
=== SDC is now known as SDCDev
milesmorning all06:29
=== miles is now known as Kilos
Kiloshi gremble  07:10
ThatGraemeGuyno ADSL :-o07:37
ThatGraemeGuyline completely dead07:37
ThatGraemeGuyI offer my sympathy to the 3G-only folks, this sucks horribly07:38
Kiloslol hi ThatGraemeGuy  mine isnt that bad07:39
Kilosyou a kde man can you help me with a command please07:39
Kilosmy new drive has kde running kiff07:39
Kilosbut on other pc and old kde here i did something wrong and they boot to a page with nothing on07:40
Kilosi think it has something to do with plasma07:40
Kilosian had similar last year and the fly gave him a command to start plasma07:41
ThatGraemeGuyno idea, I am using XFCE07:48
ThatGraemeGuyhave to run, time waits for no man07:48
charlgood morning08:13
Kiloshi charl  08:15
Kilosi have got bell.ogg in here yet so no alerts yet08:16
Kilosnew drive running lekker08:16
charlhi Kilos 08:22
charlnice !08:22
grembleHello everyone08:22
charlhi gremble 08:22
charlMaaz: coffee on08:22
* Maaz puts the kettle on08:22
KilosMaaz  coffee please08:22
MaazKilos: Okay08:22
grembleKilos: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/KDE#Starting_KDE08:23
gremblePerhaps that helpds08:23
Kilosive installed kdm on it but now it keeps reshowing the page where you enter password08:23
grembleYou are logging in with the correct password?08:24
Kilosive had that before a year or 2 back 08:24
Kilosbut was with unity then and the cure was to install gdm and drop the lightdm thing08:25
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!08:26
KilosMaaz  dankie08:26
MaazGroot plesier Kilos my vriend08:26
charlMaaz: thanks08:29
Maazcharl: Okay :-)08:29
Kilosbushtech_  waar is die reen man14:37
charlwb Kilos 14:40
Kilosty charl  was asleep for a while14:40
* Kilos swanks with an 800g /home14:41
charlnice man14:42
charlthey took that old broken one back ?14:42
Kilosand 64bit kde is faster here than 32bit kde14:42
Kilosya thet gave new one14:42
charlif you run on a 64bit architecture you want to run a 64bit os ...14:43
charlthen you can use all the registers etc14:43
Kilosi dunno bout that stuff but i can see its faster14:43
charlSome 64-bit programs, such as encoders, decoders and encryption software, can benefit greatly from 64-bit registers, while the performance of other programs, such as 3D graphics-oriented ones, remains unaffected when switching from a 32-bit to a 64-bit environment.14:48
charlSome 64-bit architectures, such as x86-64, support more general-purpose registers than their 32-bit counterparts (although this is not due specifically to the word length). This leads to a significant speed increase for tight loops since the processor does not have to fetch data from the cache or main memory if the data can fit in the available registers.14:48
charlin other words, depends on the application14:49
Kilosty for that14:53
Kiloswell even evolution opens and closes much faster14:53
charlisn't it more related to your new drive speed?14:54
charlcould be that kde is just well optimised for 64bit architecture14:54
Kilosi had kde on a 80g sata drive before, not sure if the 1TB would be faster than that, but this pc seems happy running 64bit14:57
charlhow many rpm ?14:57
Kilosnow just gotta get bell.ogg into /usr/share/sounds/14:57
Kilosi dunno how many rpm14:58
Kilosthe 1TB is 7200 if i remember right14:58
charlsounds about right14:59
charlyou can find the model if you cat /proc/scsi/scsi15:00
charlthen it's just a case of googling15:00
KilosBarracuda 7200.12 Serial ATA Product Manual - Seagate"15:02
Kilosdunno the 80g info just yet. lemme take it out of other pc15:03
Kilosi cant run it, did a rsync of home and it overflowed root so no gui now15:05
Kilosbarracuda 7200.1015:07
Kilosyay im getting good at putting bell.ogg in place for konversation to use15:11
Kiloscant hear the feeble pling it made before15:11
* Kilos likes my bloep15:11
Kilosactually charl i had to install twice. if something can go wrong it will, and this was a new one to me15:13
Kilosmodem connected with nm but nothing could use it15:14
Kilosreinstall and everything can use it15:14
charlnice man15:39
charlbut yeah that was a weird one15:39
charldon't know how a reinstall can fix it :(15:39
Kilossomething must have benn corrupt somehow, even though i did update/upgrade and carefully worked through nm. everything was right and shoulda worked15:48
Kiloswith reinstall i chn=anged nothing and it worked first time hehe15:48
Kilosmurphy is a man of means15:49
Kiloslemme shudown and add drives to try fix15:52
Kilosnight all. sleep tight.19:04

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