mihir | renatu: ping | 05:43 |
seb128 | mihir, hey, you didn't manage to get the calendar's .pot updated yesterday? | 07:03 |
seb128 | oh, I see https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/updatePotFiles/+merge/238479 | 07:04 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:14 |
justCarakas | good morning dholbach | 07:27 |
dholbach | hi justCarakas | 07:27 |
mihir | seb128: it is updated | 07:36 |
mihir | seb128: i changed this in this merge , because it was taking splash color in pot file | 07:37 |
seb128 | mihir, yeah, I saw the mp, I commented on it | 07:37 |
mihir | seb128: so i have managed to update in this, | 07:37 |
seb128 | oh | 07:37 |
seb128 | I see, it's only the _ | 07:37 |
seb128 | looks good to me then! | 07:37 |
mihir | i'll put that in description , so basically i have removed _ from | 07:37 |
mihir | seb128: can you approve that? | 07:37 |
seb128 | mihir, done | 07:38 |
mihir | seb128: i have added another MP to add translator comments as well , with an argument. | 07:38 |
seb128 | mihir, I saw that one being commited, nice | 07:39 |
mihir | dpm: would you check if you find this , or should i top approve this MR , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/updatePotFiles/+merge/238479 | 07:39 |
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mihir | seb128: thank you for reviewing :) | 07:55 |
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bhr_ | hi. i trying to port my existing Qt/QML application for UbuntuTouch. But i`m confused how to build qmake project file (.pro) for UbuntuTouch? | 07:59 |
bhr_ | Is qmake supported for 'click' targets? | 08:00 |
seb128 | mihir, yw! | 08:02 |
bhr_ | Could anybody explain me how to build with qmake for UbuntuTouch ? | 08:05 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Conflict Resolution Day! :-D | 08:10 |
justCarakas | time to settle the mir vs wayland debate than :p | 08:11 |
seb128 | bhr_, cmake is the recommended build system, qmake should work but I don't know how | 08:11 |
bhr_ | hm, i`m little surpirsed. i did expect usual qt way, when i read that qt/qml supported. it seems i need to figure out hot to migrate my project from qmake to cmake | 08:23 |
seb128 | well, qmake doesn't properly support cross compilation | 08:24 |
seb128 | cmake does | 08:24 |
dholbach | dpm, how do you feel about https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+bug/1381844? | 10:43 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1381844 in Ubuntu App Developer site "Wrong component version is used!" [Undecided,New] | 10:43 |
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vitimiti | Hi | 11:51 |
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akiva-thinkpad | hello all | 12:06 |
justCarakas | o/ akiva-thinkpad | 12:28 |
akiva-thinkpad | justCarakas, at work? | 12:30 |
justCarakas | like always :) akiva-thinkpad | 12:35 |
justCarakas | well not always, but usually when you are online I'm at work :) | 12:35 |
justCarakas | daker: what is the status of https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-html5-theme-devs/ubuntu-html5-theme/new-header ? | 12:39 |
justCarakas | can we expect it soon ? | 12:39 |
daker | justCarakas: i am not sure, we need to see what APIs we need to add, and i think it's going to be discussed next sprint | 12:43 |
justCarakas | ok, looking forward to it :) If I had time I would contribute but I sadly enough don't, but it would be nice to update my app to use the new header | 12:44 |
justCarakas | because I'm really terrible at writing qml :p | 12:45 |
daker | justCarakas: we are also thinking about webcomponents | 12:45 |
justCarakas | daker: like a date picker ? | 12:46 |
renatu | mihir, hi | 12:46 |
daker | justCarakas: well the pickers will be the qml ones, they just need to added to oxide | 12:46 |
mihir | renatu: from where can i track the status when it will land ? | 12:47 |
mihir | renatu: sorry i am after that MP though. | 12:47 |
mihir | heheh | 12:47 |
renatu | mihir, still on silo | 12:47 |
justCarakas | cool, but what did you mean than ? | 12:47 |
mihir | renatu: okay , so is there any way i can track it myself..? | 12:47 |
justCarakas | daker: more default building blocks ? | 12:48 |
renatu | mihir, http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?distro=ubuntu-rtm&q=landing-013 | 12:49 |
mihir | renatu: \m/ Thanks. | 12:50 |
dpm | dholbach, commented on the bug and added a bug task for QtC | 12:50 |
mihir | dpm: when you get time could you review pot MR ? | 12:50 |
daker | justCarakas: more like <ubuntu-header></ubuntu-header>, <ubuntu-tabs></ubuntu-tabs> => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OJ7ih8EE7s | 12:50 |
dpm | mihir, yes, sorry, I already saw your ping, but I've been onto other things | 12:50 |
justCarakas | daker: epic :D | 12:51 |
mihir | dpm: no issues, i can understand , thanks for your review comments. | 12:51 |
daker | justCarakas: yes, with you can have more control over the APIs | 12:51 |
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mihir | dpm: i have added translator comments on diff MP | 12:56 |
akiva-thinkpad | justCarakas, ha ha | 12:57 |
akiva-thinkpad | justCarakas, nice question on-air btw | 12:57 |
mihir | renatu: another question , if we want to use ListviewWithAction , how do we use that in other app ? | 12:57 |
akiva-thinkpad | nik90, also; very cool to see you get praise on Linux Unplugged; you deserved it :) | 12:57 |
nik90 | akiva-thinkpad: ? | 12:57 |
justCarakas | akiva-thinkpad: the one about what that IT guy said about ubuntu ? | 12:58 |
akiva-thinkpad | nik90, nekelesh right? thats your name? | 12:58 |
nik90 | akiva-thinkpad: yes | 12:58 |
justCarakas | btw, the one before that was filled with your name akiva-thinkpad :p | 12:58 |
renatu | mihir, I believe the click apps that are using that copy the source code from address-book | 12:58 |
akiva-thinkpad | nik90, did you not see unplugged? | 12:58 |
akiva-thinkpad | The latest one? | 12:58 |
nik90 | akiva-thinkpad: nope not yet. But now I am curious | 12:58 |
akiva-thinkpad | nik90, Okay I won't spoil it for you | 12:58 |
akiva-thinkpad | Someone said something really nice about you though. | 12:59 |
nik90 | wow, thnx for the headsup. I am checking it out now | 12:59 |
mihir | renatu: hmm okay , i'll look into that | 13:00 |
akiva-thinkpad | justCarakas, wait what? Bah i wasn't there | 13:02 |
* akiva-thinkpad hates missing on-air | 13:02 | |
akiva-thinkpad | Highlight of the week | 13:02 |
justCarakas | hmm, I think last week somewhere I listend to one I had missed and it was one question from you ather the other | 13:02 |
akiva-thinkpad | justCarakas, oh lol yah | 13:03 |
akiva-thinkpad | justCarakas, no one was asking questions | 13:03 |
akiva-thinkpad | although I was wondering if that was partially because I was asking so many | 13:03 |
justCarakas | :p | 13:04 |
dholbach | thanks dpm | 13:33 |
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gventuri | nik90: I can't connect to krillin device is detected but it apears to be offline | 13:37 |
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nik90 | gventuri: offline? | 13:51 |
gventuri | yeah | 13:51 |
nik90 | does "adb devices" detect it? | 13:51 |
gventuri | yes | 13:51 |
gventuri | and it puts 'offline' next to it | 13:52 |
gventuri | I activated developer mode and passcode | 13:52 |
nik90 | hmm | 13:52 |
nik90 | ogra_: I understand you are super busy with the rtm milestone, but are you aware or know about the issue ^^ ? | 13:53 |
ogra_ | nope, works fine here | 13:53 |
ogra_ | is the UI session properly up ? | 13:54 |
gventuri | ogra_: it's the RTM image | 13:54 |
gventuri | ogra_: r109 | 13:55 |
ogra_ | yeahm the same i run here then | 13:55 |
ogra_ | gventuri, well, check twice that developer mode is set is all i can tell you | 13:55 |
gventuri | ogra_: yeah it's ON | 13:56 |
ogra_ | tyr turning it off and on then | 13:56 |
gventuri | ogra_: what does offline means | 13:56 |
ogra_ | it means that the usb driver is set up but the adbd daemon does not start | 13:57 |
gventuri | ogra_: OK | 13:57 |
ogra_ | that happens if a) your session has not started completely b) if the password/pin is not set | 13:57 |
gventuri | ogra_: I just restarted, let's see | 13:58 |
gventuri | ogra_: maybe the old-school 'IT CROWD' solution works | 13:58 |
ogra_ | heh | 13:58 |
gventuri | ogra_: it works | 14:02 |
gventuri | LOL | 14:02 |
ogra_ | so how did you set it up initially ? | 14:02 |
ogra_ | you flashed, set a password/PIn and went to the system-settings then ? | 14:02 |
gventuri | ogra_: I just had a fresh install | 14:02 |
gventuri | ogra_: I haven't done it myslef | 14:03 |
ogra_ | ah | 14:03 |
gventuri | ogra_: I left the default PIN | 14:03 |
gventuri | should be 1111 | 14:03 |
ogra_ | and enabled developer mode ? | 14:03 |
gventuri | yeah | 14:03 |
ogra_ | (there is no default pin normally) | 14:03 |
gventuri | well it worked for me | 14:03 |
gventuri | I didn't set up the pin and it's 1111 | 14:03 |
ogra_ | but you said yu didnt flash it either :) | 14:04 |
gventuri | maybe it picked that up from the previosu install settings | 14:04 |
gventuri | ogra_: Thank you for the help | 14:06 |
ogra_ | np | 14:06 |
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nik90 | t1mp: ping | 15:10 |
akiva-thinkpad | pang | 15:10 |
t1mp | nik90: hello | 15:10 |
nik90 | t1mp: hi :) | 15:10 |
nik90 | t1mp: hey, is it possible it put an entire PageHeadState{} inside an Component that I can load dynamically using a Loader? That would shave of a few ms for me | 15:10 |
nik90 | for now, I put only the contents:[] inside a Component. | 15:11 |
t1mp | nik90: I never tried that. There are still some issues with the PageHeadState. | 15:12 |
t1mp | this bug may be related to the PageHeadState https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1341814 | 15:13 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1341814 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Using search in the header can sometimes have a text field from a different tab" [High,In progress] | 15:13 |
t1mp | without a state (just setting the contents directly in the Page) does not expose the bug | 15:13 |
t1mp | nik90: can you put a normal State in a Component? | 15:14 |
t1mp | nik90: a State should be quite light. Can you put everything inside it in a Component? | 15:15 |
nik90 | t1mp: I haven't tried putting a normal state into a component | 15:16 |
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nik90 | my alarm multiselection pageheadstate takes about 6ms to create. I figured that since it is not used by a lot of people, it makes sense to move it into a loader | 15:17 |
nik90 | and it reduced the creation time to 0.2ms | 15:17 |
nik90 | ah nvr mind, it looks like the state itself is quite light as you mentioned | 15:19 |
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t1mp | nik90: yes it is a State with a few extra properties and PropertyChanges, and State is not even an Item | 15:28 |
t1mp | zsombi: hello | 15:43 |
t1mp | zsombi: I am figuring out what is up with this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1341814 | 15:43 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1341814 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Using search in the header can sometimes have a text field from a different tab" [High,In progress] | 15:43 |
t1mp | zsombi: it is weird.. I can only reproduce an issue after some very specific steps: 1. I click search 2. I enter some text 3. I leave search mode 4. I switch tabs 5. I go to search mode (without entering text) 6. I leave search mode 7. I go back to the previous tab 8. I enter search mode | 15:44 |
t1mp | zsombi: and that only when the focus is changed to the textbox from the code | 15:45 |
t1mp | zsombi: since you know everything about focus, do you have any ideas what may be wrong? | 15:46 |
zsombi | t1mp: you can repro on desktop? | 15:46 |
t1mp | zsombi: yes I am testing on desktop | 15:46 |
t1mp | zsombi: on desktop, I don't get the exact issue as what is described in the original bug report | 15:47 |
zsombi | t1mp: how the text input text is fetched? | 15:47 |
t1mp | zsombi: but when I follow all those steps, I see the TextField from a different Page semi-transparent behind the current one | 15:47 |
zsombi | t1mp: that has nothing to do with the focusing. | 15:47 |
t1mp | zsombi: the Page has a Label with text: "Hello " + parent.searchValue | 15:48 |
t1mp | zsombi: I don't get the bug when I remove the line in the code that sets the focus of the TextField to true | 15:48 |
t1mp | hmm, interesting. | 15:49 |
zsombi | t1mp: well, then teh textfield will be focused when tapped anyway... | 15:49 |
t1mp | zsombi: after entering search mode, if searchField.focus = true was executed, shouldn't I be able to start typing immediately? | 15:49 |
t1mp | I still need to tap on the textfield before it gets focus :S | 15:49 |
zsombi | t1mp: then something else grabs teh focus from it | 15:50 |
t1mp | I don't see what, the code is not super complicated | 15:50 |
t1mp | see lp:~andrew-hayzen/+junk/test-tabs-search-issue Remove | 15:51 |
t1mp | epaste, -Remove | 15:51 |
t1mp | hmm, the first time the focus does not work, 2nd and further times it does. | 15:53 |
* t1mp brb | 16:00 | |
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mihir | dpm: you got some time ? | 16:41 |
mihir | dpm: i am sorry , I am after you lol | 16:41 |
mihir | dpm: i am planning to have calendar updates on store, so if you get a min to review this MR https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/updatePotFiles | 16:42 |
dpm | mihir, commented and approved, thanks! | 16:47 |
mihir | dpm: thanks a lot for review :) | 16:53 |
mihir | dpm: that has been already done and merged :) | 16:53 |
nik90 | rpadovani: I got another MP for you https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/dynamic-pageheadstate-load/+merge/238594 (last one for this week I promise :) ) | 17:02 |
dpm | mihir, yw :) | 17:03 |
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mihir | nik90: you around ? | 17:14 |
nik90 | yeah | 17:14 |
mihir | nik90: you have already tested this functionality , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/updatePotFiles/+merge/238479 | 17:14 |
nik90 | ? | 17:15 |
mihir | nik90: i had talk with kunal , and we concluded we will improve this afterwards , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/blankBubbleInWeekView/+merge/237069 | 17:15 |
mihir | nik90: basically it is replica of the MR you tested with simple logic :) | 17:15 |
nik90 | ok | 17:16 |
mihir | nik90: as kunal didn't had much time , we'll discuss approach next week and improve this. | 17:17 |
mihir | nik90: we need this MR to update on store :) | 17:17 |
nik90 | it was your decision to use Loader ;) .. so I leave it up to you to finish the MR | 17:18 |
nik90 | I am a bit out of context here | 17:18 |
mihir | nik90: on new MR i haven't used Loader ;) | 17:18 |
nik90 | and did kunal code approve it? | 17:18 |
nik90 | I only did device testing of the old MR and it worked fine | 17:18 |
mihir | nik90: yes , as per kunal's comment he asked me to put on hold this change and propose MR with simple hiding as of now. | 17:20 |
nik90 | mihir: I understand. and I meant that I device tested the old MP (with simple logic) and thought it was fine. | 17:20 |
nik90 | mihir: I would still like to leave the code review up to Kunal since he knows it better | 17:21 |
mihir | nik90: okay no issues :) | 17:21 |
mihir | just testing will be enough. | 17:21 |
mihir | nik90: can we write multiple handler in one connection ? | 17:25 |
nik90 | I haven't done that before | 17:25 |
nik90 | will need to check official docs | 17:25 |
mihir | nik90: if you haven't done Testing yet leave it i'll need to check this. | 17:27 |
nik90 | ack | 17:27 |
mihir | nik90: i'll do with best logic rather than this :) | 17:28 |
nik90 | popey: I want to do one last release of clock app to the store once https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/dynamic-pageheadstate-load/+merge/238594 lands since I will be busy for the next 2-3 weeks with exams. It brings the new splash screen and some performance patches. | 17:30 |
mihir | nik90: all the best for exams :D | 17:33 |
nik90 | thnx | 17:33 |
mihir | popey: balloons could you update calendar in store ? | 17:44 |
popey | nik90: excellent! | 17:45 |
mihir | popey: there is only one changewhich is left, we can release that in next release. | 17:47 |
mihir | renatu: is there anything required to do anything regarding this bug on calendar, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/1319544 ? | 18:22 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1319544 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Needed policy groups for sync-monitor service" [Undecided,New] | 18:22 |
akiva-thinkpad | I never realized how tough it would be to write memory for folder locations :~ | 18:22 |
renatu | mihir, no progress on that yet | 18:31 |
renatu | mihir, are you having any problem? | 18:31 |
mihir | renatu: nope , i saw there was a fix on apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) pacakge and it is blocked on calendar. | 18:32 |
mihir | pacakge* | 18:32 |
mihir | package* | 18:32 |
mihir | popey: i have traigned / confirmed all most most of the bugs on calendar. | 18:44 |
mihir | popey: your calculator doesn't show icon on dash :) | 18:45 |
mihir | http://imgur.com/fGPuuA8 | 18:47 |
balloons | mihir, releasing rev 502 to store | 19:34 |
mihir | balloons: \m/ | 19:35 |
* mihir eyes on store update | 19:36 | |
balloons | mihir, it has to be reviewed first ofc :-) | 19:44 |
popey | mihir: approved! thanks balloons | 20:28 |
balloons | popey, did you see reminders too? I know dpm didn't want to release it, but :-) | 20:29 |
popey | i saw the mail but i guess it was autoapproved | 20:29 |
popey | calendar always requires manual approval because of the security policy | 20:29 |
balloons | popey, darn you are right.. Well now I can't blame you if dpm comes after more for pushing it :-) | 20:47 |
popey | \o/ | 20:49 |
ahayzen_ | Elleo, ping | 22:29 |
Elleo | ahayzen_: pong? | 23:38 |
ahayzen_ | Elleo, hey, i think i've got to the bottom of bug 1381522 .... but from what you said in bug 1379817 are we leaning towards something in mediascanner2? | 23:38 |
ubot5 | bug 1381522 in Ubuntu Music App "When receiving multiple separate imports the "Waiting for files" dialog never disappears" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1381522 | 23:38 |
ubot5 | bug 1379817 in Ubuntu Music App "When importing 7 digital albums music-app sometimes displays "Imported files not found" when all files have been imported" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1379817 | 23:38 |
ahayzen_ | Elleo, i was trying to read your ms2 log but couldn't quite see where 14 files were imported instead of 15? | 23:39 |
Elleo | ahayzen_: yeah, it's not massively clear as I was doing multiple imports plus I just recounted and it's actually 13 that were imported instead of 15; I'll cut out the relevant section | 23:41 |
ahayzen_ | Elleo, is this just from 7digital downloads or have you been able to reproduce from downloading a file from the browser with an empty env? | 23:42 |
Elleo | I've reproduced it with a single 7digital download (i.e. not a zipped album), have only been testing with 7digital stuff recently though | 23:43 |
Elleo | I think victor mentioned hitting it with a jamendo track though | 23:43 |
Elleo | ahayzen_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8576478/ | 23:43 |
ahayzen_ | Elleo, ah ok so i should be able to reproduce without buying things :) | 23:43 |
Elleo | ^ wasn't massively clear because I imported the same album again after it (which correctly imported 15 tracks), but you can separate them based on the timestamps in the filenames | 23:44 |
Elleo | yep :) | 23:44 |
ahayzen_ | Elleo, yeah this is ms2 | 23:50 |
ahayzen_ | Elleo, it adds the dir but not the file http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8576514/ | 23:51 |
Elleo | ahayzen_: ah, okay | 23:52 |
ahayzen_ | Elleo, i'm adding a comment to the bug now | 23:52 |
ahayzen_ | Elleo, i've added ms2 as also affects so hopefully we'll get a comment from them soon | 23:55 |
Elleo | ahayzen_: cool, thanks :) | 23:55 |
ahayzen_ | Elleo, thanks for finding the bugs :) | 23:55 |
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