
=== OERIAS is now known as ezgod
=== ezgod is now known as OERIAS
pleia2moar baseball02:39
jyopleia2: Okay, will do today.19:22
pleia2oh whoa, it got late19:25
pleia2soon, lunch :19:25
ianorlinpleia2: do you know where on the alt installer or mini iso the /etc/apt/sources.list equivlent file is?22:20
bkerensapleia2: http://careers.mozilla.org/en-US/position/oJxyZfwx22:25
darthrobotTitle: [Operations Engineer — Mozilla Jobs — Open Positions]22:25
pleia2ianorlin: it should be there...23:07
pleia2bkerensa: applying?23:08
bkerensapleia2: no but maybe you?23:13
bkerensapleia2: you can work for a competitor of your husband's work... Could be interesting? :)23:14
bkerensaalso they do remote23:14
bkerensaso no change in workflow23:14
bkerensaconference travel and same level of benefits23:14
pleia2I like my job :)23:15
pleia2there's a little bit of mozilla's infra that's open source, but not nearly enough for me to change to another internal sysadmin job by choice23:17
pleia2I work on open source all day long, it's lovely23:18
nhainespleia2: living the dream!23:47

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