xubuntu09w | is there anyway i can remove the mounted internal hdd icons from my desktop? | 02:35 |
skellat | I'm sorry xubuntu09w but that is a question that needs to be taken to the support channel, #xubuntu, instead of here | 02:43 |
* pleia2 pulling down dailys for an exciting saturday night | 02:46 | |
skellat | pleia2: Will said dailies leave a smoking mess, though? | 03:02 |
pleia2 | skellat: I don't know, will they? :) | 03:02 |
skellat | I'm running 14.10 on my laptop so, as it is, nothing has gone kaboom yet | 03:02 |
pleia2 | that's good to hear | 03:02 |
Unit193 | Oh joy, validation: https://paste.unit193.net/?63de00817bedcfa5#HlGwS2YBARmbCJWtOq3AdMvKUDMsiSS6anV74To2By4= | 16:33 |
Pwnna | are indicators in trusty gtk3 or gtk2? | 20:50 |
ali1234 | gtk3 | 20:51 |
Pwnna | so http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-13.10/python/AppIndicator3-0.1.html? | 20:52 |
ali1234 | yes | 20:53 |
Pwnna | okay | 20:53 |
Pwnna | thanks! | 20:56 |
Pwnna | ali1234: do you know where it searches for the icons? | 21:01 |
ali1234 | no idea | 21:01 |
andrzejr | Pwnna, icons are provided by the indicator via libindicator | 21:16 |
Pwnna | andrzejr: if i have a script, for the indicator, can i put the icons in the same directory? | 21:17 |
Pwnna | http://askubuntu.com/questions/289279/what-are-the-design-guidelines-for-appindicator-icons | 21:17 |
Pwnna | i see that | 21:17 |
andrzejr | sorry, I don't know much about it. | 21:18 |
andrzejr | the plugin itself only displays what it gets from libindicator. | 21:19 |
andrzejr | no idea what happens before | 21:19 |
andrzejr | guys, any idea why xubuntu 14.04 is freezing for up to several seconds on "heavy" IO load? | 21:47 |
andrzejr | ("heavy" as in decompressing a large tarball or running cron) | 21:49 |
andrzejr | Fresh installation but for the first time the 64bit version and with full disk encryption enabled. | 21:50 |
ali1234 | andrzejr: it's because ubuntu uses the deadline io scheduler, which is garbage for anything other than servers | 22:13 |
ali1234 | see for example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/770258 | 22:15 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 770258 in linux (Ubuntu) "Extremely high latency when writing to USB drives." [Undecided,Expired] | 22:15 |
ali1234 | the problem with deadline is that once it misses the deadline it causes a failure cascade | 22:18 |
andrzejr | ali1234, I didn't have this problem on earlier versions | 22:32 |
ali1234 | well, i did :( | 22:32 |
andrzejr | which were 32bit without encryption. Maybe that wasn't stressing the disk enough. | 22:33 |
ali1234 | maybe. full disk encryption is going to mean extra stress | 22:33 |
ali1234 | and i haven't used 32 bit since about 2008 | 22:34 |
andrzejr | what scheduler do you recommend? cfq or noop? | 22:35 |
ali1234 | depends on what type of disk you have | 22:35 |
andrzejr | (afair I have seen this problem with cfq as well) | 22:36 |
andrzejr | 5400rpm laptop hard drive | 22:36 |
ali1234 | i've heard very good things about bfq | 22:36 |
ali1234 | unfortunately it's not in kernel | 22:36 |
andrzejr | I will try noop for a while | 22:37 |
ali1234 | noop literally means "don't attempt to opimize at all" | 22:37 |
andrzejr | I'm ok with not optimal performance, as long as it isn't disastrous | 22:38 |
ali1234 | cfq might be better on a spinning disk | 22:38 |
ali1234 | nobody has ever been able to adequately explain why the freezes even happen | 22:39 |
ali1234 | but they have been a problem for a long time | 22:39 |
ali1234 | another way it can happen is if you hit swap | 22:40 |
ali1234 | eg if you accidentally open a huge image file and the viewer attempts to allocate several gigabytes of memory, this will freeze the entire system | 22:41 |
ali1234 | assuming you have enough swap | 22:41 |
ali1234 | if you press ctrl-alt-f1 it will take 15 minutes to switch to the console | 22:42 |
andrzejr | I've been experimenting with that (lower swappiness etc). I don't think this is the issue. | 22:43 |
ali1234 | swappiness doesn't make any difference | 22:43 |
ali1234 | or rather it only affects what the system does when idle | 22:43 |
andrzejr | the thing is, this problems occurs on fairly idle system. It's enough to run the upgrade tool and the disk activity brings the system to crawl | 22:45 |
ali1234 | well, that is probably because of the encryption | 22:46 |
andrzejr | noop scheduler does not make much difference | 22:47 |
andrzejr | not sure if that's an unrelated problem but general system performance is pretty bad at times. Even playing some flash videos can result in 1fps slideshow. | 22:48 |
andrzejr | it's i5 machine with 4GB and NVidia graphics card. Currently with nouveau drivers but I've seen same behavior with NVidia drivers | 22:50 |
ali1234 | well, all i can say is you're lucky it runs at all with nouveau | 22:51 |
andrzejr | ttyl, going to reboot the system with noautogroup to see if it makes a difference | 23:03 |
skellat | ali1234: Have you been tracking the deadline/cfq debate on ubuntu-release@lists.ubuntu.com that K has stirred up? | 23:16 |
ali1234 | no | 23:16 |
ali1234 | hahaha i love how he accidentally wrote "deadlock" instead of "deadline" | 23:17 |
skellat | The Kubuntu folks are trying to force a switch from deadline to cfq for K via a udev rule in a unique way that could screw with other flavors | 23:18 |
ali1234 | we should support them, deadline is crap | 23:18 |
skellat | Trying to pass it through via their flavor's -default-settings | 23:18 |
ali1234 | cfq should be the default for all of ubuntu | 23:19 |
skellat | ali1234: Well, that's a case the crack testing squad needs to make as slangasek and others have been dead set on keeping deadline | 23:19 |
andrzejr | so far the system booted with noautogroup works much better but I will leave it running for several days. I have a feeling the performance issues may be related to suspend/resume cycles | 23:19 |
ali1234 | well feel free to post my bug report from TWO YEARS AGO :) | 23:19 |
ali1234 | popey also has experience of this issue | 23:20 |
skellat | I'm mostly trying to stay out of the fireworks | 23:20 |
skellat | Multiple lists are being copied and I'm only seeing what is on the -release list | 23:20 |
ali1234 | i only subscribe to ubuntu-devel and xubuntu-devel | 23:21 |
ali1234 | and the former seems to be "ubuntu-phone" now | 23:21 |
ali1234 | so i don't actually bother to read it very often | 23:21 |
skellat | I could have sworn the phone people had a separate list | 23:23 |
ali1234 | they do | 23:23 |
andrzejr | hmm #1219548 | 23:24 |
ali1234 | bug 1219548 | 23:25 |
ubottu | bug 1219548 in linux (Ubuntu) "sched_autogroup_enabled breaks niceness" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1219548 | 23:25 |
ali1234 | what is noautogroup? | 23:25 |
andrzejr | kernel option that disables process grouping, which apparently breaks ionice | 23:27 |
andrzejr | seems consistent with what I'm experiencing | 23:27 |
skellat | Which was what the K folks were worried about | 23:27 |
skellat | ionice & their package BALOO | 23:27 |
skellat | If they can't ship baloo they're likely not shipping K 14.10 | 23:27 |
skellat | Or so it has been threatened | 23:27 |
ali1234 | my bug report is actually from three and a half years ago, when ubuntu was still using cfq | 23:28 |
ali1234 | i still get the freezes though | 23:28 |
ali1234 | so clearly switching to deadline didn't help | 23:28 |
skellat | And I just heard a breaker trip on a UPS so I best investigate... | 23:35 |
ali1234 | anyone got a link to the udev rule? i'd like to do some long-term testing, ie change scheduler permanently | 23:36 |
ali1234 | arch wiki to the rescue https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Solid_State_Drives#Using_udev_for_one_device_or_HDD.2FSSD_mixed_environment | 23:37 |
* bluesabre is amused | 23:45 | |
bluesabre | "menulibre doesn't work... I've tried using sudo..." etc... | 23:45 |
bluesabre | probably means their menus are owned by root now | 23:45 |
ali1234 | yeah | 23:45 |
skellat | And this doesn't bode well: http://www.iuculano.it/linux/apt-get-purge-chromium/ | 23:46 |
ali1234 | why? | 23:47 |
skellat | The DD referenced as not playing nice is one of my predecessors as Ohio Leader | 23:49 |
ali1234 | i don't understand the significance of that | 23:49 |
skellat | I break the line for Ohio Leader | 23:51 |
skellat | One of my predecessors, Paul Tagliamonte, is an FTP Master Debian-side and doesn't do much Ubuntu-side | 23:51 |
ali1234 | what is Ohio Leader? | 23:52 |
skellat | Ubuntu Ohio LoCo | 23:52 |
ali1234 | and what do you mean by "break the line"? | 23:52 |
skellat | Meaning that I'm the first one who isn't a Debian Developer in years who has stuck with *buntu despite all the changes that have been going on | 23:53 |
skellat | Though if Michael isn't playing nice upstream packaging chromium we really shouldn't sync it from Debian | 23:53 |
skellat | And take however large of an Ubuntu delta we have to | 23:54 |
ali1234 | i don't get it... he downgraded chromium in experimental, which causes it to crash? | 23:56 |
skellat | And apparently big, unexplained commits | 23:57 |
ali1234 | i don't like it when people write "change some stuff" as the commit message, but it's not exactly uncommon | 23:57 |
brainwash | so much random talk here | 23:58 |
brainwash | I've just installed the numix theme.. and windows 10 looks now fabulous | 23:59 |
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