
dutchiehi, i think i found a regression for bug 794493. I put a comment with my findings and added the "regression-release" tag but I can't change the status10:34
ubot5bug 794493 in drush (Ubuntu) "Path to examples wrong" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79449310:34
dutchiei'm just firing up a debian vm to see if it needs forwarding to them10:34
rbasakdutchie: thank you for taking care of this! I think a new bug would be better to track the regression though, since reopening the existing one confuses the state because it apparently was fixed previously?11:02
rbasakdutchie: I'm not sure it's "regression-release" either since Utopic hasn't been released.11:02
dutchiehmm, good point11:02
dutchiethat's mostly me forgetting that i updated my laptop last weke11:06
dutchieshall i make a new bug then?11:07
rbasakYes please.11:08
rbasakAnd just refer to each bug from the other.11:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1380578 in drush (Ubuntu) "Path to example files incorrect" [Undecided,New]11:15
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