
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
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=== mgagne is now known as Guest88785
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
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nvucinicsmoser`: you around ? 09:21
nvucinici found some workaround with my password problem, it's working ok if i set password in user-data with password: mypassword 09:22
nvucinicbut still, problem is that when i have my templete with preset password that after cloud init runs i cannot login with that password from template09:23
=== Guest61804 is now known as rcj
=== rcj is now known as Guest90815
smoser`nvucinic, here now.13:20
smoser`that is odd.13:20
=== smoser` is now known as smoser
nvucinicsmoser: well i managed to solve the problem by removing -users -default 13:23
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=== Guest88785 is now known as mgagne
=== mgagne is now known as Guest63293
=== Guest63293 is now known as mgagne
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
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=== gondoi is now known as zz_gondoi
=== Guest18588 is now known as mfisch
=== Wulf4 is now known as Wulf
=== zz_gondoi is now known as gondoi
devicenullhow can I convince cloud-init to change the root password?20:41
devicenullI tried adding a user with the name of 'root', but that seems to be getting ignored (I suspect because it already exists)20:42
Wulfdevicenull: I don't know. But why do you want to use passwords instead of ssh keys?20:58
devicenullbecause that's what our customers want20:58
Wulfoh :(20:58
devicenullI think I got it, though it's less then ideal.  I created a per-once script that sets it via chpasswd20:59
Wulfdevicenull: http://www.blog.sandro-mathys.ch/2013/07/setting-user-password-when-launching.html ?20:59
devicenullinteresting, I'll have to try it21:00
Wulfdevicenull: check the docs in doc/examples/cloud-config.txt.21:01
devicenullI've been looking at http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/examples.html21:02
devicenulllooks like the ones in the source tree have different examples, interesting21:03
JayFdevicenull: afaik there's no native support for setting pw on root21:03
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
=== gondoi is now known as zz_gondoi

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