
Saviqmzanetti, hey, it shouldn't be difficult to apply a different OOM score to the dash should it? see bug #137929607:17
ubot5bug 1379296 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8-dash should be excluded from app lifecycle management" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137929607:17
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tsdgeosvesar: did JMulholland have a chance to try the bottom list thing? any input?08:33
tsdgeosi think the wizard just crashed on me08:33
tsdgeoswhen trying to select the language08:34
tsdgeosMacSlow: do you know anything about a volume notification that appears one passing the first screen of the wizard?08:42
tsdgeosfeels pretty weird08:42
mzanettiSaviq: ack, can look into that today08:43
Saviqmzanetti, too lat08:43
Saviqmzanetti, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/qtmir/dash-killed-less-likely/+merge/23791508:44
Saviqwith a test and all!08:44
* Saviq happy to know that he can still write some code (or at least copy-paste it :P)08:44
MacSlowtsdgeos, the welcome-wizard?!08:48
tsdgeosMacSlow: yep08:48
MacSlowtsdgeos, did you press the any of the volume-keys?08:49
tsdgeosMacSlow: i'm pretty sure i did not08:49
SaviqMacSlow, tsdgeos, there's a bug08:49
tsdgeosi've had that twice or three times already08:49
tsdgeosSaviq: ah ok08:49
MacSlowtsdgeos, Saviq: oh... that's news to me08:49
tsdgeosSaviq: bug # ?08:49
Saviqbug #137928708:49
ubot5bug 1379287 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Blank "Volume" notification displayed at startup and when scrolling the indicator." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137928708:49
Saviqupdate your sound indicator and it should be gone08:50
MacSlowSaviq, tsdgeos: ah... I'm pretty sure I know what's causing this08:50
SaviqMacSlow, ted reverted the bubbles in i-sound trunk already, and has a new branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-sound/synchronous-notification/+merge/23766608:51
MacSlowSaviq, tsdgeos: my initial indicator-sound branch was reverted... yeah that08:51
MacSlowSaviq, tsdgeos: among the sync. notification/max-volume-warning work I'm also working on a new indicator-sound branch, which will avoid that from happening again08:52
SaviqMacSlow, make sure you sync with ted's branch then08:52
MacSlowSaviq, yup08:52
Saviqtsdgeos, you not working on the qmltest fail are you?08:52
tsdgeosSaviq: the ShellWithPin::test_factoryReset  ? no i'm testing touchOwnership for the last time08:53
Saviqtsdgeos, kk, I'll look to fix the test then08:54
Saviqtsdgeos, btw, I had a look at dash mem usage between pre and post more-in-mem... couldn't see a real difference... if anything it's using less memory now :P08:58
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, so i approved touchOwnership, do you want me to top approve or want someone to have another look?08:59
Saviqtsdgeos, I think functional testing in silo will be enouh08:59
tsdgeosthere we go09:00
Saviqmzanetti, I blame you https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/fix-shellwithpin-test/+merge/237922 :P09:21
mzanettiSaviq: why would you do that?09:21
Saviqmzanetti, blame you? because you reviewed mterry's branch which broke this09:22
Saviqalthough somehow it passed in ci09:22
SaviqWellark, wasn't the "I see white before I see the SIM PIN dialog" supposed to be fixed already?09:26
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WellarkSaviq: ask MacSlow09:35
WellarkSaviq: my take on that is that let's leave it unfixed, as it will be a PITA09:35
Wellarkit's just a brief clitch09:35
SaviqWellark, well, *you* told me that it doesn't matter, because it will be fixed with your stuff ;P09:35
SaviqWellark, still, it's going to be the first thing you see on your phone when you turn it on...09:36
WellarkSaviq: with my stuff we fixed the flickering while using the dialog09:36
Saviqkk, we need to fix the flickering when opening, too09:36
Wellarkit used to flicker and sometimes break completely if you entered your pin wrong09:36
MacSlowWellark, Saviq: such tiny glitches don't fit in the current notification-feature demand :)09:36
Saviqyeah ok09:36
SaviqMacSlow, not a feature ;P09:36
WellarkSaviq: it's PITA to fix09:36
MacSlowand that too09:37
SaviqMacSlow, can't we delay showing the notification until the model is loaded or something?09:37
Wellarkas the pin unlock is the only fullscreen snap decision09:37
Wellarkand yes, the clitch comes from the fact that the "fullscreen" property is not ready until the Loader finishes to load the pin-unlock snap decision09:37
MacSlowSaviq, I learned that one can't poke into models09:37
MacSlowSaviq, without really digging into it I can't tell if one could fix that or not09:38
vesartsdgeos, I just saw him checking your implementation and expect him to get back to you with his comments soon. JMulholland^09:38
WellarkSaviq: there are just too many loaders involved09:38
SaviqMacSlow, k, let's look into it once we got the more pressing things in09:39
JMulhollandtsdgeos: We’ve taken a look, need to put together some feedback but impressive progress so far!09:39
WellarkSaviq: +109:39
SaviqWellark, let's uninvolve them then ;P09:39
MacSlowSaviq, Wellark: yup09:39
WellarkSaviq: well, why did you allow the unity8 tree to have Loaders everywhere? ;)09:39
WellarkI hate the things09:39
SaviqWellark, because we like to be able to run apps09:40
WellarkSaviq: just grep unity8 for "Loader" and see the results ;)09:40
WellarkSaviq: I'm not saying they should be removed completely09:40
SaviqWellark, yes, again, because we like to be able to run apps09:40
Wellarkbut I'm sensing a slight overuse ;)09:40
Wellarkwe are not even close to a point of starting to think such optimizations09:41
Wellarkso let's just have the loaders and acknowledge that we might have slight clitches09:41
WellarkSaviq: btw, do we have any sane QML profiling tools already?09:42
Wellarksomething that draws pretty pictures?09:42
SaviqWellark, you mean like QtCreator's profiler that's there from when we started?09:42
WellarkSaviq: If I remember correctly the qtcreator profiler could not dig into the c++ side of the calls or anything?09:43
SaviqWellark, if you want C++ calls, there's any number of profiler tools out there09:43
WellarkSaviq: both combined: the QML side and C++ side09:44
larsuSaviq: no dednick today? Do you know who I could assign bug #1369737 to?09:45
Wellarknot separately09:45
SaviqWellark, combined, no, not that I know of09:45
ubot5bug 1369737 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Send button does not enable until you press spacebar" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136973709:45
Saviqlarsu, he's around, just went out to bring a friend to the emergency room....09:45
larsuSaviq: oh, hope he's ok. I'll assign to him09:46
Wellarklarsu: are you close on the Final Solution of the toggle switches getting out of sync?09:46
larsuSaviq: thanks09:46
larsuWellark: that's a question for dednick. We decided that he'll add a timeout on the switch and reset it if the service didn't change state09:46
Saviqlarsu, Wellark, there's a branch https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/lp1336715.server-value-reassert/+merge/23782209:52
Wellarklarsu: so this solution is not changing the semantics of the switches as seen from GAction API point of view?09:52
larsuWellark: yes, the semantics are quite fine, the UI didn't react right09:53
Wellarklarsu: <309:54
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tsdgeosSaviq: can you try to reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1251597 with http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-builder-utopic-armhf/7001/artifact/work/output/*zip*/output.zip ?10:16
tsdgeosi can't10:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1251597 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Scope header sometimes appears in the middle of the scope" [High,Triaged]10:16
Saviqtsdgeos, didn't try, but it makes sense, just link the bug'n'branch10:17
tsdgeosCimi: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/flickables-speed-workaround/+merge/234298 ?10:25
tsdgeoslarsu: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/unity8/stop-using-statusicon/+merge/234502 ?10:25
Cimitsdgeos, ouch10:26
tsdgeosSaviq: i don't have a x-compile setup, but now that CI passes i guess we can just approve https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/unity8/fix-cross/+merge/234818 ?10:26
Saviqtsdgeos, well, not according to Colin...10:27
Saviqtsdgeos, I'll have a chat with him it's good enough for now10:27
larsutsdgeos: should be fixed once https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/icons/+merge/236497 lands10:28
tsdgeoslarsu: ok10:29
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larsuhow do you handle showing times in the correct locale? messaging menu does it the wrong way according to bug #137206110:35
ubot5bug 1372061 in Ubuntu Translations "SMS notification: time format not translatable" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137206110:35
larsuit uses QDateTime::fromString()10:35
larsuthe reporter suggest making the format string translatable, but that sounds wrong to me...10:35
larsuQLocale::toString() ?10:37
tsdgeoslarsu: QDateTime::toString ?10:41
larsutsdgeos: sorry that's what I meant.10:42
tsdgeoslarsu: that one should work10:42
larsutsdgeos: it doesn't respect locale according to the bug (which makes sense, we pass a fixed format into it)10:43
tsdgeoslarsu: well, don't :D10:43
tsdgeoslarsu: there's a version that does it right10:43
larsutsdgeos: I think we did that because design...10:44
tsdgeoslarsu: if the available Qt::DateFormat don't suit you, then yes you'll have to make the string translatable10:44
tsdgeosbut someone from design should be told not to invent time formats10:44
tsdgeosor at least if we're going to invent them10:45
tsdgeoscentralize them on the SDK10:45
larsuright, that makes a lot of sense10:45
larsuthanks for the info10:45
Saviqoh look, I wonder who created a blueprint for that a year ago https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+spec/time-formatter10:47
larsuSaviq: right, this is timeformatter.cpp in unity810:58
larsuSaviq: which already does the automatically-update-when-timezone-changes part10:58
Saviqlarsu, yeah, but shouldn't exist in unity8 at all10:58
larsuSaviq: unity8 is the only consumer of this right now. If we like the API and there's something else that wants to use it, let's move it to the toolkit10:59
larsuapparently we shouldn't yet, because it does the wrong thing with the format10:59
Saviqlarsu, sure, it does some wrong things, and some others - not at all11:00
Saviqlarsu, which is why it's not in the toolkit yet11:00
larsuSaviq: that's what I just said?!11:05
Saviqlarsu, possibly11:05
mzanettido we have a color definition for the popver color in here? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/185198724/launcher_standard-menu.jpg11:06
Saviqmzanetti, UbuntuColors.lightGrey I think?11:12
Saviqmzanetti, actually probably not11:12
Saviqmzanetti, since dash has f5f5f5 hardcoded11:12
Cimitsdgeos, fixed11:13
mzanettiSaviq: no f5f5f5 in UbuntuColors11:14
mzanettilightGrey is 92929211:14
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dandradertsdgeos, do you know/recall what I have to pass to qmake in qtdeclarative-opensource-src-5.3.0 to have the tests built?11:24
tsdgeosso it's developer-build on qtbase11:25
tsdgeosnot sure what in qtdeclarative11:25
tsdgeosdandrader: you can also just go to the folder you want and run qmake11:25
dandradertsdgeos, I mean I did "apt-get souece qtdeclarative-opensource-src;mkdir qtdeclarative-build;cd qtdeclarative-build;qmake CONFIG+=debug ../qtdeclarative-opensource-src-5.3.0"11:27
tsdgeossure now go to tests and just run qmake there11:27
tsdgeosor qmake CONFIG+=debug if you want11:27
dandradertsdgeos, no tests dir in there http://paste.ubuntu.com/8532319/11:28
tsdgeosdandrader: you're on the build dir11:28
tsdgeosyou need to run qmake over the source dir11:28
tsdgeosor do11:28
dandradertsdgeos, I remember there was some magic variable I would pass to the qmake command to have the tests built as well11:28
tsdgeosmkdir test_build11:28
tsdgeosand run qmake there with ../omething/tests11:29
tsdgeosdandrader: there probably is11:29
dandradertsdgeos, it took me quite a bit of research. but it was a while ago and I didn't write it down. so now I forgot it :/11:29
tsdgeosdandrader: anything against just running qmake?11:29
tsdgeosCimi: your merge is quite weird11:30
tsdgeosCimi: shows me changes in .po files11:30
dandradertsdgeos, I don't understand how the separate tests build dir would relate to the lib build dir11:32
dandradertsdgeos, but I will try it :)11:32
dandradertsdgeos, hmm, kinda works. but it only builds a very small percentage of the tests. it's missing the bulk of it, the so called "private tests"11:34
dandradertsdgeos, which are probably the tests that make use of the private apis11:35
dandraderthe search continues....11:35
tsdgeosdandrader: ah right, add private_tests to CONFIG and you should get them11:36
Cimitsdgeos, I redid... maybe was because was based on more things on memory11:41
Cimitsdgeos, nope :\11:42
tsdgeosCimi: have you really merged unity8 and not some other branch?11:42
Cimitsdgeos, how I do now? I download the po for unity8 trunk and overwrite?11:42
tsdgeosCimi: just merge unity8 again :d11:42
tsdgeosor that11:42
Cimitsdgeos, nothing to do :D11:43
Cimitsdgeos, I try to overwrite11:43
mzanettierr... why is there an activityIndactor above all tests now?11:44
mzanettiis that intentional?11:44
tsdgeosmakes them faster11:47
dandradermzanetti, it's to make waitForRendering(window) pass "immediately"11:47
Cimitsdgeos, is fine now!11:47
tsdgeosCimi: good!11:48
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* tsdgeos had an infection of tags13:15
* tsdgeos nukes everything13:15
tsdgeoscareful in case you had been in contact with me branches13:15
Zephyr1139Has anyone else ever encountered an empty desktop with just a mouse cursor after an install of ubuntu 14.04?13:24
tsdgeosSaviq: Cimi: so is https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/flickables-speed-workaround/+merge/237944 something we want for rtm or just unity9?13:30
Cimitsdgeos, rtm13:32
tsdgeosCimi: it has no critical bug linked13:32
Cimitsdgeos, well the toolkit has bug13:33
tsdgeoswell no bug at all13:33
Cimitsdgeos, not unity8...13:33
Cimitsdgeos, but it won't happen for rtm the toolkit13:33
CimiI highly doubt it...13:33
tsdgeosCimi: i'd still want a bug attached to it or something for everything we're going to land for rtm tbh13:36
greybackZephyr1139: that often means that the unity plugin for compiz failed to start. You'd get more help from the folks in #ubuntu-desktop13:37
Cimitsdgeos,  * Are there any related MPs required for this MP to build/function as expected? Please list.13:37
Cimi * Did you perform an exploratory manual test run of your code change and any related functionality?13:37
Cimi * Did you make sure that your branch does not contain spurious tags?13:37
Cimi * If you changed the packaging (debian), did you subscribe the ubuntu-unity team to this MP?13:37
Cimi * If you changed the UI, has there been a design review?13:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1348557 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Make scrolling speed resolution independent" [High,Confirmed]13:37
Cimitsdgeos, if is not rtm, I have to patch few of them...13:39
tsdgeosCimi: why added "import Ubuntu.Components 1.1" ?13:39
Cimitsdgeos, grid unit13:39
tsdgeosCimi: in qml/Dash/ScopesOverviewFavorites.qml ?13:40
tsdgeosbut you're right13:40
tsdgeoswhy did it work?13:40
Cimitsdgeos, did I forget to add it here?13:41
tsdgeosno no13:41
tsdgeosi'm just asking why you added it13:41
tsdgeoswhen it wasn't there before13:41
tsdgeosbut it's right that it's weird it did work before13:41
Cimitsdgeos, because it gets from the parent probably...13:42
Zephyr1139greyback, thanks.  I'll ask there too.13:48
tsdgeosCimi: so your branch changes some of the defined values, i understand the benefit of having teh same everywhere, but those values maybe were there because they were better? what's your opinion13:55
Cimitsdgeos, because who of us wrote then didn't know they could have done them resolution independent13:55
Cimime included (see carousel)13:56
Cimitsdgeos, linked to the bug report14:00
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tsdgeosdednick: can you merge the expanded-panel-design branch?14:11
dednicktsdgeos: moved back to WIP. there are some problems with it still14:12
tsdgeosdednick: ok14:13
Saviqmterry, you know why I had to do more changes to fix the shell PIN test?14:17
mterrySaviq, I understand that the visuals were messed up, yeah.  I'd like my tap() improvements to eventually make it in, but I'm fine with your branch instead.  As long as the test gets fixed14:17
Saviqmterry, already in my MP14:18
Saviqmterry, it's not about the visuals even, it's the fact that it was unreliable still14:18
mterrySaviq, oh then I didn't understand that.  I ran it a bunch and didn't see a failure14:18
Saviqmterry, the popup got messed up, so the button inside it was messed up14:18
Saviqmterry, yeah, well, it worked by chance :)14:18
Saviqmterry, because the Popup tried to anchor.fill the root element14:19
mterrySaviq, sure, and it's a row so it can't14:19
Saviqmterry, but the root element was a Row, that doesn't like anchoring horizontally14:19
mterrySaviq, but why was it clickable at all?14:19
mterrySaviq, I ran in xvfbtest mode, so I didn't see what it looked like14:19
Saviqmterry, well, because it existed, and by chance had some size14:20
Saviqmterry, in try, if you worked through the test, you could see stuff getting broken14:20
Saviqmterry, and in test (no xvfb) the window just disappeared when Popup happened14:20
Saviqjeez what happened with AP? :/14:23
mzanettidon't act like you'd be surprised :P14:24
Saviq@unity: I'm prepping a silo for unity8, qtmir, papi (?), let me know if there's anything that's not top-acked that should go in14:32
mzanettiSaviq: have my launcher-dconf branches?14:32
dandraderSaviq, are you putting touchOwnership there?14:33
Saviqdandrader, it's ACK'ed, so yeah14:33
mzanettiuuhh.. the kraken is about to be relased!14:34
dandraderyou never know, it's a huge one. might have scared you away :)14:34
mzanettiit should!14:34
dandraderSaviq, release the Kraken!14:35
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Saviqlp:~mterry/unity8/greeter-profiles: 0.1.1614:39
mterrySaviq, guh14:40
mterrySaviq, fixed14:40
Saviqlarsu, can you please run http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/unity8/strip-u8-tags.py on your status-icon branch (and any local checkouts of unity8 you might have)14:40
Saviqlp:~mterry/unity8/dbus-race-fix: 0.1.1614:41
Saviqand that's that14:41
mterrySaviq, did that tag sneak into trunk?  I probably missed it on a merge from trunk14:41
mterrySaviq, dbus-race-fix tag deleted14:41
larsuSaviq: can I also just delete the local branches and check them back out?14:42
Saviqmterry, yeah it did14:42
Saviqlarsu, sure you can :)14:42
Saviqlarsu, but the remote one you need to clear14:42
larsuSaviq: cool14:42
larsuSaviq: ah, right14:43
mterrySaviq, bzr has local hook support, right?  Couldn't we whip up a hook to strip tags on push?14:43
mterry(for dev local machines)14:43
Saviqmterry, it doesn't have a push hook14:43
mterryI realize having jenkins do it is harder14:43
Saviqmterry, just a commit hook14:43
mterrySaviq, bummer14:43
Saviqmterry, but yeah, we have a plan for a pre_push script or so14:44
mterrySaviq, even so...  the latest version of strip tags is very fast.  I probably wouldn't particular notice if it was in the commit hook14:44
larsuSaviq: pushing the branch after stripping the tags doesn't seem to work: No new revisions or tags to push.14:44
Saviqlarsu, you need to point the script at the remote branch14:45
Saviqlarsu, bzr doesn't keep history of tags14:45
Saviqlarsu, they're viral14:45
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Saviqwhich is why we're in this state in the first place :|14:45
larsuhow do I do that?14:46
Saviqlarsu, on the command line14:46
larsuah, the script accepts a branch param14:46
Saviqlarsu, yeah, a list14:46
Saviqlarsu, yeah, I know, it should complain if you don't, and it should have a --help, but you know, it was only supposed to live for a week :P14:47
larsuokay, done.14:50
Saviqlarsu, thanks14:50
Saviqtsdgeos, we should bump qtmir in https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/qtmir/UbuntuKeyboardInfoQMLSingleton/+merge/236151 should we not? and depend on it in u8?14:51
Saviqdandrader|afk, when you're back ↑14:51
tsdgeosSaviq: hmmm14:54
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
dandraderSaviq, ok, will do that now14:57
Saviq@unity: here's my list, if something's missing please let me know http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8533419/14:59
mzanettiSaviq: the launcher-dconf one has related in the description... they are not *really* necessary, but would be nice to land together15:01
mterrySaviq, no greeter-profiles?15:02
Saviqmterry, just discussing with ted15:02
Saviqdandrader, sorry, touchOwnership will have to wait for another round, mterry's ↑ branch is ready to go with some indicator changes, and for yours we need to wait for Mir to unblock qtmir15:05
dandraderSaviq bumped qtmir version as requested15:05
dandraderSaviq :-(15:05
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
Saviqdednick, https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/lp1336715.server-value-reassert/+merge/237822/comments/583596 please15:17
Saviqdandrader|afk, and this is fixed by your request, too https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/fix-shellwithpin-test/+merge/23792215:17
dednickSaviq: you mean in the proposal, or in the code?15:17
Saviqdednick, code better15:17
SaviqI knew it15:18
Saviqdandrader|afk, ah you did abstain15:20
Saviqas you were, then15:20
dednickSaviq: done.15:22
Saviqdednick, thanks15:23
dednickalthough my spelling suck. one miunute15:23
Saviqdednick, it does ;)15:23
Saviqdednick, and why 1500, that a magic value that Just Works™? and can't we get a "fuck off" signal from indicators instead and reset the value then?15:24
dednickSaviq: 1500=magic. and no, it would seem that we can't15:25
dednicksince it's just dbus activations15:25
dednicklarsu: is there a hardcoded timeout for unifying the action state change updates into a single signal?15:28
dednicklarsu: re the state change problem we are seeing with activations.15:29
dednicklarsu: as in -> state change true ->false -> true -> false -> true -> false" sends only one signal after x seconds?15:30
Cimihey tedg, can you please help us how to change role for audio? comment #4 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/137892015:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378920 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Synchronous sound notifications pause video" [High,Triaged]15:53
tedgCimi, I think rsalveti is the guy you want.15:53
tedgYou tag the stream in GStreamer, but there may be a Qt API for it as well.15:54
rsalvetiyeah, we can do that on Qt or QML15:54
Cimirsalveti, how? :)15:55
Cimirsalveti, so far, from what I can see in the code, we have just an Audio qml component15:55
tsdgeosmzanetti: something broke in the launcher quicklist with utf chars15:55
rsalvetiaudioRole: MediaPlayer.alert15:56
rsalvetion the Audio component15:56
rsalvetiwe have that on system-settings15:56
tsdgeosi get CA!mara15:56
tsdgeosinstead of Cámara15:56
mzanettitsdgeos: and idea when it happened?15:56
tsdgeosmzanetti: nope :/15:56
mzanettiok. will find out15:56
tedgtsdgeos, We made camera more exciting by adding !15:57
tedgmpt, On your high volume mock up have a "headphones" label in the sound indicator, which we don't do today.15:59
tedgmpt, I mean the label over the slider.15:59
tedgmpt, I don't see that elsewhere in the spec though16:00
mpttedg, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sound#notification16:01
mptThe visual design and wireframe+text aren’t in sync yet, sorry16:01
tedgmpt, Yes, I was meaning on the menu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sound?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=sound-settings-volume-high.phone.png16:02
tedgmpt, Not the notification16:02
mptoh, sorry16:02
Cimirsalveti, do we patch qt?16:03
mpttedg, I’ll need to discuss that with Patti, but tbh that’s a bit down my priority list16:03
tedgmpt, Oh, wait, is that supposed to be a system settings screenshot?16:04
Cimirsalveti, I see this audioRole in system settings, but cannot find the property on qt doc16:04
mpttedg, yes, System Settings16:04
mpttedg, that’s why it continues onto “Phone calls:…” :-)16:05
tedgmpt, So then in the indicator we just need the caption, not the lable.16:05
tedgmpt, Yeah, just noticed that. :-)16:05
tedgK, cool.16:05
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dednicklarsu: hey. know much about g_dbus_action_group_get ? :)17:07
rsalvetiCimi: part of qt multimedia17:20
rsalvetiCimi: if you want to do in qt itself, you can check how that was done in telephony-service17:21
rsalvetiyeah, the api is something we added, not upstream yet17:21
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