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dholbachgood morning06:53
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sunweaverstgraber: xnox: hi!10:02
sunweaverI would love to become a MOTU to support the Ubuntu MATE Remix people with possible uploads.10:02
sunweaverI am the original maintainer of the MATE desktop in Debian (and a DD).10:02
* sunweaver has read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted, so I getting started with all the technical stuff that is non-Debian.10:04
mitya57sunweaver: If you are a DD, you can use a simplified procedure to get upload rights for a set of packages10:11
sunweavermitya57: ah, right!10:14
sunweaverwill check that out...10:14
* sunweaver is finding out what "PPU" stands for...10:15
geserPer-Package Upload (rights)10:16
gesersunweaver: it's similar to the DM status in Debian (who can upload a certain set of packages)10:18
sunweavergeser: thanks!10:19
LaneyThis process only applies after you've been approved by the DMB at an IRC meeting once, mind you10:19
LaneyThe simplified DD thing10:19
sunweaverLaney: is there a regular schedule for such meetings?10:26
sunweaverI guess I need to mail to devel-permissions@lists.ubuntu.com to get that started, right?10:27
Laneysunweaver: Scroll up on the ApplicationProcess page, the procedure is there10:29
LaneyNoskcaj: FYI, I edited the DMB agenda to put you on 2014-11-03 as that's 190010:31
sunweaverLaney: found it.10:34
sunweaverWorking through the task list...10:34
LaneyCreate wiki page, (gather sponsors), mail devel-permissions, edit Agenda, turn up to meeting10:35
sunweavermitya57: about the endorsements...12:12
sunweaverhere this wiki page now... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MikeGabriel/DeveloperApplication12:12
sunweaverbut, I am not sure if I know that many Ubuntu developers...12:13
sunweaverI know Debian developers that know my work in Debian, but in Ubuntu... well...12:13
sunweaveris it ok, to ask for endorsment via ubuntu-motu ML?12:13
sunweaver(and here?)12:13
geserhave any Ubuntu devs sponsored some uploads for you yet?12:48
sunweavergeser: no. I am a DD and maintain over 100 packages.12:51
sunweaverthe Ubuntu MATE team uses "my" packages for providing MATE to Ubuntu.12:52
sunweaverwith siretart I have worked on creating the X2Go packages on http://launchpad.net/~x2go12:52
sunweaverso, there is packaging experience (quite a good bit, I guess), but no concrete Ubuntu upload.12:53
sunweaverI package CDBS and DH alike, work with several teams in Debian (pkg-javascript, Debian Edu, pkg-mate-team, pkg-perl, DPMT, PAPT, etc.)12:54
geserI'd suggest to ask your sponsors about endorsements but without sponsors it could get a little bit difficult12:54
sunweavertricky, ain't it... ;-)12:55
sunweaverI pinged several people on other IRC channels and via mail, so let's see... But nobody sponsored uploads, so far.12:56
sunweaverI use Debian unstable to work for Ubuntu...12:56
geserthe DMB probably will ask you about the Ubuntu specifics like timeframes (like till when it's possible to upload new upstream release or when not upload during freezes (and how you can find out if your packages are affected), etc)12:57
sunweaveryeah, right.12:58
sunweaverI have to check those documents, still.12:58
sunweaverBut that is release policy related, not related to the packages themselves.12:59
geserno, the DMB usually looks for both: release policy knowledge (the basics) and packaging skills (being a DD helps skip this)13:00
sunweaveris there a document that tackles just that? Debian Developer -> Ubuntu Developer? Umbloated without the "beginners" stuff.13:00
sunweavergeser: understood.13:00
sunweaverThe basics I guess I know from using and working with Ubuntu and Launchpad, but I will better check the details before someone asking such questions.13:01
geserperhaps https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu/ForDebianDevelopers has also some helpful info for you13:02
sunweaverhey, that one looks good.13:03
sunweavertaking it with me for the coffee break!13:03
rbasaksunweaver: it might be worth following each link in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseSchedule13:18
rbasaksunweaver: as well as the Ubuntu release schedule, there's also the general policy covering what we do and don't want to put into the Ubuntu delta, pushing changes back to Debian and/or upstream, what to do when syncing and merging packages, etc.13:19
rbasakI don't think the documentation is very good unfortunately.13:19
sunweaverrbasak: awesome. Thanks!13:41
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