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lordievader | Good morning. | 08:13 |
vedic_ | Hey guys, how to change ssh port to some other port below 1024? | 08:44 |
lordievader | vedic_: Change the sshd config, and don't forget to tell your firewall. | 08:44 |
vedic_ | Changing the port in sshd_config will do (and opening that port in firewall)? | 08:44 |
vedic_ | lordievader: ok | 08:45 |
Aerosonic | Hey guys. | 08:47 |
Aerosonic | I'm trying to put together a resume. | 08:47 |
Aerosonic | And at one job I had *a lot* of responsibilities. | 08:48 |
Aerosonic | So I don't know what to title myself. | 08:48 |
Aerosonic | So far I've written: Assisted management of internal Oracle Database 11g instance, including administration of Oracle Linux infrastructure. Managed a dedicated Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 for communication. Provided technical support regarding network, hardware, and software-related issues through the ZenDesk ticketing system. | 08:49 |
Aerosonic | What's my job title? | 08:49 |
Aerosonic | It's basically Database admin, Sysadmin, Exchange admin, and tech support all-in-one. | 08:50 |
Aerosonic | Would "Internal Support Engineer" work? | 08:50 |
Aerosonic | "Systems Technician?" | 08:52 |
vedic_ | lordievader: I just tried changing port in sshd_config and restarted ssh using /etc/init.d/ssh restart but when connecting to that machine, it just waits waits waits. Firewall has that new port enabled | 09:06 |
lordievader | vedic_: Does 'netstat -tulpn' show that sshd is listening to the configured port? | 09:07 |
vedic_ | lordievader: it says tcp listening to | 09:09 |
vedic_ | local port | 09:09 |
lordievader | vedic_: Ok, run from the other host (the client): nmap -p 1000 <server-host> | 09:10 |
vedic_ | Its says hosts seems down | 09:13 |
vedic_ | lordievader^ | 09:13 |
lordievader | vedic_: nmap -Pn -p 1000 <server-host> | 09:13 |
vedic_ | lordievader: It says Host is up. Port 1000/tcp filter unknown | 09:15 |
lordievader | vedic_: Then likely your firewall isn't set up correctly or you have a NAT in between. | 09:16 |
vedic_ | lordievader: yea, my client is behind NAT | 09:16 |
lordievader | vedic_: Port forward port 1000 to their machine. | 09:17 |
vedic_ | lordievader: but server is on static ip | 09:17 |
vedic_ | ok | 09:17 |
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Alina-malina | where are cookies stored in ubuntu server? | 16:06 |
lordievader | Alina-malina: Of the browser? That is up to the browser. | 16:07 |
Alina-malina | no | 16:07 |
Alina-malina | not browser | 16:07 |
Alina-malina | lordievader, i have this in my php curl: $cookie=time()."_cookie.txt"; but i cant find them | 16:07 |
lordievader | Well cookies are stored client side anyways. | 16:09 |
Alina-malina | no | 16:09 |
Alina-malina | eh | 16:09 |
Alina-malina | the sessions stuff | 16:09 |
Alina-malina | i set them to be stored in _cookies.txt and save them, but i did not specify the path | 16:10 |
Alina-malina | so i cant find those :-/ | 16:10 |
lordievader | Hmm, I'm not familar with phpsessions. But if the file exists, find must be able to find it. | 16:11 |
Alina-malina | :( | 16:12 |
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Alina-malina | how to perform a search for *.txt files in all directories in ubuntu? | 16:27 |
lordievader | find / -iname txt | 16:27 |
Alina-malina | do i have to do this from / ? | 16:27 |
Alina-malina | it doesnt work | 16:28 |
Alina-malina | heh | 16:28 |
Alina-malina | doesnt do anything | 16:28 |
lordievader | You say you want everyhing. | 16:28 |
Alina-malina | what? | 16:28 |
Alina-malina | i need to search in all folder for all files *.txt the command you game returns nothign | 16:29 |
lordievader | Hmm, forgot a wildcard: find / -iname *txt | 16:29 |
Alina-malina | yes | 16:29 |
lordievader | Or "find / -iname *.txt" if you only want things with the extension. | 16:29 |
Alina-malina | but are you sure it returns all *.txt files? | 16:29 |
Alina-malina | because it doesnt returns what i am looking for :0-/ | 16:29 |
lordievader | Then why are you looking for it? | 16:29 |
lordievader | And yes it does. | 16:30 |
Alina-malina | shit | 16:30 |
Alina-malina | this is problem | 16:30 |
Alina-malina | i have this in php: $cookie=time()."_cookie.txt"; so it should write this files somewhere | 16:30 |
Alina-malina | but it doesnt | 16:30 |
Alina-malina | omg | 16:30 |
Alina-malina | where else this file could be? perhaps where to search for that content what it should write in that files but it did not? | 16:32 |
Alina-malina | maybe some logs? errors? | 16:32 |
Alina-malina | where? | 16:32 |
lordievader | Alina-malina: Please watch your language. | 16:34 |
lordievader | Alina-malina: Have you read the documentation, does it actually write a file? | 16:34 |
Alina-malina | well on local machine it does:-/ | 16:34 |
Alina-malina | but i need that data :( | 16:35 |
Alina-malina | on remote server i cant find those files, i.e. it doesnt create those | 16:35 |
Alina-malina | but it should be somewhere i guess | 16:35 |
lordievader | Alina-malina: Have you read the documentation, should it write the file on the server? | 16:35 |
Alina-malina | i said that script works in my local machine | 16:36 |
Alina-malina | but on server it doesnt create that files for some reason | 16:36 |
lordievader | Then check the logs for errors, or the config for differences. | 16:37 |
Alina-malina | errors for apache? or php? | 16:37 |
Alina-malina | what kind of errors? | 16:37 |
Alina-malina | i can download all logs | 16:37 |
Alina-malina | right now | 16:37 |
Alina-malina | there are many | 16:37 |
lordievader | Errors from php are logged in apaches error log if apache uses modphp and not something else to process the php stuff. | 16:38 |
Alina-malina | do you know where sessions stored? | 16:45 |
Alina-malina | i need to access them | 16:45 |
Alina-malina | :( | 16:45 |
lordievader | As I said, I'm not familiar with PHP sessions. | 16:48 |
Alina-malina | eh ok thanks anyways | 16:49 |
lordievader | Alina-malina: Folks over in ##php probably know. | 16:50 |
Alina-malina | yes i asked there | 16:51 |
Alina-malina | but no response yet | 16:51 |
Alina-malina | thansk | 16:51 |
lordievader | Just wait and hang around. IRC is a slow medium. | 16:51 |
Alina-malina | is it possible to create another root priviledged administrator? | 17:48 |
RoyK | Alina-malina: root is uid zero, so you can create another user with uid zero, but don't do that - use sudo | 17:54 |
Alina-malina | how? | 17:55 |
lordievader | Alina-malina: man sudo | 17:55 |
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user123321 | Are there calculated values for MTTR, MTBF, MTTR etc. for Ubuntu based server? | 18:27 |
user123321 | MTTF, MTBF, MTTR etc.* | 18:27 |
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Boingo | I have a Promise NS4300N. A pretty old unit. As fas as I can tell, the 4 drives that make up the RAID are fine and working correctly. I think the power supply has failed. I really don't like the unit anymore and would love to take the drives out and put them into my desktop computer. I would like to get the data off the drives intact though. So... I need to move 4 drives in a RAID 5 set to a new computer. Any tips or | 20:01 |
Boingo | suggestions would be great. | 20:01 |
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