
Zephyr1139Has anyone else ever encountered an empty desktop with just a mouse cursor after an install of ubuntu 14.04?13:27
jasonjangit's my case, a few Hrs ago.13:28
joeyjasonjang: yes17:43
joeyjasonjang: it happens a lot when you upgrade using parallels17:43
joeythere are a few different ways to fix it... it depends on if you are using parallels or not17:44
joeyif so, change /etc/X11/xorg.conf back to the default17:44
joeyif not, first try nuking xorg.conf (by backing it up)  if that doesn't work your gconf settings in your home directory are corrupt17:45
joeyyou will probably have to nuke .cache and .gnome*17:45
jasonjangok, THX 2 much.17:45
jasonjangok, THX 2 much.  joey  ^^17:45
joeyoh and .compiz*17:45
joeythe xorg.org with parallels is a parallels issue, not ubuntu17:46
joeythe others are problems with the way compiz and gnome work17:46
joeyapparently 14.10 has had some issues.  http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-14-10-breakage-breakage-everywhere/1914/11?u=joey17:55

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