ejat | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8536417/ | 00:59 |
ejat | is it plasma-desktop olde package? | 00:59 |
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lordievader | Good morning. | 08:13 |
mendred | hi - can i just check where i can log bugs found on plasma next? | 08:37 |
bshah | mendred: https://bugs.kde.org/ | 08:40 |
bshah | for general plasma desktop issue select plasmashell product | 08:40 |
mendred | thanks! | 08:40 |
bshah | make sure to check for duplicates.. ;) | 08:41 |
mendred | yes will do | 08:46 |
mendred | i dont think there is a duplicate bug logged - my kubuntu next desktop seems to be using the gtk2 theme for kf5 apps like systemsettings5 (kde4/qt4 apps use the kde application style i.e. breeze) - currently working around it by using qtcurve for both kde app style and gtk2 | 08:49 |
BluesKaj | hi all | 12:21 |
Antisound | hi folkz | 13:05 |
Antisound | Riddell: can you tell me why the kmenu editor in plasma5 doesn't work? | 13:05 |
bshah | guys is this some packaging issue? can you guys look into it? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=339800 | 16:51 |
ubottu | KDE bug 339800 in general "Trash widget - Cannot empty trash using context menu" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 16:51 |
bshah | (last comment) | 16:53 |
Riddell | bshah: please e-mail me , jr@jriddell .org | 17:05 |
Riddell | or e-mail the kubuntu-devel list if you're on it | 17:05 |
BluesKaj | is there a quicklaunch widget in the works for plasma 5 desktop? | 18:57 |
genii | Bah. Accidentally removed the speaker/kmix off my panel and cannot find now any kind of sound widget | 20:53 |
genii | Ah, right, System Tray | 20:58 |
genii | I'm not sure why today it wanted to install all these libmir things. http://paste.ubuntu.com/8541934/ | 21:21 |
genii | ( I have only Kubuntu on this install) | 21:21 |
valorie | scary | 21:30 |
genii | There must have been some dependency changes or something. I have Recommends off. And not sure why it also suddenly thinks I need nvidia-prime when I don't have one of those hybrid cards. | 21:33 |
valorie | nvidia-prime seems toxic | 21:34 |
valorie | everyone seems to have trouble with it | 21:35 |
genii | Is there any way to find out all the packages to which a specific package is a dependency of? | 21:35 |
valorie | oh, the bot knows | 21:35 |
valorie | how to ask though | 21:35 |
valorie | !find packagename maybe | 21:36 |
ubottu | maybe is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed | 21:36 |
valorie | heh | 21:36 |
valorie | or maybe not | 21:36 |
valorie | !depends packagename | 21:36 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about depends packagename | 21:36 |
debfx | genii: apt-cache --installed --no-conflicts --no-breaks --no-replaces --no-enhances --no-suggests rdepends <pkg> | 21:37 |
valorie | !depends nvidia-prime trusty | 21:37 |
ubottu | valorie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 21:37 |
debfx | the output is not really nice and you need all those options but it works | 21:38 |
genii | debfx: Thanks | 21:38 |
jussi | right, so first KF5 grumble | 21:39 |
jussi | when watching fullscreen youtube, screen lock comes on after x minutes | 21:40 |
valorie | file a bug | 21:41 |
jussi | yes yes, but that doesnt mean I cant have a grumble here! :D | 21:42 |
valorie | wow, I should say that in harald's voice | 21:42 |
valorie | lol | 21:42 |
genii | Looks like it comes down to that libmircommon2 trails back to libgtk-3-0 which lists some packages I do have installed. But why today it suddenly decides I need this? | 21:43 |
genii | ( when yesterday I didn't) | 21:43 |
debfx | genii: my guess is you had libmirclient7 already installed and it just transitioned to the new soname libmirclient8 | 21:47 |
debfx | anyway it's just a small library so not really worth spending time on | 21:47 |
genii | Hm. | 21:48 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: dpkg: warning: libkf5sysguard5-data: conffile 'etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.kde.ksysguard.processlisthelper.conf' is not a plain file or symlink (= '/etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.kde.ksysguard.processlisthelper.conf') | 22:39 |
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