goodjobopers | incest is best - put your sister to the test | 00:22 |
apb1963 | How can I change file associations for the browser, so that I get a different browser to come up when I click on a downloaded file? | 00:32 |
apb1963 | kubuntu 14.04 | 00:32 |
reepeecheep | Hello, I have a problem when play a mkv video, is lag and pixel gray screen, Only occurss with VLC | 00:58 |
reepeecheep | Some idea?? | 01:00 |
reepeecheep | Sorry 4 my eng | 01:00 |
rimminen | Miten tällä konversationilla pääsee quakenettii tietylle kanavalle, ensimmäistä kertaa tälläisen kyydissä | 01:16 |
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M1keHoax | Good evening all! Can anyone help me set up Kubuntu 14 to watch netflix? | 03:56 |
jfd5te | I don't have a netflix subscription, but I saw this posted today: | 04:00 |
goodjobopers | incest is best - put your sister to the test | 04:05 |
maysara | Hello, I get this error when I open muon "Opening /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list - ifstream::ifstream (13: Permission denied)" then the program closes | 04:05 |
buriedalive | maysara open in the terminal | 04:07 |
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maysara | buriedalive: It only opens with sudo | 04:09 |
buriedalive | typing - muon | 04:11 |
maysara | buriedalive: opened now without sudo. Thanks | 04:12 |
buriedalive | not at all ;) | 04:14 |
maysara | Is there a way to force the windows to open in the center of the screen instead of the corners? | 04:16 |
buriedalive | u may | 04:16 |
buriedalive | sudo apt-get install --reinstall muon | 04:17 |
buriedalive | apt-get better aptitude | 04:17 |
buriedalive | tryin | 04:18 |
buriedalive | and say to | 04:18 |
buriedalive | I not use muon, terminal only | 04:20 |
buriedalive | it so hard for me) | 04:21 |
maysara | buriedalive: I was talking generally about any window | 04:23 |
buriedalive | maysara no no, trying | 04:24 |
buriedalive | I sure | 04:24 |
buriedalive | u try? | 04:26 |
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=== TheFakeazneD525 is now known as libreSSL | ||
ochiottes | hi there | 06:48 |
ochiottes | is there a problem with the 14.10 beta2 image with plasma5? | 06:49 |
libreSSL | there have been reports | 06:49 |
ochiottes | after the install it takes five minutes and longer to start up | 06:49 |
ochiottes | ah, thank you | 06:49 |
ochiottes | where would i find those reports? | 06:50 |
libreSSL | er... im not sure :c | 06:51 |
libreSSL | but, people have been reporting problems with Plasma 5 | 06:52 |
ochiottes | is there a virtual package to pull in a full kde4? | 06:58 |
ochiottes | where would i find those reports? | 07:09 |
ochiottes | libreSSL: i forgot something: fuck you and your fucking autistic attitude | 07:25 |
libreSSL | wat | 07:25 |
libreSSL | ??? | 07:25 |
libreSSL | wow, rude | 07:26 |
libreSSL | huh | 07:27 |
libreSSL | doesn't share any channels with me... | 07:27 |
valorie | geez | 07:37 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 08:13 |
MoonUnit` | debating if i should install 14.10 today, it's pretty close to release, it should be reasonably stable shouldn't it? | 09:02 |
lordievader | MoonUnit`: Still it is a development release and therefore is not recommended to install it right now. | 09:03 |
MoonUnit` | will 20 days make a difference though, not sure. | 09:03 |
lordievader | MoonUnit`: It can still break, like I said it is a development release. | 09:04 |
MoonUnit` | so tempting though ;) | 09:04 |
lordievader | Unless you are prepared to have breakage on your hands don't install and run a development release. | 09:04 |
MoonUnit` | repos get hammered on release day | 09:05 |
valorie | MoonUnit`: install if you want to test | 09:05 |
valorie | please don't if you want stability | 09:06 |
valorie | some folks are using it daily | 09:06 |
MoonUnit` | currently running it in vmware | 09:06 |
valorie | some are still encountering difficulty | 09:06 |
valorie | please file bugs when you find 'em | 09:06 |
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MoonUnit` | yeah caja won't run without adding --sync | 09:07 |
hyper_ch | hi there, how do I get KF 5 in Kubuntu 14.10? and can KDE 4 and KF 5 run together? | 09:34 |
lordievader | hyper_ch: In Utopic they cannot. Use the kubuntu-next ppa to install Plasma5. | 09:36 |
lordievader | hyper_ch: But be warned, it is still very new and not quite suited for daily use. | 09:36 |
hyper_ch | lordievader: so no kde 4 and kf5 together? | 09:36 |
lordievader | hyper_ch: Not on Utopic. By the by, kde4 has been renamed to Plasma4. | 09:37 |
lordievader | hyper_ch: | 09:37 |
hyper_ch | all this different naming makes things really confusing | 09:38 |
hyper_ch | why would kde4 be renamed to plasma4... just doesn't make much sense IMHO | 09:38 |
lordievader | hyper_ch: It does if you look at Plasma5, but Riddell can explain this better. | 09:39 |
hyper_ch | just upgrading from 14.04 to 14.10... but made hotcopy first | 09:39 |
hyper_ch | kde is kde is kde... has been kde for a long time... so I fail to see why there's now Plasma 4 and Plasma 5 | 09:39 |
valorie | kde is the community | 09:40 |
valorie | plasma has been plasma for a long time | 09:40 |
libreSSL | There's KDE SC 4, and KDE Plasma 5 | 09:40 |
valorie | the old branding wasn't working | 09:40 |
valorie | the new branding isn't totally working yet either | 09:41 |
hyper_ch | better just stick to kde | 09:41 |
jussi | kde ma<rketing is very poor atm... | 09:41 |
hyper_ch | jussi: you imply the marketing was good at some point | 09:42 |
jussi | and we should go to offtopic perhaps | 09:42 |
valorie | hyper_ch: help in marketing always welcome as well | 09:44 |
hyper_ch | I don't believe in marketing | 09:44 |
lordievader | valorie: I suppose help in general is welcome ;) | 09:44 |
valorie | pretty much | 09:45 |
hyper_ch | marketing = how to trick people into getting somethign they don't want/need | 09:45 |
valorie | well, promo | 09:45 |
valorie | trickery is something else altogether | 09:45 |
valorie | but jussi is right, lets take this to #kubuntu-offtopic | 09:46 |
hyper_ch | no thx, I don't like OT channels... I fail to see their use | 09:46 |
hyper_ch | anyway, thx for the help | 09:46 |
lordievader | Hmm, okay. | 09:46 |
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libreSSL | clamav warning thing lel: WARNING: Local version: 0.98.1 Recommended version: 0.98.4 | 10:06 |
libreSSL | how to request an update to be pushed to the repos? | 10:06 |
lordievader | libreSSL: File a wishlist bug. But may I ask why you are running clamav? | 10:10 |
libreSSL | safe computing practicies | 10:11 |
libreSSL | *practices | 10:11 |
libreSSL | just because I'm on linux doesn't mean i shouldn't run an antivirus | 10:11 |
lordievader | For Linux running an antivirus is a waste of CPU cycles. | 10:11 |
lordievader | Unless it is a server serving files to Windows hosts. | 10:12 |
libreSSL | the only thing continuously running is freshclam | 10:12 |
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BluesKaj | hi all | 12:21 |
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=== PasNox_ is now known as PasNox | ||
=== PasNox_ is now known as PasNox | ||
amacuser99 | hey all burned kubuntu i386 iso to dvd .. but mac rejects it | 13:50 |
amacuser99 | any ideas? | 13:51 |
lordievader | amacuser99: How did you create them? | 13:51 |
lordievader | And did you verify the md5sum? | 13:51 |
amacuser99 | ImgBurn to burn ISO | 13:52 |
amacuser99 | yeah it runs on my PC system | 13:52 |
amacuser99 | I mean its booting into Kubuntu on PC | 13:53 |
lordievader | Your mac is capable of booting a i386 kernel? | 13:53 |
amacuser99 | it boots 32bit if that's what you mean | 13:53 |
lordievader | Yes. | 13:54 |
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lordievader | amacuser99: Do you get anything at all or does it just reboot? | 13:55 |
amacuser99 | no ... it just spits it out the superdrive | 13:57 |
lordievader | amacuser99: Sounds like it cannot even read the disk. Perhaps you can try a live-usb. | 13:57 |
amacuser99 | btw I seem to have deleted the mac os setup good point | 13:58 |
amacuser99 | I might have a tiger disk lying around... but do i really need an osx to install linux? | 13:58 |
lordievader | I don't think so. But I have no experience with Macs. | 13:59 |
amacuser99 | Any link for Live USB? | 13:59 |
lordievader | | 14:00 |
amacuser99 | ok. | 14:01 |
amacuser99 | any parameters for Mac format? | 14:01 |
lordievader | amacuser99: Like I said I don't have experience with Macs. | 14:02 |
amacuser99 | still no bootup from usb | 14:12 |
amacuser99 | any idea how can I format gpt to mbr using some rescue disk | 14:12 |
lordievader | amacuser99: If you can get it to boot, most live-cds carry parted. | 14:15 |
amacuser99 | any specific small disk image? coz kubuntu ain't spinnin' | 14:16 |
lordievader | Err, Gentoo's live-cd ain't very large. | 14:17 |
amacuser99 | Ok.. I'm gonna try a persistent EFI loader | 14:22 |
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amacuser99 | :) | 14:22 |
nanard47 | bonjour | 15:35 |
lordievader | !fr | nanard47 | 15:36 |
ubottu | nanard47: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 15:36 |
DrSkyLizard | Does anyone know how can I prevent events showing up in the calendar? (the Display events checkbox is unticked and events are still showen Inside Digital Clock Settings -> Calendar -> Display events) | 15:42 |
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klebezettel | hi there; I would like to use kmymoney in german; I've installed language-pack-kde-de and kde-l10n-de and started kmymoney via "LANG_ALL=de_DE@euro kmymoney"...but the interface is still in english - any hint what to do? | 19:29 |
=== Blank is now known as XerX | ||
XerX | Hi | 19:51 |
XerX | I need some help please | 19:51 |
bprompt | !ask | 19:51 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 19:51 |
XerX | ah alright sorry | 19:54 |
XerX | So I have installed Kubuntu and I cannot seem to get my bamboo tablet to work correctly. | 19:54 |
XerX | The OS picks up what Im doing, but my mouse wont follow the tablet | 19:54 |
bprompt | !wacom | XerX | 19:58 |
bprompt | hmm | 19:58 |
bprompt | XerX: maybe | 19:58 |
XerX | hm? | 19:58 |
XerX | I just nstalled the latest driver...I think | 19:58 |
bprompt | XerX: maybe some settings are disabled methinks under > system settings > input devices ? | 20:00 |
XerX | If it helps, Im using a Bamboo Pen and Touch Wacom Tablet, | 20:00 |
XerX | And I checked all of the settings, and there is nothing that has to do with 'Following the cursor' | 20:01 |
XerX | also | 20:02 |
bprompt | hmmm dunno.... haven't done much configuring on wacom tablets yet | 20:03 |
XerX | sudo apt-get install wacom-dkms comes up with "E: Unable to locate package wacom-dkms" | 20:03 |
bprompt | XerX: is a ppa you need to add, thus | 20:03 |
XerX | whats a ppa? | 20:03 |
bprompt | XerX: read the under the heading "Using A Package Archive" | 20:04 |
XerX | I have just done all of those steps | 20:04 |
XerX | before hand | 20:04 |
bprompt | did you do an "update" after adding the ppa and all... the package should show up then | 20:05 |
XerX | W: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. | 20:05 |
XerX | yes | 20:05 |
XerX | I did an update | 20:05 |
bprompt | well... seems the ppa never installed anyhow.... though the tablet is working.... just not following the mouse... hmmm dunno.... sounds like a config in tablet itself | 20:06 |
XerX | That cannot be though, as it works just fine on a Windows and a Mac. | 20:07 |
XerX | Why wouldnt it work on a Linux? | 20:07 |
XerX | also on another note, It has worked with Ubuntu | 20:08 |
XerX | in the past at least | 20:08 |
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Guest21335 | hi | 20:34 |
Guest21335 | i have aproblem with | 20:34 |
Guest21335 | apache2 | 20:34 |
Guest21335 | my site is working but the peoples no more to enter it | 20:35 |
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XerX | oh | 20:43 |
XerX | I have fixed it! | 20:43 |
XerX | haha | 20:43 |
lordievader | Guest21335: Do you mean people can not access it? | 20:47 |
Guest21335 | 403 forribiden | 20:48 |
Guest21335 | but | 20:48 |
Guest21335 | the server its working | 20:48 |
Guest21335 | bor | 20:48 |
Guest21335 | bro | 20:48 |
Guest21335 | beause its service | 20:48 |
Guest21335 | :D | 20:48 |
Guest21335 | and | 20:48 |
Guest21335 | working | 20:48 |
lordievader | !enter | Guest21335 | 20:49 |
Guest21335 | !enter | 20:50 |
Guest21335 | what | 20:50 |
Guest21335 | :? | 20:50 |
Guest21335 | its a simple owncloud service | 20:50 |
Guest21335 | :D | 20:50 |
lordievader | Hmm, seems to be removed. Anyhow, no need to hit enter after each word. Irc is quite capable of handling entire sentences. | 20:51 |
lordievader | Guest21335: Anyhow, a 403 sounds like a misconfiguration. | 20:51 |
Guest21335 | think to - the folder rights | 20:51 |
Guest21335 | because | 20:51 |
Guest21335 | :x | 20:51 |
Guest21335 | dont have a - view access | 20:51 |
Guest21335 | idont know | 20:51 |
Guest21335 | its now alloed | 20:51 |
bprompt | erorr 403 is just a permissions setting.... maybe in either httpd.conf or some other .conf file or in an .htaccess file inside the directory, but I"d assume that'd be for #apache or so | 20:51 |
lordievader | ^ that or #ubuntu-server. | 20:52 |
bprompt | Guest21335: there's no extra charge for using more than 10chars per line, feel free to use as many as you can cram | 20:52 |
Guest21335 | Access forbidden! | 20:52 |
Guest21335 | thaht the erooe | 20:52 |
Guest21335 | thaht the eroor* | 20:52 |
bprompt | Guest21335: that's webserver permission settings though, no OS's per se | 20:53 |
Guest21335 | i have a kubuntu lts 14.o4 | 20:53 |
bprompt | !paste | Guest21335 if you wish to paste 20 10chars line -> | 20:53 |
ubottu | Guest21335 if you wish to paste 20 10chars line ->: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 20:53 |
lordievader | Guest21335: Still, either #apache or #ubuntu-server would be better fit for your config issue. | 20:54 |
Guest21335 | thank you | 20:54 |
Guest21335 | if have a apache chanel | 20:54 |
bprompt | Guest21335: yeap... any of the .conf files for the httpd or an .htaccess inside the folder with the 403 | 20:55 |
lordievader | Reading the logs will likely also help. | 20:55 |
Guest21335 | ha aha | 20:55 |
Guest21335 | but | 20:55 |
Guest21335 | its | 20:55 |
Guest21335 | and | 20:55 |
Guest21335 | i olso | 20:55 |
Guest21335 | having a problem with terminal | 20:55 |
Guest21335 | - grafic output -calling Konsole | 20:56 |
lordievader | Please dont use your enter key instead of the period key. | 20:56 |
Guest21335 | aha | 20:58 |
Guest21335 | sory verry much i just writing and pressing :d and flooding :d | 20:59 |
=== Primo is now known as Primo37 | ||
Guest21335 | iwant to purge the | 22:18 |
Guest21335 | apache | 22:18 |
Guest21335 | package | 22:18 |
Guest21335 | how purge | 22:19 |
Guest21335 | :? | 22:19 |
Guest21335 | in terminal:? | 22:19 |
Guest21335 | wich comand must i usre | 22:19 |
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight | ||
Guest21335 | phpmyadmin | 22:36 |
Guest21335 | not working | 22:36 |
Guest21335 | why | 22:36 |
Guest21335 | helo me | 22:36 |
valorie | Guest21335: sudo apt-get purge apache (if that is the name of the package) | 22:36 |
Guest21335 | thank you valorie | 22:38 |
Guest21335 | iwas reinstalled the server | 22:38 |
Guest21335 | but stuped phpmyadmin not workinb | 22:38 |
Guest21335 | iwas preinstaling the my-sql but not workig | 22:38 |
Guest21335 | d | 22:38 |
valorie | this is really not a kubuntu issue | 22:38 |
Guest21335 | yes | 22:39 |
Guest21335 | okay | 22:39 |
Guest21335 | can i use the xcfe on kubuntu | 22:39 |
Guest21335 | and ho | 22:39 |
Guest21335 | and how:? | 22:39 |
valorie | you'll have much better luck in the proper channel | 22:39 |
valorie | `sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop` | 22:39 |
valorie | you can use that *instead of* kubuntu | 22:40 |
valorie | not ON kubuntu | 22:40 |
Guest21335 | haa | 22:40 |
Guest21335 | aha | 22:40 |
valorie | kubuntu=KDE, while xubuntu=xcfe | 22:40 |
Guest21335 | but if i want more to install all - gnome-kde-xffe - and more | 22:41 |
Guest21335 | but if i want more to install all - gnome-kde-xffe - and more? | 22:41 |
Guest21335 | that is cool | 22:41 |
Guest21335 | :D | 22:41 |
Guest21335 | and if you want more to use the console method :d | 22:41 |
valorie | it's the same for gnome `sudo apt install gnome-desktop` | 22:42 |
valorie | you can use any application with any desktop, within reason | 22:42 |
valorie | your system might get pretty muddied with lots of different desktops, however | 22:43 |
valorie | since they all come with dependencies | 22:43 |
valorie | some of which possibly will conflict | 22:43 |
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Guest2846 | sorry | 22:46 |
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