
knott_rayswhat phones currently run touch well?01:38
knott_raysnexus 5 or 4?01:39
knott_raysfine. ill go with 501:43
pdxwebdevI run 402:26
pdxwebdevI feel the phone itself has not been a hindrance02:27
pngoadb stopped working. can not detect my phone any more. Anyone has same problem?02:28
pdxwebdevare you running the service as super user?02:28
pngotried both.02:29
pdxwebdevunplugged the phone, power cycle, all that?02:29
pngotried that too.02:29
pdxwebdevrestarted your computer?02:29
pdxwebdevusually it just starts working for no apparent reason.02:30
pdxwebdevif you start the phone in recovery, can you get a shell?02:31
pngonever tried that02:32
liuxgwhy my phone display is set to "landscape" mode?05:46
liuxghow can i set it back to the landscape mode?05:46
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Yorkshire Pudding Day! :-D08:53
pdxwebdevI can't seem to get ubuntu touch to recognize my url-dispatch file.09:22
pdxwebdevis there something special for ubuntu touch I may be missing?09:22
simosxI am using the emulator for Ubuntu Touch (on 14.04), and I want to take several screenshots easily of what is shown on the emulator. qemu has a command for that, "screendump", when you enter in "monitor" mode. However, when I run "qemu monitor" after I telnet to 5554, I get the error "KO: internal error: could not detach from console !".10:06
ogra_simosx, phablet-screenshot from the phablet-tools package10:08
simosxogra_, thanks. I tried it and I get a corrupted screen (screendump of the text screen), http://i.imgur.com/sr8924m.png  The emulator console says "sdk/emulator/opengl/host/libs/Translator/GLES_V2/GLESv2Imp.cpp:glReadPixels:1610 error 0x500".10:14
nerochiaroLaney: hi, i'm looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gallery-app/+bug/1234128 and I was wondering how do you cancel the album creation "when creating an album directly from an image". I can't find a way to do that.10:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234128 in gallery-app (Ubuntu) "Album still created when cancelling" [High,In progress]10:38
Laneynerochiaro: errrrrrrrrm gosh that was a while ago10:38
LaneyI'll have to try again10:39
jgdxseb128, hey. Could you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/cellular-data-not-preserved-after-fm-fixes-1376957/+merge/23758610:40
jgdxseb128, Ken's away and cannot approve.10:40
Laneynerochiaro: I think that has changed in the past year10:42
LaneyI don't remember what it was like but I can't make that happen from the page you're shown when creating a new album from the individual picture view10:42
LaneyI think that Add Photo to Album dialog is new since I wrote the bug10:44
nerochiaroLaney: ok. i actually didn't notice it was that old. thanks10:44
simosxTaking a screenshot from the emulator with phablet-screnshot --debug:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8551647/   Will be using Alt+Print Scrn for now.10:46
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mzanettijgdx: hi, can you top-approve this? I'm afraid it won't get picked up into silos otherwise11:49
ogra_it will, but you wouldnt be able to do the final landing step11:50
ogra_(it blocks the merge and promotion if not top approved)11:50
mzanettiogra_: depends a bit on who prepares the silo :)11:50
jgdxmzanetti, sure11:50
mzanettijgdx: thanks11:50
ogra_mzanetti, indeed, but technically you can do the full silo dance, only for the last ste it needs top approval11:50
mzanettiyep, we do that in unity quite often11:51
mzanettibut the above is systemsettings and seems to bewaiting for a month now in this status11:51
seb128jgdx, hey, can do11:55
jgdxseb128, thanks11:55
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dpmseb128, I know it's not your area, but do you happen to know where the translations from the titles of the indicators come from? I.e. Last Friday I noticed there had been title changes to "Notifications", "Time & Date" and "Location", which now appear untranslated. However, I cannot see the new translatable strings in LP (they've all been set for source package translations + langpacks for a while)12:22
seb128dpm, they come from the indicators12:24
dpmthanks. let me have a look at the code, perhaps the new titles have not been marked for translation12:25
dpmhm, it is marked for translation: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-messages/trunk.14.10/revision/424#src/im-application-list.c12:26
seb128dpm, what's the issue?12:28
dpmseb128, the template in LP for the source package was not updated with the new string12:29
dpmoh wait12:29
seb128dpm, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/+source/indicator-messages/+pots/indicator-messages/fr/10/+translate12:29
dpmseb128, ok, false alarm, then. Let me now check indicator-location and indicator-datetime12:30
seb128dpm, k12:31
dpmok, for -datetime, the new string was already there from a previous version or another place in the code. I wonder why the latest langpack did not pick that one up... https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/+source/indicator-datetime/+pots/indicator-datetime/ca/16/+translate12:32
dpmit was translated in 201112:32
dpmok, so indicator-location seems not to load its translations anymore, even though they're shipped12:37
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nik90davmor2: how the bloody hell is location broken again? how did it pass qa review?12:59
davmor2nik90: cause it is only noticeable on a built image, location got updated and so did ofono, when the individual silos were tested everything is fine, when the image was build location calls ofono and get and exception in return.  so needs to be modified13:01
nik90integration failure13:02
mardyjdstrand: hi! I filed bug 1380534 today, FYI :-)13:09
ubot5bug 1380534 in Canonical Click Reviewers tools "Should not check for "id" attribute in Online Account files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138053413:09
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ogra_sergiusens, disabling SD card notifications does not presist across reboots for me ... is that a nuntium or a system-settings bug ?14:18
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sergiusensogra_: I have no involvement with that setting14:22
sergiusensogra_: I don't even know what you are talking about14:22
ogra_sergiusens, oops, mixed nuntium and ciborium14:23
ogra_sergiusens, i get a "SD card found" message on every boot14:23
sergiusensogra_: and...?14:23
ogra_since that annoyed me i went to system-settings and disabled all SD notifications14:23
ogra_after a reboot it is on again and i get the same notification14:23
sergiusensogra_: oh, I have no idea what that setting is14:23
sergiusensChipaca: ^14:23
ogra_some push service thing i guess14:23
ogra_but i thought the setting for it is maintained in the app14:24
sergiusensno code changes went into the app for that14:24
ogra_so it is system-settings or push-servie14:24
ogra_it is easy t repro at least14:24
Chipacasergiusens: how was ciborium or whatever it was sending notifications? was it as system settings?14:25
sergiusensChipaca: no, as legacy ciborium14:25
Chipacaogra_: and you disabled ciborium in the preferences?14:25
ogra_Chipaca, i disabled notificstions for removable devices in the system settings panel14:26
ogra_or "external devices" (i dont know the original text, it is all german here)14:27
winbHow can I install ubuntu on my phone when I am using debian ?14:27
Chipacaogra_: external drives, in english at least :)14:28
Chipacaogra_: and still got the notifications?14:28
ogra_Chipaca, yup, and the checkmark is set to "on" again after reboot14:28
Chipacaogra_: hrm14:28
Chipacaogra_: can you toggle it, close settings, and see whether it is as you left it on restarting settings?14:29
sergiusensogra_: what if you set to off and remove the sdcard, do message show?14:29
ogra_Chipaca, toggling and restarting s-s seems to persist14:29
Chipacaogra_: and reboot clears, consistently?14:30
* Chipaca trying to reproduce14:30
Chipacathe bug, that is14:30
ogra_sergiusens, no message if it is toggled off and i re-plug14:30
ogra_sergiusens, its is just the reboots that re-set the thing14:31
Chipacaogra_: any other setting resetting itself on reboot?14:31
ogra_the re-plug even properly refreshed my scopes14:31
Chipacabecause this is just gsettings, afaict14:31
ogra_Chipaca, no idea, i have never tried to disable any other notification14:31
Chipacareproduced it here14:31
Chipacaogra_: i didn't mean notifications, although that too14:32
Chipacai'll toggle them all and see :)14:32
ogra_winb, you will need at least the phablet-tools PPA ... not sure if that can work on debian14:32
ogra_Chipaca, i havent noticed any other settings yet14:32
ogra_(which would get re-set)14:32
* Chipaca nods14:32
ChipacaI hope it's something I'm doing wrong :)14:33
Chipacain that then I can fix it, as opposed to gsettings being fubar14:33
* ogra_ did unset system-settings and gmail additionally ... 14:33
Chipacaall the legacy apps reset themselves14:34
ogra_lets see14:34
Chipacaok, i'll dig into this14:34
Chipacaogra_: am i lazy if i ask you to file a bug?14:34
ogra_Chipaca, no, that was actually my intentioon ... i just wanted to know where ... if i file it broadly against system-settings seb128 will slap me again :)14:40
Chipacaogra_: ack, ack :)14:41
Chipacaogra_: point me at the bug when you have it; it's in the notifications plugin of system settings14:45
* Chipaca digging14:45
ogra_hah, so it *is* system-settings14:45
Chipacayes, yes it is. But in the bit that gets seb yelling at me.14:46
ogra_thats fine with me :)14:46
Chipacawell, i presume it is. it's either there, or in gsettings itself 8-|14:46
Chipacaneed a couple more reboots to be sure14:46
ogra_Chipaca, bug 138066214:50
ubot5bug 1380662 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "legacy apps re-set their notification status on reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138066214:50
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dbarthis there a recent rtm image for mako?15:04
dbarthi either get 4 or 85 right now, and that's seem quite behind15:04
Chipacaseb128: you around?15:07
PaoloRotoloHi all!15:10
PaoloRotoloI've a problem with Ubuntu SDK15:10
PaoloRotoloI'm trying to run an HTML5 app on a physical device15:11
PaoloRotoloI just created a new white 'HTML5' project with Ubuntu SDK. It runs fine on Desktop but when I install it on my Nexus 7, the app doesn't start15:12
PaoloRotoloThis is what i get in the console: http://pastebin.com/mULaCtqs15:13
PaoloRotoloIt's the example html5 project so it should work on my device too :(15:13
ogra_dbarth, 85 is the latest on mako15:14
ogra_(from tonight)15:14
dbarthogra_: ah, ok; thanks for the confirmation (i was starting to think i was crazy)15:15
PaoloRotoloAnyway, the default "App with simple UI" example works on the device too.15:15
ogra_dbarth, numbers are per-device nowadays ... some get new device tarballs or custom tarballs which bumps their version number15:16
ogra_85 on mako is actualy 101 on krillin15:17
dbarthi was suspecting a shift betwen devices, yes15:18
dbarthok, that's a relief for the test results i was sending back for silos as well15:18
ogra_dbarth, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8532237/ you can use that little script to map krillin versions to mako15:23
dbarthogra_: sweet :) thanks for the hint15:27
seb128Chipaca, hey15:29
Chipacaseb128: (not sure if you're the right person to ask, but) it seems something is resetting a gsetting on boot, do you know how to track down what?15:29
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seb128Chipaca, I guess you can try http://gould.cx/ted/blog/Bustle_Boot_Log_Under_Upstart15:30
Chipacaseb128: bustle's not on rtm tho15:33
om26ercyphermox, Hi!15:33
seb128Chipaca, well, you can do a similar script and dbus-monitor to /tmp/log or something I guess15:33
Chipacayep, will do that15:33
om26ercyphermox, on mako if I turn off bluetooth and restart my phone, I cannot enable bluetooth again. I have to enable with the checkbox and then again reboot the phone to have to working back.15:34
Chipacaseb128: another probelm is that gsettings doesn't go over dbus15:35
Chipacaafaict at least?15:35
seb128Chipaca, read don't, write do15:36
seb128if a key value is changed it's a write15:36
seb128the dconf service handle writing15:36
Chipacaseb128: so, yes, something is clearing it :-(15:42
ogra_seb128, Chipaca, are qwe sure the gconf db lives in a writable place ?15:45
Chipacaogra_: it works for the non-legacy ones15:45
seb128ogra_, yes, we write quite some settings there15:45
Chipacaogra_: so something strange is happening :)15:45
seb128Chipaca, what key is resetted?15:55
Chipacaseb128: com.ubuntu.notifications.hub blacklist15:55
Chipacaseb128: and it's curiouser and curiouser15:55
Chipacaseb128: because it's set to [[""]]15:56
Chipacaseb128: but then repopulated without going through dbus? or maybe that's a clear of an element? I'm not sure :-(15:56
Chipacaany write appears in the log as a write of [[""]]15:57
Chipacaahhh, it's the blob of bytes!15:58
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popeystgraber: is there a known issue with the deltas on the system image server? I am on #274 utopic devel-proposed and it keeps offering me #279 and goes through the motions but keeps me on #274, so I can't upgrade OTA16:05
dpmhi charles, do you know if there has been a recent change in indicator-location that could have made it no longer load its translations? Since last week it appears untranslated to me, but it seems its translations are still shipped in the language packs16:10
dpmelopio, sergiusens, does indicator-location appear translated in Spanish on your phones? ^16:10
sergiusensdpm: no16:10
sergiusensdpm: nor does notification16:11
elopiodpm: it does on my mako, 14.09 proposed from last week.16:11
sergiusensah, not on latest krillin 14.09 proposed16:11
sergiusensbuild 10216:11
elopiooh, wait, it's not proposed. It's the promoted one.16:11
elopiomako #4.16:11
sergiusensdpm: would be nice to have osk not default to .es btw ;-)16:12
dpmsergiusens, yeah, I think the keyboard needs some improvements16:15
dpmin any case, it seems indicator-location has regressed in the sense that it was translated but it no longer seems to load the translations16:16
afmanyone working on OnePlus One development?  would love to help if I can get a little initial setup advice16:24
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taiebotHello all is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-ofono/+bug/1379836 fixed on r28017:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1379836 in telepathy-ofono (Ubuntu) "dialer and messaging app show unlocked pin as locked" [Critical,Confirmed]17:30
ahayzen_taiebot, not for me17:36
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fundies2014/10/13 13:42:28 Cannot push /root/.cache/ubuntuimages/pool/ubuntu-4cecf3052ae3d517869ca2ac632e7d49dfb0ef0b56cd6167754528dffbb9f5d7.tar.xz.asc to device: free space on /cache/recovery is unknown17:45
fundiesdafux its issue?17:45
fundiesanyone here to help?18:20
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JoshStroblErr, anyone know matthewpaulthomas' (Reddit r/Ubuntu) nick (assuming his IRC handle isn't the same as his reddit one). Taking a survey when you just woke up, from your mobile device, probably isn't a good idea. I accidentally used the wrong email address (one that'll end up being invalid).19:14
JoshStroblReference to: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/2j4gs7/canonical_survey_what_do_you_think_of_your/19:14
JoshStroblfound out it is mpt, nvm19:29
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taiebotI have an idea to submit.  It relates to physically testing images. I feel there is a lack of consistency  on the testing of the images because there is no centralise/consistent  way  to test all the images created . I know a lot of hard work is going on test automation but I think the power of the community could help in order to test and release images quickly.  It would be nice if every time an image is generated a li20:58
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pdxwebdevIs there a way to get the browser app to open customprotocol:// in another app?22:07
pdxwebdevor am I formatting that incorrectly?22:07
bdmurrayogra_: .config/apport/setings doesn't need to be changed in most cases. apport first checks to see if the file is likely packaged - https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apport-hackers/apport/trunk/view/head:/apport/fileutils.py#L6622:20
afmanyone actually done a porting before?22:54

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