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Noskcajdarkxst, PPA fixed. Why keep autoreconf if it builds fine on aarch64 and ppc64el anyway06:42
darkxstits just safer, and avoids future problems06:48
darkxstNoskcaj, can you clean up your ppa again, I think I copied most of those yesterday06:49
darkxst(and a few more just now)06:49
Noskcaji'll upload a fixed gnome-dictionary then clean it up. How long till i get upload rights for the PPAs?06:50
Noskcajdid you copy gnome-robots from the gnome3 PPA?06:51
darkxstNoskcaj, once ricotz has reviewed enough of your packages, perhaps chat with him later07:27
darkxstyes copied robots just before07:27
ricotzdarkxst, Noskcaj, hi, adding freerdp like that doesnt look like a good idea09:03
ricotzis it really needed? :\09:04
Noskcajricotz, If we want vinagre09:13
NoskcajWe could go for the oldest supported version, but that's probably worse09:14
ricotzNoskcaj, ok, i hope you realize that freerdp requires a transition, so currently a lot of things are not installable09:15
NoskcajI thought i would, so that's a bit we leave out?09:15
ricotzand i would prefer not to depend on a bunch of rebuilds to make the archive consistent again09:16
ricotzNoskcaj, what?09:16
ricotzi am speaking of e.g.. vlc09:16
ricotzand i really dont like to have that in the gnome3 ppa09:17
ricotzthis will create some weird conflict with there backports ppa and such09:17
NoskcajI'll see if vinagre builds with the old freerdp, if not, should we upload without that or not bother with 3.14 of it?09:17
darkxstricotz, I did check rdepends before copying, wasnt much there09:18
ricotzNoskcaj, i would prefer to delete vinagre and freerdp again for now09:18
darkxstcertainly vlc did not show up09:18
ricotzlibpam-freerdp and vlc here09:20
ricotzlook at the rdepends of lib libfreerdp109:21
Noskcajversion pushed to my ppa using the old freerdp. If it build, please copy it, if not, i'll sort it out in the morning.09:27
ricotzNoskcaj, ok, without a patch this wont work though09:30
ricotzok, was about to ask for the actual patch ;)09:52
ricotzdarkxst, feel free to include it if it works as expected?09:52
ricotz(i kind got used to this problem)09:55
ricotzvinagre should be fine again now09:56
darkxstI more or less forgot about the problem since I source vte.sh in my bashrc, but it has been blocking terminal for a while09:57
darkxstmutter should be fine again as well! gone all day withough a crash ;)09:58
ricotzright i was running git here anyway09:58
darkxstI've been running git the last couple of weeks, since 3.14.0 was really broken09:59
ricotzbut yeah, releasing mutter 3.14.0 in its state was quite something09:59
darkxstGNOME don't have much QA really, .0 are usually buggy, but not that buggy09:59
CosmicBcan I apt-dist upgrade to 14.10 from .04 ?11:53
CosmicB14.10 beta2 that is11:53
CosmicBah, do-release-upgrade -d11:55
mgedmindon't forget ppa-purge before you do that11:58
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BHSPiMon1eyHas anyone else run into a problem in gnome-shell where gnome-terminal's window sizing gets broken?21:22
BHSPiMon1eyMy terminal gets into a state where I can't properly move/resize/maximize it, and mouse input is transposed21:22
BHSPiMon1ey(For instance, the whole top 100px or so of the window just passes mouse input to the window behind it. I can try to click on my terminal tabs, but the cursor turns into a text selection cursor for the Firefox window in the background)21:24
BHSPiMon1eygnome-terminal is the only application where I see this happen21:24
darkxstNoskcaj, you forgot the epoch on gnome-calc22:03

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