
Kiloscremora minora07:10
* Kilos explores the panel options on kde whew so many things07:25
Kiloscan even give dolphin root privileges07:26
jaysenlatest Kubuntu Kilos?07:31
jaysenlate beta?07:31
Kiloshi jaysen  bope 14.0407:31
jaysenah k. .. and its nice and shiny? It's been so long since i tried kde07:32
Kiloshave you been here before jaysen  ?07:32
Kilosif not welcome to ubuntu-za07:32
jaysena while back . but not regularly. 07:33
jaysenthanks Kilos07:33
Kilosmake this a regular channel man07:33
Kiloswhat do you use?07:34
jaysenok. I'm planning on falling back into to using irc07:34
jaysenbut I think I told you the exact same thing 2-4 years ago (:07:34
Kilosive been a gnome person but unity is a bit painful so been trying kde for about a month07:34
Kiloshaha you naughty07:35
jaysenubuntu / fed on desktop. osx on this laptop 07:35
Kilossjoe osx is mac?07:35
jaysenunfortunately yes 07:36
* jaysen hangs head in shame07:36
Kiloshaha even the fly is using one so dont worry07:36
jaysenbut i'm thinking that my next lappie is going to be linux.07:37
Kiloshe needs to make software that works on them too so also had no choice07:37
jaysenwe'll see07:37
jaysenGreat excuse - I'm going to start using that !07:37
* jaysen reaches for xamarin installer07:38
Kilosno man he does church stuff iirc07:38
Kiloshi gremble  07:38
Kilossome open thing07:38
jaysenAh, k07:39
jaysenbtw, do you know which irc client he prefers on the mac07:41
Kilosim not sure but he uses quassel on everything else07:41
jaysencolloquoy is crashing, and so fell back onto adium for now. but i'm not sure07:42
jaysenok. will look around07:42
Kilosjaysen  http://quassel-irc.org/node/4207:43
jaysenThanks Kilos. As helpful as ever07:43
KilosMaaz  google irc for mac07:43
MaazKilos: "Colloquy: IRC, SILC & ICB Client" http://colloquy.info/ :: "LimeChat: IRC Client for Mac" http://limechat.net/mac/ :: "IRCHelp.org — Mac IRC Clients" http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/clients/mac/ :: "Three Best IRC Clients for Mac I am aware of | CUBRID Blog" http://www.cubrid.org/blog/cubrid-appstools/three-best-irc-clients-for-mac-i-am-aware-of/ ::07:43
Maaz"Textual: IRC for Mac OS X" http://www.codeux.com/ :: "Snak - IRC for Mac" http://www.snak.com/…07:43
grembleGood morning Kilos 07:45
grembleUse irssi07:45
Kiloshow is our mathmetician today?07:45
grembleLazy. It is the last day of vacation07:45
Kilosirssi is hard work for me07:45
grembleAnd I have a massive amount of work to do (That I should have done in this break time)07:46
grembleHow is it going with you?07:46
Kilosnever put off till tomorrow what you can do today07:46
Kilosim good ty, happy with new drive and 64bit kubuntu07:46
grembleIt wasn't that I lazily procastrinated up until now. I did a lot of work, just not the work that I was supposed to ;P07:48
grembleJust work that was more engaging07:48
Kilosrunning 64bit kde is so much faster than 32bit here im very happy, the heavyness shows more in 32bit07:49
Kilosthat thing07:49
KilosMaaz  spell heaviness07:49
MaazKilos: Yup, that's a word all right07:49
KilosMaaz  spell heavyness07:50
MaazKilos: Suggestions: Heaviness or heaviness07:50
KilosMaaz  botsnack07:50
MaazThank you thank you, munch munch chomp chomp07:50
Kilosbiggest job with kubuntu is the configuring things till they suit your needs07:51
grembleHow much ram to you have?07:58
Kilosneed to save for a faster cpu before i can worry about more ram08:00
Kilosbut for the first time since i started, everything in this pc was new, not other peeps discards08:02
Kilosbeen using a drive the fly said to trash a few years ago hehe08:03
grembleInteresting that 64 would be faster. Perhaps x86 code has nice optimization08:11
Kilosi dunno how it all works but i use evolution mail and in 32bit it takes forever to open and close , here its fast08:12
Kilosso when i can upgrade to i5 cpu things gonna rock08:13
grembleThat sounds good08:17
grembleI think my harddrive in my desktop is dying08:17
grembleSo everything takes forever to open up on it08:17
grembleAnd ElementaryOS died08:17
grembleI need to install something else08:18
grembleWill probably be Archlinux08:18
Kilosdo you have power cuts often?08:26
grembleBut that is for another time08:26
grembleNot as much the past year08:27
Kilosafter power cuts there are lots orphan inodes that need sorting08:27
Kilosi run sudo touch /forcefsck and it clears them on next reboot08:28
grembleI will give it a whirl and see08:28
Kilossome peeps say dont force fsck but noone told me why yet08:29
Kilosthat command works here so i maar use it08:29
grembleext4 is a journaled filesystem, so it should do those things automagically08:29
Kilosive tried it after booting and getting message that orphan inodes have been deleted or cleaned but more are found and clean with the command08:31
grembleReading about it now08:32
jaysen_Thanks Kilos. Installed Quassel . and its a package on homebrew .. so even better08:49
Kiloscool glad you got it going08:49
Kiloswith quassel you can bounce as well from others things like cells etc08:50
Kilosi need to look at the bouncer thing one day too08:51
Kilosbut i couldnt get quassel to use bell.ogg before so use konversation instead08:51
jaysen_k. I want to look into it too08:52
jaysen_Hows the KDE config going ?08:53
spinzaI used quassel for some time and it started crashing to frequently.  Now switched to ZNC on ubuntu.  Using hexchat on PCs to connecto to it and HoloIRC from my android devices.08:55
Kiloscoming right ty.. my main issues are finding thing with different names08:55
Kilosand of course getting text larger08:56
Kilosand i like many workspaces so sorting that is what hassles if i dont use a backup08:57
Kiloshi spinza  08:57
=== jaysen is now known as Guest38365
charlgood afternoon11:34
charlMaaz: coffee on11:34
* Maaz starts grinding coffee11:34
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!11:38
Kilosohi charl  12:44
Kiloswb SDCDev  12:46
Kilosbuncha yoyos13:05
charlhi Kilos 13:32
grembleI think the internet is broke13:57
Kiloshows the work coming gremble  ?14:09
Kilosim about ready to start changing drives to work on so might be on and off14:10
Kiloswould be nice if sata drivews were hot plugable like usbs14:10
KilosMaaz  watch them14:18
MaazOK Kilos I'll keep an eye on them for you14:18
grembleSata is hotpluggable14:19
grembleWell, S-ATA is supposed to be :P14:20

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