Nothing_Much | OMG Nvidia's gonna support Mir 100%! | 02:36 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 08:14 |
elfy | hey lordievader | 08:19 |
lordievader | Morning elfy, how are you doing? | 08:20 |
elfy | good thanks - watching the world go by today though - how are you? | 08:20 |
lordievader | Having breakfast and coffee, can't complain. | 08:22 |
vitimiti | Hi | 09:23 |
lordievader | Good morning vitimiti, how are you doing? | 09:25 |
vitimiti | Hi, lordievader, fine, thanks :) | 09:25 |
=== kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1 | ||
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk | ||
BluesKaj | hi all | 12:21 |
knittl | hi guys. anybody else using gnome 3.14 from gnome-staging ppa? | 16:49 |
knittl | gnome-shell won't start since 3 days ago :( | 16:50 |
knittl | but I'm not finding any evidence on the internet that this is happening to anybody else | 16:51 |
knittl | how can I find out why gnome-shell fails to come up? | 16:51 |
knittl | where is everyone? | 17:23 |
dreamcat4 | hi. any chance we can have a way to re-install grub / re-scan boot partitions from the .ISO ? | 17:34 |
dreamcat4 | the installer seems to do that. i mean for to repair a bad grub (so not to have to re-install the whole ubuntu OS again) | 17:35 |
dreamcat4 | many thanks for any consideration | 17:35 |
lordievader | knittl: Is your ~/.xsession-errors filled with errors? | 17:38 |
lordievader | dreamcat4: That is already possible, just invoke the installed manually. | 17:38 |
dreamcat4 | lordievader: sorry, can you please clarify? That would be very useful to me right now | 17:39 |
knittl | lordievader: no, not really. although it has errors (not sure if related to this very problem) | 17:39 |
knittl | openConnection: connect: No such file or directory and cannot connect to brltty at :0 | 17:40 |
lordievader | dreamcat4: Load a live-cd/usb, mount /boot run "sudo grub-install --boot-directory=<mount-point-of-/boot> /dev/<your-drive> | 17:40 |
lordievader | knittl: It is able to start X (after login). | 17:41 |
dreamcat4 | thanks lordievader! but will that re-scan my HDD for the windows and linux boot partitions and create a new grub.cfg ? | 17:41 |
lordievader | dreamcat4: Hmm, for that you can also use update-grub2, but yes. | 17:42 |
knittl | lordievader: I guess … no mouse yesterday, but mouse today. I can start firefox from tty with DISPLAY=:0 firefox | 17:42 |
knittl | but without window decorations | 17:43 |
knittl | so it looks like that gnome-shell or gtk is not running properly | 17:43 |
lordievader | knittl: Surely sounds like that. | 17:43 |
lordievader | Unfortunately I don't have any experience with Gnome3. | 17:43 |
knittl | alright. thanks anyway | 17:44 |
dreamcat4 | lordievader: will that install grub onto my existing MBR partition ? i don't want to muck windows up | 17:45 |
knittl | dreamcat4: you said you wanted to re-install grub | 17:46 |
lordievader | dreamcat4: Yes, well part will go the the MBR. How else do you want to do it? | 17:48 |
lordievader | dreamcat4: Are you running Utopic? | 17:48 |
dreamcat4 | lordievader: no that's fine. i'm just being paranoid i guess | 17:48 |
dreamcat4 | recently upgraded from 14.04 -> 14.10. by usb key is still 14.04 though | 17:49 |
lordievader | dreamcat4: Running a development release might not be the best option for you. | 17:50 |
dreamcat4 | hibernate mode is why. that didn't work properly for me on 14.04 LTS | 17:51 |
lordievader | Not to be offensive, but installing/updating a bootmanager is, i.m.o., part of the basic skill set you need if you are going to run a development release. | 17:51 |
dreamcat4 | don't worry i'll be ok. to rephase my original suggestion - maybe provide a graphical way to run those 'grub-install' or 'update-grub2' commands | 18:05 |
dreamcat4 | you know, for noobs and people like me who aren't as knowledgable | 18:05 |
dreamcat4 | because when i go to this web page: | 18:06 |
dreamcat4 | the recommended graphical boot-repair tool is A) 3rd party download B) didn't work anymore | 18:06 |
lordievader | Pff, no idea. I trust CLI tools more anyways. | 18:07 |
knittl | dreamcat4: gui tools are rarely available when it comes down to system and boot level stuff | 18:14 |
knittl | using dev releases and "there should be a gui tool for noobs" doesn't go well together :) | 18:14 |
lordievader | +1 | 18:15 |
dreamcat4 | sorry - i'm not sure why my suggestion is a bad one. clearly i've had massive issues today | 18:15 |
lordievader | dreamcat4: What issues? | 18:16 |
dreamcat4 | just getting grub re-installed / repaired. i'm not the only guy who has had these sorts of problems either | 18:17 |
knittl | how did your grub get broken? | 18:18 |
lordievader | dreamcat4: You are running a development release, breakage is to be expected. Besided when you aare running a development release repairing grub should be a piece of cake, else don't run a development release. | 18:18 |
dreamcat4 | i think next month it's going to be released, right ? | 18:19 |
knittl | yes | 18:19 |
knittl | but right now it's still in development | 18:19 |
dreamcat4 | so i downloaded the nightly ISO, will re-install from scratch. problem solved. | 18:20 |
dreamcat4 | then upgrade it next month to the proper release | 18:20 |
knittl | I don't understand what you are trying to achieve | 18:20 |
ObrienDave | neither does he | 18:20 |
dreamcat4 | well a re-install from scratch will find again my windows boot partition - so at least i will be able to boot back into windows again | 18:21 |
lordievader | Nighlty still sounds like development. | 18:21 |
lordievader | Nightly* | 18:21 |
dreamcat4 | b/c hibernation doesn't work on 14.04... | 18:21 |
ObrienDave | dreamcat4, do you have a swap partition? | 18:22 |
lordievader | dreamcat4: Did you investigate why it didn't work? | 18:22 |
knittl | dreamcat4: but since you have already installed it, why don't you just re-install grub? | 18:22 |
dreamcat4 | i believe it's just a lot easier way since ubuntu doesn't have any official grub-repair tool | 18:24 |
dreamcat4 | i know that grub didn't work because my 'grub.cfg' file disappeared entirely | 18:24 |
knittl | dreamcat4: I assume with "any official grub-repair tool", you mean a graphical one? because the official canonical way to repair grub is to simply reinstall it with "update-grub" | 18:25 |
penguin42 | dreamcat4: Is your /boot full? | 18:26 |
dreamcat4 | knittl: doesn't work from usb key. there's a web page about it. i got the same error message as other people on serverfault | 18:26 |
dreamcat4 | too much hassle | 18:26 |
knittl | sure it works from usb key. I've done it multiple times in the past | 18:26 |
dreamcat4 | penguin42: no it's probably fine. but since i have to *move* my linux partition anyways i might aswell install fresh | 18:26 |
penguin42 | dreamcat4: OK, it's just not uncommon on Ubuntu to sometimes fill /boot if you have a separate one and that generally causes chaos | 18:27 |
lordievader | dreamcat4: What was the exact command you used to try and repair your grub? | 18:28 |
dreamcat4 | lordievader: sorry i've since rebooted 14.04 usb key. so can't go back to check up on which cmds i used | 18:29 |
knittl | let's see if ppa-purge fixes my gnome mess | 18:29 |
knittl | dreamcat4: sure, you could mount your home partition and look at the contents of your .bash_history file | 18:29 |
dreamcat4 | well.. i'm also about to overwrite that usb key with a 14.10 desktop ISO img | 18:30 |
dreamcat4 | knittl: and not sure if i can mount ext /home on mac os x ? | 18:30 |
dreamcat4 | well - maybe with some 3rd party tool or something | 18:31 |
lordievader | dreamcat4: Again I advice against installing Utopic at this time, wait a month for it to be released. | 18:32 |
knittl | you are running a live system, right? so you can mount your partition. and before you said something about windows. I'm very confused about your system configuration | 18:32 |
ObrienDave | in about 2.5 weeks | 18:32 |
dreamcat4 | anyway, lordievader this was the error i got: | 18:32 |
dreamcat4 | it's a common enough issue from the usb stick | 18:33 |
knittl | I don't have a graphical environment right now, I cannot click your link | 18:33 |
lordievader | knittl: elinks!!! | 18:33 |
dreamcat4 | knittl: curl , wget :) | 18:33 |
knittl | lordievader: yeah, I used elinks a lot to search for bugreports | 18:33 |
knittl | but I don't have a screen instance running, so it's very annoying to get that link into my elinks | 18:34 |
lordievader | Debootstrapping is made a whole lot harder if you cannot pull in that one meta package that pulls in all the necessary bits... :( | 18:35 |
knittl | besides, I want to fix my own problems first :) | 18:35 |
labsin | Does anyone know since when systemd was the default in Utopic? | 19:08 |
labsin | or why it runs on the latest daily image | 19:10 |
knittl | wooohooo, I think I fixed it | 19:12 |
knittl | after purging all ppas | 19:12 |
knittl | and rebooting several times :] | 19:12 |
knittl | labsin: afaik utopic still runs on upstart | 19:12 |
labsin | knittl, I just did a new install and when I do 'ps -aux | grep systemd' I get: /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd --daemon and /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd --daemon | 19:13 |
knittl | labsin: what does ls -ld /sbin/init print? | 19:14 |
labsin | upstart | 19:14 |
knittl | so it still uses upstart as init system. no idea what systemd-udevd is for | 19:15 |
labsin | nevermind then | 19:15 |
labsin | My desktop stopped booting and I saw a bunch of systemd lines in syslog | 19:16 |
knittl | labsin: ubuntu gnome? | 19:17 |
labsin | knittl, No standard | 19:17 |
knittl | hm. no idea then. my gnome started working two days back | 19:18 |
labsin | I had to reïnstall. It was something with the graphics. On a fresh install, it still doesn't boot on the mesa drivers :S only on fglrx | 19:18 |
knittl | nice touch on that reïnstall :] | 19:18 |
labsin | knittl, Sorry, it's in my local language :) | 19:19 |
knittl | I like it! (and it makes sense) | 19:20 |
labsin | I now installed with btrfs and install apt-btrfs-snapshot to see if it could come handy sometime | 19:20 |
labsin | Anyone know what package the aditional packages installantion in system settings is from? | 19:57 |
labsin | Cause it doesn't remove fglrx-updates-core when switching to xorg drivers | 19:58 |
genii | Not sure why but latest dist-upgrade wanted to install a crapload of libmir things even though I have only Kubuntu installed. | 19:59 |
labsin | anyone else that can't login with radeon drivers (I think after the mesa update) | 21:12 |
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