=== uru_ is now known as urulama === liam_ is now known as Guest14268 === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away === underyx is now known as underyx|off === underyx|off is now known as underyx === uru_ is now known as urulama [12:14] sanity check - can you relate subordinate charms to on another? [13:35] hey lazyPower [13:47] looks like you can relate two subordinates in latest 1.20. Any one know if that works in 1.18? [14:03] ftr, it does [14:51] hey jcastro o/ [14:52] lazyPower, hey we need a 2nd opinion on the xpcc charm wrt. the install hook working [14:52] can you check it out tomorrow? [14:52] iirc that's when your shift is [14:52] xpcc? [14:52] oh [14:52] hpcc! [14:52] oh yeah, sorry [14:52] ack. I can take a look now, i'm in between tracks @ hadoopworld [14:52] lemme pull it and takea look [14:52] oh that's this week! [14:52] thought it was next week! [14:53] no sir, i'm out of town, attending big data talks :) === mhall119 is now known as mhall119|vacatio [15:25] jcastro: i cant run a deploy test, my wifi is crapping out when i attempt to deploy the charm. I can give it a cursory code review however, there are a few things in here that raise an eyebrow - but i dont want to just add another log on the fire that is this review chain. [15:25] jcastro: are you OK with me takng a look at this later when i've got more bandwidth avaiable to do a proper review? [15:27] lazyPower, yeah I just wanted to get it on your radar [15:28] ack. I'll try to get this out before EOW - there's a lot to cover here. [15:28] heh, everyone is either on swap, conference, on holiday this week [15:29] yeah, its a crazy time in the eco sphere. [15:29] i thought you were still in brussels [15:31] jb [16:15] juju ssh is failing for me if my system can't resolve the hostname MAAS has given the unit - http://paste.ubuntu.com/8574665/ [16:16] this used to work and I'm wondering what's different now [16:21] When I create a charm with juju charm create -t bash. There are other templates different than bash? [16:25] ayr-ton: yes [16:25] tvansteenburgh, Where I can found them? [16:25] find* [16:25] ayr-ton: `charm create -h` should list them [16:25] thanks === jcw4 is now known as jcw4|afk [16:26] tvansteenburgh, No. ;x [16:26] ayr-ton: paste the output [16:27] tvansteenburgh, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8574729/ [16:27] ayr-ton: "Installed templates: python, bash" [16:28] Hmmm. Not too friendly, but helps (: [16:29] Actually is a strange place too see the charms list. [16:29] ayr-ton: agree, could be friendlier, patches welcome :) [16:29] tvansteenburgh, Thanks (: I will fill a enhancement. [16:30] tvansteenburgh, I will do that (: [16:30] tvansteenburgh, juju-core, right? https://github.com/juju/juju [16:31] ayr-ton: https://launchpad.net/charm-tools [16:35] tvansteenburgh, Should I fill a blueprint or bug first? Or no problem to submit the merge directly? [16:36] ayr-ton: you can file a bug first, or just submit a merge proposal directly, either is fine, thanks! [16:36] Ok o/ [16:45] tvansteenburgh, https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-tools/+bug/1382127 [16:45] Bug #1382127: Theres no specific command to show charm templates list [16:46] tvansteenburgh, WIP at: https://code.launchpad.net/~ayrton/charm-tools/charm-list-command [16:47] ayr-ton: great, thanks [16:49] tvansteenburgh, other question. How to create new templates? [16:54] ayr-ton: create a class that extends charmtools.generators.CharmTemplate and add it to setup.py as a new entrypoint [16:54] ayr-ton: examples are in charmtools/templates [16:55] tvansteenburgh, okay \o/ [17:02] marcoceppi_: Hi Marco, the ceph node I am deploying now keeps printing "ERROR juju.worker runner.go:218 exited "api": unable to connect to "wss://01.maas:17070/" . The node can ping 01.maas fine. [17:02] 01.maas is the juju bootstrap node. [17:04] catbus1: sounds like a DNS issue, can you dig 01.maas from that node? [17:05] marcoceppi_: it could find the ip address of the 01.maas. ping gets response. [17:06] catbus1: is the bootstrap node running? [17:06] can you jujustatus, etc? [17:07] marcoceppi_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8574929/ [17:09] marcoceppi_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8574918/ [17:10] catbus1: well the error seems clear, it can't dial home [17:10] catbus1: on bootstrap node, can you run `sudo initctl list | grep juju` ? [17:11] jujud-unit-juju-gui-0 start/running, process 15886 [17:11] juju-db start/running, process 15731 [17:11] jujud-machine-0 start/running, process 15791 [17:12] catbus1: netstat -lt on the bootstrap node [17:13] marcoceppi_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8574960/ [17:14] catbus1: interesting, it's only listening on the IPv6 address [17:14] that's a new one for me [17:14] yeah [17:14] what version of juju ? [17:15] juju-core: [17:15] Installed: 1.20.9-0ubuntu1~14.04.1~juju1 === roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk === catbus1 is now known as catbus1-afk [17:23] catbus1-afk: that's weird [17:27] Is there any documentation, or a reference implementation for a "proxy charm"? [17:28] cory_fu: not really [17:28] No examples at all? [17:29] Do we even have a definition of what a "proxy charm" is? [17:31] I mean, there's the aws-elb charm [17:31] and a few others [17:31] they exist but it's not really documented except in theory [17:32] I've heard the term thrown around as The Way to integrate with existing, non-Juju solutions, but have never heard any more detail than the term itself [17:33] cory_fu: that's basically it [17:33] using configuration you can expose parts of your infrastructure and then implement the relationships they would provide in the charm [17:33] nagios-external-master is another example === jcw4|afk is now known as jcw4 === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [17:43] jose, around? [17:44] natefinch, check your email please, I need your address for your juju shirt. [17:55] jcastro: thanks [17:56] jcastro: is this American sizes or UK sizes? It makes a difference :) [18:03] natefinch, UK size [18:03] jcastro: good to know === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away [18:49] tvansteenburgh, Problems to install dependencies from requirements.txt from charms-tools: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8575344/ [18:50] Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement requirements.txt, after a pip install with --allow-external [18:51] pip install -r requirements.txt --allow-external launchpadlib [18:51] ayr-ton: try that ^ [18:53] ayr-ton: in general it's probably better to just use the make targets [18:53] ayr-ton: i.e. `make clean && make` === roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr [18:58] tvansteenburgh, Okay, trying now [19:27] hello, have newbie question, can I switch environments while using the juju-gui? I have it running a "local" lxc but want to manage my "MaaS" environment from the other? [20:51] marcoceppi_: I started over, and it's still the same === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [22:27] catbus1-afk: I'm looking to see if there's a way to disable ipv6 in juju