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Freen0deAdmin | !ops | 04:03 |
=== TheFakeazneD525 is now known as libreSSL | ||
Freen0deAdmin | !staff | 04:25 |
Jef91 | I hit some wacky hotkey, and now every time I click on a desktop in my pager it sends the windows from that desktop to my sixth virtual desktop. What on earth did I do and how do I undo it? | 06:08 |
dani | hi | 07:26 |
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Guest36156 | hi | 07:27 |
Guest36156 | im searching the program for screecasting - wich | 07:27 |
Guest36156 | :x | 07:27 |
Guest36156 | bechause i using kazam but its very bug | 07:28 |
Guest36156 | bechause i using kazam but its very bugs | 07:28 |
Guest36156 | bechause i using kazam but its very bugs | 07:28 |
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Guest36156 | im searching the program for screecasting - wich | 07:29 |
Guest36156 | kdeits | 07:31 |
Guest36156 | buginhg | 07:31 |
valorie | Guest36156: what exactly do you mean by screencasting? | 07:38 |
Guest36156 | yes | 07:39 |
Guest36156 | but kde its strange buging when i record | 07:39 |
Guest36156 | strangely | 07:39 |
Guest36156 | "x | 07:39 |
valorie | http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20090720142023520/Screencasting.html for more ideas | 07:41 |
valorie | record my desktop is what I hear of people usually using | 07:41 |
valorie | !screencast | 07:41 |
ubottu | Some programs to capture your screen are Kazam, Vokoscreen & Simple Screen Recorder. Also ffmpeg/libav with x11grab option on the command line. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. | 07:41 |
valorie | ubottu knows more than I do | 07:41 |
ubottu | valorie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:41 |
valorie | me either, ubottu | 07:42 |
Graf_Westerholt | valorie :D | 07:42 |
Guest36156 | thank you | 07:58 |
Guest36156 | :D | 07:58 |
Guest36156 | bye from now | 07:59 |
valorie | best of luck | 08:09 |
Guest36156 | ihave | 08:24 |
Guest36156 | a | 08:24 |
Guest36156 | gre | 08:24 |
Guest36156 | green screens | 08:24 |
Guest36156 | how to fix | 08:25 |
MoonUnit` | don't like the new plasma5 theme much | 08:33 |
MoonUnit` | changed to the other kickoff version and prefer that to the default one | 08:34 |
Guest36156 | stjuped green screeens | 08:53 |
Guest36156 | :X | 08:53 |
valorie | Guest36156: can you say more about what you mean, or provide an image? | 08:56 |
valorie | !paste | 08:57 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 08:57 |
valorie | imgur link above for screenshots or photos | 08:57 |
Guest36156 | am | 09:03 |
Guest36156 | when i gust | 09:03 |
Guest36156 | waching videos | 09:03 |
Guest36156 | for little moment | 09:03 |
Guest36156 | green screen | 09:03 |
Guest36156 | whats dhtat | 09:03 |
ismail_ | HERKESE SLM. | 09:05 |
ismail_ | TÜRKÇE BİLEN VARMI???....))))))))) | 09:08 |
Guest36156 | english please | 09:10 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 09:25 |
=== soee__ is now known as soee | ||
Guest36156 | good | 09:46 |
Guest36156 | morning | 09:46 |
Guest36156 | :d | 09:46 |
Guest36156 | i have a big bug | 09:46 |
Guest36156 | :X | 09:46 |
Guest36156 | with plasma5 | 09:47 |
Guest36156 | i dont know hot to -purge | 09:47 |
Guest36156 | plasma | 09:47 |
Guest36156 | :x | 09:47 |
Guest36156 | lordievader: do you know | 09:47 |
soee | Guest36156: please wrie in one line | 09:47 |
soee | what bug do you have ? | 09:47 |
Guest36156 | green screen | 09:47 |
lordievader | Guest36156: I have told you yesterday, don't use the enter key as a period or space key. | 09:48 |
Guest36156 | yes told me :X | 09:48 |
Guest36156 | sorry bro | 09:48 |
lordievader | Guest36156: I'm not your 'bro', but do try to explain your problem again, as clear as possible. | 09:49 |
Guest36156 | am when i wachting videos and switching in full screen - gust splashing a black screen | 09:53 |
Guest36156 | sorry the screen is green | 09:53 |
soee | its liek some problem with drivers and video encoding | 09:55 |
soee | do you have installed kubuntu-restricted-extras ? | 09:55 |
Guest36156 | yes | 10:16 |
Guest36156 | how to remove | 10:16 |
Guest36156 | :D | 10:16 |
Guest36156 | because thats - meybe problem | 10:16 |
Guest36156 | when i was without the secret-extars | 10:16 |
Guest36156 | i dont have a green screen | 10:16 |
Walex | Guest36156: there is a thing called a "video surface" which is a way for the card to accelerate video display, and it is usually green, except wehn there is content on it. | 10:50 |
Walex | Guest36156: video surfaces are handled a bit specially, so switching screens may not be a good idea while video display is on. | 10:51 |
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BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:28 |
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TJ- | Can you give me some package recommendations to install, for KDE-specific help/tutorial, suitable for a new user (no access to apt-get since it is a completely non-networked environment) | 13:16 |
AciD`` | my main computer screen does not want to wake up (and stays in standby mode) but I can still access it via ssh. How can I either force the screen to lightup, or close all my apps gracefuly (on kde) ? | 14:59 |
lordievader | AciD``: What does xrandr say? | 15:01 |
AciD`` | lordievader > it seems to stall right now | 15:04 |
AciD`` | `xrandr` returns "Can't open display" of course, and `DISPLAY=:0 xrandr` just does not returns | 15:06 |
lordievader | AciD``: Does it hang or does it return nothing? | 15:07 |
Jef91 | Anyone know why Google's branded Chrome browser doesn't start up again when I reboot like the rest of my applications do in KDE? | 15:07 |
AciD`` | it hangs | 15:08 |
AciD`` | I could kill -15 all my apps manually, but as it's not the first time that happens, I'd prefer to be sure I'm not missing an easy fix/workaround here | 15:09 |
lordievader | Sounds like a mallfunctioning driver. | 15:10 |
lordievader | AciD``: What videocard/driver are you rocking? | 15:11 |
AciD`` | I just tested that `DISPLAY=:0 kcalc` also does hang | 15:11 |
AciD`` | fglrx... :( | 15:11 |
AciD`` | and radeon HD 7950 | 15:11 |
AciD`` | lordievader > ok so, connecting with `ssh -X computer`, I can launch kcalc and xrandr | 15:16 |
AciD`` | except xrandr does not picks up the host configuration then, but the client one it seems | 15:17 |
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lordievader | AciD``: What happens when you restart X? Note running applications will die. | 15:30 |
AciD`` | lordievader > I decided to go the old way, and killed -15 my apps and restarted | 15:32 |
AciD`` | upon restart, everything is fine | 15:32 |
AciD`` | (until next time) | 15:32 |
lordievader | Next time try to restart X, perhaps that is all it needs ;) | 15:35 |
AciD`` | yes, but the result is same ; I lose my current work | 15:41 |
AciD`` | :( | 15:41 |
lordievader | Err, yes. I'm afraid so. | 15:42 |
AciD`` | anyway, thanks for the help :) | 15:44 |
lordievader | AciD``: No problem ;) | 15:44 |
lordievader | AciD``: By the by, what version of fglrx do you use? | 15:45 |
AciD`` | lordievader > 2:14.301 | 15:46 |
AciD`` | I updated to the latest catalyst driver few days ago | 15:47 |
AciD`` | which solved the huge glitches I had for weeks (when using a 2560x1440 res) | 15:47 |
lordievader | !info fglrx-updates | 15:47 |
ubottu | fglrx-updates (source: fglrx-installer-updates): Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is extra. Version 2:13.350.1-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 34747 kB, installed size 147110 kB (Only available for amd64; i386) | 15:47 |
lordievader | !info fglrx-updates utopic | 15:48 |
ubottu | fglrx-updates (source: fglrx-installer-updates): Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is extra. Version 2:14.201-0ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 21578 kB, installed size 90607 kB (Only available for amd64; i386) | 15:48 |
AciD`` | (quite old versions indeed) | 15:53 |
lordievader | AciD``: Yeah, I get why you went to AMD directly ;) | 16:00 |
indra | m | 16:37 |
Walex | I get good frame rates with the free sw 'radeonsi' driver with the kernel and X server in 14.04LTS | 18:09 |
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Jef91 | does KDE have a built in on screen keyboard or is there one that works well with it that is recommended? | 21:40 |
soee | thers a keyboard widget | 21:41 |
Jef91 | soee: does that pop up/go away when text inputs are selected? | 21:41 |
bprompt | Jef91: run "kvkbd" also available as a widget from the taksbr | 21:42 |
bprompt | taskbar rather =) | 21:42 |
soee | Jef91: no idea, never used it :) | 21:43 |
AciD`` | lordievader > you'll laugh, it's doing it again ; I went away and turned the screen off. coming back : no signals... | 21:54 |
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sysop2 | hi guys, have a question, can I use qtvideosink to make a qml video wallpaper? instead of doing animated gifs? | 23:54 |
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