
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
stokachuanyone ever run into https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1380337?14:11
mupBug #1380337: adding machine after destroying another fails <add-machine> <cloud-installer> <destroy-machine> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1380337>14:11
rogpeppe2minor update to the juju errors package to use the new location for errgo: https://github.com/juju/errors/pull/817:08
rogpeppe2reviews appreciated17:08
TheMuerogpeppe2: LGTM17:27
rogpeppe2TheMue: thanks!17:28
TheMuerogpeppe2: yw17:41
rogpeppe2anyone know anything about the bitbucket.org/kardianos/osext and bitbucket.org/kardianos/service dependencies?17:46
rogpeppe2they don't appear to be used by anything17:46
jcw4rogpeppe2: aren't they windows dependencies?17:46
rogpeppe2jcw4: possibly, but i haven't found anything that uses them17:46
jcw4rogpeppe2: I see... it's only in cmd/jujud/main_windows.go that it's even imported17:47
jcw4osext is a dependency of service17:47
rogpeppe2jcw4: ah, thanks17:48
rogpeppe2jcw4: i don't know why i didn't find that17:48
jcw4rogpeppe2: I just remember the second level dependency issue when I bumped into the same question recently17:48
rogpeppe2jcw4: it's a pity that the dependencies aren't findable by godeps. i should fix that.17:49
jcw4yeah. since it's only in the _windows.go files go needs a little prodding to find them I guess17:49
jcw4(when you're not on windows)17:49
rogpeppe2jcw4: yeah. godeps should try with different build flags.17:50
bodie_did someone ping me or is my IRC client highlighting this channel for no reason?  sigh18:22
jcw4rogpeppe2 I'm seeing this error in builds:20:44
jcw4Extant directories unknown:20:44
jcw4 gopkg.in/errgo.v120:44
jcw4for example: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/914/console20:45
jcw4doesnt make sense to me because nothing in juju master refers to that yet, so it must be a transitive dependency20:46
jcw4Also, I can't find any transitive dependencies on that yet either.20:50
jcw4mgz: I think it's a build script issue... do you know why it's trying to pull in gopkg.in/errgo.v1 since that isn't in the dependencies.tsv, and doesn't seem to be a transitive dependency either20:50
thumperjcw4: is it from the juju/charms package?20:52
rick_h_jcw4: that was a branch that landed today20:53
rick_h_jcw4: make sure to update, I saw it go by in the email20:53
jcw4rick_h_: I am fully updated to juju master20:54
jcw4thumper: I'm trying to decipher what "it" is :)20:54
rick_h_jcw4: looking20:54
jcw4this error is when the build script is initially pulling down dependencies20:54
* thumper sighs20:54
thumperfound an intermittent test failure in worker/provisioner20:54
jcw4thumper: I've seen worker/provisioner fail a couple times intermittently, but I see worker/peergrouper fail fairly often locally20:56
rick_h_jcw4: https://github.com/juju/errors/pull/8 is the pr I was thinking of20:56
* thumper sighs heavily20:56
jcw4rick_h_: yeah, that was why I pinged rogpeppe initially20:56
* thumper is going to *fix* juju/errors20:56
jcw4what baffles me is why the build script is even pulling it at all20:57
jcw4juju-core doesn't reference it yet20:57
jcw4and I couldn't find any dependencies of juju-core that referenced it either20:57
rick_h_like thumper said, probably juju/charm20:58
thumperI was told that errgo wasn't going to sneak into dependent packages20:58
jcw4thumper, rick_h_ I don't see how it could have20:58
thumperand it was only going to be used outside of juju/errors in the charmstore20:58
rick_h_thumper: jcw4 ok, justcccc ccbgjgvcveghhillduiklnblheujreenhtsnkubdrcjf20:59
rick_h_bah gueccccsccbgjgvscuneviintrdikfgbvegt20:59
rick_h_double bah20:59
rick_h_called rick sitting in the hotel bumping his yubikey20:59
thumperrick_h_: you ok?20:59
rick_h_no, I'm still in brussels :P20:59
thumperrick_h_: you lucky fella20:59
jcw4rick_h_: did you go see the Atomium?21:00
thumperrick_h_: I was looking at the schedule for the first few days21:00
thumper$ git diff master | wc -l21:00
thumperthis branch isn't going to break up well21:00
urulamathumper: errgo should stay within charmstore limits, yes.21:01
* thumper puts hacking hat back on and ignores all y'all for a while21:01
thumperah crap...21:03
thumpernew struct from a merge has broken my work...21:04
* thumper works around it21:04
rick_h_chase them down and make them eat pie21:04
jcw4wait, before committing to that course of action... which struct?21:05
jcw4rick_h_: isn't it LATE in Brussels?21:05
jcw411pm or so?21:05
rick_h_jcw4: yes21:06
thumperjcw4: not you21:06
* jcw4 wonders if the initial pull for imports uses the HEAD revision of juju/errors to find child imports21:06
urulamathumper: btw, let me know if errgo somehow sneaks into the code ...21:07
jcw4thumper: whew21:07
thumperjcw4: was cmars's branch for login v221:07
thumperurulama: ack21:07
thumperurulama: you home?21:07
urulamathumper: was having fun trying to QA all the "landed" branches from last week ... could have missed some though21:07
urulamathumper: i am21:07
urulamathumper: my flight was about 1h 20min ;)21:08
thumperurulama: I have a branch for juju/errors that needs updating based on our conversations in nuremberg21:08
thumperurulama: I got home yesterday just before lunch21:08
thumperurulama: working today/tomorrow taking thu/fri off in lieu21:08
thumperbut today is finishing off what I started pre-sprint21:08
urulamathumper: enjoy :)21:09
urulamathumper: seen that errors branch, looks nice21:09
thumperI'll see if I can get to it tomorrow21:10
thumperor may this afternoon if I can fix all the test failures I caused21:10
thumperby changing a bucketload of API calls21:10
urulamathat's always a good thing! :D21:10
* thumper is full steam ahead on finishing identity bits21:10
thumperOOPS: 268 passed, 6 FAILED, 5 PANICKED21:11
thumperneed to fix the failed and panicked21:11
jcw4where is the code that actually runs the CI build?  I dont' think its the jenkins-github-lander repo21:11
urulamadon't panic21:11
thumperurulama: thanks for that :)21:12
thumperjcw4: not entirely sure sorry21:12
jcw4thanks thumper you can ignore me while you're dealing with your panic attacks21:12
thumpercheers buddy21:13
* thumper goes back to it21:13
jcw4I bet its https://launchpad.net/juju-ci-tools21:13
mgzjcw4: rog borked it21:17
jcw4mgz: yay :)21:17
mgzwith this change: https://github.com/juju/errors/pull/821:18
jcw4mgz: it seems like the build script might be getting imports from the HEAD revisions of first level imports?21:18
jcw4mgz: right, but that's just on the errors repo, and juju-core wasn't updated to use that revision in the dependencies.tsv21:19
mgzyeah, something's up21:19
mgzgodeps likely doesn't do exactly the right thing21:19
jcw4mgz: yeah, interesting21:20
mgzI'll have a poke around21:21
thumpermgz: just revert the merge for now21:23
thumpermgz: poke around later21:23
mgzjcw4: the repo is just getting lp:juju-release-tools and running `./make-release-tarball.bash master`21:23
thumpermgz: this is how we deal with broken builds21:24
thumperdvcs FTW21:24
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mgzthumper: fair enough21:24
jcw4thumper: thanks!21:24
jcw4mgz: thanks!21:24
jcw4mgz: I see the problem I think21:28
jcw4compare_dependencies in check_dependencies.py doesn't seem to like any packages that are not accounted for in the dependencies.tsv file21:28
jcw4I bet godeps is just pulling down second level imports before updating first level imports to the specified revision21:29
jcw4which would bring gopkg.in/errgo.v1 into the pristine GOPATH, and then compare_dependencies complains21:30
jcw4mgz: thumper, rogpeppe2 -- I reverted https://github.com/juju/errors/pull/8 so that juju-core will build again.21:58
jcw4rogpeppe2: sorry! Hopefully we can figure out the build process so that we can land your change again21:58
thumperjcw4: kk21:58
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