=== RedDeath is now known as Guest99309 | ||
vual | hey guys i tried to install LXLE on i686 and it wont let me it tells me to get right version for my CPU, but i can only find 64b and 32b i cant find i686 ??? any tips ?? | 03:32 |
ianorlin | the 32 bit is for i686 and LXLE isn't supported here | 03:34 |
vual | oh this is lubuntu ? | 03:36 |
vual | cause LXLE is better then lubuntu i just assumed it overtook lubuntu | 03:36 |
vual | thanks for your help anyway you rude cunt :) | 03:37 |
absk007 | how to backup sources list & key certs? | 07:03 |
Zenfu31 | hi can anyone give me a url for setting up compiz on Lubuntu 14.04.1 desktop | 08:33 |
Zenfu31 | is this thing on??? | 09:30 |
ikonia | Zenfu31: it is | 09:50 |
Zenfu31 | okay, i see that lubuntu uses openbox | 10:17 |
Zenfu31 | i'm essentially looking to try the desktop cube | 10:18 |
Zenfu31 | but have no idea on how to go about it | 10:18 |
Zenfu31 | k, just found it | 10:20 |
Zenfu31 | under preferences | 10:20 |
Zenfu31 | okay, any help on remote desktop connection in lubuntu 14.04.1 ? | 10:24 |
sheena1 | when i try to run desktop preferences, i got a "Desktop manager is not active" error. i did some googling and attempted to reinstall pcmanfm, as that seemed to be a common solution. Now, pcmanfm doesn't run, I get the same popup error when I try to run it from gui or terminal. all i wanted to do was fix my suspend time out, and now i've broken things even more :( | 14:45 |
testdr | sheena1: create a new user, - name it "test" and set password. Then logout and do a login with the new username and check if the desktop is broken there too. If its ok for the new user, then your usersettings are broken (misconfigured). | 14:50 |
sheena1 | ok. | 14:51 |
sheena1 | when i try to use user settings GUI, it is unresponsive when i click "add". is there a command line way to do this? | 14:51 |
sheena1 | testdr: when i open it with sudo users-admin, it just hangs and doesnt finish opening | 14:53 |
testdr | sheena1: yes - shure there is - but it looks like you have more broken. You are shure you did a default installation of LUbunut-14.04? Do you have the install-system(live-system on CD/USB) to check the live-version? | 14:53 |
sheena1 | i did the default install. it worked fine half an hour ago, until i reinstalled pcman | 14:54 |
testdr | sheena1: did you do a logout? And what is with the guest-user-account? Can you use this on login? | 14:54 |
sheena1 | i will reboot and beright back | 14:55 |
sheena1 | testdr: um, now things are really broken | 15:00 |
sheena1 | i have no taskbar, eveything is different/weird, ... | 15:00 |
sheena1 | the only way to open stuff is to right click my desktop to open a terminal emulator | 15:01 |
testdr | sheena1: you are using 2 computers? One for this irc-channel? | 15:01 |
sheena1 | on the plus side, pcmanfm will oepn now! | 15:01 |
sheena1 | nope, i used the terminl to run pidgin, which is how i use IRC | 15:01 |
testdr | sheena1: ok - same computer - if you have not already stored a lot (it was a new installation?), then you can in a terminal move your local config out of way - then logout (NOT reboot) and login again | 15:03 |
sheena1 | it was a clean install, but several months ago | 15:03 |
sheena1 | my home directory is separate | 15:03 |
sheena1 | im nto sure about the config? | 15:03 |
sheena1 | running lxpanel in terminal makes my panel come back | 15:04 |
testdr | sheena1: any backups? Or can you now swith to the guest-user-account? | 15:04 |
testdr | shwitch | 15:04 |
testdr | switch | 15:04 |
sheena1 | when i went into the guest account, it was the same.. no panel, etc | 15:05 |
testdr | sheena1: broken! Could be from no more space to other things. Have run the updates? Last time? | 15:06 |
sheena1 | no space? like, hard drive space? | 15:07 |
sheena1 | i just did update yeah | 15:07 |
testdr | yep | 15:07 |
testdr | when was the last update? | 15:07 |
sheena1 | 28gb free on my home partition, says disks | 15:08 |
sheena1 | 16gb free on my OS partition (root) | 15:09 |
sheena1 | maybe yesterday? im not sure | 15:09 |
testdr | you can do following, you switch to terminal with hotkey strg+alt+F1 and login there, thats no graphics and make a: sudo apt-get update | 15:09 |
testdr | sheena1: you may do it in the xterm | 15:09 |
sheena1 | its running | 15:10 |
sheena1 | i will not paste the output ;) | 15:10 |
sheena1 | it is done | 15:10 |
sheena1 | Fetched 838 kB in 8s (98.9 kB/s) | 15:10 |
sheena1 | Reading package lists... Done | 15:10 |
sheena1 | home@home:~$ | 15:10 |
testdr | its getting new paket-databases | 15:11 |
testdr | sheena1: did you see same parts downloaded? | 15:11 |
sheena1 | same parts? | 15:11 |
testdr | some | 15:11 |
sheena1 | yeah. i just ran a sudo apt-get update a few minutes ago, though | 15:11 |
sheena1 | when i was reinstalling pcman and everything broke :( | 15:12 |
testdr | did you run: sudo apt-get upgrade | 15:12 |
sheena1 | not yet | 15:12 |
sheena1 | i will do that now | 15:13 |
testdr | apt-get update only gets the databases up-to-date -- it installs no pakets or updates those | 15:13 |
sheena1 | ok | 15:13 |
sheena1 | its installing now i thnk | 15:13 |
sheena1 | sorry. i have been using ubuntu for a few years now, but there are still things i dont fully understand | 15:14 |
testdr | sheena1: you should see the downloading (traffic) and what it does for installing | 15:14 |
sheena1 | yep. i see it | 15:14 |
sheena1 | what should i dowhen its finished? | 15:14 |
sheena1 | log out? reboot? neither? | 15:14 |
testdr | sheena1: did it install a new kernel? Only this is normaly the reason for a reboot. | 15:15 |
sheena1 | i am not sure how to tell | 15:15 |
testdr | you should try now if the tool in the menu: system configuration --> User+Groups is working | 15:15 |
sheena1 | oh if it did, it will ask me to reboot, right? | 15:16 |
sheena1 | it is now preparing and unpacking | 15:16 |
sheena1 | soon it will be done | 15:16 |
testdr | most times yes - but not allways | 15:16 |
sheena1 | i dont see any mention of kernel in the list of stuff it is installing | 15:16 |
testdr | sheena1: you should be able to create a new user-account to get a clean user-setting and if this is working, then its possible to fix your primary-account | 15:17 |
sheena1 | it is still unpacking | 15:18 |
sheena1 | must have many things to install.. means i havent done this in a while maybe? oops | 15:18 |
testdr | thats what i suspect - and is different what you told | 15:18 |
sheena1 | i see that :( | 15:19 |
sheena1 | i did not mean to lie to you! | 15:19 |
sheena1 | it seems stuck maybe | 15:19 |
sheena1 | oh no, its going now | 15:19 |
testdr | i did not say this - computers are always the fault | 15:19 |
sheena1 | heh yes. blame the machine :) | 15:19 |
sheena1 | it never minds if you blame it. i did drop it hard on the floor a couple of days ago also, and ran some hard drive diagnostics, but that should not cause the software to work strangely i think | 15:19 |
testdr | sheena1: did you never use synaptic (gui-tool) for updates and paket-installs? | 15:20 |
sheena1 | ok it is done | 15:20 |
sheena1 | i use the software updater gui. it comes up sometimes and i click "install" but im notsure if it is synaptic or not | 15:20 |
testdr | thats not | 15:20 |
sheena1 | i have both User Accounts and Users and Groups now | 15:20 |
testdr | running? | 15:21 |
sheena1 | i want users and groups? | 15:21 |
sheena1 | in useres and groups, it opens but when i click add, stil nothing happens | 15:21 |
sheena1 | manage groups opens a dialogue, but add and advanced settings do not | 15:21 |
testdr | mmh -- maybe wait - maybe you do a logout and login and everything may work. --- | 15:22 |
sheena1 | in user accounts, there is no response and an "unlock" buttont hat does nothing | 15:22 |
sheena1 | ok i will log out | 15:22 |
sheena1 | lol | 15:23 |
sheena1 | "log out command is not set" | 15:23 |
sheena1 | how do i do this in command line? | 15:23 |
testdr | in commandline, in terminal enter: logout | 15:23 |
testdr | or exit | 15:23 |
sheena1 | that just closes the terminal | 15:23 |
sheena1 | it hink | 15:23 |
sheena1 | To end all user processes and be sent back to the login screen, you can use:kill -9 -1 | 15:24 |
sheena1 | i could do that? | 15:24 |
testdr | sheena1: your gui-taskbar-icon for logout is not there? | 15:24 |
sheena1 | it is, but it pops up with the error "log out command is not set" | 15:24 |
sheena1 | i never log out, so maybe this is not a new problem. i dont think i have ever logged out since i installed, i just reboot if i need to. | 15:25 |
sheena1 | testdr: i am not sure what to do next | 15:26 |
sheena1 | i will try the kill -9 command? | 15:26 |
testdr | sheena1: in a terminal(xterm) enter to kill running LXDE-session: killall --SIGKILL lxsession | 15:26 |
sheena1 | that gives me a manual type page for killalll | 15:26 |
testdr | sheena1: my keyboard - only one "-" | 15:27 |
sheena1 | home@home:~$ killall -SIGKILL lxsession | 15:27 |
sheena1 | lxsession: no process found | 15:27 |
testdr | sheena1: you have LUbuntu? Without lxsession to start the Desktop? Or -- how you get it started? | 15:28 |
sheena1 | im sorry i dont know :( | 15:28 |
sheena1 | i have lubuntu, yes | 15:28 |
sheena1 | it usually just works? i turn it on and it works! | 15:28 |
testdr | check in terminal if there is lxsession running: ps xa | grep session | 15:29 |
sheena1 | home@home:~$ ps xa | grep session | 15:29 |
sheena1 | 2138 ? Sl 0:00 lightdm --session-child 12 27 | 15:29 |
sheena1 | 2210 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /usr/bin/im-launch /usr/bin/openbox-session | 15:29 |
sheena1 | 2213 ? S 0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /usr/bin/im-launch /usr/bin/openbox-session | 15:29 |
sheena1 | 2214 ? Ss 0:00 //bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session | 15:29 |
sheena1 | 2269 ? Sl 0:00 /usr/lib/at-spi2-core/at-spi2-registryd --use-gnome-session | 15:29 |
sheena1 | 15705 pts/7 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto session | 15:29 |
testdr | sheena1: you have no default LUbuntu -- you have mixed with gnome-session | 15:30 |
sheena1 | oh . how did that happen? can i fix it? is that the problem? | 15:30 |
testdr | sheena1: i dont know -- if you are right about using LUbuntu-14.04, you can do an: sudo apt-get install lxde-common | 15:33 |
sheena1 | what is the comand to print out what OS i have installed etc? | 15:33 |
testdr | uname -a | 15:34 |
testdr | and: lsb_release -a | 15:34 |
sheena1 | home@home:~$ lsb_release -a | 15:34 |
sheena1 | No LSB modules are available. | 15:34 |
sheena1 | Distributor ID:Ubuntu | 15:34 |
sheena1 | Description:Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS | 15:34 |
sheena1 | Release:14.04 | 15:34 |
sheena1 | Codename:trusty | 15:34 |
testdr | sheena1: dont paste multiple lines into irc -- use the pastebin and provide the link to the uploaded text (http://paste.ubuntu.com" | 15:35 |
sheena1 | sorry. do you want me to pastebin that output for you? | 15:36 |
testdr | no - could read enough | 15:36 |
sheena1 | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.04.1/release/lubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-i386.iso this is the file i used to install | 15:36 |
sheena1 | i made a live usb and used that | 15:36 |
sheena1 | so i dont know what happened? | 15:36 |
sheena1 | i did try to make shotwell work and installed some gnome things, maybe that broke something? | 15:36 |
testdr | thats ok - but --ahaaa | 15:36 |
sheena1 | i dont want to do a clean install again if i dont have to :( | 15:36 |
sheena1 | that was months ago, the shotwell thing, and it worked ok after that? | 15:37 |
testdr | you did install gnome - and pulled in parts of the gnome-desktop for your user-account. | 15:37 |
sheena1 | ok | 15:37 |
sheena1 | is it fixable? | 15:37 |
sheena1 | and will fixing it fix all the stuff that is wrong, or only some? | 15:37 |
testdr | your user-account-mixed settings is not easy to fix. -- First there is the gnome-session running instead of lxsession. But i wonder if its the same for the guest-account and if so i dont know what everything else may be installed from gnome and taking over the command | 15:39 |
sheena1 | is a clean install going to fix it? | 15:40 |
sheena1 | i can dot hat if it is the best way | 15:40 |
testdr | if your user-data is saved -- mailsettings, etc. then a clean new install would be the best and quickest thing and then you can install your saved user-date back -- but take care about .config in your home-directory, there may be some gnome-settings and this should be first not used. | 15:42 |
sheena1 | can i just rename .config to .config-broken and then do a clean install? | 15:42 |
testdr | and for the future - create always a second user-account to do software tests or mixing the desktop-settings. | 15:43 |
sheena1 | thank you. i will try to do that next time. i never know what might break things :( | 15:43 |
testdr | no -- if you will rename it - then you first should try to reboot and check if things work better -- you need a real backup if you do a fresh install | 15:43 |
sheena1 | real backup.. even though home directory is separate? | 15:44 |
sheena1 | i will rename it now and reboot, see what happens? | 15:45 |
testdr | sheena1: i dont know if you have it really separate. People do a new install and overwrite whole disk and then even a not touched partition is gone. | 15:45 |
sheena1 | i have done installs with home separate befor | 15:45 |
sheena1 | i can show you if i can list my paritions? | 15:46 |
sheena1 | i know i must do it inside the installer carefully so it does nto overwrite /home | 15:46 |
testdr | sheena1: you can do a install only to the root-partition and dont touch other partitions - but some people are to quick and press the button to do the full-install | 15:46 |
testdr | sheena1: you understand? You have to read carefully and know the datasettings of your harddisk | 15:47 |
sheena1 | yes i understand. i have done this before several times | 15:48 |
testdr | ok - then a fresh install is done in less than 1 hour (quick hardware only around 20-30 minutes). | 15:48 |
sheena1 | ok. should i try the rename .config first? | 15:49 |
testdr | thats less than the time we used here | 15:49 |
testdr | yes - thats quicker - and you know this is put aside with a different name | 15:50 |
sheena1 | ok. i will do that and then reboot and see what happens? | 15:50 |
sheena1 | sudo mv /home/home/.config /home/home/.config-broken ? | 15:50 |
testdr | yes | 15:51 |
sheena1 | not mvdir? | 15:51 |
testdr | no - its only a rename | 15:51 |
sheena1 | ok | 15:51 |
sheena1 | ok i rebooted | 15:54 |
sheena1 | no panel opened | 15:54 |
sheena1 | i right clicked desktop to open terminal, and ran pidgin, so i cando the same for my panel and check what works? | 15:55 |
sheena1 | users? | 15:55 |
sheena1 | this time lxpanel opened a different panel | 15:55 |
sheena1 | with my colour settings | 15:55 |
sheena1 | software updater opened and wants me to update 'Ubuntu base' | 15:56 |
sheena1 | looks like a kernel update | 15:56 |
sheena1 | testdr: are you here? | 15:58 |
testdr | too late | 16:02 |
testdr | re | 16:03 |
sheena1 | i missed some msgs | 16:03 |
testdr | not much - was afk | 16:04 |
sheena1 | i made a new user through command line but now when i boot up, it does not even ask me which user i want | 16:04 |
testdr | did you activate auto-login? | 16:04 |
sheena1 | i dont think so? if i did, it was an accident | 16:04 |
sheena1 | this morning, it would always ask me | 16:04 |
sheena1 | and now it does not | 16:05 |
testdr | and you are logged in as this user? New or old one? | 16:05 |
sheena1 | home | 16:05 |
sheena1 | i cannot log in as new one | 16:05 |
sheena1 | i dont know how? | 16:05 |
sheena1 | if it does not ask me when i restart, i dont know how else to do it | 16:05 |
sheena1 | logout through GUI does not work | 16:05 |
testdr | sounds like the login-manager is gone | 16:05 |
sheena1 | all gone :( | 16:06 |
testdr | then its really the quickest way to do a fresh clean install from your live-usb-version | 16:06 |
sheena1 | throw it out and get a new pc ? | 16:06 |
sheena1 | ok | 16:06 |
sheena1 | i will find my usb stick | 16:06 |
sheena1 | i hope! | 16:06 |
sheena1 | is it bad to make a new one from this broken computer if i cannot find it? | 16:06 |
sheena1 | and there are now some things in .config again. should i rename it again before i install? | 16:07 |
testdr | no - only the download has to work - with some kind of browser or wget -- but without an usb-stick? | 16:07 |
sheena1 | i have the iso file already on my laptop | 16:07 |
sheena1 | from before | 16:07 |
sheena1 | and i have many usb | 16:07 |
sheena1 | just not sure i have the boot one i made still | 16:07 |
sheena1 | i might have lost it or overwritten it | 16:07 |
testdr | sheena1: then plug in a usable usb and identify its device -- maybe its /dev/sdb and do a dd if=isoimage of=/dev/sdb | 16:08 |
kanzure | confirm it's /dev/sdb before dd | 16:08 |
testdr | sheena1: if you have 2 harddisks it may be /dev/sdc | 16:08 |
sheena1 | i think i fount it | 16:09 |
sheena1 | it has .disk and boot nad casper.. etc | 16:09 |
sheena1 | seems like the right onw | 16:09 |
sheena1 | can i check it before i install from it? | 16:09 |
testdr | the dd-command is: --- then its probably your lost live-version | 16:09 |
sheena1 | and kanzure, can i access this from my android phone so i can stay in the room while im doing my reinstall? | 16:10 |
kanzure | androchat | 16:10 |
testdr | sheena1: you check it with reboot and select boot from this usb-drive (maybe you have to press F11 .. F12 or F2 at boot-time) | 16:10 |
sheena1 | ok bye for now! | 16:10 |
kanzure | or androirc, rather. | 16:10 |
sheena | Is it working? | 16:12 |
sheena | Kanzure am i in the rigt place? | 16:13 |
sheena | My wifi card isnt opening. | 16:24 |
sheena | Seriously? | 16:24 |
sheena1 | testdr: i have reinstalled. how can i check that everything is back to nromal? | 16:46 |
testdr | check the lookout - working tool - like user-config, openbox-config etc. | 16:47 |
sheena1 | open bo confg opens | 16:49 |
sheena1 | user config works, i made a test account! | 16:49 |
sheena1 | how can i change my system suspend settings? maybe i should get help with that before i break all the things agin! | 16:49 |
testdr | first do an update - suspend-settings like suspend-to-ram for an laptop? Thats part of powerconfiguration | 16:51 |
testdr | check the tools in config and system-settings are working - there should be the tool for the power-settings | 16:52 |
triplc | hi all | 21:43 |
triplc | howto change colors of lxterminal ? | 21:43 |
triplc | or it is only background & foreground color can be changed ? | 21:44 |
triplc | no customized color scheme ? | 21:44 |
=== Guest99309 is now known as RedDeath |
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