xnox | go for it | 00:03 |
infinity | YokoZar: How safe is the ~ubuntu-wine PPA? I'm considering taking 1.7 for a test drive, but don't want to blow anything up. :P | 00:30 |
infinity | Meh, you only live once... | 00:32 |
Logan_ | Laney: would it be possible to get gtk+2.0 2.24.24 into utopic? | 01:36 |
Logan_ | er, 2.24.25 | 01:36 |
Logan_ | it has a pretty critical bugfix | 01:36 |
Logan_ | oh nvm it looks like you backported the fix from the new release | 01:37 |
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SpamapS | cjwatson: Thanks for any time you can spend. I'll ask the author. I believe it is indeed reproducable in a VM. | 04:37 |
=== timrc is now known as timrc-afk | ||
=== doko_ is now known as doko | ||
=== BruceMa_ is now known as BruceMa | ||
=== timrc-afk is now known as timrc | ||
Bluefoxicy | Are there any barriers to packaging the Android SDK in Ubuntu Universe or Multiverse? | 15:40 |
hallyn | goodwill: I was afk friday, am traveling today/tomorrow, sorry. pls feel free to subscribe me to the bug if there's a bug you're working with. | 19:00 |
goodwill | hallyn: hello | 19:01 |
goodwill | hallyn: ppetraki recommended I talk to you | 19:01 |
hallyn | but really i've not touched multipath since about precise time. but i don't htink anyone else has either, so i'm happy to take a look monday afternoon | 19:01 |
goodwill | hallyn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/1004243 | 19:02 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1004243 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "multipath installs not working" [High,Confirmed] | 19:02 |
goodwill | hallyn: its been kinda open for 2 years, it seems multipath installs are broken | 19:02 |
goodwill | hallyn: I've been trying to debug, but for now I am just learning about debian installer | 19:03 |
hallyn | have you pinged cjwatson? (though i gather he's also traveling or something) | 19:03 |
hallyn | goodwill: ok let's chat on monday | 19:03 |
goodwill | hallyn: I have not | 19:03 |
goodwill | hallyn: thank you for your response | 19:03 |
goodwill | hallyn: let's chat monday | 19:03 |
goodwill | :) | 19:03 |
goodwill | hallyn: fwiw, I am happy to help test, I got the hardware ... but right now I am monkey with a gun when trying to figure it out | 19:04 |
hallyn | goodwill: awesome, i have no hardware, so that'll be immensely helpful | 19:05 |
hallyn | thanks - talk to you then | 19:05 |
hallyn | (i'll be at the mercy of linuxcon's network, so hopefully it goes well) | 19:05 |
infinity | hallyn: Poke me about that bug when you see me in Germany, it looks suspiciously like it might be my bug. | 21:27 |
infinity | hallyn: (The multipath one) | 21:28 |
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