
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
Riddellis there a tech board meeting now?15:31
shadeslayerguess not15:48
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^15:48
Riddell16:31 < Riddell> is there a tech board meeting now?16:01
mdeslaurhi Riddell16:02
mdeslaurRiddell: infinity, pitti and stgraber can't attend16:02
Riddellthis doesn't quite answer my question :)16:03
mdeslaurI'm not sure yet, if kees doesn't show up and it's just me and slangasek, we're likely to cancel it I guess16:06
slangasekhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda also didn't get updated, who's supposed to be chairing this week?16:07
mdeslaurinfinity was supposed to16:08
mdeslaurslangasek: looks like kees isn't going to show up. Should we cancel, and respond on-list?16:18
slangasekmdeslaur: I think that's the way to go16:19
slangasekRiddell: sorry - no reason we can't still have discussions on IRC as needed, but I think there's no point in calling that a TB meeting16:20

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