
Logan_infinity: can you please explain how this is possible? https://buildd.debian.org/status/logs.php?pkg=libquantum&arch=ppc64el03:49
StevenKLogan_: It was retried, and built sucessfully?03:50
Logan_StevenK: well yes, but why did it work the second time? I thought it would require an autoreconf to build properly on ppc64el03:51
StevenKLogan_: It symlinks /usr/share/misc/config.{guess,sub} into the build dir, so perhaps autoconf was changed on ppc64el ?03:52
Logan_StevenK: it was a libtool issue the first time, not a config.{sub,guess} issue04:18
Unit193pitti: Good morning.07:06
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infinityLogan_: That's curious, since it seemed to magically fix its libtool macros.07:53
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cjwatsonLogan_,infinity,StevenK: there was something central that improved the chances a good deal for packages that weren't reconfigured; I think https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=76039509:44
ubottuDebian bug 760395 in src:binutils "binutils: add powerpc target for ppc64el" [Normal,Fixed]09:44
cjwatsonbut I wonder if it built correctly09:45
cjwatsonp/usr/lib/libquantum.so.8.0.0: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d286f4ec7d9af649b7a26e1b938e6d4f1e65c297, stripped09:46
cjwatsonlooks ok09:46
cjwatsondoesn't seem to actually end up passing -m elf64ppc to the linker09:47
infinitycjwatson: I'm confused as to how that would fix the libtool macro issue...10:00
cjwatsonbecause ld -m elf64ppc now magically works I think10:00
cjwatsonyou can see in the build output that it's using ld -m elf64ppc both times10:00
infinitycjwatson: So all our libtool mangling is unnecessary now?10:00
cjwatsonI don't know enough to go that far10:01
cjwatsonbut it seems to have let us get away with more10:01
infinityCause yeah, that should be -m elf64lppc10:01
cjwatsonI'm still a lot more comfortable with autoreconfing anyway10:01
infinityNote the 'l'.10:01
cjwatsone.g. because I'm not sure whether that -m elf64ppc might ever leak through into actual build commands10:01
cjwatsonso I certainly wouldn't go dropping the patches we have10:02
infinityI guess I'm scared that it would be misbuilding things as the wrong endian.10:02
infinityAnyhow, lunch.10:02
mlankhorstinfinity: I don't suppose I could upgrade libgbm1 in trusty once? :P10:10
infinitymlankhorst: Upgrade it to what, and why?11:00
mlankhorstversion in utopic, conversion to dri-loader should hopefully mean no further upgrades needed11:09
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mlankhorstoh hm. trusty might be recent enough11:21
mlankhorstI'll give it a shot, this would simplify things a lot. :)11:21
rbasakjpds: as strongswan 5.1.3-0ubuntu1 is unlikely to get fixed this week, perhaps we can just delete it from utopic-proposed and release Utopic with 5.1.2-0ubuntu2 as it is in Trusty. Then there won't be any additional maintenance burden over Trusty, and we can merge Debian's 5.2.0-2 next cycle. Any objection?11:58
rbasak(this assumes it rebuilds OK on Utopic, although I don't think we'll actually have to do that)11:58
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Riddellpitti: is there a tech board meeting tomorrow?12:45
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pittiRiddell: there is, yes13:32
pittidarkxst: FYI, systemd 215 (with all Ubuntu changes) in my PPA: https://plus.google.com/u/0/107564545827215425270/posts/DaDxtzbWWsH13:33
Riddellpitti: what time? where?13:40
pittiRiddell: 15:30 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting-214:26
mvoRiddell: thanks for the app-install-data reminder, its uploaded now14:27
Riddellpitti: golly, that isn't documented anywhere14:59
pittiRiddell: ah right, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda is lagging behind15:07
Riddellpitti: nor is http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/15:09
rbasakpitti: while you're looking at that, it'd be nice if it were easier to find logs or minutes of previous minutes. They aren't all there. Just a link added every week to the irc logs would be useful - I struggled to find that the other week.15:40
jderoseso i'm trying to get a trace of this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/1366351 with glib, gtk dbg packages installed... but apport isn't letting me because it's already been reported so many times (although i don't think with the dbg packages installed)16:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 1366351 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [High,Triaged]16:39
jderoseis there a way for me to force apport to file the bug anyway, or at least attach a new trace to lp:1366351 ?16:39
sarnoldjderose: try apport-collect 136635116:54
jderosesarnold: just figured that out and did, but thank you!16:55
jderosesarnold: so the warnings  from apport-collect didn't make it clear to me what the prefer/most helpful workflow is here. did i make a mess of lp:1366351? should i have done anything differently?16:56
sarnoldjderose: heh, I was just about to say "probably fine" but I see Logan_ disagrees :) I'll defer to him, sorry for steering you that way..16:58
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jderosesarnold: yeah, i just saw that. oops :P17:04
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Logan_infinity: per that discussion, does that mean that an autoreconf should still happen for e.g. libquantum?19:50
Logan_doko too ^19:51
dokoENOCLUE which discussion19:51
Logan_oh, about adding the ppc64el target to binutils19:52
Logan_doko: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sixz1k1fnz5elg0/Screenshot%202014-10-13%2015.53.20.png?dl=019:53
Logan_I had noticed that libquantum built successfully after a second try, which confused me: https://buildd.debian.org/status/logs.php?pkg=libquantum&ver=1.1.1-3&arch=ppc64el19:53
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cjwatsonLogan_: I would be inclined to keep it20:31
cjwatsonLogan_: It's the right thing to do anyway and may help with future ports20:31
jungle_bg_There is a problem with the git repo for the saucy kernal source. I have been trying to get the ubuntu kernal source for saucy. This failed for me and someone else in #ubuntu confirmed:  git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-saucy.git20:33
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cjwatsonjungle_bg_: Probably best to ask on #ubuntu-kernel.20:40
darkxstpitti, great, I will try it out20:53
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slycheeseDoes anyone know if it's possible to present as a USB client on hardware running XUbunu (via OTG)?22:27
hallynslangasek: drat!  somehow the cgmanager in unstable ended up ont having the patch it needed.  (my local copy did, so something sad happened)  I've pushed 0.33-2 to mentors containing the needed patch for debian bug 75734823:38
ubottuDebian bug 757348 in cgmanager "systemd: with SysV init, can no longer suspend and shutdown from lightdm" [Grave,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/75734823:38
* hallyn forces himself to shut down before he misses the whole night's sleep23:39
xnoxbdmurray: thanks =)23:45

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