rightonbro | Could someone help me with adding a second HD (bigger drive to store recordings and livetv buffer) to mythtv? I keep getting an error when I try to watch live TV in the front-end | 17:15 |
Kwisher | do you have the disk mounted correctly? | 17:16 |
rightonbro | I don't know, I chown'ed a couple of things but I'm kind of a noob | 17:16 |
rightonbro | I just installed the latest Mythbuntu and I see my second drive as /media/mjung/MythDrive | 17:17 |
Kwisher | you need to automount it at boot | 17:17 |
rightonbro | i have my storage groups set up as /media/mjung/MythDrive/recordings etc. | 17:17 |
rightonbro | I can see the drive in Thunar File Manager | 17:17 |
rightonbro | and all of the subfolders underneath | 17:17 |
rightonbro | the mythbackend.log keeps giving Permission denied whenever I try to watch TV | 17:17 |
Kwisher | you should do: sudo chown mythtv:mythtv -R /media/mjung/MythDrive | 17:18 |
rightonbro | ok just did that | 17:18 |
rightonbro | i'll try firing up the frontend and watching some TV | 17:19 |
rightonbro | no dice, it does the same thing….would you be able to look at my mythbackend.log and see if i'm doing anything wrong? https://dpaste.de/Z7r4 | 17:21 |
Kwisher | what's the output of: sudo ls -la /media/mjung/MythDrive | 17:22 |
rightonbro | https://dpaste.de/cBnk | 17:23 |
Kwisher | ok, that looks correct | 17:24 |
Kwisher | is this an internal drive? | 17:24 |
rightonbro | yeah, it's a 1.5tb desktop drive I have in my HTPC, boot drive is an SSD….fwiw I did have TV and recording working on the SSD before I tried adding the 2nd drive | 17:25 |
rightonbro | the 1.5tb drive used to be an NTFS drive but I added an ext4 partition using gparted | 17:25 |
Kwisher | output of : sudo fdisk -l | 17:26 |
rightonbro | https://dpaste.de/5zyW | 17:27 |
Kwisher | ok, now: sudo cat /etc/fstab | 17:28 |
rightonbro | https://dpaste.de/9dTF | 17:29 |
Kwisher | you are not automounting the new drive, could be the issue | 17:31 |
rightonbro | is that not the same as mounting the drive via the Ubuntu desktop before running mythfrontend? | 17:32 |
Kwisher | it's really not the proper way | 17:32 |
rightonbro | ok, i'll try that | 17:34 |
Kwisher | i would add the following line to /etc/fstab : /dev/sdb1 /media/mjung/MythDrive ext4 defaults 0 1 | 17:35 |
rightonbro | ha, i was looking that up right now, thank you! | 17:35 |
Kwisher | then: sudo mkdir /media/mjung/MythDrive | 17:36 |
Kwisher | you might have to unmount the drive first | 17:36 |
rightonbro | added the line to fstab, unmounted drive, did the sudo command, rebooting…. | 17:39 |
rightonbro | uh-oh, the mythbuntu boot screen now says "Serious errors were found while checking the disk drive for/media/mjung/MythDrive | 17:39 |
Kwisher | it should fix them | 17:40 |
rightonbro | M for manual recover? | 17:40 |
rightonbro | or I to ignore? | 17:40 |
Kwisher | M | 17:41 |
rightonbro | dumped me to a maintenance shell and said "Filesystem check or mount failed." | 17:41 |
Kwisher | anything important on the drive? | 17:45 |
rightonbro | yeah, the NTFS partition, i have about 3 weeks of un-backedup TV that I was going to watch and then delete | 17:45 |
rightonbro | everything else is backed up | 17:46 |
rightonbro | wondering if i should just completely blow away the entire 1.5tb drive | 17:46 |
Kwisher | why is it ntfs? | 17:46 |
rightonbro | trying to switch to MythTV from Windows Media center | 17:47 |
Kwisher | ahh | 17:47 |
Kwisher | are you stuck at the maint shell? | 17:47 |
rightonbro | i rebooted and just Skipped the mount this time, so i'm back in Ubuntu desktop | 17:47 |
Kwisher | do: sudo mount -l to see if the partition is mounted | 17:48 |
rightonbro | https://dpaste.de/DwbZ | 17:49 |
rightonbro | looks like it, right? first line | 17:49 |
Kwisher | ok, so it's not mounted | 17:49 |
rightonbro | it's not shown as mounted on the ubuntu desktop | 17:49 |
Kwisher | fire up gparted and reformat the ext4 partition | 17:50 |
rightonbro | alright so this is weird…gparted is reporting my ntfs partition is mounted at /media/mjung/MythDrive and my ext4 partition has no mount point | 17:53 |
Kwisher | ok try: sudo umount -f /media/mjung/MythDrive | 18:01 |
Kwisher | or right click on it in gparted and choose unmount | 18:01 |
rightonbro | oh….so I set the line you gave me to put in fstab to sdb2 instead of sdb1 and it's now mounting the right partition | 18:02 |
rightonbro | i think it was trying to mount the ntfs partition since it was the first one on the drive | 18:03 |
Kwisher | ahh, my mistake then | 18:03 |
Kwisher | sorry | 18:03 |
Kwisher | correct fstab first | 18:03 |
Kwisher | then sudo mount -a | 18:04 |
rightonbro | no worries, i greatly appreciate the help….but mythtv is still giving me the Permission denied error | 18:04 |
rightonbro | i corrected the fstab and rebooted | 18:04 |
rightonbro | ubuntu desktop shows the drive as mounted on boot now :) | 18:04 |
Kwisher | and it mounted correctly? | 18:04 |
rightonbro | yep | 18:04 |
Kwisher | check your spelling and capitalization in the be settings for your path statements for livetv and recordings | 18:05 |
rightonbro | k one sec | 18:05 |
rightonbro | looks correct? my default is /media/mjung/MythDrive/recordings/ and my Live TV is /media/mjung/MythDrive/livetv/ | 18:08 |
rightonbro | you know i just did an ls -l on the MythDrive folder and it shows the recordings/ and /livetv/ to have a timestamp of 11:01, i created those a few hours ago….so it seems like something is touching them | 18:09 |
Kwisher | permissions still set for mythtv? | 18:10 |
rightonbro | everything at MythDrive and below is mythtv:mythtv | 18:10 |
rightonbro | mjung is root:root | 18:11 |
rightonbro | does this seem right to you? https://dpaste.de/PNf8 | 18:14 |
rightonbro | group is r-x | 18:14 |
Kwisher | mine is: drwxrwxr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 36864 Oct 10 22:00 recordings | 18:16 |
rightonbro | i have drwxr-xr-x 6 mythtv mythtv 4096 Oct 11 09:25 MythDrive | 18:17 |
rightonbro | and drwxrwxr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 4096 Oct 11 11:10 recordings | 18:17 |
Kwisher | looks correct, livetv still won't work? | 18:19 |
rightonbro | nope…and tailing the log still shows the Permission denied error | 18:19 |
Kwisher | is your users account in the mythtv group? | 18:20 |
rightonbro | uhh | 18:20 |
rightonbro | you mean the account i use to log into ubuntu? mjung | 18:20 |
Kwisher | it should be if it worked prior to the new drive | 18:20 |
Kwisher | try kicking off a recording | 18:21 |
rightonbro | i tried a manual schedule recording but it froze up and save and then kicked me back to the manual schedule menu | 18:23 |
rightonbro | t 11 11:21:26 supercomputer mythbackend: mythbackend[2680]: E ProcessRequest programinfo.cpp:2358 (GetPlaybackURL) ProgramInfo(1005_20141011154747.mpg): GetPlaybackURL: '1005_20141011154747.mpg' should be local, but it can not be found. | 18:23 |
Kwisher | this is my fstab: # /media/mythtv was on /dev/sda4 during installation | 18:26 |
Kwisher | UUID=bb377d4a-3aca-4092-b40d-dfbfe6a1def9 /media/mythtv ext4 defaults 0 2 | 18:26 |
Kwisher | try changing your last digit from 1 to 2 like mine | 18:27 |
tgm4883 | just looking back at the backlog, did you guys verify there isn't a livetv storage group setup? | 18:27 |
rightonbro | i have a live tv storage group setup | 18:28 |
tgm4883 | it's not required, but if it's set to a different directory then that could be the permissions error | 18:28 |
rightonbro | just changed fstab, rebooting | 18:28 |
tgm4883 | you don't need to reboot if you change fstab | 18:28 |
rightonbro | sorry, i'm pretty noob at ubuntu | 18:28 |
tgm4883 | just unmount the drive "sudo umount /path/to/drive/" then remount "sudo mount -a" | 18:29 |
tgm4883 | that reads fstab | 18:29 |
rightonbro | rebooted, tried to watch Live TV, still getting this | 18:29 |
rightonbro | Oct 11 11:28:56 supercomputer mythbackend: mythbackend[2105]: E TVRecEvent threadedfilewriter.cpp:129 (Open) TFW(/media/mjung/MythDrive/livetv/1400_20141011182856.mpg:-1): Opening file '/media/mjung/MythDrive/livetv/1400_20141011182856.mpg'.#012#011#011#011eno: Permission denied (13) | 18:29 |
tgm4883 | rightonbro: I don't know for sure, but it wouldn't surprise me that the issue you are having is because it's inside /media/mjung/ | 18:30 |
tgm4883 | personally I mount mine to /srv/mythtv/ | 18:30 |
Kwisher | i've used /media for years and still do | 18:30 |
rightonbro | i'm sorry, i don't know what the difference is you are suggesting | 18:30 |
tgm4883 | I know there are issues if it's mounted inside /home | 18:30 |
* rightonbro is used to OS X and windows | 18:30 | |
tgm4883 | Kwisher: have you check his permissions all the way up the tree? | 18:31 |
tgm4883 | rightonbro: what is the output of 'ls -l /media/' | 18:31 |
rightonbro | mjung@supercomputer:/media$ ls -l /media/ | 18:31 |
rightonbro | total 4 | 18:31 |
rightonbro | drwxr-x---+ 3 root root 4096 Oct 11 10:58 mjung | 18:31 |
rightonbro | mjung@supercomputer:/media$ | 18:31 |
tgm4883 | yea that isn't going to work | 18:31 |
rightonbro | mjung needs to be assigned to mythtv too? | 18:32 |
tgm4883 | Kwisher: i'd imagine yours is different | 18:32 |
tgm4883 | rightonbro: what is this drive used for? | 18:32 |
Kwisher | rightonbro: you might want to do: sudo chown mythtv:mythtv -R /media/mjung | 18:32 |
tgm4883 | what is this computer used for? mythtv only? | 18:32 |
rightonbro | it's a 1.5tb drive that i'm going to use to store recordings + my music collection | 18:32 |
tgm4883 | if it's also a desktop computer, then I wouldn't change permissions there | 18:33 |
rightonbro | it's in an HTPC that for the most part I used Windows Media Center for, hooked up to my TV in my living room, but occasionally I'll use Firefox in it. No games or anything else | 18:33 |
Kwisher | rightonbro: you won't want to store your music there | 18:33 |
Kwisher | dedicate one partition to myth only | 18:34 |
tgm4883 | rightonbro: do you share the drive with WMC? | 18:34 |
rightonbro | no, i'm trying to replace WMC with MythTV | 18:34 |
tgm4883 | ok | 18:34 |
rightonbro | it has one NTFS partition on it already, but I'm going to back that up and blow it away at some point and then dedicate the whole drive to MythTV | 18:34 |
rightonbro | and storing my music collection etc. | 18:35 |
rightonbro | should i go ahead and change ownership of /media/mjung to mythtv? | 18:35 |
tgm4883 | ok, well if you guys want to continue troubleshooting this that is up to you. Personally I'd just mount it in /srv/mythtv/ and fix your storage group locations | 18:35 |
tgm4883 | You probably can just change ownership on that directory, but IDK what will happen if you ever want to just plug in and scan some media | 18:36 |
Kwisher | the mount point is not critical, except for the /home | 18:36 |
rightonbro | ok so changing ownership totally worked | 18:36 |
rightonbro | i'm watching a live football game right now | 18:36 |
Kwisher | ha | 18:36 |
rightonbro | are there downsides to doing it this way? | 18:37 |
rightonbro | i've never heard of /srv for example | 18:37 |
Kwisher | nope | 18:37 |
tgm4883 | well stuff in /media should be owned by the user that plugged in the device | 18:37 |
tgm4883 | IIRC, it's not meant for permanently mounted stuff | 18:38 |
tgm4883 | but probably won't cause any issues | 18:38 |
Kwisher | i mount EVERYTHING in /media on all my nix systems | 18:38 |
Kwisher | nix doesn't care where you mount it, for the most part | 18:38 |
tgm4883 | Kwisher: then you are not using it in the way it was designed | 18:39 |
Kwisher | it works so that's what i do | 18:39 |
rightonbro | ha! | 18:39 |
rightonbro | so thank you guys VERY much for the help | 18:39 |
tgm4883 | Kwisher: I never said it couldn't work. I said if you at somepoint later it stops working because of something else that was done then you have no one else to blame but yourself | 18:40 |
rightonbro | do you work on mythtv? | 18:40 |
Kwisher | tgm4883: i've mounted everything in /media for over 10 years now, no issues what so ever | 18:40 |
tgm4883 | for instance, if you take a frontend and have a local storage group of /media then you should be able to just plug in a usb stick and scan for it's media | 18:40 |
tgm4883 | if you mount your other stuff in /media that because a little more difficult | 18:41 |
tgm4883 | however, if you never plan on doing that, then you can do whatever you want | 18:41 |
rightonbro | so if i'm configured this way and I plug in a USB stick it won't work? | 18:41 |
Kwisher | just to be clear, i use /media/mythtv | 18:42 |
Kwisher | a folder inside /media | 18:42 |
tgm4883 | Kwisher: just to be clear, I'm just throwing out random examples of what could break, not an exaustive list of what will break | 18:42 |
Kwisher | so mine is /media/mythtv/livetv & /media/mythtv/recordings | 18:42 |
tgm4883 | rightonbro: it becomes more difficult | 18:43 |
Kwisher | rightonbro: it will work | 18:43 |
tgm4883 | rightonbro: since I'm assuming that mjung is your main user, so you can't just make that your local frontend storage group | 18:43 |
rightonbro | i just plugged in a stick and it worked | 18:43 |
rightonbro | was able to copy file to/from it | 18:43 |
tgm4883 | rightonbro: does it work inside mythtv? | 18:44 |
rightonbro | you mean does the mythtv app work? | 18:44 |
tgm4883 | I suppose it might work, since it would just be mounting it inside that directory | 18:44 |
rightonbro | or am i able to copy files into /media/mjung/MythDrive and below? | 18:44 |
Kwisher | ltr, rightonbro glad you got it working | 18:44 |
tgm4883 | and as long as this is a combined frontend/backend then it should work | 18:44 |
tgm4883 | You'd be sending the file from the backend to the frontend but I'd hope that mythtv is smart enough to not send that over the network | 18:45 |
rightonbro | oh, i see what you mean, i can't seem to copy a file into MythDrive | 18:45 |
rightonbro | well, TV works, so i'm going to run it for awhile and test that and try to learn more about Ubuntu and when I do, I'll figure out the right adjustment | 18:45 |
rightonbro | thank you 10000x guys, greatly appreciated | 18:46 |
tgm4883 | Kwisher: FWIW, /media is meant for removable media, /mnt is meant for temporary filesystems, and /srv is for site-specific data | 18:46 |
Kwisher | you do it your way, i'll do it mine, that's the beauty of linux :) | 18:46 |
rightonbro | ttyl! | 18:47 |
tgm4883 | Kwisher: yes, I understand that. I'm just explaining what they were designed to do, so shoot me | 18:47 |
Kwisher | i've never read or found any info about drawbacks to where you mount thing | 18:48 |
tgm4883 | Kwisher: FFS, I was just explaining what they are designed for. It would be like if you actually told rightonbro what changing the 1 to a 2 would do in fstab rather than just saying "hey, mines like this you should change your to this too" | 18:50 |
tgm4883 | Kwisher: if it works for you, great, but when I help people in here (especially noobs) I would rather get them setup the correct way, not just some way that will work | 18:50 |
Kwisher | yes, you are corect, i should have explained it | 18:50 |
tgm4883 | that's all I'm trying to get at | 18:51 |
Kwisher | i understand you position | 18:51 |
tgm4883 | thanks | 18:51 |
tgm4883 | I do appreciate you in here helping, I know I'm not in here as much as I should be | 18:51 |
Kwisher | i try when i can | 18:52 |
Kwisher | tgm4883: how long you been using myth? | 18:56 |
tgm4883 | since 2007, before there was mythbuntu | 18:56 |
Kwisher | i think i started with .19 & mint-5, iirc | 18:56 |
tgm4883 | nice | 18:57 |
tgm4883 | I believe it was 0.20-0.21 I started | 18:57 |
Kwisher | now i'm on .27 on xubuntu 14.04 | 18:58 |
Kwisher | 7 tuners, one master b/e with a remote f/e | 18:59 |
Kwisher | well, time to do some chores, chat with you ltr | 19:01 |
tgm4883 | later | 19:01 |
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