delt | Hello | 16:19 |
delt | question about the blank-screen-on-laptop-close bug.... it's fixed in 14.04.1, right? | 16:19 |
delt | i'm still having that problem after doing apt-get dist-upgrade from 14.04 | 16:19 |
delt | (using nvidia driver) i had to patch up a script that changes tty and then back to tty7 to workaround | 16:19 |
cfhowlett | delt, that would mean - not fixed? | 16:19 |
delt | cfhowlett: on the website it says it's supposed to be fixed.... | 16:20 |
delt | at least the issue disappeared from the "known issues" section | 16:20 |
cfhowlett | delt, you should check the bug report | 16:20 |
delt | ok.. where would that be again? | 16:21 |
cfhowlett | !info screen blank bug | 16:21 |
ubottu | 'blank' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed | 16:21 |
cfhowlett | delt, I don't know how to search do that search fuunction | 16:22 |
delt | uh wut? | 16:22 |
delt | i remember checking and commenting on that bug report a few months ago, i just don't remember where it is.... anyway let's try google... | 16:23 |
delt | anyway it's a pretty serious bug... personally i have no idea how distributions get released with such a serious issue | 16:24 |
delt | found this: | 16:25 |
delt | which links to | 16:26 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1303736 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Fix released] | 16:26 |
cfhowlett | delt, so a fix was released ... | 16:26 |
delt | that's for xubuntu, i assume the same applies for ubuntu studio? | 16:28 |
delt | anyway i have to go now... be back later today, thanks for helping me out | 16:29 |
ubuntustudionewu | hi studio users , have a nice day!!! | 17:54 |
ubuntustudionewu | does someone already have to take off voice in a mp3 song ? | 17:55 |
ubuntustudionewu | I found this, I'm going to try and let you know how this works | 18:00 |
ubuntustudionewu | | 18:00 |
zequence | ubuntustudionewu: Not only voice will be removed, but everything that is centered in the mix | 18:09 |
zequence | Some things may be centered, but have stereo effects, so they will not be completely removed on account of that | 18:09 |
ubuntustudionewu | ouch!!! :( | 18:09 |
ubuntustudionewu | the reason i'm looking for this is because my wife is taking singing classes and need to copy the song without vocals to a cd .. so she can try to sing in her class | 18:11 |
zequence | ubuntustudionewu: You can try mixing a phased inverted mix (where everything centered is gone), and a normal stereo mix where you have aggressively eq'd out the frequencies for vocals | 18:12 |
ubuntustudionewu | zequence: thank you very much for your guidance | 18:12 |
zequence | At least you'll have some percussion left | 18:12 |
ubuntustudionewu | oh ok | 18:12 |
ubuntustudionewu | it's and old song from a mexican female singer .. (pretty lady :) ) | 18:14 |
ubuntustudionewu | | 18:14 |
ubuntustudionewu | she's ely guerra | 18:15 |
ubuntustudionewu | zequence: good advice.. mixing both!! | 18:18 |
ubuntustudionewu | mmmm I already try this procedure but anyway the vocals persist | 18:47 |
mlpug | ubuntustudionewu, maybe your original audio does not have vocals in the absolute center | 18:54 |
ubuntustudionewu | mlpug: I think the same , I haven't the original CD (it's pretty old) and I download a mp3 from youtube | 18:55 |
holstein | i run a class like that.. and the students pay me to make them "minus one" recording | 18:56 |
holstein | getting vocals out like that will always be a compromise.. and have mixed results.. i wouldnt expect a click-n-run application that will work everytime | 18:58 |
holstein | this has nothing to do with linux in particular, though, so you can ask and research industry wide and see what folks do to remove vocals from audio.. which, arguably, in the "professional" world means, re-recording the material without the vocal | 18:59 |
holstein | wont hurt to try a few tools though | 18:59 |
Juan___ | hola alguien ahi? | 19:03 |
Juan___ | anyone there? | 19:04 |
holstein | Juan___: yes | 19:04 |
Juan___ | ok thanks | 19:04 |
Juan___ | can I ask you about ardour? | 19:04 |
holstein | !ask | 19:04 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 19:04 |
Juan___ | ok thanks! | 19:05 |
ubuntustudionewu | holstein: I appreciate your offer , this is a test for the students of a starters singing class | 19:05 |
holstein | ubuntustudionewu: cool.. though, i made no offer | 19:05 |
delt | Hello | 19:05 |
ubuntustudionewu | hostein: ohh sorry , I tought that | 19:05 |
holstein | ubuntustudionewu: im not saying, "you can hire me to make minus ones.." im saying, in my *very* similar situation, we dont extract the audio like that.. we just make new audio without vocal | 19:06 |
delt | even after the 14.04.1 fix for laptop lid bug (screen stays turned off) ...settings in the power manager are still ignored. | 19:06 |
Juan___ | I have an delta 66 of M-Audio, I want to connect properly to ardou, shall I do by ALSA or directly with ardour | 19:06 |
holstein | Juan___: you'll want to use JACK with the hardware... | 19:06 |
holstein | !proaudio | Juan___ | 19:06 |
ubottu | Juan___: For information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see | 19:06 |
delt | ie. i set "when laptop lid is closed" to do nothing, and closing the lid still puts the laptop in suspend/hibernate | 19:07 |
holstein | delt: for issues like that that really dont have anything to do with audio production, i would take them as far upstream as possible.. i would start at #xubuntu | 19:07 |
Juan___ | thanks! I will check! thanks for your work! | 19:07 |
delt | holstein: good idea, thanks | 19:07 |
ubuntustudionewu | holstein: I got it (i appreciate your response) , ok .. this guys have to go tomorrow with a CD with their favorite song recorder without voice | 19:07 |
holstein | delt: this is a small team, and we dont do anything with the power management like that.. | 19:07 |
delt | holstein: asking in #xubuntu now... | 19:08 |
ubuntustudionewu | juan: hola juan , si aqui esta la comunidad ubuntu studio ! saludos. | 19:08 |
holstein | ubuntustudionewu: well, you can point out that that is basically illegal.. and ask that different circumstances be presented | 19:08 |
holstein | i mean, it *should* be covered under fair use, in my opinion, but, thats not trivial.. | 19:09 |
ubuntustudionewu | holstein: good advice.. we have to tell it to the teacher of the class also. | 19:12 |
holstein | its just a lot that a teacher is asking | 19:14 |
holstein | its something that folks at large companies get large salaries to try and do, and not do all that well | 19:14 |
ubuntustudionewu | holstein: I agree with you .. I think the teacher suppose the students going to pick a very mainstream song that is easy to find and download it's the karaoke version , but some songs are not very popular and are good. | 19:18 |
holstein | that is also illegal ;) | 19:18 |
holstein | i mean, unless you are intended to pay for it.. | 19:18 |
ubuntustudionewu | Yeah !! | 19:18 |
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