
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er
bradgillapIs anyone having issues with the desktop becoming stuck and not being able to click on windows? Sometimes I can find the active window and move it around a bit and everything else becomes usable again for a short period.  When this happens I also can't get the super key to work to show panels.03:02
bradgillapIt doesn't seem to be connected to window focus or nvidia drivers from my testing. Sometimes I reboot and everything works fine with the window manager.03:03
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=== ccarella is now known as ccar_away
darkxstNoskcaj, it really is better, especially when merging unrelated branches;)05:24
NoskcajWhat's your normal workflow? And is it still based on the bzr?05:28
Noskcajdarkxst, I think nautilus's tracker support is still off, is it worth turning it on now?05:28
darkxstwhere is it off? one of the ppa's?05:31
darkxstsee https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/1:3.10.1-0ubuntu1305:31
darkxst(it absolutely should be on in the ppa's if it isnt.)05:31
darkxstnautilus in gnome3 needs a merge ;)05:33
NoskcajI must be thinking of something else05:37
darkxstI ddnt think there was anything else in main that needs tracker support05:51
darkxstNoskcaj, oh missed you earlier question, so I have a small script that grabs bzr branch (where packaging branch exists) and pulls it into git10:09
darkxstso I end up with:10:10
darkxstgit import-dsc <debian package>10:10
darkxstgit import-bzr10:10
darkxstgit checkout ubuntu10:10
darkxstgit merge master10:11
darkxst<fix conflicts etc, commit>10:11
darkxstas a bonus you can even import the quilt patches in a git branch ;)10:17
darkxstusing gbp-pq10:17
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=== ccarella is now known as ccar_away
=== prth is now known as prth|away
gnome-of-lawnI want to overwrite my ubuntu install with ubuntu gnome, but i also have windows 8 and the installer doesn't detect it. What should i do?19:11
almostnoobHi, all. Can anyone help me with issues with the package manager?21:00
Noskcaj!ask | almostnoob21:16
ubot5almostnoob: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:16
berglh!patience | berglh21:57
ubot5berglh, please see my private message21:57
berglhhey Noskcaj, I got your messages from yesterday21:58
berglhthanks for that, i'll have a bit of a dig through21:58
berglhgot my irssi logging working now so i don't miss anything21:59
berglhshould make sure it still works after killing irssi22:01
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella

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