZARNIAKBANUJ is now known as aleniemnie === DoriWaliSledziem is now known as Dovakin === aleniemnie is now known as BestVayneEUNE === excel_ma_liczyc is now known as Czlapinski === klient is now known as icik_lubi_w_dupe === icik_pedau is now known as Valkiria === BestVayneEUNE is now known as BanujeBoty === pietrel_pierdola is now known as o [07:12] folks, Please Stop changing nicks [07:12] or you'll be kicked === o is now known as windows === icik_lubi_w_dupe is now known as uczen_ === uczen_ is now known as uczen__ === uczen__ is now known as uczen_ [07:13] valorie: i think someone is teaching them how to use irc === Wlonczamysprzet6 is now known as Kotekadmin === uczen_ is now known as to_ja [07:13] sorry guys [07:13] hello [07:14] We are learning some things about this os [07:14] what are you doing?? ;3 [07:14] sorry for spam :D [07:14] witam [07:14] whoever is teaching the lesson is doing a poor job [07:14] no siemka ;p [07:14] Irc is not an OS [07:14] by OS do you mean linux/Kubuntu? [07:14] i'm talking generally about linux/kubuntu [07:14] i mean* [07:14] what can we help you with [07:15] also there is a polish chan if you prefer [07:15] !pl [07:15] Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. === Kotekadmin is now known as Cnotka [07:15] You dont have to help us :) We are fine [07:16] as I said, please stop changing nicks [07:16] you are spamming the channel [07:16] well this is a support channel for Kubuntu, if you will have any question feel free to ask [07:16] this is a help/support channel === Dovakin is now known as Lubicie_w_dupke === Lubicie_w_dupke is now known as SMOK === to_ja is now known as D [07:20] is it possible to kick someone from this channel? === D is now known as Guest94505 [07:20] yes === SMOK is now known as Obalic_Admina [07:20] and I will do it unless people stop changing nicks === Guest94505 is now known as Admin_Gnuj === Obalic_Admina is now known as LUJ === Admin_Gnuj is now known as Admin_Gnujj === Admin_Gnujj is now known as Admin_Gnuj === Admin_Gnuj is now known as Admin_Gnujj === Admin_Gnujj is now known as Admin_Gnuj === Admin_Gnuj is now known as Admin_Gnujj === LUJ is now known as Noob === BanujeBoty is now known as CzarniakBGC === Noob is now known as moron === Admin_Gnujj is now known as Cno1ka === moron is now known as BAD === BAD is now known as Bad_chat === Bad_chat is now known as MAN === MAN is now known as Guest84352 === Cno1ka is now known as Prawdziwy_Admin [07:24] the guy who is teaching you is on this channel ? === Prawdziwy_Admin is now known as Prawdziwy_Adminn === Prawdziwy_Adminn is now known as Poprawny_Admin [07:25] no [07:25] he drinks tea [07:25] hey [07:25] how do a new room? [07:25] hey [07:25] KEJDI: so please tell others to stop changing nicks [07:26] pisk one you liek and use it === Guest84352 is now known as Dovakin [07:26] or you might get banned as valorie said [07:26] !test | KEJDI, Dovakin [07:26] KEJDI, Dovakin: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test ) [07:26] przepraszam bardzo czy ktos uzywa tego systemu? [07:26] Jakiego? [07:26] Can u tell me how to creat a new channel? [07:27] you can join a channel by typing on a line:/join #channelname [07:27] wbijac na #opisujemy [07:27] start with / [07:27] join #opisujemy [07:27] start with / [07:27] like /join #opisujemy [07:27] i ask about how to CREATE not how to join [07:27] that creates it [07:27] I was answering your question [07:28] ok thanks [07:28] you're welcome === Dovakin is now known as lujek === David1977 is now known as Guest98715 === Czlapinski is now known as gangus === lujek is now known as MAMA === KEJDI is now known as gangus_2 === MAMA is now known as Guest80891 === Guest80891 is now known as Ojciec === blubberbop is now known as phoenixz [07:38] Hi, my kubuntu installation (which I originally installed as ubuntu and then installed KDE) suddenly stopped working recently. [07:38] It will only go till the login screen, if I select KDE as the DE it will only flash for around 5 seconds and then reset back, and unity on the other hand hangs for a long time and never logs in too. [07:39] Any help on this would be appreciated, and in newbie language ^_^ [07:40] It's Ubuntu 14.04 with KDE. [07:41] how did you install KDE? [07:41] hello === uczen is now known as Sorcu [07:42] hellp Sorcu [07:42] I mean hello [07:43] join #poland [07:43] Using the commands listed on this page http://askubuntu.com/questions/138063/installing-kde-in-ubuntu-12-04 [07:44] I mean sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop === blubberbop is now known as phoenixz [07:44] Sorcu: use / before the command [07:45] Hepe: do you know how to use the commandline at all? [07:45] It worked okay, even though I had problems with the networking and things. [07:45] hmmm [07:45] The terminal, yes. [07:45] cool [07:45] even if a bit lol [07:45] please try `sudo apt-get install -f` [07:45] it sounds like something didn't install correctly [07:46] I'll go a step further and say that it just stopped working a few days ago...the program I was running (IRC client) was still working, but I couldn't click around and all..like KDE hung [07:47] and ever since then, I haven't been able to use any DE :/ [07:47] that sounds very bad, Hepe [07:47] and unusual [07:48] I can use the terminal, thankfully. via ctrl+alt+f1 from the login screen and all. [07:48] yes [07:48] or yakuake, which is a nice dropdown konsole === Ojciec is now known as Mati [07:49] I ran the command sudo apt-get install -f, and it changed nothing. "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded." [07:51] ok, next try: `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade` [07:51] wait, maybe you mean to run that as part of "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"? like sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop -f ? [07:52] ok. [07:53] exactly as I typed [07:53] just copy/paste [07:53] it's on another machine :/ [07:53] lordievader: Remember my network troubles yesterday? I pinpointed the problem. It's the network card/driver for sure. I attached an old USB network card and that one worked just fine. [07:53] control+shift+v to paste [07:54] So, now I have to find a fix. Already tried the daily kernel from the mainline ppa, but no cure there. [07:54] Hepe: that's what those tick marks mean ` [07:54] I see [07:55] So, on the machine that I ran the command on, it isn't connected to the net and thus it's returning a bunch of "err and failed to fetch" errors [07:55] right [07:55] but, it does ask me if I want to update 5 files [07:55] linux-generic .etc [07:55] it won't be able to do it if it is not online though [07:56] why is it not online? [07:56] I tried googling a lot on how to connect to a network via terminal :c [07:56] It's just not online. [07:56] ah [07:56] * Trollo is away: Gone away for now. [07:56] ok, I rebooted [07:56] do you have a cable you can use? [07:56] I don't think so :/ [07:57] Oh, and from the ubuntu login screen...I can't connect to wifi because: [07:57] it gives this error of "failed to add/activate connection (32) insufficient privileges." [07:57] bizarre [07:58] sigh [07:58] but yea, from there I can see my wifi listed. [07:59] weird [07:59] does your wifi connection require a password? [07:59] yes [08:00] but while Kubuntu was working, I used it okay..if not perfectly and all. [08:00] "insufficient privileges" sounds like it isn't getting the passw [08:00] and it was supposed to be saved. [08:00] !wireless [08:00] Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [08:00] there is a bunch of stuff there, but [08:00] gah [08:01] last time I couldn't get online, I used nmcli in the console [08:01] it did work [08:01] but it sure is not user-friendly [08:01] yea..just tried doing that a bit earlier [08:01] Do you think my system files have been corrupted or something? (if that's the correct term) [08:02] no, I think you got a bad upgrade for some reason [08:02] missing file or something [08:02] Oh, if I haven't mentioned it, I have Kubuntu and Windows alongside each other. [08:03] shouldn't matter [08:03] I see :/ [08:03] unless you are using wubi [08:03] ah nope, did a clean install [08:03] cool [08:03] do you have any PPAs? [08:05] yea [08:05] which ones? [08:05] I can't remember which ones, but I don't think they were anything major in a sens [08:05] e [08:05] Is there any way to find out which ones I have from the terminal? [08:06] some create problems === Trollo is now known as Mati [08:07] you can see them all with `cat /etc/apt/sources.list` [08:07] thanks [08:08] in general, the only ones you should have begin with "kubuntu-ppa" [08:08] such as updates, and backports [08:10] mostly things like /trusty-updates main restricted [08:11] /trusty-backports main restricted universe multiverse [08:11] those are cool [08:11] uh [08:11] trusty? [08:11] /trusty-security main restricted [08:11] oops, right [08:12] trusty tahr, yea they could have chosen a better name [08:12] that's what you want [08:12] trusty part has been true for me === Cnotka is now known as jp_jp_100pro [08:12] thought so, and idon't see anything...odd [08:13] so, install nmcli and then `man nmcli` is my best advice [08:13] /trusty universe [08:13] i think I already have nmcli [08:13] dig around a bit with it and see what is working with your networking, and what isn't [08:13] cool [08:13] I found it difficult to use, but I just stuck at it until it connected [08:13] I was able to list the networks I had via nmcli c list [08:13] >I had [08:14] szukam ludzia z polski ! :D [08:14] I mean which I had added to network manager in kubuntu previously. [08:14] Hello guys [08:14] What's up?4 [08:14] once I got the right bssid, then I used that to connect [08:14] Im on lessons, and I just installed Kubuntu, any tips for me? [08:15] what do you want to do, uczen? [08:15] siema [08:15] it will do pretty much anything you need [08:15] I was confused though, how to actually *connect* to a network using it [08:16] I think i used: [08:16] I guess it was nmcli c up [08:16] ałuuuu [08:16] ałuuuu [08:16] nmcli con up uuid 6b028a27-6dc9-4411-9886-e9ad1dd43761 ap 00:3A:98:7C:42:D3 [08:16] is any one from Poland kurwa mać? [08:16] connects the Wi‐Fi connection with UUID 6b028a27-6dc9-4411-9886-e9ad1dd43761 to the AP with BSSID 00:3A:98:7C:42:D3. [08:16] pretty much [08:16] aj em from poland morda [08:16] !pl | gangus_2 [08:16] gangus_2: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. [08:16] or close [08:17] Oh, God. Where am i? [08:17] in internet [08:17] IN A HELL [08:17] that computer is now in pieces, so I can't check === uczen_ is now known as jezior [08:17] Welcome [08:17] nice guys are here [08:17] valorie: you should ban gangus_lider for the words he used [08:17] Who else came here? [08:17] whoa, stuff [08:17] please stop changing nicks [08:17] damm, how can i find all that info of my router haha [08:17] gangus_lider is good boy [08:17] don't bbban gangus lider [08:17] Jezior [08:17] Co porabiasz na ircu? [08:17] denza: hi kitty [08:17] it's my bro [08:18] nic [08:18] Hepe: :3 [08:18] dont ban him, it's my teammate [08:18] me too [08:18] please all behave [08:18] they definitelly wont do it [08:18] To ten sławny jezior z tą sławną siostrą [08:18] valorie hi [08:18] are you from [08:18] USA? [08:18] yes [08:18] jaką siostrą ? [08:18] no [08:18] near Seattle [08:18] do you like nba ? [08:18] Seattle is in Argentina ... [08:18] not much, no [08:19] lol [08:19] Natalia Cieślak ostra dupa [08:19] xd [08:19] Seattle: Nirvana [08:19] to jest jego siostra ? [08:19] nie znam [08:19] Nirvana - shotguns [08:19] oo jakiś niemiec wbił [08:19] sad that you think of that [08:19] sory for truth [08:19] i rusek ~! [08:20] that is only one facet [08:20] the music is still alive [08:20] the ammo is still inside! [08:20] please stop [08:20] FUSS RO THAR! [08:20] sori men [08:20] its hard truth [08:20] or at least go to the #kubuntu-offtopic chan [08:21] this is a help chan for kubuntu [08:21] anything else is off topic [08:21] Poland TAKE THIS SERVER !!!!!!!!!! [08:21] join #kubuntu-offtopic [08:21] valorie: how do I find the last bit though (sorry noob question) like ap 00:3A:98:7C:42:D3 [08:21] BIERZEMY TO [08:21] JEST NASZ [08:21] I CHUJ [08:22] I can see the uuid of the network I wish to connect to via nmcli c list [08:22] POLSKA BIAAAOO CZERWONIII [08:22] nmcli -p con list [08:22] lists all connections NetworkManager has. [08:22] I think [08:22] ofc, it has the name I saved it with originally [08:22] uczen: please stop [08:22] ok [08:23] What I should stop? [08:23] Im not doing anything ; < [08:23] valorie: same info as the command I told you I used [08:23] just in a more..different way [08:24] Hepe: don't give up [08:25] it can be done [08:25] just keep tinkering [08:25] if you don't mind..what does "ap" mean in this case? [08:25] Im on virtual machine its funny, you know? [08:25] I wish I had written down the commands that worked for me, but then the hinge broke on that box [08:25] valorie u are really experienced with ubuntu didnt you? [08:25] uczen: clean up your language or you are gone [08:26] can I find out the same info by using another laptop and doing .etc ? [08:26] BestVayneEUNE: long time user [08:26] sure [08:26] I mean checking my router's config thing [08:26] I just happen to not know what "ap" or those numbers mean >_< [08:27] right [08:27] and I don't either [08:27] I just kept trying until I got it to work [08:27] Normally 'access point' [08:28] Possibly the "MAC address"? [08:29] Hepe: probably [08:29] it looks darn similar as to what valorie pasted :P [08:29] What is wrong with my language? Kappa [08:29] 00:1e:a6:21:5d:30 [08:29] okay then. [08:30] Ah, the bssid. [08:31] I did hate to kick them [08:31] sec [08:31] he was using too many nicknames in one channel I guess... [08:33] I'm getting errors like [08:35] ** (process:3406): WARNING **: async_got_type: could not read properties for /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/1: Method "Get" with signature "ss" on interface "org.freedesktop.DBus.properties" doesn't exist [08:35] pain to type out manually ^ [08:38] and then (after another duplicate of the above error message) Error: Connection activation failed: Creating object for path '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/1' failed in libn-glib. [08:38] gah [08:38] it's about bedtime for me [08:38] oops sorry not "libn-glib." [08:38] it's "libnm--glib" [08:38] I hope someone with more deep knowledge of networking will help you [08:39] well, libnm [08:39] Oh okay, well thanks for your help in any case ^^ [08:39] is the lib that runs networkmanager [08:39] thought so from the name. [08:39] the reason I had to kickban the kids was foul language [08:40] their constant nick changes were annoying/spamming as well [08:43] Network again! I downloaded the e1000e driver from Intel and compiled that. The trouble is that I'd have to do this every time there's a kernel update. [08:45] alvin: why are you doing this ? [08:45] alvin: won't the kernel eventually cover your card? [08:45] alvin: the e1000 driver is in the kernel [08:46] you should not be pulling it from intel [08:46] ikonia, valorie. Yes, it is in the kernel, and it used to work too. That's the weird part. But I tried the latest kernel from the mainline kernel PPA and it didn't work. This driver works. The one in Kubuntu 14.04 is apparently 'too old' [08:47] bizarre [08:47] alvin: a.) why are you using hte mainline kernel b.) how are you determaining that the one in kubuntu default is too lold [08:47] have you spoken with the #ubuntu-kernel people? [08:47] they are really friendly and helpful [08:47] I would be very surprised if this is a problem [08:47] The card is perfectly recognised with the 'old version', but it just doesn't work. The DHCP server doesn't even register the requests. [08:47] as the e1000 driver is probably the most stable and working network driver in the kernel [08:47] Hepe: You may want to make sure the network-manager service is indeed running. [08:48] alvin: ok - so dhcp is a different situation [08:48] ikonia: Well, usually the driver is part of the kernel, right? So that's why I tried a newer kernel [08:48] alvin: that is not "the nework card dosn't work" out of the box [08:48] ikonia: Oh, but static doesn't work too. [08:48] alvin: define "doesn't work" [08:48] Unit193: any particular command to verify that it is? [08:48] Hepe: sudo service network-manager status [08:48] No network. Simple as that. I can configure all I want. The driver detects the cable being plugged in or out, but I can't create a connection. No ping, nothing. [08:49] thanks. [08:49] alvin: how are you configuring it ? [08:49] alvin: if you are getting a link status - the driver is working [08:49] alvin: as the card is "up" [08:49] alvin: the tcp stack is a different issue [08:49] Well. To start with. I didn't configure anythiong. So networkmanager tries DHCP. That didn't work. Then /etc/network/interfaces. I disabled networkmanager, used good o' ifconfig. Nothing [08:50] alvin: I would doubt very much that is a problem with e1000 [08:50] (it is possible but I would put that at the back of the list) [08:50] I;ve tried for many hours. Replacing the driver by a newer version was the only thing that changed the situation. [08:51] alvin: so the version from intel.com worked fully when you dropped it in [08:51] Indeed [08:51] alvin: thats interesting, but I'd still put the e1000 module to the back of the list as the problem, but that's a good bit of information to know [08:51] It's the e1000e driver [08:52] isn't that provided from the e1000 module anyway ? [08:52] Wait... [08:52] I just looked at my logs, and it says e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k That's the default one. But I thought that one was removed [08:53] that's not a surprise [08:53] so the default one is actually working [08:53] I don't know. I used modprobe with e1000e. Might be the same. [08:53] Unit193: the response is network-manager start/running, process 739 [08:53] Well, it used to work too. But while compiling I thought I saw the new driver remove the old module [08:53] alvin: I'd reset your machine back to default and work it through [08:54] alvin: I think you're going down an uneeded path [08:54] (I could be wrong though) [08:54] Well, since it used to work, what you assume is logical. But I didn't saw anything out of the ordinary in the logs and there was still no network [08:57] Unit193: So yea, it indeed looks like it's running. [08:59] Why would the kernel use the old driver? Does this has something to do with initramfs? My kernel knowledge comes from easier times. Where things like initramfs were not needed. [09:01] (I don't miss things like configuring xorg.conf, but when I tried to configure a kernel a few months ago, after years of using a distro-maintained one, I noticed this has become quite a complex task.) [09:03] alvin: personally I'd reset it back to default 14.04 and work it forward [09:03] Anyway. There's network and it's apparently the default driver. I have no idea why it works or didn't work before, but I can get back to work :-) [09:07] Good morning. [09:09] Right. It's still morning. Time to fetch the first coffee of the day. [09:09] That's a good idea. [09:37] hi all [09:40] o/ === hepe is now known as Nexia === jakob is now known as jakobsg [11:07] Hiyas all === pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt [12:29] i update manual kernel to 3.17.0 ( Deb package ) . everything is fine but only problem is here . when i run VM from virtualbox ,VM dosen't boot and get error [12:29] http://i60.tinypic.com/jqtau0.jpg [12:31] aoa_: You've updated the kernel and forgot to install the vbox kernel driver. By the by, it is not recommended to install 3rd party kernels. [12:33] i know that but i have bug on driver video card https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/1374581 . when i update kernel the bug is fixed . [12:33] Ubuntu bug 1374581 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "black box corruption on firefox " [Undecided,New] === mark____ is now known as tpol_Jones === doge is now known as c[_] === max is now known as Guest59275 === Wally__ is now known as Guest41477 [14:37] I have used Precise since it came out and rwould like to ugrade with a clean install. Muon catalogued the programs I have installed over the last couple of years. Some installed programs like Pale Moon were installed by using tar.gz and do not show up. Is there a command either through Muon or the CLI to find out what these installed programs might be? [14:41] iroh234_: Unfortunately, no. Although if they have a sane installation they will use directories which are different from where the system keeps it's binaries. So to look in places like /usr/local and /opt [14:43] genii: thanks that is helpful. I can do that. next time i will keep a list :) === Sylas is now known as Deadsylian [14:48] iroh234_: There are some other ways to poke around for the info, like checking your bash history file for the names of the files you manually installed [14:52] genii: i was experimenting with Bleachbit and wiped out a bunch of stuff like that i wish was still there like the bash history. But i found everything in not in opt in /etc/apparmor.d/local/. [14:57] genii: or at least everthing that i remember. i am not very bright sometimes. Most of those programs I tinkered with and forgot, and will not be reinstalling them. Thank you for your help. [14:58] iroh234_: No problem. Good luck with the upgrade! [14:59] Thanks, I left MS for Kubuntu and never looked back. It has been a great experience. [14:59] Thanks, I left MS for Kubuntu and never looked back. It has been a great experience. [14:59] sorry about the double post. === kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-afk === DeadS0ul is now known as spawn57 [15:15] Hello. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 with KDE 4.10. I can't change my keyboard layout. Specifically, I have added many layout such as Arabic, Japanese, Greek, Hebrew, etc. I have new layout indicator on the panel then. Then, when I switch, any text written will always be Latin US. No Arabic, no Kanji, no Greek. Is there any package I should install first? I installed KDE from kde-standard. [15:21] Malsasa: Are the language-pack-kde- and kde-l10n- files installed for the languages you've chosen? [15:22] genii: let me check first. [15:23] genii: dpkg -l tell me I have no such package installed. [15:24] genii: so, is this my source of problem? [15:24] Malsasa: Could be part of it. Right now I'm just at the information-finding point here [15:25] genii: yes, I understand. I will do it. [15:25] Should also see if you have fonts for any of those languages installed [15:29] genii: i've installed both. Should I reboot? [15:30] Malsasa: That's probably the simplest, yes. [15:30] genii: affirmative. Thank you. [15:43] * genii makes more coffee [16:08] hey all [16:08] Riddell: hola [16:08] hola chico [16:08] :) Jonathan, [16:09] can I connect a monitor to my Intel motherboard's graphics port, another monitor to the video card's port, and have X display them as two screens for the same session? [16:11] Usually. [16:28] hi all, I just upgraded from kubuntu 12.04 to 14.04. Now none of my password protected basket notes are opening. I get error: "GPGME: Decryption failed" [16:52] Hello I have no sound on macbook pro :( === kbroulik-afk is now known as kbroulik [17:17] hi, how do i make konqueror use webkit? === PasNox_ is now known as PasNox [17:18] is there a package that i can install? [17:18] naftilos76 sudo apt-get install kpart-webkit [17:18] thanks man [17:18] naftilos76, it is an honour. ;) [17:19] :-) === ubuntu is now known as Guest87348 === PasNox_ is now known as PasNox === Guest87348 is now known as ubuntu_ === lolz is now known as Guest93645 === RedDeath is now known as Guest56957 === dani is now known as Guest15772 === c[_] is now known as sofe === sofe is now known as doge [18:19] SORY === Guest15772 is now known as DaniUser [18:20] hey [18:20] who is [18:20] unregister me [18:40] ciao [18:40] list [18:42] !alis | nicco__ [18:42] nicco__: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* [18:48] Hey guys. I'm still having trouble installing a synaptics driver to enable / disable my touchpad [18:52] !list [18:52] nicco__: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [19:03] Bomber_: hmm..... you mean... as in trying to use the [fn] key on the keyboard? I use touchpad-indicator, works peachy for that, if my mouse is plugged in, disables the touchpad, if not, is ON [19:03] Bomber_: touchpad-indicator is in the repositories [19:03] nice! [19:04] ugh.. [19:04] ok, not apt-get.. [19:05] got it [19:05] sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao [19:05] sudo apt-get update [19:05] sudo apt-get install touchpad-indicator [19:08] i gat et!!! [19:08] now what? [19:08] !bot [19:08] Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone [19:11] Bomber_: well... run it :) and configure its "preferences" === zippy is now known as Guest52246 [19:12] I'm lame....touchpad-indicator: command not found [19:13] Bomber_: usually Preferences > Actions > disable when mouse ... and under General Options > autostart [19:13] Bomber_: sounds like it didn't install [19:13] huh.......? [19:13] but.. [19:13] it did... :( [19:14] Setting up python3-pyudev (0.16.1-2build1) ... [19:14] Setting up touchpad-indicator (1.0.4-0extras14.04.1) ... [19:14] hmm [19:15] Bomber_: run a -> sudo apt-get check; and then a -> sudo dpkg --configure -a; to make sure it was fully configured [19:15] sudo apt-get check touchpad-indicator? [19:15] nope.... just check [19:16] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) [19:16] is just a way to "check" if apt-get has any missing libs listed or sometihng is off [19:16] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [19:16] I got some other update process running in the background right now, so that might be it [19:16] Bomber_: check with htop or just "top" it'd be listed there === kubuntu is now known as Guest4442 [19:17] the daemon may be running..... but you can run the GUI with just touchpad-indicator [19:18] i don't....se it... [19:18] Bomber_: the icon? I think the default is not show [19:18] the daemon may be running..... but you can run the GUI with just touchpad-indicator [19:18] what icon..?i'm using the konsole [19:19] ok..... so try "touchpad-indicator" does it run? [19:19] it's not a command [19:20] and check now passed [19:20] i did the dpkg. nothing changed [19:21] sounds like it didn't install...... does it show under Muon Package Manager as installed? [19:23] no... [19:23] btw, instead of Moun i have Synaptics [19:23] tis ok...it'll show on either as installed if so, I use synaptics mostly btw, but I have both [19:30] ok, it is installed.. [19:30] but it still won't run.. [19:34] hmmm [19:34] what if you try it at the Run box in kde? [19:38] ohhh [19:38] bprompt: I already had it installed [19:38] and the GUI is running [19:38] but it says i'm missing the synaptics driver [19:38] but it is installed [19:38] but it's just not loading. [19:39] hmmm [19:39] Bomber: I'd think apt-get check; would had shown that :/ [19:40] Bomber: I assume if you do a -> sudo apt-get -f install; gives nothing? [19:40] yeah, nm, you're right [19:40] i've confused between the regular touchpad and the indicator version one [19:41] some libraries to autoremove, nothing more [19:41] ohh ok [19:46] umm... [19:46] am i supposed to have an accesories folder in my launcher in 14.04? [19:50] hmmm dunno... you can always edit kwin menu you know....just right-click on the "K" and click on edit, or you can always just run "kmenuedit" [20:45] hi [21:14] kio 5.3.0 stops upgrade on 14.10 next with kcm_trash.so is also a pkg in 4:5.0.95? [21:15] yup [21:16] plasma 5.2 final is going to be packaged soon so this should be fixed since than [21:16] *5.1 [21:17] is there a force command I can try? === carlos_ is now known as soul| [21:22] trying sudo ap-get install -f [21:30] archetech: yeah sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install PACKAGE_NAME === dani is now known as Guest58116 [21:52] soee thanks === dani is now known as Guest35015