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lordievader | Good morning. | 09:25 |
Guest12973 | ciao | 10:44 |
Guest12973 | !list | 10:44 |
ubottu | Guest12973: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 10:44 |
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Alina-malina | guys, can this error be occured by my webserver? proxy-server-connection-failed because my website is working, but one user complaining for this? | 12:07 |
lordievader | Alina-malina: Where do you see that error? | 12:09 |
Alina-malina | not me, but inside browser | 12:11 |
lordievader | Then it is likely their proxy configuration. | 12:12 |
Alina-malina | can there be any other reason me as website owner should be worried? | 12:12 |
Alina-malina | but why that proxy server is doing this with my website? | 12:14 |
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ubuntucron | hi. i just now moved to a new server with 14.0.1 and i am trying to run cron jobs but it does not seem to work | 15:42 |
lordievader | ubuntucron: "but it does not seem to work"... | 15:43 |
lordievader | ubuntucron: Could you be more specific? | 15:43 |
dine909 | how can i create selections for my debian package, that i can configure with dpkg-reconfigure? | 16:02 |
ubuntucron | nevermind. got it working! | 16:05 |
ubuntucron | thanks anyway | 16:05 |
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xpistos | Hey guys. I am having some trouble mounting NFS shares on my laptop from my server. It tells me that "mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting" Can someone help me figure out what I am doing wrong? | 17:03 |
xpistos | I am using a fresh install of 12.04.05 | 17:04 |
xpistos | AHHHH! when I looked at what I typed i realized I didn't have the actual share written in caps! So dumb! | 17:06 |
xpistos | Working now | 17:06 |
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pculebras | Good evening! Is there anyone around here that could help me configure my Bind9 DNS? | 19:42 |
pmatulis | !ask | pculebras | 19:42 |
ubottu | pculebras: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 19:42 |
pculebras | So far I have configured: /etc/network/interfaces to static, /etc/hosts, /etc/bind/named.conf.local, /etc/bind/db.pculebras.hom and a couple of files more and I still get: Host pculebras.hom not found: 3(NXDOMAIN) | 19:48 |
pculebras | If you want me I can post the file contents, as they do not contain any important information... but, my goal here is to be able to use a web app in this server without using the Static IP Address. | 19:51 |
lordievader | pculebras: Is your db.pculebras.hom referenced in named.conf.local? | 19:52 |
pculebras | yep | 19:53 |
pculebras | I even ran the named-checkzone pculebras.hom /etc/bind/db.pculebras.hom and it is successful | 19:54 |
lordievader | Could you pastebin your named.conf.local? | 19:55 |
pculebras | yep, one moment | 19:55 |
bastidrazor | shouldn't that be in /etc/bind/zones/db.pculebras.hom ? | 19:59 |
pculebras | http://pastebin.com/nLNd5RaN | 20:00 |
pculebras | sorry for the delay | 20:00 |
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lordievader | pculebras: Looks okay to me, could you pastebin the db.pc... thing too? | 20:03 |
pculebras | yep | 20:03 |
pculebras | mom | 20:03 |
pculebras | here it goes | 20:09 |
pculebras | http://pastebin.com/ahfbzVU0 | 20:09 |
pculebras | this is /etc/hosts http://pastebin.com/3QTU0shD | 20:11 |
lordievader | pculebras: Hmm, my db file looks different. | 20:12 |
pculebras | mine doesn't have to be right | 20:12 |
pculebras | I just followed some tutorials and I might have mixed everything up | 20:13 |
lordievader | pculebras: Mine looks like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto#Primary_Master_Server_configuration | 20:13 |
pculebras | and the /etc/network/interfaces looks like this http://pastebin.com/zK1d18jB | 20:18 |
lordievader | pculebras: Did you notice the difference? | 20:18 |
pculebras | I am just making the changes | 20:18 |
pculebras | :) | 20:18 |
pculebras | now I get | 20:22 |
pculebras | ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached | 20:22 |
pculebras | ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached | 20:22 |
pculebras | ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached | 20:22 |
pculebras | ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached | 20:22 |
pculebras | ups sorry for the quadruple paste | 20:22 |
lordievader | pculebras: Is it running? | 20:24 |
pculebras | the service? | 20:24 |
pculebras | I just restarted it | 20:24 |
lordievader | Yes. | 20:24 |
pculebras | so yes | 20:24 |
lordievader | It can fail to start... | 20:24 |
pculebras | logs seem to be ok | 20:26 |
pculebras | Oct 12 22:24:50 jira dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 13 (xid=0x121fa613) | 20:26 |
pculebras | except for that | 20:27 |
pculebras | because I am using eth1 instead :/ | 20:27 |
lordievader | pculebras: Is 'named' running? | 20:33 |
pculebras | how do I check that? | 20:34 |
lordievader | pculebras: ps aux|grep named | 20:35 |
micah | hey all, i've been trying to debootstrap an precise-server, with no graphics... i couldn't figure out how to do precise-server, so I did precise and now when it boots to a certain point, but then hangs: http://paste.debian.net/125878/ | 20:37 |
pculebras | it ies | 20:37 |
pculebras | is* | 20:37 |
micah | i can't seem to get a login prompt :( | 20:37 |
lordievader | pculebras: Ok, do you run a firewall? | 20:37 |
pculebras | nope, I have just installed ubuntu today | 20:38 |
* micah has been fighting this all day :( | 20:38 | |
lordievader | pculebras: Err, I'd double check your config. Bind errors can be somewhat hard to debug. | 20:39 |
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tafa2 | hey guys | 20:41 |
lordievader | o/ | 20:41 |
tafa2 | im looking to get started with a one of the many automated server admin tools such as puppet, chef, salt, ansible, cfengine | 20:41 |
tafa2 | anything you can recommend? | 20:42 |
micah | tafa2: puppet or salt | 20:42 |
tafa2 | micah thanks! any particular reason? (open source versions btw :) ) | 20:42 |
lordievader | puppet +1 | 20:43 |
micah | tafa2: i've been using puppet forever, and think its fine, but I hear people say salt is good too | 20:44 |
tafa2 | ive started with salt | 20:44 |
tafa2 | but didnt explore puppet so thought id come ask | 20:45 |
tafa2 | but like im only 30mins in haha | 20:45 |
micah | anyone have any idea wtf is going on with my boot? | 20:45 |
pculebras | lordivader: I will check, otherwise I will go to a corner and cry XD | 20:45 |
tafa2 | micah does puppet have a limitation on the number of servers you can have in the open source version? | 20:46 |
micah | tafa2: no | 20:46 |
tafa2 | awesome thanks! | 20:46 |
lordievader | micah: I had a similar problem today with my utopic netboot. Still working on the fix, but I did get a bit further than you. Turned out I was missing a lot of packages. | 20:50 |
* micah figured it out | 20:55 | |
lordievader | micah: What was it? | 20:57 |
micah | lordievader: i had to launch a getty on the serial, which first meant figuring out upstart | 21:01 |
micah | now I gotta figure out why my network doesn't come up on boot | 21:02 |
micah | what is it that brings up interfaces in an ubuntu-server? | 21:04 |
micah | i configured things in /etc/network/interfaces, but eth0 doesn't comes up | 21:04 |
lordievader | micah: I suppose network-interface.conf in /etc/init | 21:07 |
pculebras | lordivader: thanks for your help, I didn't get it running, but I guess I will try tomorrow again. | 21:08 |
micah | lordievader: it seems like the device isn't brought up on boot though, its in a down state, and I have to 'ip link set eth0 up' | 21:09 |
lordievader | micah: Hmm, odd. You know that can be shortened to 'ip l s eth0 up' ;) ) | 21:11 |
pculebras | have a nice evening! | 21:11 |
lordievader | pmatulis: Same to you ;) | 21:12 |
lordievader | Err pculebras... | 21:12 |
tafa2 | would adding 80,000+ lines of ip ranges to hosts.deny negatively affect my system in anyway? | 21:38 |
micah | lordievader: yeah, i know it can be shortened, but I want to know how I can make it so I dont need it :) | 22:21 |
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