
Patrickdkwhy do we care about poodle?00:13
uvirtbotLogos01: The SSL protocol 3.0, as used in OpenSSL through 1.0.1i and other products, uses nondeterministic CBC padding, which makes it easier for man-in-the-middle attackers to obtain cleartext data via a padding-oracle attack, aka the "POODLE" issue. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-3566)00:14
Patrickdkyes, it's a client side issue00:14
Patrickdkand it's only marked as a *medium* security risk00:15
Patrickdkunlike the memleak that is marked as HIGH00:15
Logos01Patrickdk: No, it is a MitM attack.00:15
Logos01not client-side only.00:15
Patrickdkno it's not00:15
Patrickdkit requires you to be mitm in order to use it00:15
Logos01Which makes it not a "client-side issue"00:16
Patrickdkit is nothing new over beast00:16
Patrickdkyes it is00:16
Patrickdkit first requires a vaunerable client00:16
Patrickdkit requires you to mitm00:17
Patrickdkand it requires you to infect the client somehow first00:17
Logos01Yes. MitM vulnerabilities are not client-side vulnerabilities, as a matter of classification.00:17
Logos01You do NOT "infect the client somehow"00:17
Logos01The client never notices the action. You do nothing to the client.00:17
Patrickdkyou need to inject the padding into the stream, that is done *from* the client00:17
Patrickdkyou can use the mitm to force the downgrade, but that alone is not an issue00:18
Logos01Dude, that's not even close to how MitM attacks work.00:18
PatrickdkI know00:18
Patrickdkwhy I said it is not a mitm00:18
Patrickdkbut mitm is one one part00:18
Patrickdkonly one00:18
uvirtbotLogos01: The SSL protocol 3.0, as used in OpenSSL through 1.0.1i and other products, uses nondeterministic CBC padding, which makes it easier for man-in-the-middle attackers to obtain cleartext data via a padding-oracle attack, aka the "POODLE" issue. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-3566)00:18
Patrickdkyes it is a *client* side issue, that makes mitm possible00:19
Patrickdkas I said, mitm is only a *part* of the issue00:19
Finetundra_anyone here ever setup a server with xrdp?00:19
Patrickdkthe issue is the client first00:19
Logos01Welp, you're on ignore now. I have better things to do than argue with blatant trolls.00:19
PatrickdkI made a friend!00:19
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xpistosmy touchpad is a bit sensitive03:49
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Myrthhi, during do-release-upgrade, grub-pc asked to be reconfigured and gave option /dev/xvda and /dev/xvda1 to install boot. I chose /dev/xvda - is that correct? thanks05:07
Myrthdon't want the cloud vps not boot the next time..05:07
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lordievaderGood morning.06:44
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Caribourbasak: is there any command to cleanup uvtool images, other than going to /var/lib/uvtool & cleaning up ?10:02
rbasakCaribou: what sort of cleaning up?10:06
rbasakCaribou: syncing new images removes the old ones.10:06
Caribourbasak: well, for instance, I no longer want saucy, oneiric images any command to remove them ?10:07
rbasakTo delete more than that, "uvt-simplestreams-libvirt purge" is the sledgehammer which removes all uvtool-managed libvirt images, but that is everything including images still in use.10:07
rbasakCaribou: ah. No, sorry.10:07
Caribourbasak: yeah, I saw that10:07
Caribourbasak: no worry, maybe I should try to come up with something10:07
Caribourbasak: right now, I grep pubname in the metadata & remove the metadata & image fiels10:08
rbasakCaribou: make sure nothing is using the images you're using. Then shut down libvirtd, and remove the image from both /var/lib/uvtool/libvirt/images/ and /var/lib/uvtool/libvirt/metadata/10:08
rbasakThat should be OK I think.10:08
Caribourbasak: ok, thanks!10:08
rbasakOr, actually10:08
rbasakThere's an even better way10:08
rbasakJust remove the metadata file.10:08
rbasakWhen you next sync, I think uvtool will remove the libvirt image.10:09
rbasak(but only when the image is unused)10:09
Caribourbasak: ok, I'll check that out!10:09
sander^workDo anyone recommend any program for creating a bunch of remote users on various servers?11:13
sander^workshell users.11:13
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sander^workHow can I create users with the right ssh public keys on remote servers with salt?11:20
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[1]Azis there a list of possible config settings for /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic12:14
lordievader[1]Az: I suppose it is documented somewhere, in a manpage or something.12:14
sarnold_[1]Az: try apt.conf(5) and apt_preferences(5)12:14
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zulcoreycb:  do you want to take swift ill take nova12:28
coreycbzul, sounds good12:30
sarnold_hmm, who else 'owns' the cloud archive when utlemming is offline? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/138092212:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1380922 in ubuntu "Checksums Invalid for Precise Vagrant Images" [Undecided,New]12:49
Odd_Blokesarnold_: That would be rcj and/or myself.12:50
sarnold_Odd_Bloke: excellent :) thanks12:51
rcjsarnold, yes, we'll take a look12:53
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GothPawHello Hello. I have a headless server (12.04) which does many things like httpd, mysqld,bind, and much more.....  Trying to determine just how safe it is to upgrade it to 14.04 and what problems "could" arise.13:21
cfhowlett!server | GothPaw13:21
ubottuGothPaw: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server13:21
sarnold_GothPaw: apache 2.4 changed acls significantly over apache 2.2, that feels most likely to be annoying out of what you've mentioned so far13:22
GothPawsarnold_: was hoping to not hear something like that, lol.13:23
RoyKGothPaw: make sure you have a backup, though13:24
GothPawall data is easy to backup just need to remove the 20TB worth of hard drives.13:24
RoyK*always* make sure you have a backup :P13:24
GothPawexcept for config files that is13:24
RoyKI hope you have a raid on that thing ;)13:24
GothPawonly my config files and db files, etc actually reside on the master drive. all data files have their own drives13:24
GothPawno raid.... just ALOT of 3 & 4 TB drives13:25
GothPawbudget just isnt enough to have 20TB in raid (of 20TB there is only 2.4TB of space left13:26
sarnold_ouch :)13:27
GothPawyea I know :(  even more ouch is that this 'desktop' acts as a server and is 10 years old.13:28
GothPawand it hosts EVERYTHING, lol13:28
GothPaweven acts as an external media server via PMS, dlna, etc13:28
jrwrenGothPaw: i have one of those too. I use LVM mirroring for important stuff like family photos and videos, and less important things like audio/video product is not mirrored.13:29
GothPawjrwren: I'll have to look into that as my Photography business is also hosted and run from this machine which houses approx. 12TB of photo's (but I keep those on their own drives)13:31
jrwrenGothPaw: backups too!13:32
zuljamespage/coreycb: nova done..ill do trove13:46
GargoyleHi. I've made modifications to $PATH in /etc/environment, but these don't seem to be carrying over to "sudo" shells. Should I be updating somewhere else too?13:56
sarnold_Gargoyle: check sudo vs sudo -i13:57
zuljamespage/coreycb: trove done, doing ceilometer next14:03
jamespagezul, I've got glance14:08
zuljamespage:  ack14:09
jamespagezul, and neutron14:13
jamespagezul, glance and neutron done14:31
zuljamespage:  cool ceilometer done14:31
jamespagezul, shall I take cinder?14:31
zuljamespage:  if you wish14:31
jamespagezul, ack will do14:31
zuljamespage/coreycb: taking heat14:32
zul(not litterally of course)14:32
jamespagezul, ack14:35
jamespagecoreycb, if you want to join in - swift?14:35
coreycbjamespage, yep I'm on it.  doing the config changes too.14:35
jamespagecoreycb, in the lab? awesome14:37
coreycbjamespage, oh shoot, that bug is for juno+114:38
coreycbjamespage, bug 1379285 - will revisit that later14:38
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1379285 in swift "Review provision of configuration files from debian/*.conf" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137928514:38
jamespagecoreycb, yeah to late this cycle14:40
coreycbjamespage, yeah14:40
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jamespagecoreycb, zul: I started - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-1411-openstack14:44
zuljamespage:  keener14:45
Gargoylethanks esde14:45
jamespagezul, ok cinder in the queue14:45
zuljamespage:  just doing a test build for heat14:45
zuljamespage:  mind taking horizon :)14:46
jamespagezul, sure14:46
coreycbjamespage, awesome on the blueprint14:47
jamespagecoreycb, zul: link any bugs for next cycle to that14:47
zuljamespage:  ack14:47
jamespagezul, we can work out that calendar based on monthly milestones as well14:47
jamespageand template it for each release14:47
coreycbjamespage, +114:47
coreycbjamespage, zul: swift https://i187498007.restricted.launchpadlibrarian.net/187498007/fb9f1b3e-5543-11e4-a88c-002481e91f22.txt?token=QqzpC97w51WjLWj0rHsRM9PdM9SG00vV14:52
coreycbyikes, https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/swift/2.2.0/+merge/23857214:52
zuljamespage/coreycb: heat done14:53
coreycbzul, what's left?14:53
jamespagecoreycb, I've got horizon14:54
jamespagecoreycb, ironic?14:54
zulill take a look14:54
jamespagezul, keystone!14:54
coreycbjamespage, k I'll take ironic14:54
zuloh right ill take keystone14:54
coreycbjamespage, ha!14:54
jamespagecoreycb, zul: horizon done15:02
zuljamespage/coreycb: keystone just buidling15:02
coreycbjamespage, zul: I'm waiting on ironic to release15:03
jamespagecoreycb, ack15:03
jamespagejdstrand, are the outstanding MIR security reviews going to make it for utopic release?15:04
jamespagespecifically bug 1349868 and bug 138145015:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1349868 in python-pysnmp4-mibs "[MIR] new build dependencies for ceilometer" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134986815:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1381450 in libnetfilter-queue "[MIR] conntrack, libnetfilter-queue, libnetfilter-cttimeout, libnetfilter-cthelper" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138145015:05
Odd_Blokesarnold_: Those checksums are fixed now. :)15:08
sarnold_Odd_Bloke: thanks!15:08
Odd_Bloke(And shouldn't break again)15:08
sarnold_even better :)15:08
lunaphyte_hi.  i seem to be unable to install a targeted kernel with 14.04.1.  i'm wondering if others might have had this experience and know what's wrong15:15
lunaphyte_"an error was returned while trying to install the kernel into the target system"15:16
lunaphyte_looking at syslog, it appears to have something to do with a dpkg failure when installing linux-image-3.13.0-32-generic15:17
lunaphyte_but it doesn't happen when selecting a generic kernel15:17
jamespagesarnold_, ah - I see the remaining tasks on bug 1349868 are assigned to you!15:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1349868 in python-pysnmp4-mibs "[MIR] new build dependencies for ceilometer" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134986815:19
sarnold_jamespage: indeed, but I'm at linux plumbers atm so it's hard to get traction on in-depth reviews15:20
jamespagesarnold_, reckon that will make release? just deciding what we need todo with ceilometer15:21
jamespageits been stuck in dep-wait for a while now15:21
sarnold_jamespage: when's that date again? next week i'm sprinting in dc and will have ample time to devote to it, but this week is quite busy with travel and conference15:22
jamespagesarnold_, utopic release is 7 days away15:23
jamespageso that might just work!15:23
sarnold_jamespage: pfew :)15:23
sarnold_jamespage: .. assuming I like what I see, that ought ot work fine then15:23
jamespagesarnold_, ack - we'll leave things as they are for now15:23
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zulcoreycb/jamespage: keystone done looking at swift15:30
jamespagezul, awesome15:31
zuljamespage/coreycb: ok i think we are done15:48
jamespagezul, awesome15:48
coreycbjamespage, zul: yeah just waiting on ironic15:56
zuloh yeah i forgot about ironic :)15:56
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coreycbzul, jamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/ironic/2014.2/+merge/23859716:41
zulcoreycb: ironic is done17:09
coreycbzul, thx17:09
adam_gzul, jamespage you may want to consider patching this in nova, i dont know why the bug wasnt escalated for the release. it totally breaks ubuntu images on clouds with only ec2 metadata (no config drive)17:14
zuladam_g:  bug number?17:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1380792 in nova "requests to EC2 metadata's '/2009-04-04/meta-data/security-groups' failing" [High,In progress]17:15
kinkygood evening. Did anyone here successfully mitigate poodle exploit while still supporting SSLv3 due to WinXP / IE6 (deactivating CBC SSL3 ciphers)? SSLLABS seems to grade the sites 'C' no matter which ciphers I choose.17:24
zzxcSooo I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to this. But if I'm getting the "/dev/xvdh1 will be checked for errors at next reboot" message. I can cirsumvent the fsck on the drive by unmounting the drive and running fsck on it correct?17:29
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jamespagethanks adam_g - will add to the picks :-)19:14
wxljust wanted to bring to your attention this bug negatively affecting 14.10 final19:57
wxloops https://bugs.launchpad.net/apt/+bug/138077419:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1380774 in apt "debian-installer does not find kernel" [Critical,Triaged]19:57
wxlan upstream fix is linked19:58
wxlso should be an easy fix but i encourage you to "grease the wheels" as you can because there is little time before release!19:58
wxllubuntu can survive without a debian-installer iso. people will complain, but most will be fine. i know this isn't true of ubuntu server so wanted to bring it to your attention20:00
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tafa2would anyone know how to automate a checkinstall command?21:13
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sheapif I pass a variable to the preseed through boot parameters, like "sudouser=username" and have a package named "sudouser" that is installed and has a debconf prompt that goes "sudouser sudouser/question1 string ${sudouser}", how do I get this to work? Right now the installer is taking the "${sudouser}" literally instead of replacing it with the username....any help?21:36
veditHi, I am running 12.04 64bit server. When I update the reposotiry (apt-get update), I see that it is hitting the url which provide backported packages, multiverse, universe, restricted etc. I want to slim down my server to reduce unnecessary load21:38
veditWhat package sources should I remove?21:38
veditusing tasksel I have already removed "Basic server". Only selected option in that is Openssl server as I am connecting to that server from remotely21:39
veditI will be using that server for running nginx and one more wsgi server which I will down using source21:40
veditHow to reduce package source list.21:40
veditWhen I update the reposotiry (apt-get update), I see that it is hitting the url which provide backported packages, multiverse, universe, restricted etc. I want to slim down my server to reduce unnecessary load21:44
tewardis it relatively safe to run `do-release-upgrade -s` to generate a list of packages to upgrade without affecting anythng on the system?21:57
veditteward: Is "apt-get upgrade" same as do-release-upgrade ?21:58
tewardvedit: no.  i wasn't talking in relation to your issue.  `apt-get upgrade` updates your software within your release (i.e. precise) but `do-release-upgrade` upgrades you to a later release of Ubuntu (i.e. precise -> trusty)21:59
veditteward: I see. No I don't want to move to other release. 12.04 LTS is good and 14.04 is very recent22:00
tewardvedit: i still wasn't talking in relation to your issue :P  (I'm asking a different question for myself :P)22:00
veditteward: Thanks for answering :)22:01
vedityour question got answer for me :)22:01
tewardvedit: also, your question is unrelated22:02
tewardvedit: what you want to do is reduce the amount of times it has to check the same source.22:03
veditteward: yea and also when I upgrade, it should only pull security patches22:03
tewardwell you'll need to disable -updates and -proposed, but you should not remove universe or multiverse unless you're CERTAIN your packages that you use aren't in those pockets22:05
tewardvedit: you'll also miss huge bugfixes, at times.  pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file22:06
tewardmine's far different from standard :P22:06
veditteward: http://pastebin.com/YydqYDt222:09
teward(next time use paste.ubuntu.com, just an FYI)22:09
tewardvedit: consider using this instead - https://pbin.dark-net.net/view/raw/590b9be122:11
tewardvedit: i've commented out the precise-updates lines, and the precise-backports lines.22:11
tewardvedit: but make a HUGE note that you'll miss other bugfixes, and will only get security updates22:12
veditteward: but why the bug fix releaes lines were commented?22:12
tewardvedit: because you only want security patches22:12
tewardvedit: for those cases you only pull -security22:12
teward[14/10/16 18:03:56] <vedit> teward: yea and also when I upgrade, it should only pull security patches <--22:13
tewardthat IS what you asked22:13
veditteward: I think I can safely comment universe and multiverse as I am looking to install from source22:13
tewardvedit: 'install from source' as in manual compiling?22:13
tewardvedit: https://pbin.dark-net.net/view/raw/0a9d34f2 then22:15
teward(comments out even *more* lines)22:15
veditteward: Why not first two package lines22:15
tewardi broke it22:15
tewardvedit: because `main`22:16
tewardvedit: https://pbin.dark-net.net/view/raw/fbd26f70  <-- this22:17
tewardi split off `main` and `restricted` into two separate lines, for standard and for -security22:17
vedithmm... ok22:17
tewardwouldn't hurt to also pull restricted, but...22:17
tewardi also don't think it's that much extra load to pull an extra couple of megs of data for a source list22:18
tewardbut meh22:18
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