afm | gah... that was a fail.. back to google | 01:07 |
afm | Repository not found on | 01:16 |
afm | This may likely be an unsupported build target | 01:16 |
afm | Default revision phablet-trusty not found in android_device_oneplus_bacon. Bailing. | 01:16 |
afm | obviously! :| | 01:16 |
afm | s'why I'm trying to build it! | 01:16 |
pngo_ | what is a password for phablet? | 01:32 |
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afm | The images have a pre-configured user account called phablet, with the account password also set to phablet | 01:35 |
afm | really... 2 second google.... | 01:35 |
popey | not any more | 01:35 |
popey | the password for phablet is whatever you set the pin/passphrase to | 01:36 |
pngo_ | popey: thank you I just realized that. | 01:36 |
afm | more awesome documentation | 01:36 |
popey | afm: which device you hacking on? | 01:37 |
afm | one plus one | 01:37 |
popey | oh nice! | 01:37 |
popey | I have a friend who won one of those in a competition at XDA DevCon a few weeks back | 01:38 |
popey | was trying to convince him to attempt a port ☻ | 01:38 |
afm | i'd love to make it work.. i'm a sysadmin.. but the docs are terrible | 01:39 |
afm | i can get invites if anyone's looking | 01:40 |
popey | afm: yeah, docs need love | 01:42 |
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afm | happy to update if i can get it working.... | 01:43 |
popey | that would be awesome | 01:43 |
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pngo_ | popey: I'n trying to ssh from my computer to the phone, but no luck. It works fine from phone to computer. What am I missing? | 01:49 |
popey | ssh not running on phone by default | 01:49 |
afm | iptables? | 01:50 |
popey | I use "phablet-shell" to connect to my device | 01:50 |
afm | netstat -an | grep 22 on the fone? | 01:50 |
pngo_ | well, I started ssh sudo service ssh start. looks like it works. | 01:50 |
popey | i dont think we have iptables enabled | 01:50 |
pngo_ | oh. ok. | 01:50 |
afm | ssh troubleshooting.... | 01:57 |
afm | is it running and listening? | 01:57 |
afm | root@myth:~# service ssh status | 01:57 |
afm | ssh start/running, process 839 | 01:57 |
afm | root@myth:~# netstat -an | grep 22 | grep \* | 01:57 |
afm | tcp 0 0* LISTEN | 01:57 |
afm | any firewall/iptables blocking? | 01:57 |
afm | iptables -L | 01:57 |
afm | are you on the same subnet as the fone? | 02:00 |
pngo_ | yes | 02:01 |
pngo_ | like I said it works fine from phone to computer. | 02:02 |
afm | unfamiliar with phablet-*.. if it's running/listening try -vvv | 02:03 |
afm | does the phablet-* use keys? have you transferred yer pub key? | 02:04 |
afm | phone to computer has zero to do with the daemon on the phone | 02:07 |
pngo_ | phablet-shell command is not recognized here. | 02:07 |
pngo_ | but i'm using debian not ubuntu | 02:08 |
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afm | is phablet-shell actual ssh or adb? | 02:09 |
pngo_ | i do not know | 02:12 |
pngo_ | i think is same as adb shell. | 02:13 |
afm | ssh -vvv user@$phone_addy | 02:13 |
afm | adb != ssh | 02:13 |
afm | ssh to the thing! no need to use phablet tools.... | 02:15 |
afm | could use some porting help... anyone familiar? | 02:26 |
afm | 100% opensource phone | 02:27 |
popey | afm: bit late for most | 02:30 |
afm | i'm EST.... where ya'll from? | 02:33 |
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popey | afm: all over, its most active here in EU/US working day, but everyone is a bit madly busy at the moment | 02:39 |
afm | understood.. i'ma member of the group... hopeful release for bug fixes tomorrow i think i saw | 02:40 |
justCarakas | o/ good morning evening whatever it is at your place all | 06:21 |
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dholbach | good morning | 06:53 |
mardy | tvoss: hi! Does the platform API provide some kind of event loop? | 07:17 |
tvoss | mardy, nope | 07:17 |
mardy | tvoss: OK. I eventually want to (actually, I've been asked to :-) ) make a C++ version (no Qt!) of the Online Accounts APIs, which have many asynchronous methods and rely on an event loop | 07:18 |
mardy | tvoss: if the platform API provided an event loop, I could use the QAbstractAventDispatcher class to hook into that, and just wrap the Qt APIs | 07:19 |
tvoss | mardy, sure, but I don't think we want to expose an event loop from the platform api. It's a very opinionated choice to force an event loop and the papi is too low-level to take such a decision, due to its effect on so many parts of the stack | 07:20 |
mardy | tvoss: that's true | 07:21 |
larsu | tvoss: sorry, but saying an event loop is opinionated is pretty far out there. It's about the most main-stream thing you can do | 07:28 |
larsu | (not saying you should supply one in papi) | 07:29 |
tvoss | larsu, I'm not questioning that it is mainstream, I'm just saying there is a place for it in the stack, and that papi is not the right place to introduce one | 07:31 |
pitti | Wellark: system identifier> that's whoopsie, not apport; I think it computes something based on MAC address or maybe IMEI; better ask ev or bdmurray | 07:35 |
larsu | tvoss: I understood the "opinionated" part as questioning it. Again, I'm not saying you should supply one, that statement just bothered me :P | 07:36 |
anpok_ | hm for everything that needs an event loop you can always just expose and fd.. and let the end user pick the event loop | 07:39 |
larsu | anpok_: what about libraries? | 07:41 |
anpok_ | larsu: i meant the library interface could be: here is my fd - let me process things when necessary.. | 07:42 |
larsu | anpok_: oh right. That's a pretty clumsy api though, especially when you need to pass through fds from other libraries you're using | 07:50 |
seb128 | mpt, hey, not sure but you might want to assign the ubuntu-ux part of to yourself | 07:50 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1378333 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Preinstalled apps removed on image upgrade without notice" [Wishlist,Incomplete] | 07:50 |
larsu | anpok_: didn't want to start a discussion though, sorry :) | 07:50 |
mpt | seb128, wow, that bug summary can be read in two different ways, and both of them are valid bugs | 07:52 |
mpt | (1) Preinstalled apps are removed without notice when you upgrade | 07:52 |
mpt | (2) If you uninstall a preinstalled app it’s still upgraded when you upgrade the system | 07:52 |
anpok_ | larsu: np | 07:53 |
seb128 | mpt, there are several bugs open about the handling of preinstalled apps, like | 07:53 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1265250 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Storage shows same app multiple times (pre-installed and update from click store)" [Low,Confirmed] | 07:53 |
seb128 | mpt, or | 07:54 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1314382 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Updates shown for pre-installed apps which have been uninstalled" [Low,Confirmed] | 07:54 |
seb128 | mpt, that second one is sort of your (2) | 07:54 |
mpt | That looks like it, yes | 07:54 |
mpt | I was just impressed by the grammar for a moment :-) | 07:55 |
seb128 | hehe | 07:56 |
mpt | charles, did you report a bug about the battery icon being clipped? <> | 08:01 |
mpt | charles, nm, reported it as bug 1381387 | 08:06 |
ubot5 | bug 1381387 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Battery icon is clipped in low-battery notification" [Undecided,New] | 08:06 |
larsu | mpt: this is probably a bug for MacSlow. Notifications are sent from the system to unity8, which renders them | 08:25 |
MacSlow | mpt, I know about that clipping issue... but I've not been able to sort that out yet... first gusses point towards a SVG-renderer-bug in Qt... | 08:27 |
MacSlow | mpt, but the volume-warning/sync.-notification keep me busy still so I don't yet know when I can really address this. | 08:28 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Information Overload Day! :-D | 08:49 |
ogra_ | thats too much information ! | 08:49 |
ev | Wellark, pitti: yes, there's a dbus service under the whoopsie umbrella that provides a system identifier. It creates a sha512 hash of the IMEI, system UUID, or MAC address. The aim is to have something stable across reinstalls. | 08:52 |
oSoMoN | rpadovani, hey, I commented on | 08:55 |
rpadovani | oSoMoN, thanks! No, bumping is not required, I did it without thinking because I do the same thing in the core apps. I revert to 2.0 asap. And thanks for the suggestion about debian/webbrowser-app.install - I know nothing about packaging | 08:57 |
oSoMoN | rpadovani, cool, let me know when it’s ready to test again (and if you need help with packaging changes) | 08:59 |
vitimiti | Hi | 09:07 |
rpadovani | oSoMoN, tbh, new components use QtQuick 2.3 - I dunno if I can downgrade it, I need to do some tests, I'll update you this night | 09:11 |
oSoMoN | rpadovani, ok, if the new components use 2.3 for a good reason that’s absolutely fine, but then let’s keep this confined to the upstreamcomponents/ directory for now | 09:15 |
rpadovani | oSoMoN, ok, thanks :-) | 09:15 |
rpadovani | oSoMoN, sorry to bother you again, you said the line to add in debian/webbrowser-app.install is usr/share/webbrowser-app/upstreamcomponents/. Should't be usr/share/webbrowser-app/webbrowser/upstreamcomponents ? | 09:32 |
oSoMoN | rpadovani, you’re right, but in fact I think the problem is not in debian/webbrowser-app.install | 09:34 |
oSoMoN | rpadovani, but rather in the cmake install rules | 09:34 |
oSoMoN | let me check | 09:34 |
oSoMoN | rpadovani, yes, you will need to add a "install(DIRECTORY upstreamcomponents …" directive to src/app/webbrowser/CMakeLists.txt, around line 50 | 09:35 |
oSoMoN | rpadovani, and with that you shouldn’t have to change anything in the packagingn | 09:36 |
oSoMoN | -n | 09:36 |
rpadovani | oSoMoN, ok, gotcha. Do I have to create a CMakeLists.txt also in the upstreacomponents directory? | 09:36 |
rpadovani | oSoMoN, also, I downgraded QtQuick also in upstream components. They work well, so also trusty users can use them :-) | 09:37 |
oSoMoN | rpadovani, no, no need for an extra CMakeLists.txt there | 09:40 |
oSoMoN | cool | 09:40 |
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dpm | pitti, so we should have a touch full langpack export in about 30 mins. I'll send an e-mail to confirm once the export has finished | 10:21 |
pitti | dpm: thanks; mail is better today indeed | 10:31 |
Wellark | tvoss: I will review the MP but I need to branch it properly to verify couple of things | 10:32 |
Wellark | would be _so_ nice if LP offered full file diffs | 10:33 |
tvoss | Wellark, sorry, what? | 10:33 |
tvoss | ah okay | 10:33 |
rpadovani | oSoMoN, I pushed modifications we talked about, hope they are ok! | 10:35 |
oSoMoN | rpadovani, thanks, I’ll take a look at them shortl | 10:36 |
oSoMoN | shortly | 10:36 |
tvoss | popey, ping with | 10:48 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1381463 in OSMTouch "PositionSource.update() cannot be used synchronously" [Undecided,New] | 10:48 |
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oSoMoN | rpadovani, I commented again on | 11:57 |
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Wellark | tvoss: should I top-approve, or what's the process with qtubuntu-media? | 12:03 |
tvoss | Wellark, did you test it? | 12:04 |
tvoss | Wellark, please give your vote | 12:04 |
Wellark | tvoss: just code review | 12:04 |
tvoss | Wellark, ta can be done later | 12:04 |
tvoss | Wellark, ack | 12:04 |
Wellark | tvoss: we will get the silo soon enough | 12:07 |
Wellark | so if we don't see those unity8 crashes on boot then it's fixed :) | 12:07 |
tvoss | Wellark, the silo is ready | 12:09 |
tvoss | Wellark, silo 10 | 12:09 |
Wellark | Saviq: ok, tell me how it went :) | 12:09 |
Wellark | tvoss: oh, it's not part of the unity8 silo? | 12:10 |
Wellark | ok, I saw the crash happening a lot on rtm-proposed on krillin | 12:10 |
Wellark | I can flash that and try out the silo | 12:10 |
Wellark | tvoss: anything else to test? | 12:10 |
Wellark | I saw you attached another bug to that MP as well | 12:11 |
mterry | tedg, is greeter profile switching for rtm or ota? | 12:11 |
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Chipaca | seb128: could you take a look at when you get a chance? it's related to bug 1380662 | 12:15 |
ubot5 | bug 1380662 in ubuntu-push (Ubuntu) "legacy apps re-set their notification status on reboot" [High,In progress] | 12:15 |
seb128 | Chipaca, hey, ok | 12:16 |
Chipaca | seb128: thanks | 12:16 |
seb128 | yw! | 12:16 |
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Saviq | mterry, ota | 12:40 |
mterry | Saviq, ok | 12:40 |
mterry | mzanetti, are you busy today? I'd appreciate a review of the dbus-race-fix branch today, because I'm off the next couple days and it'd be hard to fix it up in response | 12:40 |
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mzanetti | mterry: ok, will do that today | 12:42 |
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rpadovani | thanks oSoMoN, I totally agree with you, I'll fix them | 12:53 |
seb128 | Chipaca, that description seems still slightly wrong | 13:13 |
seb128 | Chipaca, the appid seems to be the basename and not the filename from the bug exampls | 13:14 |
seb128 | Chipaca, like it's "ciborium", not "ciborium.desktop" | 13:14 |
Chipaca | seb128: yeah, i think i've had that conversation | 13:14 |
dpm | Elleo, thanks a lot for the keyboard MP review! | 13:14 |
Chipaca | basename isn't the word you're thinking about either | 13:14 |
Chipaca | basename is without the path | 13:14 |
Chipaca | maybe i should just say "without the .desktop extension" | 13:15 |
Chipaca | ? | 13:15 |
Chipaca | yeah, i'll do that | 13:15 |
Chipaca | seb128: coming up | 13:15 |
seb128 | Chipaca, that works too, but you don't have the path in the key, so I think basename would work | 13:16 |
seb128 | Chipaca, thanks | 13:16 |
Chipaca | seb128: done | 13:17 |
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seb128 | Chipaca, approved | 13:18 |
Chipaca | huzzah | 13:18 |
seb128 | Chipaca, does that need to land now you think, or fine to queue? | 13:18 |
Chipaca | seb128: fine to queue | 13:18 |
seb128 | what I think as well | 13:18 |
seb128 | thanks | 13:19 |
Chipaca | seb128: was planning on putting it into a silo together with the push branch next weekish | 13:19 |
Elleo | dpm: no problem, thanks for working on another layout :) | 13:19 |
seb128 | Chipaca, k, feel free to do that | 13:19 |
dpm | it turned out to be easier than I thought | 13:22 |
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jgdx | mterry, ping | 14:52 |
mterry | jgdx, hello | 14:52 |
jgdx | mterry, hey, I'm trying to reuse your HERE stuff from the wizard (System.hereEnabled) | 14:53 |
jgdx | mterry, it seems that sometimes it's impossible to set System.hereEnabled to true. You know what happens? | 14:53 |
mterry | jgdx, no I haven't happened to notice that | 14:54 |
ralsina_ | dpm: I am happy to answer any questions about how thee client side of push works, just email/ask here :-) | 14:54 |
jgdx | mterry, just curious, why aren't you using the accountservice interface? | 14:55 |
dpm | ralsina_, excellent, thanks! That was a really productive meeting, btw | 14:57 |
mterry | jgdx, um I probably could have wrapped around it instead yes... That interface is sync, while I try to do async where possible. But that's not a huge deal | 15:00 |
mterry | jgdx, but I'm surprised that setting doesn't work well -- in system.cpp, we simply proxy that to dbus | 15:02 |
mterry | jgdx, setHereEnabled that is | 15:02 |
jgdx | mterry, me too. It might be my usage, (though it's System.enableHere = false/true) but it could also be the binding? | 15:04 |
mterry | jgdx, have you debugged what happens when it fails? Is the dbus call made but fails? | 15:04 |
jgdx | mterry, I have not. | 15:08 |
jgdx | mterry, maybe you could take a look at it? | 15:17 |
jgdx | mterry, | 15:17 |
mterry | jgdx, sure I can play with it and try to reproduce today | 15:17 |
mterry | jgdx, I'm off tomorrow and Friday though so will have to brain dump any findings | 15:18 |
jgdx | mterry, awesome. Thanks. | 15:18 |
mterry | jgdx, I'll look after lunch | 15:20 |
jgdx | seb128, could you take a look as well? | 15:21 |
seb128 | jgdx, k, adding to my list | 15:22 |
jgdx | seb128, can you put that one and the flight mode bug in a silo? | 15:24 |
seb128 | jgdx, not sure what are the rules atm, they only want rtm blocker in this week | 15:24 |
seb128 | I don't even understand what bugs are on that list | 15:24 |
seb128 | but sure, I can put things in a silo | 15:24 |
seb128 | not sure we can land the silo though | 15:24 |
jgdx | seb128, not sure, but both branches are trying to fix bug 1375322 and bug 1376957 | 15:26 |
ubot5 | bug 1375322 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "[Security & Privacy/Wizard] Should be possible to accept HERE T&Cs after running through the wizard " [Critical,In progress] | 15:26 |
ubot5 | bug 1376957 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Cellular Data Prefs not preserved if FlightMode enabled, then disabled" [Critical,In progress] | 15:26 |
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seb128 | tedg, is the silo 013 something you are looking at landing today? it contains u-s-s so it blocks other landing (if I don't override the conflict and decide to outdate yours, which I can do if you don't plane to get that moving/landed since we have important fixes queued) | 16:04 |
seb128 | jgdx, just as a fyi ^ | 16:05 |
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Laney | Something borked with utopic-proposed? Stuck at google logo after flashing | 16:31 |
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jgdx | seb128, thansk | 17:51 |
jgdx | mterry, got a look at it? | 17:52 |
mterry | jgdx, about to start | 17:53 |
jgdx | mterry, awesome. Thanks. I'll be biab | 17:53 |
tedg | seb128, No, it doesn't have super critical bugs, so blocked :-( | 18:17 |
gcollura | ogra_, ping | 18:35 |
ogra_ | hey | 18:35 |
gcollura | ogra_, could you please take a look at | 18:36 |
gcollura | thanks :) | 18:36 |
gcollura | (next time I'll rewrite click-buddy in python) | 18:36 |
ogra_ | heh | 18:36 |
ogra_ | gcollura, not today or tomorrow though ... we're all super busy getting an rtm milestone ready | 18:37 |
gcollura | ogra_, don't worry :) | 18:38 |
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mterry | jgdx, I can't reproduce the problem | 19:02 |
mterry | jgdx, how often does it not work for you? | 19:02 |
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nhaines | I was pleased to find that the Desktop-Next ISO ran on my laptop today. So that's a change from the past few weeks. :) Wasn't terribly useful and Unity froze, but wasn't unpleasant. I suspect with a touch screen it would have been bearable. | 20:23 |
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nhaines | But it's nice to see that it's working, because that gives a solid platform for desktop development. :) | 20:23 |
ogra_ | oh, seeing you say that .... | 20:24 |
ogra_ | cyphermox, i had some issue on my laptop today with desktop-next installed ... urfkill was rather unhappy | 20:24 |
dobey | nhaines: i suspect it'll need a lot more than just a touchscreen to make it usable | 20:33 |
dobey | like actual windows :) | 20:34 |
nhaines | dobey: considering almost no work has been done to make it usable, I think it's looking pretty good. :) | 20:38 |
cyphermox | ogra_: explain? | 20:40 |
ogra_ | cyphermox, urfkill gets installed on laptop/desktop alongside with ubuntu-desktop-next (touch) | 20:40 |
cyphermox | yeah, but how do you mean unhappy? | 20:40 |
cyphermox | did you file a bug? | 20:41 |
ogra_ | cyphermox, 100% CPU usage | 20:42 |
ogra_ | cyphermox, not yet ... the above reminded me of it :) | 20:42 |
derelinguo | Hi, porting question. Is there a clean way to exclude modules that have duplicate definitions? Also do you keep the vendor one or the AOSP version? | 21:34 |
taiebot | i keep getting my Sim locked i am on rtm/14.09 r.89 i do not really understand why i manage to call one person but now it says it is blocked. | 21:35 |
vitimiti | Hi | 21:36 |
taiebot | there must be a bug there because after a reboot it s back to normal. | 21:42 |
jgdx | mterry, that's great | 21:53 |
jgdx | I haven't tried the newest debs. | 21:54 |
mterry | jgdx, well sorta great :) | 22:09 |
mterry | jgdx, I always feel dread when I can't reproduce | 22:09 |
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cm-t | Hi, does this bug is already landing in rtm or will it be on the maybe tonight image ? bug #1362008 | 22:35 |
ubot5 | bug 1362008 in ofono (Ubuntu RTM) "Cannot send MMS from "Free Mobile" as no context is provisioned" [High,Fix released] | 22:35 |
cm-t | Damnit, I was making showcase for month saying only thing missing to be fully a smartphone is the support of mms, and then I learn it was woring, only my APN not well set. | 22:36 |
* vitimiti Bye | 22:51 | |
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