
=== OERIAS is now known as ezgod
=== ezgod is now known as OERIAS
MooDoomorning all06:57
MooDoohowdy SuperMatt how are you today?07:12
SuperMattexhausted to the extreme07:13
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:13
brobostigonmorning SuperMatt07:20
brobostigonheavy rain, heavy winds, :(07:20
SuperMattyeah, it's quite a sucky day today07:21
brobostigonyes, definatly, i had loads planned too.07:22
SuperMattwhat could you have possibly done which was ruined by the addition of rain?07:28
brobostigoni had a few jobs in town, so could get pretty wet.07:29
SuperMatteh, just suck it up and don't wear jeans07:30
brobostigonsuck up the rain?07:30
SuperMattyes, the jeans will07:30
DJonesbrobostigon: Does a heavy wind weigh more than a light wind :) I've got visions of winds so strong they've ripped roof's off making them heavier :)07:39
DJonesHad to get some new work shoes at the weekend, found my old ones were leaking a bit with all the rain around lately07:40
brobostigongood question.07:40
DJonesThe perils of UK autumn's07:40
DJonesI think thats definatly a question for Prof Brian Cox07:41
brobostigonand the wind swept hair/afro look, after being caught in heavy winds.07:41
DJonesHeh, don't have to worry about that, my head a visit from a razor blade  at the weekend07:43
brobostigonah, i see.07:44
brobostigonmy hair hits my shoulders and is very fine and curly.07:44
diploMorning all08:06
brobostigonmorning diplo08:06
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
l34rnhow to create channel and set my password  irssi ?08:36
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Yorkshire Pudding Day! :-D08:53
zmoylan-pialso https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Day_for_Natural_Disaster_Reduction08:56
davmor2JamesTait: man this should of been yesterday nobody sane has yorkies on a monday09:12
zmoylan-piyorkies the dog or yorkies the chocolate?09:13
davmor2zmoylan-pi: yorkie puds it was in reply to JamesTait  :P09:17
awilkinsMMMmn, giant Yorkshire pud filled with sausage casserole sounds like a right winner in thie weather09:23
awilkinsMaybe line the bottom with cheese to prevent leaking of gravy09:24
JamesTaitawilkins, can I come to your house for dinner?09:25
diploAnyone any good with SEO in here ?09:25
diploBasically wondering if SEO hasn't been populated on a product, having it display a default of something is worthwhile ?09:26
diplobigcalm any ideas ?09:26
awilkinsJamesTait, while my cooking is pretty good, not sure it's worth the trip unless you live within spitting distance of the pie-ron curtain09:26
JamesTaitawilkins, but you sold it so well!09:27
awilkinsLast night was sausage roasted with caramelised apples and shallots09:27
awilkinsAnd mash09:27
zmoylan-piooooh fraggle rock coming to big screen... http://www.independent.ie/entertainment/movies/movie-news/80s-hits-labyrinth-and-fraggle-rock-making-a-comeback-30659098.html09:36
popeydammit, have the fraggle rock theme in my head now09:45
zmoylan-pisorry, my bad :-)09:45
zmoylan-piit's a doozer :-D09:45
zmoylan-pidoozy, i meant doozy :-p09:45
OERIASYes or No?10:06
OERIASVote yes or no.10:06
directhexmaybe. i vote maybe.10:06
OERIASare you Scot?10:07
zmoylan-pii think you have to allow a spoiled vote in some places10:09
OERIASzmoylan-pi, the scots should be happy that their country is prosperous10:17
OERIASwhen the union of crowns occured, scotland was a poor and barren country10:17
davmor2popey: Mahna Mahna.  That should help10:26
davmor2I'll just leave this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N_tupPBtWQ10:27
davmor2ali1234: I prefer the good version that the Muppets did :P10:28
ali1234who doesn't?10:29
davmor2Todays music will be Mostly Prodigy10:31
shaunodavmor2: the oddest version I've found, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44NQkFJaEuE10:33
ujjainDutch guy: "Do you want another cup of coffee?"10:55
ujjainBritish guy: "No, that's quite alright."10:55
ujjainThat means no coffee or yes coffee?10:56
zmoylan-pino coffee10:56
ujjainright, not sure why it's the #1 comment on our subreddit10:56
ujjainDutch guy goes and gets a cup of coffee for himself. British guy is left wondering why the Dutch guy didn't bring him a cup, because he only asked once, and surely you decline the first time someone asks to do something for you.10:56
zmoylan-pino no no, yes :-)10:57
popeyfirst word was "no", so that's "no" surely10:59
ali1234when i went to amsterdam with my brother, he explained the dutch to me by saying "they're like you"11:00
directhexpopey: in fairness, an emphatic yes in russian is "da da da". an emphatic no is "da nyet"11:01
directhexoh my god they killed bob the builder.11:04
ali1234why is he five??11:04
zmoylan-piturns out he was a gang master underpaying workers?11:04
directhexteletubbies remake confirmed; no images for that yet11:06
zmoylan-piwhen they reboot moschops they'll have offically run out of ideas :-)11:07
zmoylan-pithis time they mean it11:47
popeymine arrives tomorrow11:53
Laneybanging donk12:00
diddledan_that sounds n0rty12:01
awilkinsYou don't need a gun when you have a Donk : www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufDTDUPZrag12:17
shaunoin all fairness dan, you think "rebooting the teletubbies" sounds n0rty12:17
zmoylan-piguessing that's crocodile dundee12:17
* zmoylan-pi wonders if that is on my dvd list, i remember buying it but haven't seen it in a while....12:18
diddledan_shauno: that's dirty12:18
awilkinszmoylan-pi, Yup.. Croc Dundee II was much better than the first one IMHO12:18
* diddledan_ reboots some teletubbies12:18
zmoylan-piwell remember they tried to ban teletubbies for promoting homosexuality12:19
diddledan_zmoylan-pi: yeah12:19
diddledan_all because of a handbag12:19
shaunothey were unfortunately ahead of the manbag phase.  just too early.12:20
awilkinsHow could they tell which ones were male and which ones were female?12:27
awilkinsJust because they had different voice pitches meant nothing12:27
zmoylan-piwell one had what looked like a dildo on their head which was mentioned a bit i seem to remember12:28
awilkinsThis morning they mentioned Robinson's Golliwogs on the radio. My gran used to collect the enamel badge pins when I was a kid.12:28
shaunoif they'd actually watched it, they'd know it was the vacuum cleaner who was the real troublemaker anyway.12:28
awilkinsI remember Golliwogs but what I don't remember was having any notion that they were associated with race12:28
diddledan_not allowed to call them that anymore - they're "gollys" now12:28
zmoylan-piyou also had gollybars which was icecream on a stick which had to be renamed and rebranded12:28
awilkinsAs far as I knew they were just t Thing12:28
awilkinsThey were a creature like any other that inhabited fairy tale worlds - nothing to do with reality12:29
awilkinsI know now their origins are not exactly blameless, but they just had no such association for me as a kid12:29
zmoylan-piditto but if you were someone who was insulted by that name wouldn't you be glad to see back of it?12:30
zmoylan-pii kinda lean towards the warner warning they now have on some their 1940s cartoons which were incredibly racist.12:31
awilkinsI thought that was very mature of them12:31
zmoylan-piand changing huckleberry finn in schools seems like it's sanitising something that kids need to learn12:32
diddledan_I've never read huckleberry finn12:42
zmoylan-piread them when i was 12 i think12:43
zmoylan-pifirst book written on a typewriter iirc12:43
Seeker`popey: literally just read that here12:56
Seeker`makes my nose itch12:56
diddledan_she seems really cool about it12:58
zmoylan-pithe leech has since dropped of a cv at the tax office...12:59
diddledan_zmoylan-pi: surely it's applied for immigrant benefits?12:59
zmoylan-pithat's a terrible stereotype to assume immigrants don't want to work13:00
shaunoit's the beeb, not the daily mail13:00
zmoylan-pibut a leech working in tax office is still funny13:00
diddledan_zmoylan-pi: yeah, but the media!13:01
diddledan_teh medias are telling me migrants are scum13:01
diddledan_I don't actually believe in xenophobia13:02
shaunooi, I'm a migrant.13:02
diddledan_shauno: scum!13:02
diddledan_shauno: ukip won a byelection13:03
shaunomakes me surprised more people aren't leaving13:03
Myrttibecause the situation isn't great anywhere13:05
Myrttibesides, if you move, you're a migrant yourself13:05
diddledan_I think quite a few european countries are going through the same extreme-right-wing invasion13:05
shaunoI think the problem is that people are desperate for any kind of change, and no-one else is offering anything13:09
shaunoI mean, I really can't figure out what's going on in the UK.  I don't know if milliband has looked in a mirror lately, but he's the complete stereotype of a tory13:10
shaunoso you have red tories, blue torries, and the raving monster looney .. er .. ukip13:10
zmoylan-piisn't that how hitler got into power shauno?13:11
davmor2and then we take over the world......oh wait didn't we do that once already?13:12
zmoylan-pinot really, you had a big chunk of it but a lot of it was... uncontrolled13:13
shaunoah yes.  Izzard's "do you have a flag?" school of global governance ;)13:13
zmoylan-piand it came down to whose troops were closest13:16
Seeker`so much politics in here recently13:21
shaunoI actually thought the opposite.  the whole Scotland thing went by with so little comment, I half wondered if it had been declared verboten while I wasn't paying attention13:22
Seeker`popey: i don't look in here often. But usually when I do there is something politics related in my current view13:23
Seeker`which is a lot more than I remember there being :P13:23
popeyyeah, it was barely discussed here13:24
Myrttiooooohhhh http://www.finndeli.co.uk/13:24
MyrttiSeeker`: it happens from time to time13:29
christelthey have moomin biscuits :D13:55
zmoylan-pimoo papa and moo mama?13:56
Myrttichristel: no Tove 100 years tin, though14:00
MyrttifunkyHat: fix your irssi15:17
=== jdc_ is now known as jdca
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
diddledan_so skype got updated a few days ago for the mac and pc - I'm betting that doesn't include linuxen16:56
popeyit's always lagged behind in updates16:59
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
barathHi guys I was looking for some help with plex media server I have just reinstalled 14.04 and restored backup however I cannot seem to get plex to rescan the library I want?17:53
knightwisemornin peeps18:23
popeyoops.. directhex someone bricked their hudl2 http://www.modaco.com/topic/373587-hudl-2-rooting/#entry223366819:04
popeycolour me unsurprised19:04
zmoylan-piwell if they managed to get it for less than a fiver they won't feel so bad about it? :-)19:08
davmor2popey: it's almost like they don't want you to19:24
directhexpopey, that was fast19:54
popeyyeah ☻19:56
=== webpigeon_ is now known as webpigeon
zmoylan-pior you know they could build devices that use less power20:08
HelpSeekerI need some help...21:36
HelpSeekercan someone help?21:36
HelpSeekerdoes this chat even work...21:36
HelpSeekerNobody on?!21:37
HelpSeekerNEED SOME HELP....21:38
Myrttidid you ask in #ubuntu?21:38
HelpSeekerwhat you mean?21:38
HelpSeekerI'm new, don't understand how this works.21:38
daftykinsboth this channel (#ubuntu-uk) and #ubuntu are 'rooms' where you can get help, #ubuntu is the main support channel however.21:40
daftykinsyou'll find more active users and thus more volunteers willing to help, in there21:40
HelpSeekerAh, alright. Are you willingly to help right now?21:40
daftykinsyou've already asked in the other channel, also you seem to have connected twice... using two different browser windows/tabs?21:41
daftykinsa good first step is to actually ask the question21:41
HelpSeekerIs that illegal?21:41
daftykinsit's just unnecessary21:41
daftykinsa single webchat instance can connect to many channels at once21:41
daftykinsjust type "/j #channelname" into one and close the other21:41
HelpSeekerWell, I've installed Ubuntu in my laptop, it's been running for months now.21:42
HelpSeekerToday suddenly when booting my laptop it jumps to BIOS and it shows me that my drive is not present?21:42
daftykinssounds like a hardware failure, are you versed in computer hardware?21:43
HelpSeekerI've USB stick, bootable Ubuntu. Tried to open it up without installing it. After that I completly removed the partition and did a clean install again.21:43
HelpSeekerAnd still have the same problem.21:43
daftykinsso setup was able to see the hard disk?21:43
HelpSeekerYes, I could see my drive when I was booted from my USB.21:44
daftykinswhat are you typing from now?21:44
HelpSeekerFrom my laptop.. I'm running it without installing it..21:44
HelpSeekerfrom my USB.21:44
daftykinsok, can you open a terminal window using Ctrl+alt+T then run a few commands...21:44
daftykins"sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit"21:45
daftykinsthen "sudo parted -l | pastebinit"21:45
daftykinsok looks like a relatively modern laptop with an EFI installation of Ubuntu21:46
daftykinscouple more: "sudo apt-get install smartmontools" and "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"21:46
HelpSeekerE: Command line option 'a' [from -a] is not known. You are trying to send an empty document, exiting.21:46
daftykinsthat was on the second?21:47
daftykinswhat happens if you run "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda" on its' own?21:47
HelpSeekersudo: smartctl: command not found21:47
daftykinsyou need to install it with the first command first21:48
daftykinssurely it worked?21:48
HelpSeekerE: Unable to locate package smartctl21:48
HelpSeekerWhat you mean?21:48
daftykins"sudo apt-get install smartmontools"21:49
daftykinsdid that one not run fine?21:49
HelpSeekerthe last cone works...21:49
daftykinsso smartmontools is installed now?21:49
daftykins"sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"21:50
HelpSeekerBe right back...21:52
daftykinsok doesn't look to be anything wrong with that, i think something is up with your laptop's EFI (the "BIOS") that it's failing to allow proper boot. some settings wrong maybe21:54
HelpSeekerIt could be, I haven't changed anything... so I'm not sure.21:54
HelpSeekerI disabled those  fast easy boot options etc. before, and it's still the same.21:55
daftykinsany updates available from the manufacturer?21:56
HelpSeekerI've no clue, I updated and upgraded any packages recently.21:57
daftykinsi mean updated BIOS/EFI for the laptop, from the manufacturer21:59
daftykinswhat's the make and model?21:59
HelpSeekerASUS R513C21:59
daftykinshang on i'm going to be a short while, drama ensuing22:02
daftykinsi'd go into the BIOS and check the version # there against what's on the Asus website22:02
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
HelpSeeker@daftykins, are you still on?22:12
daftykinsyeah here and there22:13
HelpSeekerI made an screenshot and uploaded it if you don't mind...22:13
HelpSeekerIf I'm not wrong v207 is the latest... http://www.asus.com/supportonly/R513CL/HelpDesk_Download/22:19
daftykinsif you're absolutely sure on the model number, yep22:22
daftykinsperforming a BIOS update isn't without risk, though22:22
daftykinsthere's no data on this hard disk right now that you need, presumably?22:22
HelpSeekerIt says R513CL, while I have R513C.22:23
HelpSeekerSame model right?22:23
daftykinsmmm, is it written on an underside label specifically?22:23
daftykinsand purchased in the UK?22:23
HelpSeekerNo, from EU.22:24
HelpSeekerThe Netherlands.22:24
daftykinsah, perhaps i won't find that model on the UK page i'm on then22:24
daftykinsis that where you are, or?22:25
HelpSeekerThere are no another solutions possible for this?22:25
HelpSeekerI was just on this site, don't know it's the same where you were looking on?22:26
daftykinsi need a sec, kinda multi tasking here22:26
daftykinsi was just attempting to browse to a European site22:26
HelpSeekerHaha, okay take your time.22:27
daftykinshmm NL site only has the -CL too, so i can only assume that's as close as they'll get22:29
daftykinsbut i kind of find it risky for the idea of updating the BIOS22:29
daftykinsanyway - it came with Windows 8 and you didn't want it - presumably?22:29
HelpSeekerI prefer Linux22:30
HelpSeekerCould have done it in virtual machine, but didn't like the experience of it.22:30
daftykinsso you wiped the entire disk, when you were installing?22:30
daftykinsevery single partition removed?22:30
daftykinsdid you change any EFI boot settings like 'Fast Boot' or 'Secure Boot' in the EFI?22:30
HelpSeekerI disabled fast boot.22:31
HelpSeekerand CSM22:31
HelpSeekerBut with those options I was able to run Ubuntu for like a month now, it just happend today.22:31
daftykinsyeah seems a little bit odd. and this is 14.04.1 ?22:32
daftykinswhat i would do then is zero fill with dd the first 200MB of the disk or so, clean install again22:32
daftykinsif it boots correctly, good stuff - see how it goes22:32
daftykinsbut otherwise, i would enable CSM and install in Legacy mode22:32
daftykinsthere aren't really any benefits to EFI installs22:32
HelpSeekerwhat is a legacy mode?22:33
daftykinsCSM enables the older BIOS install method22:34
daftykinshmm not sure we have a bot in here anymore, one sec22:34
lubotu3UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI22:34
daftykinsah yeah. check out that link, it'll show the difference between EFI and Legacy installs22:34
HelpSeekerDo you think that this problem still may occur when changing from OS or distro?22:35
daftykinssince i don't have a clue what's happening i have no way of knowing22:36
HelpSeekerI understand.22:36
daftykinsif it were just hanging and going to a black screen, instead of the setup screen - i'd have at least some suggestions such as booting an older kernel22:36
daftykinsbut i'm by no means the most experienced user - so you might get better info elsewhere22:37
HelpSeekerOk, thanks a lot for your help.22:37
daftykinsno problem, definitely give the BIOS install a try22:38
daftykinsit might work better22:38
HelpSeekerI will do it, thanks again ;)22:38

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