
Guest32814Thought so! :)00:00
stormzenI'm having an issue with wireless networking on 14.04. I think I have the Centrino Advanced-N 6205 network controller ( uses the iwlwifi driver ). I'm not sure how to replicate the issue here at home, but at two different wireless spots where the connection was working for my phone, it lost access to the wireless network and wasn't able to get it again before rebooting.  I do notice, though that sudo service networking stop results in : stop: Job failed whi00:00
stormzenle stopping , and a message in dmesg: init: networking post-stop process .. terminated with status 10000:00
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.00:01
Guest32814hall72: Remember to disable all scripts.00:01
hall72Guest32814: Of course.00:02
Guest32814Why would people want IRC logs?00:03
stormzenHeh.  I was curious about what you were talking about.  :p00:04
chuipretty good usb bootable creator00:08
stormzenah, now I understand the tor over VPN via HongKong servers bit.00:09
stormzen( it seemed like it might be excessive )00:10
stormzenIs there a quick way to determine if there is a known issue with iwlwifi + centrino advanced 6205-N ?00:12
m{a}zelno love on the linux on Surface yet...00:14
reisioif I had an extra $1000 I might get a surface pro00:14
reisiobut I wouldn't get a tablet that had no confirmation you can replace the OS on it00:14
reisionot ever00:14
reisionot unless it came with the distro I use :p00:15
reisioand maybe not even then00:15
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stormzenOn Ubuntu 14, is can the network service be stopped with sudo service networking stop?  It fails for me.00:27
stormzenI'm trying to establish if that's expected behavior.00:27
stormzen( or if it's likely unrelated to wireless not working on networks that aren't my home network. )00:28
chuiinstalling lubuntu at least wireless works00:42
bubbasaureschui, ubuntu being lightweight is more .config rather than gui orientated is all, not hard to figure out though.00:45
chuihmmm @bubbasaures00:46
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chuii had thought of manjaro00:46
bubbasaureschui, This is tweaking it, full desktop otherwise.00:46
chuiwill check it out00:47
gshmuhello my system update ing  but download the flashplugin-installer very slow, I download it,00:47
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chuiwin 7 was laggy ugh00:48
bubbasauresgshmu, You can when update finished the repo speeds in software and updates first tab00:49
bubbasauresget the fastest speed that is00:50
gshmuthe plugin download very slow in China, I'm download it by proxy00:50
chuidoesnt proxy slowdown00:51
gshmububbasaures:  I can't wait it finished, I head some body wait one more hour00:51
crocketIs it better to upgrade ubuntu online or install a new version of ubuntu on an existing ubuntu partition?00:53
stormzenOn Ubuntu 14.04.1, can the network service be stopped with sudo service networking stop?  It fails for me.  I'm trying to figure out if that's expected behavior.00:53
bubbasauresgshmu, Not sure I understand your issue.00:53
bubbasaurescrocket, No best here, depends on your needs and skills.00:54
gshmuupdate I using one nearby internet source, so i don't using the proxy for update, but when update start need download flashplugin-installer from archive.canonical.com, not from my nearby source00:55
crocketgshmu, Your english is confusing.00:55
gshmububbasaures: I'm Chinese, so poor english...00:55
bubbasaures!cn |gshmu00:55
ubottugshmu: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw00:55
crocketWhat is tw? taiwan?00:56
bubbasaurestwo channels00:56
gshmuI can know some english00:56
crocketI wonder how chinese memorize a lot of chinese letters.00:56
chuiwhy is wireless finicky on ubuntu flavours00:56
gshmucrocket: yes tw is taiwan00:56
bubbasauresgshmu, We are not communicating.00:56
ObrienDavecrocket, those aew not letters, they are words00:57
gshmububbasaures: I'm type english,....00:57
stormzenchui, what network card do you have?00:57
crocketI heard chinese still make new letters.00:57
bubbasauresgshmu, You might try your native language channel, I can't really understand you,sorry.00:57
gshmububbasaures: hehe00:58
* ObrienDave give up00:58
EriC^^gshmu: what nearby source are you talking about?00:58
gshmulook pic at https://clbin.com/MFitws.png00:58
EriC^^heh in this case a pic will be worth a couple million words00:59
EriC^^( had to )00:59
EriC^^:D checking..00:59
gshmuthe pic may be the nice way01:00
EriC^^gshmu: ok, after you press close, did you open a terminal and type sudo apt-get update ?01:00
crocketI feel so weird, yo.01:00
crocketgshmu, Your english will get better after years.01:01
gshmuEriC^^: update by daily_update01:01
gshmucrocket: yeah, after years01:01
crocketgshmu, That being said, IRC is not a good way to learn english.01:02
EriC^^gshmu: open a terminal, ( ctrl+alt+T ) , type sudo apt-get update01:02
gshmuEriC^^: thanks,01:03
EriC^^no problem01:03
wlxmhlshi, i setup windows system in virtualbox. then i played video in windows, but the audio does not synchronize with image. audio is about 5 seconds ahead image. why? how to fix it? thanks.01:04
AR45wlxmhls: Enable 3D Acceleration in VBOX.01:04
wlxmhlsAR45: thanks, any other possible solution?01:05
chuiinstalling virtual keyboard01:05
gshmuEriC^^: https://clbin.com/oGopUd.png01:07
gshmuI download from http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.411.orig.tar.gz01:07
EriC^^!find flash01:08
ubottuFound: flashplugin-installer, pepperflashplugin-nonfree, flashplugin-downloader, flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound, flashbake, flashbench, flashcache-dkms, flashcache-utils, flashrom, flashybrid (and 10 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=flash&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all01:08
EriC^^gshmu: type sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer01:09
gshmuEriC^^: download the package by apt-get, and dpkg install01:09
_guest_can i install gnome classic desktop on xubuntu 14.04?01:10
EriC^^_guest_: you mean mate?01:10
gshmuEriC^^: the adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.411.orig.tar.gz download will be slow, I downloaded it.  How to using i downloaded file01:10
ObrienDave_guest_, yes, you can01:10
_guest_ObrienDave , haven t found anything on google01:11
EriC^^gshmu: i think you need a .dsc file and a .diff.gz01:11
EriC^^can someone confirm?01:11
ObrienDave_guest_, didn't say i knew how ;P01:12
EriC^^gshmu: they are very tiny files01:12
wjtaylorkinda OT, but hoping someone can help. I have an older machine running ubuntu. I just bought a sata dvd drive for it, but cannot boot the install dvd from it. It doesn't see any bootable media.01:12
wjtaylorShould this be seen in the bios?01:12
wjtaylorI only see my old pata drive01:12
gshmuEriC^^: Thanks, I setting all proxy, and then apt-get install. thanks again01:12
ObrienDavewjtaylor, that depends on the BIOS01:12
wjtaylorI see no settings for sata01:13
wjtaylorit has sata ports though01:13
EriC^^gshmu: no problem01:14
wjtayloron boot it shows ASUS on "serial channel" which is promising... but I can't figure out how to get it to boot01:14
raarissaHi! What is THE recommended way of getting Ubuntu on a USB drive these days?01:20
raarissaI mean, to install from.01:20
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ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:21
raarissaxangua: That's A LOT of information.01:22
wfsaftest message01:22
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acerspyrowfsaf: failed01:25
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Finetundrai'm trying to resize a partition to a larger one. however the space i can free up by shrinking the other partition does not seem to be useable for the partition i'm trying to increase. does anyone know how to do this?01:36
yusufanyone know how to replace sudo -u username -H ( if i already as root?)01:36
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unerpolsuHi people i need an vpn maxime segurity alternative azor in ubuntu01:44
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unerpolsuthat is dead01:45
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FinetundraObrienDave, http://imgur.com/ei6IXRK01:45
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TheNexTAnybody here using preload with Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS?01:46
ObrienDaveFinetundra, ok, what are you trying to do?01:46
FinetundraObrienDave, increase the size of the smaller partition on the left01:46
ObrienDaveFinetundra, only way to do that is decrease sda2 first then expand sda101:47
FinetundraObrienDave, have i not done that?01:47
ObrienDaveFinetundra, not yet :)01:47
ObrienDavesee sda2? it's an extended partition. sda5 and 6 exist within sda201:48
FinetundraObrienDave, ok01:48
ObrienDaveFinetundra, so, resize sda2 by moving the START of the partition to the right however much you want01:49
ObrienDavethen expand sda1 by moving the END to the right to meet sda201:50
FinetundraObrienDave, working on it01:50
Bashing-omFinetundra: swap on sda5 must also be turn off .01:50
ObrienDaveyes and you can turn it on again when done01:51
ObrienDaveFinetundra, also prepare for the resizing operations to take quite a while01:52
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duckgooseoh freenode01:52
duckgoosewhy must you fail01:52
ObrienDavefreenode fails when askers don't listen01:53
FinetundraObrienDave, ok, it's going01:54
ObrienDaveFinetundra, cool, relax and enjoy the show LOL please wait for it to do everything01:55
ObrienDavethis could take HOURS01:55
FinetundraObrienDave, Hours? oh dear01:56
ObrienDaveyes, you basically have to move 800GB of stuff01:56
ObrienDaveand not bork the drive01:56
FinetundraObrienDave, bork?01:57
SanchoI just purchased an Arduino Uno from RadioShack.01:57
FinetundraObrienDave, you're scaring me01:57
SanchoHow do I get Ubuntu on this?01:57
ObrienDaveeat? screw up? make into doo-doo?01:57
SanchoIs there a way to boot it from USB and install Ubuntu to it?01:57
SanchoHello? Help?01:57
FinetundraObrienDave, :(01:57
SanchoHas anyone ever installed Ubuntu to an Arduino before?01:58
AceLanSancho: no, I don't think Ubuntu can run on an Arduino borad01:58
ObrienDaveFinetundra, just let it do it's thing. it will be fine01:58
SanchoAceLan, do I need to download RAM?01:58
FinetundraObrienDave, good thing it's not all 800, just 400 or so01:58
AceLanSancho: no, there is no way that Ubuntu can run on it, it's not a computer, it's just a logic board01:58
ObrienDaveBashing-om, did we or gparted not warn Finetundra about possible data loss?01:59
FinetundraObrienDave, it did01:59
Finetundrabut you guys didn't01:59
ObrienDaveok, PLEASE let it finish doing it's thing02:00
SanchoAceLan: Can I jailbreak an Arduino?02:00
SanchoLike a Raspberry Pi?02:00
AceLanSancho: no need, it's open hardware02:00
SanchoAceLan: I think I can download more RAM.02:00
FinetundraObrienDave, gotcha, don't worry02:00
bubbasauresSancho, I see ubuntu attached to that hardware on the web, http://playground.arduino.cc/Linux/Ubuntu  look for your release ans actual use.02:00
SanchoOkay guys, thanks!02:01
Bashing-omObrienDave: IT is is big letters in GParted .. for a fact ... IT could happen ( but moving / to the right is less likely, that is a good thing )02:01
SanchoI'll see if I can run a Java VM on my Arduino Uno and get Windows 10 on it02:01
langithow to install libre office offline?02:01
Sanchoif not I'll return it02:01
SanchoI just want to play Minecraft on my Arduino that's all02:02
Sanchonothing else really lol02:02
ObrienDaveBashing-om, agrees :)02:02
AceLanbubbasaures: Sancho: no, that page doesn't describe that, it just say how to operate your adruino from ubuntu02:02
SanchoHehe, I'm just messing around guys02:02
SanchoI'm bored, sorry02:02
SanchoThanks for the help though02:02
bubbasauresAceLan, And your point is?02:02
fortyninei just downloaded a file02:02
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Bashing-omObrienDave: Finetundra :: as advised, all ya can do now is grap a cuppa, watch the show ... ( you do have backups, yes ?) .02:03
ObrienDaveBashing-om, i'm confident moving start of sda2 to the right and NOT moving sda6 is also safe and expedient02:04
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FinetundraBashing-om, most of the important stuff is backed up, no need to worry02:05
Bashing-omObrienDave: Finetundra :: The power of positive thinking ! But nothig takes the place of them there 5 Ps .02:05
FinetundraBashing-om, you lost me there02:06
Bashing-omFinetundra: 5 Ps Prior Prudent Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance .02:07
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FinetundraBashing-om,would it be fine to leave it unattended through the night, that's 7 Ps by the way02:08
ObrienDaveFinetundra, yup, not to worry02:09
ObrienDaveand i had to count the Ps ;P02:09
uniquedepictionI am trying to set numlock on startup02:11
uniquedepictionI installed numlockx02:11
uniquedepictionI used this command "sudo sed -i 's|^exit 0.*$|# Numlock enable\n[ -x /usr/bin/numlockx ] \&\& numlockx on\n\nexit 0|' /etc/rc.local" and now my computer mutes on startup02:11
jcstarkenbeen searching for an hour on syncing ipad mini ios8.0.2 with 14.04 and not getting any where any help here?02:12
Bashing-omFinetundra: ObrienDave :: just checking yall had my back .02:13
ObrienDavejcstarken, use a service like dropbox02:13
jcstarkenOMG: I'M DUMB, that is great thank you02:13
ObrienDaveBashing-om, not to worry, you're one of the few i have not angered today ;P02:13
FinetundraBashing-om, i've got your back02:14
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khss1hai ha ha02:26
khss1sudhina are you mad02:27
Finetundrahey, um, since i'm on a laptop should i plug into AC and remove the battery?02:28
ObrienDaveat least plug AC in02:28
khss2enthi na nee jeevichirikkunnathe02:29
Finetundrai know, but should i pull the battery so i don't burn it up?02:29
ObrienDaveyou don't EVER want to do partition resizing on battery power. no no not ever02:29
khss1ne poyi chatyhukude02:30
Picikhss1: Do you have an Ubuntu question?02:30
ObrienDaveyou can but it wont kill the battery overnight02:30
ObrienDaveFinetundra, ^^^02:30
FinetundraObrienDave, so i should be fine?02:30
ObrienDavei would think so02:30
khss1neyoke ee boomiku thanne wast02:32
khss2every sucssussful person has a painfulm story02:32
ObrienDaveFinetundra, my Vaio has a windows utility to limit battery charge to 50 or 80%. mine is set at 50%02:32
wplmuqhello my game in wine 1.6 always dejavu like its replay back 5 second , the game name is shatter galaxy02:33
ObrienDavewplmuq, ask in #winehq02:34
wplmuqok thks02:34
FinetundraObrienDave, is there such a thing in ubuntu?02:34
ObrienDaveFinetundra, not that i know of02:34
ObrienDaveFinetundra, one of the few reasons i still keep windows ;P02:35
FinetundraObrienDave, at least i still have my product key02:37
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ObrienDaveFinetundra, that works 3 times for reinstalling iirc02:38
FinetundraObrienDave, i don't recall having reinstalled before so that gives me about 3 reinstalls02:40
Finetundraplus however many reinstalls are left for a scrapped laptop in my possession02:40
ObrienDaveit's good to keep old product keys :)02:41
Finetundraplus a key for win vista on a different scrapped laptop02:44
Finetundrai have too many spare product keys02:44
crocket2I'm a little surprised that ubuntu 14.04 still uses ext2 by default.02:50
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crockethi ubuntu gays02:51
crocketubuntu server 14.04 uses ext2 by default.02:51
crocketIt's gay.02:51
shplatcan anyone point me to the doc that explains the proper way to create and install deb files from archives of new software? specifically i want to upgrade bluez, install ds4drv, and update blender "the right way"02:55
Finetundraum, gnome shell just crashed and the progress meter for gparted is nowhere to be found02:56
sacarlsonshplat: did you try look in the ppa for newer releases?02:57
sacarlsonshplat: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas02:57
shplatsacar: no. will check out htat link now. ty02:58
shplatsacarlson: that looks like debs that individuals have made. i'd feel more comfortable downloading the original files from github or other official site and create it myself. i'm beginning to think it is not trivial though03:01
sacarlsonshplat: it depends on the complexity of the app in github,  I normally trust ppa as most have many people looking at it.  github is just made by individuals as well03:02
shplatthats true03:03
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sacarlsonshplat: I would think blender might be complex but with all the dependencies it might not be too hard03:03
sivikanyone in here run steam?03:05
userall dayum day03:05
sivikuser was that a response for me?03:07
shplatsacarlson: going to give it a shot based on this link. thx for your input. http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/how-to-create-deb-package-ubuntu-debian.html03:07
MalsasaHello. I am building MathGL2.3 with CMake 2.8.9 in Ubuntu 12.04. In the last lines of make step, I got /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmgl-qt4; collect2: ld returned 1 exit status; make[2]: *** [udav/udav] Error 1;. My cmake  option was only  -D enable-qt=ON (source: http://mathgl.sourceforge.net/doc_en/Installation.html#Installation). Any help? Thanks.03:07
chuianyone have a fix for sound lubuntu  on HP slate 50003:08
sacarlsonshplat: cool you can do it,  also ppa isn't always on the edge or the newist stuf, so if you make it direct from the developers you will be sure to have the new stuf03:08
sacarlsonMalsasa: sounds like it's missing a dependancy03:10
Malsasasacarlson: sort of. But I have not clue what is missing and how to resolve.03:11
ObrienDaveshplat, .deb NOT needed for blender. no dependencies either. all files needed are in the .tar.bs203:15
sacarlsonMalsasa: at the link you provided I don't see them list the dependancies needed so I think you will need to look at the make file to find what they try to link to and install all the xxxx-dev of those libs used03:15
Malsasasacarlson: I will follow your clues first.03:16
shplat0brienDave: but the blender folder is just sitting there in my ~/Downloads directory. I want to put it *somewhere*, but be able to remove/upgrade when the new version comes out. what's best practice for blender?03:17
ObrienDaveshplat, http://www.blender.org/download/ for other operating systems you can simply unpack the compressed file to the location of your choice. Provided the Blender binary is in the original extracted directory, Blender will run straight out of the box. No system libraries or system preferences are altered.03:17
ObrienDaveshplat, open in archive manager, extract to ANYWHERE keeping file structure intact, run blender file in 1st level of directory03:18
shplat0brienDave: cool, i'll do that for blender. thx.03:18
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chuianyone know how to get sound on lubuntu03:19
ObrienDavechui, turn the volume up ;P03:19
sacarlsonshplat: I imagine the tar.gz file is a comiled binary you can just run it from your local directory ./filename  you can make a shortcut to run it on your desktop to make it easy to start03:19
droseaccHey so my laptop doesn't support booting off an SD card, if I install ubuntu to the SD card and grub to the HDD will it detect my install?03:19
chuihaha installed lubuntu on a HP slate 500..wifi works,touch as well but no sound03:20
sacarlsondroseacc: you should be able to manualy make a grub entry to run your sd version03:20
ObrienDaveshplat, there is a binary file in the 1st level of the TAR, make link to that file on desktop03:20
crocketHas ubuntu moved to wayland yet?03:21
sacarlsondroseacc: oh in fact maybe update-grub might detect it and put it in grub start for you03:21
reisiocrocket: no one has03:22
droseaccCool, I'll give that a try03:22
rwwcrocket: no03:22
reisiowhen it's time, everyone will03:22
crocketI see libwayland03:22
crocketIt was Mir.03:22
ObrienDaveshplat, set your projects to save elsewhere and when you need to upgrade blender, delete old directory, expand new directory and remake desktop link. really easy03:22
ObrienDave*old blender directory03:23
droseaccNvidia just announced their plans to support Mir/Wayland so when that happens I guess03:23
crocketWhen will ubuntu migrate to Mir?03:24
reisiorevofire: heyo03:24
crocketI'm waiting.03:24
revofirecan someone help me?03:24
shplat0brienDave: cool. thats what i'll do for blender. bluez5.1 looks like i'll make a deb for that one03:24
reisiocrocket: never if they know what's good for them03:24
rwwcrocket: when it's ready, i expect. i think the current plan is <= 16.0403:25
revofireanyone else know how to fix the grub error after upgrading to 14.04 from 12.10? I can't boot and I'm on my live disk and don't kknow what to do.03:25
crocketseveral years.03:25
crocketWhen will any linux OS move to wayland?03:25
reisiorevofire: _the_ grub error?03:25
reisiocrocket: when it's ready03:25
ObrienDavewhen they're ready to03:25
revofireyes THE error haha03:25
reisiowhen _it_ is ready03:25
rwwi'm seeing a trend here03:25
reisiowayland is made by the X guys, at a certain point they will 100% give up maintaining X03:25
reisioand at that point, so will every distro03:26
AR45Help me03:26
reisio(okay more like 90% :p)03:26
reisioAR45: oh please03:26
revofireerror: file not found is what shows up and it goes to rescue grub03:26
rww!es | docente__03:26
ubottudocente__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:26
docente__ALGUIEN ES DEL PERU03:27
reisiodocente__: donde esta la capslock03:27
sacarlsonrevofire: before anything else you might want to backup at least your home directory onto a flash drive03:27
revofireoh this is a fresh install :)03:27
reisiorevofire: you can fix it from a live OS03:28
reisiosacarlson: no particular reason to do that (though obviously backups in general are wise)03:28
revofireCan you walk me through it? I've used Linux a few times before but was always a newbie.03:28
revofireI'm on live cd 12.1003:28
sacarlsonrevofire: fresh install nothing to loose?  then a complete reinstall would be the easiest,  what method did you use to install it this time?03:29
reisiorevofire: mmm, does that have the same version fo grub as the version (14?) you've installed?03:29
reisiono, a complete reinstall is not the easiest way to make grub find what it's looking for...03:29
revofireWell I can install 14.04 sure... but what if the error pops up later?03:30
revofirehow can I find the version?03:30
sacarlsonreisio: ya maybe the mbr will still mess up the fresh install?   I would think it would fix itself if you selected to erase the disk at install time03:30
reisiorevofire: grub-install -v03:31
reisiosacarlson: I would think a script to update made by the same people who made the script to install from scratch would be of similar use03:31
reisiobut that's irrelevant03:31
reisioyou don't fix grub not finding what it's looking for by nuking from orbit, that's just silly :D03:31
revofirealso I might have to add that I have no other partitions but this computer is in RAID 1 via Intel Rapid Storage and  it's been giving plenty problems to install linux then i reverted to installing 12.10 after opening the live cd and installing from there instead straight off. I didnt try with the 14.04 that method because well... It was a spur of t03:32
revofirehe moment thing. I still can.03:32
revofirecd .03:32
AR45!op docente__03:32
revofireit says: 1.99-21ubuntu3.1603:33
reisiorevofire: probably be okay then03:33
revofirewhatcha mean?03:34
docente_HELP ME03:34
revofireby the way I got an error when updating for GRUB03:35
reisiodocente_: capslock, no03:35
AR45docente_: ubuntu_esp03:35
revofiresomething about it failing to install or something?03:35
revofirereisio: so what do you suggest I do? Hard install 14.04 from the live cd (or try to) or try and fix it here and now?03:37
sacarlsonrevofire: so you never attempted to install direct from 14.04 live cd yet?03:39
reisiorevofire: I was suggesting fixing it03:40
sacarlsonreisio: yes and that attempt was tried03:40
reisiorevofire: you can easily tell from the live OS whether the OS is installed or not; if GRUB is having a little problem, just fix it03:40
reisiosacarlson: mmm, was it? :p03:40
revofireoh no I mean I have no idea how to fix anything lol03:40
revofireI have not tried the 14.04 install from desktop live cd yet03:41
reisiorevofire: :)03:41
revofireyou will not believe the amount of errors I get installing ubuntu :=:(03:41
revofireI blame it on the RAID 1 but I need it03:41
revofireI'll try the live cd first to avoid giving you guys trouble. Let's see if we can't figure this out :)03:41
reisiorevofire: pastebin your /etc/fstab, the output of lsblk -f, and your grub.cfg (find /boot -iname 'grub.cfg')03:41
revofireoh well okay :)03:41
sacarlsonrevofire: yes that must be the added complication the raid,  I do recall having similar problems on old versions of ubuntu with it not installing the mbr correctly on raids03:42
revofireI want to use this as a webserver so you can probably imagine how badly I need it :)03:42
revofireHow do I pastebin the etc/fstab?03:42
ObrienDave!pastebin | revofire03:43
ubotturevofire: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:43
reisiorevofire: not very badly?03:43
ObrienDavesudo apt-get install pastebinit03:43
ObrienDave!pastebinit | revofire03:44
ubotturevofire: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com03:44
reisiorevofire: use lsblk -f to find your / partition, mount it, then pastebinit03:44
HewloThereWhat's the difference between apt-get upgrade and apt=get update?03:44
ObrienDaveapt=get will not work03:44
HewloThereapt-get ***03:44
reisioHewloThere: unfortunately, there is a difference :)03:44
HewloThereI see...03:44
reisioeven know in English tne names are practically synonymous03:45
reisioeven though, eben :p03:45
ObrienDaveapt-get update updates repo information03:45
reisios/names/word/, holy03:45
sacarlsonHewloThere: I think apt-get update only updates the repository contents where as apt-get upgrade upgrades all the packages03:45
ObrienDaveapt-get upgrade upgrades packages03:45
courtrmwhat is this03:45
courtrmis this help for your computer03:46
reisiocourtrm: kinda03:46
ObrienDavethis is Ubuntu support03:46
courtrmwtf is this03:46
HewloThereHow could one set up a mail server on Ubuntu without a FQDN?03:46
ObrienDavecourtrm, no place for swearing, obfuscated or not03:47
reisioby not setting an fqdn03:47
HewloThereFully Qualified Domain Name03:48
m{a}zelahh ok, thanks03:48
m{a}zelI was hoping at some point to be able to do DNS on here03:48
m{a}zelor at least at my home03:48
m{a}zelbut that's a lot of work for a newbie03:48
courtrmi did not swear i said wtf get over it03:48
m{a}zelcourtrm, only an idiot wouldn't know what you meant essentially03:49
m{a}zelthats like saying OMG..... now did I say... oh my god, or oh my goodness..03:50
xanguaplease stop03:50
m{a}zelthe point is they still know what you meant..03:50
ObrienDavem{a}zel, NOT quite the same analogy03:50
ObrienDavebut thanks :)03:50
courtrmthe fact that yall are being this annoying about it though..03:51
ObrienDave!guidelines | courtrm03:51
ubottucourtrm: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines03:51
courtrmi am not about to click on that shit03:51
rwwcourtrm: "you should avoid any language which may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such language" ~ IRC Guidelines | "Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService" ~ channel join message03:51
ObrienDaveeither follow them or go away03:51
courtrmi do what i want.03:51
* rww sighs03:52
rwwanyways, yes, this is a channel for Ubuntu technical support03:52
HewloThereWhat would I set this to http://i.imgur.com/3G4cr3m.png have my mail server on mydomain.com rather than subdomain.mydomain.com ?03:52
courtrmthis is tech support?03:52
courtrmwho helps here03:52
HewloTherecourtrm, please leave.03:52
rwwcourtrm: volunteers03:53
ObrienDavemost people do if they can03:53
docente_UN CANAL EN ESPAÑOL03:53
rwwHewloThere: you'd set it to whatever your email addresses have aver @ by default03:53
courtrmwith any computer problems03:53
rww!es | docente_03:53
ubottudocente_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:53
rwwcourtrm: no, Ubuntu problems, as I said.03:53
HewloThererww, I don't really understand...03:53
courtrmso only problems with this chat..03:54
m{a}zelok, gone away again..03:54
rwwHewloThere: You are setting up a mail server. This server will handle mail for one or more people. Put in that box the hostname part of these peoples' email addresses03:54
rwwso if your mailserver handles mail for joe@example.com, james@example.com, and tony@example.com, put example.com03:54
HewloThereOh... Right.03:54
courtrmif this is just for chatting to a bunch of fucking weirdos i am out of here. goodbye yall03:55
ObrienDavethis is Official Ubuntu support. do you have an Ubuntu support issue?03:55
* rww shrugs03:55
ForTheWinlubuntu, lxle, and xubuntu all failed to boot after installation, so i gave up and installed mint. I kept getting can't find UUID. Anyone know why?03:55
revofirereisio: I got pastebinit but I don't know how to work any of the commands. The last one with grub.cfg looked to be the easiest but when I did it it doesnt work03:56
sacarlsonForTheWin: uuid I think that's the harddisk partition identificication.  how is the harddrive you installed it on conected to your computer?03:57
ObrienDaverevofire, cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit03:57
ObrienDavepaste the URl HERE03:57
ObrienDaveURL here03:57
rww(pretty sure you don't need to use cat there and that pastebinit can take arguments)03:57
crocketIs it ok to allocate 1GB RAM to an ubuntu desktop VM?03:57
crocketI want to install ubuntu desktop 14.04.03:58
ObrienDaveit still works ;P03:58
HewloThereWhat does this mean? http://i.imgur.com/aLCRiE1.png03:58
revofireI was missing the | sign, I thought that was just for examples :)03:58
daftykinscrocket: that'll be a struggle.03:58
rwwHewloThere: it's the introduction text sent to clients when they connect to your server. it's not important.03:58
HewloThereOh, okay.03:59
ObrienDaverevofire, | is a pipe, it transfers output to the next command03:59
sacarlsoncrocket: yes I"ve gotten by with just 1G mem but if you can spare more 2G would be better03:59
revofireI see.04:00
sacarlsoncrocket: otherwise maybe your virtualbox install should be Lubuntu  that takes less resorces04:00
revofirelsblk -f says that there is no blk directory04:00
HewloThere: rww : If my mail server is hosted on a VPS, and I have a domain, what would I set this to? http://i.imgur.com/1t8foTh.png04:00
ForTheWinsacarlson: its internal hard drive04:01
revofiregrub.cfg is also an empty document :(04:01
rwwHewloThere: is your end goal to connect to this server, give it mail, and have it send that mail to the internet?04:01
revofirepastebin your /etc/fstab, the output of lsblk -f, and your grub.cfg (find /boot -iname 'grub.cfg') <<<< those are the things I have to pastebin but so far all I got was the first one.04:01
MarkusDBXLooking for the best videoeditor application, like to edit/convert some video going into html5 video tags.04:01
sacarlsonForTheWin: then I'm not sure why it wouldn't find it unless you manualy set the uuid04:01
HewloThereUmm... I think? I just want it to send and recieve mail.04:01
rwwHewloThere: leave it blank04:01
ForTheWinsacarlson: i did not manually set uuid. i dont know why04:02
ObrienDaverevofire, fstab should look something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/8562696/04:02
revofireI didn't mount my filesystem04:03
revofireis that why?04:03
revofirehow can I mount it.04:03
HewloThere: rww : Should I have # masquerade_domains = mail.example.com www.example.com !sub.dyndomain.com04:03
HewloThere# masquerade_exceptions = root ?04:03
revofireI don't know which drive to use. (and sorry for pressing enter so many times, I'm used to skype and not IRC as this is considered spamming)04:03
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer04:03
rwwHewloThere: just use that ^04:04
rwwhalf of these are options that work fine by default, so whatever guide you're using is going into way too much detail04:04
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sacarlsonForTheWin: you should be able to see what disks are present with the command sudo blkid from a live cd boot or working system04:04
HewloThereIt  is this http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/#config-simple-mta04:04
HewloThereI set inet_interfaces to ipv4 and I don't have some of the things it says on it.04:04
ForTheWinsacarlson: i can see my sda7 partition with sudo blkid but when i boot it says cannot find uuid that belongs to sda704:06
sacarlsonForTheWin: very strange04:06
sacarlsonForTheWin: I have no theory how that is posible,  can you mount sda7 on a working system?04:08
ForTheWinsacarlson: well i have already installed mint instead of ubuntu and its working now.  sorry i cant go back. thank you for helping. Just hoping to get some insight on why it happened04:11
sacarlsonsudo mkdir /tmp/here; sudo mount - /dev/sda7 /tmp/here;  oh ok I love mint04:11
HewloThereSetting up a mail server is scary...04:12
sacarlsonHewloThere: don't worry your not doing brain surgery,  no one will die04:13
HewloThereYea, but it's scary. Sooo much configging to do.04:13
HewloThereI might just buy a managed service...04:13
sacarlsonHewloThere: that's why I like mail.google.com to do it for me.  in fact I think at one point I redirected to google to setup the ssl stuf ended up being too much for me to bother with04:14
snpresenthow is unity shell going?04:19
sacarlsonsnpresent: I prefer mate04:20
snpresent<sacarlson> it need some acceleration04:21
sacarlsonsnpresent: mate has no acceleration?04:21
sacarlsonsnpresent: I thought that was a compiz thing04:22
snpresent<sacarlson> maybe04:22
BasicOSXJust today several of my precise systems have thrown errors, “W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/multiverse/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]” Anything going on with us.archive.ubuntu.com?04:25
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snpresentanyway ,i believe Unity's design used my idea,but it dosen't matter, i love Unity04:25
sacarlsonBasicOSX: I hate when that happens,  I assume there are mirrors you could use04:26
BasicOSXsacarlson: uk.archive.ubuntu.com works as expected04:26
sacarlsonBasicOSX: cool, I wish it would auto use a mirror on failure04:27
BasicOSXguess I’m just want to confirm that the server the CDN handed me ( is the problem and not my system04:27
sacarlsonBasicOSX: I have had times that others in different location could reach an ip that I could not, but that is rare04:28
BasicOSXsacarlson: thanks for the help, appreciate it04:28
squintyBasicOSX:  test the link with your web browser.  seems to work ok here when I try it04:29
BasicOSXsquinty: yar, that’s why I’m confused04:29
sacarlsonBasicOSX: also for your info I also get error 404 at that link04:29
squintytry again without the Packages.04:30
squintysacarlson: ^^04:30
BasicOSXseems certain servers in the 91.189.91.x block sporadically return 40404:30
BasicOSX91.189.91.13 is doing it down but is ok04:30
BasicOSX91.189.91.13 is doing it now but is ok04:31
sacarlsonsquinty: BasicOSX: yes I can reach http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/multiverse/binary-amd64/  ok04:31
snpresentand i test win10 work fine04:35
cfhowlettsnpresent, this is *ubuntu* support.  please discuss other matters in #ubuntu-offtopic04:36
snpresent<cfhowlett> sure04:38
AR45Does anyone know how to add sublime text commands to the terminal on ubuntu?04:44
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ObrienDave"sublime text commands"???04:45
prime2_@seach unbored larsen04:48
prime2_oops sorry04:48
blackyboy1Hi everyone, if iam writing a file in /var/www/ i want to write from sysadmin user but same time it want to be in the group of www-data which command we need to use, before long back i have used that now i forgot will any one guide me here.04:57
blackyboy1my files want to be like sysadmin:www-data04:57
narbehsomeone gave me snmp string config. is that v2 or v3 ?05:04
The_WoodsmanAnyone know why a shell script called, for instance 'runall' would give me the error 'command not found' even when i'm in the same directory?05:06
ObrienDaveis it set to be executable?05:06
The_Woodsmanshould be, let me check real quick05:06
daftykinsyou know you need to type "./blah" ?05:07
daftykinsif /path/to/blah isn't in your PATH variable05:07
The_Woodsmani did that, i was given the error "/bin/csh: bad interpreter: no such file or directory"05:08
daftykinsThe_Woodsman: is csh the designated shell the script calls to run?05:08
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The_Woodsmandaftykins: i'm actually not sure - i haven't changed any of the settings that ubuntu 14.04 uses by default, does it usually use bash?05:09
daftykinswhat shebang does the script have?05:10
The_Woodsmandaftykins: okay so i'm in the wrong type of shell, then, right?05:10
The_Woodsmandaftykins, #!/bin/csh05:10
The_Woodsmandaftykins, so i guess that answers it05:10
daftykinsit might be that csh isn't installed05:10
daftykins!info csh05:10
ubottucsh (source: csh): Shell with C-like syntax. In component universe, is optional. Version 20110502-2ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 231 kB, installed size 347 kB05:10
daftykinsoptional ^05:10
daftykinsThe_Woodsman: apt-get install csh - then it should run :)05:10
The_Woodsmandaftykins, cool, thanks a bunch05:11
ObrienDaveswift110110, Greetings & Welcome05:22
swift110110Hey thanks05:22
pamHey folks...05:29
pamI'm trying to set it up so I can right click on a .wav file and convert it to an mp3.  I know I've done this before...just can't remember how05:30
sacarlsonpam: I'm guessing a nuatilus adition05:32
loapam, https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/nautilus-actions/05:32
=== Spydar00- is now known as Spydar007
AR45How do I enable the testing repository in ubuntu?05:36
ObrienDavesoftware & sources, check box for "proposed"05:37
ObrienDavesoftware & updates05:38
AR45I don't have any GUI called software & updates05:38
* ObrienDave uses Xubuntu. yours might be named differently05:38
AR45Do you have them enabled ObrienDave?05:40
AR45If so go into sudo nano /etc/apt/source.list and pastebin that to me please?05:40
AR45deb http://ubuntu.mirror.constant.com/ trusty-backports main restricted universe multiverse05:40
AR45Is that it?05:40
ObrienDavedeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-proposed universe multiverse main restricted05:42
AR45ObrienDave: This is basically the testing repo of debian correct?05:43
ObrienDaveno, of ubuntu05:43
AR45ObrienDave: Will it break? o_o05:43
ObrienDavebreak debian?05:44
sickblobswhy is xrandr missing on my PC?05:45
ObrienDaveit's not recommended for stability reasons05:45
sickblobsHow to install it ?05:45
AR45sudo apt-get install xrandr sickblobs?05:45
sickblobsAR45, it is not there in the repos05:45
ObrienDave!info xrandr05:46
ubottuPackage xrandr does not exist in trusty05:46
sickblobsObrienDave, heh05:46
ObrienDave!info arandr05:46
ubottuarandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 66 kB, installed size 507 kB05:46
sickblobsObrienDave, oh05:46
rgenitoif i am running 64-bit ubuntu, and i need "lib gcc" ... do i apt-get install lib32gcc1 ?05:46
AR45sickblobs: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libxrandr-dev05:46
rgenito...or is that just a bad idea?05:47
rgenitoafter all, the amd drivers tell me to install lib32gcc1 @.@05:47
sickblobsAR45, http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/Optimus/05:47
sickblobswhat I want to do this05:47
sickblobsbut it is not possible I think05:47
AR45sickblobs: ofc it is :D05:48
sickblobsAR45, but xrandr is not installed :[05:49
ObrienDaveinstall arandr05:49
ObrienDave!info randr05:49
ubottuPackage randr does not exist in trusty05:49
bobbbyubuntu 14 software updater does not ask for password when installing updates. How can i change that ?05:54
ubuntu-kylin_bobbby, if you only have a single user, then that user is the root user.  best practice is to make a low privilege account for everyday use and use the root user only for system maintenance.05:57
geirha1bobbby: If you've recently (like 10-15 minutes ago) entered the password to do another administrative task, it remembers that and doesn't ask you again05:58
ubuntu-kylin_bobbby, this too ^^^05:59
bobbbythank you06:04
Sunstreamanyone getting Self2Wan imcp type b attacks from 64.94.179 x(various like .4 .12 .48 .48 etc?06:14
pamI'm trying to add a script to my context menu to convert wav's to mp3s from this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143166806:22
pamFor some reason its not working...terminal is asking me to restart nautilus..I do it, and nothing happens06:22
nevermoreravenI have an issue with login and decrypting the home folder06:27
nevermoreravenhow do I write a bug report that is very detailed for this issue?06:27
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somsip!bug | nevermoreraven06:27
ubottunevermoreraven: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.06:27
nevermoreravenhow do I know what package it is?06:28
somsipnevermoreraven: what is the real problem?06:28
=== geirha1 is now known as geirha
nevermoreravenwhen I login first time my home folder is not decrypted06:29
nevermoreraventhen I sign out and login again and it solves the problem06:29
somsip!find ecrypts-setup-private06:31
ubottuPackage/file ecrypts-setup-private does not exist in trusty06:31
somsip!find cryptsetup06:32
ubottuFound: cryptsetup, cryptsetup-bin, libcryptsetup-dev, libcryptsetup406:32
somsip!info cryptsetup06:32
ubottucryptsetup (source: cryptsetup): disk encryption support - startup scripts. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.6.1-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 113 kB, installed size 346 kB (Only available for linux-any)06:32
somsipnevermoreraven: I'd suggest its that last one06:32
pamI'm trying to add a script to my context menu to convert wav's to mp3s from this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143166806:34
pamFor some reason its not working...terminal is asking me to restart nautilus..I do it, and nothing happens06:34
nevermoreravenpam there is winff06:37
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sickblobsguys is Offloading 3D in nouveau driver (Prime) done automatically ?06:40
pamnevermoreraven: what is winff?06:42
pamnevermoreraven: I want something that converts audio files that I can access by right clicking a wav file and converting it from the menu06:42
crocketHow can I obtain mod_proxy_wstunnel on ubuntu 12.04?06:43
pofdermmmmmh I'm pretty sure this is feasible with Python06:43
pofdermnot the proxy thing, the format one06:43
nevermoreravenwinff is a program that converts many formats pam06:46
rusty_Hello, I'm rusty and would like to know if I could obtain a registration code?06:47
pofdermregistration code? why?06:53
pam I'm trying to add a script to my context menu to convert wav's to mp3s from this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143166    For some reason its not working...terminal is asking me to restart nautilus..I do it, and nothing happens06:54
pofdermrestarted session?06:55
pofdermwhat is your desktop manager?06:55
pamunity I think06:56
pofdermthe one with icons on your left? yes, this is Unity06:56
pamapparently its a known bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audio-convert/+bug/13005506:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 130055 in audio-convert (Ubuntu) "Nautilus audio convert script doesn't activate itself" [Wishlist,Fix released]06:57
pofdermpackage is nautilus-script-audio-convert ?07:00
vahidhi all07:00
vahidhow login debian int ty107:00
pofdermjust type your username and your password07:01
vahidhow login debian intty107:01
pofdermlogin: johndoe07:01
pofdermpassword: pass12307:01
pofdermlike that07:01
pampofderm: yep07:01
vahidbut error is low......07:01
pofdermwhat do you mean by "low"?07:01
vahidi dont now07:02
pofdermhave you numeric characters in your password that you are trying to type with numerical keyboard?07:02
rgenitoso eh07:04
rgenitoanyone here ever have a similar issue to this...?07:04
rgenitowhen i rotate my 2nd monitor counter clockwise... the first monitor goes... retarded07:04
pampofderm: any idea what I can do?  This is starting to get very frustrating07:05
pofdermpam no, it doesn't work for me either07:05
vahidback box bether or debian?07:06
pofdermweren't you trying to log onto tty1 with Debian?07:07
vahidno is debian install virtual box not finishid07:07
pofdermWhat are you trying to achieve?07:08
Mathisenvahid what is your native language?07:08
vahidmy lan persian07:08
pamargh!  this is so damn annoying07:08
ubottu#ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.07:09
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vahidsee it bot not workid07:09
cfhowlettvahid, debian = #debian channel.  no help here.  vritualbox = #vbox07:09
vahidvirtuall install grub boot loader wait07:10
Mathisenhehe i cant understand mutch of that... :)07:10
cfhowlettvahid, we cannot help you with debian.  ask in #debian07:10
vahidnot chanel for back box07:10
pofdermor connect to irc.autistici.org (backbox IRC)07:10
pofdermthey have an IRC server07:10
pofdermchannel is #backbox07:11
cfhowlettvahid, this is ubuntu.   not back box.   not debian.07:11
vahidis not server for back box07:11
cfhowlettvahid, open a terminal?07:11
pofderm" Welcome to the BackBox Linux official IRC channel (#backbox on irc.autistici.org) - http://www.backbox.org"07:11
vahidback box is ubuntu or deb?????????07:12
cfhowlettpofderm, backbox is NOT ubuntu.  can't help you.07:12
vahidubnutu cant help me debian cant help me?????????????/07:13
pofdermdude, connect to Back Box IRC07:13
cfhowlettvahid, what does this say in your terminal?          cat /etc/issue07:13
vahiddebian install in virtual how loging it?07:14
cfhowlettvahid, answer the question.  open a terminal.07:14
cfhowlettvahid, type in       cat /etc/issue               and show us the result.07:14
vahiddebian gnu/linux7 debian tty107:15
vahiddebian login: -07:15
cfhowlettvahid OK>  you are in the wrong channel.  this is ubuntu.  we do NOT do debian here.  go to #debian07:15
vahidcom on07:16
cfhowlettvahid, it is channel policy.  debian does debian.  ubuntu does not.07:16
vahidimgo debian chanel?07:16
cfhowlettvahid, #debian       is the channel for you.07:17
pamI'm wondering if anyone can help me to get a script in nautilus to show up..driving me bonkers!07:17
nevermoreravenwhat is the difference between system freeze and system crash?07:17
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MeRodentbeen too long since I used xchat - can anyone tell me where the option to hide join/quits is?07:20
cfhowlettMeRodent, depends on your irc client07:20
bubbasauresMeRodent, right click settings-preferences07:20
MeRodentxchat - ubuntu07:20
MathisenMeRodent http://askubuntu.com/questions/356054/xchat-how-to-hide-join-leave-messages07:20
vahidim back how login debian in tty107:21
cfhowlettMeRodent, right click on the channel > settings07:21
cfhowlettvahid, we *will* *not* support debian here.  sorry.07:21
cfhowlett!topic > vahid07:21
vahiddebian chanel not nobady07:21
ubottuvahid, please see my private message07:21
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MeRodentthanks guys07:22
pofdermI guess system freeze is by far more frustrating than system crash as you don't know what happened07:22
boaz_Linux beginner question here: I've installed Eclipse with the Android ADT for the purpose of developing android apps. I haven't used apt-get etc, but downloaded a zip directly from the Android develop site. What do I need to do in order to see it in Gnome desktop env (e.g. when pressing the super button)? I'm on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS.07:22
pofdermI think this has to do with some menu entries07:23
vahidhow login debian intty107:23
boaz_(I'm able to boot Eclipse directly from the terminal)07:23
cfhowlettboaz_, you have ubuntu or gnome - ubuntu07:23
cfhowlettvahid, same question, same answer.  ask #debian07:23
FilthyMacNastyvahid what did you break tonight?07:23
vahiddebian not human07:24
boaz_Not sure I understand the question. How do I check?07:24
cfhowlettboaz_, sorry, best I let someone else try your query.  I'm on xubuntu, so I don't get the dash type stuff.07:25
vahidin masage cannot send to channel07:25
vahidhow login debian in tty107:26
cfhowlettvahid, you ARE sending to ubuntu channel.  please send to debian channel.07:26
pamchhowlett: can you let me know if you can get this to work?07:26
vahiddebian login07:26
boaz_Thanks. I don't have the Dash stuff as well. I'm using the Gnome desktop environment, not Unity (at least I think I am).07:26
cfhowlettpam missed your question?  get what to work.07:26
cfhowlettboaz_, might be better asked in the ubuntugnome channel ???07:27
Mathisenvahid stop spamming, and please what language do you speak07:27
boaz_I will try there, thanks.07:27
MathisenFrance ?07:28
vahidlogin debian and in masage permitted by applicable law07:28
Han_Hallooo everybody07:28
FilthyMacNastythe #debian people are evil mean spirited fanbois if you mention ubuntu07:29
Han_apakah adakah user dari indonesia??07:29
cfhowlett!indonesian | Han_,07:29
ubottuHan_,: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia07:29
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pamcfhowlett: I'm trying to add a nautilus script that will allow me to convert wav files to mp3s with a right click...its not installing...07:37
pamapparently there is a known bug..and I want to figure out how to get this damn thing working!07:38
cfhowlettpam, hmm.  I understand the concept but I've never done same.  sorry.  interesting idea though  :)07:38
geirhapam: what do you mean, not installing?07:39
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GarpQuestion: Just installed Ubuntu 14.04 and stepped upon that problem : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ecryptfs/+bug/1328689 any workaround? Thanks.07:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 1328689 in eCryptfs "ecryptfs-utils does not work with Ubuntu 14.04 Cloud Image" [Undecided,New]07:45
Garp(... ? )07:48
pamgeirha: its simply not installing the script..asking me to restart nautilus.  Did that numerous times.  Didn't do anything07:49
Sawhi, is there a way to disable the search button at all at ubuntu 14.04 LTS (desktop) ?07:50
drlimbogood morning07:53
drlimbowhats the best way to connect to ubuntu desktop from osx with a GUI07:54
drlimboVNC is reeealy slow =(07:54
drlimbois there a faster way07:54
GrayShadeI have a SMB share that I'm accessing over a PPTP VPN. This worked fine until I changed the VPN server software. Right now, I can mount my share with mount -t cifs .., but when I try to access it from Nautilus, I get a "Connection timed out" message. Any hints? (Ubuntu 14.04)07:56
jargonhow do i fix this: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 90BD7EACED8E640A Launchpad PPA for Doug McMahon07:57
Garpdrlimbo: what is the connection speed? VNC has a lot of quality rendering and protocols to adapt to different bitrates07:57
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drlimboGarp: is running over VPN what isnt that fast07:58
drlimbobut it transfers a loot of data - after maybe 3 minutes it transfered around 50mb traffic07:58
Garpdrlimbo: so, about 2Mb/s ?07:59
drlimbocould be possible Garp08:00
drlimboi can try to make a speedtest08:00
Garpdrlimbo: "According to the makers of VNC, a 33 kilobits-per-second (kbps) connection is adequate for accessing computers with very simple graphics at a reduced frame rate and resolution. Increasing the bandwidth to 128 kbps increases the frame rate, but you should have at least 1 megabit-per-second (mbit) connection for complex graphics at reduced quality or simple images in full color.08:02
GarpA very fast 100mbit connection provides a seamless user experience. You can access another computer just as if you were sitting in front of it."08:02
drlimbomh, i think the transfer-rate isn't the problem - connection to osx over the same connection (VPN) works very well and fast08:03
drlimboit looks for the compression / quality-settings arent working on ubuntu and it transfers the "full quality screen"08:03
GarpSo 2Mb/s should be enough to work on simple tasks, but likely not enough for games or even graphic editing (gimp and such)08:04
drlimbonono, i just want to put some files around and change some settings - no video, no games, nothing complex08:05
Garpdrlimbo: I had problems with vnc client wrongly assuming fast local transfer because conecting to localhost (but in fact ssh tunnel redirection)08:05
drlimboah, thats maybe possible08:06
drlimbobut im connection over Hamachi VPN08:06
msdwsI've got a question08:06
Garpdrlimbo: usually you can configure the client with options to specify teh quality you want08:06
msdwsWhy doeant 14.4 accept vnc??08:06
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:06
drlimboyes i know Garp - but some things are much easier with a GUI08:07
Garpdrlimbo: I usually use: vncviewer -depth 16 -compresslevel 9 -quality 5 -encoding Tight localhost:590108:09
avelldirolldrlimbo: you could try freeNX/Nomachine (i don't know if there is a port to macosx though), or try forks like x2go (which has a port to macosx)08:10
avelldirolldrlimbo: i don't know any vnc client gui that handle well all the quality options of VNC, and it is quite easy to write your own command line with minimal visual options08:11
GrayShadefwiw, enabling "broadcast support" on the pptp server did the trick08:18
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sacarlsonpam: can you see the script at the location ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts ?08:28
sacarlsonpam: oh that's probly the wrong directory08:28
Han_what's channel for kali linux?08:28
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pamYes I can see it there...its just not loading up in the menu when I right click the mouse08:29
sacarlsonpam: so you explored there with nautilus?08:29
pamwhat do you mean?08:30
sacarlsonpam: you've looked at the  dir ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts with nautilus so it has seen the dir08:31
sacarlsonpam: also is the script set with permision to exicute?   ls -l  ;08:32
pamsacarlson: not sure08:33
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pamsacarlson: how do I do that?08:38
pamsacarlson: There is a known bug with this...Need to find out how to get this working https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audio-convert/+bug/13005508:39
sacarlsonyou can right click the file in nautilus and see file properties or cd /path/of/file;  ls -l08:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 130055 in audio-convert (Ubuntu) "Nautilus audio convert script doesn't activate itself" [Wishlist,Fix released]08:39
GarpQuestion (same): I just installed 14.04 and got the problem described there: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ecryptfs/+bug/1328689 . In a few words: ecryptfs-migrate-home (or adduser --encrypt-home) doesnt works and fail with "ERROR: Could not mount". It seems that the needed keys are not added to the kernel keyring. Any known workaround? Thanks.08:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 1328689 in eCryptfs "ecryptfs-utils does not work with Ubuntu 14.04 Cloud Image" [Undecided,New]08:40
sacarlsonpam:  oh ok did you try that then?  nautilus-script-manager enable ConvertAudioFile08:41
pamsacarlson: yes...a few times...08:44
sacarlsonGarp: I personally use the program package cryptkeeper that uses the same ecrypt-fs08:44
Garpsacarlson: but that's for a directory, right, not for the whole home ?08:45
sacarlsonpam: are there any added scripts in nautilus now that do work?08:45
pamIts the only one I've installed08:46
pamHave you read this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audio-convert/+bug/13005508:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 130055 in audio-convert (Ubuntu) "Nautilus audio convert script doesn't activate itself" [Wishlist,Fix released]08:46
sacarlsonGarp:  yes I just enrypt directories I need08:46
Garpsacarlson: That might be a workaround until a better solution, thanks.08:47
sacarlsonpam: I wouldn't think it required but maybe sudo nautilus-script-manager enable ConvertAudioFile08:47
pamI've tried that...have you read about the bug?08:49
sacarlsonpam: only the top part08:49
nevermoreravenpam winff is a media converter that supports nearly every format08:49
pamnevermoreraven: can I use it by right clicking the file and converting it directly from the context menu?08:50
sacarlsonpam: oh that bug is dated like 200708:50
nevermoreravendon't think so pam08:51
pamsacrlson: apparently its still a problem.  Someone else in here tried to install it and had the same problem08:51
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worksaft2Hej, I'm having problems with SSH. A few days ago, I was able to connect from X to Y without any problems. I'm connecting from Win7 and Putty or Filezilla to a Ubuntu 14.04 machine. The behaviour is rather odd. Sometimes it tells me right away that the connection was refused. Other times I succeed in connecting and am able to use it without limitations, and then I get kicked out of the session at a random time. I have changed nothi08:54
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avelldirollworksaft2: si your connection reliable, i.e., do you get packet losses when you try to ping the server for extensive times ?08:58
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sacarlsonpam: also assume you tried logout and login to your ubuntu account08:59
worksaft2avelldiroll: Okay, I've been so hung up on the software side that I haven't actually thought of how reliable the link is.09:02
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worksaft2avelldiroll: And of course, now it doesn't fail as quickly as I want it to while I'm pinging the machine. Sigh. I'll give it some more time.09:03
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avelldirollworksaft2: yeah, having a reproducible failing test is often the hardest thing to gather before being able to think for a solution, good luck09:05
aLeSDhi all09:05
aLeSDI am trying to install the guest addiction for vmware in myh ubuntu09:05
aLeSDI installed open-vm-tools ... but There's no vmhgfs in ...09:06
aLeSDwhere I can find it ?09:06
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GarpQuestion: What represent the "virtual" memory of a process on a "top" output? Does it have any clear meaning? Because i sometimes have quite huge values...09:18
GarpI can read some informations about that. But a pricess that claim 300GB of VIRT, what can be the reason ?09:20
Garp(my RAM is significantly lower than that)09:20
linuuhi i try to login into xchat in ubuntu pc but i could not able to login, i got the below log while trying to login in freenode channel  "Looking up irc.freenode.net * Unknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?  Cycling to next server in FreeNode... * Disconnected ()." can you tell what is the issues09:21
Garplinuu: are other servers working?09:22
GarpGarp : first guess would be that you have a network problem on that machine.09:23
linuuGarp no other also the same issues.09:23
andrewvosAny ideas how I can temporarily stop EC2 instances in the same security group from access other instances in the same group?09:23
andrewvosI mean blocking internal ip addresses09:24
Garplinuu : is the network otherwise fine ? Eg can you browse the web from that PC ?09:24
somsipandrewvos: use iptables to drop connections from those IPs. though if you have a lot to do, it might be a bit messy09:24
linuuGarp yes i could use internet in my pc and i could browse.09:25
sickblobshow to enable/disable a daemon from starting up during boot ?09:25
sickblobswhat is command ?09:26
sickblobsIt is systemctl disable DAEMON in arch09:26
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Garplinuu : what does "host irc.freenode.net" answers (in a console)09:27
aLeSDis it possible to install a previous kernel version ?09:27
lolmausWhen i use my laptop at work, DNS resolution fails constantly: it just won't resolve, immediately reporting a failed attempt. Sometimes i have to refresh the page several times in a row in order to get it loaded. This doesn't happen to my colleagues. We use WiFi with DHCP. I added Google DNS servers in the network manager but it didn't help. I'll appreciate any suggestions on investigating this issue.09:29
linuuit shows "irc.freenode.net mail is handled by 10 vnarelay02.xxxxcorp.ad.yyyyyy.com."  ( xxxx and yyyyyy is our corporation names)09:29
andrewvossomsip: Thanks, know any good docs for iptables? I've never really learned it09:30
sacarlsonsickblobs: I think one possible method would be this http://askubuntu.com/questions/19320/how-to-enable-or-disable-services09:31
linuuGarp, it shows "irc.freenode.net mail is handled by 10 vnarelay02.xxxxcorp.ad.yyyyyy.com."  ( xxxx and yyyyyy is our corporation names)09:31
somsipandrewvos: I use this iptables -A INPUT  -s -j DROP from here http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-iptables-drop/09:31
sacarlsonsickblobs: but I think it might also depend on if the service is setup with /etc/init  or /etc/init.d09:32
sickblobssacarlson, no I got it09:33
sickblobsupdate-rc.d <service> enable|disable09:33
sickblobsfrom root09:33
andrewvossomsip: Thanks!09:34
somsipandrewvos: np09:34
val2but im using fedora09:50
w3rd_when i attempt apt-get update/upgrade09:50
w3rd_fetch fails as a result of EOL09:51
w3rd_so i need to update the repo list, or can i ?09:52
cfhowlettval2, this is ubuntu.  ask #fedora for fedora support.09:52
val2#fedora no body09:52
cfhowlettw3rd_, as I understand it, your new source list must match the version you are attempting to upgrade to.  expect breakage as you move from 8.04 to 14.0409:52
val2i want 2 share my program ,but i dont konw how 2 make a install pack09:52
w3rd_is there anyway just to update to get to 8.1009:52
cfhowlettval2, this channel doesn't support fedora.  sorry.09:52
w3rd_then from 8.10 to 10.0409:52
cfhowlettw3rd_, yes you can directly (end of life) upgrade the LTS versions.09:52
val2my program can runing on ubuntu 209:52
cfhowlett!packaging | val2,09:52
ubottuval2,: The packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring09:52
w3rd_right, but what source do i need to add to sources.list in order to access these new files09:52
w3rd_im constantly getting fetch errors09:53
val2thanks 2 u09:53
cfhowlettw3rd_, of course.  those repos are long since retired.09:53
sacarlsonw3rd_: maybe version 8 is no longer supported?09:53
w3rd_ya its not09:54
w3rd_its EOL09:54
val2where r u from?09:54
cfhowlettw3rd_, /etc/apt/sources.list09:54
cfhowlettPlease make sure you have the following sources.list, change CODENAME to your release, e.g. breezy.09:54
cfhowlettval2, we're all from ubuntu.09:54
w3rd_cfhowlett: what im asking is09:54
w3rd_what repo do i add?09:54
sacarlsonw3rd_: ya End Of Life09:54
val2r u hate Chinese?09:55
sacarlsonw3rd_: I would do a reinstall on a different partition.  just backup the files you need and move them to the new version09:55
cfhowlettw3rd_, repo to add?  according to the wiki, you update your sources to the target version and then do the install.09:55
val2alright ?09:55
val2do u know im a Chinese!09:56
sacarlsonw3rd_: it will just break the install, when you upgrade normaly you upgrade one version at a time09:56
w3rd_val2: not meant for you09:56
cfhowlett!cn | val2,09:56
ubottuval2,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw09:56
w3rd_im going to go to 10 first and see how it goes09:56
cfhowlettw3rd_, 10.04         LTS09:56
cfhowlettw3rd_, good luck with that /no sarcasm/09:56
val2ok see u09:57
w3rd_appreciate the guidance09:57
sacarlsonw3rd_: what do you now run on this version 8 system?09:57
val2w3rd_: see u09:57
w3rd_its just a desktp09:57
cfhowlettw3rd_, consider upgrading slighty more often next time   :)09:57
w3rd_not my system09:58
w3rd_just was given to me09:58
cfhowlettw3rd_, free puter?  NICE!09:58
sacarlsonw3rd_: then it will take much more time to upgrade than just install anew,  like 15 minutes or less to install fresh.  otherwise each step will take just as long or longer09:58
w3rd_cfhowlett: yeppers09:58
w3rd_sacarison: again, i dont have a working cdrom09:58
w3rd_so this is the only option09:58
cfhowlettw3rd_, no usb boot support?09:59
w3rd_older lptp09:59
w3rd_bios doesnt support09:59
sacarlsonw3rd_: oh but you must have a usb flash drive that's 4G that you can boot from?09:59
w3rd_i do09:59
w3rd_but if the bios doesnt support09:59
w3rd_then you arent booting from it09:59
sacarlsonw3rd_: other option for that is plop program that can boot from cd or many other to boot usb10:00
sacarlsonw3rd_: I guess that old a system grub can't install iso files10:01
w3rd_its possible10:01
w3rd_there is that new app that allows you to partition the drive10:01
w3rd_but i would need to blow away a disk10:01
w3rd_currently dont have any blank disks10:01
w3rd_so im screwed on that front as well10:01
w3rd_anyway.. thanks for all the logic10:02
OOPManHey guys, does anyone have any experience using Compass Style on ubuntu?10:08
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Guest40136Hello World10:17
welovfreemkdir essai/dirB/dir1 can this command create embed directories?10:20
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MasterOfDisasterwelovfree: 'man mkdir' says it's 'mkdir -p /foo/bar/baz'10:26
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BlasterMy mouse won't click, what should I do?10:35
cfhowlett_Mac question: can Mac's run a live ubuntu session?  I've only seen installation instructions ...10:36
WilliamDotATcfhowlett_, likely10:38
cfhowlett_WilliamDotAT, I was rather hoping for a more definitive response ... :)   thank you, though.10:38
WilliamDotATwhat Mac?10:39
WilliamDotATMac pro 1,1? no.10:39
WilliamDotATAny macbook pro? very likely10:39
cfhowlett_WilliamDotAT, mac air?10:39
WilliamDotATim not sure if it can boot live from USB10:39
WilliamDotATas it is EFI10:39
WilliamDotATbut i know it can boot live or install from an external CD drive10:39
cfhowlett_WilliamDotAT, ahhhh reallly?!10:39
WilliamDotATi cant tell you however how well live works without additional drivers10:40
WilliamDotATconsidering Apple is mainly Intel stock hardware10:40
WilliamDotATchances are good it works at least ok10:40
WilliamDotATno idea about Thunderbolt though10:40
cfhowlett_WilliamDotAT, dern.  my 2009 Dell is showing its age, and I've been considering my options:  mac air, lenovo x1 carbon or dell m3800.  I tested the x1 at the local lenovo store and everything worked.10:41
WilliamDotATthe MBA is essentially fully Intel10:42
WilliamDotATChipset, CPU, GPU10:42
WilliamDotATthe MBPs have AMD cards sometimes which can be annoying10:42
WilliamDotATit should work fine10:42
freezerMBP also have nvidia10:42
cfhowlett_WilliamDotAT, I saw.  sadly, it seems a few components, e.g. isight, are not linux friendly.10:42
WilliamDotATdepends on series10:42
WilliamDotATi dont think the function keys work either10:43
freezermine has nVIDIA and DP/HDMI soldered to it10:43
WilliamDotATand the mouse needs a PS2 driver10:43
freezerso external displays don't work @ Linux10:43
WilliamDotATit switches to the Intel i think10:43
cfhowlett_ah yes, hard solder makes it more difficult to upgrade10:43
WilliamDotATif you run linux10:43
freezerunless there's NVIDIA selected10:43
WilliamDotATat least my MBP does10:43
WilliamDotAT2012, first with TB10:43
freezeryou can set in MacOS which GPU to use for other OS10:43
freezerbut looks like you can't use both10:44
freezerthis is MBP late 201310:44
WilliamDotATfor linux i would not buy AMD anyway10:44
sacarlsonpam: I'm not sure you would be interested but I accedently got your audio-convert to work using caja filemanager that seems to auto pickup the installed nautilus scripts10:44
cfhowlett_WilliamDotAT, exactly!10:44
WilliamDotATi only have AMD GPUs though10:45
WilliamDotATso im forced to use windows mainly10:45
cfhowlett_pam, sacarlson has sorted your query!10:45
sacarlsoncfhowlett_: cool10:45
nishahiiiiiiiii rani10:54
SkutovSo could anyone give me a hand setting up my laptop to act as a router? I've been following a couple of guides but haven't had much luck getting it to allow internet access to the devices behind it.10:55
bazhang!ics | Skutov10:56
ubottuSkutov: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing10:56
sacarlsonSkutov: or if you want to share your internet and get paid for it you can experiment with this https://github.com/sacarlson/mini-isp.debpackage10:59
Skutovbazhang, Thanks for the link but I've alerady gone through steps in various guides like that and am still not able to get the connection working.11:01
Skutovsacarlson, While it's not what I'm trying to do at the moment that does look interesting and I think I will need to have a look at that in the future.11:02
sacarlsonSkutov: so what two interfaces are you wanting to share from and too?11:02
Skutovinternet connection with public IP on eth0 to 192.168.0/24 subnet on eth111:03
sacarlsonSkutov: ok so you want to make it permanent or just share at intermitent times?11:04
SkutovIdeally I would like it to be attached to the public IP so it's active whenever my laptop is connected to that networe11:04
SkutovBut something I can toggle with a script would also work.11:04
sacarlsonSkutov: I guess I would just write a small script that shutdown network-manager and setup your network with static ip.  at boot time your network manager would again take over11:06
MasterOfDisasterSkutov: Usual suspects: ip_forward is enabled? SNAT/MASQUERADE enabled? MSS clamping (ADSL,Cable)?11:06
SkutovMasterOfDisaster, afaik ip_forward is enabled, SNAT set up through webmin, it's a commercial connection through my office so I doubt that there's any clamping or restriction on it.11:07
MasterOfDisasterSkutov: use tcpdump to find out where the packets go/stop.11:07
pamsacarlson: how do I do that?11:07
sacarlsonSkutov: oh ya and I guess isc-dhcp-server would also have to be installed with my method and that would still auto start at boot so another added complicaton with my method11:08
MasterOfDisasterSkutov: a little diagram of what you are trying to do would help. But as it's not that Ubuntu specific, you might want to take it to ##networking.11:08
Skutovsacarlson, I already have DHCP server set up and working bound to eth1 (which is a USB network adapter which stays in the office.11:09
SkutovMasterOfDisaster, That sounds like a good idea, I'll do a quick diagram and have an ask in there.11:09
sacarlsonSkutov: but that is on the network that you plan to share?11:10
Skutovsacarlson, That's on the network I plan to share to11:10
sacarlsonSkutov: well you need another dhcp on the other network oh unless maybe you just bridge the two networks, but that I have never tried11:11
pambrb...gotta ask you how to fix my issue with the caja filemanager11:11
sacarlsonpam: it just started to work when I installed the python-caja package11:12
pamWhere is that package?11:12
sacarlsonpam: I didn't know caja and nautalius share plugins like that11:12
sacarlsonpam:  in the standard distrubution11:13
pamis it the mate-icon-theme in synaptic?11:14
vineetdanielrecently one of my SDD on server faced 100% utilisation...and caused server freeze11:14
vineetdanielhas anybody faced same issue anytim11:14
pamcan't seem to find the package11:15
sacarlsonpam: I run mate and I would assume yes synaptic has it11:15
sacarlsonpam: you can't find the package caja?11:15
claytonzauggQUESTION: I reinstalled the os root directory, but still have my old /home and files saved, but it's showing as a separate drive.  How can I make my newly installed home be replaced with my previous /home that I see as a separate partition?11:16
cfhowlett_!home | claytonzaugg11:16
ubottuclaytonzaugg: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving11:16
Guest87103hello, I am trying to install ubuntu,   with this update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac11:16
Guest87103/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_32/bin/javac 111:16
Guest87103and I have this error, update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac11:17
Guest87103/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_32/bin/javac 111:17
Guest87103can you please assist?11:17
sacarlsonclaytonzaugg: you could move the now present /home/you  to /home/you.org and create a symbolic link from present location to where it is now11:17
cfhowlett_??? /home/you.org              ???11:17
pamsacarlson: nope...caja isn't showing up...11:17
sacarlsonpam: oh well I presently am running mint that has it11:18
Guest87103what do I need to do here?11:18
claytonzauggsacarlson, will that treat my folder system, the gui version, to be treated as my old home that I sLink to?11:18
Skutovsacarlson, MasterOfDisaster here's a quick picture of what I want to set up: http://imgur.com/xGcYuN711:18
sacarlsonclaytonzaugg: I've moved home directories that way before,  you do have to use sudo and it best to do it from another user when you are doing the opertation11:20
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claytonzauggubottu, that link you sent me shows me how to set up a new partition, or is there a certain part in there I need to read about transferring my old /home to my new /home?11:21
ubottuclaytonzaugg: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:21
sacarlsonSkutov: ok but this device in the midle is a laptop so not setup permanent?11:22
claytonzauggdang that's cool!  A freaking bot, lol rad!  sacarlson, the link the bot gave me (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving) where in there do I transfer my old /home to my new /home?11:22
Skutovsacarlson, Correct.11:23
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cfhowlett_claytonzaugg, from this point forwad ... <Preparing fstab for the switch> as appropriate11:23
sacarlsonSkutov: and you already have isc-dhcp-server running on eth1 so small script I guess I can give you should work11:24
claytonzauggty cfhowlett_11:24
Skutovsacarlson, Ok, if you could that would be great. Hopefully it'll help me figure out what's not working with my set up at the moment.11:24
vineetdanielrecently one of my SDD on server faced 100% utilisation...and caused server freeze11:25
vineetdanielhas anybody faced same issue anytim11:25
youkieHello. I want my perl script run on the boot of my ubuntu, so I add "/usr/bin/perl /root/hello/pl &" to /etc/rc.local. But when I reboot my ubuntu, the perl script is not started. Please help me.11:26
sacarlsonSkutov: I would have to look at this to see what needs to be changed https://github.com/sacarlson/mini-isp.debpackage/blob/master/mini-isp-1.0-1.debpackage/usr/share/mini-isp/foropen_new.sh11:26
sacarlsonSkutov: but that should open up sharing with no restrictions11:27
sacarlsonSkutov: this is the restricted script that might contain some settings that are needed like shuting down network-manager https://github.com/sacarlson/mini-isp.debpackage/blob/master/mini-isp-1.0-1.debpackage/usr/share/mini-isp/masq.sh11:28
afidegnumplease I am having this issue while installing the binary version of java update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac        /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_32/bin/javac 1          and I am faced with this error  update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac   /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_32/bin/javac 111:28
sacarlsonyoukie: there are serveral ways to start a app at boot, one method is using cron with @reboot http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-execute-cron-job-after-system-reboot/11:31
claytonzauggsacarlson, are you aware of what I need to tweak here (http://pastebin.com/pncfszLm) with regards to following the instructions from here (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving#Preparing_fstab_for_the_switch) starting at Preparing fstab for the switch?11:31
Skutovsacarlson, As far as I can see the bits that I need to change to get it working at a bare minimum I have changed. I'm more concerned about getting it working that security at the moment.11:32
sacarlsonclaytonzaugg: fstab?  your original home disk already mounts at boot now doesn't it?11:32
sacarlsonclaytonzaugg: I'm sure that it could be done that way also11:32
claytonzauggsacarlson, it boots but only as a separate partition11:33
sacarlsonclaytonzaugg: yes but the partition mounts at boot or not?   does it mount at /media/...11:33
claytonzauggsacarlson, I reinstalled the OS, formatted the / directory, but kept my /home directory alone11:33
claytonzaugg...that I don't know, I mean I see it in my folder gui, but... I don't think it mounts, no11:34
sacarlsonclaytonzaugg: ok then fstab manipulation will be needed11:35
claytonzauggokay, sacarlson is that something you can help me with?  I was a little / lot confused while reading that link the bot sent me.11:35
sacarlsonclaytonzaugg: might want to create another user with another name than the one you are attempting to recover and give that user sudo privliges11:35
claytonzauggsacarlson: should I start from the beginning of that link or...11:35
ZieLonKaHi, given the following setup: nic1 (eth0, nic2 (eth1 Now I want to use isc-dhcp-server to assign ip-adresses from on eth0, same way on eth1 with 192.168.1.x. Are two (almost same) subnet definitions in /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf required, one for each range?11:37
ZieLonKaany kind help appreciated :>11:38
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bazhangtry ##networking ZieLonKa11:39
sacarlsonclaytonzaugg: that link looks like it should work but my idea of creating a new user won't work since that will be put in the /home directory you are moving.  maybe just activate root11:39
ZieLonKakk thx11:40
sacarlsonclaytonzaugg: the home for root is at /root so that user won't be effected by you moving /home.  if you do something wrong in this case it could be difficult to fix with no sudo user that can login11:40
claytonzauggsacarlson: okay, thank you!11:41
sacarlsonZieLonKa: you sure you need to have dhcp running on both sides on nic1 and nic2?11:43
sacarlsonZieLonKa: isn't there a router on one side that can be used as the dhcp on one side?11:43
sacarlsonZieLonKa: otherwise I guess the answer would be yes but I've never attempted to setup dhcp-server on two nics at the same time before11:46
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think__is there something comparable to yaourt on ubuntu, or am i able to install that on ubuntu like on arch11:52
ZieLonKasacarlson: ok, thx11:53
ropeuswich program must be used to install team speack 3 (not 2) under ubuntu distro11:53
ropeusthanks for support11:53
sacarlsonthink__: so you want to compile and package or just install something?11:54
think__just install something really in terminal while being vague11:54
sacarlsonthink__: then we use apt-get install appname   or a gui like synaptic11:55
think__gotcha, I figured as much but just like how yaourt pulls results. Thank you!11:56
AlexPortable[somecodehere] BUG: soft lockup, CPU#0 stuck for 24s! [xorg: 1270]11:56
bazhangAlexPortable, what is that11:56
AlexPortablean error I get on my screen11:57
AlexPortablescreen is black, only 1 white line of code that says that ^11:57
sacarlsonAlexPortable: nothing I've ever seen before11:57
sacarlsonAlexPortable: fresh install?11:58
AlexPortableYes, but old profile11:58
JoshStroblropeus, http://teamspeak.com/?page=downloads&type=ts3_linux_client_latest11:59
JoshStroblropeus, download the .run file it gives you, open up the terminal and go to your Downloads directly. Do chmod +x TeamSpeak*.run, then after doing that type ./TeamSpeak*.run12:01
JoshStrobl*Downloads directory12:01
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AlexPortableSo anyone?12:02
AlexPortableI need to get my work done12:03
sacarlsonAlexPortable: all I see is xorg so I assume it's a graphic driver problem12:04
sacarlsonAlexPortable: what's that magic keystroke that pops you into terminal mode where you can maybe do ps -A and see what's running12:05
rtbwhat is the preferred way of overcoming the annoyances of older versions of packages? [i use archlinux but am using ubuntu on ec2] do u guys simply compile from source or do you use the package manager to get the latest?12:05
AlexPortablectrl alt f1 you mean?12:05
sacarlsonAlexPortable: ya I think that's it12:05
JoshStroblrtb, if the latest isn't in the repo, check PPAs, else compile.12:06
rtbJoshStrobl, thanks12:06
sacarlsonrtb: yes ppa is cool if you wan't almost edge software12:06
rtbgot it sacarlson :)12:06
JoshStroblrtb, if you aren't sure what the package name is you can probably just search packages.ubuntu.com12:07
AlexPortablesacarlson: can't. whole system is unresponsive12:07
JoshStroblbut you use arch, so I'll assume you know how already :P12:07
sacarlsonAlexPortable: then reboot in safe mode12:07
sacarlsonAlexPortable: single user mode12:07
AlexPortableWell after reboot it works fine12:07
AlexPortablebut then randomly locks up sometimes12:08
sacarlsonAlexPortable: oh it's intermitent?12:08
AlexPortableintermitent = ?12:08
JoshStroblAlexPortable, are you running a newer kernel version than what was provided? changed to a proprietary driver?12:08
sacarlsonAlexPortable: try the propriatary grafic drivers12:08
AlexPortableWhich drivers should I install?12:08
AlexPortablenvidia 6100 from the top of my head12:08
JoshStroblsacarlson, most of the time it is the proprietary drivers that give issues, not stuff like fglrx12:09
JoshStroblAlexPortable, did you install a newer kernel or a different graphics driver after you installed your system?12:09
sacarlsonJoshStrobl: ya that's true, I've had problems with some proprietary drivers12:09
AlexPortableI updated, which gave me a new kernel12:09
AlexPortableI saw it installing linux something.something12:10
sacarlsonAlexPortable: oh ya new kernel means you have to reinstall the propriatary drivers also12:10
JoshStroblsacarlson, not necessarily12:10
AlexPortablewhere can I get them?12:10
AlexPortablerepo's, manufacturers website?12:10
sacarlsonJoshStrobl: seems my nvidia had to compile some stuf when I put in a new kernal12:10
JoshStroblsacarlson, that is typically automatic, dkms runs on boot12:11
sacarlsonJoshStrobl: or was that something else like virtualbox?12:11
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JoshStroblsacarlson, no, that updates as well12:11
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JoshStroblAlexPortable, when you log back into your machine, check if you are using the open source driver or proprietary. Type in the dash something like "Additional" or "Driver".12:12
AlexPortablei think12:12
AlexPortableno nvidia control panel12:12
AlexPortablehow can i install it?12:12
JoshStroblso are you running standard or not?12:13
JoshStroblsacarlson, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DKMS12:13
AlexPortableyes standard12:13
AlexPortabledidn't install another driver12:13
JoshStroblwhat options does it give you?12:13
mchelenhow can i figure out what ubuntu package includes the python "video" module?12:14
JoshStroblmchelen, sec12:14
JoshStroblmchelen, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=trusty&section=all&arch=any&keywords=python&searchon=names12:15
mchelenJoshStrobl: that means reading through pages of package names :(12:15
JoshStroblmchelen, check the packages on there, use the search up at the top to narrow down it more. I'm not a python dev, so not much I can do to help ya there :/12:15
JoshStroblmchelen, or just doing CTRL+F and typing "video"12:15
mchelenJoshStrobl: yeah, i tried searching there & with synaptic12:16
JoshStroblah yea12:16
mchelenJoshStrobl: there is nothing obvious like python-video12:16
JoshStrobldamn, multiple pages12:16
mchelenJoshStrobl: maybe this is just a python question12:16
JoshStroblmchelen, might be worth asking in #python12:17
mchelenJoshStrobl: yup thats what im going to do, thanks anyway12:17
mchelenJoshStrobl: found the problem, for some reason the opencv-doc package leaves a bunch of .py.gz files in /usr/share/doc/opencv-doc/ that need to be gunzipped12:22
AlexPortablewhere can I get graphics drivers? repo's, manufacturers website?12:22
JoshStroblAlexPortable, from the Additional Drivers section in Ubuntu. Just type it in the Dash.12:23
thinkAlexPortable: Nvidia.com has linux drivers and you can use additional drivers section in software and updates12:23
AlexPortableDon't have the dash anymore12:23
AlexPortableit froze my system12:23
AlexPortableso additional drivers or nvidia.com?12:23
JoshStroblcan you still fire up a terminal with CTRL+ALT+T?12:23
AlexPortablei have openbox12:24
JoshStroblI'll see what the actual command is to directly open up the additional drivers window12:24
ferbvAlexPortable: try jockey-gtk12:25
thinksoftware-properties-gtk --open-tab=4 for additional drivers12:25
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manolosHello. I would like to ask something. In ubuntu 14.04 clean install i install LXDE+lxdm. The problem is that when i click logout from menu i get nothing. lxdesession-logout doesnt do anything. Any help?12:29
carver__hi manolos, i can't really guess why lxdesession-logout would do that, but, may i suggest you install lubuntu? it already comes with lxde12:30
manolosWell, if i dont fix that anoying thing with lxde menu maybe i will use lubuntu after all12:31
carver__may be best, if you can backup some of your personal data and simply re-install with lubuntu. i know it must be frrustrating :[12:33
ashley01I am on Ubuntu but want to put a different linux distro on my USB to try it out. I've tried dd but it made no changes to my USB stick.12:37
geirhaashley01: uh oh, then the next question is, what did it make changes to instead?12:39
ashley01i checked my other USB stick and SSD, no changes on them12:39
EriC^^ashley01: what was the command you ran?12:39
ashley01dd if=location-of-ISO-here bs=4M of=/dev/sdb12:39
LordDeathwhat it the best way to restart KDM when the login screen hangs?12:40
EriC^^LordDeath: sudo service kdm restart ?12:40
ashley01i did that sbd is my USB stick with lsblk12:40
ashley01i did check*12:41
LordDeathdoing /etc/init.d/kdm restart seems to restart it in the currenty tty12:41
carver__ruhroh, ><12:41
EriC^^ashley01: try unetbootin, sudo apt-get install unetbootin12:41
LordDeathbut I want to leave it running in tty712:41
EriC^^LordDeath: so you have tty8 and want it to restart there ?12:42
LordDeathEriC^^: it hangs and it switch over to tty1 by pressing ctrl+alt+F112:42
ashley01oh guys12:42
ashley01it did work with dd12:42
LordDeaththere I log in and restart kdm12:42
ashley01Ubuntu did not refresh my USB stick12:42
LordDeathbut when I to back to tty1 and log out, KDM seems to be killed, too.12:43
ashley01to show me that the bootloader, partition tables, etc were put on12:43
ashley01i had to take it out and put it back in again!12:43
JoshStroblyea unmounting and remounting would've worked too12:43
ashley01in, out, shake it all about!12:43
JoshStroblI don't think Files handles dynamic drive partition changing, just directory and file changes.12:44
EriC^^LordDeath: odd12:45
ashley01it feels so good when something works12:45
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blackthormmm can somebody give me a hint:  ubuntu 14.04.1 lts ; fresh install.  there are no rules applied to iptables. i suspected some traffic being dropped and i added a "LOGGING" rule, and it seems to drop traffic.13:03
blackthorhttp://pastebin.com/zBfydSVD  what am i missing ?13:04
sacarlsonblackthor: I know of no added rules by default but did you look at sudo iptable -t nat -L13:05
sacarlsonblackthor: maybe iptable -t mangle -L13:05
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blackthorno rules were added13:06
blackthorjust checked those commands13:06
sacarlsonblackthor: you should also see sudo iptables -v -L and see where packets are ending up13:07
blackthorwtf. i just added     -A INPUT -p tcp -j ACCEPT        and now all issues are gone.13:07
sacarlsonblackthor: oh sounds like fw is running13:08
blackthoryes i see some kind of crap ufw  but it isn't running13:09
sacarlsonblackthor: maybe sudo ufw disable ?13:10
iptablesacarlson, iptables. not iptable. iptables13:10
sacarlsoniptable: ya that one13:10
iptablesacarlson, subtle difference. iptable=dude, iptables=frontend to netfilter13:10
iptableI don't do rules13:10
iptablebest way to see all the rules you got is by running: iptables-save btw13:11
iptableit will print all rules to the screen13:11
iptableblackthor, ^13:11
iptableblackthor, if there weren't any rules but it was still rejecting, possibly INPUT chain is set to DENY by default?13:12
sacarlsoniptable: but it seems blackthor is also seeing changes of what he has already done13:12
iptablechanges can only happen if you have a "firewall frontend", like the shitty ufw13:12
iptabledisable all frontends and scripts you got which manipulate those rules and try again13:13
blackthorwell; i didn't chose to install ufw, don't know why they do that by default13:13
blackthorwell, i explicitly had to add to allow tcp traffic and now everything seems fine13:13
blackthorvery annoying,  (own ssh access not allowed)13:13
iptableblackthor, everything seems fine? how about udp for dns so that it doesn't have to failback to tcp?13:14
sloofI've got /etc/network/interfaces configured correctly and my second NIC gets the IP it should if run /etc/init.d/networking restart.  However the 2nd NIC loses it's config 30 seconds later.  What might cause this?  This a 12.04 desktop that I'm configuring via SSH.  Is NetworkManager playing games?13:14
blackthoryeah... the rest seems working...  (ping, dns, ...)13:14
iptableblackthor, now, real troubleshooting. check iptables-save. post on pastebin if you can. I will tell you what happened and where the rules are.13:14
iptablethere must be a blocking rule13:14
sacarlsonsloof: try pastbin your /etc/network/interfaces file13:15
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iptablebut with iptables, the order is (for internally ending packets): broute brouting, raw prerouting, mangle prerouting, nat prerouting, mangle input, filter input.13:16
sacarlsonsloof: I thought if interfaces takes it network-manager is overriden13:16
iptablesloof, if you have networkmanager, then most likely yes. it's network manager13:16
blackthoraargh, did a drop all by accident ;)13:17
iptablesloof, network manager *should* figure out if your interfaces are in interfaces file and not touch them. that's not always the case13:17
sacarlsonsloof: but I've had so many problems with network-manager changing things that I have custom static that i disable it13:17
iptableblackthor, well, with that list, it will work out of the box ;)13:17
iptablesloof, if you have network manager, you should use that to configure your interfaces!13:18
iptablesloof, or if not using a GUI, uninstall nm, and use interfaces file13:18
iptablesloof, your interfaces file is correct13:18
sacarlsonsloof: I think you have to have auto on one line auto eth0 eth113:19
sacarlsonsloof: auto lo eth1 etho13:21
sacarlsonsloof: http://askubuntu.com/questions/76065/how-do-i-configure-two-network-adapters-in-ubuntu-server13:21
iptablesacarlson, no, no need for auto on one line13:22
iptableI have over 30 interfaces on my linux router and they are all on different lines. together with the "auto".13:22
iptablesloof, ^13:22
sacarlsoniptable: it's worth a try but that's the only diff I see13:22
iptablewell, for a fact it does work.13:22
sloofI disabled NM for now13:23
iptablesloof, cool, that should resolve your issue. does it?13:23
iptableoh damn, that's some good tea :)13:23
sloofI'll tell you in 60 seconds13:24
iptablehaha, cool :D13:24
sloofIP still there.  NM must have been the problem13:27
AnuskaHi iptable :*13:27
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iptablewell hello love13:28
iptablesloof, awesome :) don't need it, don't use it ;)13:28
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blackthoriptable: i just reset the whole crap and it seems to be working. thanks for the help though.13:29
thropeim upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 but the process appears to have stalled on “unpacking samba-common-bin”… there is a “trusty” process using abotu 3% CPU but nothing else seems to be happening.13:32
thropewhat is the best way to proceeed?13:32
osamaI’m upgrading from Fedora 20 to 14.04 Gnome edition ;)13:32
cfhowlettosama, you cannot upgrade fedora to ubuntu.13:33
osamacfhowlett: I do it all the time, downgraded to Fedora from 13.10…13:34
sacarlsonthrope: I thought the rule was to only upgrade one step at a time 12.04 12.10...  did they automate that now?13:34
thropeits lts releases13:34
thropeso the upgrade manager just prompted me13:34
osamacfhowlett: upgrade to me is rewriting /13:35
cfhowlettosama, they are different OS.  you can install a different but you cannot upgrade from OS to a different OS13:35
cfhowlettosama, so your question is .... ?13:35
ObrienDaveosama, the rest of the world does not share your definition of upgrade/rewriting13:35
cfhowlettthrope, LTS to LST upgrade = 4 releases13:36
thropecfhowlett: I don’t understand your point13:36
cfhowlettthrope, ah, sacarlson that is.  sorry.13:37
thropecfhowlett: I understand the ubuntu release cycle… I am using only LTS releases. I have been on 12.04. Now the 14.04 lts is out I was prompted to upadate13:37
thropeah ok13:37
thropeanyway i killed dpkg and now it seems to be continuing13:38
sacarlsonthrope: I personaly prefer install fresh in a spare partition so if it fails I fall back to what I had.  I've had failures on upgrades before that cost me13:39
ObrienDavesacarlson, good idea13:41
cfhowlettsacarlson, lts + clean install FTW13:42
thropethanks I’ll think about it for next time13:43
sveinseDoes anyone know of a CA which can issue free SSL certificates for FOSS usages?13:44
sacarlsonsveinse: I know I've used free ssl before but I forget where I got them from13:45
sacarlsonsveinse: maybe it had some restriction good for only 3 months or something13:45
jnxdsveinse, want done crippling bug discovered in ssl suggesting a replacement13:45
jnxd*wasn't some13:46
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sveinsejnxd, you talking about heartbleed? That is about the ssl servers, not encryption and signing.13:46
jnxdno I'm talking of some more recent POODLE13:47
sacarlson jnxd sveinse ya I thought they had a fix released within hours13:47
sveinsewhoah! I didn't know about POODLE. Scary13:49
reisioI like dogs13:49
reisiobut we already knew openssl was broken13:50
jnxdthat's as much as I can say. I'm not nearly knowledgeable enough about it fit anything more than spreading the word13:51
sveinseOK, I might as well revert back to self-signed CA certificates....13:51
sloofsveinse: CAcert is probably the closest but still isn't that much better than self signed13:52
reisiodoesn't seem that scary to me, it says right there that discerning folk use TLS already13:52
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sveinseThe only reason for having a central signed cert is because modern browsers loudly complain if you connect to a self-signed server. More so now than before13:53
reisio'lo aman13:53
Aman_say something13:55
Aman_i m new here...what is it for13:55
cfhowlett!topic | Aman_,13:55
ubottuAman_,: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic13:55
sacarlsonsveinse: I think I tried this one for free https://www.startssl.com/  but it seemed I still got warnings on some browsers13:57
sacarlsonsveinse: free class1 for one year13:57
sveinsesacarlson: Yes, but for protecting an apache server you need at least class 2 AFAIK13:58
sveinsewhich is not free13:58
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cool_boyhow do I grep a keyword in all files of filesystem?13:58
sveinsegrep -r keyword *13:59
Picicool_boy: grep -R "foo" /13:59
cool_boyPici: thanks for what purpose / is used at last?14:00
cool_boysveinse: thanks14:00
Picicool_boy: It says to search recursively from the root of the filesystem, while sveinse's command says to search recursively starting from the current folder.14:01
sveinseIt is generally not efficient to grep through / because it will traverse the dynamic file systems, such as /sys and /proc, which does not really make any sense14:02
cool_boyPici: great, thanks14:02
Picisveinse: Agreed, I wouldn't do it myself, but thats what they asked for ;)14:03
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Ky1eAnyone good with figuring out bluetooth issues?14:04
Ky1eCan someone please help me with my bluetooth dongle issue14:06
cool_boythank you both Pici & sveinse , I learnt more than I asked for14:06
organicanarchyanyone else enjoying the netflix for linux?14:06
reisiomrkirran: :)14:07
reisioorganicanarchy: #polls14:07
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hashdahsudo apt-get remove --purge wine does not remove wine14:08
hashdahany idea why?14:08
organicanarchyeverywhere im reading saying it works in Ubuntu, but its workign just fine in pretty much any distro14:08
reisioorganicanarchy: yup, that's the case with anything14:08
reisioworks on one distro, works on another14:08
reisioa lot of people know about Ubuntu but not other distros :p14:09
cfhowletthashdah, it DOES remove wine.  it doesn't remove wine menu entries.14:09
hashdahI had to remove wine1.6 explicitly14:09
organicanarchyreisio, its probablywhy, im running manjaro and it runs just fine on here14:10
Ky1eGuess no one here knows about bluetooth14:11
cfhowlett!patience | Ky1e14:11
ubottuKy1e: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:11
vitimitiKy1e, and advice, make smart questions, give all the information you can so somebody will want/be able to help you and be patient14:11
Ky1eOk well I am using 14.04 and my syslog gives me this error Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x1004 tx timeout14:13
Quatrokingcan i run python scripts on ubuntu by default or do I have to install some stuff first?14:13
cfhowlett!python | quake_guy14:14
ubottuquake_guy: python is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python14:14
cfhowlettQuatroking, sory quake_guy ^^^14:14
Quatroking>included in ubuntu14:14
Quatrokinggreat, thanks14:14
quake_guyno problem :)14:14
Quatrokingas for running the scripts, do I just throw the .py filename in my terminal and hit enter?14:15
reisioQuatroking: 'python foo.py'14:15
reisioQuatroking: or chmod +x foo.py; ./path/to/foo.py14:15
Quatrokingheheh, foopy14:16
reisioor put it into /usr/local/bin/, with chmod +x14:16
reisioor any number of other ways :)14:16
reisiopython foo is the simplest way14:16
barathHi guys I really need some help with plex media server?14:16
reisioit says run this, run it as python, do it14:16
Quatrokingsounds easy enough, I need it to run a script someone wrote that allows me to generate index.html files for my public dropbox folders14:17
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reisioQuatroking: :p14:18
reisioQuatroking: what's it do, exactly?14:18
Quatrokingwith dropbox you can link people to files in your public folder but not to the folder itself so you'd need an html file with a directory listing14:18
QuatrokingI'd write this up quickly with C# on my windows rig but I'm lazy so I just googled up someone else's solution14:19
rinozo33hello, quick q: regarding updates how do you do the "ticking of the box" operation (for security/updates/proposed/backports) from terminal?14:20
reisioI'm guessing I'd do it with a shell script14:20
reisioQuatroking: you can use C# on Unix, too :)14:20
Quatrokingwith mono, right?14:20
cfhowlettrinozo33, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y14:20
QuatrokingNever tried out mono before, I've been using VS for years14:20
stormzenOn Ubuntu 14.04.1, can the network service be stopped with sudo service networking stop?  It fails for me.  I'm trying to figure out if that's expected behavior.14:21
rinozo33cfhowlett: hithank, no that's not what i am asking14:21
rinozo33cfhowlett: you know in the update manager settings the boxes you can tick...14:21
iptablestormzen, do you have network manager installed and do you use it?14:22
rinozo33cfhowlett: to choose which updates14:22
reisioswift110-phone: hey14:22
cfhowlettrinozo33, ah, that.  you can edit your sources.list but I've not done it in quite a while.14:22
iptablestormzen, if you do, then this is why netowrking stop doesn't work for you. also, it's best to ifdown the interfaces instead.14:22
swift110-phoneHow r u reisio14:22
stormzeniptable, I do, and sometimes.  But I'm not necessarily attached to it.14:22
rinozo33cfhowlett: there are 4 tickable boxes: security/updates/proposed/backports14:22
cfhowlettrinozo33, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list14:22
rinozo33cfhowlett: is it just a true/false kind of thing?14:23
cfhowlettrinozo33, binary, yes.  it's on or it's off.14:23
iptablethis is a very weird conversation14:24
Quatrokingapparently you can produce HTML output with Tree, anybody know about this?14:24
QuatrokingNo, Mahogany14:24
stormzeniptable, That's reasonable.  What led me to ask the question was that I'm having issues with connecting to non-home networks.  The signal gets dropped, if it connects at all, from being suspended from home, and it won't connect to networks afterward.  I have centrino advanced 6205 N that uses iwlwifi.14:24
amrbesides linking me to the SO and askubuntu pages, has anyone here got citrix receiver working on a 64bit install?14:25
LordDeathsftp over filezilla does not work if I have a "your LDAP password will expire soon" message ^^14:27
WereCatfHow do I disable something called powerdevil? I'm getting totally insane memoryleak in kded4 (~10GB RAM usage all by itself!) and a Google-search appears to say it's due to powerdevil14:27
LordDeathstrange bug...14:27
rinozo33cfhowlett: do you mind pastebinning your sources.list for me? i want to see how it looks by default (if yours is default)14:27
cfhowlettrinozo33, pretty close to default.  wait 114:28
cfhowlettrinozo33, http://ur1.ca/idl4f14:29
rinozo33cfhowlett: thank you14:29
cfhowlettrinozo33, happy2help14:29
LJSeinfeldHaving trouble with scripting openvpn connections… I have a script that runs as a (root) cron job that checks to see if my vpn connection is OK, if it isn’t it kills openvpn and calls a script to connect the vpn.  The killing works.. the re-connecting doesn’t.  But if I call the reconnect script from the terminal it works… weird14:29
rinozo33how do you turn them on/off (i dont see true/false)14:30
rinozo33cfhowlett: how do you turn them on/off (i dont see true/false)14:30
cfhowlettrinozo33, "uncomment the following lines ..."  remove the ##14:30
Quatrokinghere's a quick question: how do i go one directory up with terminal14:30
Quatrokingin windows this is cd.., what is it in linux?14:30
LJSeinfeldcd ..14:30
Quatrokingoh, a space14:30
stormzenhah, I thought that was  a trick question, of some sort.  :p14:31
stormzendoes it really work without the space in windows?14:31
Quatrokingmakes it quick to type as well14:32
Quatrokingnot sure when they added that though, either in xp or in vista14:32
LJSeinfeldlol.. yeah that spacebar is tough to get to reliably :D14:32
rinozo33cfhowlett: ok i am good. thankyou again bye14:33
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QuatrokingLJSeinfeld, hey man, it's still ONE ENTIRE KEYSTROKE!14:33
cfhowlettrinozo33, bookmark this tool:  http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/index.php14:33
Quatrokingdon't want to risk getting RSI now do we14:33
rinozo33cfhowlett: ok, what is it for?14:34
LJSeinfeldtechnically its 25% of the work… but if it’s a huge deal you could alias a command … like “up” or something… more savings :)14:34
cfhowlettrinozo33, rebuilding sources14:34
Quatrokingis it possible to create an alias of some sorts so I can use cd.. as a shortcut for cd ..?14:34
Quatrokingwell, LJSeinfeld, how does aliasing work14:34
rinozo33cfhowlett: for experts or beginners?14:34
LJSeinfeldlook at ~./bashrc14:34
LJSeinfelderr ~/.bashrc14:35
cfhowlettrinozo33, play with it it.  it's pretty much point & shoot.14:35
pbxQuatroking: alias cd..='cd ..'14:35
Quatrokingawesome, this is working great14:35
WereCatfNo one has any idea about kded4 leaking memory or about disabling powerdevil?14:36
LJSeinfeldnow tell me how to get a script fired by (root’s) cron to bring my VPN connection back up :D14:36
rinozo33cfhowlett: yes cuz i am a beginner (as you can see :) ok, bye, thanks14:36
LJSeinfeldyou’d think it would just work… but it doesn’t.  I’m not really sure how to (which log, etc) troubleshoot it.14:37
stormzenLJSeinfeld, I think it's in the main log, /var/log/message ?14:37
stormzenLJSeinfeld, what is the issue that you're having?14:38
stormzenLJSeinfeld, the trickiest thing about crontab with root to me, has something to do with root's locale, or lack thereof.14:39
stormzenLJSeinfeld, are you modifying /etc/crontab directly?14:40
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stormzenLJSeinfeld, sorry, /var/log/syslog, according to this:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/56683/where-is-the-cron-crontab-log  ... Perhaps its been too long for me since I've played with this to be of any help.14:44
* stormzen wanders off14:45
LJSeinfeldsudo crontab -e is what I’m doing14:47
LJSeinfeldto run the vpn check script every 5 minutes14:48
LJSeinfeldif the vpn check doesn’t like what it sees, it kills openvpn (that works) and sends me a prowl message.  It should then also run my “firevpn.sh” script… but that part never seems to work14:49
LJSeinfeldif i call firevpn.sh (as sudo), it works just fine14:49
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geirhaLJSeinfeld: How does it kill openvpn exactly?14:52
LJSeinfeldscript runs killall openvpn14:52
LJSeinfeldjust to make sure it’s not lingering on a non-responsive connection14:53
geirhaok, and the script is named firevpn, so that won't accidentally match that at least14:53
LJSeinfeldalthought i’ve never thought about that :D….14:53
LJSeinfeldhappy accident14:53
geirhaLJSeinfeld: I generally recommend not to use killall, pgrep and pkill in scripts, but that's beside the point since it's not the problem here. Perhaps the next command is not in PATH14:54
WereCatfIs anyone familiar with kded4 leaking memory like a sieve?14:54
OerHeksWereCatf, you might better ask in #Kubuntu.14:55
LJSeinfeldI’m sure some of my ideas are kinda kludgy… but I’m learning as I go.. solutions to get more elegant as I get better :D14:55
LJSeinfeldvpncheck.sh :  http://ecklund.us/paste/?947b29d23ff1140c#rQYtRnSYavAx/477qka/mq7xn7oGpsSTMm/o9+wJd0c=14:56
geirhaLJSeinfeld: Ok, so VPN-down.sh, what does that do?14:57
LJSeinfeldfirevpn.sh  http://ecklund.us/paste/?c1d81b74835a601c#JnuqTNHeUZEcqaQjnnSuI2h9nqmIDrJZePkwhc/B8ww=14:58
LJSeinfeldVPN-down coming…14:58
Morpheusxnli use virtualmin on ubuntu and i am wondering how the virtualservers and their users get created in the background. any ideas how i can find or see this14:59
geirhaLJSeinfeld: I'm guessing you'll find that it runs some command from /sbin or /usr/sbin  which are not in cron's PATH by default. In which case, set PATH at the top of the script. http://askubuntu.com/a/23438/901614:59
Joelcan someone recomend a terminal that has tabs, and supports using ctrl+tab to switch between them?15:00
geirhaLJSeinfeld: ah yes, openvpn is located in /usr/sbin/ I believe, run ''type -P openvpn'' to confirm15:01
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WereCatfJoel: I thought you could just change the shortcut in kterminal for that?15:01
geirhaIn which case put    PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin  at the start of the script15:01
JoelWereCatf, I'll try kterminal, thanks.15:01
WereCatfI mean, konsole15:01
Joelugh, 181mb of deps for that15:02
LJSeinfeldit’s in /usr/sbin/openvpn15:02
WereCatfI'm not sure, though, I'm new to KDE myself, too. And it seems like I won't be using it for long if I can't get the memory-leak fixed.15:02
geirhaLJSeinfeld: same with the  service  and  stop  cl15:02
LJSeinfeldso mabye the script fails at service stop?15:03
geirhaSo both firevpn and VPN-down need PATH adjusted15:03
LJSeinfeldlemme give that a try15:03
geirhaLJSeinfeld: yes, service is a script that will eventually run the stop command in this case, and the stop command is in /sbin15:03
OerHeks  /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --ssl-version-min=tls115:04
LJSeinfeldkilled openvpn.. lets see if it restarts15:05
LJSeinfeldjust got my prowl message that the vpn is down15:05
Hortense23 Free Porn for Life!. Click Here! http://bit.do/my_videos6915:06
LJSeinfeldsweet, I was hoping for free porn for life..15:08
LJSeinfeldvpn check script should run and do something any minute now.. :::crosses fingers:::15:09
ObrienDaveah, the simple pleasures of life LOL15:09
LJSeinfeldwhoohoo —15:10
LJSeinfeldvpn just came back up automagically :D15:10
LJSeinfeldthanks geirha :)15:11
geirhaLJSeinfeld: yay :)15:11
LJSeinfeldone step closer to automatic media control :)15:12
LJSeinfeldthanks again15:12
geirhaLJSeinfeld: there are further improvements that can be made to those scripts though, such as error handling, and there are some bugs that will likely eventually trigger15:12
Piciedward__: This is the official Ubuntu support channel, did you have a question?15:12
edward__oh,i find it's hard to install the CodeBlocks15:13
LJSeinfelderror handling is something that I’m not even close to being proficient enough to handle15:14
LJSeinfeldcoming to bash from the level of “almost good enough to be dangerous” in applescript, lol15:14
ObrienDavescary thought ;P15:15
LJSeinfeldwith the occasional “do shell script” command that got me going on bash stuff15:15
geirhaLJSeinfeld: Well, if you want to become a bash "pro", the links in   /topic #bash   will be a good start.15:17
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LJSeinfeldcool— I’ll check them out.  Currently I’m using google…15:19
LJSeinfeldbut have read / done some tutorials, and lurked around stackechange a lot15:20
geirhaLJSeinfeld: In #bash we have a !google factoid that recommends not using google :P and stackexchange is generally a bad source for bash scripting too15:21
LJSeinfeldthat figures ….15:21
LJSeinfeld"If you can do a half-assed job of anything, you're a one-eyed man in a kingdom of the blind." - Kurt Vonnegut15:22
LJSeinfeldthat’s pretty much where I’m at currently…15:22
JoelAccidentally removed "Applications Places" from the top bar in gnome, how do I add that back? :\15:23
Joelwhoop, got it, bnm15:23
ObrienDavewe love self helpers LOL15:23
JoelAnother odd one, how do I copy a shortcut in the menu to another spot in the menu?15:24
verodebhi ppl15:25
ObrienDaveuse menu editor to create a new launcher and paste the info from the one you want to copy15:25
verodebi need to know what the command smem throws in the PSS Column is in bytes or what?15:25
JoelObrienDave, icky, there's no easy way to get the same icon doing that :(15:26
lindw0rmHi, I have a question. I am in search of a service that can act like cron, but with one difference. Starting a script oevery 1710th of a Second. Does anybody have an idea?15:27
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OerHeksverodeb, kb15:27
ObrienDaveJoel, click the icon and select the one you want. fairly easy15:28
verodebty OerHeks15:28
Guest42577hi everyone15:28
lindw0rm* 1/10th of a second15:28
verodebis this smem more accurate to measure memory used by a process in real time?15:28
JoelObrienDave, it gives me a directory listing when I do that, not a choice of icons.15:28
ObrienDavelindw0rm, ok, i'm curious, why every 1710th of a second, particularly?15:28
lindw0rm1/10th, sry15:29
ObrienDaveJoel, hmm, sec15:29
lindw0rmObrienDave i argued that as well. they have build a queue script taht they want to have fired at that rate.15:30
ObrienDaveJoel, strange, MenuLibre gives me the option to choose an Icon from a directory15:30
ObrienDaveJoel, i'm using Xubuntu15:31
JoelObrienDave, I have no idea where the path to the icon would be :\15:31
Guest42577i have a problem I can not seem to extract a zip file15:31
Guest42577on ubuntu 14.0415:32
ObrienDaveJoel, sorry, i wouldn't know where it is either15:32
JoelObrienDave, no worries, just a reminder of why linux as a desktop is so painful15:32
ObrienDaveJoel, beats Windows ;P15:33
manlinlindw0rm: script it with infinite while loop and sleep command. i think sleep command will accept floating point arguments. sleep 0.1 is 1/10th of a second which is 100 milliseconds15:34
JoelObrienDave, not really :P15:34
pbxoh goody, platform war talk in #ubuntu15:35
ObrienDaveJoel, most here would disagree with you :)15:35
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Joelpbx <315:35
ObrienDaveanyway, that's getting OT15:35
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Joelpbx want to argue which pbx is the best next? ;)15:35
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pavlosGuest42577, from a command line you can test the integrity ... unzip -t <zipfile>15:38
OerHeksTayl fix your connection please15:39
* genii feeds k1l more cookies15:41
Quatrokingquick question, not sure if this is the right place but I don't know where else to ask: how does a dir-info file look like?15:42
QuatrokingI've googled it but can't find any examples15:42
Quatrokingalso, I'm understanding it right that they provide metadata for directories, correct?15:43
OerHeksnever heard of such dir info file15:44
Quatrokinga python script I use to generate html directory listings for my public dropbox folder mentions it, I assumed it was used in more cases than just this15:45
EriC^^Quatroking: stat <dir> shows some info15:46
sacarlsonQuatroking: just ls -l  provides some added info15:47
afidegnumhello, using apache ant, I am trying to build an installation and I am faced with Buildfile build.xml does not exist, build failed. how do i fix that ?15:47
Quatrokingsacarlson, not sure if that's the same thing though15:47
EriC^^Quatroking: seems a bit odd, directories are file themselves, why would there be another file that has info on them anyways15:48
Quatroking"If a directory contains a file with dir-info in it's name (dir-name, dir-name.txt, dir-name.html, - all these names are valid) the contents of the file will be used in the index.html as and additional information about directory content."15:48
sacarlsonafidegnum: is it some customized apache?  why isn't apt-get install apache ;  good enuf?15:48
QuatrokingEriC^^, I could see people using metadata files for their folders indicating folder usage and stuff15:49
afidegnumwell, I am trying to install openmeetings and I am required to install apache ant15:49
EriC^^Quatroking: i think this pertains to the program or service rather than linux itself15:49
Quatrokingalright, I thought it was a linux thing seeing how a LOT of linux programs use readme/setup/etc. files without extensions15:50
Quatrokingfigured DIR-INFO could be one of those files as well15:50
EriC^^Quatroking: maybe, who knows, no idea about it though15:50
sacarlsonQuatroking: maybe you mean the file header that sometimes provides added info of the file type15:51
Quatrokingnah, don't think so15:51
sacarlsonQuatroking: as I can play a music file with a double click it doesn't seem to mater what the last 3 leter *.xxx are15:52
Quatrokingyeah but that's in the file itself, something a directory can't have as they're not files15:53
QuatrokingI can't find anything on google about this either, ugghhhh15:53
sacarlsonQuatroking: looks like the most complete info I can find is the stat command16:00
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sacarlsonQuatroking: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/display-file-or-file-system-status.html16:01
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ybon_burundiHi all, I'm in an humanitarian mission in Burundi, with little Internet and electricity, and I'm stuck with a server that won't boot, not sure why, I've tried boot repair, and here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/8565575/ Any hint by chance?16:17
ActionParsnipybon_burundi: what happens when you try to boot?16:17
ybon_burundi(Sorry if I'm disconnected, it may occur at any time due to no electricity :s )16:17
ybon_burundiActionParsnip: I've the boot chooser, and when I choose Ubuntu, I'm back to "Lenovo" screen and again to the boot chooser16:18
ActionParsnipybon_burundi: have you tested your RAM using Memtest?16:18
ybon_burundiit occured :/16:19
ybon_burundiActionParsnip: I've been out of electricity/internet for one minute, so if you answered something, I've missed it :(16:19
sacarlsonybon_burundi: from what I see in your pastebin it must have booted from your cd drive16:24
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ybon_burundisacarlson: ah, interesting, I think I remember that CD is the first option in the boot order16:25
ybon_burundisacarlson: but I've also tried to switch that without success16:25
ybon_burundibtw the cd drive is empty16:25
ybon_burundi(I'm right now using an USB stick to run ubuntu and access internet)16:26
afidegnumhello, pls using ubuntu 14, how do i install java JRE?16:26
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.16:26
afidegnumI am having this error sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_38/bin/javac 116:26
afidegnumsudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_38/bin/javac 116:27
afidegnumno wait16:27
afidegnumupdate-alternatives: error: alternative path /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_38/bin/javac doesn't exist16:27
ActionParsnipybon_burundi: have you tested your RAM using Memtest?16:28
ybon_burundiActionParsnip: only the quick test16:28
ybon_burundiwhich ran without issues16:28
ActionParsnipafidegnum: webupd8 has a handy ppa to install oracle java16:29
ybon_burundiI've used the one from the F12 menu I meant16:29
OerHeksafidegnum, just use 'sudo update-alternatives --config java" and select the java from menu16:29
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OerHekssee the url from ubottu16:29
afidegnumcan you give me a directive to taht please?16:30
afidegnumI am installing SDK 616:30
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afidegnumjava SDK 616:30
beginnersome one help me ?16:31
ActionParsnipafidegnum: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=webupd8+java+ppa    top link.....16:31
ActionParsnipbeginner: ask and see16:31
beginnergood night or day16:31
OerHeksafidegnum, java6 is dead ?16:32
sacarlsonybon_burundi: I guess it's booting from a usb flash disk on /dev/sdb1  that is booting like a cdrom16:32
afidegnumno, I am trying to install openmeetings and I am referred to java 616:32
geirhabest use update-java-alternatives instead16:32
beginneri install mongo db a desktop machine and use as server. my server can accept all sql loads ?16:32
ybon_burundisacarlson: mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdb1 is mounted on /cdrom when I try to mount /dev/sdb116:33
BasketballActionParsnip, can you please help me16:33
ybon_burundisacarlson: which seems to be what you are suggesting, right?16:33
sacarlsonybon_burundi: ok so can you mount sda1 and see the contents?16:33
ActionParsnipBasketball: without knowing what your issue is, how can I say..16:33
BasketballActionParsnip, i have rtcwake on a cronjob except it wont work16:34
sacarlsonybon_burundi: as that looks to be what is normaly to boot ubuntu 14.x16:34
afidegnumgeirha, that's what is giving me proble16:34
beginner{ "system" : { "currentTime" : { "$date" : "Wed Oct 15 19:33:27 2014" },     "hostname" : "server-desktop",     "cpuAddrSize" : 64,     "memSizeMB" : 7870,     "numCores" : 6,     "cpuArch" : "x86_64",     "numaEnabled" : false },   "os" : { "type" : "Linux",     "name" : "Ubuntu",     "version" : "14.04" },   "extra" : { "versionString" : "Linux version 3.13.0-37-generic (buildd@kapok) (gcc version 4.8.2 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) )16:34
afidegnumI am using ubuntu 14.0416:34
=== randomcpp is now known as gcollura
ybon_burundisacarlson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8565782/16:34
beginnerall is ok ?16:35
geirhaafidegnum: update-java-alternatives as opposed to update-alternatives ...16:35
jar0fbeansi have accidentally removed the internet connections icon from the panel bar on xubuntu. how do i add it again?16:35
beginner"versionSignature" : "Ubuntu 3.13.0-37.64-generic",     "kernelVersion" : "3.13.0-37-generic",     "cpuFrequencyMHz" : "1400.000",     "cpuFeatures" : "fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx mmxext fxsr_opt pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc rep_good nopl nonstop_tsc extd_apicid aperfmperf pni pclmulqdq monitor ssse3 fma cx16 sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt aes xsa16:35
geirhaafidegnum: update-java-alternatives --list  to see the possible choices16:35
geirhaafidegnum: then sudo update-java-alternatives --set "thechoice"16:36
afidegnumThe program 'update-java-alternatives' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:16:36
afidegnumsudo apt-get install java-common16:36
* pinky unlunches16:37
sacarlsonybon_burundi: it seems to have most of what I would expect but has a few strange files that were created today like ??U@@???@816:37
geirhaafidegnum: so you haven't installed java via apt?16:37
ybon_burundisacarlson: can this be a side effect of running boot-repair?16:37
ybon_burundistrange files names, "??", "n?" also16:38
sacarlsonybon_burundi: I'm not sure maybe it did some fsk disk fix or something and left some strange files from a partly corupted disk?16:38
ybon_burundishould I remove them? I don't think they are a problem per se, are they?16:38
FilthyMacNastywell, if they were put there by a baddie16:38
ybon_burundisacarlson: disk should be ok, at least I've run the disk test from F12 menu without issue16:38
geirhaybon_burundi: I'd boot a live cd and fsck on your main filesystem there. odd filename like that may be indicative of a corrupt filesystem16:39
jar0fbeansi have accidentally removed the internet connections icon from the panel bar on xubuntu. how do i add it again?16:39
sacarlsonybon_burundi: I don't think the files would harm anything but it might also indicate that some files maybe missing16:39
afidegnumgeirha, I wanted to install java6 from oracl16:39
ybon_burundigeirha, sacarlson: ok, thanks16:39
ybon_burundishould I just run fsck when I'm in /mnt, then?16:40
OerHeks!java | afidegnum16:40
ubottuafidegnum: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.16:40
sacarlsonybon_burundi: I think fsck is run when the disk is NOT mounted16:40
geirhaafidegnum: Oh, in what form is that? deb file? tgz file? Isn't there a PPA with oracle java somewhere?16:40
ybon_burundisacarlson: ah, right, thanks, let me man that :)16:41
geirhaybon_burundi: the filesystem should NOT be mounted when you check it16:41
beginnerthnx for no help16:41
afidegnumso with apt-get install, what type of java should I install?16:41
beginnerhave nice day16:41
sohail-ahmedI have to show you people my desktop screen shot. Where should I post that screen shot; what's the standard?16:45
ybon_burundigeirha, sacarlson /dev/sda1 contains a file system with errors, check forced.16:45
k1l!paste | sohail-ahmed16:45
ubottusohail-ahmed: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:45
ybon_burundiso you were right16:45
sohail-ahmedk1l: thanks16:46
ybon_burundigeirha, sacarlson: Inode 1977499, i_blocks is 16, should be 8.  Fix<y>?  :)16:46
sacarlsonybon_burundi: cool looks like you found your problem maybe fsck will fix it16:46
v0lksmanwhere can I look to debug bluetooth headphones?  They connect but half the time no sound, after a bunch of disconnect/reconnect cycles it will finally work...16:47
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sacarlsonv0lksman: I've had some crapy bluetooth devices that don't work much past 2 feet16:48
sohail-ahmedAt present two of my programs are displaying strange characters at their GUI. The rest of my system is working perfectly alright. For example calibre, I have also reinstalled it in vain. http://imgur.com/jEmiSI616:48
v0lksmansacarlson: distance doesn't seem to be an issue at all...just the initial connection16:48
v0lksmanin fact the distance is pretty sweet on this pair16:48
sacarlsonv0lksman: so does it work good on other systems like windows?16:49
v0lksmanyep..no problems with iphone or macbook...just the linux box with an ASUS USB dongle16:49
sacarlsonv0lksman: I'm not sure your the same one but others today were going to try newer versions of bluez16:50
v0lksmanhrm...not me...I just got fed up and decided to ask... :)16:50
kevindfHello I've setup a TS3 Music Bot on my Ubuntu 13.04 home server but the music is crackling when playing16:50
kevindfi've got no RAM problems either, i checked that16:51
CarlFKwhat's the difference between node and nodejs-legacy?16:51
reisiolegacy means it isn't supported anymore16:52
reisioit also means upstream changes their minds a lot and can't be relied upon :)16:52
sacarlsonv0lksman: I'm not sure any of these would be any better https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=bluez16:52
reisioeither that or the devs maintaining that package16:52
ybon_burundimany many errors :s16:52
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john_doe_jris it possible to have rest api commands from the terminal?16:52
sacarlsonybon_burundi: oh ya you said your power was unreliable so your disk must be corupted from one of the power crashes16:53
ybon_burundisacarlson: ah, good suggestion, yeah16:53
ybon_burundisacarlson: I'm hitting "y" to every problem, is that something I should be warned about?16:54
sacarlsonybon_burundi: I think there is a way to say Y to all questions when you run fsck so you don't have to keep answer each of them16:54
ybon_burundisacarlson: yes, seen in the manual, but now I'm not sure it's a good idea to stop the process in the middle16:55
sacarlsonybon_burundi: I don't think you have a choice you will have to try to fix it otherwise you'll just have to reformat and reinstall16:55
ybon_burundiok, thanks16:55
sacarlsonybon_burundi: I think you can ctrlC out and restart it no problem16:55
sohail-ahmedAt present two of my programs are displaying strange characters at their GUI. The rest of my system is working perfectly alright. For example calibre, I have also reinstalled it in vain. http://imgur.com/jEmiSI6 . Any help???16:55
ybon_burundisacarlson: ok, thanks again :)16:56
bitzshi guys16:57
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ybon_burundioops /dev/sda1: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY.16:58
sacarlsonsohail-ahmed: looks like maybe a language setting16:58
sacarlsonsohail-ahmed: I'm not sure where that is set and I would think all gui would be changed not just 1 or 216:59
sacarlsonsohail-ahmed: oh a font setting16:59
sacarlsonsohail-ahmed: so why do those 2 gui use a different font?17:00
sohail-ahmedsacarlson: thanks for responding. No the problem is only in these two. How can I fix that. I never changed their Font seting17:00
sohail-ahmedno. they both show the same chracters.17:00
sohail-ahmedor you may say the same language17:00
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k1lsohail-ahmed: in panel you seem to use arabic font. maybe that is the issue for the program17:02
sohail-ahmedk1l:  its urdu my native language17:03
bitzshi guys hello17:03
bitzsany one there?17:03
k1lbitzs: some users are here17:03
sohail-ahmedits not an issue, since initially calibre was working fine17:03
bitzsok i am doing testing with clearos17:03
k1lbitzs: please use #test for tests, thanks17:04
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )17:05
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King_ArthurWhat version of Ubuntu should I use to make it easy to switch between Chrome OS and Ubuntu  leaning towards Lubuntu17:12
hardcore_vazquezBuenas tardes!17:12
reisioKing_Arthur: shouldn't matter17:12
hardcore_vazquezestoy buscando asistencia para el chat17:12
k1l!es | hardcore_vazquez17:13
ubottuhardcore_vazquez: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:13
King_Arthurreisio can I switch the close buttons in to the other side of the window?17:15
reisioKing_Arthur: yup17:15
kungfoojooif i wanted to install a package meant for debian, on my ubuntu system: 1, will it work?  2, could it break my computer?  3, will my system become ineligible for support from the official ubuntu community?  4, is there anything else i might need to know?17:15
reisioKing_Arthur: with gnome-tweak-tool, easily, IIRC17:15
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reisiokungfoojoo: 1) maybe 2) it might confuse your package manager / OS 3) only if it does 4) there's always more17:15
bzilHi, somebody could help me to do working a video projector picopix 2055 ? With libam soft ?17:16
kungfoojoothanks, reisio17:16
reisiobzil: ...what about it17:16
reisiokungfoojoo: if you can be more specific than 'a package', you might get more useful info17:16
King_Arthurthanks reisio!17:17
kungfoojooi wish to install iceweasel on my ubuntu 14.04 compputer17:17
bzilI had install libam 1.5 but he can't work when i luch am7xxx-play -f x11grab -i :0.017:17
bzilhe say scan_devices: am7xxx device found, index: 0, name: Philips/Sagemcom PicoPix 205517:17
bzil<bzil> <Guest20927> cannot find input format17:17
bzil<bzil> <Guest20927> cannot initialize input17:17
bzil<bzil> <Guest20927> am7xxx_play faile17:17
BluesKajHi all17:18
kungfoojooi will just do it via the ppa...  i was wondering if it owuld have been safe to get the .deb from debian's packages17:18
computer1does anyone happen to know how to speed up transfer to a flash drive in ubuntu 12.04?17:20
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Quatrokingsacarlson, hahahahaha, nevermind dude17:21
Quatrokingturns out it just takes the content of any file containing "dir-info" in the filename and puts it in the generated html17:22
kungfoojoois it safe to completely remove firefox from Ubuntu?17:25
sacarlsonkungfoojoo: sure17:25
kungfoojooi noticed that some sources recommend using "sudo apt-get --purge auroremove" to completely remove a program, rather than just, "sudo apt-get purge".  In the case of Thunderbird, "--purge autoremove" will remove 235 MB of space, as opposed to "apt-get purge".  Is "--purge autoremove" safe?  Or will i wind up removing something i need?17:28
balrog-k1nhi, I've upgraded a bunch of packages to their 14.04 versions and graphical login now fails, and this shows up in the lightdm logs: Seat: Failed to find session configuration ubuntu17:29
balrog-k1nwhere is the list of sessions available?17:29
k1lkungfoojoo: autoremove will remove other packages that are not needed anymore, too. only purge will just remove the stuff from that specific package17:29
balrog-k1nI guess I can just change it in the lightdm config to something else17:29
balrog-k1nlightdm.conf says user-session=ubutnu17:30
sacarlsonkungfoojoo: it shouldn't remove anything you need in ether case17:30
computer1does anyone happen to know how to speed up transfer to a flash drive in ubuntu 12.04?17:32
sacarlsoncomputer1: compress the data first?17:32
sacarlsoncomputer1: I'm better at making it slower by using the slower driver.  it defaults to the fastest driver that the hardware supports.  you may have a faster port on your computer17:34
sacarlsonsome computers like mine have both usb 2 and usb 3 ports17:34
computer1ok ill try17:34
sacarlsoncomputer1: most flash disks are only usb2 but some fancy new ones might be usb 317:35
sacarlsoncomputer1: oh and make sure not to use a usb hub as some are only rated at usb 117:37
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userfspectrwm is very outdated in ubuntu 14.0417:45
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userfbest lightwm should by newest version17:47
OerHeksuserf, file a bugreport, never heard of sectrwm before you mentioned it17:47
Piciuserf: Have you filed a bug?17:47
OerHeks1.0 > 2.5 is a huge step17:48
userfPici: yes, its about usability and new features17:48
Piciuserf: I don't see any new bugs for spectrwm in launchpad.17:49
userfPici: becouse it is not bug, just newer package17:49
multihunterHello, ipv6 suddenly stopped working on my vps. ping6 returns network unreachable17:50
multihunteranyone can help?17:50
k1luserf: file a bug/request on launchpad. then see if the maintainer needs help or if there is any active maintainer at all.17:50
k1luserf: tl;dr: you want it? help it!17:50
userfk1l: ok17:50
Piciuserf: Looks like it was only updated to 2.6 in Debian on Sept 9th.17:51
sacarlsonmultihunter: my ISP doesn't even support ipv6,  I guess only 10% of trafic uses it and most everything is still reachable17:51
multihuntersacarlson, it used to work till today!17:52
sacarlsonmultihunter: but if you really need it you can setup a gogo account to tunnel into it17:52
multihuntersacarlson, I have ipv6 for my box. Something's wrong with the server I guess17:52
multihunterits OVH17:53
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k1l!pl | darcik17:56
ubottudarcik: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.17:56
CorvetteSo I created two partitions on my SSD. One for Windows, one for Ubuntu. One is NTFS, the other EXT4. I installed Windows on the NTFS partition first. For some reason it looks like it installed its bootloader on my HDD instead, without asking. I installed Ubuntu on the EXT4 partition, and selected the Ubuntu partition as the GRUB location as well. When I try to boot from ssd, nothing happens, it only boots Windows from the HDD. What do I do17:56
jhutchinsmultihunter: How do you know it's not working?17:56
jhutchinsmultihunter: Ah, no ping returns.  Can you ping6 localhost?17:56
multihunterjhutchins, because ping6 ipv6.google.com says network unreachable17:56
multihunterI figured that it doesnt have any ipv6 loopback set. Can it be the reason?17:57
sacarlsonCorvette: maybe you can change the boot order in bios17:57
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:57
Corvettescarlson when I try to boot from the SSD nothing happens17:57
ubottuBangla te Ubuntu bishoyok alochonar jonno #ubuntu-bd te ashun. Dhonnobad!17:57
multihunterjhutchins, I can ping6 localhost17:58
sacarlsonmultihunter: ya it's possible it's set not to respond to pings17:58
jhutchinsmultihunter: Interesting, it should set up an ipv6 address for loopback automatically.17:58
jhutchinsWHat's the IP6?17:58
multihuntermany :D17:58
multihunterjhutchins, they're added via a script and too many I cant even see all of them17:59
jhutchinsmultihunter: That sounds like a potential problem.17:59
xXBackDoorXXwhen start ubuntu 14.10?18:00
streulmahello we have a Canon network/usb printer/scanner. But scangear in Ubuntu is not good (to gray). Is it good to download a Windows XP Virtual Machine from modern.ie and use this for USB scanning?18:00
sacarlsonmultihunter: can you ping6 2404:6800:4001:805::1002   that's google.com18:00
jhutchinsmultihunter: Why?  IP based vhosts?18:00
multihuntersacarlson, no18:00
multihunterjhutchins, yes18:00
sacarlsonmultihunter: then you may not have ipv6 on your ISP today18:00
xXBackDoorXXwhen go ubuntu 14.10?18:00
jhutchinsstreulma: What you see from a VM is not a reliable indication of USB hardware.18:01
multihuntersacarlson, anyway to check it?18:01
k1lxXBackDoorXX: 23.10.201418:01
ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India18:01
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jhutchinsstreulma: does sudo lsusb show it?18:01
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streulmajhutchins it works also with Sane, but to grey, in XP is ok18:02
rypervenchemultihunter: Did you get your IPv6 issue resolved?18:02
rypervenchemultihunter: I have IPv6 on my network and can ping your server if you can give me an IP.18:02
sacarlsonmultihunter: http://test-ipv6.com/18:02
jhutchinsstreulma: I don't know what "to grey" means.18:02
rypervenchemultihunter: I also have an OVH server set up with IPv6 if the problem is server-side.18:02
multihunterrypervenche, ipv6 is wortking on your server?18:03
daosAnyone have idea when to expect OpenSSL 1.0.1j for 12.0418:03
rypervenchemultihunter: Yep.18:03
rypervenchemultihunter: Have you ever had IPv6 working on the server or was it working before and not anymore?18:03
carefreehawkhi guys can i ask something18:04
reisiocarefreehawk: remains to be seen18:04
jhutchinsdaos: Should be out already.  OpenSSL's versions don't exactly match the Ubuntu package version.18:04
multihunterrypervenche, it was working till today18:04
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jhutchinsmultihunter: What changed?18:04
multihunterjhutchins, nothing18:04
userfdoge:  Have you filed a bug?18:04
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sacarlsonmultihunter: also see if your dns lookup for ipv6 works   dig AAAA  google.com18:06
ice799Hi, what is the proper channel to really specific deb packaging questions? I have packaged a program for my Ubuntu system but apt appears to be behaving strangely and I'm not sure where to ask.18:06
Picidaos: I don't know if we'll get the j version, but it might be patched right into the version we already have.18:06
daosjhutchins: I just updated my system and the package was apparently built on Jun 20 201418:06
jhutchinsdaos: Were you talking about the hartbleed vulnerability or the newly announced poodle problem?18:06
daosPici: ah--would that be announced in the security notices?18:06
daosnot seeing anything there yet18:06
streulmajhutchins gray?18:07
multihuntersacarlson, dns works fine18:07
Picidaos: It should be.18:07
rypervencheSo multihunter doesn't have IPv6 on his home network.18:07
streulmaI have many ipv6 on hosting :D18:07
tafa2ipv6 confuses the hell out of me18:07
tafa2but the guys on #ipv6 are really helpful18:08
Picijhutchins: the new problem probably, new upstream packages just landed today.18:08
daosPici: jhutchins: so the fact that I'm not seeing anything realted to OpenSSL in the security notices yet indicates that they haven't incorporated that patch. Is that a correct assumption?18:08
sacarlsonice799: I've created deb packages but can't use apt to install it I use sudo gdebi packagename.deb18:08
multihunterrypervenche, I have some bots on my server that are connected to irc with ipv6 (to have custom vhosts). Today they ping timed out and when I checked the server I reallized something's wrong with its ipv6.18:08
Picidaos: That is correct.18:08
jhutchinsPici: Are you refering to CVE-2014-3566?18:08
ubottuThe SSL protocol 3.0, as used in OpenSSL through 1.0.1i and other products, uses nondeterministic CBC padding, which makes it easier for man-in-the-middle attackers to obtain cleartext data via a padding-oracle attack, aka the "POODLE" issue. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-3566)18:08
rypervenchemultihunter: Ok, so they're going from your server to an IRC server, that is different.18:08
daosPici: OK cool, thanks. I'll keep my eyes on USN for now. Thank you very much for your help :)18:08
daosHave a good day!18:08
multihunteryes rypervenche18:09
Picijhutchins: yes. 3513, 3566, and 3567.18:09
rypervenchemultihunter: Can you paste the output of "ip a" and of your interfaces file to a pastebin please?18:09
jhutchinsPici: No patch available, it's a configuration issue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/537196/how-do-i-patch-workaround-sslv3-poodle-vulnerability-cve-2014-356618:13
ubottuThe SSL protocol 3.0, as used in OpenSSL through 1.0.1i and other products, uses nondeterministic CBC padding, which makes it easier for man-in-the-middle attackers to obtain cleartext data via a padding-oracle attack, aka the "POODLE" issue. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-3566)18:13
multihunterrypervenche, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8566318/18:13
multihunterbtw I can't ping the gateway18:15
rypervenchemultihunter: In that case, restart networking.18:15
unopastecodylmoore you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted18:15
SchrodingersScatI don't think apache2 in ubuntu has ssl by default anyway18:15
sacarlsonSchrodingersScat: I think the modules are there but no certs18:16
codylmoorehey im sorry for spammin.g it wont happen again18:17
codylmoorehwo do you request to kick people off a chat server?18:18
codylmoorehwo do you request to kick people off a chat server?18:19
SchrodingersScatcodylmoore: what protocol chat?18:19
codylmooreliek if someone is spamming hwo do you requestr to kick them off18:19
SchrodingersScatask an op of the channel18:19
pedahzurSo, I was here yesterday with this question: https://askubuntu.com/questions/537166/usb-audio-device-not-fully-working-after-hotplug  A friend found what appears to be a related bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/841433  So, I guess my question now is: how do I slow down the initialization (udev rule? pulseaudio config?) so the usb device is fully initialized when pulseaudio goes to look at it?18:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 841433 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Hotplug of USB 7.1 soundcard not detected properly" [Low,Triaged]18:20
jhutchinsmultihunter: I agree with the idea of restarting networking, but that often causes problems with multiple-alias interfaces, and if the problem is that something in your networking config is broken you might loose connectivity to the server.  It's a windows solution, but I think a reboot might actually be safer.18:22
jhutchinsmultihunter: Who set up the multi-ip configuration in the first place?18:23
multihunterjhutchins, myself :)18:23
jhutchinsmultihunter: If you can give me one of the ipv6 addresses I can try to ping it.18:23
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multihunterjhutchins, I did that myself. Its not pinging18:25
sarnexhi, i want to use the canonical x staging PPA to install xserver 1.16 on ubuntu 14.04, how can i do this without it breaking aton of packages and uninstalling many core compenents?18:25
multihunterjhutchins, if I restart networking my other services currently connected to irc (ipv4) will be disconnected, right?18:26
pedahzurmultihunter: Not necessarily...I've restarted networking on an SSH connected host, and it just retries until networking is up, then I get a burst of text from the restart command.18:27
sacarlsonsarnex: maybe try it in a virtualbox system and see what the results are there before you try it on your system that you presently use18:27
sarnexsacarlson: ok i will try it18:27
sarnexi wish there was a simple way to do it though18:27
sacarlsonsarnex: I'm sure there is if someone knew the answer18:28
sarnexyeah hopefully someone knows18:28
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Picijhutchins:fyi, there is a small patch for 2014-3566 being worked on right now. The release will also include changes for 3513, 3567 and 3568.18:33
jhutchinsmultihunter: Some services can ignore a restart of the connection, but some might drop.18:35
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multihunterwell I just lost connection to it :D18:36
jhutchinsmultihunter: What pedahzur said.18:36
multihunterrebooting now from console18:36
jhutchinsPici: According to what I've read, you have to update the client too, so might as well just disable SSLv3.18:36
pedahzurmultihunter: Hmm...do you have a server-keepalive packet set to a really short interval?  It's always kept up ssh connections...but I suppose other types could vary.18:36
multihunterpedahzur, dont know.18:37
multihunterBTW reboot didnt solve the ping6 problem18:37
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sacarlsonmultihunter: I'm not sure this would help but apt-get install gogoc  if that works then would the prove that the problem is the ISP?18:41
gravy_How do I uninstall a package installed from source?18:43
gravy_Or tarball?18:43
pedahzurgravy_: Did you do make/make install?18:43
gravy_I may have.18:43
multihuntersacarlson, I'll send them a ticket. Thats better18:43
gravy_I did mess with that.18:43
sacarlsongravy_: you sure that's the only option  did you check ppa?18:43
gravy_I did apt-get remove.18:43
gravy_So I must have installed from source or an installer tarball18:44
pedahzurgravy_: If you did, and still have the source, you might be able to go into that source directory and do 'make uninstall'  Some maintainers include an 'uninstall' target in their Makefiles.18:44
gravy_.THe directory is not there anymore.18:44
gravy_Oh, I found it with synaptic.18:45
CorvetteHow do you make USB 3.0 ports work in Ubuntu? Do you have to turn off xHCI18:46
Jordan_UCorvette: They should work out of the box, if they're not for you then that is a bug and how to fix it will depend on the details of the bug.18:47
gravy_It worked.18:47
gravy_Can someone help me set up Lazarus?18:48
CorvetteJordan_U I see. Suppose I'll have to live without them18:48
gravy_So that I can make GUI apps in it.18:48
Jordan_UCorvette: I wouldn't give up so easily :) What version of Ubuntu are you using? Please pastebin the output of "dmesg".18:48
sacarlsonCorvette: I would guess if a usb 2.0 device is on the usb3.0 port that it would be forced to run as usb 2.018:48
sacarlsonCorvette: for all devices on that port18:49
CorvetteHm well before I tackle that... i switched my boot mode to UEFI only and now my CD drives don't work.18:50
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pedahzurgravy_: Never used it, sorry.  Do you have a particular attachment to Object Pascal? :)18:53
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gravy_No, I need it for school.18:54
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gravy_Lazarus worked perfectly fine in Arch linux.18:55
pedahzurgravy_: Wow...they are still teaching Pascal?18:55
gravy_Pascal is a beginner's language created to teach the concepts of programming.18:55
pedahzurgravy_: There is a lazarus-ide-1.0.10 package in Ubuntu.18:55
gravy_I use C++.18:55
gravy_It is broken. I cannot make GUI applications in it.18:55
gravy_ANd there are errors on startup.18:55
pedahzurgravy_: Might this help: http://mapopa.blogspot.com/2012/08/lazarus-10-release-candidate-2.html18:56
gravy_Lazarus is missing packages when it installs.18:57
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pedahzurEven when following those instructions?18:59
sacarlsongravy_: looks like I see it in ppa https://launchpad.net/~paul-climbing/+archive/ubuntu/ppa18:59
gravy_sacarlson, you're saying I should install it from that repo?18:59
gravy_pedahzur, that looks like voodoo.18:59
sacarlsongravy_: if it's not in the standard repo then that's always my secound choice it's it's in ppa, if not there then you can try there deb package they also have19:00
pedahzursacarlson: That's a really old version. Even old than what is in Ubuntu Universe right now.19:00
gravy_I tried downloading the .deb package as well.19:00
sjmikemI'm getting some odd text  flickering in TT in Pidgin and Gedit, like it thinks the windowsize is constantly changing.  I'm using NVidia Geforce 620 w/ 340.46 drivers installed from Nvidia website.  ANy suggestions?19:01
michael_j_pMy Google Chrome quit working after upgrading to 14.x   -   any suggestions?19:01
sjmikemAlso, using dual monitors if it matters19:02
jameshestonI've got a USB to SATA cord, and I'm trying to pull some coding files off the hard drive of my Mac that just died so I can pick up where I left off. The drive shows up, but after a certain point, I'm lost permissions to navigate through the drive's files. I'm assuming this is because it using a different journaling than my Linux machine. I'm wondering if there's any danger of messing up the drive if I mount it in -rw19:02
jameshestonformat. Anyone have any experience with this?19:02
Jordan_Ujamesheston: You can't write safely to a journaled hfsplus filesystem from within linux, but you really shouldn't need to write to the fs to access the files on it.19:03
sacarlsongravy_: ya your lazarus looks to be in the stable repo already ,  just try that19:03
nomicmount drive from live cd19:04
gravy_sacarlson, hwo do I remove it afterwards if it does not work?19:04
pedahzurjamesheston: I'd mount it ro, as root.  If you are getting permission errors at that point, there might be some corruption.19:04
pedahzurgravy_: apt-get remove19:04
sacarlsongravy_: sudo apt-get remove lazarus19:04
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gravy_Can I do a one-time only ppa install?19:05
jameshestonso, sudo mount -ro /dev/sdb1 /media/usb/19:05
jameshestonsomething like that?19:05
Jordan_Ujamesheston: That should work, yes. Then you may need to use sudo to copy some of the files.19:05
jameshestonGod it would suck if it was corrupted.19:05
jameshestonI've been really slack about backing things up last few months. Would be like 3 months of development down the drain.19:06
jameshestonOh well, at least my recent large projects are repod I guess.19:06
jameshestonSo, if I'm getting permissions errors when navigating around the drive it's most likely because of data corruption?19:07
antoniodmoramornig everyone19:07
antoniodmorado you know what happened to ubuntu reconstructor??19:07
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Trinityfan /join #discorsi-sull-informatica-in-generale19:08
LucidGuyOk whats up with java via firefox on Ubuntu .. follwed instruction to install icedtea-plugin, yet website still claim I don't have a new enough version installed.19:09
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.19:09
OerHeksantoniodmora, "LAST UPDATED ON:December 19th, 2011"  dead project19:09
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Quatrokingdoes python happen to cache scripts?19:10
Trinityfan /join #discorsi-sull-informatica-in-generale19:10
YokoBRhi guys,19:10
OerHeksTrinityfan, please don't spam, thanks19:10
OerHekshi YokoBR19:11
YokoBRi can't use any torrent behind a proxy. Seems that the system wide proxy settings is not working.19:11
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antoniodmoraOerHeks: yes, I saw... any other alternative to reconstructor??19:12
ubottuuck is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/19:12
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antoniodmorathanks ubottu19:12
antoniodmoraand what if I want to install the customized ubuntu??19:14
OerHeksantoniodmora, burn the iso on dvd, or make an usb, and enjoy ?19:14
sacarlsonantoniodmora: they should install just like the normal ubuntu with usb or cdrom iso19:15
irssi_Hi, I would like to install a package delivered by a ppa. But do not provide this package for my older version (13.04) How to download anyway? (I think the package will run on my version)19:15
joshcrawlingSomeone can tell me how I change a key on vim? Like when I put - change to _19:15
antoniodmoraok, let me try19:15
sjmikemany help for my video flickering issues?19:15
antoniodmorathanks a lot OerHeks and sacarlson19:15
sacarlsonirssi_: maybe provide us with the name of the package would be useful19:16
Jordan_U!remaster | antoniodmora19:16
ubottuantoniodmora: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/19:16
irssi_sacarlson: 0ad19:17
k1lirssi_: 13.04 is heavy security issue. you should upgrade to 13.10 and then to 14.0419:17
irssi_k1l: I know, but I do not have time to do the update now. And how to bypass the version check with apt-get me interested19:19
Jordan_Uirssi_: You know all of those major vulnerabilities that have been found recently? Ubuntu 13.04 doesn't have fixes for any of them (and is also missing fixes for less publicised vulnerabilities). Seriously, you need to upgrade.19:19
sjmikemis there other information I can provide that might give you enough info to help?19:19
k1lirssi_: you got time to play a game but not to update to a secure OS? o_O19:19
OerHeksirssi_, i am not sure the eolupgrade trick solves ppa issues too19:19
sacarlsonirssi_: some kind of graphic game,  you could try install the deb file and see what dependancies it needs that might not be present19:19
k1lirssi_: usually PPAs provide their packages only for specific ubuntu releases. in most times its that releases that are still supported19:20
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rsrslAut0Exec: hahahaha19:21
rsrslAut0Exec: you really went over here?19:21
Aut0Execoh yeah19:21
Aut0Execi love ubuntu man19:21
Aut0Execalways have... always will19:21
Aut0Execits my first love... even when I cheat on her, I always come back19:22
rsrslAut0Exec: I like it too, although the bleeding edge is hard to resist19:22
Aut0Execyou can make ubuntu "bleeding edge"19:22
rsrslAut0Exec: and where is the AUR19:22
Aut0Execjust uncheck the dreaded repos19:22
irssi_k1l: Yes, fully reconfigure a machine takes time, but the upgrade is on my todo weekend k1l :)19:23
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Aut0Execrsrsl: also... sometimes "bleeding edge" is not that great19:23
balancehi, I'm running Ubuntu console and wondering if I can start a new window? Like you can have several desktops19:23
Aut0ExecI'm after stability19:23
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rsrslAut0Exec: hahahaha true! I locked myself out of X today; a fucked up conf merge XD19:24
Aut0Execthats what I hate about arch19:24
Aut0Execcome back to ubuntu brother....we miss you19:24
rsrslAut0Exec: but you can't beat systemd19:24
Jordan_Ursrsl: Aut0Exec: Please keep on topic for this channel (ubuntu support questions and answers), and please watch your language.19:24
Aut0ExecJordan_U: sorry19:25
Aut0Execrsrsl: pm19:25
rsrslJordan_U: sorry19:25
metallicJordan_U = moderator?19:25
Aut0Execmetallic: apparently19:25
zetherooUbuntu 14.04 - I changed the host IP and now want to restart networking so I don't have to restart the system19:26
zetherooservice networking restart doesn't seem to work19:26
Jordan_Umetallic: Yes, though you don't need to be an operator to ask people to follow the channel guidelines :)19:26
zetherooalso tried with reload19:27
zetheroono joy19:27
Fishscenesudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth019:27
zetheroook will try that19:27
Fishscenezetheroo: There's a couple of other options, possibly: http://askubuntu.com/questions/441619/how-to-successfully-restart-a-network-without-reboot-over-ssh19:27
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Will2KillHI all19:33
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Jordan_Ujamesheston: No, definitely not. It's because the user ID of the user that owns the files is different from your Ubuntu user's user ID. That's why I said that you might need to use sudo to copy some of the files. Are you trying to backup all of the data on the drive, or specific already known directories, or do you need to be able to browse around to determine what you want to copy?19:36
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne
Will2KillI'm hoping someone with a lot of Grub knowledge could help. Simple description. I have Asus x200 netbook (Secure boot/CSM option in bios), trying to end up with Win 8.1 / Ubuntu dual boot(have done it many times in past).Seem to have problems now.19:37
Will2KillI have Win8.1 installed and Ubuntu on two partitions.(tried reinstalling Ubuntu 3x to fix this problem)19:38
jostIs there some way to find out who last changed the permissions of a directory or file19:39
Will2KillFor some reason Grub is not installing on the windows partition19:39
Jordan_Ujost: Not directly, though by the permissions you can rule out some users, as they would not have been able to. What is your end goal?19:39
sacarlsonjost: only 3 posible the owner ,  the group if permisions set to allow and root19:40
Jordan_UWill2Kill: Grub should never be installed on the Windows partition. What symptoms are you actually seeing that indicate a problem? What happens when you try to boot?19:40
jostJordan_U: sacarlson: then its root... shit.19:40
Jordan_Ujost: Please watch your language.19:40
jostJordan_U: will do, sorry19:41
Will2KillJordan_U: I am not getting a Grub menu19:41
jostAttacker changes mode of / to 0777 every few minutes, and I want to know how19:41
Will2KillI think part of the problem is where the partitions are at on the HD.19:42
Will2KillWhats the best way to post them?19:42
Will2KillI have installed ubuntu 3x without it booting with a grub menu19:42
loahow i can move apparmor log from syslog to different file?19:43
loai tried this file /etc/apparmor/logprof.conf19:44
sacarlsonWill2Kill: maybe you choose the partion to instead of the drive to install the mbr or is that even posible?19:44
Jordan_UWill2Kill: Is this a BIOS based or UEFI based machine? Do you have more than one hard drive?19:45
sacarlsonWill2Kill: oh did you get that error code thing at boot?19:45
Will2KillJordan_U: Just one harddrive. It's a Netbook. Not sure about the question. I see EFI options in the bios19:47
Jordan_UWill2Kill: Then it uses UEFI. Are you currently booted from an Ubuntu LiveUSB?19:47
Will2KillI can boot up to Ubuntu using a Grub2 rescue DVD I made19:48
Will2KillI can boot up with a live session19:48
Jordan_UWill2Kill: Please boot into your installed Ubuntu system using supergrub then, then run "sudo efibootmgr" and pastebin the output.19:50
Will2KillJordan_U: will do, thank you so much19:52
Jordan_UWill2Kill: You're welcome.19:52
dikim33I have one machine with gcc-4.6.4 installed but some other ubuntu machines with gcc-4.6.3. They are all ubuntu-12.04 LTS and I believe that they use the same apt-get source and I updated the repo cache with “apt-get update” all.19:54
dikim33Do you know why this kind of thing happens and how to upgrade 4.6.3 to 4.6.4?19:54
demarcoHi all, I have two machines of the same release. ``apt-get update'' fails on one but not the other; certain Packages files are 404'ing. But when I ``wget'' the 404'ing URL on that machine, I can download the Packages.gz just fine. Where do I look to see what's going on with apt-get?19:54
guntbertdemarco: 1st step: sudo apt-get update   to refresh the database19:55
guntbertdemarco: sory, I misread19:55
demarcoSo ``W: Failed to fetch http://mirror.rackspace.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/universe/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found''; yet ``wget'' on that URL returns successfully.19:55
NCS_Oneanyone using MX518 successfully get the DPI buttons working has normal buttons?19:56
* demarco grins at guntbert19:56
demarcoThere's nothing in /var/log/apt/*.log19:56
snoopwhen I was updating ubuntu, the computer froze and I had to do a hard reboot. After that, my computer has been running extremely slow and i cannot use alot of applications. The font changes to a different font and then back to the original font again on my desktop. there are also error messages tha tpop up saying 'system program problem detected".  I also cannot access any external usb drives after this happened so I am unable to backup19:57
Jordan_Usnoop: It sounds like you may have a hardware problem, possibly a power supply going bad. Please pastebin the output of "dmesg".19:58
demarcoAnybody have any ideas about why apt-get update would fail with 404 despite wget fetching the Packages.gz just fine?19:58
IdleOneJordan_U: my guess would be an incomplete update.19:58
snoopif the power supply is bad why can i turn the computer on and off19:59
Jordan_Usnoop: Power supplies often don't die outright, they will first fail to give their full wattage of output, causing some components to not get enough power (the external USB drives not working is what makes me suspect this is happening). And of course it could be an entirely different problem, either way "dmesg" will hopefully be enlightening. Please also pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get -f install".20:01
chridalHello, I could really use some help with a DHCP server running in production. 1,318 users depend on it, so I can't mess up20:02
Naphatuldo i have to restart network manager for dns server changes to take effect?20:02
chridalI am getting: inux-image-generic-pae : Depends: linux-image-3.2.0-40-generic-pae but it is not installed20:02
Jordan_Uchridal: #ubuntu-server might be a better place to ask.20:03
chridalJordan_U: Thanks!20:03
Jordan_Uchrissg: You're welcome :)20:03
Will2KillJordan_U: Wasn't able to boot into Ubuntu(It said it couldn't mount) but I was able to get the output of "efibootmgr"20:04
Will2Killit's in a terminal not online20:04
Naphatulapparently yes it needs to be restared20:04
rubickIs it recommended to use mariadb vs mysql for 14.04 server?20:05
OerHeksrubick,  that is up to you20:05
KratosCiao a tutti20:05
ubottuKratos: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:05
Jordan_UWill2Kill: Please paste the output into http://pastebin.ubuntu.com then post a link to the output here.20:06
bpromptciao Kratos20:06
Naphatuldoes networkmanager really have to be restarted every time i change dns or is there a workaround?20:06
Jordan_UNaphatul: How are you changing your DNS configuration?20:07
NaphatulJordan_U, through the UI20:07
Jordan_UNaphatul: I thought that updated as you changed settings, if not I would expect just disconnecting and reconnecting to that network would cause the new settings to come into affect.20:10
CorvetteIs it bad to have your /home partition on a different drive20:12
Jordan_UCorvette: No.20:12
jhutchinsCorvette: No known issues.20:12
k1lCorvette: no. just make sure the drive is plugged in when booting :)20:13
Vachaun22ubuntu 14.04 LTS with nVidia drivers, anyone have an issue with their display not staying in low power mode when idle?20:14
jhutchinsCorvette: The main reason for having so many different partitions stems from using drives that were too small to hold all the needed partitions.20:14
CorvetteOkay. In doing my ubuntu install, I installed / to sda1, swap to sda2, (windows is my sda3). The location for the bootloader I selected as sda. Is this right20:14
jhutchinsCorvette: That's "small" in the sense of capacity, the actual drives were the size of washing machines.20:14
jhutchinsCorvette: Yes, that's correct.20:15
CorvetteDoes there need to be free space on the drive for installing the bootloader to work20:15
CorvetteOr will it find space20:15
jhutchinsCorvette: It goes in the MBR which is reserved anyway.20:15
Corvettejhutchins so is that where the windows bootloader is as well20:15
jhutchinsCorvette: Yes, that's why it gets overwritten, or why grub does if you reinstall Windows.20:16
CorvetteSo having done that, windows bootloader should be gone20:16
Vachaun22and also, what's the point of the bar on the right hand side of the screen?  i can't run any of the applications that are on it by clicking their icons on that bar20:16
jhutchinsCorvette: The initial stage, yes.20:16
Corvettejhutchins so provided that is the case, the machine should boot into ubuntu, and then I can do sudo grub repair and it will find the windows loader, right?20:17
jhutchinsCorvette: It's actually possible (or was ca NT4) to chainload grub from the Windows MBR, but it's a real pain to set up and grub is just easier to deal with.20:17
Jordan_U!screenshot | Will2Kill20:17
ubottuWill2Kill: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.20:17
Jordan_UCorvette: There will be an entry for Windows in the grub menu from the beginning, barring any problems.20:18
undergroundhey I am wondering if linux has something like spotify20:19
k1lthe question should be if spotify got some client for linux.20:20
Vachaun22what's the new bar on the right side of the unity desktop?20:20
k1lVachaun22: which bar?20:21
Vachaun22it looks like some kind of launcher....translucent20:21
* OerHeks only has a bar on the left side20:21
Vachaun22has icons for firefox, terminal, and about 6 others....20:21
Vachaun22i only had on the left until i upgraded last night20:22
k1lVachaun22: are you sure about the "right"handside?20:22
KaedennCan I have apt-cache search <package> denote which packages I have installed in the listing, so I don't apt-get install something I already installed?20:22
KaedennWithout writing a script that does a dpkg-query on each line.20:22
Guest46803hello world20:22
OerHeksVachaun22, can you show us a screenshot please?20:22
k1lVachaun22: can you make a screenshot?20:22
Vachaun22where can i post a screenshot to?20:22
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squintyKaedenn: fwiw, i still use aptitude >  aptitude search <program> | grep "i "20:25
Kaedennsquinty: The folks over at #debian said the same exact thing. Thank you.20:25
squintyKaedenn:  yw.  :)20:26
=== Drone`` is now known as Drone`
Will2KillJordan_U: Ok , paste bin 856701820:27
Will2KillJordan_U: Ok , paste bin pastebin.ubuntu.com/856701820:28
snoopwhen I was updating ubuntu, the computer froze and I had to do a hard reboot. After that, my computer has been running extremely slow and i cannot use alot of applications. The font changes to a different font and then back to the original font again on my desktop. there are also error messages tha tpop up saying 'system program problem detected".  I also cannot access any external usb drives after this happened so I am unable to backup20:29
k1lVachaun22: did you install a launcher? that is not the standard unity launcher. that is on the lefthand side20:29
Vachaun22k1l: no, it appeared after i upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 last night20:30
Jordan_Usnoop: Are you having trouble pastebining the output of "dmesg" and "sudo apt-get -f install"?20:30
k1lVachaun22: can you pastebin please "ps ax" ?20:30
OerHeksVachaun22, that would be docky >> http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/docky20:31
snoopyes because my comp is so slow20:31
Jordan_UWill2Kill: OK, it looks from that like the Ubuntu entry just isn't first in the boot order but the fact that you said in PM that you deleted the partition containing /boot/efi/ worries me. Why did you do this? What EFI System Partition is Windows using? You need to have an EFI system partition mounted to /boot/efi/, and configured to do so automatically in your /etc/fstab.20:33
Vachaun22k1l: and OerHeks: it was wbar, must be a remnant of a much older time... i will have to figure out how to edit start up apps in ubunut (i don't normally run ubuntu, so everything is in a different place for me)20:34
Jordan_UVachaun22: My guess is that you installed the laucher a long time ago and forgot about it (maybe it didn't work due to a bug), and the upgrade is just actually showing it (maybe the bug that prevented it from showing before was fixed).20:34
Vachaun22now if i can just figure out how to get my monitor to not to flicker on and off when it goes to sleep20:34
Will2KillJordan_I: I used a Windows Rescue CD I made and it restored the bootmanager. EFI or something.20:35
Jordan_UVachaun22: You should be able to just "sudo apt-get remove wbar".20:35
Will2KillAt first I wasn't able to boot Windows or Ubuntu20:35
Will2Killafter using repair on Rescue DVD I made with that windows, it restored something. Able to boot windows now20:35
Jordan_UWill2Kill: OK. Please run boot info script: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and pastebin the RESULTS.txt that it produces.20:36
Vachaun22Jordan_U: yeah, i just disabled it from starting for right now20:36
Vachaun22ok, time to exercise.  i will muck with the screen not staying asleep later20:37
cinvoketrying to get ssh to use my local config file.  Can someone point me in the right direction?20:39
Jordan_UWill2Kill: That will tell me what ESP Windows is using, then we can configure your /etc/fstab to mount that same partition to /boot/efi/, then (and no earlier) we can run "sudo grub-install" to re-install grub.20:39
KaedennMy ubuntu 13.10 box is still vulnerable to shellshock and there are no updates listed. Has it been EOL'd?20:40
k1lKaedenn: yes20:40
Jordan_U!eol | Kaedenn20:40
ubottuKaedenn: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:40
KaedennCan I get an update for this security issue without doing a dist-upgrade?20:40
k1lKaedenn: upgrade to 14.04 and use LTS (like 14.04) in future if you dont want to upgrade that often20:41
k1lKaedenn: no.20:41
OerHeksKaedenn, upgrade please20:41
Jordan_UKaedenn: There are many other unfixed vulnerabilities in 13.10. You need to upgrade.20:41
k1lKaedenn: it doesnt make sence at all to just close 1 security issue since 2 months and let the other 1000 security issues untouched.20:41
KaedennEvery single dist-upgrade I've ever done has resulted in the system being unstable. >_<20:41
Jordan_UKaedenn: Have you followe the upgrade notes when upgrading?20:42
KaedennI just used the UI.20:42
k1lKaedenn: if you got that special setups (the standard upgrade gets automated testing and works) stay on LTS in first place.20:42
KaedennI bought this laptop from System76 and it was preinstalled with 13.10 >_<20:42
OerHeksKaedenn, that makes no sense, you haven't done any upgrade yet, and complain about beiing unstable?20:44
KaedennI've upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 in the past, 9.10 to 10.04 on my previous laptop, then that to 11.04.20:44
Jordan_UKaedenn: I predict that this upgrade will go better than your others. Still, I would recommend making an Ubuntu 14.04 liveUSB to boot from in case something goes wrong, and you can always use it to re-install (which you can do while preserving the contents of /home/, even if it's not on a separate partition).20:45
Will2KillJordan_U: Ok, pastebin.ubuntu.com/856709320:46
PiciKaedenn: I'm sort of not following, but you keep using the term 'dist-upgrade' when you mean release upgrade.  'dist-upgrades' are not for upgrading to a new release of Ubuntu.20:46
KaedennPici: I thought dist-upgrade was the command to run.20:47
KaedennGuess not.20:47
PiciKaedenn: dist-upgrade just brings in new packages for your current release.  do-release-upgrade upgrades to a new release.20:47
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.20:47
Kaedenn...that would explain some of the problems I had.20:48
PiciKaedenn: You said you were using the UI though...20:48
k1lKaedenn: dont use the old debian way to upgrade a ubuntu. run the gui upgrader or the do-release-upgrade in cli20:48
Kaedenn8.10 to 9.04 was with the ui. 10.10 to 11.04 was via the command line.20:49
KaedennOdd, `do-release-upgrade -c` says "No new release found", even when I add -d or -p.20:51
Jordan_UWill2Kill: You have a bizzzare configuration, I have no idea how Windows is booting successfully in this setup (it's not supported by Windows).20:51
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
Will2KillJordan_U: Just so it makes sense when looking at the log file.  My current set up is , I have Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu on two different partitions20:52
k1lKaedenn: what gives you "lsb_release -d"?20:52
KaedennUbuntu 13.1020:52
Will2KillI booted into Ubuntu partition using Grub2 dvd,20:52
Will2KillIn the asus x200 bios, it only had Windows as the boot partition. I think efi part is missing20:53
k1lKaedenn: what does the release prompt link to?20:54
KaedennRelease prompt? What do you mean?20:54
k1lKaedenn: "cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades" gives you? (last line)20:54
Jordan_UWill2Kill: You currently have no EFI System Partition, yet you have Windows installed on a GPT drive. This configuration is not supported by Windows (though it is by Ubuntu). For Windows you should either have a GPT label with an EFI System Partition, which is fat32, and your machine will boot via UEFI or you should have an msdos label with a "System" partition that is ntfs, and your machine will boot via BIOS.20:55
k1lKaedenn: sudo nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades          and then change the last line to normal20:55
k1lctrl-o, ctrl-x20:55
Kaedenn(although I prefer vim)20:55
k1lthen re run "sudo do-release-upgrade"20:56
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Jordan_UWill2Kill: Please test booting Windows again. I want to be sure that this configuration actually is working with Windows.20:56
KaedennThere we go,
Will2KillJordan_U: Yes, it boots into Windows 8.120:56
stormzenI just realized that I have no network interface listed for wlan3 in interfaces, yet that's what I see in ifconfig.  ... Is this because the network manager is handling everything now?20:56
Kaedennk1l: I'll upgrade once I have time. I don't at the moment.20:57
Kaedennk1l: Thank you.20:57
k1lKaedenn: ok. but dont push that too far away :)20:57
s4myguys where can i find help with making custom icons and themes for ubuntu 14.04+20:57
Will2KillJordan_U: Couldn't I use Gparted and create the needed partition?20:57
acerspyros4my: It's a GNOME icon theme, I think.20:58
ALI_HELLO Ubuntu team20:58
Finetundrahow do i change to resolution for grub?20:58
acerspyroALI_: We are not a team, just ask20:58
ALI_please , i want driver for Skystar 2 express hd20:58
s4myacerspyro: well it's unity20:58
acerspyros4my: Ooh, then I don't know :320:58
ALI_this is card info Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7160 (rev 03)20:58
s4myacerspyro: are you kidding20:59
s4myacerspyro: ?20:59
acerspyros4my: Didn't mess with Unity, I spent maybe a week with Ubuntu, I come from Arch.20:59
ALI_and im using Ubuntu Server 14.04.1 LTS  64-bit20:59
tomasm-I have 14.04 and X seems slow in some regards, ie windows for shutdown prompt, screenshot, etc... I'm guessing it's the wrong display driver. i have a Radeon HD 8210, which is the Kabini chipset, anyone know how I can get the right driver for that? kernel is 3.13.0-3520:59
s4myacerspyro:  so if we are talking about GNOME where can i find help21:00
acerspyroALI_: If there is no driver that suits this card EXACTLY, try to find a driver that supports your card.21:00
acerspyros4my: #gnome, I guess.21:00
s4myacerspyro:  k21:00
s4myacerspyro:  i'll try that21:00
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Jordan_UWill2Kill: Yes, but that might break your fragile Windows boot. Right now, unless you have another drive that is connected when you boot Windows but isn't connected now, your computer is booting via BIOS, and Windows is configured to boot via BIOS (even though your original installation of Windows was configured to boot via UEFI). Since you no longer have a UEFI bootloader for Windows, if you add an EFI System Partition your b21:00
s4myacerspyro:  thanks anyway21:00
acerspyroALI_: Otherwise, if nothing supports it, there isn't much we can do other than 1. Ask the manufacturer 2. Wait for a team of highly-trained monkeys to reverse-engineer the chip and make a driver for it21:01
acerspyros4my: np21:01
Jordan_UWill2Kill: To be clear, this is a result of you deleting your EFI System Partition in the first place (which you should not have done) and then following the wrong steps to fix Windows' boot after doing so.21:01
ALI_i'm tired form search if you can login my pc and try to see what you can do21:02
s4myacerspyro:  sorry to bother but i joined the #gnome channel but no body is there21:02
Jordan_UWill2Kill: I can think of two ways to get Ubuntu booting again, one by setting it up for UEFI, the other by setting it up for BIOS based boot, but there is reason to expect that either of those methods would break Windows booting as it stands now.21:03
acerspyros4my: A lot of people in there.21:03
acerspyroThey are AFK.21:03
acerspyroimo, I'm not suprised, KDE is also often AFK, you need to pick a better time of the day.21:04
Jordan_UWill2Kill: You said that you have another SSD, is that SSD connected when you boot Windows?21:04
ghinzuprobably offtopic, but can anyone explain why license plate that reads BAD2THBN is considered cool? (english is not my native language). What does it stand for?21:04
s4myacerspyro: is it on freenode ?21:04
acerspyroJust ask in there and wait for maybe an hour or two21:04
acerspyros4my: ?21:04
cinvokeanyone know why ssh would ignore my local profile's config file?21:04
Will2KillNo , it's on a netbook.21:04
s4myacerspyro: what server?21:04
Will2Killthe whole topic is on a netbook.21:04
acerspyros4my: For what?21:04
Will2KillInternal SSD now21:04
OerHeksALI_, if you can read this, maybe this german page is any help >> http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/TechniSat_SkyStar_2_eXpress_HD21:04
acerspyroIt's all on Freenode21:05
s4myacerspyro: for #gnome21:05
Jordan_U!offtopic | ghinzu21:05
ubottughinzu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:05
stormzenacerspyro, Did you figure out what your issue was with wireless?21:05
ALI_ <OerHeks> thanks i'll try and feedback to you21:05
acerspyrostormzen: It's not wireless21:06
acerspyroIt's everything ntwork21:06
acerspyroI use wired, and it stops working when my computer goes to sleep21:06
acerspyroClassic. :(21:06
stormzenOh, you're using wired?  I didn't make that connection.21:06
acerspyro> wired >didn't make that connection21:07
acerspyroI see what you did there21:07
Giwrgarasanyone using sublime text? do you know how to auto collapse and expand items?21:07
stormzen:)  not on purpose21:07
acerspyrostormzen: So yeah, basically, when I try to reconnect from the applet, dmesg spits out some stuff.21:07
stormzenacerspyro, I'm confused with the role of network manager now.  I was told that as long as it's running, sudo service networking stop would fail.21:08
Will2KillJordan_U: Im at the point where I will try what ever you think is best. I have image of my Windows 8.121:08
stormzenThat let me to look into /etc/network/interfaces, only to find that only lo was defined...21:08
acerspyrostormzen: I tried sudo service network-manager restart21:08
stormzen... So now I'm confused what commands work without the interfaces being defined in the interfaces file.21:09
acerspyro>auto lo >iface lo inet loopback21:09
acerspyroWhat is this?21:09
acerspyro(from /etc/network/interfaces21:09
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stormzenIt's the loopback interface.21:09
stormzenDon't mess with that file.  If you make a change that it doesn't understand, it won't boot anymore.21:10
Jordan_UWill2Kill: The most straighforward solution would be to re-install Windows, and make sure that when you do so it's configured for UEFI booting. Then fixing Ubuntu is relatively easy, you just have to edit /etc/fstab and re-run grub-install.21:10
stormzenIt used to be where all the network interfaces were defined, such as lan0 and wlan3.21:10
fstarrI'm having this bizarre problem with my portable hard drives, and there's a lot of results on Google for the error, but there are no solutions that seem to work for me. I'm trying to transfer files onto a newly formatted external drive, but whenever I'm dragging files on, it just gives me an error saying the destination is read-only.21:11
Jordan_UWill2Kill: You could of course re-install Ubuntu also, if the Windows install wipes the entire drive. Of course you should have good backups of all of your important data.21:11
Jordan_Ufstarr: Please pastebin the output of "dmesg".21:11
loafstarr, it will sound strange, but try restart system.21:11
Will2KillJordan_U: I tried reinstall ubuntu 3x(without a prob it seemed) but never got a grub menu21:11
loai have recently exectly same thing, and only restart helped me.21:12
acerspyro(How many systems have I trashed because of bugs?)21:12
acerspyro*bug bug bug bug bug bug* Ok, screw it, next!21:12
bubbasauresfstarr, What is the file type on the portable?21:13
fstarrbubbasaures: i formatted it with GPT partitioning, and as an NTFS drive21:14
JohnTheBelovedGiwrgaras: Which version of sublime?21:14
fstarrJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8567229/21:15
bubbasauresfstarr, Ah,do the dmesg and pastebin it, ntfs need chkdsk's run on occasion as well.21:15
alephantHi all... what's the most reliable way to determine if package "foo" is installed? I've ``apt-get purge''ed it, but ``dpkg -l foo'' still reports it as "Unknown" (and returns 0). How do I either fully-remove it so that dpkg returns 1, or better test for whether it's installed?21:15
fstarrbubbasaures: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8567229/21:15
barnexhello, my computer seems slow to me and I can't pin it down, could someone help me to pin down the cause?21:15
GiwrgarasJohnTheBeloved,  321:15
EriC^^alephant: apt-cache policy <package>21:15
Jordan_UWill2Kill: That's likely because of the very odd state of Windows at the moment, if you want I can explain what I think is happening. I expect that once Windows is installed properly Ubuntu will install correctly as well.21:16
bubbasauresJordan_U, better read by you than me.. <fstarr> bubbasaures: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8567229/21:16
s4myanybody here now shit about unity21:17
alephantEriC^^: awesome, thanks! Works like a charm!21:17
s4myam looking to make a costum icon pack21:17
barnexhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/8567237/ here's iotop, free and uptime21:17
Will2KillJordan_U: ok, thank you for your help. I just thought there was maybe a tool I could run in Linux to get it working.21:17
barnexseems fine to me21:17
Will2Killsince both partitions are there and they both boot21:17
Jordan_Ufstarr: Is the drive in question currently mounted? If so, please pastebin the contents of /proc/mounts.21:17
fstarrJordan_U: permission denied21:18
acerspyros4my: Looked online?21:18
fstarrJordan_U: my bad. got it. one mo21:18
Jordan_UWill2Kill: There is, but again I think it would break Windows boot. We can try it if you'd like, since the worst that can happen is you'll need to re-install Windows.21:18
loahello, how i can move audit logs of apparmor from syslog?21:18
fstarrJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8567251/21:19
s4myacerspyro, yeah i even posted a stackoverflow question no one seems to wanna help21:19
acerspyroubuntu forums?21:19
Will2KillJordan_U: Ok, I even have Boot Repair installed on (HD)Ubuntu21:20
s4myhello mother fucker21:23
CtwxHello. Is there any way to change the installation target of grub afterwards? I installed it to /dev/sda but I need it to be installed on /dev/sda3.21:24
barnexjust run grub-install or whatever is it called now21:24
barnexyeah, grub-install21:24
barnexyou give the device as the argument I believe21:25
barnexCtwx: or do you mean you want to change the path from which grub loads the OS?21:25
fstarrJordan_U: did you see the /proc/mounts log?21:26
Ctwxbarnex: No, the installation path. I have a Debian/Ubuntu dual boot system, but Ubuntu overwrites my Debian grub... :/21:26
barnexUhm, not an expert, but you should be able to use one grub to load both systems. Have you tried that/don't want that for some reason?21:27
fstarrJordan_U: just realised i posted an incorrect one. here's the correct one.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/8567289/21:27
aethersishi acerspyro21:28
acerspyroaethersis: oh hi21:28
aethersisyou wont believe from what device im typing lol21:28
acerspyroaethersis: Nintendo DS21:28
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aethersiseink tablet hahah21:29
fstarrdoes anybody have any solutions to the 'destination is read-only' error? I'm trying to copy files to a freshly formatted external drive21:29
k1l!ot | acerspyro aethersis21:29
NGC3982You guys need to change your nick names.21:29
ubottuacerspyro aethersis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:29
ALI_hello , when i try to install driver from hrere http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/TechniSat_SkyStar_2_eXpress_HD , i got error in last step ,,, when i run lsdvb , ERROR: Opening /sys/class/dvb directory21:29
aethersisit is ereader with eink display and android its crazy21:29
acerspyrooh shut it up, don't scrap another one's day.21:30
aethersisI broke my galaxy tab 3 but thisthing is perfect, what better can u get than ereader with 10 inch screen and android :D21:31
aethersiswell, 10 inch eink and ubuntu :D and there is actually one with linux too21:32
aethersisI need another irc client this one has toosmall fonts21:32
k1laethersis: please keep this channel clear for ubuntu support. its unfair to the users waiting for help. got to #ubuntu-offtopic for chat21:33
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android42863Hi all21:34
android42863am I visible in #Ubuntu chat?21:34
android42863Trying out this new app21:35
k1landroid42863: yes21:35
android42863K, thank you21:35
k1landroid42863: for test please use #test21:35
android42863There's probably no one in there;)21:35
android42863Hi there;)21:36
android42863What was the cmd to stop showing channel info?21:37
android42863As in who quit etc.21:37
android42863Can't find the option in this GUI I'm using21:37
k1landroid42863: ask the android support in #android21:38
barnexagain, I'm having troubles with performance, can't quite pin down the issue (seems like load is OK, there are 2 GBs of free ram and nothing is hogging IO)21:38
barnexAny ideas?21:38
barnexBecause all I can get from google is 'reinstall your OS, or install debian' :P21:38
android42863Barnex what's your swapping?21:38
kaddihi guys, since the last few days my wifi has gotten very slow and unreliable. Regularly no data is transfered even though it claims to be connected.  I'm using 14.04 and this seems to be happening since the last update I did (but I wasn't paying close attention to what was being updated unfortunately)21:39
kaddiit only happens in kubuntu, when I use windows (dualboot) on the same machine things are fine and noone else on my wifi seems affected21:39
OerHeksbarnex really?21:39
barnexandroid42863: 1.2 GB at the moment21:39
k1lbarnex: what does that mean? what pc hardware is it?21:39
android42863Barnex are you on Ubuntu right now?21:39
barnexi5, 8GB ramu.21:39
barnexandroid42863: yes21:39
android42863Check your swappiness21:39
barnexk1l: i5, 8GB ram, raid 5, luks21:39
android42863Wait, no.21:40
k1lbarnex: what does "problem with performance" mean?21:40
android42863Swappiness shouldn't be a problem21:40
android42863Barnex describe the problem further21:40
barnexfirefox switching tabs super long, zsh taking seconds to load, other command line programs sometimes taking seconds21:40
barnexgames seem to run fine21:40
barnexso I suspect IO maybe?21:40
android42863open system monitor, check ram,  check cpu21:41
OerHeksraid with luks, i suspect impatience.21:41
android42863Barnex ^21:41
android42863And let us know if all looks fine21:41
android42863As in low usage21:41
barnexOerHeks: ram is steady 50%, cpu mostly 10%, nothing more than 20%21:41
barnexlooks fine to me21:42
Ben64barnex: try iotop21:42
android42863Barnex ram on Ubuntu is 4gb? How come?21:42
bozanyone have experience with ubuntu server email?21:42
android42863That's quite a lot21:42
barnexandroid42863: 4GB? I have 8GB actually21:42
android42863Barnex, is your problem happening on Ubuntu only?21:42
Will2KillJordan_U: Ran Boot repair in Ubuntu - and rebooting now cross fingers. check pastebin 856734921:42
barnexhow is 4GB used21:42
barnexandroid42863: can't tell, haven't had any other OS in a while21:43
andrasFresh install of Ubuntu. 40 GB system partition (SSD), 20 GB swap (SSD), 250 GB home partition (HDD). Entire OS is running slowly. Any ideas?21:43
barnexcertainly not on this PC21:43
android42863Barnex, maybe your HDD is the problem?21:43
OerHeksWill2Kill, http://pastebin.com/8567349 is removed21:43
barnexandroid42863: vm running, probably using 1 or 2 Gigs of ram21:44
android42863Barnex k21:44
Ben64andras: why did you put swap on ssd!?21:44
android42863Andras ram?21:44
barnexandroid42863: hm, are you think about smart diagnostic, or is there some simple benchmark I could try?21:44
android42863Barnex I don't know, sorry21:45
bozdoes ubuntu server email play with nice with the android email app?21:45
android42863Barnex run love usb21:45
android42863Live usb21:45
android42863Sorry, Android auto correct21:46
barnex<3 usb :D21:46
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Finetundrahow do i change to resolution for grub?21:46
android42863Andras how much ram do you have?21:47
OerHeks!info grub-customizer21:47
ubottuPackage grub-customizer does not exist in trusty21:47
FinetundraOerHeks, i'm running without a gui other than terminal.21:48
OerHeksFinetundra, maybe this page is any help > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Displays#Changing_Menu_Resolutions21:48
barnexhmm, and if we suppose that it isn't a hardware problem do you guys have any ideas? I'll run from live eventually and try to recreate the slowness, but I'm afraid it'll take a lot of time21:49
OerHekselse there is grub-customizer in a PPA >> https://launchpad.net/~danielrichter2007/+archive/ubuntu/grub-customizer21:49
barnexbecause it's hard to prove that something (slowness) doesn't occur21:49
barnexofc if it was obviously slow from the start it would be obvious21:49
barnexand if it's fast it still proves nothing, because live doesn't use IO which is probably the one at fault.21:50
FinetundraOerHeks, the article isn't of much use as i can't see grub because it's a a weird resolution21:50
barnexI mean disk IO21:50
barnexSo there might still be a hardware problem21:51
ObrienDaveFinetundra, how did the repartition go?21:52
FinetundraObrienDave, GNOME crashed in the middle of it. which is not good. although the only effect was that the partition i was adjusting just can't access 398gb21:53
ObrienDaveFinetundra, please imgur a screen shot of gparted when you get a chance21:54
FinetundraObrienDave, i'll have it in a sec21:55
andrasandroid42863 I have 8 GB of ram21:56
Archer70Anyone else have their compositor break after updating today?21:56
donbirdygreetings my fellow ubuntonians21:57
kaddii have horrible wifi latencies21:57
donbirdyI am sorry to hear that kaddi21:57
FinetundraObrienDave, here ya go : http://imgur.com/nxXesbp   i've gotta go for a sec21:59
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=== MrAlexanB is now known as MrAlexandr0
motaka2hello where to find sudoers in ubuntu12.0422:13
sivikvisudo file22:13
sivikRun the command visudo as root22:13
sivikmotaka2, its actually in /etc/sudoers but visudo is the shortcut way to get there22:13
motaka2sivik: so I first have to su and then visudo ?22:14
EriC^^not a shortcut, it's the editor, you shouldn't edit it manually22:14
EriC^^motaka2: type sudo visudo22:14
Jordan_Umotaka2: Why are you asking? Most of the time you do *not* want to be editing the sudoers file.22:14
sivikThere is really nothing wrong with modifying the sudoers if you know what you are doing22:15
motaka2Jordan_U: just learning22:15
motaka2I dont want to edit just wanting to look up22:15
EriC^^sivik: not true22:15
motaka2so when I sudo with my own password I have all previliages of root ?22:15
sivikEriC^^, whats the other option on modifying sudoers without editing the file?  I do it on servers all the time22:16
EriC^^sivik: sometimes without a syntax error you still get an error using visudo22:16
ObrienDavemotaka2, yes, that's what sudo is for22:16
EriC^^sivik: what do you mean?22:16
stormzeni need help coming up with a work around for wireless networks.22:16
Jordan_UEriC^^: sivik: Of course there is nothing wrong with changing the sudoers file if you know what you're doing, but if you don't know where the file is then you are not in that catagory of people :)22:16
zykotick9!root | motaka222:16
ubottumotaka2: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:16
Timoty Hello all, In C, is "printf" a reentrant function?22:17
sivikJordan_U, true.  But if one is trying to learn, the best way to learn is to break it (in my opinion) especially if its a test or virtual machine22:17
EriC^^sivik: visudo is for editing the sudoers file, sometimes an extra tab or space or whatever causes a fault in it22:17
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EriC^^visudo checks everything before saving22:17
Jordan_UTimoty: Try asking in ##C.22:17
motaka2I dont know why western people make things to orbit around before move to the goal22:17
sivikmotaka2, we are just giving you different options22:17
motaka2sivik: EriC^^ zykotick9 thank you all22:17
sivikYou can either run visudo as root or sudo visudo or edit the /etc/sudoers file22:18
sivikbut editing the sudoers file is something only you should do if you really know what you are doing22:18
* zykotick9 thinks, "if you know what you're doing" you wouldn't be editing sudoers by hand... 22:18
EriC^^motaka2: if you just want to look up, then sudo -l , will tell you what privileges you have22:18
motaka2sivik: when did my normal user was added to sudoers, I dont remmeber i did this and in sudoers.tmp I dont see my username22:19
sivikmotaka2, check via visudo22:19
EriC^^( if you're not curious about the file itself that is )22:19
zykotick9motaka2: the 1st user created on ubuntu systems is automatically added to sudo group22:19
sivikBut not any new users22:19
loahow i can restart rsyslogd after chaning it configuration?22:19
motaka2sivik: so why my user name is not in sudoers list ?22:20
sivikWas it the first user added to the machine motaka222:20
sivikloa restart the service22:20
zykotick9motaka2: but the "sudo" group is sudoers and your user is in that group22:20
sivikIts either service rsyslog(d) restart or /etc/init.d/rsyslog(d) restart22:21
motaka2sivik: Yes, and also when I sudo i can what I want. so where is my username listed?22:21
loasivik, it is not working.22:21
sivikWhat isn't working about it load22:21
sivikmotaka2, check your group file in /etc22:21
loabut sudo killall rsyslogd work22:21
sivikYou are probably in the sudo group22:21
Jordan_Umotaka2: It's not, the "admin" or "sudo" group, one of which you are a member of, is though.22:21
loai will not ask if i will not try all options.22:22
EriC^^motaka2: getent group sudo , it's the list of users in the sudo group, in the /etc/sudoers file they have access to privileged commands22:22
loaonly killall rsyslogd helped22:22
sivikSo what is the issue loa?22:22
sivikhi NCS_One22:22
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loaas i said "how i can restart resyslogd?"22:22
sivikdo you get an error if you try service rsyslog restart or /etc/init.d/rsyslog restart?22:23
stormzenCan anyone tell me why NetworkManager freaks out ( and never recovers ) when I issue this command?  sudo sh -c 'modprobe -r iwlwifi && modprobe iwlwifi 11n_disable=1'22:23
Jordan_Uloa: sudo service rsyslog restart22:23
NCS_Oneis it possible, with xbindkeys, to map a mouse key to a keyboard key?22:23
motaka2EriC^^: thx22:24
reisioNCS_One: among other ways, yup22:24
loasivik, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25725476/screenshot-2014.10.16-02%3A23%3A57.png22:24
EriC^^motaka2: np22:24
loaJordan_U, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25725476/screenshot-2014.10.16-02%3A24%3A28.png22:24
sivikdid you run the restart as root and not just your user?22:24
NCS_Onereisio: can you give an example of both?22:24
sivikaka via su - or sudo <command>22:24
reisioNCS_One: you using Unity/GNOME? It has its own keyboard shortcut system, IIRC22:25
sivikoh wait, you are in as root22:25
zykotick9sivik: don't suggest "su -" in ubuntu...22:25
motaka2does anyone knows a good manual about user nad group management as well as file permissions and ownership in linux speciall in ubuntu ?22:25
Jordan_Uloa: I didn't say /etc/init.d/rsyslog restart, I said "sudo service rsyslog restart". Have you tried that?22:25
sivikzykotick9, why not?22:25
NCS_Onereisio: xfce22:25
sivikJordan_U, looks like hes already logged in as root22:25
zykotick9!noroot | sivik22:25
ubottusivik: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.22:25
loaJordan_U, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25725476/screenshot-2014.10.16-02%3A25%3A56.png22:26
sivikI said nothing about setting the root password.22:26
zykotick9sivik: "su -" would require it...22:26
sivikoh yea, it does in ubuntu.22:26
Jordan_Uloa: You shouldn't use the scripts in /etc/init.d/ directly, because then things may not be properly managed by upstart.22:26
sivikBeen a while since I used ubuntu22:26
Jordan_Uloa: Please run exactly the command I gave, nothing else.22:27
loaJordan_U, i just want get how i can restart rsyslogd after changing his configuration22:27
loaJordan_U, i did it https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25725476/screenshot-2014.10.16-02%3A25%3A56.png22:27
loamaybe i am sleepy and have problems.22:28
loai will copy paste now.22:28
loaok, i have problems, thx.22:28
Jordan_Uloa: You're welcome.22:28
cristian_cI can't mound my micro-sd card in the internal card reader via sd adapter22:29
cristian_cI get:22:29
cristian_cmmc0: error -110 whilst initialising SD card22:29
cristian_csdhci-pci 0000:01:04.1: Will use DMA mode even though HW doesn't fully claim to support it.22:29
cristian_cAny ideas?22:29
ObrienDavecristian_c, bad card or bad adapter22:30
cristian_cObrienDave, I can use the card reader with other cards22:31
cristian_cObrienDave, and I can use this card with other card readers22:31
reisiostormzen: probably 'cause it was using that module22:34
reisiowhoops, stuck in buffer22:34
xxrepresentxxI have a question. When i install Ubuntu on my laptop there is no sound. but in windows i have some. Why are these problems.(Sry for my bad english, Im from germany)22:34
zykotick9!de | xxrepresentxx just fyi, if you'd like german.22:36
ubottuxxrepresentxx just fyi, if you'd like german.: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!22:36
loahow i need read logs under ubuntu? that file /var/log/syslog for example?22:37
loathere must be some tool like dmesg but for that file?22:38
loaknow i use tail /var/log/syslog22:38
loathere no any other method?22:38
zykotick9loa: logs are just text files, you can use any program you wish to view them (so long as you have proper permission)22:38
loazykotick9, in understand that, but there must be some kind of special tool22:39
* zykotick9 likes cat/less/vi but YMMV22:39
zykotick9loa: nope...22:39
loais there any way to protect my files from different files? for example i don't like skype, i don't want even possibility that he can change or read something under my home folder22:42
loadifferent programs *22:42
loai tried apparmor already but found that it is very complicated thing.22:42
cristian_cObrienDave, any other ideas?22:43
dragon_boa noite22:44
dragon_alguem sabe como posso instalar os efeitos de desktop no zorin os 9 lite22:45
stormzenCan anyone tell me why NetworkManager freaks out ( and never recovers ) when I issue this command?  sudo sh -c 'modprobe -r iwlwifi && modprobe iwlwifi 11n_disable=1'22:46
reisiostormzen: probably 'cause it was using that module22:46
stormzenSo, how do I make it recover when I do that?  I'm doing it because something has gone horribly wrong with the wireless connection at a remote location.22:47
loastormzen, i if you trying to do some kind of powersave there are more polite methods.22:47
zykotick9!Portuguese | dragon_22:47
ubottudragon_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.22:47
stormzenloa, powersave?  No.  Trying to fix a wireless issue that I only see when I'm away from my home network.22:48
stormzen.. but I'm guessing that the issue.  .. trying to find a work-around.22:48
loastormzen, check out iwconfig22:50
loastormzen, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25725476/screenshot-2014.10.16-02%3A50%3A04.png22:50
* vitimiti Bye22:51
stormzenloa, so you're saying that I can use iwconfig to configure the wireless network interface not to use the 'N' ?22:52
loai think so.22:52
stormzenok, that gives me something to try.  Thanks!22:52
zykotick9stormzen: something else to "try".  stop N-M, run your modprobe stuff, start N-M.22:55
acerspyroWhy is Compiz using 10% of my memory?22:55
zykotick9acerspyro: and how much cpu?  ;)  compiz isn't "light" by any means.  good luck.22:56
stormzenzykotick9, That approach didn't work.22:56
acerspyro0 right now lol22:56
acerspyrozykotick9: Still, it could be optimized.22:56
zykotick9stormzen: ahhh, sorry.  good luck then.22:56
stormzenzykotick9, ( at least not after I had already put it into the state where it was searching for the network )22:57
stormzenloa, it says:  SET failed on device wlan3 ; Operation not supported22:57
zykotick9acerspyro: i "believe" even ubuntu is finally moving unity onto something other then compiz... soon.22:58
loastormzen, but that option to module helps?22:58
stormzenloa, I think it would, if it worked...22:58
acerspyroI don't understand. Why don't the Compiz devs fix it?22:58
loastormzen, you can try to use modprobe.d22:59
loaif you need that option on permanent basis22:59
stormzenloa, I think that's what I'm looking to set manually, given that the 'n' is what I'm trying to avoid, and it looks like 802.11n is some sort of protocol meant to switch from a to g ... ( I think )22:59
walooohello there22:59
Darylat Ubuntu Mainline can Kernel 3.17.1 run in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?22:59
stormzenloa, I was trying to determine if the 'n' was even causing the problem.  I'm not sure that it is.22:59
stormzenbut maybe I should just make a permanent change and see if I can go the places I haven't been able to go.23:00
loastormzen, try to use /etc/modprobe.d/ folder23:00
=== Joro is now known as Joro_
sage__Is the 14.10 release candidate ready for download yet?23:03
reisioI'm sure you can figure that out on your own23:03
stormzenloa, am I looking at iwlwifi.conf ?23:03
=== pumba is now known as pumbaway
Yriestill beta!23:03
zykotick9sage__: ask in #ubuntu+1 channel23:03
loastormzen, if there is such file yes, if no just feel free to create your one.23:05
kaddihi my wifi keeps dropping to 0B/s transmitted every since I did the last update 3-4 days ago.. is there a fix for that? (14.04, 64bits using iwlwifi driver).23:06
stormzenloa, there is one, but all I see in it look like commands to unload iwlwifi.  I think I have the instructions somewhere to make it permanent.23:06
loastormzen, what instructions?23:06
stormzenA website where I got the instructions to try to manually modprobe -r iwlwifi23:07
NCS_Onesoo I was able to map a mouse key to a keyboard key using xbindkeys, the problem now is that on the game the same key is recognized ahs a diferent key, what can I do to fix it?23:07
loastormzen, what in file i mean.23:07
loaNCS_One, what game?23:08
stormzen/etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf .. .says to add options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1 to the end.23:08
NCS_Oneloa: Day of Defeat on Steam23:08
loaNCS_One, game very often have their own mechanic of handling keys and ugly hacks for this.23:08
loagames *23:08
loastormzen, so add it?23:09
stormzenhah, yes, I'm adding it as fast as I can.  :p23:09
kaddiloa are you having wifi issues?23:10
stormzenOk, will sudo service restart network-manager  cause iwlwifi to reload?23:10
loastormzen, i don't think so.23:10
NCS_Oneloa: soo no way to fix it?23:10
loaNCS_One, i don't think so... maybe ingame configuration methids.23:11
loaNCS_One, it have configuration files or something?23:11
andrasYeah, my machine is definitely running slowly. It takes a good 3 seconds to save a libre office document 2 pages long. What could be the issue? 8 GB ram, 20 GB of swap23:11
NCS_Oneloa: yes23:11
loaNCS_One, why you use then xbindkeys?23:12
=== havanasleeps is now known as havanasdog
NCS_Oneloa: the problem is that in game if I try to map the key to a action when I click the key it says it is MOUSE123:12
loakaddi, i have iwlwifi only my notebook. i can check it if you want.23:12
jonne_I'm having trouble booting my ssd after moving it to a new computer, anyone know what could be wrong? This is the output of boot-repair: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8567666/23:13
loaNCS_One, you have gaming mouse with many buttons?23:13
zykotick9andras: 20GB of swap is A LOT!23:13
NCS_Oneloa: yes, MX51823:13
ObrienDaveandras, probably too much swap23:13
andrasToo much swap?23:13
kaddii thought you might be having the same issue as me since you were mentioning hte drivier.. but maybe not :p23:13
jonne_the ssd used to be in a mac, and i needed to use rEFInd to boot it23:13
loaNCS_One, you have this problems in other games?23:13
stormzenok, trying to reboot now.23:14
andrasYou can have too much of a good thing?23:14
NCS_Oneloa: really haven't tryed any other game on linux23:14
loaNCS_One, it is good point to start it lol.23:14
ObrienDaveandras, 20GB swap with 8GB RAM is overkill23:14
loadota 2, team fortress are free.23:14
zykotick9andras: i don't think the 20GB would be slowing things down at all, but it's a lot of disk space for something i doubt gets used very much...23:14
andrasObrienDave do you think having too much space for swap reduces performance?23:15
NCS_Oneloa: thanks, I'll try it tomorrow23:15
ObrienDaveandras, no, just yanking your chain on that ;P23:15
loaNCS_One, if it is source based game i pritty sure you can setup it configs.23:15
andrasObrienDave could it be because my /home partition is on a different drive?23:16
JagSiriusI installed Ubuntu on Hyper-V last night, and it's using up to 4.6 GB of RAM. Most of that (all but ~200 MB) is being used in cache - should that be happening?23:16
ObrienDaveandras, but you're wasting at least 10GB with swap that large23:16
loaJagSirius, yes it is normal.23:16
NCS_Oneloa: ok and thanks again23:16
BlackGlasses? Hyper-V23:17
andrasObrienDave it's not really needed elsewhere. Besides I might upgrade to 16 GB ram soon and you're supposed to have more swap than ram23:17
ObrienDaveandras, this is true23:18
BlackGlassesJagSirius, whatis Hyper-V?23:18
andrasObrienDave I've never experienced such slowness in Ubuntu on this machine before. It isn't the first time I've installed Ubuntu on this machine or with this hardware23:18
stormzenSorry to ask a dumb question, but now that I've disabed 802.11n, how can I tell if it's using a,b, or g?23:18
=== sage__ is now known as sageProgramming
stormzen*which it's using, out of a,b,g23:19
ObrienDaveBlackGlasses, microsoft Virtualizer23:19
JagSiriusHyper-V is Microsoft's virtualization software.23:19
BlackGlassesObrienDave, thxs!23:19
loastormzen, i think you can find this information in router admin panel23:19
JagSiriusSorry, I'm not sure how to tag people...23:19
andrasObrienDave The only thing I did differently this time around is install /home to HDD instead of SSD23:20
ObrienDaveJagSirius, use TAB to auto complete nicks23:20
stormzenNo, what the client is using.  I won't have access to the router admin panel at a remote hotspot.23:20
ObrienDaveandras, that's probably it23:20
=== sageProgramming is now known as edsage
OerHeksJagSirius, run this in terminal: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p  # and you will notice why hyperV is not optimal23:21
ObrienDaveandras, SSDs will spoil you on performance ;P23:21
squintyJagSirius:  or if using hexchat, double click the person's nick and then paste it23:21
loastormzen, run iwconfig23:21
andrasObrienDave where does application data stored in Ubuntu? system partition? or home?23:21
stormzenloa, are you looking at this?  IEEE 802.11abg .. .or something else?23:22
JagSiriusObrienDave: Like this?23:22
rathitlikeHey dude23:22
loastormzen, yes.23:22
ObrienDaverathitlike, your problem with me is?23:23
stormzenloa, I wiki'd IEE 802.11, but there were many listings for 'a' ...23:23
OerHeks!pm | rathitlike23:23
ubotturathitlike: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.23:23
stormzen'abg' tells me that it's no longer trying to use 'n', but not what it is using.  I guess I could figure that out by looking at the frequency?23:23
rathitlikeI do23:24
stormzenSorry, I'm in a hurry, I'm not seeing as much as I should be seeing.23:24
ObrienDaverathitlike, why are you PMing me with your garbage?23:24
BlackGlassesstormzen, try looking at the system log23:25
squintyrathitlike:  and me... not cool!!!23:25
OerHeks!ops | rathitlike23:25
ubotturathitlike: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang23:25
ObrienDave[16:25:35] * [rathitlike] (~rathitlik@2601:b:b480:840:f176:48f2:ad91:6460): rathitlike23:25
ObrienDave[16:25:35] * [rathitlike] #ubuntu23:25
ObrienDave[16:25:35] * [rathitlike] wilhelm.freenode.net :NL23:25
ObrienDave[16:25:35] * [rathitlike] idle 00:01:23, signon: Wed Oct 15 16:17:1523:25
ObrienDave[16:25:35] * [rathitlike] End of WHOIS list.23:25
stormzeniwlist modu gives: wlan3     unknown modulation information.23:26
stormzenBlackGlasses, so, grep wlan3 /var/log/syslog ?23:26
rathitlikeI can't get xrandr to turn off overscan with out screen corruption23:27
loastormzen, my opinion that modulation can change dynamicly or so.23:28
OerHeksstormzen, maybe your router can confirm the protocol23:28
stormzenloa, hmm.  Ok.23:28
BlackGlassesstormzen, if you have it...23:28
stormzenBlackGlasses, Didn't see anything about modulation in syslog.  I thought I might be grepping for the wrong string, or in the wrong log.23:29
loastormzen, but my knowledge are very low in this topic.23:29
stormzenOerHeks, I plan to do this at a hotspot to figure out why my wireless has been breaking there.  Won't have access to the router.23:29
BlackGlassesstormzen, iwconfig wont tell you modulation?23:29
loastormzen, so it is gust possibilities of my ap https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25725476/screenshot-2014.10.16-03%3A29%3A31.png23:29
loajust *23:29
stormzenBlackGlasses, iwconfig appears to tell me what is 'allowed'?  IEEE 802.11abg23:30
neldogzAre there any special libraries users should install when trying to game using Ubuntu 14.04.1 64-bit? For example, I am using Steam should I be installing any 32 bit libraries for the various games I play and if so which libraries?23:31
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=== CoreIT84 is now known as Corey84
JagSiriusOerHeks: re Hyper-V, is it because it uses software rendering?23:32
BlackGlassesstormzen, have you tried man iwconfig | grep modulation ?23:33
peppecruzqual è il channel italiano?23:33
loastormzen, maybe this will help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144182323:33
ObrienDave!it | peppecruz23:33
ubottupeppecruz: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:33
kaddiswitching back to 3.13.0-36-generic seems to fix the issue23:34
BlackGlassesstormzen, I'm just trying to be helpfull but I'm not a good source for wifi solutions...23:34
QuatrokingI just tried out making two aliases in a .bash_aliases file, but none of them work23:34
OerHeksJagSirius, i experienced: Not software rendered: no Unity 3D supported: no23:34
peppecruzObrienDave: thanks23:35
Quatrokingdo I have to do anything special before my terminal recognizes them?23:35
ObrienDaveQuatroking, pastebin your file here23:35
kaddiseriously.. ubuntu and wifi. it's just not meant to be, eh? :p23:35
rathitlikekaddi: says u23:35
Yriekaddi: it's more of wifi manufacturer and anything open source23:36
QuatrokingObrienDave, http://pastebin.com/gubkYzDU23:36
BlackGlasseskaddi, my wifi works fine (sometimes it disconnects with no reason, but 99.9% of time is ok)23:36
kaddiYrie: ya i know.. just annoyed.. it's been all of 3 months since I last had to circumvent a wifi bug23:36
Quatrokingwhen i type agi or dropbox-chan in the terminal, it says that it doesn't recognize it23:36
Quatrokingcommand not found error23:36
Yriekaddi: you need to help them figure out how to provide stuff for free and earn a huge amount of profit at the same time23:36
ObrienDaveQuatroking, relog23:37
stormzenBlackGlasses, as I suspected, it doesn't support manual modulation changes.23:37
Quatrokingalright, hold on23:37
stormzenloa, thanks for that link.23:38
Quatrokingoh hey, now it works, ObrienDave23:38
kaddiYrie: i prolly just need to get away from intel :p23:38
stormzenOk.  That's all the time I have.  Thanks again.23:38
Quatrokingthe tutorial I followed didn't mention that23:38
ObrienDaveQuatroking, welcome23:38
Quatrokingby the way, I aliased cd .. to cd.. earlier today using the terminal itself, where does it save that?23:39
pbxQuatroking, it doesn't. it lasts for the duration of that shell session23:39
Quatrokingha, you're right23:39
pzkpfwclose the window and start over. I do that more often than I should.23:39
Quatrokingguess I'll add that to the list then23:39
pbxQuatroking, if you want it to persist, you need to put it in a dotfile e.g. .bash_profile23:39
Quatrokingpbx, yeah I made a .bash_aliases file23:40
pzkpfwtime paradox23:40
NoXzemaIf you were to try and open an old .deb package for a library that's currently in the repository, what would happen?23:40
Quatrokingoh look at that, just restarting the terminal also refreshes the aliases23:41
ObrienDaveQuatroking, forgot that works also ;P23:42
Quatrokinggot a question about two ntfs partitions I got23:42
Quatroking"The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown23:43
QuatrokingWindows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume23:43
Quatrokingread-only with the 'ro' mount option." - pretty sure I shut down entirely the last couple times. Should I run chkdsk?23:43
Quatrokinggah, sorry, didn't know it had breaklines in there23:43
ObrienDaveQuatroking, get a backup first23:45
SchrodingersScatI've not found a huge pattern with windows, normally booting in once cleared that out for me, luckily I learned my lesson and got rid of windows23:45
QuatrokingObrienDave, been there done that23:45
ObrienDavethen boot into safe mode23:46
hulioin xchat for ubuntu, how do you press to clear the screen , i use to do CTRL+L23:46
Quatrokingeh, nevermind, ObrienDave23:46
ObrienDaveokay ;P23:46
Quatrokingjust realized I hadn't used the windows partition in over a month23:46
Quatrokingmight as well just get rid of it and throw the second hdd in a different machine23:47
FinetundraObrienDave, did you have a look at that picture?23:48
Quatrokingdo I have to boot off livecd in order to extend the size of my ubuntu partition?23:48
huliodo you23:48
Finetundrai don't believe so, i didn't23:49
ObrienDaveFinetundra, yup. kind of a precarious situation23:49
ObrienDaveQuatroking, it's safer to do it that way23:50
FinetundraObrienDave, so what does it all mean23:50
pbxhulio, Window > Clear Text23:50
huliophx i want combination dude23:50
Freen0deAdminhello everyone23:50
FinetundraObrienDave, and what needs to be done23:50
pbxhulio, you'll have to add one. it has none by default23:50
ObrienDaveFinetundra, not sure but i think your partition table needs some help23:50
pbxhulio, or use the HUD, e.g. tap alt and then c-l-e <return>23:51
FinetundraObrienDave, great. what do i do?23:51
lotuspsychjehow can i tail -f wifi issues only from logs?23:51
tortibWhat is that URL that tests your bash for shell shock and the other exploits that are patched?23:53
ObrienDaveFinetundra, well, we can try shrinking sda6 and moving it to the right then resizing sda223:53
tortibNot shellshocker.net23:53
lotuspsychje!shellshock | tortib23:53
ubottutortib: Ubuntu has released security updates for both recent bash vulnerabilities for all currently-supported versions of Ubuntu. Use your preferred package manager to apply all pending updates. See http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2362-1/ , http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2363-1/ , and http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2363-2/ for more information.23:53
FinetundraObrienDave, great. going for it23:53
tortibubottu: not what I asked.23:53
ubottutortib: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:53
ObrienDaveFinetundra, but i would STRONGLY suggest doing it from Gparted Live23:54
tortiblotuspsychje: not what I asked ;)23:54
ObrienDaveFinetundra, WAIT23:54
FinetundraObrienDave, how musch do i need to shrink it. ok switching to live23:54
mvenskyhas anyone used clonezilla live to clone between 2 machines?23:54
lotuspsychjetortib: if you update, you know your safe right?23:54
FinetundraObrienDave, tell me now then i'll swithc over23:54
tortiblotuspsychje: yes but I want to test my OS X machine and I want the script to see if it's patched.23:55
lotuspsychjetortib: not sure howto, think its all about the bash version really23:55
lotuspsychje!info bash | tortib23:55
ubottutortib: bash (source: bash): GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 4.3-7ubuntu1.5 (trusty), package size 536 kB, installed size 1440 kB23:55
ObrienDaveFinetundra, shrink sda6 FROM THE RIGHT to slightly less than the white area (about halfway)23:55
lotuspsychjetortib: maybe ask in mac channel for the shellshock23:56
tortiblotuspsychje: what's the channel?23:56
FinetundraObrienDave, so grab it on the right then move it till a little after what's in white. do i have that right?23:56
slowmcmvensky : did it once. It works most of the time, but it is not foolproof23:56
lotuspsychje!alis | tortib23:57
ubottutortib: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:57
mvenskyslowmc: any documentation/how-to's ?23:57
ObrienDaveFinetundra, sounds good then move sda6 ALL the way to the right23:57
FinetundraObrienDave, ok. i'm going to switch to the live and be back in a bit23:58
slowmcmvensky : humm... not that I can remember. There are 2 possible complications :23:58
ObrienDaveFinetundra, k, i'll be here23:58
loais there way to make archive with ability of quick extraction of single file?23:58
Quatrokingoh crap, my ubuntu is installed on my second hdd23:58
slowmcmvensky : 1) the second disk to clone to need to be as big or bigger than the original image23:58
Quatrokinghow can I savely move it to my first?23:58
loai have plenty of txt files, and want sometimes compare them from archives.23:58
Quatrokingsafely even23:58
ObrienDaveFinetundra, the idea is do get rid of the gray area on the right first23:58
ObrienDave*is to23:58
slowmcmvensky : 2) you better have similar computers23:58
mvenskyslowmc: yes I have both23:59
lotuspsychjeQuatroking: i think you will be fastest reinstalling :p23:59
lotuspsychjeQuatroking: 30min of your life :p23:59
mvenskysource computer is stuck at " waiting for the target machine to connect"23:59
Quatrokingcan't I just copypaste the partitions, adjust grub and be done with it23:59

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