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valiantvole | greetings | 13:53 |
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LightAndDarkSoul | 2 minutes to go... | 14:57 |
Joe___ | sooo.... | 14:59 |
sudo | Wassup peeps | 15:01 |
LightAndDarkSoul | Starting soon? | 15:01 |
Joe___ | hallo | 15:01 |
balloons | WHAOO! | 15:01 |
bhavesh | hello | 15:01 |
Hao | hello | 15:01 |
=== sudo is now known as Guest56135 | ||
balloons | hello hello | 15:01 |
LightAndDarkSoul | Hi hi. | 15:01 |
Joe___ | so, what's your favorite distro? | 15:01 |
mhall119 | starting in just a minute | 15:01 |
Guest56135 | wasoop | 15:01 |
bhavesh | lol | 15:01 |
bhavesh | that question | 15:01 |
LightAndDarkSoul | I'd have to say Regular Ubuntu, but.... KDE is kind of nice as well... | 15:02 |
bhavesh | I don't like the file manager interface in KDE | 15:02 |
bhavesh | it looks too complicated | 15:02 |
Joe___ | It seems like KDE support is tacked on to applications. but thats not a good reason to not like it | 15:03 |
LightAndDarkSoul | Ubuntu's Live Q&A is surprisingly late... | 15:03 |
* balloons notes mhall119 was slow to push the go button | 15:04 | |
balloons | :-) | 15:04 |
LightAndDarkSoul | lol | 15:04 |
LightAndDarkSoul | Now its live... | 15:04 |
popey | QUESTION: HOW AWESOME IS MHALL119!? | 15:04 |
justCarakas | o/ | 15:04 |
LightAndDarkSoul | Question : When will Ubuntu 14.10 come out? | 15:05 |
fisch246 | hi popey :) | 15:05 |
justCarakas | not true, mhall119 I think you are awesome | 15:05 |
justCarakas | 9 | 15:06 |
mhall119 | :) | 15:06 |
Hao | my mouse cursor is flickering and disappearing | 15:06 |
Hao | any solutions for me | 15:06 |
balloons | feel free to get your questions in; just prefix them with QUESTION: | 15:07 |
justCarakas | is it me or is the sound quality of popey really bad ? | 15:07 |
fisch246 | justCarakas: i think he's having connection issues | 15:07 |
LightAndDarkSoul | His sound quality is kinda bad, but still understandable | 15:07 |
bhavesh | Hao: Same happens with me every half hour of so | 15:07 |
nickissudo | QUESTION: What is the future of unity. | 15:07 |
richie_ | QUESTION: What will be probably the main focus during 15.04 cycle, now, when you got Ubuntu Touch almost succesfully released ? | 15:07 |
popey | hmm | 15:07 |
popey | dunno why my audio is bad | 15:07 |
balloons | was bad for me also popey | 15:07 |
* popey disconnects wifi | 15:07 | |
popey | I'm using an awesome mic | 15:08 |
popey | i see lots of frames dropped | 15:08 |
=== Phil is now known as Guest45857 | ||
* popey stabs firefox | 15:08 | |
fisch246 | lol | 15:08 |
=== justCarakas is now known as firefox | ||
popey | the Google talk plugin is literally eating my pc alive | 15:08 |
* balloons adds headphones | 15:08 | |
* firefox dies | 15:08 | |
LightAndDarkSoul | lol | 15:08 |
Joe___ | lol | 15:08 |
=== firefox is now known as justcarakas | ||
LightAndDarkSoul | Google talk isn't that great on ubuntu unless you have the hardware to support it. | 15:08 |
Joe___ | why's that? | 15:09 |
balloons | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseSchedule | 15:09 |
* popey closes everything | 15:10 | |
fisch246 | i think hall is the only one of you that I haven't actually had a conversation with | 15:10 |
popey | Only you can fix that ☻ | 15:11 |
justcarakas | QUESTION should I temporarily switch away from utopic-devel ? | 15:11 |
fisch246 | popey: mind if i bring up the store, or are you sick of hearing about it :P | 15:12 |
balloons | ubuntu-mate.org | 15:12 |
bhavesh | QUESTION: I accessed my Ubuntu 14.04.1's LTS filesystem / from Windows 8.1 using EXT2FSD in read/ write mode. Now whenever I boot into Ubuntu, I see a black screen. I guess I am going to replace it to 14.10 when it releases. Anyone knows why that happened? Windows messed up with the files? | 15:12 |
Joe___ | Question: Would Canonical rather fight 1 horse-sized duck or 10 duck-sized horses? | 15:13 |
LightAndDarkSoul | @Bhavesh, it seems like if anything but ubuntu, messes with ubuntu, it'll render it unaccessable, and that's weird.. | 15:13 |
justcarakas | mate always reminds me of the land down under | 15:13 |
nickissudo | Question: Will ubuntu stick with unity forever now? Or are you planning on using a different desktop environment in the future? | 15:14 |
fisch246 | nickissudo: they do with Ubuntu Gnome, Kubuntu, etc. | 15:14 |
Joe___ | fisch246: but those are derivatives | 15:14 |
fisch246 | bhavesh: the live CD does have a fix option. it will reset your install, and your files will be kept. | 15:14 |
bhavesh | fisch246: great, I'll try that. | 15:15 |
Abi_ | You may use rescue nickissudo | 15:15 |
balloons | nickissudo, more info on the unity8 desktop iso: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8DesktopIso | 15:15 |
fisch246 | Joe___: most distros have derivatives or versions that they support. they tend to have a gnome, or kde version of their desktop. however is it that you want to hot swap after install? | 15:15 |
Abi_ | Does anyone here have use fcsk before? | 15:16 |
cornel_ | QUESTION: What you think about Unity adopted by other distro, recently Majaro | 15:16 |
fisch246 | Abi_: you meaning fsck? | 15:17 |
Aiwinia | hello | 15:17 |
fisch246 | Abi_: I have fstab run it everytime i boot :) | 15:17 |
Abi_ | yeah typo error | 15:17 |
cornel_ | *Manjaro ,sory | 15:17 |
nickissudo | Will The unity iso be supported in virtual box | 15:17 |
kampsy | question. is the ubuntu SDK going to available on other platforms? | 15:17 |
Joe___ | fisch246: I just think its really unlikely that Ubunutu would drop Unity as the main DE after putting soooo much work into it. | 15:17 |
LightAndDarkSoul | @nick , Add a "Question :" | 15:17 |
fisch246 | Joe___: well of course :) | 15:17 |
Joe___ | :P | 15:17 |
Abi_ | thanks fisch246 | 15:18 |
bhavesh | great, systemd coming to Ubuntu? | 15:18 |
bhavesh | nice. | 15:18 |
jnxd | QUESTION: Steps to remove android-studio installed through the UDTC? | 15:18 |
kshiri | I think I just do it because I am not able to frame the question or statement properly. | 15:18 |
fisch246 | bhavesh: according to popey in an earlier conversation... it will be "looked at" for 14.10 | 15:18 |
bhavesh | fisch246: okay :) | 15:19 |
fisch246 | so no clear timeline for systemd | 15:19 |
nttechnology | QUESTION: What are the major improvements in 14.04? | 15:19 |
Joe___ | Systemd works so good | 15:19 |
Joe___ | (not an answer) | 15:19 |
nickissudo | I agree joe | 15:19 |
kshiri | asl?? | 15:20 |
balloons | Ubuntu Online Summit: summit.ubuntu.com | 15:20 |
Abi_ | what is systemd Joe? | 15:21 |
fisch246 | i'm hoping mir will solve borderless window for Linux. If it does, and there's still problems with Wayland... I might just switch back to Ubuntu >.> | 15:21 |
justcarakas | phone image indeed, on my nexus 4 | 15:22 |
fisch246 | I'm referring to the fullscreen window when gaming | 15:22 |
fisch246 | not to be confused with the area around the window :P | 15:22 |
vitimiti | Hi | 15:23 |
sil | QUESTION: Are you considering to change the file system in the future to something like btrfs, for example? | 15:23 |
popey | sil: GOOD QUESTION! | 15:24 |
bhavesh | popey: thanks. | 15:25 |
=== Superhero is now known as Guest79503 | ||
fisch246 | QUESTION: Are there any plans to change the community repo system? Maybe attempt to unify community submitted programs into a single repo? examples would be RPMfusion, or the AUR. | 15:26 |
jim_ | QUESTION: (sorry if asked) is ubuntu planning on using libinput? i'm dying for killer touchpad drivers and shared resources seem to make sense here | 15:26 |
fisch246 | QUESTION: Are there any plans to change up the Ubuntu store? | 15:27 |
fisch246 | i had to popey. i'm sorry ;-; | 15:28 |
justcarakas | QUESTION: when will we be able to showcase our apps in an oline store so we can link to it from our sites | 15:29 |
Xtopherus_ | all of these live IP's are a hackers wet dream. =) | 15:29 |
kampsy | Question: why did you drop python on ubuntu touch? | 15:29 |
balloons | virtualbox (or vmware, etc) image: people.canonical.com/~dholbach/tmp/apps-presentations/ubuntu+sdk.ova | 15:31 |
Joe___ | Xtopherus: http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/131/714/7proxies.PNG | 15:32 |
justcarakas | QUESTION: recently I met a fellow IT guy and he laughed at me for using Ubuntu, he said that is was linux for people who can't use linux, what would you guys have replied if someone said that to you | 15:33 |
Joe___ | justcarakas: "Its not for people who can't, it's for people who dont want to" | 15:34 |
Xtopherus_ | LOL Joe - not everyone here is. so I've found out. | 15:34 |
balloons | jnxd, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-developer-tools-center | 15:34 |
Joe___ | :) | 15:34 |
justcarakas | Joe___: still sounds kinda negative | 15:34 |
jnxd | center | 15:34 |
fisch246 | while i don't use Ubuntu today, it was my first GNU distro. If someone said it's for people who can't use Linux, I'd show them Ubuntu server. | 15:35 |
Xtopherus_ | Thanks for the netflix capabilities in chrome BTW | 15:35 |
fisch246 | Also the benefit of Ubuntu is that it's a target for all the other distros. | 15:35 |
Xtopherus_ | Using 14.04 now. It's great | 15:36 |
Joe___ | justcarkas: It kind of is. Ununtu is serving a purpose, and that's to get more people onto it by hiding all the things we associate with "doing linux" | 15:36 |
justcarakas | hehe :p | 15:36 |
vitimiti | justcarakas, I use Ubuntu because I want to use Linux without the headaches of a say slackware or gentoo, I want to use it, not fight it | 15:36 |
justcarakas | nice answer vitimiti | 15:36 |
Taylor_ | QUESTION: I've been unable to port ubuntu touch to my tablet (asus tf201) since the switch to the flipped model and the porting guides now have conflicting information, where can I find the latest information on porting? | 15:36 |
vitimiti | I'm using 14.10 right now and I still don't have to fight it, being a beta | 15:36 |
nickissudo | Question: How long will the "gnome fallback" Option be available for. I want to prepare myself for the end of my favorite gnome environment,. | 15:36 |
justcarakas | QUESTION will there be some way of handeling programs that don't support retina so I don't have to change my resolution every time I want to use one of those | 15:37 |
Joe___ | im sure things like retina will be taken into consideration with wayland and mir | 15:38 |
fisch246 | there is scaling options on Ubuntu and other distros. However I never used it, so it might just be terrible. | 15:38 |
vitimiti | This is the first time I'm watching a live talk of ubuntu on air, it's kind of exciting | 15:38 |
Tony_ | HI | 15:39 |
Joe___ | sup | 15:39 |
justcarakas | welcome vitimiti :) | 15:39 |
vitimiti | thx | 15:39 |
Tony_ | Thanks guys for esters | 15:40 |
Chubfish | QUESTION! Late to this event so might have missed the answer.. I was wondering if Unity will change its apperance somewhat? Or maybe a GNOME adaptation? | 15:40 |
fisch246 | oh wow | 15:40 |
Joe___ | Chubfish: it is | 15:41 |
Tony_ | who installed ubuntu phone | 15:41 |
Joe___ | GNOME | 15:41 |
The_ | Hello. Will there be better Wifi-support soon? My Broadcom SET driver will not allow AC... On the previous Ubunu rel. I got it to work, but not now... | 15:41 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
Joe___ | but, if you want stock GNOME you can just install it | 15:42 |
Chubfish | Joe__ alright thanks | 15:42 |
fisch246 | cool | 15:42 |
vitimiti | fisch246, click, it is. I like it | 15:42 |
Chubfish | QUESTION! Looking forward, will there be more focus on drivers for graphic cards? | 15:44 |
The_ | And WiFi, Broadcom support for AC please. | 15:45 |
jim_ | yes, touchpad/clickpad | 15:46 |
vitimiti | That's a big app | 15:50 |
jrod_ | hello | 15:52 |
jrod_ | how is ubuntu doing for servers | 15:52 |
Taylor_ | I think what would help would be a clear definition of all the parts, or an explaination of the boot order (what goes in the LXC) stuff like that, not specific to a device but at a minimum what has to happen | 15:58 |
Taylor_ | Thanks though | 15:59 |
justcarakas | because you can't even use the sdk on a retina screen because I cant read the menus mhall119 | 16:01 |
balloons | justcarakas, ubuntu sdk doesn't work for you; really? | 16:02 |
justcarakas | on retina it's really samll | 16:03 |
justcarakas | small | 16:03 |
justcarakas | maybe they changed it recently balloons, now I just run a resolution change thing on startup balloons | 16:04 |
justcarakas | to force my screen to use a lower resolution | 16:04 |
balloons | justcarakas, right.. I run it on a big display and don't have the issue, but yours might be even larger. Are you on 14.04? | 16:05 |
justcarakas | jup | 16:05 |
justcarakas | mbp retina | 16:05 |
balloons | justcarakas, ahh I see you have a higher pixel density than me.. That would be it I'd guess | 16:07 |
sac_ | hi | 16:08 |
justcarakas | probably balloons, anyway I'm off cya | 16:09 |
vitimiti | I'm off, too | 16:10 |
cornel_ | quit | 16:25 |
jlsmi3th | QUESTION - do you recommend going straight from LTS to LTS? | 16:42 |
terrigan | QUESTION Ubuntu for Android - What's the current status? Will it support current android phones/hardware? Flashable roms for advanced Android phone users? | 17:05 |
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Maxtuerzo | WHAT! | 19:04 |
Maxtuerzo | sya what again... I double dar you | 19:05 |
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vitimiti | Hi | 20:20 |
Nothing_Much | oh darn, I wish I didn't have to work on Tuesdays :( | 20:41 |
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SiaG | hi | 22:25 |
SiaG | hi everybody | 22:27 |
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