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seb128hey willcooke, how are you?08:02
willcookemorning seb128 - pretty good!  Got lots of slide prep to do today :/08:02
seb128good luck with that!08:02
Laneyyo yo yo08:03
willcooke'sup Laney08:03
willcookeLaney, still hung over from the beer fest?08:03
seb128hey Laney, wie gehts?08:05
Laneywillcooke: no hang over :P08:05
LaneyA fair few thirds were consumed though08:06
seb128hang over is when you are done being drunk08:06
seb128Laney, still drunk then? ;-)08:06
* willcooke hands laney a kebab08:08
ogra_why does this channel smell like a brewery this morning ?08:08
* Laney starts a fight08:08
* seb128 goes under the table08:09
LaneyI remember tricking people into eating the super hot chili chocolate08:09
Laneygood weekends everyone else? ;-)08:09
seb128by not telling them there was chili in the chocolate?08:09
seb128w.e was alright, we had a sunny sunday which was nice08:10
* willcooke did this: http://www.johnogauntgolfclub.co.uk/competition.php?compid=258708:10
Laneygood skills08:11
willcookecertain amount of luck in there :)08:11
seb1281h40 of footing and some biking, otherwise mostly a quiet w.e here08:11
seb128we call that footing in french :p08:12
seb128well both words work here08:12
TheMusoMorning fellow desktoppers. :)08:15
willcookeheyhey TheMuso08:15
willcookegood afternoon08:15
Laneywhat an unusual treat ;-)08:15
Laneyhi TheMuso08:15
TheMusowillcooke: Try evening, yay timezone shifting. :)08:15
TheMusoNot usually on this late, but am currently around atm.08:16
seb128u-s-d idle fix landed08:33
seb128but I had u-s-d segfaulting on me a few times during the w.e :-/08:34
seb128that happened during "normal" desktop use iirc08:37
seb128like doing webbrowsing in an unlocked session08:37
larsustop scrolling!08:37
seb128yeah, seems like I should ;-)08:38
larsuwant me to have a look?08:38
Laneyshould be darkxst08:39
seb128if you want, sure08:39
seb128but what Laney said08:39
seb128was that the issue mentioned some days ago08:39
seb128device handling in gtk/clutter, he said that looked like a bug in gtk?08:39
larsuah okay. Let me know08:41
* larsu goes back to i-messages 08:42
seb128Laney, the evo stack has a point update if you fancy working on that08:52
Laneyyeah I saw it on ftp-release-list08:53
Laneygtk2 too08:53
seb128Laney, well, that was sort of "do you want to do it, should I have a look, do you want to split?"08:55
Laneynah I'm doing those today08:57
Laneyunless you want it08:57
seb128not especially, no, please do those ;-)08:58
darkxsthi seb128 Laney larsu09:10
seb128hey darkxst09:10
seb128how are you?09:10
larsuhi darkxst09:10
darkxstI'm good, winter is back though!09:10
seb128winter is good!09:11
* seb128 doesn't like automn when it's windy and rainy09:11
darkxstits both those here today!09:11
hyperaircome live in eternal summer, and you'll appreciate wind and rain09:11
Laneythis is today09:11
darkxsthyperair, I don't like summer!09:11
hyperairdarkxst: i know, right? now imagine living in a country that only has that.09:12
seb128Laney, that weather seems about right for the u.k!09:13
Laneyit's payback for the nice summer/early autumn09:13
darkxstseb128,  that is not the same issue as the double free issue09:15
seb128no it's not09:16
ogra_hmm, evolution seems to have some theme issues again in utopic09:32
ogra_(i upgraded on the weekend)09:32
ogra_selected mails in the list have a blue selection ... and in the preferences the "mail options" have black background09:33
ogra_oh, and the frame around the preview is dark grey09:34
ogra_i cant find any open bugs about any of these09:34
seb128larsu, ^ some theming issues in there :-/09:35
larsuogra_: can you post a screenshot please?09:36
ogra_i have played with gtk-theme-config, so the blue stuff is gone ... but i can make screenshots for the other two, yeah09:37
ogra_larsu, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/evo1.png and http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/evo2.png09:39
larsuogra_: thanks. The gray brackground in evo1.png is wanted, no?09:41
ogra_larsu, for the blue ... only the "tim.gardner@" on the right side was blueish ... the folder view on the left was fine09:41
ogra_dunno, its new in utopic09:41
ogra_was white in trusty ... might be that it is wanted though09:41
larsunot sure tbh09:42
larsuI remember fixing it to set the right style clas09:42
larsuI'll look into it in any case09:42
ogra_the orange is hard to read on grey though09:42
larsuI agree09:42
ogra_(i could live with that one, but the blue and black look quite out of place)09:43
larsuI don't see the blue... what exactly did you do to get rid of it?09:43
ogra_just run gtk-theme-config  and click around in it ...09:44
ogra_not sure where that wrtes to or what it exactly changes, if you know, tell me and i can wipe it09:44
ogra_(to show you the blue)09:44
ogra_i dont seem to be able to get it back into the blue state using that tool though09:45
larsuI didn't know about that program until 5 minutes ago ;)09:45
larsumaybe you had an local override somewhere? I can't reproduce the blue-ness here09:45
seb128larsu, using o-s?09:46
larsuah stop, I can!09:46
seb128just asking in case :p09:46
ogra_not sure, where would they live ?09:46
larsuseb128: :P09:46
ogra_ah, god :)09:46
larsuseb128: (of course)09:46
ogra_*good even09:46
larsuugh. New evolution is doing it _very_ wrong...10:10
larsulooking up color variable names from the css instead of setting classes10:11
larsuof course, our themes don't use the same variable names as Adwaita.....10:11
ogra_yay, consistency10:18
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Laneyhappyaron: do you think you could help with sponsoring for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libkkc/+bug/1374949 ?12:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1374949 in libkkc (Ubuntu) "FFe: New upstream release for libkkc/ibus-kkc" [Undecided,New]12:07
Laneyibus-kkc is awaiting pkg-ime in Debian12:07
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seb128I'm away for some errands, bbiab12:32
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pittiso this is XFCE14:26
pittiof course compiz starts crashing every 2 mins right when I'm on a conference :/14:27
larsuhi pitti! How's plumbers? And why xfce?14:27
pittilarsu: it was the first thing that came to my mind wrt. "I need another WM"14:27
pittiand gnome-shell pulls in gdm and a lot of other stuff14:27
Laneyhow's it crashing?14:28
pittiI'm running into bug 136635114:28
ubot5bug 1366351 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136635114:28
Laneyit's the one where Trevinho was asking for people who could reproduce?14:28
pittiI already reset most of my dconf settings, but didn't help14:28
pittiit just started out of the blue yesterday; apparently related to using the internal laptop screen instead of my usual external one14:29
pittibut I haven't seen it (that badly at least) earlier14:29
larsupitti: unity not working out for you anymore?14:30
pittiit crashes with that every minute or so, and it always completely shuffles my windows and workspaces, so it's way too annoying14:30
larsu:/ I have this as well, but not nearly as often14:32
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tkamppeterseb128, hi14:52
larsuseb128, ogra_: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/ubuntu-themes/evolution-fixes/+merge/23817415:05
willcookethat was suboptimal15:25
willcookemy laptop just turned itself off and back on again for no reason and no warning15:26
ogra_larsu, wow, thats a lot 115:26
ogra_(and thanks !!)15:27
seb128tkamppeter, hey15:28
seb128willcooke, do you have a crash for unity-settings-daemon?15:28
seb128larsu, danke15:28
Laneyhe's on trusty afaik, and that wouldn't make your laptop turn off15:29
mdeslaurseb128: so, what's the deal with CSD? gnote is looking way out of place..15:29
willcookeseb128, nothing in syslog15:31
seb128Laney, it makes my screen turn off for some seconds and come back on15:32
seb128mdeslaur, Trevinho is working on it, feel free to nag him or bregma15:32
mdeslaurseb128: cool, thanks15:32
seb128willcooke, did you plug/unplug/close lid/...?15:32
mdeslaurTrevinho, bregma: nag nag, whine whine15:32
willcookeLaney, seb128 yeah my laptop really did turn off - back to the bios screen15:32
Laneyand you're still on 14.04?15:33
willcookeLaney, yeah15:33
willcookeon this machine at least15:33
willcookemy "playing" machine is 14.1015:33
Laneyseb128 was suspecting a utopic bug15:33
Laneyjust making sure it isn't that15:33
willcookethis smells like a hardware fault to me15:33
tkamppeterseb128, would it be a problem to let s-c-p depend on smbclient (so making smbclient part of the default installation)? To fix bug 1366756.15:34
ubot5bug 1366756 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu) "system-config-printer.py crashed with FileNotFoundError in _execute_child(): [Errno 2] Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden: 'gpk-install-package-name'" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136675615:34
willcookea) it was sudden15:34
willcookeb) my computer is *just* out of warranty15:34
LaneyI'd find the /var/log/kern.log.something corresponding to that boot and see if there's anything at the point it happened15:34
willcookeLaney, already checked, nothing at all15:35
seb128tkamppeter, that would need a ffe at least15:35
seb128willcooke, could be an hardware issue...15:36
willcookeI hope it was just "one of those things"15:36
willcookeif it does it again I will have to find my wallet15:37
Laneytkamppeter: can't you make it conditional?15:37
willcookeif the moths haven't destroyed it15:37
tkamppeterseb128, or is smbclient already part of the standard installation (for example to find network file shares)?15:37
tkamppeterLaney, what do you mean with "conditional"?15:38
seb128tkamppeter, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/utopic-desktop-amd64.manifest15:38
seb128tkamppeter, libsmbclient is15:38
Trevinhomdeslaur: support for managing windows (resizing, shadows...) is coming to unity in next landing, to get the proper theming of them we'd need some more work wich I'm doing15:41
TrevinhoLaney: yes, I think that's the bug.. The fact is that the stacktrace doesn't say anything relevant about compiz/unity15:41
seb128Trevinho, what bug are you talking about?15:42
seb128Trevinho, is that known that compiz/unity segfaults when unity-settings-daemon goes down?15:42
Laneytkamppeter: Looks like that method is used elsewhere in s-c-p anyway15:42
LaneyI think you need to port it15:42
Trevinhoseb128: 136635115:42
Trevinhoseb128: oh, is that related to u-s-d?15:42
seb128Trevinho, well, I don't know, I just know that "stop unity-settings-daemon" or when you have it to segfault15:44
seb128Trevinho, does it happen for you?15:55
mdeslaurTrevinho: thanks15:56
Trevinhoseb128: I can't kill it now, I'll do son16:01
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Laneyright, see you17:07
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seb128Laney, have fun!17:15
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happyaronLaney: yes, I asked them to file the FFe17:27
happyaronLaney: I'll take care of reviewing and uploading17:27
willcookemorning robert_ancell18:57
robert_ancellwillcooke, hey, forgot about daylight savings again18:57
robert_ancellbut can meeting whenever you are ready18:58
willcookethat would be great!18:58
willcookerobert_ancell, you need 5 mins first?18:58
* willcooke joins the hangout18:58
robert_ancelldesrt, regarding grabs and gtk-mir - is there anything that strictly needs them? i.e. if the shell does the "correct" behaviour for menus/tooltips can we just stub them all out?19:28
desrtrobert_ancell: wayland lacks grabs, so ....20:21
desrtrobert_ancell: i'm sure anything that is "needed" is going to be worked around anyway20:21
robert_ancelldesrt, yeah, I thought so. I just wasn't sure if there was a gotcha somewhere20:22
desrti don't think there will be20:24
desrtthere is one minor issue but it won't impact us, i think: key binding selectors20:24
desrtie: click here to select the new key for feature X20:25
desrtthat will require a grab or a special protocol or something20:25
desrti didn't hear anything from wayland about how they were going to deal with this yet....20:25
desrtbut something to keep an eye for20:25
* desrt is on a plane, getting ready to take off -- talk to you in a few days :)20:25

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