
zackifyis vi and vim the same in ubuntu server00:00
RoyKvi is vim if vim-basic is installed00:01
zackifyRoyK: thanks, I thought thats what happens00:02
RoyKqueorgullo is a spambot, btw00:02
RoyKzackify: vim is always better than old vi00:03
RoyK(unless you're on a very tiny embedded thing)00:04
zackifyRoyK: I know it is, i have a friend who was telling me about it and I was thinking it was replaced with vim even when just doing 'vi'00:08
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FilthyMacNastyevening everyone, anyone got some wisdom on samba4?05:43
lordievaderGood morning.06:13
FilthyMacNastygutentag lord06:15
lordievaderHey FilthyMacNasty, how are you?06:16
FilthyMacNastyif it was any better I'd need 2 of me to enjoy it06:16
lordievaderSounds good ;)06:17
FilthyMacNastyfiddling with samba4 tonight06:18
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Vladimir_is it possible to install zypper on ubuntu and does it work well?07:23
FilthyMacNastyI use buttons not zypper, I'm amish07:25
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SycridI think I'm missing something stupid, I'm trying to connect to another linux machine using remmina, is this possible? If so, can it be done by rdp?09:17
FilthyMacNastynaturally ubotu dont know what that is09:22
FilthyMacNastyI use x11vnc09:22
FilthyMacNastySycrid: what is remmina?09:23
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SycridFiltyMcNasty: It's an rdp program for linux.09:32
SycridReally good going from linux into windows environments.09:32
SycridWhat I'm looking for is a tool to allow remote desktop of a ubuntu server from my desktop (with interface so I don't need to enter a cold server room all the time).09:32
FilthyMacNastyok, from a windows box right?09:33
FilthyMacNastydownload putty.exe from chiark, its an ssh client, download realvnc from realvnc.com for windows, log into the linux box by ssh and run x11vnc, then connect to it from realvnc09:34
Sycridno, from ubuntu to ubuntu09:34
FilthyMacNastysame x11vnc and the vnc client of your choice09:34
lordievader!info remmina09:35
ubotturemmina (source: remmina): remote desktop client for GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.0-4ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 127 kB, installed size 362 kB09:35
FilthyMacNastyso, on the server sudo apt-get install x11vnc09:35
FilthyMacNastyssh into the box, run x11vnc, when you close it the security risk closes with it09:36
FilthyMacNastyhaving a full time remote desktop server running is bad09:36
Sycridyeah, it's just so I can run updates from time to time, don't want it open permanently.09:37
Sycridstill learning linux as well, don't think that ever stops, but I'm a newbie, so it's nice to have an interface from time to time09:38
SycridFiltyMacNasty: did as you said, and I don't see the remote desktop window... I did get the security message though09:41
FilthyMacNastydid you install x11vnc on the server?09:47
Sycriddo I need to install it locally?09:48
FilthyMacNastyno, you need to open a terminal ssh into the server and run x11vnc --xauth guess09:48
Sycriddone the ssh and run x11vnc09:49
SycridI'll try again09:49
SycridFilthyMacNasty I've noticed as I try, i get the following line "4/10/2014 10:50:27 *** XOpenDisplay failed. No -display or DISPLAY.09:50
FilthyMacNastydid you type x11vnc --xauth guess09:51
FilthyMacNastywait, sudo09:51
FilthyMacNastysudo x11vnc --xauth guess09:51
FilthyMacNastythen rdp into it using vnc protocols09:52
FilthyMacNastyare you using unity on your desktop?09:53
FilthyMacNastySycrid: you'll need to go into remmina and change the protocol from rdp to vnc09:56
Sycridsorry was checking server locally.09:56
Sycridrestarting it now.09:57
Sycrid(Filthy, thanks for the help. I've got to go, will be back later if I need further help).09:57
FilthyMacNastyI'll be around09:57
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matts1lverHi, trying to install ubuntu server 14.04 on two 3TB hard drives, I have created a 1MB partition and selected the "Reserved Bios boot area" option on both drives e.g. /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1. Then created a big partition filling the rest of the disks and selecting them for use as raid. Then create the raid on the two partitions e.g. /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb2 and then LVM on top of the raid with LV's for swap, root a11:04
FilthyMacNastynever used the reserved bios boot area option, but the rest of it seems to be right on target, matts1lver11:06
matts1lverI believe it is required for GPT due to the size of the disks11:06
matts1lverI followed this http://stackful-dev.com/raid-install-ubuntu-server-on-a-large-hard-drive.html but extended it to use LVM11:07
FilthyMacNastywell it is true i havent used bigger than 1tb's11:07
matts1lverOK, any one else?11:08
matts1lverI will also try #ubuntu as this isn't 100% just a server question11:09
lordievadermatts1lver: Do you have /boot outside of lvm?11:13
matts1lverlordievader: there is no /boot but the 1MB biosgrub partition is outside of the LVM and raid. Looks a lot like this http://stackful-dev.com/static/images/ubuntu-gpt-raid/partitioned-drives-no-raid.png11:15
matts1lverThis is GPT, not MBR11:15
lordievaderGrub doesn't like to boot from lvm.11:15
lordievaderIt's a good idea to get that outside of the lvm partitions.11:15
matts1lvergrub is not in lvm11:16
lordievadermatts1lver: I'm not talking about grub, guess I wasn't clear. I was talking about /boot or the kernel/initrd.11:17
FilthyMacNastythe whole /boot directory needs to be outside lvm11:18
matts1lver**grub is not in lvm**11:18
lordievadermatts1lver: Again, I'm not talking about grub.11:18
matts1lverBut /boot is not required with GPT….correct?11:19
FilthyMacNastywell if you want your kernel doesnt it live in there?11:19
lordievadermatts1lver: /boot contains the kernel/initrd how do you suppose to boot your system without it?11:20
matts1lverok let me try something then11:20
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matts1lverOk, i'm trying: 2M "Reserved Bios boot area" partition, 550M partition RAID , Remaining disk RAID on each drive. Creating two raids, one on the 550M (md0) and one on the Remaining (md1). Mounting md0 raid at /boot and creating LVM on md1 and creating root, swap and data as LV's. Sound good?11:46
matts1lverlordievader: thanks for the assistance, creating the extra raid for /boot worked.12:05
FilthyMacNastywoot I was right!12:06
matts1lverYes right, thanks12:07
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virtualhost hello, i want to set up multiple frontends on my server but it is a development server and as such has no domain name, only an ip address. how can i set it up? is there a guide you know of?12:57
virtualhost i am using this linode guide https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/lamp/lamp-server-on-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin12:58
virtualhostand it requires purchasing a domain12:58
virtualhosti tried using the ip address and setting different ports but i cant access index.html on http://myip:808012:59
virtualhostor even http://myip:8080/index.html12:59
virtualhostubuntu server 14 lts13:00
virtualhostwhere can i paste my /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default    file?13:01
virtualhostcan anyone help me set it up?13:19
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FilthyMacNastyvirtualhost: unfortunately I dont know how to make 1 instance of apache serve multiple ports13:20
FilthyMacNastyvirtualhost: I was mistaken earlier I thought you had seperate machines for each site13:21
lordievadervirtualhost: Is Apache listening to 8080?13:21
virtualhostwhen i directed port 80 to an empty dir, it showed what was on port 808013:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:24
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lordievadervirtualhost: What does 'netstat -tulpn|grep 8080' return?13:27
lordievadervirtualhost: What does nmap say about the port?13:28
FilthyMacNastyvirtualhost: your document root on *80 is misspelled13:28
virtualhostlordievader i am not sure i am using it correctly, i tried nmap -p80 and nmap -p8080 and it shows the same result13:32
virtualhostWARNING: No targets were specified, so 0 hosts scanned.13:32
virtualhostcan you please specify the command to use here?13:32
lordievadervirtualhost: You forgot to specify the host, nmap -p 8080 -Pn <host-ip>13:32
virtualhostFilthyMacNasty where do you see an error? i have copied from what was allready there13:33
jpdsvirtualhost: You know that you can fake a domain name using /etc/hosts ?13:33
virtualhostnmap output: Host is up (0.000074s latency). PORT     STATE  SERVICE 8080/tcp closed http-proxy13:34
virtualhostjpds no i did not. how can i use that in my case?13:35
lordievadervirtualhost: There you go, apache is not listening to that port.13:36
virtualhostif i fake the domain i will still need to access it from the web. how could i point my web browser to point to the two different ports?13:36
jpdsvirtualhost: fakedomain.test:8080 ?13:36
virtualhostlordievader, how can i make it listen?13:36
jpdsvirtualhost: Look at the Apache error log and figure out why it's not starting.13:36
FilthyMacNastythe directory on virtualhost *80 is spelled */pot80/* not */port80/*13:43
virtualhostthank you for pointing that out, i changed the names before pasting to make it more obvious for you guys while helping me. the directory is the right one in the original file.13:45
WhiteIntelhello guys, could you help me with this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/536883/server-crashed-but-why?noredirect=1#comment734030_53688313:45
FilthyMacNastydid you restart apache after the fix?13:45
virtualhosti got it!13:46
virtualhosti restart apache after every change13:47
virtualhostall i had to do is write Listen 8080 Listen 80 on the begining of the conf file13:47
virtualhosti saw it here: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/bind.html13:47
virtualhostthanks to lordievader i knew that port 8080 is inactive and now it is13:48
virtualhostthank you all for our help!13:48
lordievadervirtualhost: No problem ;)13:49
FilthyMacNastyvirtualhost: It's only possible to Listen to the "wildcard" address, or to specific addresses. So if you have a need to listen to a specific address for whatever reason, then you will need to listen to all specific addresses13:49
FilthyMacNastyyour *80 and *8080 need to be xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:80 and xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:808013:50
FilthyMacNastybetcha that fixes it13:50
virtualhostFilthyMacNasty thank you for your help. it is working despite the use of the wild card. if anything else fails in the future, that is what i will check first13:51
FilthyMacNastyrock on13:52
WhiteIntelanybody can help me?13:52
FilthyMacNastyI think its an either or situation with the * or the address must use one or the other but not both13:52
FilthyMacNastywhatcha need WhiteIntel13:52
WhiteIntelthis here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/536883/server-crashed-but-why?noredirect=1#comment734030_53688313:52
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Odd_BlokeI'm looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1379080; how do I go about changing the name of a kernel I am building?14:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1379080 in cloud-init "update-grub-legacy-ec2 fails to detect xen kernel" [Medium,New]14:03
WhiteIntel@FilthyMacNasty can you help me?14:06
FilthyMacNastynot really alot of help I'm afraid, got me scratchin my head14:07
WhiteIntelOk, no problem, can you give me any other tips where I could ask?14:08
FilthyMacNastylemme eyeball it one more time, I've been up all night14:09
WhiteIntelok, thank you14:09
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FilthyMacNastyWhiteIntel: take a look at this https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/trace/events-nmi.txt14:12
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blackyboyHi all i have two Virtual machines in KVM , vm1 ip was 192168.0.10 vm2 ip was how can i route between both network, iam using ubuntu1415:28
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lordievaderblackyboy: How are those two networks interconnected?15:29
blackyboyIn local area15:30
lordievaderblackyboy: Could you explain your network setup in more detail?15:30
blackyboyi want to use different network for those15:30
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blackyboylordievader: i want to install one VM for one server and other one want to be client. but both want to be in different network15:32
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FilthyMacNastyset your vm network card to bridged and set a static ip during install15:32
blackyboyFilthyMacNasty: its already bridged. But for practising i want to setup those in different network. But my host machine is ubuntu 14 with kvm15:34
lordievaderblackyboy: That is not a network description, please describe how you've setup your network.15:34
blackyboymay i know how can i route between two network from to ?15:34
FilthyMacNastyput it in the hosts file15:35
patdk-wkdoesn't sound like you want to route that15:37
patdk-wkit sounds like yo uwant to nat it15:37
blackyboyFilthyMacNasty: actually both the VMS are in same network now, but for some reason i want to configure both in different network then i need to route.15:39
FilthyMacNastywhy not just put the hostname and ip addy in the hosts file and voila15:40
blackyboyIs it possible to ping if one of my VM in and other vm in ?15:40
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zulcoreycb: ceilometer rc3 is available15:41
FilthyMacNastyif you use ping wateverhostname you put in the hosts file you can15:41
lordievaderblackyboy: As patdk-wk says, you likely want to NAT that.15:41
blackyboyFilthyMacNasty: :( how its possible if other network15:42
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blackyboylordievader: yes you right and patk-wk too right15:42
FilthyMacNastyedit /etc/hosts after localhost and your local machine name and addy add the ip/2 digit subnet and the hostname  hostname.my.domain15:43
lordievaderFilthyMacNasty: The hosts file is used for resolving hosts, not for routing/NATing.15:44
blackyboylordievader: 8-) well said15:45
FilthyMacNastyyes I know, but if he refers to the machine on the other network by the name he stuck in hosts it will resolve it and go15:45
FilthyMacNastyits a kludge15:45
coreycbzul, thanks I'll get it15:46
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FilthyMacNastygrrr vmware is hating on me16:42
coreycbzul, when you have a moment, https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/ceilometer/2014.2-rc3/+merge/23832816:55
zulcoreycb: done16:59
coreycbzul, thanks17:00
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YamakasYwhy does mysql stop actually never stops the mysql server ?18:17
patdk-wklikely cause you broke the debian-mant user account in mysql18:20
geniiYamakasY: Probably because Upstart18:25
YamakasYgenii: I get the feeling, as it's percona it get's stuck on bootstrap18:26
YamakasYhow can I avoid to start mysql after installing ?18:26
YamakasYgenii: I puppetize :)18:27
lordievaderYamakasY: That is the annoying thing about Ubuntu... If you figure it out, please tell me :)18:28
YamakasYlordievader: no, because i want to become rich by myselfish :P18:28
YamakasYlordievader: you can buy a share :P18:30
geniiYamakasY: Add: manual   to the end of the /etc/init/mysql.conf file18:32
genii( but before any line like: exit 0    or such )18:32
YamakasYgenii: uhm, but it's already running after installation ?18:34
YamakasYso, I cannot get between installing and starting18:35
geniiYamakasY: To stop: sudo service mysql stop18:36
mgwIs it ok to post a link to a devops opportunity here? I'm not a recruiter, just looking for help.18:36
YamakasYgenii: but my percona stuff is already there, so it starts wrong18:36
lordievadergenii: The issue is that services start upon install.18:38
dasjoeYamakasY: you have to divert initctl for this, "dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl && ln -s /bin/true /sbin/initctl", install your service, then remove /sbin/initctl and restore the original version18:39
lordievaderSo say for example your in a chroot and you install a service, the service is started (unwanted) inside the chroot.18:39
dasjoeBy "rm /sbin/initctl && dpkg-divert --local --remove /sbin/initctl"18:39
dasjoeAlso, having a manual backup of /sbin/initctl in case anything goes wrong is a good idea18:40
YamakasYdasjoe: mhh18:40
YamakasYmaybe an idea indeed18:40
lordievaderdasjoe: Looks usefull, thanks :)18:41
geniiYamakasY: In the .cnf file I think you can also have a combination of package { "mysql-server": ensure => installed }   and enable => false,   under the service { "mysqld":   section18:43
YamakasYgenii: yeah can test that18:43
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stokachurbasak, is it possible to use uvtools behind a proxy?20:26
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bananapiecan I do a packet dump with cat on a file in dev or proc or something like that if I am in an unusual situation where I can't install tcpdump or ngrep ?21:34
jrwrenbakhtiya: no21:57
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kyle__I'm trying to verify my packages using dpkg -V, and keep on seeing the error, "dpkg: error: control file 'md5sums' missing value separator"  What exactly does it mean?  When I extract the md5sums file out of the package, it appears complete, with no missing seperators or empty lines.22:35
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