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* daftykins wonders if the late night team are in04:11
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=== JesusNazreth is now known as OERIAS
diploMorning all07:40
popeyMorning all08:08
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Ada Lovelace Day! :-D08:09
davmor2Morning popey and morning all08:09
davmor2JamesTait: Final a day to be proud of geeks doing something right \o/  czajkowski you rock, keep geeking out :)08:10
foobarrythink i might decomission my server called lovelace tomorrow instead :s08:16
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brobosti1onmorning boys and girls.08:54
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=== shauno_ is now known as shauno
davmor2brobostigon: I find that remark very ageist, what about the men and women in the room too ;)09:15
zmoylan-piand don't forget the foetuses09:16
brobostigonmen never grow up apparently, we are all still boys inside, so that part holds up.09:16
davmor2brobostigon: all you have to do is stick a man infront of lego to see the boy appear09:19
awilkinsI like people still in contact with their inner child09:21
awilkinsThe "grown ups" are just the dead wood that formed around an inner child and suffocated it.09:22
diplo202k of 7.5k goal :D09:27
zmoylan-piwell the nsa did make people all suspicious again09:28
davmor2and only 28 days to go....I wonder if they'll make it :)09:31
czajkowskidavmor2: ello sunshine what have I done?09:35
davmor2czajkowski: see what day it is09:35
christelczajkowski: you're apparently ada lovelace, i had no idea!09:37
foobarrywho'd have thought that the secret to cheering up the office is to put a gif of a dancing banana on the massive tv screen?09:39
foobarryseems to work09:40
popeythat kickstarter is trending towards 2 million USD09:44
davmor2christel: It's be nice to czajkowski day basically, it only happens once a year so she has to make the most of it, tomorrow I pick on her mercilessly again ;)09:46
christelpoor czajkowski09:46
brobostigonmy new gf had a very strange idea, she thinks her having things i am allergic to, will have an affect on me, i dont see how to be honest.09:48
shaunoit's logical, if the effects she has in mind are benign, along the lines of "jealousy"09:52
brobostigonummm ?09:52
shaunowell, if she has something you're not allowed :)09:52
brobostigonyes, me allergies.09:53
christeli'm allergic to penicillin, i have anaphylactic reactions to it -- i don't think i'd be too bothered if someone else took some penicillin09:53
christelhowever, if i was allergic to say ... i dunno, bacon09:54
christelthen i would definitely be a tad upset and jealous if my other half was baconing :D09:54
zmoylan-piif you were allergic to bacon there'd be no reason to go on :-p09:54
christelzmoylan-pi: very true!09:54
brobostigonit doesnt concern me, other people around me having things i am allergic to, it makes no difference to me.09:54
* czajkowski hugs christel 09:54
* christel hugs czajkowski 09:55
czajkowskidavmor2: :p09:55
davmor2czajkowski: What I'm being nice to you, man, I'm nice to you so your are evil back, I'm evil to you and you're nice back, women don't make sense damn it ;)09:56
foobarry[root@errol ~]# uptime 10:56:20 up 1086 days,  1:38,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0009:56
foobarry[root@errol ~]# shutdown -hf now09:56
foobarrysorry errol.09:56
brobostigonis she concerned, if she has had something i am allergic to, and she kisses me, it could cause me an allergic reaction? seems most likely, but again, i dont see the concern.09:57
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:57
brobostigonmorning bigcalm09:57
davmor2brobostigon: did you ever get the feeling that she is trying to bump you off with her kindness ;)09:57
foobarrybrobostigon: death causing allegies like peanuts?09:58
czajkowskigah adobe reader you are out to drive me crazy today09:58
bigcalmAnybody here (apart from me) using a standing desk?09:58
foobarrybigcalm: no way09:58
foobarrycomfy chair all the way09:58
brobostigondavmor2: she is very kind, yes.09:58
brobostigonfoobarry: for example. yes.09:58
davmor2bigcalm: wierdo09:58
czajkowskisister emails saying when she downloads a document it points out that If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your PDF09:58
davmor2weirdo even09:58
bigcalmThanks guys :P09:58
foobarrypeanuts would be a concern09:58
czajkowskiviewer may not be able to display this type of document.09:58
czajkowskiupgrade to windows, linux etc folow the link, I follow the link and no Linux version09:59
czajkowskimost odd09:59
foobarrychrome shows pdfs in-browser09:59
czajkowskifoobarry: indeed and says wait a moment this pdf will render if not it's not supported on your machine09:59
davmor2czajkowski: just use the one in firefox09:59
czajkowskihmm will see10:00
czajkowskiwould like to swiftly kick the server publicjobs.ie is on and see if that helps10:01
popeythey dropped linux10:01
czajkowskinope same thing davmor210:01
ali1234the firefox pdf reader is rubbish10:02
czajkowskimost odd10:02
czajkowskidoesn't even seem to work on her windows machine so told her to go and mail them directly10:02
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foobarrybigcalm: https://plus.google.com/+sugru/posts/fZZL4mAVciX10:18
foobarrynice desk for you10:18
bigcalmI already have the desk ;)10:26
bigcalmAnd that desk is the wrong hight for that man10:26
bigcalmThe posture is all wrong10:26
zmoylan-pithat desk will die 2 minutes after the first cat gets its claws on it.10:26
zmoylan-piit'll be a happy cat mind10:27
foobarrythis laptop disables usb ports onthe laptop AND the dock when you dock it :S10:27
foobarrybecause windows is stupid and dell are stupid10:28
zmoylan-pimakes sense10:28
foobarryi cannot plug an external mouse to use windows10:28
foobarryi on;y need windows for 1 app10:29
zmoylan-pii hate those '1 apps'!10:29
bigcalmWine \o/10:29
zmoylan-piand use the software wine when using proper wine \o/10:30
zmoylan-piyou're doing it right bigcalm :-)10:30
foobarryvsphere doesn't work in wine10:31
Seeker`eugh, something tripped my fusebox this morning10:35
davmor2czajkowski: try opening it in libreoffice10:35
davmor2czajkowski: failing that there are some cli tools that might help, but they might not either :) just to be useful :)10:36
czajkowskidavmor2: she rang them and the IT guy (TM) is calling her back10:39
czajkowskithis should be interesting :)10:39
davmor2czajkowski: hahahahaha10:40
foobarryeven more weird. when undocked, the usb ports aren't working either in windows now10:53
foobarryquote from someone on facebook "helping" someone out " But again, viruses aren't thAt common anymore. There's no money in it. Just malice"11:24
zmoylan-piviruses are a way to install malware taking control over your system making it work for them11:25
foobarryand also a way to encrypt your files and demand moneys11:25
foobarryand are very common11:25
* zmoylan-pi suspects my rasp pi is safe :-)11:26
foobarryand viruses/malware should really be lumped together11:29
zmoylan-piwell it can be a grey area when some malware is installed by users who don't read the eula that mentions it'll be mining bitcoins when it feels like it11:30
foobarryTIL that girls just wanna have fun is a cover, and the original is much better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aLNwOxPsjg11:31
zmoylan-pior hijacking your websearches11:31
zmoylan-pior dozens of other 'sleazy' practices11:31
Laneyleft the tea cosy off by mistake11:49
zmoylan-pii don't think i've ever used a tea cosy, i use tea bags these days and as a kid a pot of tea didn't last long enough to require insulation :-)11:50
LaneyI want lots but I can't drink 4 cups that fast :p11:52
ali1234drink warm-up11:53
zmoylan-pia ceramic tea pot in a microwave getting a zap for a few seconds every minute? :-)11:53
ali1234no, it's more complicated than that11:54
Laneyi own no microwave11:56
zmoylan-piaccess to powerful laser? :-p11:56
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
ali1234i've explained this before but what you do is start with 1 tea bag in the morning. you put in enough water for two cups, pour one, and then leave the rest to stew. then when you want another cup you add enough water for another cup and pour immediately (because the tea that's already in there is really strong now)11:57
ali1234the water you put in "warms up" the cold stewed tea (and dilutes it enough for it to be drinkable)11:58
Laneyand have to boil the kettle each time?11:59
ali1234well, we've got one of those boiling-water-on-tap things11:59
zmoylan-pii always found the boiling water on tap things not hot enough12:00
ali1234but you can also get kettles which boil small amounts of water12:00
zmoylan-pimy shiny new kettle will boil a single cup of water grand12:00
Laneyit's mainly the time12:00
DJonesWe got one of these for making drinks in the morning for the bedroom http://goo.gl/ZtUVQv (Currys website link)12:02
Laneyhow do you milk it?12:03
DJonesJust a bit of a squeeze :)12:03
* Laney runs12:03
zmoylan-piyou nick those creamers from fast food places is the usual way i think :-)12:09
shaunoI stick one of those little tea light candles under the pot.  sorted12:14
diddledan_the tax people take too long to answer the phone :-(12:30
diddledan_they've got the same onhold muzak as someone else I phone. might be vodafone12:32
DJonesYou're probably ringing the wrong number, they have one person answering refund queries, but there's a team 25,000 that answer calls for people wanting to dispute tax bills12:32
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diddledan_grr.. dentist gonna charge me tomorrow :-(12:54
diddledan_this time last year I was eligible for tax-credit nhs exemtion12:54
diddledan_now I gotta pay >.<12:55
diddledan_still, a band-2 treatment doesn't look too expensive - in fact it seems quite reasonable12:55
popey\o/ jabber12:58
MattJJabber \o/12:58
SuperMatt\o/ highlights12:58
* Laney watches nccgroup.com die13:00
MattJpopey, you realise this has been going on for 7 years now? :)13:00
popeyI was talking about it just yesterday with some other friends13:00
SuperMatt*other* friends?13:00
MattJand I did it once IRL at LRL ;)13:02
awilkinsAny geniuses with healthcare IT experience : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-pattern13:03
awilkinsStupid network KVM13:03
awilkinsAhem : try again : http://www.jobs.nhs.uk/xi/vacancy/90357a3266bf3432d811aa7687f759e0/?vac_ref=91354754913:06
awilkinsThis is my current job. I am leaving it. Anyone fancying it feel free to ask me questions13:07
popeywow, the hudl 2 is a well engineered device13:27
zmoylan-pithe better made it is the few support calls seems to be a forgotten axiom13:28
DJonesI like this idea http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/131355-this-air-umbrella-produces-a-force-field-to-keep-you-dry13:31
DJonesAlthough you may look a bit of a prat holding a stick up in the air to keep dry13:31
popeyi appear to have purchased a bright red hudl213:32
popeyi thought I ordered a black one13:32
zmoylan-pithat on a hat might work13:36
zmoylan-pieven if it did look silly13:36
zmoylan-piand it would be horrible to find when it starts to rain that your umberellas battery is flat :-)13:37
diddledan_at least it can't rip13:38
diddledan_by turning inside-out in the wind13:39
zmoylan-pinever underestimate the wind :-)13:40
bigcalmpopey: I bought Hayley the 1st Hudle for her as a wedding present 1 year ago (must remember anniversary is coming up). I wonder if she'd like an upgrade13:42
zmoylan-pinothing says romance like an extended warranty :-p13:43
bigcalmI can't think of anything better13:44
bigcalmI hope the battery life is better than the last one13:45
zmoylan-piisn't the new one x86?13:45
zmoylan-piwhich makes your first instinct on battery life not be a happy fluffy one13:47
popeyseems others reckon it's okay13:53
awilkinspopey, Is it Soviet Style Solid, or Volkswagen >klunk< solid?13:58
bigcalmAnybody good with configuring exim4? :)15:48
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diddledan_bigcalm: methinks the universal answer to that is always "no"15:57
bigcalmHo humm15:57
bigcalmtelnet localhost 25 gives me the welcome message I was expecting15:58
bigcalmI r gud15:58
bigcalmThough the mailq doesn't appear to have shifted15:59
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
davmor2bigcalm: did you not just follow the server guide ;)19:15
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foobarryany news on the ssl bug yet?19:59
foobarrybut....i'm busy tomorrow20:02
diddledan_oh god, not another one?20:03
foobarryonly register mentioned it?20:04
MartijnVdSand some guy in linkedin20:04
foobarryMaintainers have kept quiet about the vulnerability in the lead-up to a patch release, which is expected in in the late European evening,20:06
foobarrythats now20:06
shaunoit's still quite disputed whether they were actually dropbox credentials20:14
foobarryyeah,m just reading the thread20:15
foobarryand lame passwdz anyway20:15
shaunowell that's dropbox's version of events.  that the list is from elsewhere, and they just throw them all at dropbox to see which stick20:16
shaunobut the whole 'btc for moar' thing means there's a profit incentive in making them sound jucier than they are20:17
shauno(if you search for any of them, you'll find the same list repeated again and again, being offered as facebook logins, snapchat logins, etc, all for btc)20:19
foobarryback to the ssl rumours then...20:20
zmoylan-pididn't ms say recently it was safe to reuse passwords?20:20
diddledan_I'm sure nobody except a PR guy would say such a thing20:21
zmoylan-pia proper paper on why and all, whoops20:23
diddledan_except they completely ignored the idea of a password vault20:26
diddledan_e.g. lastpass20:26
foobarryssl discussion20:29
MartijnVdSSo.. time to upgrade everyone to modern TLS.. too bad oldWin won't be upgraded20:43
MartijnVdSwe have customers who only last month upgraded to IE1020:43
diddledan_we still have to pander to IE9 (I refused recently to go as far back as IE8 :-p)20:45
diddledan_I haven't managed to get all our work systems patched against shellshock yet20:46
diddledan_I'm working on one as we speak20:47
diddledan_thank goodness for spotify to give me a soundtrack to work to.20:48
MartijnVdSdiddledan_: our currently released version is IE8 still20:50
MartijnVdSdiddledan_: we'll probably go IE10+ by January20:50
diddledan_I feel your pain20:50
diddledan_really IE10 should be the minimum these days - IE9 is almost a decade old now?20:51
diddledan_maybe I'm exaggerating20:51
diddledan_3.5 years old20:52
diddledan_not as bad as I thunked but still by tech standards that's ancient20:52
diddledan_released 14 march 201120:53
MartijnVdSmost JS libraries are IE10+20:53
MartijnVdSso IE8 is a disaster if you want to do modern stuff20:53
MartijnVdSthose libraries contain all kinds of hacks to work around its ancientness20:53
shaunowe only got IE8 earlier this year :/20:54
OERIASmy dog: http://imgur.com/aveVuGj20:54
diddledan_jquery won't support ie8 unless you specifically download the "legacy" version20:54
shauno(well, more specifically, we only got off XP earlier this year)20:54
MartijnVdSdiddledan_: we use angular and a bunch of other things the frontend guy installs using node.js? (isn't node.js a *server*? I'm still confused)20:55
diddledan_yeah. nodejs is serverside20:56
diddledan_I've been looking into polymer lately20:56
MartijnVdSdiddledan_: but apparently, it's also used to install clientside libs into the web root or something..20:57
diddledan_that'll be via bower20:57
MartijnVdSand "npm"?20:57
diddledan_npm allows you to install bower and bower then lets you install client-side stuff20:57
diddledan_bower runs on nodejs like a perl script20:58
diddledan_or a bash script20:58
diddledan_nodejs is just a runtime in that case rather than serving anything over the network20:58
diddledan_think of node as like the mono framework only with javascript as it's input language20:59
diddledan_initially it was built to be a server but it grew legs21:00
shaunothat tends to happen when you let the JS-types touch ... anything21:00
diddledan_isn't js typeless?21:01
bigcalmdavmor2: debian server set-up by not me21:19
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diddledan_still no announcement that I can see23:08
diddledan_ssl, y u do dis?23:08
popeykeep up23:11
diddledan_thankyou :-)23:13
intrbizessentially disabling SSLv3 is now the best approach, for both client and server23:19
diddledan_intrbiz: I'm worried about the comment that doing that "presents significant compatibility problems"23:23
intrbizdiddledan_: Very few clients default to SSLv3, mainly IE on Win XP, CloudFlare say they see < 1% SSLv323:29
intrbizdiddledan_: Ultimately, TLS is deployed for security reasons, these should trump compatibility.  IMHO if a client cannot securely connect, then don't let it.23:30
intrbizdiddledan_: Lets also consider outside of china, IE6 usage is < 1%23:32
intrbizdiddledan_: and that SSLv3 is 18 years old (1996)23:33

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