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darkxst | ricotz, hey, I suppose you have seen already, but if not have copied in a bunch of Noskcaj merges for 3,12 too gnome3 | 07:30 |
darkxst | berglh, hey, sorry was pretty busy yesterday, if you around over the next few hours can chat more about contributing ;) | 07:32 |
berglh | darkxst: no worries, i've got an irssi instance running on my server continuously, i tune in when i can | 08:06 |
berglh | i should probaby setup some logging | 08:06 |
ricotz | darkxst, hi, nice :), would be great to get the 3.12.x bit in the trusty-staging pocket as well | 08:23 |
darkxst | ricotz, well I could copy it across, though seems a little redundant having it in both | 08:56 |
ricotz | darkxst, i mean the 3.12.x utopic packages which are not in trusty-staging yet | 08:57 |
darkxst | ricotz, hmm yeh, that make sense | 08:57 |
darkxst | berglh, so probably the best place to start is helping with packaging GNOME 3.14 for gnome3-team ppa's | 09:00 |
darkxst | berglh, http://phillw.net/ubuntu-gnome/utopic314.html | 09:00 |
darkxst | ricotz, pretty busy painting this weekend, but I will try and get to that aometime in the next few days. or feel free to copy them over ;) | 09:10 |
berglh | darkxst: cool, what do the highlighted package versions indicate? | 09:13 |
berglh | darkxst: also, if someone can run me through the general process, don't know who might have time to flick me some basic workflow, maybe Noskcaj if you're busy darkxst | 09:14 |
Noskcaj | berglh, scroll down | 09:14 |
darkxst | berglh, there is a (somewhat confusing perhaps?) legend at the very bottom of the page | 09:14 |
Noskcaj | There's a key at the bottom of the page | 09:14 |
darkxst | ^Noskcaj you ok with doing that? | 09:15 |
berglh | yes, it is somewhat confusing | 09:15 |
Noskcaj | I've got to go, because parents. I'll be online for most of tomorrow | 09:15 |
berglh | i mean, i can guess what it means | 09:16 |
berglh | but if you can PM me some stuff tomorrow Noskcaj, i'm pretty handy once I've got the workflow down pat | 09:17 |
Noskcaj | sure | 09:17 |
berglh | thanks, ttyl | 09:17 |
berglh | time for dinner | 09:17 |
Noskcaj | Before i go, what programming languages do you know? | 09:17 |
berglh | I'm at the beginning stages of C | 09:17 |
darkxst | berglh, you can keep it in the channel, no need for PM's about this stuff | 09:18 |
berglh | but other than that just scripting | 09:18 |
Noskcaj | more than i do then | 09:18 |
Noskcaj | talk to you guys later, bye | 09:18 |
darkxst | and you never know maybe someone else will find it useful | 09:18 |
darkxst | bye Noskcaj | 09:18 |
darkxst | berglh, the colours will probably make more sense once you understand packaging etc a bit more but very quickly | 09:23 |
darkxst | dark green need updating to new upstream version | 09:24 |
darkxst | pink debian is ahead of us, so could be merged | 09:24 |
darkxst | and light green, means ubuntu itself is out of date (but its also frozen now) so these have to wait until V-cycle opens | 09:25 |
berglh | ok,thanks for the explanation, dinner o'clock | 09:28 |
berglh | then formula 1 qualifying :) | 09:28 |
darkxst | berglh, ok, guess you don't have daylight savings there! | 09:31 |
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berglh | darkxst: i'm in adelaide atm, from brisbane though | 10:57 |
darkxst | I'm in melbourne | 10:58 |
berglh | i like melbourne, although after living in adelaide for the most part of a year | 10:58 |
berglh | the weather extremes down in these latitudes are a little rough for a qlder | 10:59 |
berglh | winter was tough | 10:59 |
darkxst | winter is the best time! I can't handle the summer heat (or qld humidity!) | 11:03 |
berglh | i can do hot and wet, and dry and cold, but wet and cold is a deal breaker | 11:05 |
berglh | i guess i'm used to the humidity, not as bad as say, the solomon islands | 11:05 |
berglh | but my mum was born in melbourne and she's moved into the nsw tablelands to get awawy from the qld heat | 11:06 |
darkxst | I go to Mt Buller to escape the Melbourne heat ;) | 11:07 |
berglh | I haven't done apline vic | 11:08 |
berglh | I'm meant to be doing the 3 peaks challenge next year | 11:08 |
darkxst | that roady thing? I only ride Mountain Bikes ;) | 11:08 |
darkxst | Vic alps are great though, just about any time of year | 11:09 |
berglh | Yeah, that roady thing.. I was a MTB once | 11:09 |
darkxst | even the snow can be good provided you chase the storms ;) | 11:09 |
berglh | I once used to pay out the roadies, and now I wear lycra and drink lattes | 11:10 |
berglh | I also have a carbon fibre addiction | 11:11 |
darkxst | roadies are fine, I just don't get it ;) why ride up mt buller, when you can get the bus up and then ride down ;) | 11:11 |
darkxst | (that said there is lots of climbing up there still) | 11:12 |
berglh | It's the definition of madness isn't it | 11:12 |
berglh | Masochistic | 11:12 |
darkxst | no stonefly is! | 11:12 |
darkxst | 7km, 500m single track climb takes about an hour, then the 3km descent about 10mins ;) | 11:13 |
darkxst | ^500m vertical | 11:13 |
berglh | heh, my brother is right into downhill | 11:13 |
berglh | went to NZ and did a bunch of riding near queenstown | 11:13 |
darkxst | I'm more XC | 11:14 |
darkxst | too old for the crazy downhill stuff! | 11:14 |
berglh | mmm, he's got a nice XC bike now | 11:14 |
berglh | I sold my hardtail before I moved to ADL | 11:15 |
berglh | Pity cause now I'm in the ADL hills and there's a lot of nice tracks around | 11:15 |
berglh | Actually convenient to get around on | 11:15 |
berglh | So that's why I need a cyclocross bike | 11:15 |
darkxst | one bike is never enough ;) | 11:16 |
berglh | Maximum number of bikes one should own is always (n+1) | 11:16 |
darkxst | indeed | 11:17 |
berglh | I got into a bit of road racing this year, just Criteriums | 11:18 |
berglh | It's like chess on wheels | 11:18 |
berglh | but definitely a completely different skillset to MTB | 11:18 |
darkxst | I gave up on racing years ago, enduro's are fun, but why pay to hurt yourself, when you can do it anyway | 11:18 |
berglh | yeah, that's what a lot of guys do down here | 11:19 |
berglh | the crits are good when you win prize money | 11:19 |
berglh | but yeah, all the community rides that cost people will just go and do unsupported | 11:19 |
berglh | mt lofty near ADL CBD is a good 600M+ of continous climbing | 11:20 |
berglh | I'm looking forward to cycling up something over 1000 | 11:20 |
berglh | we only get about 600 metres around brisbane as well | 11:21 |
darkxst | berglh, buller, falls, hotham, bogong should all hit about that marj | 11:22 |
darkxst | mark | 11:22 |
darkxst | buffalo even, you would struggle riding up bogong on a road bike ;) | 11:29 |
berglh | i struggle riding up lots of hills | 11:34 |
berglh | i've lost a lot of my endurance over winter | 11:35 |
berglh | i hit a wall at about 100 KMs and 2000 verticle metres | 11:35 |
berglh | 3 peaks is 230 KMs and 3500 met | 11:36 |
berglh | so I have a lot of training to do to make that | 11:36 |
berglh | but it looks like a spectacular part of the world to be riding a bike | 11:36 |
berglh | i've only been to the snow once | 11:37 |
berglh | never snow boarded or skied | 11:37 |
darkxst | it is ;) though can't talk for the roads just the amzing mtb trails through the snow gums (and sometimes snow!) | 11:37 |
darkxst | I skied since I was 4 | 11:37 |
darkxst | snowboarded since about 15 | 11:37 |
berglh | I rode a taboggan once down some slushy snow | 11:42 |
berglh | when I was about 10 | 11:43 |
berglh | i did go to tas in january though | 11:43 |
berglh | did a few hikes around the alpine regions | 11:43 |
berglh | which was novel coming from queensland | 11:43 |
berglh | i think about the highest i've ever been in terms of elevation on land | 11:44 |
darkxst | elevation becomes a problem at around 4000m (As I found out in the french alps) | 11:45 |
berglh | i would like to do the kathmandu to everest base camp hike | 11:47 |
berglh | but not as much as I would like to cycle around in the south of france | 11:48 |
darkxst | one of my friends did the base camp hike and loved it, but they not really the super adventurous type | 11:48 |
berglh | i haven't done any multi-day hikes | 11:49 |
berglh | camping around sure | 11:49 |
berglh | just not walk in walk out several days later | 11:49 |
berglh | i figure it's a cost effective trip and an interesting part of the world | 11:50 |
berglh | i've been over to singapore/malaysia/thailand/india | 11:50 |
berglh | the flight to europe scares me | 11:50 |
darkxst | well sure, but there ar emuch better hikes to do in nepal, but then you are talking un-supported | 11:51 |
berglh | yeah, need more experience and experienced friends | 11:51 |
darkxst | the flight to europe is very painful (atleast for me at 6'4") | 11:51 |
berglh | oh.. | 11:52 |
darkxst | but I will do it again | 11:52 |
berglh | i can't afford business class, although I got a cheap upgrade to singapore, that's really made cattle class all the more difficult | 11:52 |
berglh | i struggled with 8 hours in a tin can, anything more and i'd be crawling around in the overhead baggage compartments | 11:53 |
berglh | i wish reasonable international transport comfort was more prevelant | 11:54 |
darkxst | well most flights stop over somewhere | 11:54 |
darkxst | but still its like 8+14 hours | 11:55 |
berglh | better than weeks on a boat i guess | 11:55 |
darkxst | it took me 36 hours to get to the french alps | 11:55 |
darkxst | (with no sleep what so ever) | 11:55 |
darkxst | and then I went snowboarding the next morning | 11:56 |
berglh | hrm, more bash updates | 12:12 |
darkxst | heh, what freeze? | 12:16 |
berglh | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash/4.3-7ubuntu1.5 | 12:22 |
darkxst | oh your on trusty? | 12:27 |
berglh | yer | 12:28 |
berglh | i'm running zfs on linux as well | 12:28 |
darkxst | anyway I think the whole bash stuff has been overblown (atleast on ubuntu where dash is used for all system scripts) | 12:28 |
berglh | there's a patch for 3.13 kernel hijacking | 12:29 |
berglh | the kernel headers for dkms need to be rebuilt so it will work after applying the new kernel | 12:29 |
berglh | yay, it's done, i better reboot this damn thing | 12:30 |
berglh | wow, nothing broke, happy times | 12:34 |
darkxst | berglh, why would things break? that never happens ;) | 12:45 |
CapsuL | hi | 13:10 |
darkxst | hi CapsuL | 13:10 |
darkxst | !ask | 13:10 |
ubot5 | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 13:10 |
CapsuL | hi darkxst | 13:11 |
darkxst | whats up? | 13:12 |
CapsuL | so , i formated my computeur for unbutu gnome 14.4 and impossible to connect my network. i can saw wireless , it ask me password , after i can see signal ok , but .. impossible to go on firefox or just send a ping ... | 13:13 |
CapsuL | fine , sun today :D | 13:14 |
CapsuL | u ? | 13:14 |
darkxst | spring here, lots of sun ;) | 13:14 |
darkxst | CapsuL, file a bug using `ubuntu-bug network-manager` | 13:17 |
darkxst | netwok issues are very unlikely to be GNOME specific, so you will get a wider audience that way | 13:18 |
CapsuL | ho | 13:25 |
CapsuL | but i don t know how do .. | 13:25 |
CapsuL | .. | 14:11 |
nicman23 | hi. i am using ubuntu gnome 14.10 and when i try to install wine (amd64 or i386) it requires me to uninstall fglrx, is there any workaround? | 15:50 |
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griffin_ | hello | 18:01 |
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Noskcaj | berglh, The main job we do in making ubuntu-gnome (other than testing) is packaging gnome so we have one version (released 3.12 in our case) in ubuntu and the gnome3 ppa when ubuntu won't allow that, and another version (3.14) in the gnome3-staging ppa, merging everything back to debian when possible. | 20:08 |
Noskcaj | For packaging, i use http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/ as a refrerence, and if that fails google it or ask in an irc channel. Extra packaging info is at http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/ . | 20:08 |
Noskcaj | If there is a difference with debian it's called a merge, if there isn't it's called a sync. Packages that need merging are at merges.ubuntu.com , and general gnome version stuff is at phillw.net/ubuntu-gnome/utopic312.html . | 20:08 |
Noskcaj | A merge can either be done manually (You reapply all changes to the debian tarball), via grab-merge (makes too many files IMO), or with bzr (branch the ubuntu version, then merge the debian one) | 20:08 |
Noskcaj | Sorry for the wall of text, let me know if you have any questions or need mor ehelp | 20:08 |
* darkxst uses git for all my merges these days ;) | 21:28 | |
Noskcaj | :( | 21:36 |
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