
WellarkSaviq: actually I could not sleep so I did some digging: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-network/+bug/1380736/comments/800:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1380736 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Unlocking sim while dash is not loaded leads to a system lockup" [Critical,New]00:09
jhodappSaviq, yeah I remember that01:00
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Saviqtsdgeos, can you please look at bug #1381255 please, it looks as if the implicit height fix maybe broke this07:34
ubot5bug 1381255 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Scope: veritcal-journal with summary overlaps results" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138125507:34
tsdgeosSaviq: sure07:36
tsdgeosi was going to after deleting the rest of email07:36
Saviqwe seem to have an abstain party on dednick's branch....07:36
dednickSaviq: sigh...07:37
dednickSaviq: still about 13 reviewers left ;)07:37
dednickSaviq: working on a couple of bugs with dissapearing indicators (bluetooth on  flightmode)07:38
Saviqdednick, kt07:39
MacSlowSaviq, I didn't manage yet to sort out the volume-notification over sound-indicator yesterday...07:45
SaviqMacSlow, yeah, today is the day!07:45
MacSlowSaviq, can any indicator actually determine, if it's UI is visible (outside of QML)?07:45
Saviqdednick, ↑?07:46
MacSlowSaviq, btw... I've seen that Ted updates his branches with my suggestion/fixes already07:46
dednickMacSlow: the indicator service? now.07:46
dednickmeh. no!07:46
MacSlowdednick, Saviq: I'll try to figure out something else then.07:47
SaviqMacSlow, right, I thought that could be a problem... dednick, think we should have a separate volume actionthingy for volume buttons, separate for the slider? is it possible?07:47
Saviqor maybe hidden actions for vol+ / vol- instead of us changing the volume07:48
dednickSaviq: not sure what you're talking about?07:48
Saviqdednick, we have a problem that the indicator doesn't know if volume is changed via slider in the menu or hw buttons07:49
Saviqdednick, so when changing volume in menu it will pop up the button still07:49
MacSlowSaviq, dednick: a seperate set of volume-up/down callbacks was my first thought too07:49
dednickSaviq: ah07:49
Saviqbecause we're directly manipulating the volume action07:50
dednickSaviq: hm. i wonder if it should even be the indicator setting off the notification? maybe should be listening to account services for that.07:51
Saviqdednick, well, too late for now07:52
dednickSaviq, MacSlow: sounds plausible to have 2 action groups.07:52
dednickSaviq: ya07:53
MacSlowSaviq, dednick: ok, I'll try that then07:53
* Saviq thinks it might even be too late to do the additional action07:53
SaviqMacSlow, make that the last on your prio list please07:53
MacSlowSaviq, ok07:53
dednickwhat did we used to do before using indicator for sound? go direct on android?07:53
MacSlowSaviq, first one being then?07:53
dednickfor hw buttons i mean07:54
Saviqdednick, I don't think we ever did anything else07:56
larsuSaviq: the bubble is shown when using the hw buttons? I fixed that quite some time ago iirc08:01
Saviqlarsu, well, it's *supposed* to be shown now08:01
larsuSaviq: right, sorry. It's not supposed to be shown when using the slider08:02
Saviqbug #123263308:02
ubot5bug 1232633 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[system] Changing volume doesn't show feedback on the phone" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123263308:02
Saviqlarsu, well, if you could help MacSlow with that (stuff's in rtm silo 006), that would be awesome08:02
Saviqlarsu, http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?distro=ubuntu-rtm&q=landing-00608:03
larsuSaviq: ah, past me tells me we reverted it because sync notifications weren't enabled08:03
larsuMacSlow: do they^^ work now?08:03
Saviqlarsu, in silo 6, yes08:04
Saviqlarsu, that's what we're enabling now08:04
larsuSaviq: so it'S just a matter of digging out my old branch?08:04
Saviqlarsu, you tell me...08:04
Saviqlarsu, FWIW there's a new branch from tedg08:05
larsuSaviq: past me tells both of us. Let me find out ;)08:05
Saviqlarsu, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-sound/extreme-volume-warning/+merge/23816808:05
larsuSaviq: why? I even linked it from the bug report...08:05
Saviqlarsu, well, it does a bit more, since the *actual* feature we're after is the high volume warning08:05
Saviqlarsu, tedg's branch for just enabling the sync notification is https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-sound/synchronous-notification/+merge/23766608:06
SaviqMacSlow, I was thinking... for the "only one sound"08:06
MacSlowlarsu, and it mostly alreaday works correctly with tedg's new branches... only an edge-case is bothering us still08:06
SaviqMacSlow, maybe we should just add a signal to the backend "updated" or so08:06
SaviqMacSlow, and play the sound onUpdated, too (maybe only for a sync notification)08:07
larsuSaviq: okay, looks like ted did some extra work but is on top of it (it's not that much work anyway...)08:07
SaviqMacSlow, think this would be less of a hack than triggering separate notifications08:07
MacSlowSaviq, yeah08:07
MacSlowSaviq, new branches or that or rather work that into the already approved ones?08:08
SaviqMacSlow, it's all sync notifications still, so there08:08
tsdgeosSaviq: i can't seem to reproduce a bad implicitHeight with the card code Kyle gives, do you have any more pointers about what scope that may be?08:08
SaviqMacSlow, no need for new branches08:08
MacSlowSaviq, ok just wanted to be sure08:09
Saviqtsdgeos, the same as yesterday08:09
paulliutsdgeos: hi. So should I revert it back to use the old method for non-interactive stuff?08:22
paulliutsdgeos: It doesn't seems to work by using enabled.08:22
tsdgeospaulliu: so a mousearea still receives presses when disabled?08:22
tsdgeosthat's confusing08:22
paulliutsdgeos: yes.08:22
paulliutsdgeos: enabled is for "trigger"08:22
paulliutsdgeos: not for click/pressandhold08:22
Saviqpaulliu, that's not true http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtquick-item.html#enabled-prop08:24
Saviqpaulliu, it's a built-in QML property08:25
tsdgeospaulliu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8563573/ says no08:25
paulliuSaviq: but how if the ActionItem has its own property enabled? Will it override the built-in one?08:26
Saviqpaulliu, shouldn't be possible to override it...08:27
paulliuSaviq: strange. Let me dig into it more.08:28
paulliuI'll figure that out later. Currently at Narita Airport.08:29
Saviqpaulliu, you're flying to DC already?08:30
paulliuSaviq: not yet. Going to a conference in Japan right before DC.08:30
Saviqpaulliu, ah, cool, have fun and see you there :)08:31
SaviqMacSlow, where's the bug this is a dupe of? bug #138138708:32
ubot5bug 1381387 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Battery icon is clipped in low-battery notification" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138138708:32
MacSlowSaviq, hold on...08:33
MacSlowSaviq, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/137841708:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378417 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Icon clipping in notification-renderer" [High,New]08:34
SaviqMacSlow, thanks08:35
MacSlowSaviq, marked it08:35
SaviqWellark, saw mterry's review yesterday? you need to tweak the tests08:36
SaviqWellark, also, please add a Breaks: indicator-network (<< foo)08:37
SaviqWellark, this way it'll be obvious the indicator needs upgrading08:37
mzanettiSaviq: does this now pass for you? https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/fix_snap_decision_test-rtm/+merge/23828208:39
mzanettiSaviq: still couldn't repro the failure but I checked out what tst_Notifications is doing... hopefully works now08:40
Saviqmzanetti, you need a laptop refresh, it's too slow :D08:40
WellarkSaviq: ok. will do08:41
mzanettione more year to do08:41
mzanettito go08:41
Saviqmzanetti, ;)08:41
Saviqmzanetti, hmm I tried the non-rtm version and it failed still :|08:46
Saviqmzanetti, let me rebuild rtm08:46
SaviqI saw it passing in CI08:46
mzanettiaw man08:46
mzanettiSaviq: rtm and utopic branches do the same08:46
mzanettiSaviq: do tst_notifications pass for you?08:46
Saviqmzanetti, same under xvfb08:47
mzanettiah right... there isn't a snap decision test08:47
mzanettino chance... 100% pass rate here08:48
tsdgeoskarni: ping08:50
Saviqmzanetti, anyway, CI is happy, not sure I want to block on this08:52
WellarkSaviq: I'm hesitant on adding the Breaks08:53
Wellarkas it might now break the tools qa are using08:53
Wellarkas they need to manually update i-network from the archive08:53
WellarkMirv: could you shed some light on this -- ^08:54
WellarkAFAIK QA has some script that does most of the settings up08:54
SaviqWellark, well, that just needs a comment "upgrade indicator-network from the archive before installing this silo"08:54
SaviqWellark, it's the citrain tool08:54
Wellarkso they can do a manual upgrade before running the setup?08:54
SaviqWellark, sure08:55
SaviqWellark, the ~broken tool *can not* impact how we encode dependencies, that'd be backwards08:55
karnitsdgeos: pong08:55
tsdgeoskarni: do you know anything about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1381255 ?08:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1381255 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Scope: veritcal-journal with summary overlaps results" [Undecided,New]08:55
WellarkSaviq: you forgot the "</sarcasm>"08:55
tsdgeoskarni: i mean the scope that creates the problem, not the VJ code itself08:56
* karni looks08:56
WellarkSaviq: please, don't talk about backwards now ;)08:56
WellarkI might get exited..08:56
WellarkSaviq: ok, will add it08:56
karnitsdgeos: let me know if you don't have access https://code.launchpad.net/~hanloon-team/hanloon/texts08:57
tsdgeosseems i do08:58
Saviqmzanetti, it should be possible to wait on the behavior...08:58
MirvSaviq: Wellark: if Breaks is needed, then just add it. I already added a similar comment to rtm-006 silo.08:59
SaviqMirv, yup, thanks08:59
SaviqMacSlow, additional advantage of the indicator changing volume would be that there's currently too many steps of ringtone volume09:01
SaviqMacSlow, there should be like 4 maybe09:01
WellarkMirv, Saviq: does this now look correct?09:02
Saviqbug #129145809:02
Wellark+Breaks: indicator-network (<< 0.5.1+14.10.20141014),09:02
ubot5bug 1291458 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[platform design] Volume buttons change ringtone volume when suspended" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129145809:02
SaviqWellark, looks good, yes09:02
MacSlowSaviq, wasn't aware of that09:02
SaviqMacSlow, well, it's just IMO, but ;)09:02
Wellarkthat looks like fun09:03
MirvWellark: looks correct09:04
tsdgeoskarni: do you know if i can run that on the desktop? or is mostly phone?09:05
MirvI found volume button working funky when playing a youtube video09:05
Mirvwhen testing the scope for fun, and kate perry starts to play, it's an emergency if one can't turn the volume down09:05
karnitsdgeos: I would not know, sorry. Mostly the phone, probably. (FTR been a couple months I've bee off the scopes team, but feel free to ping me in case you have scopes related questions, I can forward if I don't have answers)09:06
tsdgeoskarni: ok, tx09:06
Mirvtoday it seems to work better, yesterday it seemed like there were two volume sliders being tried to be set and it kind of hung for a while, with only increasing volume09:07
WellarkSaviq: if you need a wing man on that design change just ping me09:08
SaviqWellark, I might actually request a session for DC09:08
WellarkSaviq: I agree the N9 had very intuitive and functional sound controls09:09
WellarkSaviq: updated the MP's09:11
Wellarklet's see what jenkins says09:11
WellarkSaviq: will mterry be up soon?09:11
SaviqWellark, thanks, just kicking a build in silo09:11
SaviqWellark, dunno, not his mom09:11
SaviqWellark, ;)09:11
SaviqWellark, no earlier than 4pm UTC I'd say09:12
Saviqtsdgeos, since Daniel abstained on dednick's branch, could you please do as much as possible of a proper review today09:19
Saviqtsdgeos, I'll try and take away any distractions09:19
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, give me a few mins more to see if i can reproduce the VJ problem09:20
Saviqtsdgeos, sure09:20
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, can reproduce09:31
tsdgeosand it seems the bug is not in the card itself but somewhere else09:31
tsdgeosbecause on reboot09:31
tsdgeosit shows up fine09:31
tsdgeosthen i pull to refresh09:31
tsdgeosand boom09:31
tsdgeosit's bad again09:31
tsdgeosand then again09:32
tsdgeosand depending on how lucky you are09:32
tsdgeosit's good or bad :D09:32
Saviqtsdgeos, ohkay09:38
Saviqtsdgeos, ok, try and dig into that then09:38
Saviqsince it's gonna bite us09:39
MacSlowSaviq, I've a working solution for sound-playback upon sync. notification-updates (triggered by any hint change)... while it works as expected on the desktop it does not on the phone.09:54
MacSlowSaviq, where is the console-output of unity8 written to on the phone?09:54
SaviqMacSlow, ~/.cache/upstart/unity8.log09:54
MacSlowSaviq, thx09:55
MacSlowSaviq, so the sound-playback is really exectued on the phone... it not being played back has to be something lower in the audio-stack... not sure what that is yet or how to debug it... I'll update my unity8 branch with the change nevertheless10:00
SaviqMacSlow, huh, interesting10:04
SaviqMacSlow, so no need for changes anywhere else? just unity8?10:04
MacSlowSaviq, there are tons of <property>Changed and the only real sound-relevant is the hint anyway... so I went the least invasive path and let the playback be retriggered upon onHintsChanged (just for sync. notifications)10:06
SaviqMacSlow, right, sounds fine indeed10:07
MacSlowSaviq, who's our sound/audio-stack prodigy ?10:07
MacSlowSaviq, btw http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/synchronous-notification/revision/110610:08
SaviqMacSlow, one that's alive at this hour, we could try ricmm10:09
MacSlowSaviq, ok10:09
SaviqMacSlow, trying it out10:09
MacSlowSaviq, you'll have to apply http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8563975/ to lp:~macslow/untiy-notifications/synchronous-notification/examples/icon-value.py10:13
MacSlowSaviq, as I've not added that10:13
SaviqMacSlow, I just patched it on the phone10:14
mzanettiMacSlow: hey, just testing the volume bubble on rtm. looks nice, but the calculation for the icon is different than in the panel. looks a bit odd10:14
mzanettiwould it be much work to align that?10:15
MacSlowmzanetti, that it seems out of sync is an issue of indicator-sound, which I don't know what introducing it10:15
mzanettiMacSlow: doesn't look like being out of sync10:16
MacSlowmzanetti, if unity8 is run on the desktop both icons (notification and panel) are perfectly in sync10:16
mzanettijust a bit different10:16
MacSlowmzanetti, ah you mean icon-theme-wise?!10:16
mzanettiwell, the progress bars move the same in the indicator and the bubble10:16
mzanettibut the icon switches from 2 to 3 bars at a different level10:17
Saviqmzanetti, it's the indicator that needs to align that10:17
Saviqmzanetti, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-sound/synchronous-notification/+merge/23825210:17
mzanettiah ok10:17
MacSlowmzanetti, that's a icon-name -> volume-level mapping issues10:17
MacSlowmzanetti, I think I know where the fix for that needs to happen (in indicator-sound)10:18
mzanettiMacSlow: ok then. I just thought its the notification...10:18
MacSlowmzanetti, no... just writing another MP-comment with a fix suggestion on tedg's related branch10:20
SaviqMacSlow, maybe incorporate https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/fix-1378920/+merge/238012 into your branch10:23
MacSlowSaviq, ah yeah... had that on my plate from yesterday still... looking into it now10:25
SaviqMacSlow, as for the sound... indeed it seems to be a problem with the audio subsystem... I tried using SoundEffect http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtmultimedia-soundeffect.html, but this only works with uncompressed audio10:27
SaviqMacSlow, I wonder how we could use pulseaudio's sample caching support10:27
MacSlowSaviq, hm... I basically know next to nothing about Pulse audio... I would have to poke ricmm for that10:29
SaviqMacSlow, hmm hmm10:30
SaviqMacSlow, I added a console.debug in the onHintsChanged {} block10:30
SaviqMacSlow, and when it doesn't play, I don't get it10:30
SaviqMacSlow, wrong10:30
SaviqMacSlow, trying again10:31
MacSlowSaviq, I saw my debug-output for every hardware-key-press10:31
SaviqMacSlow, yeah, I put the debug in the wrong block10:31
SaviqMacSlow, right, yeah, creating the session with the media hub every time seems to cause a lot of the overhead10:35
MacSlowSaviq, ricmm doesn't seem to feel like being the audio-person we're looking for10:39
SaviqMacSlow, I'm already there, talking to him and tvoss10:48
karniDo we have this bug on the radar? -- Need to refresh (pull to refresh or force search) the dash to make sure latest version of the app is launched. that's the case when installing app thorugh adb, not sure if updating from ubuntu store suffers from same problem.10:59
Saviqkarni, it does not11:03
Saviqkarni, I think11:03
Saviqkarni, but it's filed somewhere...11:03
karniSaviq: if ubuntu store installs/updates are not affected, that's great :)11:03
Saviqkarni, installs are not, for sure, there was a bug for updates11:04
karnigotcha. good that its filed then.11:04
SaviqWellark, hum hum, I took the second SIM out, the SIM dialog shows on boot, but doesn't unlock11:11
SaviqWellark, pressing "Unlock SIM" again doesn't do anything11:11
WellarkSaviq: check the i-network version11:14
WellarkSaviq: and unity8 has not crashed in between or anything?11:14
SaviqWellark, no11:14
SaviqWellark, i-n is good11:14
WellarkSaviq: apt-cache policy indicator-network11:14
SaviqWellark, unlocks fine when I have both SIMs in11:15
WellarkSaviq: so krillin? which image number?11:15
Wellarkwhat channel?11:15
SaviqWellark, krillin, rtm proposed of course, 10511:15
SaviqWellark, + silo 611:15
WellarkSaviq: it's user error. if you don't have two sims, don't buy a dual sim phone!11:16
SaviqWellark, it's fine after a flight mode toggle11:16
SaviqWellark, but not after a reboot11:16
WellarkSaviq: yeah.. different code paths11:17
WellarkSaviq: so, which slot has sim?11:17
SaviqWellark, 111:17
Wellarkand 2 is empty11:17
SaviqWellark, on that note, don't you know the sim names from settings yet?11:17
WellarkSaviq: not yet11:18
SaviqWellark, k11:18
SaviqWellark, I'm flashing from scratch to verify, but it's 100% reproducible on boot11:18
WellarkSaviq: yes. I bet it is11:18
* Wellark wants a mainloop!!11:19
WellarkSaviq: ok. got it11:20
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SaviqWellark, rtm silo 6 is open for you, let me know when you have something to put in there11:20
WellarkSaviq: give me 1011:21
WellarkSaviq: or make it 1511:21
WellarkI need a smoke11:21
SaviqWellark, I'll give you more, I need to go out in a bit11:21
WellarkSaviq: fix is on it's way11:34
Wellarkhow do we handle that?11:34
Wellarkcan we sync i-network from the rtm to utopic?11:34
WellarkMirv: ^11:34
SaviqWellark, we can, yeah, assuming both sources are meant to be the same11:35
SaviqWellark, i.e. there's no diff between utopic and rtm yet11:35
WellarkSaviq: i-network has no diff11:37
WellarkSaviq: just one trunk11:37
SaviqWellark, yup, then yeah, we can sync from rtm silo to utopic11:37
WellarkSaviq: ok, so you could add that to the unity8 silo?11:37
SaviqWellark, doing11:37
WellarkSaviq: thanks!11:37
MirvWellark: yes, via silo11:38
WellarkSaviq: did you add the qtubuntu-media MP is as well?11:45
Wellarkit looks valid, so should be safe to add11:45
WellarkI just run some additional checks on the code11:45
SaviqWellark, not yet, waiting for ACK from sil210011:47
sil2100Saviq: what ACK we talking about now? :)11:51
Saviqsil2100, for the bugs to go into rtm11:51
Wellarksil2100: the one you should give! ;)11:51
Saviqsil2100, the three I mentioned before11:51
sil2100Saviq: yes, ok, didn't get back to you indeed - my mistake ;)11:52
sil2100Saviq: we got a +1 from Victor11:52
sil2100So go for it!11:52
Saviqsil2100, I'll need another reconf on silo 6 then :)11:53
Saviqtsdgeos, once you get them, please file separate MPs for merging into lp:unity8/rtm-14.09, we want them to go into todays image11:53
Saviq(the fixes)11:53
* Saviq lunch and a bit of taxes11:57
SaviqWellark, i-n building in silo 611:58
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mzanettidandrader: hey, addressed your comments in: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/launcher-update-on-dconf-change/+merge/23656112:07
dandradermzanetti, just approved it12:08
mzanettidandrader: thanks. preparing the rtm branch atm12:08
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mzanettidandrader: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/launcher-update-on-dconf-change-rtm/+merge/23842312:14
dandradermzanetti, I don't suppose I should test it as well, right?12:16
mzanettidandrader: hmm... diff is the same, tests are passing... I'd say we're good...12:16
mzanettiseb128: hey, do I need to file this branch against rtm too, or will you guys cherry-pick it over when landing? https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/ubuntu-system-settings/update-reset-launcher/+merge/23430912:19
seb128mzanetti, we don't have branches, we are just going to request that to be copied over12:19
asacwho maintains the timeout it takies to popup the shutdown dialog?12:20
asacon phone?12:20
asac(time to push button without release)12:20
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seb128unity8 I guess12:29
seb128do you find it too long?12:30
Saviqmzanetti, we don't need rtm branches for everything12:39
Saviqmzanetti, just the things that are going into 10/16, we'll sync everything else again after the image is done12:39
mzanettiSaviq: ah ok...12:41
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
tsdgeosSaviq: do we want  lp:~aacid/unity8/grid_rows_cols as rtm branch too?13:01
Saviqtsdgeos, yes, that one, please13:01
Saviqtsdgeos, and the VJ fix once you have it13:01
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tedgMacSlow, Reading your e-mail, what do you mean by "volume notifications triggered by changing value in indicator" ?13:22
tedgI think the "sync issue" is fixed. What you're seeing now is changing modes with the sound notification.13:23
MacSlowtedg, when you pull down the sound-indicator and change the volume via the slider there... that should not trigger any sync. volume notification... currently it does and actually gets "in the way" visually with the slider13:23
tedgMacSlow, I thought that's why we had the "background color change" bug?13:25
tedgMacSlow, And that was the fix.13:26
MacSlowtedg, no... that's different...13:26
tedgMacSlow, I don't think we're getting notification of the indicator being open on unity813:27
tedgMacSlow, So it'll be hard to detect that case.13:27
MacSlowtedg, although the background-color contrast issue is fixed (in the sync. notification branch for unity8) the fact that the volume-change via the sound-indictors slider still triggers a sync. notification remains13:27
MacSlowtedg, I think Saviq asked larsu for some help on that front13:28
tedgWe have an action that can be defined to show it, but I think it's only implemented on u7.13:29
MacSlowtedg, btw... determining if an indicator is open on QML/unity8-side is easy... doing it from within an indicator seems hard13:29
tedgIt's not *hard* more just that part of the framework was never implemented.13:29
MacSlowtedg, I stick with "hard" :)13:30
MacSlowtedg, especially hard ;)13:30
tedgHeh, I'll go with "unity8 team is lazy" ;-)13:30
tedgFrankly though, I think that we can land this silo without that fix.13:31
tedgIt's an annoyance.13:31
MacSlowtedg, sure... although that's me to make the final decision on this13:32
MacSlowtedg, indeed... two days ago, when I accidentally thought unity-settings-daemon was the place to fix it, I found the related pieces to make it work... for unity7 *sigh*13:34
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=== karni-afk is now known as karni
tedgMacSlow, Cimi, do you guys know the status of bug 1378920 ?13:40
ubot5bug 1378920 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Synchronous sound notifications pause video" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137892013:40
MacSlowtedg, yeah... I did some testing for that branch already...13:41
seb128tedg, hey13:41
seb128tedg, I think I read somebody pinging you yesterday about that, but I didn't see your reply (if there was one), is indicator-display supposed to show on the rtm image?13:41
tedgseb128, It won't, the bug isn't super critical. It should work in utopic.13:42
seb128tedg, ok, I was mostly curious, thanks13:42
tedgMacSlow, Is it in the notification silo?13:42
MacSlowtedg, it seems to fix the stated issue... although it behaves a bit odd... while the volume is changed if a video is played back, the video's volume isn't altered sync with the volume-change done via the hw-keys13:43
MacSlowtedg, not yet13:43
tedgMacSlow, Any objection to me adding it? I think it'd make it easier to test.13:44
MacSlowtedg, nope... go ahead13:44
tedgSaviq, Adding the media role MR to silo rtm/6 and rebuilding13:45
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tedg… reconfiguring …13:47
Saviqtedg, MacSlow was about to just add that change to his branches13:53
MacSlowSaviq, haven't done it yet... the silo 6 testing on the mako is keeping me busy still13:53
MacSlowtedg, Saviq: can pull it in in a heartbeat...13:54
tedgUhg, MR targetting Utopic.13:54
Saviqtedg, yes, MacSlow just please add it to your branches13:54
tedgThat's weird to me.13:55
MacSlowtedg, I'll add it to mine...13:55
tedgBut sure. I'll remove it from the spreadsheet.13:55
Saviqtedg, already done13:55
tedgAlrighty then.13:55
tedgSaviq, So I see you've been convinced by the "devel branch" approach ;-)13:56
Saviqtedg, no13:56
MacSlowonly for sync. volume-notifications ;)13:56
Saviqtedg, rtm-14.09 is cherry-pick from trunk basically13:56
Saviqtedg, short lived, only while we've slowed down the rtm images13:57
Saviqtedg, I have, however, come up with a hybrid staging approach that sil2100 was quite happy to support, just there was no time yet13:57
* tedg is curious, but scared13:58
Saviqtedg, basically having pull (as opposed to merge) requests supported by the train13:59
Saviqtedg, FYI, we're looking at playback issues with the sync notification, we might need to turn off the plöpp sounds for now14:00
SaviqMacSlow, please let me know when you push the role change14:00
tedgSaviq, I have no idea what the difference between "pull" and "merge" are.14:01
WellarkSaviq: do we have silo rebuilt?14:02
Saviqtedg, history14:02
Wellarkcould you quickly verify that your setup works?14:02
Saviqtedg, basically you'd prepare a staging branch that would be pulled onto trunk before any additional MPs get merged into it14:02
tedgSaviq, Sure, I'm +1 on removing the sounds if that cleans things up. It's not a huge feature, just a nice-to-have.14:03
Saviqtedg, indeed14:03
SaviqWellark, not sure what happened with q-m in the rtm silo, checking14:03
tedgSaviq, To basically a "per silo devel branch"14:04
tedgSaviq, But you want to make it yourself instead of having CI Train build it for you.14:05
Saviqtedg, not even per silo, there's no reason why it shouldn't be lp:foo/staging14:05
Saviqtedg, you'd pull trunk into it after each landing14:05
tedgSaviq, So MRs land on staging or trunk?14:06
Saviqtedg, so before you stage anything, trunk == staging14:06
Saviqtedg, MR are against trunk14:06
Saviqtedg, so they remain Approved until the silo lands14:06
Saviqtedg, but either you manually, or CI, lands them in staging14:06
Saviqtedg, most MPs would have staging as prerequisite, too14:07
Saviqtedg, but to not block others, you could still have traditional MPs on top of the staging14:07
tedgSaviq, So what happens if an MR lands on staging but is decided that it doesn't want to go to trunk right now.14:08
tedgi.e. I would have though the greeter stuff would have landed before high volume notifications.14:08
tedg(and in any rational world, it would have)14:08
Saviqtedg, that's a corner case, and we'd have to deal with it by means of rewriting the staging or so14:08
Saviqtedg, or reverting it from there14:08
Saviqtedg, as you'd rather do in bzr14:09
tedgSaviq, So it seems like a devel branch, except that the history is slightly different. Not sure why changing the history helps.14:10
Saviqtedg, because you don't end up with a single commit per landing, that's just something I can't agree with ;)14:11
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Saviqtedg, but also the fact that MPs are still targeted against trunk, but can be staged14:11
tedgSaviq, can you just alias "bzr log" to "bzr log -n2" ? ;-)14:12
Saviqtedg, tell LP that14:12
tedgSaviq, If we had a commit message that listed all the MRs that landed in that commit would that solve your issue?14:12
Saviqtedg, no14:13
Saviqtedg, I just can't live with that kind of history ;)14:13
tedgSaviq, So if you could specify that trunk pulled the devel branch and pushed over the trunk, that's all you really want.14:13
Saviqtedg, yes exactly14:13
Saviqtedg, with some CI twists14:13
Saviqtedg, but as far as train is concerned, that's all indeed14:13
tedgSaviq, I updated indicator-sound for MacSlow's comments on the MR.14:16
tedgSaviq, Are you rebuilding the whole thing, or should I kick an i-sound build?14:17
Saviqtedg, I will rebuild unity8 as well, but not just now, sil2100 is fighting with qtubuntu-media in that silo atm14:17
MacSlowtedg, ah great...14:18
sil2100Saviq: it *should* be building, but I'm in meetings so I didn't check that yet14:19
Saviqsil2100, it is building, thanks14:19
MacSlowtedg, approved your branch too now14:20
MacSlowtedg, I think we've done all we can now there14:20
tedgdednick, Did you see my comment here? https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/rtm-expanded-panel-design/+merge/238244/comments/58511314:27
tedgdednick, I'm worried about the hidden indicators14:27
tedgdednick, We made more hide faster, so people can loose them now :-)14:27
dednicktedg: "Putting your finger on the bottom bar allows you to slide between the indicators. So if you grab the bar and close, you probably change indicators along the way (which is odd)"14:28
dednickby design. speak with designers if you disagree.14:28
dednicktedg: busy fixing the partially selected item14:29
tedgdednick, Ah, okay. It still is weird :-)14:29
dednicktedg: hidden items: if they're marked as non-visible, shouldn't they be non-visible?14:29
tedgdednick, Non-visible on the panel, shown in the expanded set.14:29
dednicktedg: ok. i'll need to work on that one.14:30
dednicktedg: although i don't think it's in current design anyway14:30
tedgdednick, I believe it is…14:30
dednicktedg: no. bluetooth not in there in flight mode.14:31
tedgdednick, "Status Bar Functional Overview"14:31
dednicktedg: i mean in the current impl.14:31
tedgdednick, We've adjusted bluetooth and location already. They change visibility.14:31
tedgdednick, messages is next.14:32
dednicktedg: ok14:32
tedgdednick, As a fun adventure, turn off GPS and get the location indicator to hide. Now figure out how to turn it back on.14:32
Saviqtedg, unity8 and indicator-sound building14:34
tedgSaviq, Great, thanks!14:35
SaviqMacSlow, tedg, I'm inclined to just drop the sound, it's too late I think to be hunting for a solution14:36
MacSlowSaviq, true14:36
tedgSaviq, I can just not set it on the notification.14:40
tedgI'll do that now.14:40
Saviqtedg, yeah, exactly what I wanted14:41
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WellarkSaviq: did you have time to test the i-network fix?14:51
Wellarkis it still breaking for you?14:51
SaviqWellark, just flashing rtm now14:51
WellarkSaviq: ack14:51
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
MacSlowWhat happened to gst-launch-1.0? None of the usual pipelines work15:04
Saviqdednick, let me know if you need any help, testing or anything15:05
mterrydandrader, windowkeysfilter -- that was for a focus issue?15:06
SaviqWellark, works115:06
Saviqwith two15:07
Saviqnow taking one out15:07
seb128shrug, another unity8 segfault on rtm :/15:07
Saviqseb128, notification related by any chance?15:07
Saviqseb128, SIM unlocking?15:07
dandradermterry, it's been a while, don't remember. let me check that code again15:08
mterrydandrader, I want to add power-key handling to the wizard code, but noticed that u8 has it wrapped in this filter class15:08
mterrydandrader, was curious if wizard needs filtering too (i.e. filtering is needed when handling power events) or if it was just about focus issues as the bzr commit seems to indicate15:09
dandradermterry, wizard is a separate process or is it in unity8?15:09
mterrydandrader, separate process15:09
SaviqWellark, hmm hmm it looks like it didn't even ask on boot now15:09
Saviqrebooting again15:09
seb128Saviq, no, opened gallery, closed gallery, scroll app scope to start it again, froze15:10
SaviqWellark, yeah, it does not ask on boot if there's only one SIM15:11
WellarkSaviq: you sure you didn't hit the unity8 crash at the same time?15:11
dandradermterry, one of the use cases was that volumeControl always had to receive volume un & down keys, even if some mir surface had active focus and was therefore getting all key events15:11
seb128Saviq, the apport file has no dump or stacktrace though :/15:12
dandradermterry, it's a way of getting all key events regardless of what item has the active focus15:12
SaviqWellark, yeah, confirmed multiple times15:12
SaviqWellark, it seems to "not know" the status of the SIMs yet15:12
SaviqWellark, so doesn't ask15:12
mterrydandrader, hmm..  That probably isn't an issue in the wizard15:12
mterrydandrader, ok will test without it anyway  :)15:13
WellarkSaviq: but it works with two..15:13
dandradermterry, bear in mind that activeFocus != focus15:13
dandradermterry, so even if you set "focus: true" on some item it doesn't mean that it will get active focus (and thus receive the key presses)15:13
dandradermterry, it all depends on your item tree15:14
mterrydandrader, I was thinking you were talking about app focus, not item focus.. hm15:14
mterrydandrader, so might still be an issue in wizard.  What items would steal volume/power events?15:15
dandradermterry, btw, is the wizard a surface under unity8 or a independent guy?15:15
WellarkSaviq: will join the testing in 10 minutes15:15
mterrydandrader, wouldn't they percolate up if not handled?15:15
mterrydandrader, independent15:15
dednickSaviq: thanks. just trying to fix that silly highlight problem when removing items15:15
SaviqWellark, yeah, it's fine with two, if you have one, it doesn't ask at all15:16
WellarkSaviq: what does you apt-cache policy indicator-network say?15:16
dandradermterry, because Shell.qml, in its WindowKeysFilter code, is filtering power key events out so they are not send to surfaces managed by unity815:16
Saviqoh man and it's a complete one15:17
Saviqif only Ola didn't take our camera!15:18
mterrySaviq, :)15:19
SaviqWellark, 0.5.1+14.10.20141015-0ubuntu115:19
dandradermterry, "What items would steal volume/power events?" <- I don't know wizard code. but you could debug it by printing out the QQuickWindow::activeFocusItem() every time it changes15:20
WellarkSaviq: oh, crap.. sorry. I'm just too tired..15:20
Wellarkoneliner coming in15:20
WellarkI thought it was a for loop15:20
Wellarkbut it was an if15:20
dandradermterry, to track down who the heck is getting/stealing the active focus. Helped me a lot when I was debugging such things in unity815:20
mterrydandrader, thanks15:21
Saviqand it's *not* getting any less intense15:22
WellarkSaviq: did you swith the only SIM to slot 2 ?15:23
SaviqWellark, no, either empty → no ask15:23
Saviqcan try again15:23
Wellarkmakes no sense...15:23
Saviqtedg, stuff's built in silo 615:24
Wellarkit would make sense if the first one is empty and second is not15:25
tedgSaviq, Cool, I think you might need a rebuild of i-sound to pick up the drop of the sound.15:25
Saviqtedg, yeah, will just test it out again to see if it's all good now15:25
WellarkSaviq: what does the indicator show?15:26
Wellarkinside the menu?15:26
Wellarkslot 1 locked, slot to No Sim ?15:27
SaviqWellark, opposite, right now, but yeah15:27
SaviqWellark, and it takes like 3-4s for it to show up after booting15:27
WellarkSaviq: so you switched the sim to slot 2 ?15:27
SaviqWellark, I have two sims, just taking one of them out15:27
SaviqWellark, but yeah, the menu is correct15:28
WellarkSaviq: for the indicators to show, or the modems to change to "locked" ?15:28
SaviqWellark, for the modems to show afaict, looking closely again15:28
WellarkSaviq: do you get a pin unlock dialog for a correct sim when you run manually:15:28
SaviqWellark, they were both offline for a few seconds15:29
SaviqWellark, then they changed to locked/nosim15:29
SaviqWellark, after 10s or so this time15:29
WellarkSaviq: dbus-send --print-reply --dest=com.ubuntu.connectivity1 /com/ubuntu/connectivity1/Private com.ubuntu.connectivity1.Private.UnlockAllModems15:29
WellarkSaviq: after a reboot?15:29
SaviqWellark, yes, that worked15:30
SaviqWellark, so it basically looks as if we're calling the Unlock method too early15:30
WellarkSaviq: ok, checked the code15:31
Wellark_if_ the modems are reporting their locked status properly when unity8 comes up15:31
Wellarkthe code works15:31
Wellarkregardless which modem has sim15:31
WellarkI need to check what happens15:31
SaviqWellark, so basically what you're saying is that having only one SIM makes ofono take longer to get the right status?15:31
WellarkSaviq: I will investigate that real quick15:31
SaviqWellark, I slid in both cards, toggled flight mode on, off, now got no sim / offline :|15:34
Saviqyeah, flight mode didn't turn off...15:34
WellarkSaviq: please get me the output of /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems15:34
WellarkSaviq: that's the toggle switch bug15:35
WellarkSaviq: try disabling from system-settings15:35
Wellarkand "restart indicator-network"15:35
SaviqWellark, yeah, just did, now I have the cards confused I believe15:35
SaviqWellark, when should I catch the output?15:36
WellarkSaviq: just run it now and send me the output, thanks15:36
WellarkI will then ask you what you see based on the contents15:36
SaviqWellark, huh huh, hangs after listing the first modem15:38
SaviqWellark, both my SIMs are now unlocked and working according to the indicator15:38
Saviqah now it went through, so it's not after, but in the middle15:38
SaviqWellark, https://pastebin.canonical.com/118811/15:40
WellarkSaviq: hangs?15:41
Wellarkoh, you mean the script15:42
Wellarkyes it does that15:42
SaviqWellark, k15:42
WellarkSaviq: so, the indicator should now show both of the modems as conneted to a network and not being locked15:42
SaviqWellark, yeah, that was the case15:43
SaviqWellark, the log when booting https://pastebin.canonical.com/118813/15:44
SaviqWellark, that's with two SIMs, both got unlocked fine on boot15:45
tsdgeosSaviq: so what needs reviewing now?15:46
SaviqWellark, a broken log coming up15:46
Saviqtsdgeos, nothing, really15:46
tsdgeosgood :)15:46
Saviqtsdgeos, well, dednick's branch, but you know, late for that15:46
SaviqWellark, ok, you'll be interested in that15:47
WellarkSaviq: ack.15:47
Wellarkthe first on looked fine15:47
SaviqWellark, https://pastebin.canonical.com/118816/15:47
SaviqWellark, both modems are basically dead for... 38s on boot15:48
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WellarkSaviq: that explains.15:49
Saviqdandrader, do you have a fix for the launcher edge?15:49
WellarkNot my Bug \o/15:49
SaviqWellark, so yeah, when we call Unlock..., the modems are just dead15:49
dandraderSaviq, not yet.15:49
WellarkSaviq: let's take this elsewhere15:49
dandraderSaviq, but I can push a quick fix if you need it15:50
Saviqdandrader, no, let's not push our luck ;)15:50
dednickSaviq: i can't get that highlight shit fixed properly. can fix post?15:53
Saviqdednick, for sure15:53
dednickSaviq: pushed some more fixes. think it's ready for silo now15:59
Saviqdednick, ok16:00
cwaynei seem to have a frozen dash..16:00
Saviqcwayne, take it out of the fridge16:02
Saviqcwayne, but for real, frozen or in progress of crashing?16:02
cwayneSaviq: http://instantrimshot.com/16:02
cwayneSaviq: not sure16:03
cwayneah nm seems it was a crash16:03
cwaynehave a unity8-dash.crash, and my dash is working again16:03
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Saviqtedg, will we get the i-n branches under review today?16:21
Saviqtedg, also, what's with the settings MP, do we need it in the 10/16 image?16:21
WellarkSaviq: so, wht's the story with the unlocking? are we good to land?16:54
Wellarkas long as there are two sims it's fine16:54
SaviqWellark, seems so, yes16:54
Wellarkand if there is only one then you can get to it inside the indicator16:54
SaviqWellark, well, as long as the rild starts, it's fine ;)16:54
Wellarkand demonstrating a dual sim device without two sims would be a bit lame, to begin with :)16:54
Wellarkso, let's count on that16:54
WellarkSaviq: so anything you need from me ?16:55
SaviqWellark, nope, it's good16:55
Wellarkfor tonight..16:55
Wellarkit's good16:55
WellarkSaviq: thanks man!16:55
SaviqWellark, o/16:55
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
mterrymzanetti, back from lunch, sorry I had missed your messages.  I'll add some testing logic in the branch in a bit17:18
Saviqdednick, if you're really around, can you please skim the expanded panel diffs in bug #1368856 (rtm vs. trunk)17:26
ubot5bug 1368856 in unity8 (Ubuntu RTM) "[Indicators] Update indicators to match the latest design" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136885617:26
dednickSaviq: sure17:26
Saviqdednick, if I know anything, the trunk one did not get prerequisite into account, hence the difference in diff lineno17:26
dednickah. forgot to update rtm17:26
Saviqdednick, nw, did that17:26
dednickSaviq: hm. 5k vs 7k?17:27
Saviqdednick, yeah exactly, but looks like sharedunitymenumodel is taken into account in the trunk one17:27
dednicknot sure what happened to the trunk one. seems to have jumped up byu 2k lines17:27
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dednickSaviq: looks ok to me.17:35
dednickbit of a brief skim though...17:36
dednicki gots to run. later.17:36
greyback_tedg: hey, would this backtrace suggest anything to you: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8566086/17:40
greyback_unity8 is blocked here17:40
mterrymzanetti, updated branch and added MP comment17:56
Saviqgreyback_, mzanetti, if you're not gonna be around tomorrow at all, have a good trip and see you there! drop me an email or text if you crystallize a plan for Fri18:11
greyback_Saviq: certainly, safe trip18:12
mzanettiSaviq: yep. thanks. See you there18:18
mzanettimterry: looking18:18
tedggreyback_, Hmm, that could be getting the cgmanager connection.18:19
tedggreyback_, We do that when getting the pid list.18:19
tedggreyback_, Not sure why that connection wouldn't connect though.18:20
tedggreyback_, Is cgmanager hung?18:20
greyback_tedg: yep, I can confirm that unity8/qtmir is checking the PID for an app at that time18:20
mzanettimterry: thanks. approved18:21
greyback_tedg: is first I've heard of cgmanager. It's a separate process then I guess18:21
mterrymzanetti, awesome18:21
tedggreyback_, Yeah, system process18:21
tedggreyback_, Basically provides a way to get info on the cgroup.18:21
greyback_tedg: looks ok to me: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8566391/18:23
tedggreyback_, So not sure of any reason that'd be, we're kinda simple there just opening up a dbus connection to a well known path.18:38
tedggreyback_, We could make it an async callback, but not sure that'd make things less crazy.18:38
greyback_tedg: yeah, it's why I'm pretty confused why it's blocking there18:39
mterryjgdx, I can't reproduce the problem19:02
mterryjgdx, how often does it not work for you?19:02
mterryoh whoops we were talking in #ubuntu-touch, moving there19:02
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
Saviqtedg, you there?19:12
tedgSaviq, I am here.19:13
Saviqtedg, will we get the i-n branches under review today?19:13
Saviqtedg, also, what's with the settings MP, do we need it in the 10/16 image?19:13
tedgSaviq, I'm not sure about the indicator-network ones, that's Wellark's19:14
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tedgSaviq, Which settings MP? The extreme volume one?19:14
Saviqtedg, obviously meant i-sound19:14
Saviqtedg, yes19:14
tedgSaviq, If that's it... need is strong... it puts the warning in the settings. Incase you didn't notice the notification and the menu.19:14
tedgUhg, LP timeout19:15
Saviqtedg, so the only beef I still have is that the bubbles come up when using the slider19:16
Saviqtedg, what we were thinking is that we should introduce explicit actions for vol+/vol- hw buttons instead of what we're doing now19:17
tedgSaviq, Eh, we could. But I'd rather get the open action implemented, we could use it in i-network as well.19:17
Saviqtedg, hmm but in theory that's not enough even, as the idea would be to never show the bubble if the slider was on screen, and that, I believe, you don't know for indicators, let alone in settings19:18
Saviqtedg, I think I don't know what's that, in any case, that's a relatively minor beef, you tell me if it's possible to at least not show the bubbles when sound indicator is open19:18
tedgSaviq, If we had the open action we'd know for indicators for sure. We could query the focused app as well.19:19
tedgSaviq, My thought is that it's fine to have both for the 10/16 image. We should fix it, but not critical.19:19
Saviqah open action meaning whether the indicator is open, understood19:19
Saviqand settings could very well set it as well19:19
Saviqtedg, I do think we should have explicit vol+/vol- actions in any case19:20
tedgSaviq, Makes sense, so we can handle stepping differently as well.19:20
Saviqtedg, as I imagine it's not always going to be just currentVol +/- 0.119:20
Saviqtedg, exactly, especially for alert19:20
Saviqthere should only be maybe 4 steps19:20
tedgWe could do logarithmic buttons! /me logs a critical bug19:21
Saviqtedg, so you're saying I should test the indicator in utopic as well...19:24
tedgSaviq, We should, I haven't verified that yet. Focused on the rtm landing.19:26
Saviqtedg, right, I'll kick a build, and since we're landing into rtm separately, we'll do the testing for utopic separately19:27
Saviqtedg, while the rtm landing can go in19:27
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Saviqmzanetti, you still lurkin'?19:33
SaviqWellark, should the autopilot test for i-n work?19:37
mzanettiSaviq: yeah... packed my stuff for tomorrow19:37
WellarkSaviq: no, forget about it19:37
Wellarkif it doesn't then bohoo19:38
mzanettiSaviq: what up?19:38
Wellarkwill fix it next week19:38
Saviqmzanetti, guess what, could you please rebase the test branch for utopic on shared model?19:38
Saviqas you did with rtm already19:38
mzanettiSaviq: this one? https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/fix_snap_decision_test/+merge/23823819:43
Saviqmzanetti, yes19:44
Saviqmzanetti, there's a small conflict in tst_Shell.qml19:44
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mzanettiSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/fix_snap_decision_test/+merge/23849419:49
mzanettiSaviq: wait. mistake19:50
Saviqmzanetti, looks good, no?19:51
mzanettiSaviq: yes, now it is19:52
Saviqmzanetti, kk19:52
Saviqmzanetti, thanks a bunch19:52
mzanettiSaviq: nw. how's the image going? keeping you still busy?19:53
Saviqmzanetti, just testing now19:53
Saviqmzanetti, and is looking good, no issue found yet19:53
mzanettigreat. is this rtm still?19:54
Saviqyeah, rtm; well, davmor2 found one http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/oops.png that I submissively took blame for19:54
mzanettithe string?19:56
davmor2Saviq: and the non translated strings in the indicators don'tforget them19:59
Saviqmzanetti, yeah19:59
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Saviqtedg, I dropped settings from silo 6 as it's going in now, we'd need a separate silo for it if we need it in20:16
tedgSaviq, K20:28
Saviqtedg, but IMO it could be left out for now, as you get the bubble in your face in any case20:28
tedgSaviq, Yeah, I'll look to land via utopic, etc. Normal stuff.20:28
Saviqtedg, yup, cool beanz20:29
Saviqtedg, there's conflicts in indicator-sound in utopic silo 26 https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-026-1-build/9/console20:56
tedgThat's confusing.20:59
tedgThey're both up-to-date on trunk.20:59
Saviqtedg, criss-cross21:02
tedgSure, but that shouldn't break this case.21:03
Saviqtedg, but yeah, confusing21:03
Saviqwhat's more confusing is that the train can't seem to keep its logs straight, they're interleaved21:03
tedgYeah, but I can recreate this one.21:05
tedgSaviq, So it seems if you drop the sync branch and just do the warning one it's fine.21:05
tedgSaviq, Let's just do that, it'll pull all the same diffs.21:05
Saviqtedg, ok, will do, just kicked a build of the rest and will do i-s after that21:06
tedgSaviq, Why are we putting the dash under suspend/resume?21:43
tedgCan it not just handle not sucking resources itself?21:43
tedggreyback_, ^21:43
greyback_tedg: apparently not21:44
tedgWe trust it to no spawn processes and a billion other things. Seems like it's a "trusted helper" more than a "managed app".21:45
tedggreyback_, Wait, are we suspend/resuming it or just adjusting it's OOM value?21:47
greyback_tedg: we suspend/resume it & adjust OOM21:47
tedggreyback_, So for cases like it getting OOM'd do we re-sigstop the new process?21:48
greyback_tedg: well it should really not be OOM'd at all21:48
greyback_but if it is, and is respawned, then yeah it should be re-sigstoppped21:49
tedggreyback_, If we're adjusting the OOM value to more than the focused app, the focused app can kill it at will.21:49
greyback_tedg: We just want it so that dash is less likely than the app to be killed. I don't follow your last statement21:51
tedggreyback_, So we're not dynamically setting it?21:52
greyback_tedg: we do. Dash is still set at a lower OOM value than the app though, when app focused. (lower=less likely to be killed).21:55
tedggreyback_, So, for example, the focused app is 100, the unfocused app is 1000, unity 8 is 0. We're toggling the dash between 10 and 90 ?21:56
greyback_tedg: if dash focused, it is 100. If dash not focused, it is 20021:57
tedggreyback_, So we're adjusting it so the dash is more likely to be killed than the app.21:57
tedgIf the app is focused.21:57
greyback_tedg: yep, but still less likely than unfocused apps21:57
tedggreyback_, Why can't we just set the dash at 200. Then if no apps are focused, they'll all be 1000.21:58
tedgThere'll be no 100.21:59
greyback_tedg: and if there is a focused app?21:59
greyback_what OOM does it get?21:59
greyback_tedg: would probably work for phone22:01
greyback_and I can't see an issue with tablet either22:01
tedgLess moving parts.22:04
* tedg hates on cars for a moment22:04
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=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader

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